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Rise of the Storm - Page 11

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04-02-2007, 04:09
Cantrell looked at Alegain. This guy needed to be taught a lesson. That was for latter. He turned and shouted to Ixair. "Ixair, how are you doing? Do you need help?"
04-02-2007, 04:14
"I have been farther and seen more of both the light and dark than you ever will. I do not accept the trite excuse of 'well they did it first'." He commented as he returned to his seat.

"So you accept that the cult is vile in the eyes of its own members. As I have said, if you desire rescue, I shall be the one to free you, even if you believe I am worse than the evils you hold as absolute." Lorathin said as while he did not agree with her views save in certain open-ended generalities, he also held a code of morals that held that even an opponent could be aided in some circumstances.
The Blastit Empire
04-02-2007, 09:16
"For being such a travelor, you have no knowledge of how the Cult works," Brieltha said. "And I said I don't wish to listen to any more of your worthless banter of how my sect is evil."

"No, I desire no rescue from one who's torturous accusations mean to demean and destroy what dignity I have left. Brent is a far better creature than you and if this is the best side of you, I dare to say he is better than you could ever be," the noble-turned- servant said, her voice cracking. "Why am I so...unlucky?"


Ixair growled as he ducked under one of the hounds as it leapt at him.

Underneath the beast, he hacked at it's leg, chopping it off in one swift movement. With his other hand, he fired one of his pistols at the wounded beast, puncturing it's skull and killing it instantly.

Yet the remaining beast was tangled up with the skeleton, several wounds already in it's side from the large lance. Unfortunately, the hound was too fast for such a long, unwieldy weapon, and ripped the skeleton apart after a short scuffle.

And right after the skeleton, was Ixair...

It broke out in a full sprint, howling in bloodlust as pounced on the elf.

Yet it was blasted away by burst of light as Artimius walked nearby, a cocky smile on his face. The man seemed unharmed and unscathed. "Thought you needed a bit of aid."

"I had it well in hand, thank you," Ixair replied with a hint of mockery. "I'm fine, Cantrell," he added to the chain-man.


Down below, as Alegain was squabbling with the others, the demons chose the time to attack. Arrows, steel, shields, clubs, maces, chains, and whatever else they carried was soon advancing on the trio that had walked to meet them in the Arena.
04-02-2007, 14:31
"That's probably because the cult is a relatively localized force in powerbase. Since I'm not from Iskan or any of the surrounding lands, I wouldn't have heard about it." Lorathin commented

"And it is true you've caught me on a bad day. Just because I think you're following a god who'd sooner kill you than look at you and believe he'll bring about a beneficial world is no reason to insult you personally. For that I apologise."
04-02-2007, 18:31
Down below, as Alegain was squabbling with the others, the demons chose the time to attack. Arrows, steel, shields, clubs, maces, chains, and whatever else they carried was soon advancing on the trio that had walked to meet them in the Arena.

Without waiting for the others to give the word, Loki prepared to defend them. His normally wide eyes scrunched together as he used the first semblance of energy in the last week. His gloved hands came together as the fiends approached and an orb of glowing orange light appeared.

And then it flew with incredible speed, unmatchable by even the possessed. The ball of liquid fire twirled uncontrollably until finally reaching its contact point and exploding upon the demons.
Kitab Al-Ibar
04-02-2007, 22:31
Horatio struggled in the grasp of the far larger demons. Between gasping for air he said: "Put... me down... and i will."


Mienna watched the approaching demons and though she felt an urge to retreat she stood her ground resolutely, there was something buzzing in the back of her mind, just beyond the edge of hearing. She ignored it as best she could. She watched the ball of flame head towards the creatures with interest, she hadn't known what to expect from the small childish being, but it hadn't been that.
The Blastit Empire
05-02-2007, 21:46
Brieltha remained quiet as she placed the tea cups on the nearby platter and looked at Lorathin with contempt and anger. "And yet you continue to rant and babble about it. When you insult my religion, you insult me, you generalizating fool. I wish I could strike you down right now." The woman let out an angry sigh before setting back to gathering the dishes.


Magledesh continued to stair at the druid before slowly letting him drop back to the ground. "Lead on," he growled, crossing his arms.


The demons that the fire splattered on shouted curses and growled but continued their relentless charge, through the fireballs of Alegain and Loki.

The ex-emperor growled and tapped his index finger on the ground twice before it lit up in on long line of fire, splitting up right before it reached the demons and spreading out to burn them as they ran past.

Yet the fire seemed to have little effect on the demons, but had more affect on the Maws that were plodding through.

"These creatures are resistant to fire..." Alegain shouted as he launched another of the strange fire steaks at the demons. One of the hounds in front launched itself at Mienna, its deadly jaws snapping as it soared closer to her. A maw had made its way to the front of the herd and shot its tongue out at Loki in an attempt to ensnare the creature in its tongue and bring him into his mouth for a snack.
Kitab Al-Ibar
05-02-2007, 22:26
Horatio turned his back to Magledesh and stalked away rubbing his neck and occasionally glancing up at the sky for any sign of a dragon.


Mienna leapt forward and sideways, spinning past the creature and slashing at it repeatedly with her rapier, after it had passed she leapt after it, not planning to give it time without leaving itself open and giving her a chance to inflict serious damage on it.
The Blastit Empire
05-02-2007, 23:16
The forest soon gave way to a scorched earth, tree stumps and decayed foliage was all that remained of the area. Several large buildings could be seen in the distance, most of them having smoke stacks that churned out huge clouds of the choking smoke. No animal could be seen for miles around their target city. Yet the largest, and most pollutant building was quite obviously where they would find Miffin McDungal. The building seemed to be three layers. The building itself, the smokestacks and the roof of smog.

Megledesh smiled and walked a little faster. "Ah...smell that fresh air..." he laughed mockingly, breathing deeply.


The demon hound snarled as its side was scratched and bleeding, only to be covered by its gooey, toxic secretion. Yet as Mienna darted towards the wounded hound, two more bounded up advancing behind her, prepared to pounce should she concentrate herself on the single, wounded one.
Kitab Al-Ibar
05-02-2007, 23:53
Horatio's face darkened as they left the forests and began to walk upon the scorched earth, his voice was tinged with anger as he asked. "How shall we get his attention? i'm inclined towards a massacre..." there was a hint of bloodlust as well as he began flexing his fists. Inside he was trying to contain the anger, but the demonic half was using it as a conduit to change him, within him his blood seethed and boiled.


Mienna heard more than saw the two coming from behind, she rolled to her left, these hounds seemed to enjoy leaping and she hoped to by underneath and attempts if they happened. They could not fight with enmies all around them. "We need to engage them on only one side, we can't let them surround us. Back up to the steps and hold them there." She shouted to the others and started to head that way, trying to keep her rapier facing the nearest enemy.
06-02-2007, 00:47
"As I said, if you wish to hit me, go ahead." Lorathin commented with a faint shake of his head. This was part of the reason he didn't like fanatics.

"Since it's obvious we won't agree, want to start over?"
The Blastit Empire
06-02-2007, 02:13
"Oh shut your mouth," Magledesh growled. "We just go to his house...or factory, whatever it is." He pointed to the large building and began to make his own way towards it.

What life they encountered could barely be considered life. Beggars roamed on the streets by the hundreds and nearly everywhere someone turned, there was a building with smoke billowing from the top of some smoke stacks.

A set of four lightly armored guards stood watch in front of Miffin's massive factory, pikes in one hand, shields in the other, and sabres at their waists.


"Coward!" Alegain shouted after Mienna, launching another fireball at the nearest hound, blowing it back. "This is where we can kill scores of them!"


"You only get one chance to make first impressions..." Brieltha said as she turned away from Lorathin, the sounds of sniffling could be heard.
06-02-2007, 05:49
"And while they are important, there is always the opportunity to change someone's impression of you. I'm willing to look beyond the fact that you're a cultist and see if I can see the person. If you don't want to, I can't force you but it might work out for the mutual best." Lorathin commented as he stood and walked over toward Brieltha.
The Blastit Empire
06-02-2007, 06:53
"I've been showing you a person...I've been trying to get you to stop talking about religion, but you persist!" Brieltha hissed, tears falling down her face as she turned around to face Lorathin. "I ask to stop this talk and you continue! Comment after comment!"
06-02-2007, 07:00
"Then what would you like to talk about, or shall we sit in silence until Brent decides I must have finished having my 'wicked way' with you?" Lorathin asked as his arm twitched to wipe away the tears but he managed to resist as figured she would be even more annoyed by the gesture.
The Blastit Empire
06-02-2007, 07:05
Brieltha looked towards one of the chairs, but instead sat on the floor, straightening out her dirty garments.

After a few minutes of silence on her end, she finally spoke up in a quiet, hushed manner. "How is it outside? I have not been outside- atleast not away from this area, in atleast a year," she sniffled.
06-02-2007, 07:16
Lorathin joined her as he took a seat cross-legged, "What part of outside do you mean. Some parts are doing quite well, others are not but most seem to be keeping the status quo."

"If you give me an actual place or person, I could try to scry but I can't guarantee anything. Even the best mediums tend to produce sketchy results for me."
The Blastit Empire
06-02-2007, 07:20
Brieltha furrowed her brows in thought and was about to say something, but decided not to. "No, no thank you...I meant Lustria as a whole..."

She straightened out non-existant wrinkles in her clothes again before she asked another question. "Are you married?"
06-02-2007, 07:25
"That is a bit of a dangerous question as it could likely lead to another argument, but at the moment it seems overall things are well for the comman person."

He chuckled slightly at her question before replying, "You don't know how many people have asked or alluded to that, but no, never been married."
The Blastit Empire
06-02-2007, 07:26
"Do you plan to?" Brieltha asked, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. "Is there a girl in your mind? Any special someone?"
06-02-2007, 07:30
"So far, no. Do you mean is there a girl I love or one I would seek to marry?" He asked as he wondered at her interest in his love life.
The Blastit Empire
06-02-2007, 07:31
"Yes, is there a young lady, or old lady if that's your fancy, that you seek for marriage?" Brieltha asked as she paused with her clothes-straightening to look into Lorathin's eyes.
06-02-2007, 07:34
"Then no. I do not seek to persue any for marriage at the given time nor the foreseeable future." He commented, meeting her eyes as a sneaking suspicion began forming in his ming.
The Blastit Empire
06-02-2007, 07:36
Brieltha's face changed into one of curiosity and confusion. "Oh? That is are not a eunich, are you?"

The woman resumed her previous activity of straightening her clothing as she continued on. "Or have you gotten so fed up with one of my gender? I'll admit that many a woman has played with the hearts of men only to destroy their dreams completely. Rimoru's done that many a time, mind you."
06-02-2007, 07:43
"Nope, not an eunuch. I've not been gelded." He commented with a bit of a chuckle at her suggestion.

"And that's not the reason neither. And Rimoru's never attempted to try it with me. She's gotten me to sleep with her, but to her appearent disappointment, all I did was sleep." He added with a smile at the memory.
The Blastit Empire
06-02-2007, 07:45
"Oh?" Brieltha asked, her eyes wide in wonder. "Surely you jest. No man would turn her down...unless you've gone funny in the head."

She chuckled, looking down before returning her gaze up to him. "Really now? You assure me you do not jest? Why would you not sleep with her? In fact, why don't you want to marry. And don't give me the 'Because I don't want to'. I am very curious to know why you wouldn't want a loving, gentle, kind wife at your side."
06-02-2007, 07:53
"Neither funny in the head, nor jesting." He said with a grin at her shocked look as if she wondered what was wrong with him. "I just see no value in it, and while it might violate feminine lore, logic and data built on many generations of womanhood, not all men hold thier brain between the thighs."

After stretching to de-crick his back, he replied to her second question. "Well, it is a bit of a private matter. Short, and partial answer. I don't think I couldn't handle a wife."
The Blastit Empire
06-02-2007, 07:55
"A private matter...I don't suppose you'll share that with a lowly servant like me," Brieltha said quietly, but a light smile on her face.

"I was to be married soon...I think...and I was already making plans...we planned to have ten children. Laugh all you want, it may seem childish, but that's how many we agreed upon," Brieltha chuckled. "Now the only child I think I would end up having is a strange half-breed dragon."
06-02-2007, 08:04
"It's something that I just don't share, not even with my daughter. It's by adoption." He added to forestall any accusations of lying. "And running away is not an option. If it happened what would you think of doing?"

He paused for a second before adding, "Do you ever get a chance to search for herbs outside the compound?"

ooc: Gone for night, need sleep for work.
Kitab Al-Ibar
06-02-2007, 16:05
Horatio walked just ahead of Magledesh as seemed his preferance, he walked past the beggers, he had stopped clenching his fists, it would be far worse to let them live and suffer in such poverty and squalor. But their was still a cold anger inside him against the man that caused much of this destruction.

He examined the guards standing at the door, they would be easy enough to kill, but he had been told this place was well guarded and the ruckus would draw many more from wherever they were hiding. Instead he approached and stopped just outside the range of their pikes. "I am emissary from the new ruler of these lands, I am here to discuss urgent matters. Take me and my associate to Miffin." His voice was calm, but hard as steel, it was clear he expected to be obeyed.


Mienna gave Alegain a cold look and stopped retreating, she had said she would help him and she wasn't planning to leave him to get himself killed. "But at what cost? A few may pass and kill friends above. If we hold the stairs then they may not pass, here, in the middle, they can swarm past us. We can kill them as quickly at the stairs as we can here." She slowly moved toward Alegain, waiting for another demon to attack her.
The Blastit Empire
06-02-2007, 23:00
"Mr. McDungal does not wish to be disturbed at the moment," the guard replied with a slightly hestitant tone in his voice. He coughed a bit as the heavy smog seemed to seep into his sickly demeanor, but he kept his rigid stance as best he could.

Magledesh walked behind Horatio, but kept his mouth shut, making himself look like a summoned familiar of the druid. The guard gave a bit of a shiver but kept his pike at the ready. The other guards followed suit, tightening their grips on their pikes in case a fight broke out.


Alegain growled again as one of Habdebza's four-armed minions had reached the ex-empreror and was attempting to cut him in two. Alegain, however was keeping up with one long fiery sword, dodging and hacking and blocking to keep himself alive. His wounds, however weren't helping him much.

"Just get to the stairs then!" Alegain shouted angrily at Mienna as he hacked a leg off the demon and backed up slightly.
07-02-2007, 02:32
A maw had made its way to the front of the herd and shot its tongue out at Loki in an attempt to ensnare the creature in its tongue and bring him into his mouth for a snack.

Taking the nod from his failed spell and the words of his companions, Loki realized that the demonic beasts were either highly resistant or benefited from the power of the flames. However, he would not relent, continuing his assault instead with a much different kind of attack.

As the fiends and maws stormed closer, particularly the one near the front of the stampeding herd, Loki raised his hands into the air and then brought them down across his body. A moment later, his spell manifested itself; a small portion of the air flew towards the beast with such intense speed and sharpness that it was virtually an invisible blade of steel. Soon more of the "invisible blades" appeared as the wind began slicing at the approaching fiends.
The Blastit Empire
07-02-2007, 02:41
The demons yelped and screamed as the first wave recieved grievous wounds or death, however the others just stampeded around this deathly areas, avoiding what they could to get even closer. Some of the hounds began to spit their poisonous saliva at the little sorceror.

One of the hounds leapt close to Loki and lunged at him, attempting to chop down on the childlike creature.
The Blastit Empire
07-02-2007, 08:10
"It's something that I just don't share, not even with my daughter. It's by adoption." He added to forestall any accusations of lying. "And running away is not an option. If it happened what would you think of doing?"

He paused for a second before adding, "Do you ever get a chance to search for herbs outside the compound?"

"I don't know, really," Brieltha replied sadly. "I would nurture it like my own, but I doubt I'd be given the chance. Such a child would be sent immediately to the Dragoons to be fed lies and become a mindless dragoon warrior. But if I get to keep it, It shouldn't matter what kind of creature it is. It has my blood and will be treated as such...however mother and father, if they ever see me again, would despise it."

The woman sighed and lay down on the warm floorboards. "So you do have a child? A daughter she beautiful? How old is she?"

"And no, I never get to pick flowers or do what a lady should do. Whenever I am outside, I stroll with Brent and he is usually kind to me. Occasionally we go to his favorite, secluded spot and partake in our little love affair. Yet if I go farther places, I am blindfolded and cannot see where I am going."
07-02-2007, 18:43
"She's as beautiful as the rising sun." Lorathin commented before smiling. "She's around twenty but as she is elven so is proportionally younger."

"Ah, that would be annoying especially if you enjoyed those activities."
Kitab Al-Ibar
07-02-2007, 18:49
Horatio stood calmly. "I would rather I did not have to attract his attention from outside, let us pass and you won't be the means of drawing that attention." He smiled at them in a peaceable and friendly manner, his arms at his sides and away from his weapons.

After a moment he added; "Perhaps i can do something for that cough of yours." He reached for a pocket on his robe and produced a herb, one of many he had inside pockets and pouches. "This may serve for now, eat it and you will feel the benefits immediately." It would rid him of the cough for a few days, but would unsettle his stomach for a similar amount of time, starting a few hours after he ate it.


Mienna took a relieved breath as he listened to reason and glanced back at the demons, one had moved to block her passage after she had moved toward Alegain. the buzzing into her mind deepened and resolved into words. She mouthed the words and the air around the creature started to dry out draining it of moisture quickly, the poisenous ooze on its skin would dry out, followed soon after by the water inside it. The dryness would follow the creature, but the spell was clearly taking its toll on Mienna, sweat beaded on her forhead as she carefully tried to move past the creature, keeping her distance and hoping it wouldn't tryt a desperate attack on her.
The Blastit Empire
08-02-2007, 07:34
"Oh, an elven child? Beautiful children indeed...although I always got the impression that elves were snobbish and stubborn, moreso than most other races," Brieltha replied as she began to play with her dirty hair now.

"But yes, it is annoying. I'm basically left to perform two activies. Clean and provide pleasure for my master and a few of his guests. It is so...degrading..."


"What do ya mean?" the guard asked, a bit puzzled as to what exactly the man was talking about. His eyes widened when the man brought out an herb that supposedly could help his cough. To get rid of his cough would be a blessing and he smiled brightly. "Well, alright. Hows 'bout ya give me a buncha them herbs fer me family- me kiddies got it pretty nasty- and I'll let ye through...and yer demon pet."

Magledesh narrowed his eyes at this but was keeping himself well restrained. Perhaps the threat of failure and Habdebza's reaction to it lingered on his mind. Whatever it was, it kept him from getting them into trouble.

The hound gasped as it fell to the ground, dehydrating instantly. It couldn't even spit. It howled and growled at Mienna, snapping at her, but failing to quench its thirst fast enough. Yet more seemed to be coming behind Mienna. Just as one charged towards her, it fell to the floor, dead as a bullet pierced its skull. Ixair was at the top of the stairs, a cocky smile on his face as he looked down at Mienna.

"Get yourself to safety, beautiful," he said as he ran past her, his own sword gleaming in the moonlight overhead.

As he was about to strike at another approaching hound, the beast was struck with an orange bolt of energy that flung it halfway across the arena, into a few other demons.

Artimius smiled as he lowered a hand for Mienna to hold onto so he could pull her up. "My lady, come to safety. I can hold this place," he said comfortingly. "Besides, you look tired."
08-02-2007, 07:54
"Well mine doesn't seem to be, or at least not much more than general child based stubbornness." Lorathin commented as he watched Brieltha seem to almost fidget.

"And I take it either trying to off him or yourself is out of the question?" He asked as he sneezed.
The Blastit Empire
08-02-2007, 08:03
"Gods bless you," Brieltha said in response to his sneeze.

"Off him or me? What may you mean by that?" the woman asked curiously.
Kitab Al-Ibar
08-02-2007, 10:03
Horatio cursed inwardly at the guards comment, he didn't mind punishing the guard, but his family was another matter, with some quick thinking he reached into two other pouches and drew some other herbs. "The first is too potent for anything but male adults, they would cause your children to sicken horribly and they have been known to cause harmful effects to females." He indicated the two new herbs he had produced and referring to them in order said. "This one however should serve for your children regardless of gender and the other is perfect for a wife." Drasken said.

The herbs would do as he said, what he said may not exactly have been true, but they would still banish the cough, most without causing any side effects, except the one he had originally offered the guard. "Their may be some unforseen reaction to the herbs dependant on how your body takes it, but they should at most be minor irritations and the cough will be gone."


Mienna almost let out a cry of pleasure seeing her spell have such a ruinous effect on the creature, but her attention was soon turned to the massing group behind her The first ones leap caught her off guard and she she tried to roll out of the way, her footing was aawkward and she slipped. She closed her eyes and heard a loud thud. She opened them again and saw the beast dead on the floor.

She watched him run past with relief and then saw a bolt of energy from another source, the mage had also appeared and was now offering his hand to help her up. She shook him off and stood herself. "Took your time didn't you?" She still had her doubts about whether to trust the caster and wondered what she could say that woul most annoy him. "Alegain should be your first priority, he was your emperor after all."

She walked past him and too the arena wall by the stairs where she leat against it for a moment to catch her breath, her head had felt a bit fuzzy since the spell she cast, but she could almost hear a voice congratulating her, it had the tone of voice one would associate with a teacher, but she didn't recognise it and it didn't feel as if it were speaking to her now, but as if she was reliving something that happened long ago. She surveyed the fight and waited for her head to clear so she could get back to helping.
08-02-2007, 17:13
He looked at her slightly funny as he sneezed again. "Someone is talking about me somewhere." He commented, "And I meant either kill him or yourself. I figure both are unfeasible."
The Blastit Empire
08-02-2007, 17:56
"Gods Bless you," Brieltha said again as another sneeze came to Lorathin. "You sneeze when others are talking about you?" she asked with a laugh.

"Kill me?" She asked, her voice suddenly shaking as she kicked away from him. "I don't want to die!"


"Oy, thanks chum," the guard said with a smile. "Let 'em in, boys. Just...keep yer pet in check, right?"

The guards slowly placed their hands on the silver handles of the large, heavy wooden door, and pulled it open for the druid and his "pet".

"If you ever call me your pet, I'll crack your neck," Magledesh hissed in Horatio's ear.

The hallway was lit with many scented candles, giving the air an artificial smell of a flower or tree. The air was cool and couches that lined the wall were soft and cushioned. There were a few meager plants that sat on top of a table nearby, but they looked on the verge of dieing. On the walls, were beautifully painted pictures, not of nature, but of factories, puffing and belching out large, intimidating clouds of smoke.

"Please wait for someone to bring you to him," the guard said as the door closed behind the demon and druid.

"Nice place," Magledesh chuckled, looking at Horatio for a reaction.

Ixair overheard what Mienna had told the smooth-talking Artimius and couldn't help but laugh. Serves him right... he mused to himself as he dodged another dog, bringing his own sword into the beast's side. When he brought it back out, the hound's guts began pouring out as it's vitals had been struck. It yelped its final breaths before collapsing on the floor.

Artimius, however bowed his head. "You think well, my lady. I was heading towards him but you were in the path, so I decided it best we save you as well. Go, rest now," he said softly.
08-02-2007, 18:17
"It's an old folklorish tale. Two sneezes in succession is a sign someone is talking about you." He replied with a bit of a chuckle himself.

"I didn't figure you would want to suicide and killing Brent seems a bit out of reach. Basically I was talking about your options which come out, as far as I can tell, to enduring, fleeing or trying to instigate a rebellion. Since both of the latter seem like they would lead back to the suicide option, it seems like you are lacking in choices." Lorathin replied, "I don't mean to offer murder of violence onto you."
Kitab Al-Ibar
08-02-2007, 18:58
Horatio nodded his thanks to the guard and walked through the door he didn't react to Magledesh's threat apart from smiling slightly. His firstbreath of the air inside widened the smile and his eyes widened slightly, but soon hardened as he spotted the dieing plants and destructive paintings on the walls, he was tempted to give true life to the fires within the pictures, burning them and this place to the ground, but resisted the temptation.

Horatio grunted in response to Magledesh's comment, showing his dissaproval and then went to examine the plants for if any were particularly rare or important, adding them to a list of crimes for which Magledesh would eventually be punished.


Mienna frowned at the mage; "It seems to me that Ixiar is the one who came to my rescue rather than yourself." That's twice now, i really must stop letting him do that. She thought to herself. "Stop wasting your time with me and help the others." There was a hint of annoyance in her voice as she spoke. She was confident enough that she could take care of herself for the moment and did not appreciate the mage badgering her when there were clearly more important things to do.
The Blastit Empire
08-02-2007, 21:58
Brieltha let out a sigh of relief and lay sprawled out on the floor. "Oh dear me...I am no murderer. Perhaps you can buy me off of him? And as much as I don't want you to waste all your money...but over the years I have gotten myself to befriend the other thirteen women...poor souls..."


Artimius shook his head and gave out a short laugh. "I let him, my lady. He told me to leave the beasts on you and that he'd get them. I was surprised but I let him, unless it looked like he was going to fail as well. But he didn't. But you are right, go ahead and rest."

With that the arch-mage bowed low and walked to the balcony, raising both hands. Suddenly, small clouds formed in a matter of seconds above the Arena, noticible deficiencies around Alegain and Ixair, before lightning began falling down upon the beasts, shocking as many as it could.
09-02-2007, 00:52
Cantrell had been doing battle with demons alongside of Ixair and Alegain, and the battle was beginning to take it's toll. Then, suddenly, lightning began falling from the sky, smitting the demons. However, a stray bolt was coming down on him. He dodgeed, but was struck on the side. He landed near Ixair and cursed loudly.
09-02-2007, 01:27
"He didn't seem very interested in selling you earlier, I doubt that this short time will have been enought to change his mind. Nor am I exactly sure I have time to take care of fourteen females, nor the funds as well." He commented with a stretch to releave a crick in his neck. "And then there is the religious issue..."
The Blastit Empire
09-02-2007, 06:53
"Alright there, Cantrell?" Ixair asked as he hacked at a straggling minion, dodging one of its blades and taking off its hand. With a grunt, he dove the demon's blade against it, pushing it through its thin, lithe body.


"There you go again with religion..." Brieltha sighed. "Well, just so you know, the other women aren't all cultist. Only two of us are."
09-02-2007, 07:10
"Well if I go and buy you, if it works out to be possible, and since just abandoning you and your friends is kind of silly, that means I'll have to take you with me, at least part of the way. A few of the ones I'll be meeting will kill you just because you are cultists, and all things considered the frying pan tends to be better than the fire." Lorathin replied as he stood and checked to see if there was any more tea.

"There is also financial issues and getting him to sell in the first place. By the way, how old is Brent?"
The Blastit Empire
09-02-2007, 07:18
"I don't need to go with a matter of fact, since you can't seem to drop the subject of religion, perhaps I don't want to go with you and your Valtroxian-hating friends. I do have a mansion, if you haven't been listening," Brieltha replied, anger steadily seeping into her voice.

"And how would I know how old Brent is? He's old enough to be experienced at a good many things. He's no ageless though."
09-02-2007, 07:40
"Frankly I've given up caring about the fact that you follow Valtrox since you seem somewhat fanatical about it. I was just laying out a couple possible problems you might meet if I manage to take you and your friends with me when I leave." He replied, "But since it seems to be that you just don't like associating with me, then it might be best if I simply leave and we can past as acquaintance."

"I was wondering if it might have come up, it could have made things simpler, but oh well."
The Blastit Empire
09-02-2007, 07:50
"Look who's talking...Someone just enjoys bringing up the subject of religion. Would your companions be ones to ask what religion I am in? Would they be as stubborn and hopeless as you? I am no fanatic, but I don't like the stereotypes people put against my religion."

Tears welled up in her eyes as her voice rose. "Leave then. You have caused me nothing but pain, just as bad as any of those," she pointed towards the painful looking torture apparatus' posted above the fireplace. "I just hope you'll realize the terrible thing you have done today."
09-02-2007, 19:01
"Again, I apologise. As to my companions they might not ask, but if they found out, would be a great deal more inclined to offer you general violence." Lorathin replied before rising, "As you may have realize, me and tact are not close comrades and I sometimes belabour a point to far."

Walking toward the door, he added, "I was not deliberately trying to cause you pain."
The Blastit Empire
09-02-2007, 20:53
"Wait," Brieltha asked suddenly. "Why did you come here in the first place? What purpose did you have in coming here other than to destroy the hopes of fourteen women?"
09-02-2007, 21:27
"To get information and depending on the situation, spread it." He replied as he partially turned.
The Blastit Empire
09-02-2007, 21:42
Brieltha wiped the tears off her face, but remained sitting down. She opened her mouth as if to speak, but closed it as she sniffled instead.

Suddenly, the door in front of Lorathin burst open with the large dragon-humanoid standing in front of him, part of his purple robes stained with blood. "Sorry about a bit...preocupied..." Brent said with a sinister grin. His eyes turned to Brieltha who lay crying on the floor, giving him an even larger laugh.

"Oh? Give her a strenuous one, have you, messenger? She was always tough to tame...but that makes it all the more enjoyable..."
09-02-2007, 22:26
"Oh, hello there Brent. I can see that you've been pre-occupied. It was interesting." He added as he looked at Brieltha. "Have you reconsidered if she, and her companions, are for sale?"
The Blastit Empire
09-02-2007, 23:18
"When am I not preoccupied?" Brent replied, glancing at Brieltha with a hungry glint in his eyes. "She, nor her companions are for sale. I doubt it'd change until they are all old hags either..."
09-02-2007, 23:49
Lorathin raised an eyebrow and commented lightly, "Interesting, shall you see me off?"
The Blastit Empire
10-02-2007, 00:15
The dragon stood there staring at Brieltha for an awkwardly silent moment before returning his gaze on Lorathin. "You know, Rimoru has disappeared. No signs of her being dead...and she doesn't give up her throne that easily. How about I let you have all my women...if you can get Rimoru out here," Brent said with a mischievious grin on his face. Although a nearly impossible task many would believe, however, considering Brent had no idea where she would be, nor if she was still alive, still benefitted him as it was just as good as saying to do the impossible. But...if this man can find Rimoru for me...
10-02-2007, 00:32
"Why would I want them, I'd have Rimoru." He commented with a slight grin. "If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?"
The Blastit Empire
10-02-2007, 00:41
"Other than the fact that Rimoru could still be potentially dangerous, especially for a soft-skin such as yourself," Brent replied. "As for my age- It simply doesn't matter." Brent flashed the man a smile and opened the door wider.
10-02-2007, 03:34
"Oh, I know how to handle her. I have before afterall." He commented with a slightly mocking grin.
10-02-2007, 03:35
Cantrell coughed. "No..." he had been hit pretty badly. He saw a demon making a beeline towards him and Ixair. With the last of his strength, he hurled his chain and impaled the demon. He watch the demon collapse, and then he started to fade out. He was still concious, but barely. "Ixair... help."
The Blastit Empire
10-02-2007, 03:46
"Well good then," Brent replied with a yawn. "Then it should be relatively easier for you to bring her here."


Ixair gasped and ran to Cantrell's side and tried to lift the man. Unfortunately, the weight of his chains were increasing his weight quite a lot. Ixair's muscles buldged but he managed to barely pick the man up. "Oh man, gotta lose some weight," he chuckled as he walked speedily towards the stairs. Luckily, Artimius took the time to cover them with energy bolts and the such.
10-02-2007, 04:21
"No, I don't really think I feel like it. You see, I don't betray my friends." Lorathin commented with a somewhat nasty grin.
10-02-2007, 04:26
Cantrell heard Ixair's comments. He smiled a bit, but he was still in a daze. He tried to help move, but he could hardly do so. He saw Artimius come and attack with bolts. Cantrell grew angry at him, as he obviously didn't take to much precauttion. But he knew Artimius was strong, so he would wait until latter to do something about it.
The Blastit Empire
10-02-2007, 04:45
"Oh? Friends with that backstabbing slut?" Brent replied, returning the smile. "Perhaps I shall keep watch for your dead body to wash upriver sometime. She doesn't tend to return that sentiment."


Ixair set Cantrell at the top of the stairs and leaned against the wall, catching his breath. "Sorry I can't stay and chat...I gotta get the Emperor..." he panted.
10-02-2007, 04:59
Cantrell nodded to Ixair, breathing heavily. He leaned against a wall and tried to focus. He could feel for the first time burns from the bolt. He cursed some more, hoping someone would lend him a hand.
10-02-2007, 14:28
"I don't really think you'll be getting that chance. One of us reeks with incipant mortality," Lorathin commented as he lifted an arm to smell his pit, "And you know, I ain't stinking."
10-02-2007, 16:06
Loki had continued his assault on the demonic fiends as they lunged forward at him, but by good grace the others had arrived to lend them aid. The demons were now seemingly outnumbered and soon to be gone.

The young magus could rest and recover his energy as the others secured the area.
The Blastit Empire
10-02-2007, 19:30
Horatio nodded his thanks to the guard and walked through the door he didn't react to Magledesh's threat apart from smiling slightly. His firstbreath of the air inside widened the smile and his eyes widened slightly, but soon hardened as he spotted the dieing plants and destructive paintings on the walls, he was tempted to give true life to the fires within the pictures, burning them and this place to the ground, but resisted the temptation.

Horatio grunted in response to Magledesh's comment, showing his dissaproval and then went to examine the plants for if any were particularly rare or important, adding them to a list of crimes for which Magledesh would eventually be punished.

