An Experiment in Storytelling (OOC)
New Oriian
26-07-2006, 09:05
Alright, so, I've been hanging out in these forums for more than three years now. The one thing that's always kind of annoyed me about Nationstates roleplay is that it's often more about who can win the RP, or about mutual appreciation societies than telling an interesting, dynamic story. People hate to lose, so they wank and godmode, they bitch and whine.
So here's what I'm going to do about it: I'm taking this brand spanking new nation, still all shiny in the wrapper, and I'm going to take it from beginning to end. I will start with a revolution that sees New Oriian become a sovereign nation, and I will end the arc with New Oriian fading from history as all nations must. There will be victory and defeat, celebrations and tragedies.
All I need is you. I need people who want to tell an interesting story, who can write well, and who aren't preoccupied with the DOGA screenshot of their latest, largest steel future tech penis. Don't everyone volunteer at once.
26-07-2006, 10:59
You know, I'm quite interested in this.
Perhaps you can facilitate the process with things like what you have in mind and most importantly, your tech level.
I hereby volunteer, if you want.
You raise an excellant point here: People around here are obsessed with "Winning." Most people get upset if they don't "win."
Sure, I'll volunteer. What's the tech level?
27-07-2006, 02:09
To have this sort of Rp I guess you will need directions.
Perhaps you should write down the main plot lines somewhere first. To keep it moving at a steady pace, and under control.
Another problem is player character deaths: In real stories people don't escape unharmed from every situation. However once they actually die, they can't really do very much. A fight to the death between characters will result in someone's death, in a story.
I guess you can do multiple characters per person, but that will require tack, not to mention very confusing.
The timeline of a country is very long. A character could probably be born on the start of the RP and die of old age before the end.
The length of this Rp will be very very long. I suggest you select key dates for which the characters are involved, instead of day-to-day Rping.
New Oriian
27-07-2006, 18:04
The tech level will be post-modern at the beginning and future tech by the end. New Oriian will undergo certain circumstances similar to 19th-century America: a technological revolution, a Manifest Destiny, racial superiority complexes, a moralistic society, etc., though of course specific events (such as the Civil War) will not be used. Of course, the story-arc isn't restricted to PMT and FT technology. Modern and even pre-modern technology will be acceptable, as technological rivalry an inequality will be present in the story.
The arc is going to take many threads, I'm not restricting it to one. It's also silly to think that everyone will be restricted in the number of characters they could play. Such restrictions only limit the story, they don't serve it.
Those who volunteer are welcome to play anyone of whatever nationality they like, their own nation or an Oriian citizen. Immigrants, political emissaries, mercenaries, and anyone else with reason to be somewhere besides their own native country are welcome.
The first thing I need is an imperialistic post-modern technology nation, the nation which settled New Oriian as a colony that will eventually break away. Everyone is of course welcome to participate in the revolution, as allies of either side, as observers, as suppliers of arms, whatever.
Well, count me in when you get started. In the meantime I'll just loiter here on the sidelines.
Nation of Fortune
30-07-2006, 05:58
To be honest this really interests me, and I would love to participate, but sadly, I only have around a month until I'm going to boot camp. From there I will not have computer access for three months. So, if you could support a post modern tech mercenary or two for a short amount of time I would love to be involved.
EDIT: A thought, but my country has top of the line infantry troops, but is sub par just about everywhere else. It has interests in creating colonies that would blossom into strong naval or air powers. If this sounds interesting to you, i'll explain why the infantry troops are top of the line, and other very important cultural things about The Mercenary State of Nation of Fortune.
New Oriian
04-08-2006, 05:47
I'm going to spend the next couple of days brainstorming about the first thread, the revolution thread. I'll have a few characters and a general storyline prepared. I'll post details here when I get it all set.
Nation of Fortune
04-08-2006, 06:10
OK, sounds good to me. I'll be gone until sunday evening, and I'll just work off of what you give me.