NationStates Jolt Archive

Confederal Department of Foreign Affairs Country Pages

The Resurgent Dream
05-03-2007, 07:45


Xirnium and the Confederated Peoples share a commitment to international law and the principles of liberal democracy. Xirnium is geographically close to parts of the Confederated Peoples located in the northern part of the Atlantic. Contact with Xirnium exists at the top-level. There is also substantial people to people contact. The Confederated Peoples expects its bilateral relationship with Xirnium to expand in the near future.

Bilateral Trade

Although no formal trade agreement exists, the Confederated Peoples and Xirnium enjoy flourishing bilateral trade under the general foreign trade laws of both countries. The Confederated Peoples exports to Xirnium foodstuffs (particularly shellfish and sea fish), furs, lumber, exotic fauna, rubber, music and art (especially unique cultural items). The Confederated Peoples imports fine cheeses and pastries, art and literature, formal and designer clothing and fine luxury crafts from Xirnium.

Tourist traffic between the two nations is high. Confederals enjoy Xirnium’s pristine natural places (especially in the north) and her strong cultural traditions. Xirniumites enjoy the Confederation’s diverse natural landscapes and cultures. Many Xirniumites particularly enjoy the diverse and fascinating flora and fauna of the Amabaran rainforests.

Xirniumite high fashion has recently replaced Dominion high fashion as the primary influence on high fashion in the Confederated Peoples. Many designer clothes are imported directly from Xirnium while others are based off Xirniumites fashions. Some of the most high profile Confederal designers actively seek to participate in major Xirniumite fashion shows.

Air Services

There is direct air traffic between the Confederated Peoples and Xirnium although services remain relatively sparse.


The Confederated Peoples has promised retaliation against any nation which should use nuclear weaponry against Xirnium on Xirniumite soil. However, no other formal arrangements for defense cooperation currently exist.

People-to-people Links

Some tertiary educational institutions in Xirnium have relationships with counterparts in the Confederated Peoples. Many Confederals attend university in Xirnium and vice-versa. There has been some emigration from one country to the other, mostly through intermarriage.

Xirniumite Foreign Policy

Xirnium has recently sought to develop relationships with many other nations, including C’tan, Menelmacar and the Dominion, all three of which also have relatively friendly relations with the Confederated Peoples. Xirnium’s foreign policy includes a commitment to containing Allanean aggression, a commitment the Confederated Peoples shares.

Xirniumite Ministerial Visits to the Confederated Peoples

Prime Minister Heather Gílda and Foreign Minister Eléanor Sabëlinà visited New Amsterdam in late 2006.

Travel Advice

Xirnium is a parliamentary democracy enjoying the rule of law and a relatively crime rate. Travel in Xirnium is generally safe for Confederal systems although reasonable caution is always advisable. Visitors require a Xirniumite visa and a valid Confederal passport.
The Resurgent Dream
06-03-2007, 08:46
The Fiefdom of Uncle Noel


The relationship between the Fiefdom and the Confederated Peoples is still in the early stages of its development. The Fiefdom only recently emerged from a period of isolation from the international community. The primary forum for Confederal-Fiefdom interaction is the International Assistance Authority in Kaitan-Leagran of which both nations are members in good standing.

Bilateral Trade

The Confederated Peoples has no direct trading relationship with the Fiefdom. However, no effort has been made to exclude the Fiefdom’s products from Confederal markets. It is generally accepted that some goods from the Fiefdom find their way into Confederal markets and vice versa, mostly through both nations’ trading relationship with Pantocratoria.

Air Services

There is no direct air travel between the Fiefdom and the Confederated Peoples. Travel between the two nations is routed through Pantocratoria.


Confederal and Fiefdom armed forces are both deployed as peace-keepers in Kaitan-Leagran under the auspices of the IAA. There is extensive coordination of the two forces.

People-to-people Links

People-to-people links between the Fiefdom and the Confederated Peoples remain relatively sparse but are growing. As the Fiefdom has opened up to the outside world, many Confederal holiday makers have been attracted by the Fiefdom’s tropical environment and unique cultural traditions.

Fiefdom Foreign Policy

Recent Fiefdom foreign policy has focused on opening up to the international community. The Confederated Peoples seeks to encourage this policy and to establish closer bilateral ties.

Travel Advice

Confederals visiting the Fiefdom should remember that they are subject to local laws which are, in many ways, harsher than those in the Confederated Peoples. They are advised to familiarize themselves with local law and to behave cautiously.
The Resurgent Dream
07-03-2007, 07:38


Pantocratoria is the Confederated Peoples’ most important partner in almost every area of international relations including security, trade, consultation and people-to-people contact. This strong bilateral relationship is given formal expression by the Treaty of Subeita and is symbolized by two royal marriages. It is an established relationship which is an object of broad societal consensus in both nations.

Bilateral Trade

The Confederated Peoples has a free trade relationship based upon national treatment and the assumption of roughly equivalent economic policies with Pantocratoria. The Confederated Peoples imports automobiles, agricultural products (especially beef) and cultural objects from Pantocratoria. Pantocratoria imports books, information technology and cheeses from the Confederated Peoples.