Suddenly, a lithe, black-haired, dark-skinned woman walked to meet the two beasties. She shied away with Horatio's demonic appearance and the larger figure behind him. "M-m-m-mcDungal will s-see you now..." she said quietly. "P-please follow me..."

She turned around and quickly walked off, as if she wished to lose the two demons behind her.

The woman led the two creatures up a large set of marble staircases, past many paintings of polluted locations, several kitchens and finally, and many doors until they finally came upon a large set of double doors. The woman bowed and opened the door, motioning them to go inside.

The room was very large with one large bed located on one side, a fireplace in another, metal statues and pictures on another side, and large windows located behind a desk, preventing the demons to see his features, except that the light outlined the shape of the man.

"Oh?" a rather rotund man at the desk said as he looked at the two demonic figures. He had been playing with some sticky substance as it appeared he kept flexing his hands, trying to get it off. "What is this?"


"You, human, are perhaps one of the most grosteque creatures I have ever known and you have a stench to resemble it," Brent replied calmly, a smile still on his face. Brieltha continued to sit on her haunches, but watched curiously at what was going on.
10-02-2007, 23:04
"To a dragon such as yourself, I guess I would have a highly unpleasent smell. Of course when you are scared your senses of sharpened, otherwise you'd have never let me in." Lorathin commented with a chuckle.
11-02-2007, 17:33
The tile shingles clicked under Harlin's boots as he walked across the roof to get a better view of his targets. The thunder clouds overhead lit the battlefield occasionally and allowed him to see that the battle was faring poorly for his friends. Cantrell appeared to be injured and out of commision. Harlin resolved to help him once he'd done some damage to the enemy.

Pulling out several innocuous pieces of wood and metal, he assembled his crossbow in several deft movements. Slowly, he cranked the string to the ready, and carefully pulled a bolt from under his cloak. As he moved it to the bow, it dripped a dark fluid which burst into flames as it hit the tiles. Mounting the bolt, he took careful aim and launched it at a demon attacking Cantrell. The bolt entered it's skull as it lunged through the air. The demon burst into flame before it hit the ground at Cantrell's feet.

Stowing the bow over his shoulder, Harlin entered the Shadowflod, and teleported down to Cantrell. Leaving the Shadowfold, he extended his hand and asked Cantrell, "Care for a lift?"
Kitab Al-Ibar
13-02-2007, 00:20
Horatio turned to the woman and gave an evil smile while she mumbled her message and stalked after her. He ignored the paintaings and apart from a glance into some of the side rooms ignored those aswell.

He pushed open the large doors and entered the room, giving a sparing glance around the large room. He was unimpressed and quickly focused on the man, he seemed to suit his surroundings, large and pointless. He didn't see anywhere he could take a seat, but he preferred to stand anyway.

In a cold voice he stated. "Not what, who. I am Horatio, a representative of the new ruler in Rimoru city." He didn't mention Magledesh, allowing him to either introduce himself or keep up the facade of him being a pet. "If you are Miffin, then perhaps we can get to business."


Mienna's eyes narrowed at the mage's last comment, it sounded like something Ixiar might do, but she wasn't sure she trusted Atrimius enough to believe him. At least he has finally started to do something she thought as he casst his lightning storm spell. She winced as she saw Cantrell get struck by a bolt. He could do with some work on his aim though. She moved away from the walls toward the base of the stairs and stood ready to kill anything that dodged the lightning bolts long enough to come close.
The Blastit Empire
14-02-2007, 16:42
"I have reason to be anxious. A message from Dominatistradz is highly regarded. How you would be the one to relay it is beyond me. His creatures, the perfect drakonan, tend to be replacing most of the other races," Brent replied, pointing out of the door. "Now get out before I carry out my earlier statement of killing you."


Ixair dived into a roll as two large swords crossed behind him. The two demons whom belonged to those swords immediately spun, nearly hacking off Ixair's head if he hadn't raised his own blade. He pushed them away and did a backwards summersault onto his feet, pulling his pistol out in the same motion and firing at one of the creatures, while twisting the other's sword away from his body and slicing off it's hand. With a quick spin, he beheaded the creature and smiled as he began to reload his pistol.

Just then, a loud clanking resounded alnog the Arena walls. The demons, who had continued to pour in via the entrances (some recently opened), paused to figure out what exactly this noise was coming from.

As the sounds in the arena pit began to quiet down, one could hear the shouts, roars, and screams from inside the walls and below them.

Ixair noticed some places in the walls slowly lowering, allowing others to notice these new distractions...

Gladiators of different shapes, sizes, and races were battling hundreds of creatures. It appears that all the cages within the arena were opened up...

Most likely from the huge figure that seemed to be guiding the gladiators, who was currently in the process of spearing a large cyclops' eye with a pike.

"To the Arena floor! Earn your freedom!" a bloody Kalzog shouted as the cyclops squirmed and screamed before collapsing on several lions behind it.

The gladiators shouted and made their way towards the demons, atleast those that weren't already preoccupied with defending themselves.

The beasts of the arena followed, however when they approached the demons, many of them changed their targets and began to attack the demons themselves.

Kalzog looked up at the spellcasters charging up the teleportation orb and gave a wide grin as he slowly made his way into the battle.

Several of the demons, Habdebza's four-armed minions, however had managed to sneak past the defenders and made their way towards the spellcasters, weapons drawn and eyes gleaming hungrily.


"Business? With the new owners of Iskan? Well then, you've come to the right place..." the grubby Miffin smiled as he leaned foward and steepled his fingers.
Kitab Al-Ibar
16-02-2007, 19:22
"My master wishes your support." Horatio stated, he was staring his enemy in the face, but instead of feeling anger, he pitied the man who seemed in person to be as pathetic as an insect trapped in a glass. It helped him think more clearly and in a respectful tone he added: "He has more than enough power to force his rule upon Iskan, but wishes for things to be more... peaceful. He asks that you support him, you're name is well known and your power will help sway others to our cause."


Mienna was surprised by the noise and saw walls begin to lower, at first she wondered if this was some form of trick on the demons behalf. It was a great relief when she saw Kalzog emerge rallying the plethora of creatures to him and directing them at the demons.

Her attention wasn't distracted long however as she saw demons approaching there position. First she shouted to the mage. "Atrimius, stop your storm, cover Ixiar and Alegain, kill whatever comes closest. Harlin, help me keep the passage clear for when they come through."

As almost and afterthought she shouted back to Rimoru. "How much longer?"
The Blastit Empire
16-02-2007, 19:42
"Who is the new master of Iskan, anyways?" Miffin asked with a raised eyebrow as he pulled out a drawer and a pipe along with some strangely good-smelling stuffing. "All of Iskan awaits a formal coronation and a speech from their new master. Although we do sorely miss the beautiful prostitute, her sex was the only thing she had for her." The man's eyes glinted slightly as he began to puff on his pipe and smiled. "Care for a smoke?"


"Will do, my lady," Artimius replied as he slammed a demon against the ground with a fist of sand from the Arena floor. As the puddle of demon ooze stained the hand, it dissipated, giving Artimius more power to focus on the fighters. He smiled to himself as the stubborn emperor was in the thick of it, fighting surprisingly well with an axe he managed to loot off one of the demons.

Ixair was not doing so bad himself, however he seemed to be bleeding on his leg, his left arm, and from a thin scratch on his cheek.

They are neither important for the better of Iskan nor useful to us. I don't see why I should babysit these childish fools, Artimius mused to himself with a mischievious smile. He did however, conjure up a weak forcefield for the two, capable of stopping a blade for fifteen seconds without harming the protected...unless someone like Kalzog bashed his way into them, in which they may get banged around.

However, these demons were somewhat fun to kill and he proceeded to unleash a small torrent of energy upon the demons in the Arena, careful not to harm the gladiatorial beasties.


Rimoru clenched her teeth as she felt her power surging into the orb, or what was left of it- which was not much. She could feel her stomach churning, her heart racing, her muscles clenching dangerously as she tried to leech some power into herself from the others to keep her somewhat in good shape.

The ex-Empress did, however fall to her knees, however she kept both her hands on the orb. Her eyes burned and tears escaped down her cheeks as the pain increased twofold. A loud popping sound emitted from the orb and an unexistant wind suddenly billowed around the spellcasters.

The sounds around her blurred together, much like the sights, however she could barely make out Mienna's voice amongst the din of battle and power.

"Bring...everyone....we go," she wheezed through her teeth.
16-02-2007, 19:54
"You still don't seem to get it. I'd enjoy the workout of kicking your tail. You see either you're too young, Dommi is surpressing or you have got one serious case of sinus backlog." Lorathin commented with the light grin of someone holding any number of hole cards.


As she felt the slight suction, Lúthien concentrated to send Rimoru some additional power for her spell.

ooc: Sorry 'bout missing this earlier(was waiting for your reply)
Kitab Al-Ibar
16-02-2007, 21:09
A thoughtful expression passed across Horatio's face as he considered who exactly was in power, Habdebza, though Valtrox technically. He looked sideways at Magledesh for a moment and then responded. "Habdebza rules Iskan, though he is currently occupied with matters of grave importance." At a castle in the middle of nowhere. He added to himself mentally.

Horatio watched as Miffin began smoking his pipe. "Let me assure that Habdebza has much more to offer than Rimoru ever did, especially to those who are loyal... and no, thank you. I don't smoke." He almost managed to keep the contempt out of his voice, but not quite.


At least he follows orders Mienna thought as she examined the scene, she frowned that the emporer had ignored her advice and was still fighting, and gave an inward wince at Ixiars injuries.

She almost missed Rimoru's strained response, but gave a quick nod: "I'll get Al, Ix and Kal. you guys hold the fort." With that she turned and ran into the fray towards Ixiar and Alegain. As she ran she shouted out to them and Kalzog, "Come on! Time to go, get over here." She wasn't sure if Kalzog or the others would hear her over the noise, but she would just have to get closer if they didn't and kill anything that got in her way.
17-02-2007, 04:13
Seeing the demons advance and hearing the cry to move out, Loki needed no further prodding. Running was not his strong suit as he rather waddled at an average speed to where Rimoru was. The demons seemed to be concentrating on the larger targets, not seeing the little mage as a threat.

In a moment he had arrived next to the ex-empress.
The Blastit Empire
22-02-2007, 00:03
"Well then, it's settled," Sebastian said happily. "After everything is done here, one way or another, you are cordially invited to my humble homeland." However, she would find no feast, banquet, or grand reception waiting for her there, for Sebastian's life was one of secrecy and silence. His order was long thought extinct if even beyond mythical. His home was hidden in the forests. His life was one of unknown servitude to the greater good. However, there were his companions and they would no doubt treat her well.

Ikara smiled and nodded as she dismounted her horse. "I am honored, Sir Sebastion," she replied quietly as she walked towards the general's tent. There seemed to be a large group of officers all trying to speak at once to the general, all related to opening the gates. Ikara's eyebrows knitted together as she began to walk faster towards the noisey congregation.

"Habdebza rules Iskan, though he is currently occupied with matters of grave importance." At a castle in the middle of nowhere. He added to himself mentally.

Horatio watched as Miffin began smoking his pipe. "Let me assure that Habdebza has much more to offer than Rimoru ever did, especially to those who are loyal... and no, thank you. I don't smoke." He almost managed to keep the contempt out of his voice, but not quite.

"Habdebza?" the obese man huffed, raising an eyebrow ever so slightly. He sat puffing silently for a few awkward minutes, as if contemplating the validity of the answer. "Demi-gods from Valtrox don't just randomly pop up from the ground. There have been no reports of cultists summoning demons since the Gate War. And a demon of this caliber would most certainly get noticed. Not to mention summoning him would require the cultists get themselves back together and into a true nationstate rather than a few squabbling clans."

He puffed a bit more as he thought of the business opportunities that would most certainly open up if the Cultists did take over Iskan. For one, he could put to use the handy devices that were banned due to the pollution they generated...

"I want to believe...but prove to me the demi-god is on this world."

At least he follows orders Mienna thought as she examined the scene, she frowned that the emporer had ignored her advice and was still fighting, and gave an inward wince at Ixiars injuries.

She almost missed Rimoru's strained response, but gave a quick nod: "I'll get Al, Ix and Kal. you guys hold the fort." With that she turned and ran into the fray towards Ixiar and Alegain. As she ran she shouted out to them and Kalzog, "Come on! Time to go, get over here." She wasn't sure if Kalzog or the others would hear her over the noise, but she would just have to get closer if they didn't and kill anything that got in her way.

Kalzog was too busy with battle as he barraled through several of the four handed Enforcers that made up the most of Habdebza's forces, their skinny muscles unable to take the massive, heavy form of the ogre and letting the bones within the creatures break.

The Maws, however, were a different story. Their whole grosteque body seemed to be made of muscle as one of the Maw's lunged at Kalzog, knocking him back and almost to the ground. The ogre, however, whispered something to himself and immediately, his hand lit up with an orange fire before he slammed it into the ground, sending shockwaves around him, knocking enforcers, hounds, and even a few maws to the ground.

There are too many. Someone will die if we don't get out of here soon... he thought grimly to himself, stealing a glance at Luthien by Rimoru. He growled as he noticed demons bypassing the defenders and running straight up to the spellcasters.

Suddenly, Mienna came into view, yelling something to the others, however his ears could not quite catch it. Never the less, Kalzog began to make his way towards the Empress, knocking whatever creature was in his way.


Alegain was surrounded despite the bodies he had managed to pile alongside him. Not to mention he was getting quite weary. This was the longest he ever remembered he fought and his magic storage was exhausted, much like him.

He stood, crouched over, panting heavily as he watched a hound snarl and spring up at him. With a quick spin to the side, he dodged the creature and slashed its stomach, poisonous acid splattering along the emperor's once elegant robes. Just then, he felt himself get pushed over.

Now it's all over...I am to die... he thought to himself as his face turned to one of shock. He spun around as he fell to see the face of his attacker. It was one of the many unnamed Habdebza enforcers, not some hero, nor celebrated wasn't even a man.

Alegain landed hard on the ground, the acrid stench of the dead hound pounding on his sense of smell. He tried to get himself back to his feet, however another demon stepped heavily on his wounded hand. The emperor let out a shout of pain and winced angrily as thoughts of feeling useless entered his mind. I am going to die...right here, right now. I am exhausted...all because of that wretched women, Mienna...I will haunt her my entire afterlife and make her life as miserable as possible! he thought to himself as his anger continued to rise.

Suddenly, he felt his anger reach the boiling point and he let out a fierce roar that sounded much more bestial than what the emperor was ever capable of.

As the demons continued to surround the downed emperor, keeping him pinned to the floor, an enforcer that stood to the right of his chest flipped his long sabre so it pointed downwards.

"You worthless demons! You wait for it....I will come back with-"

The sabre fell with incredible speed into the emperor's chest, cutting him short...


Ixair had been working his way towards the emperor but the ugly beasts kept getting in his way. He knew he killed atleast forty creatures because that was where he lost count. His clothes were covered in blood, some his, most from his kills.

However it was frustrating for the elf to keep hacking and slicing at demons that mindlessly put themselves in his way to keep him from the Emperor.

As several wolves attacked one of the demon hounds (and getting wounded terribly for their efforts), Ixair turned to look at Mienna as he heard her shout something.

"What did you say?" he shouted back, crouching under a pike that went his way and thrusting his sword at the exposed stomach of an enforcer.

Just then, he heard a roar come from the direction of the Emperor. Something big was happening...and it just added to the frustration of the elf that he couldn't figure out what it was...


Rimoru could feel small tendrils of energy freely and willingly run into her as she looked up at Luthien and smiled weakly. Then, the child-like Loki walked up to her effortlessly.

"" she gasped, hoping that the creature understood her request.

Suddenly, the empress heard a roar in the area she had last seen her husband. Kalzog made his way quickly to my Alley... she thought comfortingly until she noticed the ogre coming their way.

"Alley..." she gasped as her face contorted to dread.


"Kicking my tail?" Brent asked calmly as he shut the door with one hand and placing his hand on the wall with the other. "And how woud you go about doing that?" he asked with a devilish smile on his face.

He walked over to Brieltha and hoisted her up by the neck with a forceful yank. The woman let out a shout of pain as he carried her to a large couch next to another wall. He used one hand to brace himself with the wall while the other pushed the woman heavily into the couch, where she sat sobbing in pain.

"Frankly, I don't see you capable of doing it," Brent laughed as he carefully examined his wall of torture devices nearby, prodding a few as he did so and brushing his hand along the wall as he read the names of the weapons.

With another laugh he pulled a long thin sheath from its holder and walked to a corner of the room, setting the weapon along the corner and leaning back into the corner.

He crossed his arms and smiled. "So...what exactly do you plan on doing?"
22-02-2007, 04:35
"Oh, it's not as hard as you might think." Lorathin replied as he interlaced his fingers and extended them, palm out. If Brieltha or Brent had taken the opportunity to look at him in that brief instant, they'd have noticed a faint shimmer, akin to heat mirage. A strange scent followed, one that as far as Brieltha was concerned was a mixture of sickly sweet laced with the rancid tones of rotten meat and mildew.

To Brent however, it would stimulate the flight portion of the flight or fight reflex as well as calling up many of the childhood boogymen. Only the ageless were immune to the subconsious terror the scent raised in dragonkind and even then they'd feel slightly nervous. If Brent was well informed, he'd realize that what he was facing was only slightly less hazardous to his health than concentrated extract of dragonsbane and much more immediate.

"Especially when your opponent has let the wolf into his sheep's pen."
The Blastit Empire
22-02-2007, 06:06
Brent showed no emotions but smiled wider. "Indeed..." he replied as he tapped the wall he was next to, making all the walls glow briefly. "Don't think I am too stupid to let you mess with my walls...don't think you can frighten me into submission. I am a dragon, messenger, not one of the lesser you..."

With that, Brent unsheathed the long, thin sword and walked towards Lorathin, sword extended and pointed towards the mage. The blade was strange in design as there were holes within the blade with small balls of metal in the middle suspended by nothing visible. The edge of the blade has a strange black color that reflected light as if it were any other metal.
22-02-2007, 06:18
"You don't know what I am dragon. The last time one of my 'lesser race' found a reason to hunt dragons, it took the intervention of the Ageless to preserve your kind." Lorathin replied with a slightly bloodthirsty grin as he licked his lips while slitted pupils appeared in his formerly pupil-less eyes, making them look as if they had been taken directly from a dragon's head.
The Blastit Empire
22-02-2007, 06:19
"Well then, if it's a fight between two titans, so be it. As long as you can keep away from this blade, perhaps you should be able to put up a fight," Brent replied, matching the smile with his own as a purplish gas seemed to emit from his robes in every opening.
23-02-2007, 00:36
Lorathin just smirked. Brent had already lost, he just hadn't realized it. What Brent hadn't realized, thought his body knew, was Lorathin's very presence was harmful to him, not fatal in and of itself but ultimately would result in the dragon's death.

"If I can avoid your toy, you won't be able to put up a fight." He mentioned as Brent would be weakening at an exponential rate, but it would take a while before it became apparent to the dragon.
The Blastit Empire
23-02-2007, 00:57
Brent continued to smile as he thrust the thin blade where Lorathin's chest was. If it sunk through, Lorathin would feel an intense sensation of pain. His heart would stop beating for a few uncomfortable seconds, his muscles would fail to move, his body would virtually become a temporary mold of gel. This all lasted within a grueling five seconds. The blade itself would leave no visible affects to Lorathin's body as it would just pass right through.

And if Lorathin dodged and walked into the ever increasing cloud of purplish gas, he would enter a coughing fit in which he would not escape from...unless he either got away from the cloud...or his lungs or throat rotted away from the deterioating affect the gas had on most creatures.

"We'll see, now won't we?" the dragon replied as his form seemed to grow gaseous itself, his moves very fluid-like but with a strange ghosting affect.
24-02-2007, 03:06
Lorathin slid to the side in a sineous movement, the blade sliding along his outer forearm. "You'll have to try a bit harder than that." He commented as a glacial whirlwind formed with the dragon at its center. Beside dropping the temperature within it's cone, it had the additional effect of drawing the gasses already release back toward Brent and preventing more from spreading.
The Blastit Empire
24-02-2007, 03:24
"Perhaps...or maybe you should find a way out of this room...before you die," Brent replied as the whirlwind died out as soon as it began, the walls glowing briefly during the process.

"It's obvious you've never battled a dragon before...or atleast one like me," Brent replied as he swung widely with a horizontal swing, his form perfect through the entire attack. It was obvious that Brent was a good swordfighter, amongst other things.
25-02-2007, 21:20
Rimoru could feel small tendrils of energy freely and willingly run into her as she looked up at Luthien and smiled weakly. Then, the child-like Loki walked up to her effortlessly.

"" she gasped, hoping that the creature understood her request.

The young mage nodded in understanding to the former empress as he quickly walked closer. Just as he stretched his arms out towards the orb, a great roar from the battlefield penetrated his ears. His head jerked around to see what was happening, but there was nothing... only a sea of demons and beasts.

Quickly he returned to his efforts. His white-gloved hands stretched forward and after a moment, energy flowed freely in the form of hot electricity. It shot out from his body and traveled directly to the partially dormant orb. He knew not of what he was attempting to accomplish, but nonetheless he gave all of his energy to the sphere.
25-02-2007, 21:29
Ikara smiled and nodded as she dismounted her horse. "I am honored, Sir Sebastion," she replied quietly as she walked towards the general's tent. There seemed to be a large group of officers all trying to speak at once to the general, all related to opening the gates. Ikara's eyebrows knitted together as she began to walk faster towards the noisey congregation.

As Sebastian approached the grand General's tent for the second time in as many hours, he kept close to the Lady Ikara. He was not sure whether the officers about would accept him as a friend and helper or despise him as an outsider as was the split with the regular soldiers. Perhaps in the commotion they would miss him altogether. His brilliant armor, shining and trimmed with gold, and silken white cloak stood out amongst the others' mostly worn down sets

The knight stayed close and let Ikara lead them through the noisy congregation of me...
26-02-2007, 23:21
"Most interesting. I must remember to get a sample of your wall later." Lorathin commented in the same kind of tone a friend might comment on getting a tree cutting.

As Brent swung wide Lorathin moved with a speed that was frightening, or would have been had he been facing a human opponent and was simply fast against a dragon. As he did so a substance that looked suspiciously like blood began leaking from various pores, creating scaberous patches across his visible skin.

"And what fun it'll be."
Kitab Al-Ibar
27-02-2007, 12:56
Mienna pressed forward, shouting ever louder for the others to come back to the stairs and get to the teleporter. Abruptly she found staring at the fangs of a demon hound as it leapt towards her. She could not dodge quickly enough and was sent hurtling backwards through the air. Time seemed to slow as she landed, feeling the air flow from her as it was forced out by the impact. Her eyes lost focus and the world seemed distant, then they closed and she was in darkness. She heard sounds of enraged shouting but couldn't understand what they said. The voice was familer, it sounded like Horatio, but she knew that was impossible. She was distantly aware of the closing demon hound and tried to make her heavy and unresponsive limbs move her away.

Time snapped back, Mienna's eyes opened, but now they were a dark black which quickly spread to her hair, her skin also darkened. She seemed to glow with energy and her hand clasped around the rapier sending green light coursing through it. She had manifested an aspect of natures wrath and its force was brought to bear and with one desperate swing she sliced cleanly through the demon hounds skull and the force behind the swing dragged her upright, she staggered, trying to catch her breath. Around her vines began to grow, spreading outward with each passing second, entangling any demon or inhuman creature. The glow around her dissapated and passed into the ground, she staggered forward towards Ixiar and the others.

She realised she was too late. Alegain was being swarmed, an inhuman roar rose from the centre of the pile, but after a moment nothing more. Ixiar too seemed to be tiring. Kalzog she could not see, but assumed he was having the time of his life. She began running towards them, slashing at any creature she passed and trying to shout her message between deep breaths.


Horatio stood in the office waiting for a response, considering exactly what type of support he was meant to ask for, Habdebza hadn't specified, but he assumed it was political. They had a constant supply of demons and he doubted the demon would be troubled by such things as money.

Suddenly he felt a blow, as if he had been struck, he took a small step backwards and appeared dazed. Inside he felt something tearing away his energy. He could see through two eyes, in one, a battle raged and in another he stood in this office, awaiting a response. The two blurred at the edgesand almost seemed to combine. His rage mounted as he felt himself being drained and with menace in his voice he shouted: "Release me creature, or suffer my wrath!" He lashed out wildly at where he imagined the two visions meeting and end what was causing this. In the real world the only actions were slight twitches in his arms and looks of confusion and rage briefly passing over his face.

It finished as quickly as it began. He swooned, but kept his balance and bowed his head, until he had mastered his emotions, hiding his sudden tiredness, but he couldn't keep it out of his voice as he was forced to apologie: "I am sorry mr Mcdungal, my attention was distracted for a moment. You're political support and perhaps a joint show of force will be required."
The Blastit Empire
04-03-2007, 10:00
"The wall itself is of any natural stone and wood assortment. However, I must thank you for the starting enchantments you placed on them when you spoke to Brieltha- they provided me the power and beginning spellwork to create the ultimate death trap. Your spells have no affect on me, but rather, it is more like you never thought them...they are silent from thought, from the tendrils of magic that surround us," Brent let out a dark laugh as he lashed out at Lorathin again. "And your precious breathing space is slowly disappearing..."

Brieltha, watching worriedly during the battle had finally abandoned the couch as the purplish gas invaded the space. Now, she was slowly moving towards the wall, escaping as much of the gaseous area as possible.


Artimius was furiously casting spells left and right, trying to stem the unrelenting tide of the demons yet he was having as little luck as Ixair, even with his wider area affecting castings.

Mienna had ordered him, and Rimoru probably wanted it of him, to protect both Ixair and Alegain and he had, to an extent. He had summoned small shields for them that covered their entire bodies. The drawback was, it left him a bit more drained than most destructive spells and the shields could only deflect a few blows.

As the arch-magus scanned the field, he noticed that Ixair's already seemed to have worn out. Yet the Ex-Emperor was doing rather well, and despite the ineffectiveness of his fire spells, Alegain had managed to push back the beasties.

Artimius smiled, thinking he had done well with his protection and instead turned to deal with the creatures that had bypassed the pathetic defense. He casually tossed a lightning spell that leapt from demon to demon and finished them off by sending a purplish blade towards them. However when the blade passed through one of the demon enforcers, the creature snarled and in a blind rage, began striking down at it's comrades, killing one in a swift chop and another before the remaining bore down on it.

It was then that the mage heard the roar of the emperor bouncing through the walls of the Arena. It sounded almost...demonic itself. He turned his head and ran to the rails leaning over slightly as he noticed the demons swarm over a circle of enforcers. Ixair was trying to make his way to the circle as well but was making very slow progress.

Suddenly shockwaves burst forth from the circle, blasting the first waves of demons apart. From the bloody circle, fire spewed forth when suddenly the emperor rose above them, fiery wings carrying him upwards...or atleast it looked like him. He certainly looked larger, bulkier, more muscular...and his eyes glowed as if on fire. In one muscular arm he wielded a fiery axe that he cleaved apart the demons that clung onto him in an attempt tried to bring him back down. With a twist in midair he flung off the remaining creatures and soared to the balconey that Artimius stood on. The mage just stared in amazement and somewhat anger as the emperor landed right next to Rimoru.

“My love! What’s…happened?” Rimoru sobbed as she briefly wrapped her arms around her husband, avoiding the flaming wings.

“I…I don’t know…But forget it, we must finish powering this orb. While I still have this power,” replied Alegain in a much deeper voice. He touched the orb with a seemingly burned hand and immediately the wings dissipated into nothingness. His hands returned to their normal color and he seemed to regain his previous size. But it quite evident that with those powers, Alegain had been given a great amount of energy, for soon enough, the Orb crackled and popped. Rimoru gasped as she held onto the orb and directed it’s energy in the shape of a portal.

“Get in! When the last spellcaster leaves the orb, it shall remain open for ten more seconds!” she shouted loudly for all to hear.

Beatrice had been standing nearby Luthien, making sure the little girl did not get hurt. Well, atleast she tried to look menacing.

However the poor dark elf failed to do even that. Her beautiful purple eyes were wide with fear and occasionally a tiny yelp would come out of her if a demon came a bit close for her personal comfort. One of her hands, however, remained close to the sword hilt at her waist. But it inched no closer, no matter how short the distance was between the next demon and herself.

Luckily, Artimius seemed to have them covered after Mienna left. Until the frightening roar, which Beatrice shuddered at.

That was when the berzerking enforcer had come to it's senses, barely alive, however now the demons had once again settled on their target. The spellcasters- including Beatrice.

With a yelp, Beatrice looked down at Luthien as she scooted closer to them. I cannot fight them! There are five and I am coward that won't even take out the sword at your hip! She looked at the glowing red blade and shuddered again. "Bodista...please help your friend in this time of need..." the beautiful dark elf whispered.

And out of thin air, with a flash of white light, the large angel formed, weapon readied and poised to strike the demons that threatened the angel's keeper. "Begone foul beasts! You have hindered my love for too long! Leave before I grow tired and kill you..."

The demons growled and hissed but backed away slowly as Bodista advanced at the same speed.

As the portal was opened, Beatrice looked at it wantingly, then at Luthien, then at Bodista who guarded the stairs menacingly. I will not leave until my friends have gone first... she thought boldly.

By her feet, the little goblin scurried rapidly to the portal and leapt through.


Ixair frowned as the emperor flew overhead, leaving Ixair to fight back to the stairwells. Yet he noticed Mienna had undergone a few drastic changes...and it looked quite good.

"Mienna? Are you alright?" he asked as he ran to her, staying back incase she had entered a raging mood or some sort of berzerk spell. He had noticed how easily she cleaved the demons apart and the writhing vines continued to strangle those that attempted to cross her path.


Glurp fell down with a loud "Oomf!" as he walked through the portal. He slowly looked up and noticed the darkness of a strangely calm forest. "Glurp think Rimmy-Lady need sign 'Watch out for step'!" the little green goblin croaked as he slowly got to his feet and examined his leafy surroundings. It was like the average deciduous forest with birds chirping and small mammals running in fear at the sudden arrival of the large glowing portal and the strange goblin.


"My political support and joint show of force?" Miffin replied to Horatio, his eyes narrowing at the sign of weakness from the demonic druid. "What happened? Are you alright?"

Magledesh only sneered cruely, walking to one of the paintings and making sure to push Horatio with his scorpian-like tail as he spun around.

"You see, sir...If anyone should be ruling Iskan, it should be me. If anything else, it'd be lots of women, and permission to cut down the Loreic Forests that Rimoru strived so hard to protect," Miffin continued, smoking heavily and puffing in Horatio's face.
Kitab Al-Ibar
04-03-2007, 21:28
Mienna almost fell as she felt the blast from Alegains leap and watched him soar above them beating off demons like insects. She regained her senses quickly and took stock of the situation, now she just need Ixiar and Kalzog.

Ixiar made her life a lot easier by appearing nearby, she turned her black eyes towards him, gave him a nod and with almost unnatural calm replied: "I'm fine, now lets grab Kalzog and get out of here." Saying that she turned and moved with purpose in his direction, after half a dozen steps she started to sway a little but continued moving, though it clearly took a lot of effort.


A deep and threatening growl came from Horatio. His patience was wearing thin, booth from the mans uncouth attitude and the bizarre mental assault he had suffered. Magledesh's prodding was not helping either. He at least planned to turn his odd behaviour to his advantage. "That was my master voicing his displeasure over the delay. Imagine, this is how he treats his loyal servents, how do you think his enemies fare?"

He reached into a pocket and drew out the coin Habdebza had given him, in a restrained and almost patronising voice he said: "Miffin, miffin, miffin... My master is not unreasonable, he bade me give you this trinket." Having said the name three times he confidently flicked the coin towards Miffin, though not with enough force, so that it landed on the table in front of him with a solid thunk, the symbol of Valtrox facing upwards. As it did, Horatio used a slight bit of magic to wither and destroy the plants Miffin was smoking. Though even this took some effort on his part.

He turned and strode to the door, giving Magledesh a sign to follow. Just before exiting he looked back over his shoulder and said: "I'm sure we will meet again... when you have discovered it's use. You should be able to find us without much trouble."
04-03-2007, 23:17
Alegain touched the orb with a seemingly burned hand and immediately the wings dissipated into nothingness. His hands returned to their normal color and he seemed to regain his previous size. But it quite evident that with those powers, Alegain had been given a great amount of energy, for soon enough, the Orb crackled and popped. Rimoru gasped as she held onto the orb and directed its energy in the shape of a portal.

“Get in! When the last spellcaster leaves the orb, it shall remain open for ten more seconds!” she shouted loudly for all to hear.

Energy continued to flow freely from the Loki's gloved hands when suddenly a giant demonic creature set down next to him. It gave him a right start, noticeable by the momentary waning in outgoing energy, but when Rimoru identified the beast as Alegain, Loki was once again pouring all his effort into powering the orb.

Luckily, however, he did not have to waste any more energy as the ex-emperor powered it nearly all by himself in but a moment. Some god had given him great power, and he used it accordingly. The young mage broke his connection and within moments Rimoru had opened a portal to another land. He still wasn't quite sure where they were heading, but at the moment anything was better than the demon filled arena. Following behind the clumsy goblin, Loki leapt into the portal and arrived in a much more pleasant place.

Surrounded by green and passive nature, Loki relaxed momentarily, drained from his efforts, and waited for the others to come through.
The Blastit Empire
05-03-2007, 03:27
"Mienna, wait!" Ixair shouted suddenly, over the noise of battle. He couldn't help but notice her having trouble walking. What happened? Is this new coloring draining her energy? He jogged next to her, dodging a blade and thrusted his blade into its chest as he did so.

