NationStates Jolt Archive

The Vendetta (Rating PG-13 for violence and foul language)

The Rastorian Mafia
05-11-2006, 14:19
“Big Boss” Tony Garazoni the head of the infamous Garazoni crime family was sitting in his office. His office was in a hidden underground bunker that was located right underground his personal law firm of Osborne and Son. The law firm was one of many large buildings in the city of New Rastoria and to someone who looked down upon the large city of three million people the building would not be that noticeable.

This was a different story in the streets however, the building was the headquarters of the most powerful crime boss in the city. The notorious head of the Syndicate was working on some paper work when all of a sudden two thugs came inside his office.

They were wearing black sunglasses and had on black overcoats. They seemed more high class bodyguards than street soldiers but these guys were two Capos of the Garazoni family. Their names were Salvatore “Sally” Salieri, and Giovanni “The Tiger” Tortallni and they came in fast. The big guy Sally said in a respectful tone, “You wanted to see us Boss?”

Tony looked up from his paper work and replied gruffly, “What the hell took you both so long?! I have been waiting for half and hour for you to meet me here in my office!”

Giovanni replies with his heavily accented Sicilian accent, “We ran into a minor situation with the Barlucchi family. They have started moving into Little Rastoria!”

The Big Boss Tony Garazoni looked at Giovanni and replied, “Little Rastoria is our turf and the Barlucchi family knows that! I will not take them stepping on my turf lightly.”

Sally looked at his fellow Capo and asked in his typical clueless fashion, “What do you want us to do Boss?”

The Boss sat down and sighed out loud his hands were covering his face as he leaned back to growl and curse. The middle aged crime boss after a few seconds and replied, “I want you two and Santino to take your crews down to Pedro’s restaurant, that Mexican joint is under Barlucchi protection. I want you to send them a message and deal with our good friend Pedro.”

The two capos smiled and exited out of the Boss’s office. The Big man had given an order and they would carry it out. They entered the elevators that would lead them back up to the firm. It would not look to strange for criminals to enter here. This firm had gained a reputation for defending criminal cases. The Republic’s law enforcement had no proof that it was secretly run by the King of New Rastoria…


Three Days Later…..
Pedro’s Joint….

It was midnight and Pedro’s restaurant was closed for the night. The old Latino man had lived in Rastoria for about fifteen years as an illegal immigrant. He managed to get his place thanks to his friends in the Barlucchi family. He was sweeping his place up trying to get it looking decent for tomorrow. He had just finished up the front end when he noticed several muscle cars parking in his parking lot. The old man figured this day may happen and ran into the back where he lived.

He was booking it trying to reach his double barrel shotgun next to his bed. The old man could hear the glass of his doors being smashed. The old man could not call the police, he would be deported and he was bound by his oath of loyalty. The Barlucchi associate grabbed his weapon and quickly loaded it with the shells.

The old man heard one of the mobsters yell out, “Hey Pedro, The Boss sends his regards.” The next second the old man heard the sound of submachine gun fire as the place was being desecrated with semi-and full automatic fire. Pedro prayed to the virgin Mary as the sound of broken windows and shattered glass filled his ears.

Pedro waited for the firing to stop and turned around from his hiding spot in the back door. He slipped the door open and fired his double barrel shot gun. The weapon hit one of the black clad men in the chest. He went down. Pedro tried to fire his second shot but was hit by the return fire. His body would look like Tony Montana’s after all the weapons fire was done.

Underboss Sony and his two Capos were looking over Pedro’s body. It now resembled a bullet filled corpse on the ground. Pedro's blood was seeping on his clean floors. Santino Garazoni or “Sonny” as he was known by his friends and family sneered and said, “Sally, I want you to send one of our guys over to the Barlucchi headquarters and give him this." The Underboss handed his Capo and one of Pedro’s jackets rolled up with some fish. It was clear to see what the message meant.

Pedro was sleeping with the fishes……..
The Rastorian Mafia
06-11-2006, 00:02
The Next Day….