Each nation has a strong tourism industry which attracts many holiday makers from the other. Pantocratorians are attracted to the diverse climate and great cultural variety of the Confederated Peoples. Confederals are attracted to Pantocratoria’s great sense of history and to its many historic palaces and cities.

Air Services

Direct air flights between the Confederated Peoples and Pantocratoria are plentiful. Flights to and from Pantocratoria fly out of almost every international airport in the Confederated Peoples and flights to and from the Confederated Peoples fly out of most major airports in Pantocratoria.


Pantocratoria and the Confederated Peoples have a collective security arrangement through the Treaty of Subeita. Pantocratorian and Confederal forces have cooperated in operation in Marlund and Finara.

People-to-people Links

People-to-people links between the Confederated Peoples and Pantocratoria are plentiful. There is a steady flow of holiday makers in both directions and personal business trips are also common. Pantocratorians enjoy holiday activities such as hunting or skeet shooting which are difficult to undertake in Pantocratoria itself. Passport controls are relatively lax and visas are fairly easy to obtain.

Many Confederal students go to Pantocratoria for their tertiary education and vice versa. A student exchange program also allows many secondary school students from the Confederated Peoples to experience a full year in Pantocratoria, living with a Pantocratorian family. Many Pantocratorian students have the same experience in the Confederated Peoples.

The Confederated Peoples and Pantocratoria are increasingly culturally integrated. Confederals, especially Francophones and Greek-speakers, often enjoy the music, drama and cinema of Pantocratoria. Pantocratorian cuisine is increasingly popular among Confederals. Pantocratorians often enjoy Confederal popular culture including television and cinema.

Pantocratorians and Confederals share an interest in certain sports such as jousting, Association football, cricket, rugby and horse racing. Pantocratorian and Confederal teams participate against one another on a semi-regular basis in these and other sports.

Pantocratorian Foreign Policy

Pantocratorian foreign policy is organized around the principle of constructive engagement with foreign powers. In practice, this normally means promoting diplomacy and promoting human rights and democracy in a non-confrontational manner. The Confederated Peoples generally finds itself aligned with Pantocratoria in international affairs. The Confederated Peoples works with Pantocratoria in the Trade Network Association, the North Atlantic Comprehensive Treaty and the Entente.

Pantocratorian Ministerial Visits to the Confederated Peoples

Chancellor Thibault Drapeur and Foreign Minister Demetrios Raoul visited Victoria for consultations under the North Atlantic Comprehensive Treaty in 2006.

Confederal Ministerial Visits to Pantocratoria

Prime Minister Minerva Karamanlis, Foreign Minister Abaraham Goldfarb and Federal Minister Rhodri Llewellyn visited New Rome and Subeita in 2005. Justice Minister Beatrice Wake toured Pantocratoria with the Princess Irene in 2006.

Travel Advice

Pantocratoria is a developed democracy enjoying the rule of law. Confederals traveling in Pantocratoria should be aware of local law and remember that it applies to them. However, neither the substance of the law nor penalties for violations are significantly harsher in Pantocratoria than in most Confederal Members. Travelers should remember that the Despotate of New Constantinople has a significantly different political system from the rest of Pantocratoria and that law enforcement can be must stricter in the Despotate.
The Resurgent Dream
12-03-2007, 08:03


At present, the Confederated Peoples has a limited bilateral relationship with Amestria. The Confederated Peoples is dedicated to improving this relationship based upon a common interest in international peace and stability.

Bilateral Trade

Amestria has countless distinct varieties of organic cheeses and cured meats (sausages, hams, mutton, goat meat, etc.). It should be noted that nitrites are no longer used). Amestrian cured meats have a very distinctive flavoring. Amestria is also known for its production of fine wines, brandies, liquors and wine culture. According to many connoisseurs, Amestria currently produces one of the finest white wines in the world, Winter Cheer. Amestria also exports stone, marble, clay and timber. Amestrian cultural exports include cinema, artwork, novels and comic books.

Amestria imports tea, furs, cosmetics, perfume, exotic timber, rubber, coffee and sugar. The Confederated Peoples also exports some exotic fauna to Amestria. The primary cultural export to Amestria, as to nearly all countries, is the written word in nearly all genres.

Existing economic policies in Amestria are not comparable to those existing in the Confederated Peoples and trade is therefore subject to a number of restrictions.

Air Services

Direct air flights between the Confederated Peoples and Amestria are relatively sparse but increasing in number. Flights are dominated by Compagnie Nationale Air Amestria, a partially state-owned Amestrian airline.

People-to-people Links

Many Amestrians attend tertiary educational institutions in the Confederated Peoples. Amestrians tourists also commonly visit the Confederated Peoples to experience the rich and diverse cultural heritage of the Confederated Peoples as well as her beaches, mountains and other natural wonders.

Amestrian Foreign Policy

Amestrian foreign policy is focused on constructive engagement. The Confederated Peoples supports this policy. The Confederated Peoples is especially interested in encouraging reconciliation between Amestria and Xirnium.

Travel Advice

Because of violence in large parts of the country and local legal practices, travel to Amestria is not recommended at this time. Confederals who do travel to Amestria should consult with the Department of Foreign Affairs for safety tips, register and remain in contact with the nearest Confederal consulate during their trip, be very careful regarding safety and local law and travel only in groups.