"Mienna, you don't seem well at all. Go back up, I will get the ogre," the elf said to her, placing a gentle hand on her far shoulder for support, his eyes constantly darting all around them for any more demonic threats. However the great many of them seemed to have begun chasing after the Emperor.

"No need, get yourselves to the portal!" Kalzog shouted from nearby as his fist clenched over the shoulders of an Enforcer, bloody pulp oozing out from between the ogre's fingers.


Miffin frowned deeply as his weed stopped smoking suddenly. He pulled the pipe away from his mouth and sniffed annoyingly. They don't make cigar stuffing like they used to... he thought angrily to himself as he stared at the eery coin. It seemed to ignite images of him bathing in gold, beautiful, succulent women at every side, all desiring his love. Yet it also gave him a deep feeling of dread. He carefully picked it up and looked on the other side, almost dropping it as he did so. A skull's face that seemed to scream horrificly when he looked into its eyes. He could have sworn they glowed red for a second.

"But what does it do!?" he shouted after them as the doors were closing. When the doors finally were shut, Miffin began to feel sweat dripping down his forehead. The room seemed to be eerily dark and he was...alone. Sure, he'd been alone in his room during dark hours before and never was bothered by it. But just made him worry.

"Just need to smoke...that's all, Miffin," the business man said to himself as he got more stuffing for his pipe.


"Big-Hat know where you and Glurp are?" the goblin asked Loki as he looked around, waiting for the others to come out. This was the first time he was alone with the strange figure and the first time he could thoroughly examine him.
Kitab Al-Ibar
05-03-2007, 14:36
Mienna felt lightheaded and leant against Ixiar for support as he touched her shoulder, Her vision was fuzzy, but she looked him in the eyes and whispered: "Help me." She felt exausted, the energy that had surged into her had quickly been drained by castng the spell and by fighting.

She heard Kalzog and nodded, leaning against Ixiar to try and turn them back to stairs, the vines were still lashing, but the area of effect of the spell was shrinking back towards her slowly.


Horatio turned after leaving the room and leaned heavily against a wall. After a moment he said in a weary, but commanding tone. "We will walk into town to find some accomadation and you will draw as much attention to yourself as possible without breaking the local laws. I wan't him to be able to find us when he's ready." He pushed himself from the wall and stalked down the passage towards the exit. Wondering if his claim that Habdebza had caused the disruption had been accepted by the demon or not.
The Blastit Empire
05-03-2007, 19:59
Ixair stuttered and couldn't quite find the right words, so he stopped trying to talk, his mouth a bit ajar.. What c-can I do? I know very few spells and...

"Hold on tight," Ixair finally said as he slowly crouched and picked her up so she was laying across his arms. Holding her tight, Ixair began to sprint at the quickly dieing clearing to the portal. Although Mienna was in no way, shape, or form heavy set- She was quite beautiful and in shape- she was heavier than the usual goblin he carried around and had to adjust his hold slightly.

A few demons hacked through the withering vines and passed through as Ixair passed by, their blades coming mere inches close to his skin.

Suddenly, three enforcers blocked the staircase, their swords pointed towards Ixair. The elf cursed loudly as he had no idea how to get around this without putting down the drained Mienna.

Suddenly, one of the demons exploded in a shower of blood and demonic bits. Its comrades were just as surprised as they turned to look who did it.

Kalzog was there, a large warhammer in his hands- the last thing the demons would see as he bashed the second demon away and finally threw the hammer into the third.

"Hurry! We must get out of here!" Kalzog shouted as the demons broke through more areas of the vines.

The elf prince bounded up the stairs and crouched nearby the other spellcasters, catching his breath.

" can I help?" he asked between breaths.


Magladesh nodded slowly before giving a faint grin. "Sounds like fun..." he chuckled. His eyes that held the feeling of curiosity did not leave Horatio after that statement however. The demon was a bit curious to know if Habdebza was truly watching them...
Kitab Al-Ibar
05-03-2007, 20:54
Horatio didn't look back to check if magledesh was following, but gave a grim smile at the demons comment. They were soon at the exit and he stalked past the guards with barely any sign of acknowledging them, but after a few steps turned and stalked back giving them a nod. "Please direct me to the location of a good inn." He said to the guard he had spoken to earlier.


Mienna had been slightly surprised at being picked up, but she was too tired to feel a need to comment on it. Instead she just gave a small giggle at how strange it felt being carried. She was almost oblivious to the world around her, she had seen Ixiar's mouth move but had heard nothing and just smiled at him before letting herself fall back into a deep sleep.
The Blastit Empire
05-03-2007, 21:31
"Well, depends what ya want an' 'ow much gold ya got," the guard replied to Horatio. "McDungal Inn which is down this 'ere street is the finest in town, an' quite lovely too. It don't strike yer fancy, try the Blackwater inn close ta the docks, over this manor. 'Tis much cheaper but terrible view an' in bad side o' town," the guard replied as he shifted his feet. The other guards were still nervous at the two demon-like entities and were anxious to see if they had killed Miffin or not.


Ixair cocked his head to the side as she fell asleep, then looked at the tired empress who watched nearby.

"We'll deal with he later...get to the portal," Rimoru said in a strained voice. Ixair could tell she was worn out, but weren't they all. Just a few days ago, Ixair was enjoying his everyday life and now he was running from demons, helping someone he would have rather seen disposed of, and falling in love with multiple women at the same time.

Ixair looked down at Mienna, laying peacefully in his arms. He nodded and walked slowly to the portal, hoping nothing would happen to her during their trip and stepped through.

He appeared seconds later in a dense forest, where the air was fresh and untainted and the only sounds were that of the nearby goblin and the wilderness that surrounded them in all directions. The elf carefully walked next to a tree and sat down, wondering that perhaps the change in environment would help her. His hand gently began to stroke her hair wondering how exactly she changed her look so suddenly.
05-03-2007, 22:28
Harlin looked back as he heard the crackle of power emanating from Alegain. The heat from his wings beat down on him, as a glint of recognition passed across his eyes. It couldn't be though, the veil of death had long claimed that adversary and was seldom returned those it held.

Looking back to Cantrell, he saw that the man had fallen unconscious, he mutter a profanity under his breath before hoisting the man over his shoulder, and setting off towards the portal.

He had underestimated the weight of Cantrell's chains, and labored heavily simply to walk, with running entirely out of the question. Slowly though, he Approached the portal and tossed Cantrell's limp form through before drawing his swords and standing to defend the casters as they made their retreat.

Turning to Luthien and Beatrice, he saw what looked like an Angel beating back the demons. He yelled to them, "Luthien, Beatrice, Go now, we'll hold them off till you have all gone through!"
06-03-2007, 20:46
"I don't mind my 'breathing space being eroded." Lorathin commented with a deep laugh as if something incredibly funny struck him while stepping out of the way of the blade's tip. "I didn't realize you were that foolish."

What Brent had forgotten was there were a few sources of power and while drawing upon the ambient power was practically a necessity for a human as they couldn't draw upon thier own power to do much more than light a candle, other creatures drew upon thier own power.

Closing his eyes for a half-second, he opened them as what looked light electricity ran over portions of his skin between the scaberous patches. Looking at the dragon, he clenched his hand and Brent would feel as if someone had taken his heart in hand and was squeezing it.


Lúthien felt comforted by Bea's presence. She felt like an older sister taking care of her and a little sister she could look after at the same time.

As Glurp dived through the portal, she grabbed the elder elf's hand and tugged it as if saying they should go through together. She also wondered why daddy had been gone so long but trusted that he was doing something important and necessary.
The Blastit Empire
07-03-2007, 00:47
Beatrice looked at Horatio, then back at Bodista before feeling a tiny, smooth, hand gently take hold of her own. The dark elf glanced down at the small girl who had befriended her since Lorathin had taken her into her strange residence. Her friend. Beatrice gave a nod as if to agree to both statements and slowly began to walk towards the portal.

" safe, please?" she said quietly and glanced back at Bodista. Come back to me, my guardian.... With that, she carefully stepped through the strange portal, closing her eyes as she did so.


Brent looked down at his chest and frowned slightly. "Tricky..." he said quietly before prodding it gently. Suddenly, his smile lit up again. "I may be foolish, but I'm not the one who will be lieing on my floor, dead in a matter of minutes," the dragon chuckled. "I don't rely on single enchantments to protect myself. I will give it to you, mage, that you are gifted and very different. You probably could kill a lesser dragon alone...but I am no lesser dragon."

Suddenly, the dragon-man's mouth opened wide and he exhaled a large cloud of the poisonous fumes towards Lorathin.

From behind the mage, Brieltha frowned as she hugged the wall. "You may be good...but you aren't too bright," she growled. "I told you he was powerful."
07-03-2007, 01:50
"Big-Hat know where you and Glurp are?" the goblin asked Loki as he looked around, waiting for the others to come out. This was the first time he was alone with the strange figure and the first time he could thoroughly examine him.

Loki shrugged gently as he dusted off his clothes from the trip through the portal. He didn't like being called "big-hat," and though it reminded him of some incident earlier with him and the goblin, he couldn't quite remember what - the benefit and drawback of having a poor issue.

"Weren't we looking for Rimoru's friend or something... like a gnome or something?" he asked, trying to remember where they were heading. "I assume where near wherever that is." He grew quiet after that, waiting for the others to come through and take charge once again. For the moment, however, he was just happy to be rid of the demon mass.
Kitab Al-Ibar
07-03-2007, 16:09
Horatio nodded his thanks to one of the guards and walked away at a brisk pace in the direction of the docks, to find the Blackwater Inn. He cast a glance back over his shoulder at Magledesh every now and then to make sure he was following and to keep an eye on how he was making himself noticable.


Mienna stirred slightly and seemed to smile slightly as they entered the forest, but apart from that she was unchanged and remained asleep.
07-03-2007, 20:20
"No, you aren't a lesser dragon and quite a bit better than you were given credit for, but still lacking." Lorathin commented as by know the strength sapping aura would be reaching critical mass quite shortly and as it wasn't magical in nature, Brent's spell wouldn't be interfering with it.

"I did underestimate him, that is true and unless he happens to be holding any number of aces, his time is quite close to being absolutely impotent." He added as he waved a hand in front of his face to deal with a large portion of the vile smelling gas. The small amount he breathed in burned about as much as smoke however.
11-03-2007, 05:27
Heavy thuds rang through the deck as Beau descended down the stairs into the cargo hold, a large room crowded with crates and barrelles. His ears skimmed the top of the door and flicked upwards as they passed the edge. The beast lumbered forward toward a cage holding pigs, who were fast asleep and huddled together. He walked slouched over at six feet while his arms dangled to the floor dragging his seven inch claws in front of him. As he released the latch the swine awakened violently, squeeling, and running from his massive reach. A minute later he tossed the carcass back into the pen and licked his blood coated hands happily.

"The storm is coming." Hel muttered quietly staring across the endless plain of undead. Decorated in a regal purple gown with an elegant golden pattern running up the side. Behind her glasses, her eyes shimmered like fine wine basked in candlelight. A strong and misleading gaze that covered her sadness. The wind had undone the bun tied in her hair and let her long black hair flow gently. Born less than a peasant she had more poise and presence than any noblewoman or queen alive, she was indeed an imposing figure.


"Keep an eye on that imp skully." Mahura almost inaudibly whispered to the Skull Knight perched on the bow of the ship. His response was as always a silent stare. "The queen may trust him, but honestly I don't. The dragons knew where to find us and it just so happens it was right after he came into the scene."

The bone clad figther just gazed into the vast sky.

"The queen's orders are infallible." The Skull Knight's voice echoed violently.

"I forgot." The elf said sarcastically. "We'll all be dead after this war anyways, might as well not get stabbed in the back beforehand."


Xenocrates emerged from his private home in the middle of the lava fields covered in heavy grey armor, which compared to his extravagent crimson glass battle suit, was very dull. A final gift from his dragon mother, the armor only enhanced the Dragoon General's powers, where as the former gear restricted it. This new armor revealed his extremely pale face sharpened by piercing red eyes.

Maybe this is my chance to get rid of that bastard lizard. That geezer already hates him, and eventually him and Valtrox will obliterate each other.

He interrupted his thought to take in the joy of it.

Leaving only me to inherit what remains.
The Blastit Empire
11-03-2007, 22:31
"Hmmm...yes...Glurp find gnome-man...come help," the goblin said to Loki as he began to pick up loose rocks and search under them and search around bushes and trees.

Ixair continued to stroke the hair from the unconscious Mienna, wondering when she will wake up.


Kalzog bareyly got up the thin staircase as his bulk prevented very little space between himself and the railings. However it proved well for the demons could not get around the large ogre and instead, ended up slicking the staircase with their innards and blood.

As Kalzog got to the top, he looked at the royal family, then at Harlin.

"Get your family out of here! We'll cover you!" Kalzog shouted as he slammed his fist into a Maw that had leapt up the staircase. The Maw's jaw snapped together, slicing it's long gruesome tongue together. Then with a slap, it went tumbling down the staircase.

"Harlin, take care of the faster things like the hounds. I'll take care of Maws and a few enforcers!" he growled as the royal family made their way to the portal.

"I will only be able to keep the portal stabilized for a few minutes, ogre. I suggest you keep your playtime short!" Rimoru shouted before walking through the portal with a shakey gait.

"I can have my few minutes of fun..." Kalzog grinned wickedly as he stepped in front of the portal, the demons making their way up all the staircases, over the blood and guts of their comrades. That's when they charged...


Viral tossed the smoke from his pipe out the side of the airship as the cloudly sky began to chill him through his armor. His thoughts kept flashing to his queens private chambers where he almost felt the soft lips of her majesty press against his...if it wasn't for the stupid little wolf...

He sighed and looked towards the glorious figure of his queen and slowly walked behind her.

"Your highness...are you not cold? I have a coat for you to wear that I can easily access," he said softly, bowing behind her.


Brent snarled as he swung wildly again. He seemed to feel himself draining away slowly as he raised his efforts to kill Lorathin. Smoke blasted out of his cloak in a flurry, a dark purple haze fogging up all but the small area that Brieltha and Lorathin took up.

Brieltha coughed as she sniffed a small portion of the toxic clouds and crouched behind Lorathin. "If you kill him, I'll make sure to bury your body with a gravemarker so you will atleast be remembered," she said with a grunt. "Because, frankly...we need him to get out of this slave camp alive...he has the keys to all locked doors, he has the power to prevent the guards from killing us, and who knows, he may have locked the only door into this room as well..."
The Blastit Empire
11-03-2007, 23:16
Horatio nodded his thanks to one of the guards and walked away at a brisk pace in the direction of the docks, to find the Blackwater Inn. He cast a glance back over his shoulder at Magledesh every now and then to make sure he was following and to keep an eye on how he was making himself noticable.

"What? You want me to make the ruckus now? You don't want to wait?" Magledesh asked suddenly breaking the silence. The demon's lips curled up in a mischievious smile as he looked at an inn nearby. "If you so wish it..."

Magladesh continued to follow behind Horatio, but his eyes closed and he seemed to be drifting in and out of consciousness as his breathing rate slowed down.

He just needed to search for one of those over-heated, drunken idiots to perform this complicated spell...


Inside the inn, many of Miffin's private guardsmen were drunkinly singing a song or chasing several wenches about for pleasure.

Most of the patrons, however sat or lay along chairs or booths drinking whatever ale or rum they could get for their underpriced wages. The sickly people of the town all seemed pretty glum and most of the men seemed to be adultorous, drunken fools.

The bartenders and waitresses could barely keep up serving all the drinks but after years of practice, they could fill and refill and serve as fast as an ogre could slay a cow. The cooks themselves were perhaps the busiest of the bunch, keeping the popular tavern full of cooking food. A boiling cauldron, a pig on a spit, whatever was wanted in the tavern...

One of the chefs gasped as he felt overheated in the dirty kitchen. The fires were cackling as he turned a spit so the pig would get evenly cooked.

"John, ya look sick...ya should take a break..." his friend said from behind, giving him a pat on the back. "I'll take care o' this squeeler."

John gave a weak smile and nodded as he walked out into the cooler bar area. He sighed as he poured himself a large mug of ale and began to chug it down. Yet the cool liquid should have cooled him down...instead, he felt hotter.His hair was matted to his head and large beads of sweat cascaded down his young face.

Refilling the glass he drank again and taking a long drink of it. Finally, he began to feel cooler...except his throat burned horrendously and the feeling began to spread to his mouth. Strong ale...a bit too strong I guess...I need to slow down... he thought to himself. Yet when he opened his eyes, he noticed fire rolling out of his mouth and following the liquid into his mug. With a shout he dropped the now flaming ale.

"It's cursed! Help!" he screamed before fire poured out of his mouth and onto the floor and his clothing. Men ran from every direction trying to douse the blaze, but no matter how much water they poured onto the man, he continued to light again.

"He's cursed! Get away from him!" the bar keeper shouted, leaping out of the bar area and running to the doors.

Suddenly, the alcohol the burning chef spilled on the floor reached the barrals of ale that he had drunk from. With shouts of horror, the patrons tried to run out of he bar but it was too late. The large kegs exploded violently, sending deadly splinters all across the tavern.


Magladesh smiled as he opened his eyes, sweat glistening off his eyebrows. He glanced back to see his handiwork and noticed small tongues of flames emitting from a broken window and reaching for the neighboring building...

Just as planned... the demon thought to himself.
11-03-2007, 23:52
Glancing back to Viral, Hel gently shook her head while drawing a faint smile.

"The cold wind lets me guess roughly what are altitude is, and unless I'm mistaken we're approaching a human settlement." She claimed folding her arms stoicly.

A hot rotten breath crept up behind Viral as Beau leaned his snout over his shoulder.

"She is not one to get close to." The wolf said quietly drawing a grotesque smile rife with fresh swine.
12-03-2007, 00:20
With a thunderous whoosh of air from every beat of its wings, Ttomak’s undead mount landed on a cliff just ahead of the vanguard of the army. Both it and the green-blooded general riding atop it looked down upon the soldiers, both the alive and the not quite so, before looking up to find the airships high in the sky a short distance behind. Glancing in the other direction, they saw on the horizon the first of the victims in their path laid.

Receiving a mental command from Ttomak, the blackened dragon jumped off the cliff and unfurled its wings to quietly glide to the ground. The hind pair of claws touched down first, followed by the fore pairs. It just stood there in the path while the army caught up to it.

Once the army got nearer, Ttomak lifted a black-gauntleted hand to beckon the keeper of the hounds forward. The undead canines themselves started barking in anticipation, for they could smell what was to come.

The tactics were planned ahead of time, and the general saw no reason to change them just yet. The lay of the land was just as they had expected. All he needed was a signal from the airships indicating that they were ready, and he would release the dogs of war.
Kitab Al-Ibar
12-03-2007, 00:37
Horatio raised an eyebrow as he watched Magledesh seemingly sleepwalking behind him. Moments later he heard shouts from a nearby inn and then an explosion.

He glanced back at Mageledesh and sighed. "When i said leave him a trail, death and destruction wasn't exactly what i had planned..." Then he smiled. "But it's about time some of these wretches died." He watched the flames slowly devouring the building without stopping.


Ezekial had spent a few moments examining the ship, he was impressed. Overall he was not a stranger to technology and this looked as well engineered as anything he had yet seen, perhaps better than most. It seems electrical trinkets won't amuse them. Pity. He wasn't carrying many, but in the poorer or more traditional places he could sometimes make a pretty penny off them.

He absentmindedly and perhaps slightly nervously spun a plain silver ring on his finger as he rejoined the suspicious dark elf and the unusual undead being. "A fine piece of machinery." He said, though not to anyone in particular, then added questioningly. "I wonder... does it just fly or does it have other uses?"
The Blastit Empire
12-03-2007, 00:37
Viral scrunched up his nose and slowly moved to the side so the bloody muzzle of Beau wouldn't sit so close to his shoulder. Although he feared the giant wolf man, he knew Marlene would not let the brute hurt him as long as he remained in her good graces. And as far as he knew, he was still in her good graces.

"With breath like yours, Sparky, I wouldn't want to get near you," Viral chuckled as he glanced at Marlene and backed away again.

"I shall ready myself for battle, my lady," he announced with another bow. Yet his thoughts strayed to what the wolf said. Beau doesn't know what went on earlier...I am certain we felt something for each other...then again, her mind seems to be in dissarray at times...But no, she cares for me...I know she does.


Magledesh smiled as the flames engulfed yet more buildings. But the flames seemed to be jumping onto certain buildings rather than wildly burning through the entire city blocks. From the top of Miffin's overpriced mansion, the fat tycoon would be able to make out the sign of Valtrox from the flames, the very top of Valtrox's head pointing towards the inn in which the demons would find themselves resting in for the night...

"It's a trail. And it's fun. Besides, I figured you would enjoy it considering these people absolutely love to rip apart forests and grow fat and grosteque..." the demon chuckled as he turned to watch people form long lines from wells and attempt to subdue the raging inferno. "Besides, I needed practice..."
12-03-2007, 00:54
"You battle?" Beau chuckled and stood upright at a staggering nine feet tall. His tall lean figure was littered with faded scars and patches of fur cindered. The Varvul's arms outstretched at a frightening length coupled with his freakishly long claws. "You may find fun in battling a farmer with a pitchfork, but when the dragons come I wonder how brave you'll be."

"Beau, you're to carry Viral to the frontlines of this slaughter, and should a spec of debris land on him...well you remember the Spider Virus." Hel said smiling deviously.

The wolf's eyes grew wide as he recalled the three weeks he vomitted large arachnids and the weeks afterwards trying to remove the eggs from his ears and eyes.

Hel raised her hand and then lunged it forward towards the small settlement. Immediately the airships all released a yellow signal as the hordes of undead broke into a sprint.

Give them hell my general.

The earth thundered under the awesome numbers of the undead.


"Essentially it just flies, but when heated it becomes a massive bomb." Mahura claimed passing her glance to the balloon overhead and then pointing below where the explosives were laying dormant.

A bright yellow light caught her glance and lifted her spirits slightly.

"Looks like we've reached the first outpost, not too much further until we run into the thick of things."
Kitab Al-Ibar
12-03-2007, 01:03
Horatio laughed, but kept his voice low as he said; "They do deserve to die. I just didn't expect you to be so... blunt in you're method of leaving a trail." He smiled cruely as he forced his way through one of the bucket lines, 'accidently' knocking several people over. "Practice for anything specific?" he asked, letting out another laugh.

After a moment's though he scowled. "If the dragon we bumped into earlier is still around we might be attracting unwanted attention. We will just have to be careful."


Ezekial frowned slightly, but quickly smiled slyly; "It seems a bit of a waste, too disposable for my liking. I guess that could be useful though."

He cast a glance around the craft curiously; "How do you intend to survive such an explosion?" He asked as he gave the bombs another look. He was under no doubt that he could probably survive if it did explode, but it was not an appealing idea.

He was still unsure of where they were going, but it seemed like they would be fighting soon. He smiled confidently and slipped a hand into his pocket. The smile quickly turnd into a frown and he quickly patted several other pocket before reaching into his bag with a slightly frantic look. After a moments rummaging however he gave a relieved smile and closed the bag again.
12-03-2007, 01:10
"This is a one way trip buddy." Mahura smirked sitting down into a cushioned chair. "The Queen is only interested in smoking out the dragons from hiding."

The Skull Knight's eyes slanted furiously at his companion.

"You know nothing of the Queen's ambitions!" He boomed from under his thick armor.

"Whatever." Mahura sighed sliding back into the chair while eyeing the imp carefully. "An explosion? Well the crew won't, but Skull and I will easily, as for you I don't really care."
The Blastit Empire
12-03-2007, 03:38
Viral continued to back away incase the bloodthirsty wolfman decided it was time for desert. Currently, he was unarmed and he wasn't much for melee combat unless he had a sword or atleast a knife and he still was only medeocre with one.

Just then, Marlene interjected with an order Viral had no idea whether to embrace or wince. He didn't want to go with this stench-filled rug, even with the threat of a virus (which Viral had to give a faint smile to). But he would be given this chance to show off to the Queen and prove himself more than worthy a fighter for her...and perhaps a lover.

"My lady, I shall go forth and bring death and destruction to your name. They shall feel your wrath and join your ranks," Viral said finally, bowing low and trying his best to ignore the wolf man.


It seemed Magladesh and Horatio had finally reached some friendship and commonality between them as they enjoyed the destruction they sent upon the city and the torment they do the obese megalomaniac.

"Practice for that spell...and for what is to come," Magledesh replied as he too knocked over a few people from the bucket lines.

"If the dragon notices this area, good for it. It'll take a while to find two specific people in a city as large as this forsaken town."
12-03-2007, 04:24
"Just get ready." Beau barked still unpleased at the command.

"Snukins has a point Viral, best get moving before there's no one left to kill." Hel remarked with an upbeat tone before glancing at the Varvul."He'll show up eventually."

Beau grinned, loosely clenching his fist.

"That's right, I'm counting on you to capture the Dragoon Lord, while Ttomak handles the other general." The queen ordered without breaking her stare on the forward line. "Also if we come across Kalzog...he's yours."

Hel smiled as Beau lowered his head snarling.

Kalzog, that damned traitor! A follower of chaos and he betrayed me, the very avatar of destruction. With him I would have had my very own army, and this little peon would have been my slave.
Kitab Al-Ibar
12-03-2007, 16:45
"A one way trip? and Dragons?" He muttered quietly to himself, he had encountered a few and 'liberated' a few treasures from some, but he wasn't exactly eager to face one. "Perhaps I picked a bad time to offer my services...."

The skull knights outburst startled Ezekial and he hopped a step back before realising the source. I thought he was mute...

He quickly regained his composure and flashed Mahura a smile; "You're generosity knows no bounds my lady." He said sarcastically. "Unfortunately you won't get rid of me that easily."

He cast a glance over the side and saw the undead hordes beneath them with various skeletal dragons flying above. He moved his eyes toward the front and saw some kind of activity, He reached into his pack and pulled out a tube which would maginify his vision. Pointing it at the scene he asked: "Is something going on?"


Horatio nodded, he still couldn't shake the feeling of exhaustion and was beggining to get hungry, "Let's get a move on shall we?"
12-03-2007, 22:00
Ezekial's flinch caugth Mahura's eye and made her smile. For the longest time she thought the walking tank was mute until she made a comment against Hel, the outburst then had caused her to dash into the shadows. His disembodied voice was quite startling Four nine inch needles sprung from between Mahura's fingers as thin silver lines traced up into her arm.

"The slaughter is starting, but I'm waiting for the bigger fish to arrive before having some fun." The dark elf giggled before the thin spikes vanished back into their sheaths. "I don't see a need to get rid of you, but that doesn't mean I won't keep an eye on you. After all if you tried something in the middle of all this well that would just be foolish."

"Where are you from." Mahura asked as a large skeletal dragon roared passed them.
Kitab Al-Ibar
12-03-2007, 23:50
Returning the tube he had looked through back to his bag he turned to face Mahura, just in time to see the blades vanish back into wherever she kept them. And i will have to keep an eye on you as well. He though grudgingly.

He smiled at her next question. "Originally? Somewhere akin to what you might call hell. More specifically, the city of Pandaemonium." He gave a sigh. "It was a fair life, till some jumped up sorcerer decided i'd make a nice pet. Needless to say, he was wrong."

"If you meant since i've been in your world... i've been here and there, owned an inn for a while. Things didn't work out and i've ended up here." He shrugged, seemingly unconcerned that to all intents and purposes they seemed to be on their way to possible death.
13-03-2007, 00:09
Her eyes examined the imp and an arrogant smile drew across her lips. "Call me wrong, but I think you'd make a nice pet as well." Mahura replied dryly turning her eyes over at the Skull Knight.

"Hell eh? Do you think it strange that you've travelled so far away only to return from where you came?" She added rubbing the inside of her wrist where four tiny holes glimmered briefly in the passing reflection of the attack signal.

The tube Ezekial was holding caught her attention. It was not a normal trinket, nor was this a normal merchant either. So she passed the thought away as she slouched back in the chair again. I've been in hell for as long as I can remember.

In the distance the forward ships released their hull doors spilling hundreds of exploding crates onto the small outpost. Plumes of fire rittled the village resembling a small field of orange liliacs. After the initial bombardment the undead canine were sent into the populace.
Kitab Al-Ibar
13-03-2007, 00:50
Ezekial flashed Mahura a smile and examined her more closely. "Perhaps that can be arranged, i'm sure you would be a far more magnificent mistress than that sorcerer could ever have been."

"Oh no, this isn't hell, far too cold... and the locals are far more pleasing on the eyes than most demons. Although you seem just as unyielding and tough." He gave her another smile and then turned at the sound of explosions and watched the fire tear apart the village. "Perhaps down there its more like hell..."

Turning back he asked curiously: "And where did you come from? if you don't mind me asking."
13-03-2007, 01:10
"Why I'm so lethal is not because of my agility, or my speed, it's that no one ever sees me coming." Mahura boasted with a sly grin. "Appearances are tantamount to skill in combat, mislead your foe without ever leading them on, and let them do themselves in."

A human mercenary was sprinting feverously into his position when suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his chest. It shot through to his back and as he went to scream he found no breath to do so. Once gravity took hold of his limp figure his body fell in two, split from the upper torso. A thin collection of blood glistened on an almost invisibly thin line tracing about the vessel. As quickly and silently as it began four needles slid back into Mahura's wrist and the only hint of her wrongdoing was the twisted grin on her face.

"I awoke into the service of the queen like the rest of us. Where I come from, and where I'll not for a slave to know." She added miserably.
13-03-2007, 05:26
Ttomak watched as the signals from the airships went off. What? Give them you? I don't get it...oh, wait, you meant give them lowercase hell! Ooooh, okay! He grinned, and was sure that Hel could see it despite their distance.

With a roar from the dragon, both mount and rider surged forward, followed by the charging horde. Spreading its wings out and flapping a few times while making several hops off of the ground, the black dragon took to the air once again as the spearhead of the attack.

By the time the villagers knew what was coming, it was too late. Ttomak was first on the scene. Balls of flame shot forth from the dragon's snout, aiming at nothing in particular, but certainly instilling fear and causing confusion down below. Any groups of people attempting to flee the village would get a blast of flames in their path, forcing them to stay penned up in their homes for the rest of the army and airships to arrive.

Before too long, the hounds began sniffing out the unfortunate survivors of the bombing. Several people made a valiant attempt to defend their loved ones, but to little avail. This initial engagement, if it could be called one, was all too easy, but that was to be expected. It was only a matter of time before the real fighting began.


Ravaal was leading the rear guard in the path that the main host of the army passed through not long before. It was an important position that Ttomak had trusted to him, as it would be very bad if an enemy force managed to sneak up behind the main body and started to cut it up. Although the main host was not currently visible, the obvious signs of their previous presence could not be missed. The land around them was trampled under countless feet, so much so that not even insects could be seen scurring about anymore.

The tiny blimps far ahead of them shown yellow a short while before, and the dwarf knew what that meant. The first of the battles had started. He was not too upset over missing the fight, as he was certain that he would get his fair share of it in due time.

Looking around at the other soldiers in the rear guard, something caught his eyes. One of the figure was cloaked and hooded - which in of itself was not too suspicious, as many others in the group preferred to travel that way. But this particular one seemed odd, like they did not belong there. Ravaal jumped off of his mount and pushed his way toward that figure. Though short in stature, others quickly made way for the frowning dwarf. The hooded figure glanced briefly in his directly and tried to blend into the mass of people.

"Outta my way!" Ravaal shouted as he quickened his pace to catch the figure before he losses it. "Catch 'im!" he ordered the people around the figure. They grabbed the person as commanded, and one pulled the hood off to reveal who it was.

"Ael!?" the dwarf exclaimed. "Wot tha blood'ee 'ell are ya doin' here, lass? Are yeh outta yer mind? It's dangerous!" After a quick look at the men holding her and a gesture, he said, "Let 'er go."

"I'm not staying behind at the fortress," Ael said.

"Lass, don't yeh know wot could've 'appened if someone else caught yeh?"

Ael shrugged. "Good thing you were first. You're not going to execute me, are you?" she gave him puppy dog eyes, try to stifle her laughter.

Ravaal grounded his teeth. "Nay, but I could send yeh back."

"You can't do that!"

"An' why not?" asked the dwarf.

"Because..." Ael glanced around, searching for an answer. "Because...well, Ttomak expects you to protect me when you could, right?"

"...Aye," he said with hesitation, not sure where she was going with this.

With a single-shouldered shrug, Ael said, "Well, how would you do that if you're going to send me off? Clearly the best way to protect me is to keep me nearby so you can keep an eye on me."


She started walking to the front of the group, where Ravaal's mount stood waiting. "Come on now. We can't fall too far behind the body, now can we?"
13-03-2007, 05:54
Always a joker general. She replied smiling trying to let it go too much as she refused to let herself come off as human.

Hel grabbed and leveled a fine silver rifle at a sharp angle to the ground. She was whispering rapidly a large amount of numbers and a few letters that struck those surrounding her as unusual. The queen paused for a second before launching a shot that seemed to fly aimlessly at the ground.

"Beau, take Viral to where I was aiming for some cleanup." The dark mistress ordered resting the weapon beside her. The wolf nodded quietly, the very mention of the Spider Virus had his collar pulled tight.