Don Vito Barlucchi was in the Union hall for the Federation of Water Front Workers. His family had interest in the local water front unions. He thus gained his power in the extortion business from the local fisherman, drug traffickers, and illegal immigrants.

The local mob boss was talking to the local Union boss James Kearny. The Union was going through a difficult time as management had starting bringing in more scabs to try and break up the Union’s efforts for better pay and benefits. The Union had gone a week on strike but was not making any headway. The Managers were not even willing to begin talks with the Union’s representatives.

Don Vito Barlucchi listened to James Kearny’s blight and after several minutes replied, “I think, I can help you with this situation. I will provide the muscle to remove management’s scab force and in exchange. You will give some of my boys some jobs within your organization. I need more guys on the docks to ensure my business is secure on the docks .”

James Kearny replied, “You have a deal Mr. Vito, If you can remove the scab problem. I will allow your boys to have control of the docks and the shipping to get your cut.”

Don Vito Barlucchi smiled and said, “Consider the scab problem over.” The sixty year old mafia don walked out the Union Hall. He was immediately surrounded by ten mafia soldiers. They were all dressed in black business suites and were wearing black loafer shoes.

They all had on black sunglasses and were concealing Beretta pistols in their vest hoister. The Mafia boss entered the back of his black limousine. The sixty year old man was accompanied by his Underboss Donny Valtani. The Underboss in his hushed and whispering voice said to his boss, “Mr. Vito, I have some fucked up news. It seems Pedro had a run in with Tony’s boys. They blasted his place and sent him to the bottom of the ocean.” He handed his boss Pedro’s jacket filled with fish inside.

The middle aged man smiled and said, “It seems Tony is as territorial as ever. He might be doing this to tell us to lay off Little Rastoria.”

Don Vito looked at his Underboss and said, “We can’t let Pedro’s death go un-avenged. He was a good man and had a good head on his shoulders plus, the fact it will look like a weakness to the other families. I want you to tell our boys to hit Little Rastoria again. This time I want them to be ready for a fight.”

The Underboss said in a hush voice, “By your will Don Vito Barlucchi!”

The Mafioso boss also said, “I also need you to do me a favor. The Union is suffering under managements scab labor force. I want you to remove the scabs using any means possible.”

Donny Valtani smiled and said, “I’ll send Bruno and Luigi, They can easily handle a few under paid illegal migrant workers.”

The Black Limo continued to drive towards a local warehouse. This warehouse was a safe house for the Barlucchi crime family and was where the local Mafia don preferred to hide during times of crisis. It was surrounded by security guards.

These guys were not your typical security guards. They were armed with more than just spray mace and a night stick. They had submachine guns and sniper rifles along the roof tops. This area was like a virtual fortress…


The Docks several hours later…

Luigi and Bruno pulled up in their Ford Mustang Cobra. They had finally reached the docks were the scabs were about to start work. The two mafia hit men went towards their trunk and pulled out a music case. The case contained sawed off shotgun. They were both armed with concealed pistols with suppressors. The goal was to spook the workers from this job. It would not be to hard just ruff them up and threaten their families. The usual procedure for something of this magnitude.

Luigi started making jokes about Bruno's mother and Bruno was threatening to shoot Luigi in the head when they noticed the scab swarm getting pass the picket line. They were being bussed in and could get passed the angry dock workers.

The two mobsters managed to get pass management security thanks to a bit of bribing. The guards moved away from the fenced entrance of the dock.

The two thugs meet up with the workers that were about to entered the fenced off area of the dock. They abruptly stood in the way. The crowd could have easily swarmed these two thugs. If it wasn’t for the fact Bruno was holding a sawed off shotgun right at the crowd. The crowd looked fearful and started to move away. Luigi yelled out to them, “No work here, The Union will not stand for your fucking scabbing!”

Bruno added a comment after his partner had finished his little speech, “If we catch you here again. You and your families are going to disappear is that understood? “

The illegal immigrants nodded as the moved away frightened of the two big mafia enforcers. They would not be back even if the job did pay more. They had crossed the Union and meet their friends in the Barlucchi crime family…