Struggling up the sharp mountain rocks, Rjor led his family quickly as the strange dots continued overhead. The farmer fled at first sight of them a few hours ago and thanked the kind gods he had.

Unfortunately his thankful prayer was interrupted by an invisible missile passing through his chest. Before the terrified eyes of his son he fell to the ground powerless to object.


Ttomak, order the Necromancers to get to work on the corpses from the area. We're going to need them if things continue to proceed this quickly. Hel ordered running her fingers through the black powder mist lingering around her. "Too much grain." She muttered unpleasantly.

The necromancers settled themselves inside a red tent being carried by the large bone warriors in the center of the horde. Mostly aristocratic in habits, they preferred to remain behind he action to satisfy their unpleasant tastes. Most were exiled from their homes do to their practices, but found welcome respite in Hel's ranks. Soon the bodies, alive and dead, from the brief fight were being picked up and carried back to the mobile tent on a wave of dead hands.
Kitab Al-Ibar
13-03-2007, 18:29
Ezekial raised an eyebrow at Mahura's display and gave a small wince as the mercenary fell to pieces, it seemed an unpleasent way to die, though he had come across worse, at least they killed quickly. He gave a small bow; "I bow to your obvious skill and agree, it is a good way to fight, maximum damage with minimal risk."

He pondered her next comment for a moment, She doesn't appear to be undead, so she must not remember. How strange. Shrugging he said; "Things could be worse, you could be one of them." He indicated the skeletons and zombies marching below them. "Forced after a probably brutal death to rise again and serve with barely any intelligence or self-control. You at least have some free will, and you never know what tommorow may bring, you might be able to change your luck." Her sadness struck him as potentially useful, if he was able to befriend her and if worst came to worst, she might just help him escape. Though first he would have to convince her that he was not an enemy.

He thought a change of topic might be in order, something about this whole scenario had been bothering him. "What is the point behind all this?" He asked curiously, giving an all encompassing wave; "The army and this technology. It must have taken some time to get all this together and if you intend to kill your way through dragon lands as seems the plan, this isn't a war of conquest... so what is it?"
The Blastit Empire
13-03-2007, 22:37
"Alright...Besides, if Miffin is already running his greasy body through the burning streets to find us, he may find the inn satisfying as it may be to give him that fright, it is not what the master ordered,' Magledesh replied as they walked closer to the grimy looking inn. As they walked in, they would notice most of the patrons staring out their window at the ever approaching fire, the inn keeper and possibly his family already readying buckets of water.

Yet as the two demons walked in, all the patrons turned to get a look, some even beginning to back away as they all assumed they were the ones responsible. Already the mighty dragon Dominatistradz had destroyed a good portion of the guard, now demons were beginning to invade their home.

But no one had the spirit or willpower to fight the two newcomers. Instead, the inn keeper ran up to Horatio, glancing fearfully at Magledesh and fell to his knees.

"Please mighty ones! Spare this building! We wish to live! Tell us what we may do to apease the gods!" he screamed in fear.


Viral had come back up on deck, fully decked out in his bulky armor, a long rifle provided by the scientists resting in his arm. His face guard was currently pulled up so as to give him better viewing area and reveal his stoic face.

"Aight, Beau, I'm ready to go," Viral announced, bowing to his queen again before turning to the addressed. Atleast I hope I'm ready... He wasn't looking forward to this ride with the Varvul and Hel's unusual spout of numbers and letters made him quite curious as to what she had done or planned.

Nevertheless, he would not question his master's orders. Hel had taken care of him and he was loyal to no end...
13-03-2007, 22:46
Harlin nodded to Kalzog and dropped low, storing energy in his legs like a spring. With a flash, he shot into the group of demons, and began bounding through them, slashing as he went. Killing blows were impossible at the rate he was going, he was however able to incapacitate quite a few.

As the number of crawling and crying demons behind him grew, it seemed as though the number left to dispatch increased exponentially. Slowing, he leapt from the mob and grabbed onto one of the many support columns that ringed to arena and supported to massive roof over the seats. Seeing an opportunity, he called to Kalzog, "Knock out the columns, we'll drop the roof on them!"
13-03-2007, 22:55
"She has a point." Lorathin commented as he looked over at where Brent was, or at least was last as the purple gas was obscuring vision. He had produced a handkerchief from a pocket and passed it back so Brieltha could grab it.

He had his own hand covering his mouth and nose, "Mind opening the door?"
The Blastit Empire
13-03-2007, 22:56
"Good thinking," Kalzog called back with a chaotic grin that matched his mood. With a snarl, several hounds launched themselves at the ogre, who batted them away with the swipe of his hands. Although the burn marks from his old nemisis, General Rothargot, burned when he brushed his arm against others, it paled in comparison to a well placed hit and the feeling of bones snapping from it.

He caught another leaping hound around the legs and wrapped his meaty fist around the dog's neck and pulled the slimey creature apart- barely as the slippery hound nearly fell out of his grasp.

The ogre soon found himself at the support column and with a mighty roar, his fist glowed brightly in the dark arena and he slammed it into the pillar. With a loud crack the pillar seemed to shatter like glass at the point of impact, sending fragments outward, spearing through a whole squad of demonic enforcers. One down...nine more to go...all around the arena...


As Harlin remained out of reach of the demons, they began relying on magic and projectiles to get the assassin down. The magi began launching fire balls his direction, the hounds spat out their poisonous spit, and enforcers pulled out bows, arrows, or throwing stars, firing with surprisingly good accuracy.
The Blastit Empire
14-03-2007, 00:02
Brieltha hastily took hold of the hankerchief and slowly crawled forward towards her former master, her image slowly fading into the thickening gas.

Brent growled something in his native language before answering with a strong "You'll not get out of this room alive," before he thrust out at Lorathin from behind a screen of gas.
14-03-2007, 00:37
"He was lucky, upon contact thousands of tiny needles imbedded in the thread inject themselves into the victim releasing a rather uncomfortable poison." Mahura boasted while watching the Skull Knight shuffle the remains off the deck. Her arrogant displays often earned malice among most of the army whom could think.

"At least they do not have the burden of knowing their role in this world." She added with a disgruntled huff. "As far as I know, this is a war of attrition. The Dragons and Valtrox both claimed the lives of two men very close to Hel, but if you value your life and soul you would best never mention that around her."

Mahura turned a guiding glance to The Skull Knight who continued in his hollowed voice: "The technology before you is a gift from our lord, she created all of this and no doubt will spread such wonders to the world. Hel will bring in a new era of prosperity, one that the gods will envy."

"Puppet." The dark elf spat sliding a lit pipe between her lips.


Beau immediately wrenched Viral by the collar and fell back over the railing guiding Hel's lieutenant onto his shoulders. Blimps and dragons zoomed by as they fell rapidly toward the ocean of undead soldiers. The Varvul landed with such force that the skeletal marksmen within a ten meter radius exploded from their frail and rotted figures. The humanoid wolf jolted violently into a blinding pace that seemed as a blur to those he passed. He found no hesitation to use the undead as stepping stones for his destination.

Miles travelled in mere seconds, Beau slid to hard stop just at the feet of a family of four huddled around a corpse. The wolf grabbed Viral from his back and tossed him towards the sacrifice.

"Do what you have to do, but make it entertaining. You have no idea how much effort it will take to get back up." He snarled ignoring the terrified group of kinsmen.
The Blastit Empire
14-03-2007, 01:11
"What are you-gAaah!" Viral shouted, trying to stimmie his scream so as not to look weak to either the queen or Beau. He rode on the varvul's back, clenching his fur with a firm grip so as not to fall off.

And when he was tossed onto the ground in front of a family of four, he looked up and raised an eyebrow underneath his face plate.

"And? What am I to do?" Viral asked as he slowly got up. I should be in the battlefield, not dealing with a harmless family... he thought to himself, wondering if he was to kill them and why.
14-03-2007, 01:14
Hel smiled as Viral's voice faded below.

"Should have warned him." She muttered trying not to laugh out loud.


"Hel wishes you to end them, but I want you to torture them. Let me see exactly what you can do, and maybe she'll let you on the front line." Beau growled seeing hesitation in his eyes. "If you won't do it...well then I'll take the matter into my own hands."

The Varvul flexed his brutal claws that combined with his gaunt fingers was about the size of a human arm.
14-03-2007, 02:06
The blade passed between his arm and chest, opening a double pair of cuts. "Oh, I won't, will I? You obviously don't want me dead, as there are a number of ways you could kill me, and so far you haven't used any."
The Blastit Empire
14-03-2007, 03:16
"I'll do it...but how could the queen question my loyalty. I have been with her for a while now..." Viral replied, slinging his rifle behind his back as he pulled out a smaller pistol. Pushing open a compartment on his arm, he carefully pulled out an orange-green ball in which he loaded into his gun.

With a sigh, and another glance at the bloodthirsty Varvul, he shot directly at the woman's chest straight across from him. The bullet landed in her shoulder with enough force to send her to the ground. The screaming women clutched at her wound and if one paid attention to it, may have heard a slight hissing sound.

As the woman continued to scream, a orange haze began to billow out of her mouth. The three others who were sadly tending to her coughed and gagged at the gas but within a minute, the gas disappeared, leaving an eerily pacified woman and her three children.

Suddenly, the wounded woman sat up, her nose bleeding as she wrapped both her hands around her eldest son, who replied with a snarl, slapping the woman back down and striking at his younger brother. Suddenly, the daughter began to scratch at her mother's eyes, digging her nails violently into the sockets.

Viral turned away from the battling family and looked at Beau. "Good enough?"
14-03-2007, 04:13
Harlin's eyes grew wide as the barage neared him, "Arcturus help me..." he muttered as he dug his swords into the rock and began climbing up the sheer face of the pillar.

Thinking to himself, he smiled, Atleast I make a good distraction...

The fire balls exploded around him, singing the edges of his cape as the sticky poisonous goo began to eat into his leather armor. Suddenly, an idea came to him, and he suddenly bounded off the column to ricochet off of a nearby doorway, and back behind it. Now, a four foot column of stone seperated him from his enemies.

Putting away his sword, he was disconcerted by the vibrations the approaching horde created in the Arena, but he took his time nonetheless. Retrieving one of the many pouches from his belt, he spread a line of white powder along the seam between two of the gargantuan stones that formed the columns. Then, the first hound rounded the corner. He looked it in the eye and smiled, "You should prove useful."

Jumping backwards, he pulled his crossbow, and mounted one of his flame bolts. Taking aim, he let it fly as his feet touched ground, and struck the hound before it knew what was happening. The hound exploded into flame from the inside out, and proceeded to ignite the Jiltak Khar Powder Harlin had laid at the column. A flash of brilliant white light followed, and then the column collapsed onto a group of magi as extreme heat erased six inches from its middle. Two down, eight to go.
14-03-2007, 04:51
Understood. Ttomak then forced his thoughts into the lich in charge of the necromancers and in turn gave the order, Now. Reading the lich's mind, he heard the confirmation that his order was received.

Soaring high above, Ttomak surveyed the battered village below, then glanced over at the tent where the necromancers were supposed to be working on converting the captives. Instead of getting to work right away, a number of the aristocratically-mannered necromancers were lounging, ignoring the commands of the relatively young lich. Ttomak quickly swerved his dragon around toward the lazy necromancers and the dragon and rider pair dove at the ground. He gripped his mount tighter as the force of the wind rushing past him threatened to rip him out of his seat.

At the last moment, the dragon tilted its head and neck up while spreading its wings out wide. It flapped its wings a couple of times to soften the landing, but the landing was still hard, creating a vibration that reverberated through the bones of the necromancers all around him and kicking up dust and dirt into the air. The same time the beast landed, its neck arched downward and its mouth snapped down on one of the necromancers. The necromancer's scream was quickly muffled as his blood began seeping out from the huge gashes caused by the dragon's fangs. After shaking its head a few times, like an animal ripping apart the flesh of its prey, the dragon then released the dead necromancer from its jaws, and the limp body went flying into the ground, his limbs sticking out at odd angles.

Ttomak made sure that only the weakest of the lazy necromancers were targetted, as killing the better ones would only work to weaken the army. But the other necromancers quickly got the message, for after a brief moment of shock and fright from the sudden attack from their general, they could not wait to run to the tent and get to work. The general glared after them for added effect. Watch them closely, he ordered the lich.

He scanned around to see how other aspects of the waning battle were going. In the distance, he saw Beau and Viral with a group of people. With a tilt of his head in curiosity, he decided to head over there to see what the two were doing.
14-03-2007, 06:22
Well done my dark knight. Gather with Beau and Viral as my scouts have spotted a dragon scout patrolling nearby. You three are to spearhead the assualt focusing on their high ranking officers while our numbers weaken their forces.

Hel then focused her mind on a puppet she had tagged only a few moments ago when suddenly her stomach fell and her mind became empty.

Which star is yours?

The red tinted one there


That's where the souls of the people I'v-

"GGGAAAAAAHHH!" Hel screamed clutching her head so tightly that her fingernails drew blood that immediately soaked into her black hair. A bright glow emitted from her left shoulder as she staggered for balance. The queen's disturbed thoughts reverberated throughout the entire horde as they paused momentarily before continuing on. The dark queen settled sitting against the railing she was overlooking panting heavily.

It's sooooo nice here Marlene, come on just jump back in, the water's fine. A little hot, but after the first decade or so you get used to it.

"I will invent a suffering only the gods will able to comprehend, and they will understand it well." Hel growled regaining her composure slowly.


"Interesting, strange, but..." Beau responded. In an instant a thick red mist exploded from the combating family wraught with all different combinations of limbs and gore. The varvul glanced down at his bloody claw while the body parts rained down for quite some distance. "I prefer making a mess of things."

Suddenly a strange clapping caught the wolf's attention and turned to see the father standing with an unnatural tint to his skin.

"Well done you two. I just might make you guys a permanent couple." The corpse echoed almost copying Hel's voice. "I want you two to lead the charge at the front of the line. Fluffy wuffy wuvkins, make sure Beau doesn't get hurt."

The walking talking corpse fell to hundreds of pieces after the queen's message went through leaving a befuddled gaze from the Varvul.

"Humans." Beau growled turning his attention to an incoming figure.
Kitab Al-Ibar
14-03-2007, 17:55
Seeing the patrons reaction to their entrance Horatio flashed an evil smile, showing his teeth which had started to sharpen and gave the innkeeper a look of contempt. "You're lives and inn will be spared if you do what we say. To begin with, you will give empty your two best rooms for us and secondly, bring us your best meat and a selection of your finest drinks. That will be all... for now."

He pushed past the man and took a seat on one of the tables, he leant back heavily on the chair and rubbed his eyes for a moment. He indicated that Magledesh should sit down as well.


Ezekiel nodded. "Lucky... how sharp are those needles? I'm trying to imagine how useful they would be against dragons." He was also wondering how well they would do against his own somewhat scaly and tougher than normal skin. However, from the ease that they had skewered the mercenary however, he certainly did not want to put it to the test.

"Thanks for the heads up." He said; "I'll try and keep that one to myself." Simply a matter of revenge... must have been two men very close to her if she is this angry.
He listened to the skull knights comment and had to agree with Mahura's comment, it seemed somewhat far fetched, especially since most of the technology he had seen was combat based and this ship itself was in essence a flying bomb and the undead hardly seemed beneficial in the long run. "I'm sure that your lady has only the noblest intentions for after she has finished her wars." He said in a detached way while he considered how he might survive this.
15-03-2007, 02:17
"Not sharp at all, and I need them to be that way." Mahura answered quietly. "They are met to ensnare more than pierce because my main tactic is to scatter the battlefield in my lines limiting the opponents movement. The lines themselves are the true weapons while the needles only act as nails and anchors."

It wasn't often the dark elf divulged such information, but she felt comfortable enough in her abilities to do so.

"Dragon scales will be their very weakness against me. While they are extremely effective against slashing and blunt forces a well aimed needle up between the plates will truly hit home." She replied effotlessly ejecting one of her needles into a wooden plank overhead. A passing bird soon found its wing clipped by the line and fell clumsily on the deck. Immediately the poor animal turned green and died.

The Skull Knight nodded his head as his glowing eyes flickered like a dying light before returning to their normal glare.

"The queen must be hearing things again." Mahura remarked withdrawing the needle into her wrist.
15-03-2007, 04:51
Ttomak's dragon was bounding towards Beau and Viral, reaching the two as the resurrected man crumbled to pieces. "What about them?" the general asked with a cock of the head in reference to Beau's comment about humans.

He then jumped off of the dragon and walked closer to the other two, but staying far enough away that he did not have to tilt his head back to look at Beau's head. The dragon meanwhile, took flight to scope out the surrounding area.

"Anyway, a dragon scout has been detected not far from here, and where there are scouts, there's a force that they're scouting for. They didn't know what they were facing in the first foray on us back at the stronghold, but they'll be more prepared this time around. We will take several companies and charge them directly - let's be as unsubtle as possible in our approach."

He looked directly at Beau, "Wolf, don't run off too far ahead of the men. I want them to think we're going for a direct, head-on attack as a single, cohesive army. The dragon forces probably have their pawns at the front and the leaders cowering in the back. When our two lines are about to collide, grab Viral," a nod toward the man of poisons, "and jump over those pawns. I will be doing similarly on my dragon. The three of us will strike down their officers before they even realize we're not clashing at the front lines. The rest of the dragon forces will likely flee when their commanders are dead."

Ttomak glanced up at the sky. "Should the officers take to the sky before then on their drakes, then aim for the air rather than for land when you jump over the dragon soldiers." To Viral, he said, "Hope you can fly."

Looking at the both of them now, Ttomak asked, "Do you understand, and are you capable of doing that?" The first was targetted at Beau, while the second was for Viral. The general had seen Viral's poisons work effectively before, but he had not seen Viral in the midst of battle and executing swift kills.
15-03-2007, 05:19
"Makes sense." Beau remarked. "The dragoons fight in a cohesive tight nit pack, which is why they defeated my people so long ago. However, without their orders they'll scramble into loose battles where our numbers will overwhelm them."

The wolf picked up a human limb and began ripping into bones and all.

"Their generals are proud, no doubt they will abandon their command to collide with us in one on one combat." He mumbled with the meat rolling around in his mouth. "We are made up of much better slaves than humans, the undead don't complain nearly as much."

"Sure, just don't run away when you see what their generals are capable of." Beau mocked swollowing his human meal.
Kitab Al-Ibar
15-03-2007, 23:05
"An impressive weapon." Ezekial said respectfully while prodding the dead green birb with his foot and examining the line. " Your aim is unquestionably good. Remind me not to get on your bad side."

"What is it made of that is so sharp and resilient? The mistress seems to prefer technology to magic and i have never seen such sharpness produced without magic." He asked in a voice of passing curiosity that implied that if she wanted to keep it secret he would not press the matter. Is she merely showing me what she can do to me if i were a spy? or is she treating me as an ally? Ezekial wondered as he watched her, he did not rate his chances as particularly high if he had to fight her, either in winning or escaping unharmed.

He didn't notice the change in the skull knights eyes as he was focusing on the line from the needle, he watched as it withdrew back to Mahura. "Hearing things? What sort of things?" He asked with a look of some concern. He had often heard of demons speaking to people and using them, if one found out he was here, he would probably be in for a lot of trouble.
The Blastit Empire
16-03-2007, 15:34
"Interesting, strange, but...I prefer making a mess of things."

"So I've noticed," Viral replied with a groan as he began to wipe off bits and pieces of the family off his armor. Just as he was removing an eye stuck to his face plate, a slow, lone clapping resounded through his armor. With a quick turn he realized a corpse had risen but instead of attacking them or shambling forth to join the other mindless zombies, it spoke loud and clear for them in a somewhat familiar voice.

"Well done you two. I just might make you guys a permanent couple. I want you two to lead the charge at the front of the line. Fluffy wuffy wuvkins, make sure Beau doesn't get hurt."

Viral nodded, not truly catching the oddity of her final statement. Then suddenly he paused and looked at Beau and the collapsing cadaver. Make sure Beau doesn't get hurt? Fluffy Wuffy Wuvkins? Wasn't that Sparky's name? Does she A broad smile crossed his face under his helmet as he turned to Beau. "Sounds fair," he chuckled before turning to an incoming undead drake. Viral could only assume it was the General. It was one of the only dragons being ridden...

While the General relayed his orders, Viral took to cleaning his suit of the body bits, nodding occasionally to the Ttomak to show him he was still listening.

"Sir, I'm quite capable when it comes to what our queen desires. And I can fly...or else I wouldn't be here," he grinned as he pointed up at the flying blimps slowly floating nearby.


"Of course my masters! Of course!" the barkeeper replied, bowing his head several times before scrambling to the bar counter and beginning to fill large mugs with some sort of wine.

Magledesh smiled a bit as his scorpion tale twitched and curled up behind him. Clearing his throat, he made his way towards Horatio as well, but remained standing by the side. "It is a pain for me to sit on small chairs," he replied, his tail twitching again. Instead, he crossed his arms as he stood at the side of the table and glanced at the innkeeper. "So how long do you expect the bloated human to scramble towards that door?"
16-03-2007, 23:37
"All I have is a bad side." Mahura replied smiling before answering Ezekial's question. "You'll have to ask Hel because she's the one who created me and them as one. The poison is refilled by my very blood, the needles are sharpened by my bones, and the fatal line itself runs throughout my entire body. My aim is good because my weapons and I are one and the same."

Inquisitive little imp...perhaps he isn't lying...perhaps he can free me from this hell hole.

The Skull Knight lifted his gaze to the dark elf threateningly.

"Our queen was once a slave to Valtrox, so occasionally the dark lord's will attempts to reclaim her...or at least persuade her. Another thing you'd benifit from never mentioning again." Mahura said sliding a pipe between her lips and lighting it. "It doesn't really matter though because if we do defeat the dragons by some miracle then she'll march against Valtrox himself..."


"Viral do you think you can stand against some of best warriors to walk this earth? Because if not, you'd be better suited by Hel's side otherwise you'll just get in my way." Beau growled as red static erupted between the lengths of his fur.

What does the queen see in him? He'll last three seconds against the stronger dragons and less against the dragons themselves...Ttomak and I are the only two suited for such a suicidal attack. If Cadeyrn could defeat Xenocrates then the pompous reptile should be no match for a true god.

The wolf's snout raised high into the air as he took in several deep breaths.

"Dragons..." He muttered wagging his tail rapidly.
Kitab Al-Ibar
17-03-2007, 00:35
Horatio ignored the innkeeper and looked at Magledesh: "You could ask for a larger chair you know, they are not exactly in a position to refuse."

He wasn't sure what Magledesh meant next: "If you mean Miffin... he will come when he is ready, i personally hopes he takes his time, the more desperate he is the easier it will be." Horatio said massaging his temples and stifling a yawn. "If you mean the innkeeper, well, i don't much care, it is beyond his power to cause us any difficulty." He said with a shrug.


Ezekial raised an eyebrow at her response about the weapons, he stroked his skin absently as he muttered to himseld: "They are a part of you? Most unusual. The mistress is highly skilled." He cast another glance at Mahura and could see no obvious sign of the abilities she possesed. Definately one i'd prefer as an ally.

Her next comment however he found most unsettling and with clear anxiety in his voice he said: "Valtrox you say?" And much more quietly, though still audibly he said. "I was not expecting this, this could be bad, very bad." He glanced around fearfully, but after a second relaxed when he realised how suspicious he must look. He could not however come up with a conveniant excuse for his behaviour.

"Valtrox holds much sway in the underworld from many demons, even those not directly under his control. If he or even they find out I'm in this world..." He shuddered at the thought.
17-03-2007, 05:43
Mahura leaned back and inhaled deeply absorbing whatever herb she had placed in the pipe.

"Talented, but moreso motivated." She replied with a slight congested cough. "Her anger is what moves this army. Every ounce of malice in her being is reflected by what you see before you, she is more explosive than the ships of this fleet combined. However, I have seen the pain behind her eyes, and it clouds her."

The Skull Knight growled deep enough to shake his armor violently.

"Quiet down puppet I'm talking." Mahura barked aggressively. "Valtrox has been trying to take her back for many years now. Perhaps there's a chance he'll overlook you."


Hel sulked into her cabin before casting an enchantment on the door.

Her padded chair felt more comfortable than ever, a brief feeling of serenity overwhelmed her. She lifted her weary head glancing around nervously before reaching into an endless drawer pulling out a charcoal drawing.

She ran her fingers down the parchment crying gently. Her tears spilled onto the 15 year old paper smearing a little of the picture, there were so many smears that only she knew what the drawing was still of.

15 Years Prior

" is not," Rothargot replied before staring up into the sky as well. Suddenly, Marlene stumbled about and lay next to Cadeyrn."Sleep well, Marlene?"

"Yeah." She answered softly wondering which stars they were staring at.

"What are you going to do after this little adventure Marlene?" Cadeyrn asked without breaking his gaze on the sky.

"I'll keep following you where ever you go." The young girl replied with a moment of thought

I've asked Rothergot to take care of you in case something should happen to me." He said quietly.

"In case, or when something happens?" She asked worried. Cadeyrn only smiled.

"What stars are you looking at Rothy?" Marlene asked without putting Cadeyrn's reply into thought.

"I look at the brightest stars up there, that make up the dragon," Rothargot replied, not taking his gaze off the heavens.

"I'm not looking at the stars, I'm looking at the space between them." Marlene replied smiling a little. "It can't all be stars and empty space."

Rothargot smiled and looked at Marlene. "And what do you think is in the empty space?"

"I don't know, but something marvelous I think." She replied knowing nothing of astronomy...yet. "The only problem is that the stars get in the way."

Cadeyrn leaned his head over looking at her.

"The stars aren't good enough?" He chuckled.

"Not for me." She responded giggling. "and what do you mean the dragons are made of stars Rothy?"

"The ones in the void up there for mortal dragons here...some made by the gods, others by reproduction..." Rothargot replied.

The three were huddled close together as Marlene truly cherished this moment, as it was the only moment she felt she belonged. Her eyes marveled the night sky and prayed this very moment would last forever.


Hel let the paper fall to the floor as she collapsed, head buried in her folded arms, on the desk sobbing heavily. The thick paper showed the three of them gazing from the boat into the heavens something the queen had held onto for as long as she could recall. If only to remind her what she was fighting for.
17-03-2007, 08:32
Ttomak gave Beau a sardonic grin. "I shall endeavor to keep myself from fleeing, Mister Wolf." Then, looking over at Viral while still talking to Beau, "And if he wishes to fight, let him."

Of course, he did not know of Hel's threat to Beau should anything happen to Viral.

Looking up, Ttomak's eyes went distant as he forced his mind into his dragon's to see what his mount saw from up high. "Shouldn't be long now." His distant look went way as he turned around to see a portion of the undead army and mercenaries breaking off from the main body and approaching them, whose leaders he had mentally beckoned earlier.

"Right on time," he said to no one in particular before telepathically relaying some more tactical information to all the officers leading the companies at once.

His undead mount landed a short distance away and went up to the general, who in turn climbed onto its back. This should be a slaughter, and the mostly undead army did not need a speech anyway, so Ttomak made it brief when the companies arrived and arranged themselves. "The war has begun, and the first of the battles against the dragoons and their dragon masters is rapidly approaching. The fighting will only become fiercer from now on; let's not start off with a defeat. For glory, for power, for Hel!"

The general pulled out his sword for the first time since the war began and turned his mount around so that he was now at the head of the army, facing the incoming dragon forces. Glancing down at Beau and Viral, he arched an eyebrow to ask whether they were ready or not.
17-03-2007, 09:33
Xenocrates stood atop the ridge overlooking the annihilated village no less than a mile away. In a short amount of time he had called forth the forward reserve force including 3,000 Dragoons and 50 Dragons. The Dragoon Lord knelt at the precipace admiring the sheer numbers of the army marching forward. He knew his forces didn't stand much of a chance, but if he could hold out long enough for reinforcements to arrive he'd be labled a hero.

"Dragon born!" The armor clad titan shouted turning to his line. "We reserve the honor to be the first and last few who lay waste to this pathetic force. Our ancestors look upon us today with the highest expectations, they who sealed away the chaotic armies of Valtrox himself. Do not dissapoint them, and do not leave any excuses should you fall. Our god smiles only at victory!"

The Dragons had cornered themselves on a ridge ( whose entrance faced opposite the town below them. This made it impossible for them to be surrounded, but particulary vulnerable to assualt from above. Xenocrates saw this and divided his forces into two lines. One in the front with a gap of field then the second line. Should anyone be bold enough the parachute or drop down they'd be immediately surrounded or pushed right over the cliff. The dragons would take shelter among the jagged peaks reservedly attacking anything airborn since they only had an advantage in manueverability.

The sun was beginning to set casting an ominous shadow over the Dragoon line.

"Not good general." A dragon mumbled turning his head to the general. It was a six armed dragon not much larger than the General himself. Three of his right arms handled a segmented shield while his left arms held a longsword, spear, and mallet. The multicolored reptile resembled more like an exotic fish gone berserk than a dragon. Colonel Thorindyl was his name.

"The undead don't rely on light to see, whereas we do." He continued before stopping at General Xenocrates' laughter.

"Those flying warships cannot see us in the dark you fool, they'd likely hit their own forces. So all we have to do is maintain the line until reinforcements flank in from the north." The Dragoon replied gruffly leaving the Colonel silent.

If they fly in now without ground forces occupying us then we'll take out those floating blobs ourselves. The Dragoon Lord turned his head to the fifty dragons nestled in the mountains ready to pounce at a moments notice.

Beau drew a grin as he saw Ttomak prepare for battle.

Their position renders our range useless, so it'll come to claws and steel then. Our numbers alone will drive them right off the back off the plateau.

"Proud fools." The Varvul muttered concerning the dragoons defense. However they had underestimated the undead's skill. Beau could easily scale up the back of the ridge and land right behind their rear guard under cover of night.

The wolf nudged his head at Ttomak in the direction of the defenders hoping the general would see the same.
Kitab Al-Ibar
17-03-2007, 23:05
Ezekial was pleased to see Mahura relaxing, but was troubled by her comment: "Clouds her from what?" he asked.

He was also troubled by the growl from the Skull knight and once again moved to the edge of the ship and took another look ahead with his telescope, the village apparently hadn't put up much of a fight.

He gave Mahura a nervous smile. "I can hope he misses me. Still, we have to beat the dragons first and they're slightly more dangerous at the moment." He lifted the telescope and cought a glimpse of the dragon forces arrayed on the ridge, though couldn't make it out for sure. "Speaking of dragons, i think some might have shown up."
19-03-2007, 04:58
Ttomak looked into the distance and watched as the enemy force deployed. "Hmm, they aren't forming up in the field as I expected. Instead, they chose to position their infantry in an isolated location in which their melee abilities are utterly useless. Not only that, but they leave us a wide berth along the southeastern cliff face to march our army through."

He glanced down at Beau and Viral, though he was still thinking aloud to himself. "A force that could assemble that quickly in response to a sudden attack could not have brought along heavy machinery - they likely carry no artillery." Scanning the opposite ridges and the ones next to it, the general said, "They've got a surprise for us... If we try to march around them, they'll tear our line apart. The only way to get past them, or so they believe, is if we assault them directly from atop their ridge. This, of course, would give their forces a marked advantage."

The general looked up into the darkening sky, searching for the moon. His eyes went distant as his mind went in search of the mages in the group. They were not a part of the detachment that he planned to engage the dragon forces with, but he now needed to enlist their abilities. Within a short amount of time, clouds began forming in the sky, blocking out whatever light the moon provided. As soon as the sun completely sets, the landscape would be pitch black.

"A slight change of plans, Mister Wolf," Ttomak said with a smile. To both the two, "I trust you two can function just as effectively without your sight?"
20-03-2007, 03:49
"When I figure that out I'll let you know." Mahura answered puffing a plume of smoke into the air. Ezekial's oberservation made her jump out of her restless state. A series of red beacons relayed throughout the entire army one after the other.

"Indeed." The dark elf scowled. Mercenary troops manned the mighty gatling guns posted on wide extensions of the ship ready to unleash a lead wall at whatever dragon come there way. "Bastards are holed up in a corner, but there's only a few..."

The Skull Knight's eyes had reflected what he saw directly to Hel herself whom only gave one order to him. Immediately the entire undead army paused half a mile from the dragon's defense.


The wolf's eyes glowed red before nodding in agreement.

"We were born to hunt at night." He replied proudly until Hel's orders shot directly into his and every minion's mind.

A small contingent of engineers are to sneak up below the plateau and dig into the mountain side at a 45 degree angle upwards. Seventy feet into the tunnel you will plant 100lbs of gunpowder at everytwelve feet. Good work Ttomak for covering our approach...we'll blast the dragons off that damn ridge and smother them in the confusion. Beau you handle Xenocrates, Ttomal and Viral attack their second in command as soon as their "tower" crumbles.
22-03-2007, 03:23
Ttomak saw the two red glows from Beau's head. He himself then closed his eyes and his mind went out in every which direction, scanning all about him. The image that formed in his mind of his surroundings was clearer than day, if a bit lacking in color.

His head turned toward the enemy cliffs as Hel spoke, although it was his mind that did the looking. He found it odd that she assigned her own general against the enemy's second best. And with a virtual non-combatant, to boot. But he showed nothing on the outside. She was the queen, and he was her soldier. He would follow his orders.

"It looks like we're in for a wait," he commented to the other two. Sending the mental orders out to the engineers and the more quieter of soldiers to protect these engineers, Ttomak then gave the rest of the army another command.

Then, to Hel and the other officers who were away from the army and thus unaware of his plan, he thought, The army will be making quite a clamor shortly - to mask the approach and the digging of the engineers. Just letting you know.
The Blastit Empire
25-03-2007, 03:26
Viral nodded as he recieved the new orders from his queen herself. As you wish, my lady, he thought back, unsure if Hel was reading his mind or if she just sent the small burst out to her minions.

"I can fight in darkness," Viral said as he pulled a small round box from a pouch on his armor. He opened it and brought a pinch of the powdery green substance to his nose and inhaled deeply. The plant was a poison in large doses, but it increased the senses greatly, giving him an edge in battle or the ability to see things clearer, night or day.

"And if we wait, we wait," he added, slinging his pistol and crossing his arms.


Kalzog gave out a rumbling laugh as the pillar fell apart behind Harlin as he continued to bounce off the pillars. He headed towards another, then looked at the portal. Rimoru was struggling to keep it open for them so they'd better make it fast...not to mention if no one else was around to guard the portal, the demons would continue to their intended target and kill them all...

So the ogre was stuck defending the portal. With a frown, he backhanded a hound, wincing as the poison burned on his wounds from the last gate war. Suddenly, a Maw snarled from his left side and shot its tongue out at the tattooed hulk.

Kalzog reached out for the tongue, only to have it slip out of his hands as another Maw barralled into his side, knocking him to the ground. With a shout, his glowing hand slammed into the ground, a loud, booming shockwave sending most of the nearby demons reeling.

The ogre-mage's ears rung almost unbearably, however he got himself up slowly. As the demons tried to reorient themselves, he pointed towards Harlin, his other hand glowing now, and then aimed several pillars ahead of the jiltaken with the same hand, before launching a large beam of strange, koleidoscopic light from his hand. When the beam hit the pillar, it seemed to get absorbed into the entire length of the support however it did not result do any further visible damage.

"Harlin! Just topple one side- the other side will follow, methinks. And that pillar, set fire to it when far away. It could blast the next three pillars!" Kalzog boomed, hoping his voice would be heard by the assassin.
27-03-2007, 20:59
Harlin could barely make out what the ogre had shouted, but he understood what he had to do. Loading another bolt, he led his pursuers towards the column that seemed no different than before. As he passed the column, in one deft motion Harlin entered the Shadowfold teleported across to where Kalzog was fighting, and left the Shadowfold. The demons around him seemed surprised by his appearance, but he knew that would not last long. Taking careful aim, he loosed the bolt at the column Kalzog had enchanted. Taking his eyes off the flight of the bolt, he managed to get out, "What's that sup..." before a tremendous explosion rocked the arena, and knocked him flat to the ground.

Dazed, he looked around, the world a swim of bright colors and odd shapes. Shaking himself, he tried to stand, but could barely make it to his knees before falling back down. The sounds around him were muffled and incomprehensible, but he saw Kalzog's massive frame still casting a shadow across all the dark shapes that appeared to be demons in the same condition that he was in.

Slowly, the world came back to him, and everything returned to its normal volume. Standing on shaky legs, he dusted himself off. Moving his arms and stretching to make sure that everything still worked, he said to Kalzog, "Forgot to mention duck and cover or anything of the like, eh?"

Running up to the ogre, he jumped into the air, and alighted upon his shoulder. From there, he planned to use his crossbow to thin the crowd some. "It looks like it's about to come down Kal. Head towards that last one, I'll cover your back while you take out that last support column."
31-03-2007, 17:38
As darkness claimed the land and sky the dragoons began shifting amongst each other. Unable to see at arm's distance, and knowing there is an army of the living dead just waiting to attack, is not settling even under their conditions.

Xenocrates remained perched stoically overlooking the precipace. He was restless for the potential to lay waste to unclean souls. The overcast only benifitted him as he saw with such clarity he could see exactly what was happening before him. However, he didn't care. Suddenly a missile of somsort had shreiked past his face and exploded in the air behind him briefly illuminating the area. In the distance a hundred bursts of light made the dragoon lord dive for cover. Their natural fortress had come under a massive barrage, that while harmless, proved troublesome to keep track of the undead's move.

He still could feel the very slight vibrations coming hundreds of feet below.

So you think to dig a tunnel? What foolish beasts.


It was beautiful, complete darkness relieved only by the shots from around her, but more so the cliff that had become a brilliant firework show.

Clamor? I feel I am again just a tad ahead of you old friend. Please be patient gentlemen, I promise you dragon's blood, and by the barrel.

A slick smile crossed her lips as she invisoned Xenocrates' autopsy.


Beau muttered something softly after picking a chunk of flesh from his teeth.

"She speaks of patience, what a joke." He grolwed lowering himself to all fours. "Do you think you are ready General? Ready to meet arms with the strongest of warriors left in this world. I have yet to see you in true combat, and I must wonder if you and this underling will only get in my way."

The wolf sat back on his haunches are stretching his lengthy figure.
02-04-2007, 23:43
The storm of explosions quietly subsided into the blackness of the artificial night. A silence that fell over the land crawled down the spine of the dragoon warriors as they awaited the undead masses to make their move. Xenocrates grew impatient as the tunnelers abandoned their efforts to undermine their position. Suddenly the very cliffside itself lifted fifty feet into the air and then came back down like an avalanch of smoke and rock. Dragoons unfortunate enough to have been higher on the hill were thrown into the sky like specs of dust in a wavering blanket. Through the disorder and chaos, the dragoons that regained their ground stood just half a mile to an endless mass of rotting undead beasts hungry for the flesh of a dragon warrior.

As the dragoons desperately tried to form a line, one of them stood out most peculiarly. A heavy bone clad warrior unflinching at the epicenter of the blast pushing his way from the pile of rubble. His eyes glowed a fiery red examining each one of the scattered soldiers. He was in the tunnel itself during the explosion, and now stood in the middle of thousands of dragoons without a scratch. They encircled him spears held fast awaiting this strange man's response.

Beau turned to Ttomak and Viral with an eager smile on his face. "Last one to collect a dragon's head will answer to Hel's fury!" He shouted before sprinting off into the fray searching for his target.

Xenocrates and Colonel Thorindyl floated down amongst the falling debris trying to gather what troops weren't buried in the mountain. The dragoon general turned his attention to a shrill shriek over in the mountains. The dragons implaced there had been flanked by their undead counterparts and began fleeing into the open sky where the war ships unleashed a wall of bullets. The young dragons easily fell victim to the tons of lead being unleashed upon them. Their massive bodies fell limp through the sky hitting the earth with a massive thud, some had doubled their weight by the time they reached the ground.

Viral and Ttomak, I see a second in command by Xenocrates' side. He is all yours. The Skull Knight will keep the grunts off your and Beau's back.

Hel's hollowed voice echoed through the endless legion of ever marching zombies radily firing at the disorganized clump of dragoons. Though horribley inaccurate, a line of 20,000 is bound to hit regardless. The bullets harmlessly pinged off the Skull Knight's armor as he remained unmoving in the scattered Dragoon line.
03-04-2007, 04:26
"That's just it," Ttomak said to Beau as he continued looking out over at the opposing plateau and intervening field. "You don't need to see me in combat for me to obliterate the enemy, Mister Wolf."

When the explosion went off, Ttomak's mount grabbed Viral in one hand without any warning and dashed to the edge of the cliff, where it promptly jumped off and spread its wings. The downward motion of the falling dragon was quickly countered by the uplift of the air, making a noticeable jerk as the direction of motion suddenly changed from down to up.
In short time the mount closed the distance between Thorindyl and itself. Swooping low to the ground, it let go of Viral, not particularly caring how the man landed, then nosed up and flew over the enemy colonel as Ttomak unseated himself and jumped off his ride, landing with a small boom and causing some of the loose rocks to fly outwards from him. He quickly straightened himself out and readied his sword, smiling slightly as he waited for the dragoon's reply to his challenge. What was the fun in beginning the attack when the enemy's back was still turned to you, after all?
03-04-2007, 06:32
The six armed beast turned slowly with the loud landing behind him. Each of his arms drew their respectable weapons: spear, sword, and club. The head of a dragon and the body of what could only be described as an ogre gone horribly wrong. His raised each part of his three segmented shield preparing for the glory of one on one combat.

"No need to skip the formalities, my name is Thorindyl, and it will be my honor to send you into oblivion." He growled crouching into his stance. While from the front he appeared near invulnerable, his rear was exposed with the exception of his tail. The tip of his tail was a human hand latched tightly onto a flail. Aside from that his armor was generic and massed produced with only an occassional honor decorating its plain red surface.

Suddenly a smaller, although quite large figure stepped in between them. The dust slowly fell revealing a pair of glowing red eyes behind the helm of a dragon. Almost out of nothing itself a blade eight feet in length aimed itself directly at Ttomak and Viral. As the titan began to walk forward a white flash tackled him with such force the settling dust was blown away violently.

The colonel collected himself after seeing Xenocrates be caught off guard. Who are these people? Minions of Valtrox? He soon found himself beginning to lose his once unwavering composure. They wield such foreign magicks and attack with such strength, they show no fear even when faced against my kind.

Tens of dragoons desperately jammed their spears into the Skull Knight to no effect. The strange warrior had not so much as moved and he had taken everything they could throw at him. Out of the breath, the soldiers back away from the juggernaut cautiously.

" You witness the fury of Hel's Legions, and you still stand your ground. Noble warriors have a place among our ranks."

"Dragoons desire nothing but death in the face of defea-" A young warrior boasted before being interrupted b y The Skull Knight's hollowed laughter.

" Death? You shall have nothing of the sort. "

The walking tank waded his way through the lines of exhausted soldiers in the same manner a farmer gathers wheat with a scythe.
The Blastit Empire
07-04-2007, 21:54
"Well then, it's settled," Sebastian said happily. "After everything is done here, one way or another, you are cordially invited to my humble homeland." However, she would find no feast, banquet, or grand reception waiting for her there, for Sebastian's life was one of secrecy and silence. His order was long thought extinct if even beyond mythical. His home was hidden in the forests. His life was one of unknown servitude to the greater good. However, there were his companions and they would no doubt treat her well.

Ikara smiled brightly and bowed her head as regally as she could atop her mount. “I am honored, Sir Sebastion,” she said happily.

They passed by the large statue of the Patriarch, his hands held out and high as if greeting all those who passed by. The sight of his tomb was a wondrous place, where flowers still bloomed and the war had not yet taken its toll. It was still a place of happiness in a time of sadness.

Her mount stopped nearby several other horses, where she dismounted. “It looks to be some sort of conference inside the General’s tent…we should make haste, Sebastion.”

As soon as the foreign knight had dismounted his mythical mount, she hurried him inside, where the General was scratching his chin while five commanders were lobbying to have forces transferred from one gate or wall to another.

“Templar General, sir!” Ikara said with a crisp salute and a perfect stance- back straight, armored chest out, chin high.

“At ease, Lady Ikara. I thought we had finished our conversations already,” the General replied, not sounding pleased or angered.

“Sir, our fellow ally, Sir Sebastion has given me the idea that the city’s people can once again begin reconstruction of the walls. They will satisfy their want to aid without sacrificing themselves in battle with little combat experience and-”

The general straightened out and walked around his desk, the other commanders becoming silent as he walked up to Ikara, then to Sebastion. “I will not subject my people to the horrors outside these gates. Their husbands, their sons, dead and dismembered over the wall. Their heads sit on pikes as the buzzards peck at their dead skin. Our people will be demoralized even more so than now!” he growled angrily.

“Sir, then I suggest we abandon the walls and bring whatever we have elsewhere. Somewhere safe- somewhere we can once again settle down and build ourselves back up. There is nothing left here but memories and darkness.”

The general walked back to his desk and observed his map. “And where, exactly would we go? Have you taken the time to think about that? The Order has no allies willing to help.”

“Sir, we can go west, to Iskan. They have large open areas in which to house all of us. Rimoru loved the Patria-“

“And live in sand? We cannot build foundations in fields of sand! Not to mention the whole desert is haunted by the ghosts of the past- ghosts of a foolish power struggle between Rimoru and her brother! Lady Ikara, that is a foolish idea. The only option we have here is to defend what’s left of our people, our faith, and our Order,” he shouted. The commanders looked at Ikara and sadly nodded their agreement to the General.

“Sir…We…Everything will perish. The Imperium has hundreds of thousands more troops, the barbarian’s are countless. If we do not-“

“Then let us hope for a miracle, Ikara. You are dismissed.”

Ikara stood, her mouth hanging in mid-sentence. She closed it and slowly bowed. “Of course, sir.” She turned around slowly, not making eye-contact with Sebastian as she walked out of the tent.

Before either of the two could go very far, however, one of the commanders walked out and stopped them both.

“Sir and Lady, I have something that may interest you,” he said quietly. His young eyes met Sebastian’s and he gave a quick bow. “I hear you’re in need of some sort of proof you are willing to work with us. I was in there, hoping to get some sort of attack group formed. The barbaric monstrosities that linger at the southern wall have several stockpiles of weapons- strange explosive substances that they launch from catapults or run directly at the wall with large barrals strapped to themselves. If someone can destroy them, they certainly would take a load off of our defenses. And I believe a Minotaur general has set up his quarters there. The death of him would result in chaos amongst the south east ranks. But…there is something else…”

The commander shifted uncomfortably and lowered his head. “Those brutes also abducted a group of villagers- including my wife and daughter. If they are still alive, I desperately want them back. It pains me every day to wake up and not know what has become of my family.”

He looked up with eyes on the verge of tears. “So, Sir…would you be willing to attempt this quest?”

Ar'mai continued to ignore her captor, trying to convince her off who knows what. But the scene did remind her of a time years past. A time when she had been the captive of the evil Inzikai. Much like they were now, they were flying on his mount and landed in a forest.


Venisar did nothing to stop the corrupted dragoon elf. However, at hearing that they would be mixed with the pirates in the dungeon cells, it became painfully obvious that they would have to escape together, for if they did escape, the pirates would have the same advantage and there was no point of not utilizing their abilities.

Bael'ther, on the other hand, the great giant of the elven warriors, was quite miffed about being tied up and didn't make it easy, thrashing about even after he was bound securely.

Vohinihth pushed Ar’mai off the mount as it landed, sure that her elven instincts would get her to the ground on her feet. The dragon warrior landed with a deep thump and made his way to the elf while looking around at his surroundings. The forest had certainly seemed to be possessed by something dark. The normally tall, powerful trees had bent and curled limbs, as if revealing a twisted intent of the forest keeper.

“Almost forgot…” he chuckled as he pulled a small collar from a pack on his belt. With a quick movement, his thick, scaly arms were under Ar’mai’s and placing the tight collar around her neck. “Just in case,” he smiled as he hooked a chain around the choker. “Now show me where this place is you spoke of.


“You two, I have the pleasure of joining together,” the elf dragoon chuckled as she soon tied the pirate captain and the elf together at the wrists with the strange bindings.

Conroy frowned and glanced at Venisar with a look of contempt. “This ain’t gonna be pleasant, elf,” he grumbled as he was prodded in the back. Apparantly the Dragoons were wasting no time in getting them into the emptied jail cells. What happened to the former occupants was unknown…

“Can’t you control your big lug?” the dragoon elf asked as she walked alongside Venisar while drakonan with pikes prodded at their backs. The elf was, of course, referring to the berserk Bael’ther, as indicated with a nod in his direction.

Habdebza slowly ascended only to stop suddenly. He raised one gauntleted hand and a small blue orb shot forth, radiating a small area around it, revealing long stone steps that seemed to wind down into an abyss. One fall could spell the doom of many.

"Clever, Rimoru..." he muttered before continuing the winding walk, skipping over a few loose steps that fell apart when touched by even the faintest step.

It had been atleast a half an hour before they finally reached the ground, the stench of death almost overwhelming any normal senses...not to mention the smell of burned corpses. Indeed, the ground seemed to have been glassed, shadows permanently plastered on the floor and the ruined buildings that he orb illuminated.

Buildings...that is odd for an underground tomb... Habdebza thought to himself as he raised his right hand again. The orb shot upwards and suddenly exploded in a brilliant flash of blue light, revealing an enormous underground city. Where a road was still intact, one could not help but notice the neatly paved stone, the mosaics that dotted the walkways, there were even a few buildings that remained intact. As far as the unenhanced eye could see, there was a tavern, several houses, and an armory. There was no strategic positioning so Habdebza only hypothosized it was merely luck for those buildings to survive.

But one's luck ran out quite quickly it seemed. Decayed and dead bodies lay strewn about, littering the street by the hundreds. Soldiers with banners that showed Rimoru's family crest and that of a more skeletal version of her crest along with the words "Mlethrandir Spwathon"- "Freedom from Oppression."

"Don't get lost," Habdebza said to Vira as he looked over the rooftops of the destroyed buildings. There, in what seemed to be the center, surrounded by enormous ebony walls, stood Athral's last stronghold. The stronghold itself seemed relatively undamaged. The walls, however, had been blown apart it seemed as huge chunks were missing or caved inwards.

This apocolyptic war to keep Rimoru's brother entombed, the war that had claimed hundreds of thousands, perhaps even millions, would be in vain.

Habdebza gave a quiet chuckle as he navigated the labyrinth of the streets.

The demi-god continued on his way, leaping over the clutter and debris that he came across until he reached the magnificent wall. With a quiet hum, he crouched low to the ground, a gauntlet-covered hand reaching out from beneath the dark cloak and pinching a bit of dust from atop a broken rock. With a grunt, he rose back to his feet.

“This is fresh. We aren’t alone,” he growled as he pointed to a rather large indentation in the ground, the rocks caving into a circular shape along with several smaller, humanoid footprints that lead to several rather bloody piles of goop, most likely from whatever made the smaller footprints.

Then, as if in response, the sound of stone grating against stone manifested behind Vira and the demi-god as two monstrous stone golems formed from the wall itself.

“Begone from this place. You shall find hopelessness and despair!” the golem rumbled slowly as its huge feet crunched against the rubble on the ground. Two more golems began to form opposite the talking golem.

“Now is your chance to have fun,” Habdebza said as he rose from the ground, a small plume of smoke coming from deep within the shadows under his hood. Then, with a puff of smoke, the demi-god was gone, leaving Vira alone with four golems.

“We have come to free Athral, golems. Those that get in our way shall be destroyed,” came the demon’s disembodied voice.

“Then prepare to die,” the golems rumbled at once as they charged towards Vira with surprising speed, fists raised, all aimed at the ground underneath her.


Horatio ignored the innkeeper and looked at Magledesh: "You could ask for a larger chair you know, they are not exactly in a position to refuse."

He wasn't sure what Magledesh meant next: "If you mean Miffin... he will come when he is ready, i personally hopes he takes his time, the more desperate he is the easier it will be." Horatio said massaging his temples and stifling a yawn. "If you mean the innkeeper, well, i don't much care, it is beyond his power to cause us any difficulty." He said with a shrug.

“I am fine,” growled Magledesh, obviously growing annoyed with the subject of the chair. His scorpion tale bashed the current chair into an older man walking by, the audible sound of cracking bones reaching the other patron’s ears who once again cowered in fear, not even helping their moaning peer.

“And of course I meant Miffin. The innkeeper is of no use to us…” he continued as he glanced out the window. “Do you know of the god-killing Orogen?”
The Blastit Empire
08-04-2007, 06:22
Harlin could barely make out what the ogre had shouted, but he understood what he had to do. Loading another bolt, he led his pursuers towards the column that seemed no different than before. As he passed the column, in one deft motion Harlin entered the Shadowfold teleported across to where Kalzog was fighting, and left the Shadowfold. The demons around him seemed surprised by his appearance, but he knew that would not last long. Taking careful aim, he loosed the bolt at the column Kalzog had enchanted. Taking his eyes off the flight of the bolt, he managed to get out, "What's that sup..." before a tremendous explosion rocked the arena, and knocked him flat to the ground.

Dazed, he looked around, the world a swim of bright colors and odd shapes. Shaking himself, he tried to stand, but could barely make it to his knees before falling back down. The sounds around him were muffled and incomprehensible, but he saw Kalzog's massive frame still casting a shadow across all the dark shapes that appeared to be demons in the same condition that he was in.

Slowly, the world came back to him, and everything returned to its normal volume. Standing on shaky legs, he dusted himself off. Moving his arms and stretching to make sure that everything still worked, he said to Kalzog, "Forgot to mention duck and cover or anything of the like, eh?"

Running up to the ogre, he jumped into the air, and alighted upon his shoulder. From there, he planned to use his crossbow to thin the crowd some. "It looks like it's about to come down Kal. Head towards that last one, I'll cover your back while you take out that last support column."

With a grin, the ogre began to plow through the hordes of demons. “Well, you weren’t far enough away, apparently,” Kalzog chuckled as he backhanded a pouncing hound, sending it flying into the pit. “It’s a shame such good fighters won’t find their freedom. Only pain and suffering,” he added, motioning with his head the the few remaining gladiators who were fighting their way to the top of the stairs. Suddenly another explosion rocked the sturdy floor beneath them.

“I am still alive!” the arch-magus Artimius shouted to no one in particular, a dome spreading out from around him. Around him lay the bodies of at least thirty demons. Then, the mage spun in a circle, fireballs launching out from his outstretched fingertips in all directions, smashing into the demons still coming close to him.

He was getting very tired, his magic stores running low but he promised to keep the portal safe for everyone to escape. And so that’s what he’s going to do…all for the Empress. And Eva…

“You guys go for the last pillar, I shall protect the portal and help fortify it. Just hurry it up!” he shouted as he floated to the orb, firing off short bursts of electricity to rid the area of the demons that had begun to swarm towards the portal.

Kalzog looked back at the mage, shook his head, then continued towards the last pillar. “I don’t trust Rimoru, nor her followers…Keep them off me for a minute. I don’t want to be too far from the portal when this roof collapses.”

The chaotic ogre waited a few seconds before bringing both of his glowing fists several feet into the hard stone floor. With a grunt, Kalzog’s muscles bulged, his teeth clenched, and his tattoos seemed to glimmer for a brief second when a huge chunk of the floor came loose and lazily floated in front of the ogre.

He batted away a few incoming throwing stars and arrows, shielding his eyes as he crouched behind his large platform. The platform itself seemed to span five feet in diameter at its longest width and its height was about two and a half feet.

“I hope you have a strong stomach and can hold on…this is going to be a bit of a spin…” Kalzog then took hold of the platform’s side and began to spin. One revolution…two revolutions…three…

With each spin, the unfortunate demons who had attempted to attack the spinning ogre/human combination would find themselves a messy paste on the side of the platform as the spinning grew faster and faster.

And suddenly, the servant of Ogruk let go, falling back- but making sure to knock Harlin off his perch a bit unceremoniously. The large rock dismembered many demons on its path towards the pillar where it made a magnificent crash, blasting through about three fourths of the base.

“It’s time we get going,” Kalzog said as he was already amazingly up. If he was dizzy, he didn’t show it as he knocked away a four-armed Enforcer.


The blade passed between his arm and chest, opening a double pair of cuts. "Oh, I won't, will I? You obviously don't want me dead, as there are a number of ways you could kill me, and so far you haven't used any."

“I like painful deaths but I would welcome your suggestions. You are getting annoying,” Brent growled angrily.

The blade’s pathway would certainly stop the heart for a dangerous second or two while also contract the muscles in its path for a few seconds longer. If the blade stayed within the body for one second too long, the body would go in a series of muscle spasms while keeping the heart beating with irregular patterns.


“You could have warned me about that…sir,” Viral said as he once again found himself being ferried around the battlefield. All around him Hel’s forces were engaged in combat against the feared army of the dragoons. But it seemed that in this case…the dragoons were the one scared for their very lives.

As Thorindyl introduced himself, Viral took the time to examine the strange creature for weaknesses. Unfortunately the beast looked solid all around, well armed and armored…except for the back.

Yet Viral didn’t know what kinds of poisons would work on the colonel.

“General, sir, it seems like his weakness is on his back. If I can divert his attention you may be able to deal the killing blow from behind. It doesn’t look like we’d be able to kill him from a direct attack in the front.”

Yet as he was speaking another figure came up in front. Viral didn’t identify him at first and had no chance to with Beau already knocking him aside.
Kitab Al-Ibar
08-04-2007, 20:46
Horatio merely frowned at Magledesh's unnecessary cruelty, it seemed the demon was unfamilier with patience and Horatio could forsee that problems may arrive if he didn't find some way to occupy Magledesh.

He raised an eyebrow at the mention of a god-killer, the name nagged at him but he couldn't place it. "I recognise the name, but i know little of it. I assume it must have some relevence since you mention it..." He broke off and moved his head quickly, with a raised eyebrow he seem to be looking past one of the patrons at a blank wall. The bond with Mienna showed she had suddenly moved a great deal further away, she was too far away for him to read anything specific from her except for a general sense of direction and that it was quite far away. Interesting. They must have found some powerful friends to have moved that quickly.
08-04-2007, 20:58
Despite being surprised when Kalzog threw him off, Harlin landed on his feet (Jiltakin, like cats, always do). The column seemed to be collapsing under the weight of the roof and Harlin was satisfied with the work that he and Kalzog had done.

Turning, he broke off at a sprint for the portal slashing with the swords he drew after stowing his crossbow over his shoulder. He crossed the final fifty yards while dodging not only attacks from the demons, but also the fireballs which Artimius was shooting at them. As he reached the shield which Artimius was maintaining around the portal, he dove headlong into it hoping that it was selectively permeable, if not, he was going to have a nasty headache.
08-04-2007, 23:40
Beau stood grasping a massive wound across his chest. His claws were shortened down to stubs trying to deflect Xenocrates' giant blade. Blood streaked down through his white fur collecting in a puddle below him.

"Varvul. Why do you serve this woman?" The titan asked pointing lifting his blade under Beau's throat.

The choas behind them had melted into the dull repititive march of the undead. Dragoon soldiers screamed in agony as the undead picked them up and dragged them back to the labratory where their true pain was yet to come.

"I promised someone in a duel that should they win then the child would be theirs. You could say I'm just hanging around until he returns." Beau replied dashing backwards away frrom the Dragoon's weapon.

"You're not worth my time wolf." Xenocrates boasted before spinning and landing a direct blow onto the Skull Knight, whom was repulsed into the nearby mountains.


Colonel Thorindyl began to sweat as the undead horde encircled him and his foes. However, they simply kept walking by paying no attention to the fighters. They had made a wide turn around them giving them ample space to fight it out.

I will not run away again!

With a powerful roar the dragoon charged forward weapons drawn. His attack was slow, but his heavy steps gave attention to his bulky mass.


Beau was now cornered several miles away with Xenocrates closing in. He had taken refuge in the jagged cooridors of the steep pass.

"Little doggy have you gotten lost?" Xenocrates gloated slowly stalking his prey. "Good move though. In here my blade is much too large to wield easily, but that will not save you."

The Varvul peaked around a corner too see the dragoon emitting an awesome amount of heat. So much so that at a hundred yards away it began to singe his fur.

"I guess I'll have to smoke you out little doggy." The dragoon hollered through the cramped pass.

Beau jumped up the steep incline and lept high into the air just narrowly escaping the tidal wave of flames that consumed the area.

"Oh hello puppy." X muttered glancing at the dot in the sky. Suddenly a liquid beast lashed at him viciously just missing him. Although the dragoon had taken the unstable monster's head clean off with a swipe of his hand, the black acid stuck to his palm began to burn excrutiatingly.

"Dragonbane." He growled as the blob reformed into a humanoid. He could hear hundreds more hooting and chanting inaudibly throughout the caverns.

"Until we meet again little doggy!" Xenocrates called out before taking flight.
09-04-2007, 06:19
Lorathin partially twitched as the blade did its work for a brief moment. "That is a truely unpleasent weapon. Where'd you get it?"

Meanwhile he was working on a method to deal with the issues at hand.


Meanwhile, Lúthien looked around as she held Bea's hand. It seemed like Uncle Kal was taking a while and she hoped he was alright. He was pretty sturdy, but even still.
10-04-2007, 05:12
The enemy never gives you any warning, Ttomak thought to Viral. Expect none on the battlefield, and you may survive to the next one.

After Thorindyl's introduction, the general did a half bow before saying, "Mine is Ttomak, and it will be an honor to be sent to oblivion." He gave a half smile, his eyes eerily remaining closed the entire time. He then twisted to the side and bent back a little to avoid Xenocrate's attack, having seen it forming in his mind before any normal eyes would have noticed it.

To Viral, Ttomak thought, You like poison, he likes to talk. I doubt the insides of his mouth is armored as well. How's that for a distraction?

As the enemy colonel charged, the general simply waved a hand toward the sloped ground. The top layers of the rubble beneath Thorindyl began sliding downhill, trying to drag him down. "So, Mister Thorindyl, did you truly think such a small force can do much against one like ours?" He spread his arms around him, indicating the mass of undead to their sides. "Please enlighten me, for inquiring minds wish to know."
10-04-2007, 08:13
With an angry grunt the colonel surged out of the rubble with tremendous force.

"Do not think you have won, this was mearly a training expedition for our youngest recruits. When Xenocrates returns he'll obliterate everything befor-"Thorindyl then turned his head sharply toward the sky as his general was taking flight.

A distraught look fell upon the dragoon as he collapsed to a knee. The screams of his young comrads tore through his heart while he contemplated suicide.

With a bolsterous roar the dragoon stood dashing into the columns of the ever marching undead. Like a tornado he thrashed wildly through the horde.

"Your trickery will do nothing amongst your own." He yelled hurling zombies at the two.
The Blastit Empire
24-04-2007, 03:45
The enemy never gives you any warning, Ttomak thought to Viral. Expect none on the battlefield, and you may survive to the next one.

To Viral, Ttomak thought, You like poison, he likes to talk. I doubt the insides of his mouth is armored as well. How's that for a distraction?

I know how to fight... he thought back to the general, unsure of how he would react to it. Viral could feel a bit of anger throbbing as he felt like a child being instructed how to fight. He had been a cultist for a long time and had learned to fight within their ranks. He later picked up his first rifle from the ruins of the Gateway and thanks to a bit of modification, created his gas weapons.

Soon after, he joined after the woman named Hel and her armies.

It's just I can move about the battlefield at my own pace.

But as he thought back to Ttomak, he was already taking aim the the wide draconic mouth of the colonel's with his pistol. Luckily, the battle wasn't as heated as it was just a short while ago- or else he wouldn't have enough time to aim and instead be fighting with the nearby dragoons, whom Viral was a bit surprised hadn't put up as much of a fight as he expected.

But the Colonel was a force to reckoned with himself. His constant moving prevented Viral to get the clear shot he wanted. Yet, being so concentrated on shooting inside the mouth, he almost didn't dodge the zombies in time.

He dove to his right, firing his pistol at the spot he had been aiming right before he dodged. The armored soldier fell with a thud but raised his helmed head to see if his shot hit true.


Lorathin partially twitched as the blade did its work for a brief moment. "That is a truely unpleasent weapon. Where'd you get it?"

Meanwhile he was working on a method to deal with the issues at hand.


Meanwhile, Lúthien looked around as she held Bea's hand. It seemed like Uncle Kal was taking a while and she hoped he was alright. He was pretty sturdy, but even still.

"Doesn't matter. It'll be the last weapon you see," Brent chuckled maniacally as he dove in directly for the heart, the weight he put into it would pin down Lorathin in so the sword remained in his chest, stopping the heart for good.

Yet what he didn't anticipate was a heavy weapon being smashed into his side, throwing off his aim, resulting in the dragon stumbling to the floor, Brieltha standing over him with a wicked looking pick. She flipped the weapon over so the pointed end was pointed down at the fallen dragon.

"No! Brieltha Don't-aggghh!" he screamed as the weapon plunged into his chest. Immediately the dragon's form seemed to waver, as if he was about to change out of his humanoid form. His fists clenched as he squirmed, trying to get out of Brieltha's reach.

"You don't know how much I've been wanting to do this!" she said with fury in her eyes.

"You...c-c-can't kill me...with that..." Brent whined as sweat poured down his forehead.

"No, but now you can get us out...You get both of us, and the rest of your brothel out and we'll let you go, never to bother me or the other girls again. If you don't let us'll have to live with this pick being punched through your scales and into your heart..." the woman growled.


Beatrice noticed Luthien looking a bit nervous and squeezed her hand a bit. "Are y-y-you alright?" she asked quietly, watching as the royal family tumbled out, Rimoru looking disheveled, Alegain covered in ashes, and Eva looking shocked and frightened.

Yet, immediately Rimoru closed her eyes and seemed to concentrate as she sat crosslegged on the side of the portal.

Soon after, Harlin came tumbling out. Now, all that was left was Artimius and Kalzog...

"Are you alright?" Beatrice asked aloud to Harlin, as Alegain dragged him out of the way with Eva, making sure he wouldn't get squished by the ogre.


He raised an eyebrow at the mention of a god-killer, the name nagged at him but he couldn't place it. "I recognise the name, but i know little of it. I assume it must have some relevence since you mention it..." He broke off and moved his head quickly, with a raised eyebrow he seem to be looking past one of the patrons at a blank wall. The bond with Mienna showed she had suddenly moved a great deal further away, she was too far away for him to read anything specific from her except for a general sense of direction and that it was quite far away. Interesting. They must have found some powerful friends to have moved that quickly.

"Orogen is a creature made by the gods, much in the way Dominatistradz was- to protect the world. However, like the dragon, it rebelled and is now the outcast demon of the deep. A terrible creature, rumored to be invincible," Magladesh replied as he continued to look out the window.

"I bring it up because he needs to be killed. Although neither he nor Dominatistradz work for the gods any longer, they both would keep our glorious master from achieving his goal of a unified world. He is one we need to destroy, along with the dragon. As to whether we can kill him is another matter...but I would enjoy killing the beast...with that kill, Master Valtrox would look favorably upon me...and you if you help."
24-04-2007, 20:46
Breathing heavily Lorathin looked over at Brieltha, "Thank you. I'm getting slow in my old age."

He looked at the downed Brent, wondering what was special about the pick to cause the dragon such terror.


"Yes, but I hope uncle Kal is as well. He shouldn't be taking this long ." She replied in a voice tinged with worry.
25-04-2007, 03:34
One edge of Ttomak's lips moved up in amusement at Viral's response, but he would hold his reply until after seeing what the other man could do first.

So instead of doing anything proactive, the general stood quite placidly in one spot, watching both enemy and ally with his mind. Raising an open palm, the zombies being flung at him suddenly found themselves frozen in the air for a split second before being violently flung away at sharp angles from their original trajectory.

After Viral made his move, Ttomak thought, A soldier follows the orders of his commander, not the desires of his ego. Otherwise, even one of these zombies would make a better soldier.

He then slowly approached the multi-limbed colonel, sword at the ready and anticipating some kind of sudden attack from the creature.
25-04-2007, 11:32
They're moving plotting something. The colonel thought hurling zombies frantically trying to force his opponents to make their move. Suddenly his head was thrown back violently from an invisible force, looking down he saw his fang had been blown clear off and the effects of the attack. [/i]Those weapons shoot things, but I never imagined such potent venoms could be combined with them...I better get in close.[/i]

Like a beserk rhino the colonel lowered his head, levled his shield, and blitzed forward crushing all the zombies between him and Viral.


"So he escaped?" Hel asked while circling the Varvul whom only lowered his head in shame. The wounds Beau suffered in battle were only inches from proving fatal, and yet he could not land a blow on the Dragoon Lord. "Go get yourself healed up then report back to me after you got some rest."

"I am afraid of him Marlene." The wolf admitted while walking away.

Hel leaned over the railing trying to focus on the battle at hand, but this defeat consumed her. Beau is the strongest fighter I have, and Xenocrates defeated him so easily.

"My Queen..." A distorted voice called from behind her.

The Skull Knight was nearly cut in half from a single slash, and the scar from the battle laid clear across his chest plate. His heavy body collapsed onto the deck as Hel ran over struggling to hold him up; a black blood oozed from under his armor and she knew had the strike been higher he would have been killed.

"Hold on, we'll get you patched up." She begged softly.

Xenocrates, you will pay for this humilation. Even if I must take matters into my own hands.


Xenocrates walked back into the Dragoon headquarters stout and walking tall. His sword was coated in a fine red blood that glistened with a powerful magic.

His underlings surrounded him eager to hear of this dark army apporaching, and how the young dragoon force was slaughtered. Their lord was boasting of singlehandedly diverting the force of millions with a wide smile on his face.
Kitab Al-Ibar
25-04-2007, 15:31
Horatio stroked his chin; "This Orogon sounds like like a significant threat and taking him down would certainly put us in good standing... Did you have something in mind for finding this creature?"


Ezekial was watching the battle through his scope from the safety of the ships with some interest. The dragoon forces hadn't put up much of a fight, with the leader of the dragoon force abandoning his troops to be massacred. The second in commnd seemed to be holding his own for the moment, though Ezekial didn't rate his chances high.

He moved the scope and saw the skull night had been badly wounded. He turned to Mahura; "It seems the big guys been hurt and since he's not around, perhaps you can spek your mind more freely?"
25-04-2007, 15:51
A twinkle lit up in Mahura's eye as she glanced towards Ezekial. "I hate Hel." She replied adding a harsh emphasis on the word. "I have dreamt of driving my blade through her back many times, so much so I'm afraid she knows of my treason. I can tell by the way she looks at me, analyzing me, studying my every movement."

The dark elf slowly calmed herself down for she knew their were eager ears all around.

"Nonetheless, this crusade is doomed, and when whatever force beheads my mistress: I shall take my freedom." Mahura said dreamy eyed and staring towards Hel's larger airship.
Kitab Al-Ibar
25-04-2007, 16:24
Ezekial raised an eyebrow; "What is stopping you from killing her now or at any time?" He watched her and considered her comments. He was beggining to have doubts that offering Hel his services was the wisest move he had ever made.

He glanced across the fleet of air ships and the rmy milling below. "A force which could devastate so large an army would likely be a force indeed... when do you think we should expect a true counter attack from the dragons, rather than this pitiful excursion?"
25-04-2007, 16:37
"She has a great power aside from what you see." She began to explain. "There is no garuntee that when I go to strike her dead, she won't do me in first. My queen has accurate preminitions of the future, and if I plan to commit such an act Beau, Skull Knight, or Ttomak would surely prevent me."

Mahura continued to explain when the yellow bird she had dispatched earlier flew by her face very much alive.

"Killing an innocent little bird to prove a point isn't very nice." A strange strung out voice scolded. A tiny Varvu climbed up her leg, through her cloths, and popped our her collar landing on the elf's shoulder. "The master of healing denounces your treachory!"

Calmly Mahura flicked the minature wolf and turned her attention back to Ezekial. "You were better off with your former master."

"Misforunte upon you for ten years dark elf!" Lupo yelled pointing to his assailant.
Kitab Al-Ibar
25-04-2007, 17:57
"Premonitions? A truely powerfuly abilitiy." Ezekial said calmly. "Hel is well protected it seems, an army, several powerful guards and visions of the future..."

His train of though was interupted by the appearence of the small wolfling. "Surely as a master healer your abilities are better used elsewhere." He indicated towards Hel's ship. "We seem to have some important casualties, perhaps you should be tending to Beau." Ezekial said with a smile at the little creature, it was rare he met an intelligent creature that was much smaller than himself and it seemed so full of itself.

He shrugged in response to Mahura's statement: "Heh, regardless, if Valtrox does somehow come through to this plane, my days as a free imp would be numbered. Perhaps this is the lesser of two evils." All the while he spoke, he watched the yellow bird flying, he was beggining to get hungry.
25-04-2007, 21:22
Lupo chuckled rolling across the floor and almost off the ship. "You expect me to heal that brainless demon and the walking storage bin? I like you imp, you're funny."

Mahura cleared her throat drowning out the tiny wolf's squeeking. "Unfortunately Hel may hand you over to Valtrox if she sees it valuable to her cause, and if I were you, I would stay quiet about that. Her primary goal is to recover a man named Cadeyrn whom is in your former lord's very possesion."

"Your stomach is making noises flying guy." Lupo commented springing to the railing nearby. "Want the master of recovery to make you feel full again?"
Kitab Al-Ibar
25-04-2007, 22:13
Ezekial frowned at Mahura's implication. "I hate to say it, but i hope you overestimate the value Valtrox would put on a stray imp... still, i see your point."

He cast a curious glance down at Lupo "And how exactly would you do that wolfling? You're not offering yourself as a snack are you? I've never tried wolf." he gave Lupo a hungry stare.
25-04-2007, 22:30
"Magicz, funny imp." Lupo barked clasping his hands and glowing a bright green. Suddenly everyone witnessing the glowing light felt as if they had just devoured a full course meal. The light died down and the miniature wolf let loose a high pitched chuckle. "See my hovering friend, magicz."

"You should have just eaten him." Mahura said frowning dubiously at the hyper active varvul.


Hel laid a hand down over the Skull Knights gaping wound and began whispering an ancient verse. Slowly the armor banded together, but the internal work would take her days to finish. Thin spans of tissue connected to the suit were all that held him together. Should one break then his control of the suit is lost.

Andraste Ajax was his official name Hel gave him after joining his dead body to a super thick, nearly invincible suit of armor. His original name has been lost, but what remains known is that he was a former comrads of Cadeyrn, who died serving the queen in the early years. Rumors of a love affair frequent the living soldiers, but are rarely spoken aloud.
26-04-2007, 03:42
Ttomak stepped to the side to make sure that there was plenty of space between him and the enemy colonel that was charging at Viral. Kneeling down, almost nonchalantly, he picked up a handful of pebbles. Standing back up, he opened up his hand and some of the loose pebbles slid off and fell back to the ground. Of the small pile that remained in his palm, he raised to his eye level.

They began levitating off his hand briefly before shooting right towards Thorindyl's back, who had now rushed past Ttomak. While the pebbles did not have the velocity that Viral's bullets had, Ttomak was counting more on their shotgun effect on the colonel's more vulnerable backside.
26-04-2007, 05:41
The blast pushed the colonel forward leaving deep indentations on the back of his breastplate. Like a whirling dervish he spun extending his tail outward mace swining wildly, while his main arsenal lashed forward in a strange ballet of a very unusual fighting style. The spinning mass edged its way towards Ttomak. Mace, Tail, Shields, Blade, Spear, Club the pattern blurred by as Thorndyl continued his wild assualt.


"A foreign scout has been spotted along the perimeter. Looks like Jiltakin." Hel muttered to herself scanning through the eyes of one of her many minions.

She pressed thumb and pointer finger across her lips trying to hide a very sinister smile. Beau, bring me our little peeping tom alive. He alone could change the very course of our objectives.

It would only be a few moments for the Varvul sniffed out and restrained the onlooker.
The Blastit Empire
02-05-2007, 23:01
Brieltha glanced at Lorathin and shrugged. "Perhaps this goes to show that us Valtroxians aren't the steriotypical evildoer," she replied to him before returning her attention to the squirming dragon.

The room began to clear from the purple haze that Brent had created mere moments ago. Brieltha coughed out whatever smoke was in her lungs and slowly pulled the pick away from the fallen dragon.

Brent squirmed for no more than five more seconds before wheezing loudly. He glared at both Lorathin and Brieltha before he slowly got himself up. He then glanced at his sword with a hungry gaze when Brieltha brandished her pick.

"None of that...let's get out of here quickly...I want to be free as soon as possible."

Brent growled something about "good for nothing cultists" and some other intelligable words before slowly stalking out of the door, Brieltha close behind.

"If you want to escape, you'll need to follow me," the former plaything told the mage.


I am not performing actions that my ego requires me to do, sir, Viral thought back, knowing that he can have a conversation with the telepath within his mind- not that he'd give many. The colonel was harder than he expected...then again, this is a real battle. The dragoons are supposed to be very powerful...not some poor wretched family to prove his worth...

Just then, the colonel charged forth again, no doubt on a deadly run that could have trampled the struggling Viral, if it wasn't for the General, whatever he did to distract the massive beast.

This gave Viral plenty of time to reload his weapon and strap it to his back. Although he wasn't planning on abandoning the fight. Instead, he pulled out two revolvers and began to fire several corrosive acid-filled bullets at the colonel's back and head area...or whatever side was facing him at the moment of the spin.


Magladesh, looking out the window, furrowed his brows a bit as Horatio spoke of the two of them getting in good standing in Valtrox's eyes. Although he wanted to kill the beast himself, he doubted he could. In fact, there was a slim chance the both of them good. The best chance anyone could defeat Orogen was Habdebza and Rothargot working in tandem...another impossible prospect, not only since Rothargot is now dead, but the fact that the two were bitter rivals to the end...

"How many languages do you know, druid?" Magladesh asked as he turned to face Horatio again. "Orogen despises speaking in common tongue and many newer ones. But if you know an older language you may be able to coax him out.
03-05-2007, 02:51
"At least some of you.." He replied as he kept an eye on Brent. As the smoke faded, he took a couple deep breaths of fresh air and expelled the toxic smoke that had gotten into him.

Pausing a second before following Brieltha out, he utilized a form of an imprisonment spell to effectively seal the dragon's sword away. Only those present or who underwent serious magical investigation would be able to find the blade again.

Wiping some sweat from his brow, he followed the other two out.
Kitab Al-Ibar
03-05-2007, 16:11
Horatio shrugged, "I speak the language of nature which all things can hear and respond to, if they but choose to listen. Apart from that, the common tounge and enough to get by in a few others, my linguistic skills are fairly lacking."

He took out a silver coin and set it spinning and table, watching it he said: "From what you have said, i would not have thought that he would respond well to being adressed by two demons, regardless of the tounge we spoke."


"A useful spell wolfling, i may have to learn that one." He muttered silently while working out how much money he would save not having to pay for slave food when transporting them, cleaner too. He gave a wry smile. "Useful indeed, but i would still prefer to taste food as often as possible."

He let out a dissatisfied sigh as he realized that he would have to first survive this war and stay free if he wished to return to the life of a merchant. Looking down at the little wolf he asked curiously: "What other magics can you do then?"
04-05-2007, 00:44
The acid dissoriented the colonel enough as he staggered and fell into the endless horde of zombies with a loud crash. Exploding upwards throwing the mindless soldiers high into the air, Thorindyl opened his mouth and fired a bright blue pilliar of fire towards Viral. His opponents used a very unorthodox method of fighting, and the colonel was growing desperate to gain leverage in the fight.


"Maybe for you, but the taste of meatsies isn't very good. Especially since I must I hurt something to gets it." Lupo squeeked playing with a ball of string that suddenly rolled across the floor.

"Intra ezurio, not a very well known spell." A strange voice answered from the direction that the yarn came. Hel stepped from the shadows eyes glaring towards Mahura.

"Beau is securing a Jiltakin scout as we speak, Mahura, you're going to need to force him to talk." She commanded to the pale dark elf, as Mahura passed Hel her queen whispered. "I have eyes and ears everywhere."

The dark elf continued and disapeared into the shadows.

"The master of the healing arts can do it all!" Lupo shouted forming a bizzare stance balancing on top of the yarn like a karate expert.

"Ttomak, stop playing with the dragoon and kill him, we have to move on."
04-05-2007, 04:35
As you wish, my lady, Ttomak thought with an amused smile. She was right, of course. He was spending too much time on this one officer. Though he got what he wanted - to see how Viral handled himself in battle - and so it was worth it.

Looking up at the airborne colonel, the general lifted his hand and positioned them so that it looked from his angle like the hand was encircling the dragoon far above. He then closed it into a fist, and Thorindyl would feel an intense force all around him, pinning all of his limbs tightly to his body. Ttomak then jerked his hand down, and the colonel would plummet headfirst into the ground faster than gravity alone would be able to accelerate him.

His sword at the ready in his other hand, Ttomak moved in for the deathblow.
04-05-2007, 11:43
"What is this!?" The dragoon yelled squirming and writhing his many limbs trying to gain freedom. Just as he felt he would get loose the air grew heavy and brought him to the earth on his neck. Upon hitting the ground the colonel landed in such a way that his spear and sword impaled him straight through the shield resting on his chest. Laying on his back he weakly thrashed his tail about only pushing aside mindless drones. He could see his opponent approaching with a familiar walk.

"I will be remembered as a fallen hero, and your filth will be slaughtered." Thorindyl growled drawing a fleeting smirk. "They will build a statue of me, and tear any of yours down."

"Leave me his head, I may be able to use this beast later." Hel echoed sensing the beast's defeat. "Well done to the both of you, where I expected such of Ttomak, your abilities remained unknown to me Viral. Both of you return to my ship to celebrate our first of many victories."
08-06-2007, 04:53
As Harlin crossed through Artimius' barrier, every hair on his body stood up. The sense of passing through an interminable distance was overwhelming, but Harlin landed in a graceful roll, and stood. He nodded to Artimius before approaching the gate. Turning, he looked for Kalzog's massive form moving through the thinning crowd of demons in the Arena. Satisfied that the two of them would be okay, he stepped through the gate.
Kitab Al-Ibar
08-06-2007, 16:40
"Intra ezurio" Ezekial muttered under his breath as he gave Hel a deep bow, he straightened and looking up at her inquired; "How may I be of service my Lady? You have accepted my services, but i find myself at a loss for the particulars of my new occupation..."

He ignored Lupo's yarn exploits and kept his attention on Hel, at the mention of Jiltakin he furrowed his brow and thought back, he recognised the title and was pretty sure he had encountered them before.
08-06-2007, 20:01
Raising his head in the direction of the scent Beau growled growing infuriated. The Varvul had been circling the same location and still there were no signs of anything, and worse still, his defeat to Xenocrates laid fresh in his mind. Suddenly the walking wolf let loose a defening howl rearing backwards. His eyes shot towards the shadows where the noise returned scattered and broken.

Beau pounced onto his prey pinning the spy to the ground under his surprising weight.

"Hello." He growled baring his awesome teeth inches from the scout's face.


Hel slid her hand under her chin, pondering of how the imp could be of use to her without granting him too much freedom.

"How might I use you then? As until now I have only taken you as a welcomed visitor and an honorable companion." She asked setting her kind warm eyes onto Ezekial. A Queen of an army of demons and undead shouldn't seem so gentle hearted, but it was an asset Hel possesed none the less. Her dark eyes could cast a feeling of serenity upon all who glance upon them. Her figure presents itself as naturally motherly and caring with an undeniable presence of royalty. Those who knew her long enough, knew well of how decieving her form is.
Kitab Al-Ibar
08-06-2007, 20:43
Ezekial gave a small bow at her comments, "I always try to give people the best impression i can." He said giving her a smile.

He couldn't help but feel an unnatural calm when he looked at Hel, well, any feeling of peace and contentment was somewhat unnatural for an imp and he found it unsettling. "I have told you of my skills, though i admit I am at somewhat of a loss to see how they may best be applied to this situation. I doubt dragons would look upon me favourably, demons and dragons, bad blood." He said it almost apologetically.

He rolled his eyes upwards, in a theatrical gesture of thinking and tapped tapped his chin with a slightly clawed finger. "I may however, have encountered these Jiltakin before, is there a reason you are so concerned about this scout?"
08-06-2007, 21:05
Hel's flowing hair, black as night itself, carried itself on the frequent gusts of wind. The once elegant buns in her hair had long since surrendered to the altitude's breeze. Lupo became almost mesmerized by the black curtain and fell on his back from his perched position.

"I have many who can torture, and more who can kill, but what I need is someone who can convince without harm. I need a negotiater." The Queen answered softly looking towards Ezekial. "As a merchant I believe this should come quite natural to you."

She paused and lowered her head peering through the top lip of her glasses.

"Dragons look unfavorably at anything superior to their ilk." Hel replied removing the frames from her face while the lenses stayed in front of her eyes. Before continuing she ran her thumb on the inner lining of the thin metal to remove a hint of blood that had collected. "The Jiltakin will not respond by force alone for they are too 'proud', and this is where you come. Mahura will soften this intruder up, the means had best be kept quiet on troubled stomachs, and you will simply talk to this scout as why divulging some minor details would be best."

Again she paused before placing her frames back into place. Drawing a sweet smile she replied: "Concerned? My good friend, I am simply interested as to why a Jiltakin is concerned enough to spy on us. Do you think you're up for it?"
Kitab Al-Ibar
08-06-2007, 21:31
Captivated by Hel's beauty, Ezekial could not take his eyes off of her. "Such a simple task is well within my abilities." he replied, pleased by her comments and amused by the trickery with her glasses.

He thought for a moment and then asked; "Is there anything you want to know in particular? Or am i just scavenging any useful information i can?"

He glanced in the direction Mahura had gone, then at Lupo. "When i leave to find to find the prisoner, do you mind if i borrow the wolfling? I'm in no rush though, I don't want to deprive Mahura of her fun."
The Blastit Empire
09-06-2007, 01:31
Brieltha guided the dragon and Lorathin down the set of staircases to a large, dungeon-like room, chains hanging from the ceiling, some women within those shackles, kneeling on the floor. The only source of light was from arrow slits along the walls, small beams of light shining through. There was also an unlit chandelier above them.

There were pillows and beds within the room as well, most already occupied. The room was filled with about thirteen women of different shapes, colors, and races, all scantily clad, lounging as best they could in such a drab environment.

“Free them all,” Brieltha demanded, pushing her blade on the dragon’s back as if to emphasize the point.

“Of course, my dear Brieltha…” Brent replied as the women began to stir and watch as their captor was starting to free them. One by one, the dragon worked, slowly- until Brieltha prodded him to go faster.

“You know, you were always my favorite, Brieltha,” Brent said quietly, a devilish smirk forming on his cheeks.

“Shut up and get us out of here,” the woman growled as she motioned for the other former playthings to follow them out into the open.

The guards that noticed them looked at the smiling Brieltha and then Brent in confusion.

“I’m…taking them all…for a walk…” he said with a stony face, trying to motion them to attack but instead feeling the light touch of the vile weapon on his back.

Within a half-hour, all the woman, the captured Brent, and Lorathin were outside far from view of the guards or the slaves.

“Well…you’re free…” Brent said suddenly, breaking the murmur of the other women. “Now if you’ll kindly finish your end of the bargain...”

“Get by that tree,” Brieltha commanded, prodding the sweating dragon-man hard in the back, making him squirm violently until he stumbled to the tree, leaning on it for support.

“That really isn’t necessary…”

“Now when we leave, you’d better not call the guards to perform a search for us…and you had better not come back yourself. Remember, this is a day when you were in our hands for once,” Brieltha commanded with a fire in her eyes. “I hope Valtrox devours your soul when he arrives on this plane.”

“Foolish Cultist, as long as Dominatistradz controls the world, your god will never see the mortal plane. And no one can def- Ahhhh!”

Brieltha slammed her pick into the dragon’s back so hard that it held on tight to the wood Brent was leaning on. Brent let out a bloodcurdling scream as he squirmed and tried to fight against the pick.

“Let’s go, before the guards come after us…I don’t know how well they can hear their masters screams from here,” Brieltha said as she walked away from the twisting body of her former master. “We can stay at my manor for a while but then we must be off. You, mage, you have a place to go?”


"I doubt he'll respond well to anything, minus the dragons. As far as I know, he despises everything but the sea creatures and perhaps Dominatistradz," Magledesh replied. "But with you, we can find out where he is and perhaps...distract him. But not now. We have other business to take care of," the demon said in a huff, as though it were only a dream to kill the enormous Orogen. "So what happened in Miffin's room? You looked as though you were going to faint. And I won't buy your explanation that Valtrox communicated directly to you." The demon narrowed his eyes and looked at Horatio square in the face.


Viral frowned as the zombies crawled towards Thorindyl. To bad...he was a good warrior. I'm sure the dragons will miss him...

He looked up at the intact airship of his queen. My lady, I think if I worked more by myself, I can show you what I am capable of. I will try not dissapoint on my next assignment, he thought back to Hel, not sure if his message would go through.

He took off his helmet and held it within his arm as he walked closer to the airship, shaking his head slowly.

Kalzog snarled as he smashed through several more enforcers. They were definately harder than he remembered them.

"There is no time to kill them all!" Artimius shouted as demons started to approach him.

The ogre gave out a challenging roar before stomping towards the mage, dodging demons and killing the few that remained in his path.

As he neared the portal, a Maw threw itself in the way, challenging the ogre to pass through. Kalzog dodged its slimey tongue as it tried to slap it into the ogre's face.

With his large hands, he latched on and pulled as hard as he could, the Maw whining as he did, before barraling towards the ogre as a last ditch effort to free its tongue.

Kalzog expected this as he brought his remaining hand over the Maw's back and leapt over it, pulling the tongue along and flipping the beast over.

"Aren't you going to go through?" Kalzog asked the struggling mage.

"I can't. It seems like Rimoru can't hold onto the portal herself- there must be one one both ends at all times...Besides, I'm fairly sure I can get myself out of this mess with a few more spells," Artimius said with a smile.

Kalzog stared coldly at the mage before passing through the portal, closing his eyes as he did so.


On the other side, Kalzog fell to the ground unceremoniously and stared blankly into the sky.

Rimoru frowned as the portal began to fade away. She knew what had to happen...Artimius sacrificed himself so the rest of them could escape.

But it was not only the thought that a loyal and powerful ally and friend had perished, but the feeling of uneasiness that began to shape in her stomach again. She fought back the urge to throw up, losing some balance in the process.

Alegain was immediately at her side, holding her up for support, incorrectly assuming she was tired from holding the portal for so long. "That orb did more damage than I expected..." he said quietly. That and the fact that he didn't want to think she would be sad at the loss of the handsome Mage.

"Yes it did," she whispered as she realized that it was because of that orb that they were all out here. Habdebza could not defeat her with her powers, she knew that- despite his show of force in the palace. She was just caught a bit off guard... And if only Alegain knew... She looked into his red eyes and sighed. "Come, we must be off."

"Everyone ready to go? I think we are nearby- the Threandir Forests surrounded Mebbiwik's home and ultimately seperates a portion of lower Iskan with the Orderlands...Or what's left of itm" Rimoru said as loud as she could muster.
09-06-2007, 02:46
The Queen drew a friendly smile and looked towards Lupo.

"That is up to our tiny guest." She answered growing fond of the miniature Varvul now entangled in the yarn. "I just want to know where their fortress is. Any other additional information would be greatly appreciated, but the location is an absolute necessity."

"I'm ready for action whenever 'er old imp is." Lupo squawed finally freeing himself from the threads from Hel. The tiny creature sprinted his way up the Imp's back and perched over Ezekial's shoulder. "I'll make sure the Jiltakin don't die."

Slightly nodding her head she returned to her thoughts.

You will only dissapoint me if you get killed Viral.


Xenocrates burst through the cavern home to his people. Immediately he became swarmed by his students, and other Dragoons curious that their general dawned a blade coated in blood.

"Where is our High Lord? It is absolutely urgent I see him immediately" His deep voice hollowed through the crowds. "We have been pulled into war with an unknown enemy.

The crowd burst into a commotion at the mention of war. The cultists have made no massive moves since the gate war, and man has been fairly peaceful.
The Blastit Empire
09-06-2007, 05:54
"War?" Came a thunderous voice. "We are at war Sir General Xenocrates! We expect no less from the foul mortals that roam this world. They fight back like the wretched animals they are! They don't accept what is right for them. They worship gods that give them nothing but empty threats and death!"

The booming speaker was Lydrasil, The Ageless of fire. The dragon was in the shape of a large man, as tall as Xenocrates and just as broad. He, naturally, had the foulest temper and bloodlust that put ogres to shame. He smiled as he approached the general and pat him roughly on the back. "General, always a pleasure to see you with your bloodied blade before you and not behind," he chuckled as he pushed away recruits and dragoons, making way for the two of them. "What kind of enemy are we speaking about? Cultists are all we need to worry about. The rest are all rabble!"

"Lydrasil, leave him alone. He requests audience with the High father," he said loud enough to be heard over the commotion stirred up by the arrival of the two popular figures from atop a large ramp leading to a large hole to fit dragons in human forms of all different sizes. This man was Bercleor, in his most common form- that of a tall, brown haired, brown eyed man who was no where near as brawny as the two warriors. He was rather spindly with long, bony limbs. With his arm, he reached out in the direction of Xenocrates. "Come. I'm sure he will want to hear what news you have."


Viral slowly stepped on deck, his rifle slung behind his back and his helmet within his arm, his suit still bloodied. He had hitched a ride from a bone dragon to get back on deck, with difficulty of course.

He noticed the queen and turned around to face with crisp attention and knelt before her. "My lady, General Ttomak shall bring the head. I took another ride up from the battlefield- there is nothing left for me down there."
09-06-2007, 12:04
"Lydrasil my old friend!" The dragoon replied with a heartly chuckle. "I am pleased to see years of collecting dust have not changed you in the least."

He hesitated slowly drawing a frown.

"Thoryndil and the Third Vanguard of the southern borders have been annihilated." Xenocrates added. "We were overrun by hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions of undead. Their commander I know nothing about, but they have a few able warriors in their ranks...well had. I was ready to stand against the wretched flood to my last breath, but word must be spread.

"My lord." The warrior said bowing slightly and breaking away from the crowd. "See you later Lydrasil."
Kitab Al-Ibar
09-06-2007, 12:14
Ezekial gave Hel another small bow and promised; "You will not be dissapointed." He gave a chagrined smile to Hel as he felt the small wolf run up his back and perch on his shoulder. "Very well, i will find some way to amuse myself while i search for Mahura."

He begn to move past her, following the direction he had seen Mahura take, before pausing momentarily and asking; "Does it matter if this scout survives the interrogation?" It was a throwaway question, he was pretty sure of the answer already, that the jiltakin would be killed and absorbed into the ranks of the undead. As he spoke he noticed Viral's appearence and inclined his head at the man in a form of greeting.


Horatio inclined his head to show his deferance to Magladesh; "I'm sure you know what is best in these matters."

The next question caught him slightly off guard, but he had been waiting for it and decided that telling the truth would perhaps be easier.

To that end, in a low voice he answered the question; "Something sapped my energy, and i can only surmise that it was an enemy of ours. I cought a glimpse of what whoever took my energy was seeing at the time and it appears they were fighting demons in Rimoru city." He raised a hand for Magledesh to remain quiet and let him finish.

"I may or may not have mentioned that i have some means of observing the movements of a handful of powerful enemies that assaulted the palace after Habdebza left. It is my belief that it was one among them who is responsible." Or at least had a means He thought to himself, he had been reluctant to use the bond as it seemed the only way something could have affected him, though he doubted Mienna would be capable of using the bond to such an effect.

"This means is a young woman who is linked to me by magic, she is not aware of the bond. But it seems that somebody is and has found a way to manipulate it." This was obviously causing him some annoyance from the expression on his face. "I have blocked the bond for now until i can better prepare myself to resist such an assault. But Habdebza wished me to keep an eye on these individuals, so i must leave the bond in place."

He examined Magladash carefully, concerned about how the demon would respond.
09-06-2007, 16:57
As the jiltakin lay pinned, he struggled to free his hands now wrapped tightly around a pouch of Jiltakin sleeping powder, the proven method for incapacitating a larger opponent in this situation. Despite his efforts, the great weight of the were wolf crushed his efforts, and though he fought for his survival, he was unable to free himself.

"Go ahead, kill me, but beware the wrath of my people."


Harlin stood on the other side of the gate, and watched it slowly fizzle out. There were very few ways that Artimius could have extricated himself from that situation. He frowned a little to himself as he looked at the ground, he didn't want to say anything that might upset the children.

As Rimoru indicated that they were close to Mebbiwik's, Harlin looked at her and said, "I'll scout from the trees." As the others accepted the idea, he jumped up into the first nook of a tree and disappeared amongst the branches.

The quiet of the forest was comforting, and he glided from branch to brach as he climbed higher to see if he could find the direction of Mebbiwik's home. Reaching the canopy, he could make out lights in the distance. He assumed that that was Mebbiwik's house, based on the periodic puffs of steam emitting from various parts of the building. He climbed back down and told the others the direction.
10-06-2007, 04:30
Ttomak paused as Hel mentally spoke to him. Then, with a hint of a smile, he said to Thorindyl, "The only thing you will be remembered as is an appetizer to this army's upcoming feast."

The zombies began gorging themselves on the dragoon, but Ttomak made sure that they steered clear of the head. After allowing the enemy to suffer being eaten alive for a few moments, Ttomak swirled his sword in one hand before bringing it down on the dragoon's neck. Picking it up, he threw it at his undead mount, which caught it with one of its forelimbs. Without further delay, he leapt onto the back of his ride and took off.

With their foes routed for the moment, the clouds the mages created were already beginning to disperse, allowing shafts of moonlight to spotlight random sections of the battlefield, almost all of which was covered with the undead horde. The general's mount let out a triumphant roar as the two flew over the army and up to Hel's flagship.

The skeletal dragon tossed the head up and Ttomak caught it before jumping off and into a net on the airship. The net stretched under the sudden force and straightened itself back out, pushing Ttomak forward. He landed with a loud clatter onto the floor on his side. Clambering back to his feet, he grinned and said, "Well, that wasn't as smooth as I was hoping for." Lifting Thorindyl's head next to his, he gave a stupid smile.

He dropped the head to the floor, then got serious. To Hel, he asked, "Shall we follow the enemy general? Chances are he'll lead us straight to the other dragon forces, and the less time they have to prepare..." His voice drifted off, expecting Hel to think along the same lines.
10-06-2007, 18:04
"We invite and gladly invoke the wrath of your people." Beau growled before delivering a sharp headbutt sure to incapacitate even the most endured fighter.

Scoping the body over his shoulder he bound in great leaps towards Hel's ship.

A twisted smile emerged from the corner of Hel's lips as the imp passed.

Mahura slid from the shadows before Ezekial holding a slight grin.

"Looking for someone?" The dark elf asked with menace in her eyes. "Just follow me to the room and learn how to retrieve information."

She moved down the dimmly lit corridor of the ship without making a sound. Her feet didn't even seem to touch the noisy wooden floors. Suddenly Mahura stopped as a pair of piercing red eyes emerged from a passageway. The Skull Knight barely fit in the cramped avenue but managed to turn and lift his arm into a pitch black room.

"Thanks rusty." Mahura chirped skipping into the room.

"I don't like this." Lupo whispered to Ezekial nervously digging his claws into the imp's shoulder. "I don't like dark places."


Hel noted her general's rather clumsy entrance and nodded kindly in his direction.

The dragoon's head hit the deck with a dull thud and rolled to Hel's feet. A trickle of blood hit her left cheek. The faint hint of insanity given by her smile soon crossed her entire face.

Harlin...I'll always remember that name. For this sin on my memory I will carve mine into his forever

Hel's tongue slowly licked the dragoon's blood from her skin and soon broke out into maniacle laughter. The Queen glanced towards Ttomak and simply replied by shaking her head.

"We will hold until dawn, that is all the time we need. Keep Viral company while I make use of this thing." Her words were empty and broken by sporatic wisps of laughter. Picking up and staring into the dragoon's oversized head she continued: "Isn't that right? You were exactly what I need to draw those thieves from their hole. Thank you dragoon, I will give you a good home here."

Walking away her conversation with the head faded into the darkness.
The Blastit Empire
10-06-2007, 18:30
"There has to be a few of us remaining ever ready for battle. Just waiting for my orders!" Lydrasil chuckled. Yet upon listening to Xenocrates' report, he frowned a muttered a curse in Draconic.

"Undead? Each dragoon is worth atleast ten zombies! Thoryndil could easily have handled a hole batallion before breaking a sweat! Dishonorable cretins should rot in the holes they came from! Nothing like the burning fires a dragon can inflict upon them! We can" the dragon said, his voice growing soft until silent as he looked up at Bercleor and bowed, a hint of annoyance expressed on his narrowed eyes.

"Dominatistradz will like to hear everything you have on this, every bit of information," Bercleor said as the massive warrior strode alongside towards the dragon-king's lair.

The enormous, emerald-green dragon lay curled around two stone statues, one of a large, female dragon, while the other was that of a strong, healthy smaller male dragon, both almost life-sized statues. Both statues had a beautiful gold pendant, about the size of goblin.

The living dragon’s eyes were closed as he hummed a slow sad melody to the statues, his enormous claw slowly picked up one of the pendants before Bercleor cleared his throat loudly.

The humming paused as Dominatistradz’ dark orange colored eyes opened and narrowed. He resumed his humming as he examined the pendant for a minute longer before setting it down and ending his tune.

“What news do you bring me, Xenocrates?” his deep voice rumbled as he twisted his mammoth body around to face the puny messengers.


"Habdebza does not always know what is right," Magladesh replied with a hint of annoyance. "Can't you assualt the other side back? Show them that you will not tolerate their insistance on getting rid of this. If they already know about this bond, then why try to keep it too much of a secret?"
Kitab Al-Ibar
10-06-2007, 20:33
Ezekial gave Mahura an intrigued smile; "You propose to teach a demon how to torture someone?" He too made a mimimum of noise as he followed her.

When they arrived he paused outside the door to look at the giant; "You seem to have come out of that battle ok big guy." He said, rapping his knuckles against the metal armor.

Then he turned looked round at Lupo and gave him a friendly smile; "If you don't want to go in, then you don't have to, but stick around somewhere nearby in case we need you, unless you want to convince Mahura to light a few candles?" At the least he wouldn't get in the way.


Horatio hesitated before answering; "The bond does not work like that, what happened should not have happened, it should not have been able to happen." He furrowed his brow and continued; "But obviously it has. The bond has, to my knowledge, never been used in this situation before."

"So, i'm in murky waters here. The bond connects to the girl, i cant strike back through it against anyone else and other people should not be able to interfere with me through it."
11-06-2007, 00:54
The Dragoon cleared his throat and paused. It was always wise to be absolutely certain of what you're going to say to a god lest he find your tone, manner, or even choice of words displeasing.

After a very crips salute Xenocrates cleared his throat and removed his helm.

His short well trimmed hair glistened an unusual red as he so often drenched in his opponent's blood, that it eventually became a part of him. The general's eyes were a sharp pitch of orange and black made more present by his now dull grey armor.

"My lord, a massive army of undead advances from the South. They've obliterated Thoryndil's company with a force like I've never seen. Numbers in possibly the millions with weapons that are very advanced. I would have gladly died beside the colonel if I did not think this information."

There was more to tell, but The Dragoon Lord knew to speak briefly before Dominatistradz. It was only wise to show respect whenever possible.


The Skull Knight gave a friendly nod while Lupo tried his damndest to be as attached to Ezekial as possible.

"Gladly." Mahura replied even though the question was not directed to her. With a snap of her fingers the room lit from every corner. A surprisingly large room forty feet in length and twenty feet wide. The decor was that of your standard torture chamber: hooks, meat cleavers, blood stains, etc.

"Please excuse the mess, but sometimes I get a little carried away." The dark elf continued shruging an old corpse into a garbage shoot that would rain the body into the zombie hordes below. "Get comfortable while we wait for that mangy mutt to bring my next play date."

"Mangy what?" A deep voice growled before Beau emerged pushing Ezekial into the room and throwing a body into Mahura.

She grinned quickly stripping the Jiltakin of his clothes and throwing him into a constricting harness on the wall.

Mahura squeeled with joy waiting for the guy to wake up.

"I wonder if we really need to be here." The tiny wolfling quivered unable to stand the sight of pain, but he couldn't just let another person die.
13-06-2007, 21:09
"Yes I do." Lorathin commented for the first time since the 'escape'. "What are your plans, as I'm sure once he gets loose, he'll be after you with a vengence."


"Uncle Kal, your safe." Were the words the ogre heard before being tackled by the pint sized elf. "Are you ready to go find mr. Mebbiwik?"
Kitab Al-Ibar
14-06-2007, 20:23
Ezekial twitched his shoulder in response to the small wolfs claws beggining to dig in and irritate him. Though he was quickly distracted by the sudden light in the room.

He cast an appreciative glance around the room, "Well stocked i se..." He was cut off mid sentance as he was barged from behind by the much larger wolf. He gave Beau a withering glance and moved out of the way.

He felt Lupo quivering on his shoulder and thought for a moment. "Perhaps the wolfling is right, our presence is not required and it may be easier to convince the Jiltakin to talk if he hasn't seen me enjoying his torture. Or at the very least i could be out of sight of him." He shrugged. In truth, though he didn't mind the torture, it had been a long time since he had last participated in it and he had grown to appreciate the finer things since then.
18-06-2007, 00:47
Keep Viral company? Surely she had something better for the general of her army to do...

But Ttomak merely nodded and said, "Very well."

After Hel disappeared into the darkness, he turned sharply to Viral. With his eyes boring into the other man, his thoughts stretched out and said, Soldier, you handled yourself adequately down there, given the circumstances. But tell me, what do you see as your greatest strengths and greatest weaknesses in battle?
24-06-2007, 05:00
HEL - The Queen's Cabin
This can't be done. Not against Valtrox and not against the Dragons.

Hel's cabin was littered with crumbled parchments and burning paper. She continued tactic after tactic hoping to at least obtain a 5% chance for success, but the closest she could get, in a best possible scenario was .07%.

"When brute force fails." She smiled patting the Dragoon's head. "There's always politics to win wars."

15 years and it's come to this.

Valtrox. I...need your help.

The tatoo over her left shoulder began to glow as she focused all her strength into conjuring her brief master if only to negotiate.

MAHURA- Torture Room

"What in the shaven gods furball!" Mahura shouted examining the chained up, naked Jiltakin. "How hard did you hit em?"

Beau turned his head away from the noisy dark elf, always annoyed by her outward and impatient personality. The varvul left the room in disgust, with Mahura, and with himself.

Her eyes glaring down on the stripped scout with utter contempt; Mahura's patience ran to its end.

"Wake up!" She shouted slapping the prisoner with the broadside of her hand. "I live for your pain, and I will only live if you suffer, so wake up and let me make you suffer."
07-07-2007, 05:35
The beating of his heart pounded in his temple like a pile driver. He slowly opened his eyes, but realized it was a foolish idea as the light caused a wave of nausea to rush over him. Unable to turn to the side, he vomited straight in front of himself, onto the dark elf who had slapped him awake.

Seeing the humor in this, he laughed, and then realized that that too was a poor idea as his broken ribs jabbed his lungs. The laugh died slowly into a whimper.

Physically, the Jiltakin was a broken man, but mentally he was still sharp. He scanned the room and tested his bonds before beginning to figure a way out of the situation. The concussion he was suffering made it impossible for him to enter the Shadowfold, so he had to come up with something else.
07-07-2007, 15:55
There was a drawn out silence as Mahura picked the chunks of vomit off her. Slowly her expression grew from a twisted enjoyment to utter disgust.

"Name?" She asked before delivering a sharp jab into the Jiltakin's stomach. A barely audible crunch erupted as his ribs fragmented.
20-07-2007, 01:59
"My name is Jiltakin," the warrior coughed as blood began to fill his lungs from where the ribs had punctured them.
20-07-2007, 02:59
"What a disgusting name." Mahura grunted turning her back to the prisoner. "The game we will play is simple. I ask a question, you answer. If I like the answer we move on. If not, we stay on that question."

Suddenly she delivered a sharp spin kick to the Jiltakin's stomach.

"I don't like that name. What is your name?"
20-07-2007, 03:05
The Jiltakin laughed, becoming a wincing painful cough as his ribs jabbed farther into his lungs. He smiled a mouth full of bloody teeth before spitting the blood out onto the floor in front of the elf.

"That's the only... name you'll get. Ultimately, my name is of... little consequence either way." He winced every few words as the effort of forcing air to become speech pained him greatly. "You should ask... the more pertinent... questions soon though. I'm dying... rather quickly I believe."
20-07-2007, 03:14
"Oho is that so?" The dark elf giggled. "Death is not what you should be anticipating when your body surrenders. It is the rebirth that should be circling through your mind."

Lifting the Jiltakin's Mahura began examining his face.

"Imagine, knowing only decay and hunger. I can give you peace, or if you withhold any will be reborn into the undead and we will salvage whatever intellegence is left. Where is the Jiltakin fortress? Where is your people's homeland?"

"Answer this, and you will die." She continued still holding her prisoner's chin up high. "Do not, and you will live forever as another minion."
The Blastit Empire
20-07-2007, 04:19
"Well, I hope both you and Habdebza have a good enough plan to use her. Can you dominate her will or mind? Perhaps as they sleep, you can murder them all," Magledesh said with a dark grin on his face. "Do you think they'll use it to surprise you again?"


The Dragon ruler kept a straight face before he nodded slowly. "It's a shame.Thoryndil was a great asset to our force. But he was only with a scouting party. With dragons, he should have been able to realize these masses, if not hear them, from a distance and retreated. His actions were brave, but foolish. And foolishness will kill us all. Who leads this army? Explain their weapons. Give me as much information as you can."


"I plan on running to my manor, warn the City Priest, who will then warn our ruling High Priest, or atleast those who speak to him. If he comes, he shall have the might of Valtrox cutting him through- a power I feel you've encountered before," the young woman replied to Lorathin's question.


Kalzog smiled as he felt the light elf leap to his shoulder. "It takes more than lackeys to destroy me. Unfortunately, your royal wench of a man is likely to die within minutes or be tortured until his death," the ogre said to the royal family.

"Valtrox will pay for this, mark my words," Rimoru growled lowly as tears streamed down her face. "And Artimius was a good man."

"My wife would not cheat on me either," snapped Alegain.

"Whatever. Lead the way through this forest so we can get to the palace again. This forest doesn't look so inviting."

Rimoru glanced about the forest and shook her head slowly. "It's no different than how I remember it. It's just darker out."

"But it is nearly silent. Where's the wildlife?" Ixair asked as he reloaded his steam pistol.

"Mebbiwik scared most of them off when his machines got louder and louder."

"Is everyone ready to go or shall we make camp?" Alegain asked in case the battle drained too much energy from everyone.


Viral thought a bit and tapped his chin- an old habit he took up from the few occasions he saw his former master, Inzikai. "I see my greatest strength to be my great immunity to diseases, poisons, and sicknesses. My weakness- once you get passed my armor, I can die like anyone else. Those are my beliefs, sir," he said aloud, slightly uncomfortable with the mind-speak.


"Master, the gate will take years to operate. You cannot possibly fit through-"

"Some things are falling through. I need to reveal a part of me to keep my people together. Only then will the others fall before me. The gate needs only be powerful enough to send someone like Habdebza through-"

Within the powerful mind of the most feared god in Lustria, a small voice came through out of the sea of voices. This voice he had not heard since the previous gate war. Before his minion decided to die on him...

"Get a gate up soon. I am losing my patience," The god, Valtrox snarled as his dragon-like body lost its form and melted into the lava.

Marlene. his voice replied hotly. The lava he embodied bubbled and boiled as he contacted her. I rarely help those that do not worship me. And you left my guardianship when that fool died for you.
20-07-2007, 04:40
Xenocrates bowed his head gathering his words carefully.

"My lord, it was under my orders that the patrol force stand their ground. I feared what loses would come if they marched uninhibited into our lands. My pride will not let any enemy descend upon our territory." He apologized lowering his head even further. "However, this was also a ploy to gather valuable intellegence on our formerly unknown adversary. They are not in allegiance with Valtrox, and it seems their strength lies on numbers alone."

"A vast army of undead with advanced technology. Ranged weapons that rip through novice dragon skin. Flying ships that provide support and supplies. A higher echelon of advanced warriors. As for the leader, I can only assume they are anticipating a counterattack as we speak."


A twisted smile creased across Hel's lips.

Forgive me my lord, but under your flag the dragons surely would have annihilated me by now. I left so to fufill my potential. To fufill the future purpose.

The floor boards began to squeel under the immense dark pressure.

I lead an army over a million strong to eliminate the dragons. To fight those who enslaved my people, and those responsible for his death. Do you not feel the breath of the undead swell from my presence? The shriek of fallen dragons now under my command? All I ask is support, or you and I will be erased from history.

With such an army, you might be able to succesfully open another gate.
20-07-2007, 17:19
"That is not a weakness - it is a fact of life for everyone," Ttomak said, rather stoically. "So you either erroneously believe that you have no weaknesses, or more likely, you do not trust your general with that information."

Some of the workers on the deck of the airship glanced over at the two speaking, but tried not to be too obvious about it.

"And if you do not trust your general, then you do not trust your army," he continued with little pause. "Even the mercenaries trust that we will at least reward them well for their service with us. But you're not like the other mercenaries. So tell me, Mister Viral, what are your reasons for joining us of your own, free will?"

He shot an icy look at some of the deckhands, who in turn quickly went back to focusing on their work.
20-07-2007, 18:35
The Jiltakin grinned, and then spit out blood again, this time to the side. "Your minions don't seem to be conversationalists. Though, you are suggesting that some of the former self exists in them to suffer are you not? Perhaps there is hope for those wretches."

He knew that his time was short, and intended to give the elf nothing even after death. "The Jiltakin Fortress, didn't you here the rumors? It is hidden deep within the Durangar Range, below the realms of the Dwarves. It also rests atop a giant turtle and drifts across the sparkling West Sea, never staying in one location. Why do you need me to find its location when anyone can tell you where it is?"

He smiled, and then spasmed with coughs spewing tiny globs of blood onto the elf. "I beg your pardon," he wheezed. "I would have covered my mouth but," he rattled the chains that held him to the wall, "my hands were busy."
Kitab Al-Ibar
20-07-2007, 22:11
"If only." Horatio said, "She and i are linked and i should be able to exert some command over her, but at this range it would be almost useless. No, she is with them so i have some idea of where they are and if they are close enough to be a problem."

"This should not have happened in the first place, but since it has i will take measures and be on guard against it happening again." Horatio shrugged and propped his head up on his hands.

"First i must recover from this 'attack', i feel natures might returning slowly, but i may need to rely on more physical abilities for now." As he said this he lifted his other hand and examined how it had changed, becoming more claw like, after a moment he clenched it into a fist and slammed it down on the table, leaving a sizeable dent in the wood and making a loud noise which caused the alreadyscared patrons to cower even more. Horatio shot them a fierce glare and then looked back at Magledesh. "Perhaps there are some abilities that will come this transformation which i may be able to use."


Ezekial watched as Mahura beat the already severely wounded Jiltakin and frowned, the man had spirit, that was for sure, but it would be useless after a while, eventually he would have to give up, after she had beaten and tortured him to within an inch of his life a dozen times only to have him healed and the process begin again would be enough to break down even the strongest of wills eventually.
21-07-2007, 02:45
"Do I not seem quite colloquial? Are my mannerisms so pleasant that you mistook me for one of the living?" Mahura ranted pulling a metal hook from the wall.

The dark elf spun the metal weapon around her finger approaching the Jiltakin.

"Do you not under stand the game we're playing?" She asked grinning from ear to ear. "If I don't like your answer-"

Immediately the hook pierced under the Jiltakin's left collarbone and slid back out through his shoulderblade. Mahura began pulling in short jerks on the instrument until she heard the satisfying crunch of his clavicle snapping.

"This is where the game gets fun assassin." She squeeled attaching the end of the hook to a chain linked to a pulley system on the cieling. "Now Jiltakin, where exactly is your homeland found?"

Mahura slid a second hook from its hanging on the wall.


Lupo buried his head in the imp's neck releasing muffled sobs.
21-07-2007, 03:37
"So your cult happens to be that wide spread, interesting." He commented mostly to himself. "As to your clerics, yes I've dealt with them before. While there were a few powerful ones, most seemed to hold to the mob's guide to dealing with wizards plan."


"Hopefully he gets away before getting caught or at least being able to escape." She commented from her partial perch on the ogre's shoulder. "Maybe we should find Mr. M and have him put up for a night of rest before we do anything else. That way we can rest and you," And here she gestures to the majority of grown-ups, leaving off Alegain as she'd developed a bit of a disliked of him, "Can discuss things."
21-07-2007, 07:32
The Jiltakin bared his teeth in pain. Through gritting teeth, he said, "I understand the game... I intend to win."
21-07-2007, 07:50
Mahura slung the hook sideways through her victim's left peck and exiting through his shoulder.

"Win?" Mahura mocked twisting the wicked weapon. "I like your spirit, let's keep playing!"

Playfully the dark elf attached a second chain running parallel to other line on the ceiling. Sliding behind the Jiltakin she undid the bonds holding him to wall placing all of his weight onto the blades in his body.

Hanging an inch off the floor, Mahura jerked on a chain pulling him over into the center of the room.

"Care to tell me where your friends sleep?" She asked before whistling in a gaurd with a boiling keg.
23-07-2007, 00:49
"Why in beds of course, where did you imagine they'd sleep." The pain was excruciating, but he continued to project his sense of levity.
24-07-2007, 11:54
"Hrmph." She snorted before delivering a swift sweeping kick to his legs flipping the Jiltakin upside down. Her hands were divided between holding his foot, and holding the chain that kept him from falling face first into a pot of boiling water.

"I think you'll look prettier with a scar." Mahura chirpped before releasing the dolly that held the prisoner. "I won't let you drown, but I'm sure that's the last thing on your mind!"
26-07-2007, 02:40
“Sir and Lady, I have something that may interest you,” he said quietly. His young eyes met Sebastian’s and he gave a quick bow. “I hear you’re in need of some sort of proof you are willing to work with us. I was in there, hoping to get some sort of attack group formed. The barbaric monstrosities that linger at the southern wall have several stockpiles of weapons- strange explosive substances that they launch from catapults or run directly at the wall with large barrals strapped to themselves. If someone can destroy them, they certainly would take a load off of our defenses. And I believe a Minotaur general has set up his quarters there. The death of him would result in chaos amongst the south east ranks. But…there is something else…”

The commander shifted uncomfortably and lowered his head. “Those brutes also abducted a group of villagers- including my wife and daughter. If they are still alive, I desperately want them back. It pains me every day to wake up and not know what has become of my family.”

He looked up with eyes on the verge of tears. “So, Sir…would you be willing to attempt this quest?”

Sir Sebastian did not have to think long. "It is my duty to take action when innocents have been treated unfairly, and I have sworn to uphold my duty," the robed warrior said in a matter-of-fact way. Though it was needless to say, he added, "I shall attempt to fulfill this quest to the best of my abilities." Helping this commander out, hopefully even if he couldn't fully succeed, would at the very least gain him some support in the General's ranks.

Explosive substances, a Minotaur General, and a group of villagers, Sebastian listed in his thoughts as he exited the tent to make his own plans. Even one of the three items would seem enough to prove his worth to the General, but all three would show much, much more. Either of the first two would strike a serious blow to the enemy's abilities to wage a siege-war on the city, but no doubt none of them would be easily accomplished tasks. Penetrating that deep into the enemy's lines and attacking what would most likely be highly guarded targets would require cunning, skill, and not to mention a great deal of Lady Luck.

Turning to the noble Lady Ikara, he spoke softly and kindly, "My Lady, I do not ask you to follow me on this quest - suicidal as it may be - but I could use another's sword at my side..."
26-07-2007, 02:59
“Almost forgot…” he chuckled as he pulled a small collar from a pack on his belt. With a quick movement, his thick, scaly arms were under Ar’mai’s and placing the tight collar around her neck. “Just in case,” he smiled as he hooked a chain around the choker. “Now show me where this place is you spoke of.


“You two, I have the pleasure of joining together,” the elf dragoon chuckled as she soon tied the pirate captain and the elf together at the wrists with the strange bindings.

Conroy frowned and glanced at Venisar with a look of contempt. “This ain’t gonna be pleasant, elf,” he grumbled as he was prodded in the back.

“Can’t you control your big lug?” the dragoon elf asked as she walked alongside Venisar while drakonan with pikes prodded at their backs.

"How crude..." was all Ar'mai could mutter as her brutish captor dealt her a final humiliation by connecting a collar and chain to her. Never before had she been so humiliated as to have been connected like a dog to his master. At the very least he could have used something a little more advanced than chains... However, even that would be enough to hold her seeing as her friends were being held hostage in case she decided to become difficult and not cooperate. She'd have to hope that something within the tomb took care of Vohin, allowing her to escape and return to the others in order to free them in secret.

As always, Ar'mai's exceptionally bright mind was scheming, planning, and thinking the whole way as they walked through the woods. "You know..." she said for the first time in the twenty minutes of their hike, "if we encounter something in there, it might be useful if I had a weapon." It was a long shot - no doubt he would refuse - but it wasn't altogether a dubious suggestion. The black gate appeared in front of them guarding a crumbling castle with stone walls and a central building that lay atop the dark tomb...


"Well then, I suggest you quit being so difficult and start using whatever you have left of a brain up there to begin thinking..." Venisar responded calmly to the pirate lord with whom he was now chained.

Turning his head slowly to the dragoon elf, Venisar took his time pronouncing the word "No" as Bael'ther thrashed about just enough to give the dragoons an annoying bit of trouble.
26-07-2007, 03:13
“Then prepare to die,” the golems rumbled at once as they charged towards Vira with surprising speed, fists raised, all aimed at the ground underneath her.

With their prey surrounded, the four golems rushed forward with their stone fists ready to pound down hard. However, before they were able to reach their targets, Vira's four Doom Guards ( appeared out of thin air. Their massive frames stood in guardian positions around their mistress, protecting her from any harm. As the golems attacked, their fists met the demonic armor of hell and set a rippling metal clang through the cavern. With no other sound to muffle it, the blow carried for miles in an instant as the combatants readied their next moves.

Immediately, the four warriors surrounding Vira lifted their hellforge blades, flickering with the fire of a thousand tortured souls and struck down hard. As they became locked in an inevitable battle, the dark huntress demonstrated the most basic of her abilities, sending dark energy at the stone figures that did battle with her minions. Alternatively, if need be, she could attempt to raise the dead soldiers that scattered the city. But for now, her Doom Guard would be more than a match for the stone obstructions...
26-07-2007, 03:18
"Is everyone ready to go or shall we make camp?" Alegain asked in case the battle drained too much energy from everyone.

As per normal, Loki did not have a strong opinion on the matter and did not voice any either.

They had just fought a tiring and draining battle, just nearly escaping, so rest would be a welcome sight for many. However, they ventured through so much and now seemed to be so close that stopping now seemed pointless.

Either way, the young mage would rest well tonight...
The Blastit Empire
29-07-2007, 02:49
Xenocrates bowed his head gathering his words carefully.

"My lord, it was under my orders that the patrol force stand their ground. I feared what loses would come if they marched uninhibited into our lands. My pride will not let any enemy descend upon our territory." He apologized lowering his head even further. "However, this was also a ploy to gather valuable intellegence on our formerly unknown adversary. They are not in allegiance with Valtrox, and it seems their strength lies on numbers alone."

"A vast army of undead with advanced technology. Ranged weapons that rip through novice dragon skin. Flying ships that provide support and supplies. A higher echelon of advanced warriors. As for the leader, I can only assume they are anticipating a counterattack as we speak."


A twisted smile creased across Hel's lips.

Forgive me my lord, but under your flag the dragons surely would have annihilated me by now. I left so to fufill my potential. To fufill the future purpose.

The floor boards began to squeel under the immense dark pressure.

I lead an army over a million strong to eliminate the dragons. To fight those who enslaved my people, and those responsible for his death. Do you not feel the breath of the undead swell from my presence? The shriek of fallen dragons now under my command? All I ask is support, or you and I will be erased from history.

With such an army, you might be able to succesfully open another gate.

Dominatistradz blinked slowly, his eyes seeming to flicker between his disowned son and one of his top generals. “Excellent thinking, General Xenocrates. However that does answer all my questions to the extent I would wish, it gives me an idea of an enemy who has remained calm all these years. What would bring lure them out of hiding? Or is it some mere whelp vying for power and glory in this world of corruption?”

The enormous dragon’s nostrals flared, a habit of his when he ponders something. Undead- cheap, easy, vast, and terribly weak in most occasions. He himself had battled hordes of them during the Necromatic Strife of ancient times. He himself had raised them eons before during the Draconic Revolution- something he regrets doing to this day. But his experience did not include ranged projectiles of that magnitude and floating ships that supply their numbers.

“These undead…are they weak against dragon fire of the Reds?” the great dragon asked as his eyes opened.

The dragons do not know what is to come. Dominatistradz will soon find himself begging for mercy as I return into this world! snarled the seemingly omni-present voice of Valtrox. How dare such an insolent girl speak to me as an equal. I can destroy her with an order…but yet… her offer intrigues me.

Indeed, the offer was the greatest asset to gain the god’s support- escape to the mortal world…

[B] I am no god of death and my distaste in undead was well known by Inzikai…but your deal intrigues me. If you request my help, I suggest you arrive at Rimoru’s palace. There, you will help in the summoning of something that will greatly aid you in this war. But I had better hear the details of this offer when this is completed. [/I]

The fiery god was pleased with his decision as that put him in a much better position than his quarreling minions had presented him. If only Teralynn had gotten them all under control by now…

"That is not a weakness - it is a fact of life for everyone," Ttomak said, rather stoically. "So you either erroneously believe that you have no weaknesses, or more likely, you do not trust your general with that information."

Some of the workers on the deck of the airship glanced over at the two speaking, but tried not to be too obvious about it.

"And if you do not trust your general, then you do not trust your army," he continued with little pause. "Even the mercenaries trust that we will at least reward them well for their service with us. But you're not like the other mercenaries. So tell me, Mister Viral, what are your reasons for joining us of your own, free will?"

He shot an icy look at some of the deckhands, who in turn quickly went back to focusing on their work.

“Sir, that is not a fact of life for everyone. Some things, just don’t die, such as Inzikai of the old Cultists.”

Viral glanced briefly around at the deckhands subtly watching as they went about their work. This was a position Viral did not like and felt ever more uncomfortable as the time seemed to slow to a halt.

“Unlike Merceneries, I believe in my queen’s quest. She says she was betrayed- I was too, sir. My family murdered by the cruelty of Valtrox’s mad lackey. She has shown herself most able to rule and build an empire from scratch…in that, she has my trust. Sir, I mean no disrespect, but my trust is in my queen. I would gladly watch your back, but in return, I would request you not watch mine. I was trained as a lone wolf- I had no one but myself. It’s how I was raised.”

Viral hoped the general understood. He knew that he was trusted by Hel, but Viral had always thought Ttomak to think himself too lofty over his inferiors. Not that he had no reason to- there were few who were as close to the woman as he.

"If only." Horatio said, "She and i are linked and i should be able to exert some command over her, but at this range it would be almost useless. No, she is with them so i have some idea of where they are and if they are close enough to be a problem."

"This should not have happened in the first place, but since it has i will take measures and be on guard against it happening again." Horatio shrugged and propped his head up on his hands.

"First I must recover from this 'attack', i feel natures might returning slowly, but I may need to rely on more physical abilities for now." As he said this he lifted his other hand and examined how it had changed, becoming more claw like, after a moment he clenched it into a fist and slammed it down on the table, leaving a sizeable dent in the wood and making a loud noise which caused the already scared patrons to cower even more. Horatio shot them a fierce glare and then looked back at Magledesh. "Perhaps there are some abilities that will come this transformation which i may be able to use."

“I cannot wait to view these abilities. But until then-” Magledesh was saying before the door slammed open and a disheveled Miffin appeared, his eyes wide and his face colorless, as though he had seen a ghost.

“W-w-what have you d-done to me?” he blubbered as he waddled towards the demons, bewildered guards slowly trailing behind. “A-and m-my city?!”
29-07-2007, 03:53
Dominatistradz blinked slowly, his eyes seeming to flicker between his disowned son and one of his top generals. “Excellent thinking, General Xenocrates. However that does answer all my questions to the extent I would wish, it gives me an idea of an enemy who has remained calm all these years. What would bring lure them out of hiding? Or is it some mere whelp vying for power and glory in this world of corruption?”

The enormous dragon’s nostrals flared, a habit of his when he ponders something. Undead- cheap, easy, vast, and terribly weak in most occasions. He himself had battled hordes of them during the Necromatic Strife of ancient times. He himself had raised them eons before during the Draconic Revolution- something he regrets doing to this day. But his experience did not include ranged projectiles of that magnitude and floating ships that supply their numbers.

“These undead…are they weak against dragon fire of the Reds?” the great dragon asked as his eyes opened.

"Their leader is human, so I would assume it is some pathetic grasp for power." Xenocrates replied picking some undead flesh from his guantlet, which immediately burst into flames under a slight increase in temperature.

"Hardly surprising. Humans burn their dead so it follows that their rotted corpses, full of pressurized air, and dried meat would be flammable. They used some fairly cunning tactics, and backed by their numbers and technology, we should approach this matter cautiously before attacking."

The general glanced up towards his god with an ounce of contempt in his eyes. Knowing that being only half dragon, he could never even dream to ascend to such power. No matter how capable, or liked, his heritage would always be the thing to keep him a general rather than a god.


The dragons do not know what is to come. Dominatistradz will soon find himself begging for mercy as I return into this world! snarled the seemingly omni-present voice of Valtrox.

Indeed, the offer was the greatest asset to gain the god’s support- escape to the mortal world…

I am no god of death and my distaste in undead was well known by Inzikai…but your deal intrigues me. If you request my help, I suggest you arrive at Rimoru’s palace. There, you will help in the summoning of something that will greatly aid you in this war. But I had better hear the details of this offer when this is completed.

"That is good." Hel said grinning. "I want the dragons to suffer as Relthor does."

Rimoru's palace, that's five days away on airship. It's a month if I have my minions trailing along, and with the dragons sure to counter.

The Queen let out a frustrated sigh.

"I will arrive their in five days, my army will return to my kingdom if the dragons intend to retaliate quickly."

Help? Habdebza. The faceless beast more ruthless and unforgiving than any monster under her command.

"Five days and I will summon your aid." She answered before breaking the link between her and the dark lord.

Hel: Queen's Quarters

"Of course, my army will be well on their way to the Jiltakin's Fortress when I summon your 'aid'." She muttered pushing her glasses against her face. "I do not intend to be anything but your killer."

Mahura: Torture Chamber

Pulling the Jiltakin from the boiling water she knelt over, still clasping the pulley that held him up.

"I don't care if you talk or not. I hate my master, but I love your suffering." She growled releasing the chain. In an instant the Jiltakin crashed to the floor over where the cauldren was, now shattered against the wall. Just in front of him, Hel lowered her hand before walking towards Mahura.

"I asked you to 'soften' our guest up did I not?" The queen snarled cracking her knuckles. Before the dark elf replied a gloved hand reached out and struck her with surprising force. "I asked you a question Mahura..."

"I-" She gasped before being slammed against the wall by an invisible force. Every bone in her body cracked as the pressure squeezed the very breath out of her. Her battered body collapsed to the floor as the queen turned her attention to the near death Jiltakin.

Hel placed both her hands on the side of the poor man's horrifically scarred face. Her white gloves glowed red as she prepared to delve into his mind.

"This will only take a second hun, and then I promise you no more pain." She whispered softly diving into his mind.
Kitab Al-Ibar
30-07-2007, 22:36
"As would I" Horatio responded as he glanced at his hand again, temporarily ignoring Miffin. He could feel a differant type of energy in his blood alongside the druidic magic that he was slowly recovering and it could prove interesting.

He raised his head as if noticing Miffin for the first time, giving an evil smile as he watched the large man squirm. In a patronising voice he said: "Why, hello again. I didn't expect you to arrive so soon. I guess you didn't like my Masters gift... I can take it back of course, but first you must swear yourself to our cause."

He indicated the ground next to the table where he and Magladesh were sitting. "Gather round you patrons and watch as your master bows to the might of Valtrox." He gave them a cruel smile. "The rest of you had best follow suit unless you want to be made an example."


Ezekial gave an almost noticable wince as he saw the Jiltkin being dunked into the boiling water and heard the wolfling crying at his shoulder. He reached up a clawed finger and gently patted it.

He returned his attention to the torture just in time to see Hel's appearence and Mahura's 'punishment', he watched her fly across the room and winced inwardly at the sound of breaking bones, but his face remained impassive. "Maybe you should help her..." He whispered to Lupo as he watched what Hel was doing. He had come across various 'mind' mages or psychics in his travels and each one seemed to do things differently. Though he thought he detected something ominous in the way Hel said the Jiltakin would feel no more pain.

(OOC: Away until next saturday/sunday, i hope it doesn't cause any inconveniance. I'm sure i can trust you to mange my characters if it necessary.)
31-07-2007, 05:26
The Jiltakin now dazed by pain grinned as Hel called him hun and then touched his face.

He only cried out for a moment, and then he was quiet. His eyes glazed over as his soul left him. He had given Hel what she wanted, the secret location of the Jiltakin Fortress.

Hel saw in his mind the bustling streets of Fandar and the tiny noodle shop which served as the main entrance for Jiltakin. she saw the many secret passages and trapdoors, as well as some of the security measures.

She saw all that he had seen, and then he died, finally broken by the torture.
31-07-2007, 19:46
Ttomak clasped his hands behind his back and stepped over toward the edge of the airship, looking over the vast horde below. "As I recall, Inzikai is dead," he commented quietly.

A small smile appeared at the edge of his lips. Without looking back at Viral, he said, "You...almost...remind me of Beau." He turned around sharply, as if suddenly bored with looking at the undead mass beneath. "Very well, Mister Viral. Lone wolves do have their roles to play in this army. But remember, those who do not trust, cannot be trusted. I am not above that myself, but by your own admission, you do not consider yourself fully part of this wolf pack, and I will certainly keep that in mind unless you prove otherwise."

The general was opening his mouth to say more when something caught his attention. Swiveling his head to the side, he saw the dark shape of a flying creature - one of the aerial mounts used by the army's many messengers. There appeared to be two people on it, and the creature flew straight toward the airship and landed on an open spot. Ttomak frowned slightly upon recognizing one of the two riders. "Ael?"

Ael struggled out of the secondary saddle with the help of the other rider. She looked just a little annoyed, "You know, sometimes, Ravaal takes his duties a bit too seriously."

"I should hope so, seeing as how we are in a time of war," Ttomak said as he strode over to her. What happened?

Oh, we just had a disagreement about whether I should be here or back at the fortress, she thought back with a slight shrug. I guess he figured he'd let you decide what to do with me. Although, I can't imagine why he wouldn't want me to be in the army. I mean, I'm sure I can beat the two of you with one arm behind my back. Granted, the other hand will need to be at the controls of one of my machines, but...

Ttomak did not look like he was amused. In fact, his face showed no emotions whatsoever. Then, with a nod to the rider, he said, "Give Ravaal my thanks. Dismissed."

"Aye, sir." The messenger saluted and returned the mount to the open air.

Ael glanced over at Viral, recognizing him as the eavesdropper back at the fortress. With a warm smile, she said, "Hello. Viral, isn't it?"
01-08-2007, 02:51
The images of the Jiltakin's unwilling confession reflected in the lenses of Hel's glasses before fading away.

"Mahura, you are a failed construct. Unlike the Skull Knight, who is far less complete than yourself can manage to follow my simple orders." The queen growled closing in on the battered Dark Elf. "With my new contract...I have no more use for you.

Her gloves glowed blood red making a motion as if she was ringing out a towel. Mahura's arms began twisting and slowly seperating from her torso, following Hel's movements. Her screams were muffled by a twisted warbled voice echoing from every direction. The thin poisoned wire was the only thing left keeping her limbs attached to her body. Black blood soon flooded the floor in inches. Suddenly the spell faded, her shreded limbs clumsily fell to the floor, and the only noise was the Dark Elf's heavy sobs.

"My creation, my abomination. What is your purpose for? I know that I need you not a moment more." Hel chanted before clasping her hands together and sharply pulling them apart. Again, Mahura's body followed the movements precisely, ripping her in two. Bits of her hair floated down across the room. Hel turned, drenched from head to toe in blood with a kind smile.

Attention:All forces are to make haste for the city of Fandar. Raze the city to the ground, salt the earth, and spare not a living creature. You will be given further orders from there. All Generals, and special reserve are to follow my airship to Rimoru's palace where we will link up with reinforcements. Move.

The monumental clatter of broken armor and shifting bones again churned forward to their new destination. Only three ships diverted course and followed the Queen.

Generals lease gather on the deck of my airship for mission logistics. As well as to honor the new general, Viral.
The Blastit Empire
07-08-2007, 19:57
"So your cult happens to be that wide spread, interesting." He commented mostly to himself. "As to your clerics, yes I've dealt with them before. While there were a few powerful ones, most seemed to hold to the mob's guide to dealing with wizards plan."


"Hopefully he gets away before getting caught or at least being able to escape." She commented from her partial perch on the ogre's shoulder. "Maybe we should find Mr. M and have him put up for a night of rest before we do anything else. That way we can rest and you," And here she gestures to the majority of grown-ups, leaving off Alegain as she'd developed a bit of a disliked of him, "Can discuss things."

Brieltha slanted her head for a brief moment before looking up towards the sky. “Once the stars are out, we can know for sure we are going the right way. The Cult lands should be Northeast from here. Once we reach there, I can get anyone to tell me where my home is. As for now, we need to get away from these dragons and their gnoll pets. There’s a trail from this tower through the forest that we can use. When someone passes by, we can hide within the forest.”

The rest of the women nodded and began to set off towards that direction, while Brieltha paused and glanced at Lorathin again. “You speak strangely…but I suppose thanks are in order for helping us get free. So…Thank You,” she said bluntly, the barest hint of a smile on her lips. “I would offer a reward, but seeing as I don’t have anything with me- and I don’t want to offer any of the services I offered the dragon- a Thank you is all I can give right now.”

“Who cares. He served his purpose,” Kalzog shrugged as he trudged up close to Eva. “And I agree- Then atleast some of you can have a bed to sleep in,” he said accusingly to the posh princess.

Ixair nodded as he looked towards the trail that lead into a rather dark forest, the trees dieing closer to the rising cloud of smog that probably came from Mebbiwik’s cabin.


Sir Sebastian did not have to think long. "It is my duty to take action when innocents have been treated unfairly, and I have sworn to uphold my duty," the robed warrior said in a matter-of-fact way. Though it was needless to say, he added, "I shall attempt to fulfill this quest to the best of my abilities." Helping this commander out, hopefully even if he couldn't fully succeed, would at the very least gain him some support in the General's ranks.

Explosive substances, a Minotaur General, and a group of villagers, Sebastian listed in his thoughts as he exited the tent to make his own plans. Even one of the three items would seem enough to prove his worth to the General, but all three would show much, much more. Either of the first two would strike a serious blow to the enemy's abilities to wage a siege-war on the city, but no doubt none of them would be easily accomplished tasks. Penetrating that deep into the enemy's lines and attacking what would most likely be highly guarded targets would require cunning, skill, and not to mention a great deal of Lady Luck.

Turning to the noble Lady Ikara, he spoke softly and kindly, "My Lady, I do not ask you to follow me on this quest - suicidal as it may be - but I could use another's sword at my side..."

Ikara smiled broadly, her sharp teeth shining brightly under the sun. “It would be my pleasure, Sir Sebastian. I am sure that my superiors wouldn’t care if I disappeared for a few days. And these quests…they would certainly boost our reputations and help greatly in this war. It may provide hope for the people as well…and become a turning point in our favor.”

"How crude..." was all Ar'mai could mutter as her brutish captor dealt her a final humiliation by connecting a collar and chain to her. Never before had she been so humiliated as to have been connected like a dog to his master. At the very least he could have used something a little more advanced than chains... However, even that would be enough to hold her seeing as her friends were being held hostage in case she decided to become difficult and not cooperate. She'd have to hope that something within the tomb took care of Vohin, allowing her to escape and return to the others in order to free them in secret.

As always, Ar'mai's exceptionally bright mind was scheming, planning, and thinking the whole way as they walked through the woods. "You know..." she said for the first time in the twenty minutes of their hike, "if we encounter something in there, it might be useful if I had a weapon." It was a long shot - no doubt he would refuse - but it wasn't altogether a dubious suggestion. The black gate appeared in front of them guarding a crumbling castle with stone walls and a central building that lay atop the dark tomb...


"Well then, I suggest you quit being so difficult and start using whatever you have left of a brain up there to begin thinking..." Venisar responded calmly to the pirate lord with whom he was now chained.

Turning his head slowly to the dragoon elf, Venisar took his time pronouncing the word "No" as Bael'ther thrashed about just enough to give the dragoons an annoying bit of trouble.

Vohinihth stopped in his tracks to look directly into Ar’mai’s eyes. “You know, you’re right. And I should give you a mount as well. And a weeks supply of food- along with my written permission to allow your friends to leave town! Genius!” Smiled the dragoon general and gave off a light chortle. “You take me to be thick, elf. I doubt your blade could pierce my hide, but with just a blade, I know you are capable of so much more. I doubt anything in this tomb is too much to handle. We don’t even know what can be in it.”

Without another word, he tugged forcefully on the collar and walked a few more minutes until they came across the enormous doors of the tomb. The darkness seemed to be sucking the sunlight from around them- along with the life of the wilderness. Skeletal remains dotted the landscape as the wind rustled through the dry sand.

Even Vohin was filled with a wave of nausea and dread as the cold air rushed from the opened doorway. “Was it open when you first encountered it?” he asked sternly once he got a hold of himself.


“Thinking? About escaping? Well, I had the idea…but yer stupid princess ruined it with her selfish pride. That’s how all o’ ya elves are like…” replied the captain to Venisar.

With their prey surrounded, the four golems rushed forward with their stone fists ready to pound down hard. However, before they were able to reach their targets, Vira's four Doom Guards ( appeared out of thin air. Their massive frames stood in guardian positions around their mistress, protecting her from any harm. As the golems attacked, their fists met the demonic armor of hell and set a rippling metal clang through the cavern. With no other sound to muffle it, the blow carried for miles in an instant as the combatants readied their next moves.

Immediately, the four warriors surrounding Vira lifted their hellforge blades, flickering with the fire of a thousand tortured souls and struck down hard. As they became locked in an inevitable battle, the dark huntress demonstrated the most basic of her abilities, sending dark energy at the stone figures that did battle with her minions. Alternatively, if need be, she could attempt to raise the dead soldiers that scattered the city. But for now, her Doom Guard would be more than a match for the stone obstructions...

The massive golems- built for brutish strength rather than speed, took the blade hard, most having blades sink several feet within their thick bodies. Yet the golems also felt no pain and continued to battle on even with blades sticking out of them.

The rock golems brought their fists back and struck out at the demon guards and as summoned guardians of the tomb, will do so until they were no longer able to fight.


Meanwhile, a short distance away, the demi-god Habdebza appeared within the shadow of a destroyed fortress. The loud clangs could be heard clearly by the demi-god, but he paid them no head. There was something else he needed to do, something that would definitely give the cult an edge in the upcoming war- then again, there seems to be little resistance in the world as it is. With the Imperium fighting the diminished Order and the fleeing Barbarians, not to mention the coming tide of the Uncivilized races. And the collapse of the Rimorian Dynasty has paved the way to perhaps an unchallenged emergence of Valtrox. However, there was still the slight chance someone would unite Lustria again…

Habdebza let out a puff of smoke from beneath his cloak, creating an incredibly expanding cloud of grey particles before driving his head within the cloud. The world disappeared around him except for the wide array of colors. In the distance, bright colors in humanoid shapes, eight large colors, and one black colored womanly figure behind four of the larger shapes. The demi-god smiled beneath the veil of shadows masking his face and turned towards the immense orb of color within the ruined fort. Within the cloud around Habdebza’s head, the orb was amazingly beautiful- bright blues, reds, greens, and yellows were only a fraction of the kaleidoscope of color shining through.

That orb was his goal…then he can aid the woman, if she’s alive…or if she needs it.
07-08-2007, 21:05
"Then once we get out of these woods, we shall be going our seperate ways. I have buisness elsewhere, and me going to the lands of the cult of Valtrox would be like putting oil on a fire." He commented as he followed Brieltha owning to the fact that she had a better idea of the way out of the forest.

"You're welcome, thought the reward you'd spoken of was one that would have been declined regardless." That was one area where no temptations yet put before him had succeeded.


"UNCLE." Lúthien said in a reproving tone. "Even if you do consider him a tool, you don't just throw away a useful one. It's not practical and if he escaped then he may be helpful in the future as well."
09-08-2007, 02:32
Ikara smiled broadly, her sharp teeth shining brightly under the sun. “It would be my pleasure, Sir Sebastian. I am sure that my superiors wouldn’t care if I disappeared for a few days. And these quests…they would certainly boost our reputations and help greatly in this war. It may provide hope for the people as well…and become a turning point in our favor.”

"Wise indeed," Sebastian said indicating his new battle partner, though he was not sure whether to feel slightly sad that her superiors wouldn't mind if she just disappeared during the middle of the siege. It could be a sign of trust, but seeing as she had been treated, it could also be a sign of lack of care in her direction.

"I propose we get a little sleep," Sebastian added after a moment - a strange comment considering dawn had just broken a couple hours earlier, but... "and start our quest under the cover of darkness. Plus, I'd been riding all day and night to reach here," he said lightly with a smile. Somehow, in his imagination, he felt that when the light went out, the uncivilized and unsaved monsters besieging this city of light would simply fall asleep with it. He knew it wouldn't be that easy, but it was a funny, and perhaps comforting, thought.

Some accommodations and a bit to eat would be nice also, but more importantly they would also need some rations for however long their quest would be - a couple hours or a couple days - if it was possible to scrap that together in this meager setting.
09-08-2007, 02:43
Even Vohin was filled with a wave of nausea and dread as the cold air rushed from the opened doorway. “Was it open when you first encountered it?” he asked sternly once he got a hold of himself.


“Thinking? About escaping? Well, I had the idea…but yer stupid princess ruined it with her selfish pride. That’s how all o’ ya elves are like…” replied the captain to Venisar.

"Well I will take that as a compliment," Ar'mai replied indignantly as her captor pulled roughly at the collar, jerking her uncomfortably forward and causing her to almost lose her balance - only almost though, as legend has it elves never do.

However, at the same time, she felt slightly nervous about entering the dark tomb unarmed. And while Vohinihth was sure that his elf captive would be more of a danger to him than anything the tomb could possibly hold, Ar'mai knew better; she had felt the dark grip it had and the swirling power that surrounded it.

"No, we just thought we'd release its dark power upon the world," Ar'mai said, though unapparent if it was sarcasm or simply amusement at the change in attitude of the dragoon.


"Grand..." Venisar said with lack of real interest in what he was saying. "Now try having two different thoughts in the same day."

Among the elves, Venisar was perhaps the most resourceful and knowledgeable of situations like this, but that could only go so far when surrounded by an army. Meanwhile he was fidgeting with his cuffs in a vain attempt to break his hand free of the dead weight it was locked to.
09-08-2007, 20:45
The massive golems- built for brutish strength rather than speed, took the blade hard, most having blades sink several feet within their thick bodies. Yet the golems also felt no pain and continued to battle on even with blades sticking out of them.

The rock golems brought their fists back and struck out at the demon guards and as summoned guardians of the tomb, will do so until they were no longer able to fight.

Even as their swords sank into the golem enemies, the Doom Guards were struck in the chest plates by the guardians' powerful fists. They stumbled slightly, not expecting such a response after their swords failed to bring them down in a single blow. However, valiant as ever, they continued with their attacks, receiving subtle instructions via telepathy by their mistress Vira.

"They shall not falter until they must," her voice echoed inside of their minds. "You must hack them to pieces, remove their limbs and heads, before it is over."

And so the Doom Guards began cleaving at the enemies' joints rather than the chest area. For her own part, Vira began focusing her energy attacks into blade like whips that sought to sever rather than injure. Unfortunately, though they were causing slight damage, it would take a bit of time to tear off even a single limb, thus the Doom Guards would have to suffice as they hacked ahead.
Kitab Al-Ibar
30-08-2007, 01:03
Ezekial watched the gruesome death of Mahura without breathing. He had lost a potential ally, but it was always interesting to see a master and work, and Hel's clear demonstration of power was enough to dissuade him from trying anything... for now at least.

He recognised the name Fandar from somewhere, he must have passed through it at some point, a pity, he didn't like seeing good customers killed. He shrugged and turned to Hel: "May i have the pleasure of escorting your ladyship to the deck?"
31-08-2007, 05:17
"May i have the pleasure of escorting your ladyship to the deck?"

"The pleasure is all mine." Hel answered walking towards the door. Her steps swept sharp gusts into the room, blowing out what torches remained lit. Faint morning light flickered on the razor line Mahura once used so lethally. The shadows reached forward and picked all the bloody mess from the queen leaving her perfectly clean. The shadow hands retreated back into the corridors of darkness before the queen had reached the deck.

"None within my reach, is beyond my will." She claimed before the preliminary gathering of officers and soldiers. "I will all to be within my sphere of influence, and all whom will otherwise shall drown in the fires of eternal purgatory."

Her eyes briefly shifted to the imp who she had seen conspiring with Mahura. A jagged smile creased across her face.

"Who would deny the righteous gospel? Who would welcome destruction, and shun redemption?" Hel's voice quaked through the lengths of the hall though seemingly disembodied.
The Blastit Empire
25-09-2007, 18:34
"Then once we get out of these woods, we shall be going our seperate ways. I have buisness elsewhere, and me going to the lands of the cult of Valtrox would be like putting oil on a fire." He commented as he followed Brieltha owning to the fact that she had a better idea of the way out of the forest.

"You're welcome, thought the reward you'd spoken of was one that would have been declined regardless." That was one area where no temptations yet put before him had succeeded.


"UNCLE." Lúthien said in a reproving tone. "Even if you do consider him a tool, you don't just throw away a useful one. It's not practical and if he escaped then he may be helpful in the future as well."

Brieltha raised an eyebrow as they marched through the forest, stumbling over large roots and fallen trees, while avoiding dangerous looking plants- especially since the women had little clothing in the way of protection. Or little clothing whatsoever.

“You surprise me. I think most men would attempt to seduce themselves into each one of us women,” Brieltha huffed as she began to show signs of exhaustion.

“Perhaps…perhaps, little Luthien. But an opportunity always presents itself. If he is not alive, our fate will not depend on it,” Kalzog replied with a small grin. He gave the girl a pat on the head and pointed towards a small trail within the woods. “I assume that is the way to his house?”

“That it is…a little unkempt, strangely enough,” Alegain answered, a quizzical look crossing his face. “Then again, we don’t take this way often.”

But all of the royal family could see a distinct change in the Inventor’s grounds. Usually small spider-automatons would trim the bright green ferns, bushes, and make sure the lower tree branches weren’t invading upon the once-neat trail. But even the little meka-spiders weren’t visible- as if Mebbiwik called them back.

Eva turned back the urge to shiver as the group walked into the dark woods.

“I’ll make sure to ask Mebbiwik if he would like live gardners to tend to the gardens and forests…” Rimoru said with a smile, trying to take off the strange coldness that seemed to engulf them all.

But as they were walking, Beatrice grasped out at the closest person to him- Ixair and pointed into some shrubbery. “I saw something…” she blurted out.

Ixair nodded and looked up at Kalzog. “Mind helping me out?” he asked, using his chin to point out the unconscious body in his arms.

Kalzog said nothing, but easily scooped the limp form from the elf’s arms and slung it over his shoulder, harsher than Ixair approved of, but he doubt it did much harm.

The elf placed a hand on the smooth leaf and pushed away gently, revealing a small spider-shaped rock. As a ray of sunlight struck the stone, it moved out onto the pathway, revealing not rock but metal, glinting in the sun.

“Well, I guess that shows what happened to the spiders. They are all hiding,” Eva sighed quietly. “But why?”

Suddenly, Kalzog grunted as several began crawling up his leg. “Take your woman, elf,” he snarled at Ixair as with his extra hand, he began brushing off the creatures. Ixair opened his arms wide just in time as the limp women was dropped into his arms.

But there was something different in the air. A distinct whoosh of air- almost like a whistle.

Even Ixair wasn’t fast enough to shout “Ambush!” before the twangs of bowstrings sounded in the canopy, following by the sleek arrows pelting below.

And although Kalzog was relatively safe from the arrows, more and more of the garden spider-bots were swarming over him, already moving up his torso.

"Wise indeed," Sebastian said indicating his new battle partner, though he was not sure whether to feel slightly sad that her superiors wouldn't mind if she just disappeared during the middle of the siege. It could be a sign of trust, but seeing as she had been treated, it could also be a sign of lack of care in her direction.

"I propose we get a little sleep," Sebastian added after a moment - a strange comment considering dawn had just broken a couple hours earlier, but... "and start our quest under the cover of darkness. Plus, I'd been riding all day and night to reach here," he said lightly with a smile. Somehow, in his imagination, he felt that when the light went out, the uncivilized and unsaved monsters besieging this city of light would simply fall asleep with it. He knew it wouldn't be that easy, but it was a funny, and perhaps comforting, thought.

Some accommodations and a bit to eat would be nice also, but more importantly they would also need some rations for however long their quest would be - a couple hours or a couple days - if it was possible to scrap that together in this meager setting.

“Agreed, you have just come here. I must have been caught up with the idea…it feels like I can actually do something productive. And would you care for some food? I’m sure we could find a meal before rest and prepare for the coming raid,” Ikara asked, unable to hide the smile upon her face as she walked to a slightly burned building with a half legible sign that appeared to have once said “The Dwarven Flask Tavern and Inn”.

"Well I will take that as a compliment," Ar'mai replied indignantly as her captor pulled roughly at the collar, jerking her uncomfortably forward and causing her to almost lose her balance - only almost though, as legend has it elves never do.

However, at the same time, she felt slightly nervous about entering the dark tomb unarmed. And while Vohinihth was sure that his elf captive would be more of a danger to him than anything the tomb could possibly hold, Ar'mai knew better; she had felt the dark grip it had and the swirling power that surrounded it.

"No, we just thought we'd release its dark power upon the world," Ar'mai said, though unapparent if it was sarcasm or simply amusement at the change in attitude of the dragoon.


"Grand..." Venisar said with lack of real interest in what he was saying. "Now try having two different thoughts in the same day."

Among the elves, Venisar was perhaps the most resourceful and knowledgeable of situations like this, but that could only go so far when surrounded by an army. Meanwhile he was fidgeting with his cuffs in a vain attempt to break his hand free of the dead weight it was locked to.

Vohinihth narrowed his eyes and bared his ferocious teeth at the elf and looked back in the opened portal. “Did you open it?” he asked as he tugged at her again, readying his blade in case something did spring out to fight him. He was sure nothing alive remained in this tomb to challenge him.

But as he descended, he failed to realize that he wouldn’t be facing the living…


The Pirate captain narrowed his eyes at the elf and then looked at the shivering cuffs as the elf vainly attempted to free himself.

“Stop that!” he growled as he pulled violently on the cuffs.

Nienna frowned as the larger elf began struggling harder and shook her head. “Hurry up and take them to the jail cells. I am going to send the remainder of our men to gather up the townspeople and search for supplies,” she said quietly. She glanced at Venisar, a hint of regret in her eyes before she looked away and walked back to the assembled dragoons.

In short time, the pirate and Venisar found themselves sharing a cell with heavy metal bars barring them from freedom. Not to mention four guards stationed down in the holding areas and probably a lot more throughout the building.

But as far as the remaining prisoners, there were not enough cells for them, so instead, they were locked into rooms with coal or useless equipment in nearby buildings, along with town residents.

Without a word, the captain pulled a small pin from the inner seam of his pants and began to fiddle around with the strange lock of his cuffs. “So, if I get us out, what then, elf?” he growled.

Even as their swords sank into the golem enemies, the Doom Guards were struck in the chest plates by the guardians' powerful fists. They stumbled slightly, not expecting such a response after their swords failed to bring them down in a single blow. However, valiant as ever, they continued with their attacks, receiving subtle instructions via telepathy by their mistress Vira.

"They shall not falter until they must," her voice echoed inside of their minds. "You must hack them to pieces, remove their limbs and heads, before it is over."

And so the Doom Guards began cleaving at the enemies' joints rather than the chest area. For her own part, Vira began focusing her energy attacks into blade like whips that sought to sever rather than injure. Unfortunately, though they were causing slight damage, it would take a bit of time to tear off even a single limb, thus the Doom Guards would have to suffice as they hacked ahead.

The golems gave off a terrible screech, although if it was from the fallen angel’s swords grating against the rock or if it was from the golems themselves could not be determined as the racket of grinding rock and smashing metal boomed across the underground city. Yet the golems limbs, after many minutes of fighting, began to fall apart, leaving the host without a limb.

The other golems almost seemed to pause suddenly, before retreating past the enormous wall they had grown out of, as if ordered by an unknown commander to retreat.

Ttomak clasped his hands behind his back and stepped over toward the edge of the airship, looking over the vast horde below. "As I recall, Inzikai is dead," he commented quietly.

A small smile appeared at the edge of his lips. Without looking back at Viral, he said, "You...almost...remind me of Beau." He turned around sharply, as if suddenly bored with looking at the undead mass beneath. "Very well, Mister Viral. Lone wolves do have their roles to play in this army. But remember, those who do not trust, cannot be trusted. I am not above that myself, but by your own admission, you do not consider yourself fully part of this wolf pack, and I will certainly keep that in mind unless you prove otherwise."

Ael glanced over at Viral, recognizing him as the eavesdropper back at the fortress. With a warm smile, she said, "Hello. Viral, isn't it?"

“And with great luck, sir,” Viral replied to the comment about Inzikai. Although the maniacal priest gave him the gift of poisons, he had nothing to thank him for the other atrocities he committed to his family and friends.

“Sir, I hope to prove that I can be a great asset to this force and to our queen,” Viral replied to the general, silently thanking the fact that this little exchange between the general and him was over. Although he wasn’t sure if he should be worried by the fact that he was compared to the ferocious wolf, he kept his face stoic and bowed his head politely when the general appeared to have finished. And that’s when Ael, the general’s love literally dropped in and began staring at the general in what Viral could only assume they were doing their mind-speak as well.

His attention soon drifted upon the mindless mass of undead below them as he walked calmly to the railings and slowly brought out his pipe. They remind me of some cultists I knew… he mused to himself before snapping back to reality when he caught Ael looking at him with a warm smile.

Again, Viral bowed his head politely. “You have my name correctly, m’lady Ael. It is nice to see you again, however…are you sure you are supposed to be on this crusade?”

Attention:All forces are to make haste for the city of Fandar. Raze the city to the ground, salt the earth, and spare not a living creature. You will be given further orders from there. All Generals, and special reserve are to follow my airship to Rimoru's palace where we will link up with reinforcements. Move.

The monumental clatter of broken armor and shifting bones again churned forward to their new destination. Only three ships diverted course and followed the Queen.

Generals lease gather on the deck of my airship for mission logistics. As well as to honor the new general, Viral.

As he awaited the answer, their master’s voice boomed ominously around them as their orders were received, along with his promotion, which almost caused him to lose his pipe over the railings. He looked quizzically at Ttomak as if he would be able to provide some insight into this recent happening.


"The pleasure is all mine." Hel answered walking towards the door. Her steps swept sharp gusts into the room, blowing out what torches remained lit. Faint morning light flickered on the razor line Mahura once used so lethally. The shadows reached forward and picked all the bloody mess from the queen leaving her perfectly clean. The shadow hands retreated back into the corridors of darkness before the queen had reached the deck.

"None within my reach, is beyond my will." She claimed before the preliminary gathering of officers and soldiers. "I will all to be within my sphere of influence, and all whom will otherwise shall drown in the fires of eternal purgatory."

Her eyes briefly shifted to the imp who she had seen conspiring with Mahura. A jagged smile creased across her face.

"Who would deny the righteous gospel? Who would welcome destruction, and shun redemption?" Hel's voice quaked through the lengths of the hall though seemingly disembodied.

Once the meeting began with the rousing speech of Marlene, Viral had to try to keep a smile from reaching his lips. He needed to stay professional for as long as possible, especially if general Ttomak was watching him.

"All Hail, Queen Hel!" Viral chimed in. He knew he had found the right team. He felt closer to Hel and her way then he had as a cultist.

"Their leader is human, so I would assume it is some pathetic grasp for power." Xenocrates replied picking some undead flesh from his guantlet, which immediately burst into flames under a slight increase in temperature.

"Hardly surprising. Humans burn their dead so it follows that their rotted corpses, full of pressurized air, and dried meat would be flammable. They used some fairly cunning tactics, and backed by their numbers and technology, we should approach this matter cautiously before attacking."

The general glanced up towards his god with an ounce of contempt in his eyes. Knowing that being only half dragon, he could never even dream to ascend to such power. No matter how capable, or liked, his heritage would always be the thing to keep him a general rather than a god.

Dominatistradz nodded as his unblinking eyes bore into the general. “Send scouts throughout Lustria searching for that which is not of the original four factions. I shall ask Orogen if he notices any change in the water. Find a city, a base of operations, and I will personally grind it to the ground. Track this force’s every move.”

“Father…shouldn’t we ask for…a meeting of diplomats? We can find out what they want…perhaps find a way that would benefit us all? Maybe even stall them for a short time with a treaty so we can get rid of the other factions?” Bercleor chimed in from behind Xenocrates.

Dominatistradz glanced at his son briefly before returning his gaze to the general. “Unfortunately, Vohinihth is not nearby for a counsel of all the generals…So, Xenocrates, I leave this matter up to you and the generals. Should we try a diplomatic route, should we bring home most of our forces and regroup them at this new foe, or should we just continue what we have been doing and keep a careful eye on them?”
25-09-2007, 23:00
“Father…shouldn’t we ask for…a meeting of diplomats? We can find out what they want…perhaps find a way that would benefit us all? Maybe even stall them for a short time with a treaty so we can get rid of the other factions?” Bercleor chimed in from behind Xenocrates.

The dragoon refrained from displaying any criticism, but if his lord were absent, he would break into laughter right in front of Bercleor. However, he remained silent and awaiting the king's word.

Unfortunately, Vohinihth is not nearby for a counsel of all the generals…So, Xenocrates, I leave this matter up to you and the generals. Should we try a diplomatic route, should we bring home most of our forces and regroup them at this new foe, or should we just continue what we have been doing and keep a careful eye on them?”

"While I will seek the counsel's approval, I feel that our foe is awaiting a counter-attack. However easily we may crush them, I would reserve an all out attack to when the conditions are on our own terms." Xenocrates replied without hesitation. His words thundered with a deep sense of confidence and resolve.

"We should keep a close eye on their forces and strike when the situation presents itself. Until then it is important to understand what exactly we are fighting."

=====Hel's Flagship "Slepnir"=====

"It's ok to be happy Viral." Hel said telepathically before turning her gaze to the rest of the group. "It will be a number of days before we reach our destination, so please, take the time to rest."

Beau and The Skull Knight remained in the Torture Chamber cleaning what remained of Mahura. Her blood had soaked into the wooden floor so they would be preoccupied for the rest of the morning.

"Just punishment for letting that Dragoon get away my tail!" The Varvul growled hurling the cloth into a bucket of soap. The Skull Knight only replied with an empty gaze before he continued scrubbing.

Hel sat on a long bench at the aft of the deck taking in the scenery. She was quiet, but had a very warm and pleasant smile on her face.It's all coming together so nicely, just one more thing needs to be done, and everything will be perfect.
26-09-2007, 00:20

Again, Viral bowed his head politely. “You have my name correctly, m’lady Ael. It is nice to see you again, however…are you sure you are supposed to be on this crusade?”


As he awaited the answer, their master’s voice boomed ominously around them as their orders were received, along with his promotion, which almost caused him to lose his pipe over the railings. He looked quizzically at Ttomak as if he would be able to provide some insight into this recent happening.

"Now now, Mister Viral, don't you turn against me too," Ael beamed mischeviously at the man. "No one likes being cooped up in the castle, after all."

Both Ttomak and Ael unconsciously tilted their head ever so slightly as the mental announcement came in. Ttomak arched an eyebrow and gave Viral a shrug to indicate that he was just as much in the dark in regards to the new development.

"But I believe some congratulations are in order, General," he stated. "Although, it seems your lone wolf days has come to an abrupt end."

Ael's congratulation was not quite as reserved and professional as Ttomak's, but she made up for it by showing more excitement and enthusiasm.

Ttomak did not know why Hel chose to make Viral a general, since that man did not really seem to be general material. But then Hel seemed to have a knack for finding hidden talents, and Ttomak had grown to trust that intuition of hers. Ttomak would trust the new general because Hel had deemed Viral worthy, but Viral still had to prove his worth in Ttomak's eyes. In the meanwhile, Ttomak would give Viral the benefit of the doubt and help out the new general where needed - should the new general accept that aid, of course. Everyone of that rank deserved as much, after all.

As Hel came upon the deck, Ttomak gave her a nod in greeting. Ael, a smile of mischief still lingering on her face, raised a hand and waved her fingers at Hel in an oscillating, tidal wave-like manner. Although, she was not sure of Hel saw her or not in the increasingly crowded deck as other high-ranking officers were assembling to hear their queen.

There was a drastic change in the invasion plan that Ttomak thought they were going by, and he was very curious as to why. But that could wait until they were in a less public environment.

Ael grabbed Ttomak's armed and dragged him over with her as she approached Hel. Knowing that their leader was not expecting to see her there, Ael said with a broad grin, "Surprise!"
26-09-2007, 01:12
"There's something more up there huh?"
"Up where?"
"The heavens, the stars, the sun, up there Cadey."
"That's where the gods come from."
"Why would they come down here when it's perfect up there Rothy?"
"Maybe it's perfect d-


Hel snapped upward completely unaware of anything. Her eyes rested on the pair and let out a deep sigh. The queen released a small smile before patting the empty spots next to her.

"Lieutenant, General, have a seat." She ordered with a grin. "You have much on your minds no?"