22-07-2006, 06:29
A nice little thread for PSA's and other such things.
The New Itaros Monitor
New book publicizes transition from Erasito to Eratis
NEW ITAROS -- A new book published by Ivana Kasparov, From Fraud To Justice, attempts to tell the story of the election of long-lasting dictator Ëtaros Eledhwen from the point of view of an opponent. She attempts to tell the reader what was really going on behind the scenes, and Mrs. Kasparov also explains that she was trying to convey the message in a clear and fairly unbiased way to the international community. Up until the publication of From Fraud to Justice, there has been no real documentation of the time after Ëtaros Eledhwen gained power as an elected official and the time that he was thrown out of office due to charges of election fraud, embezzlement, and treason for attempting to upset the democracy which he mandated.
"There is unparalleled proof by this point that Eledhwen deliberately attempted to destroy the democracy that he founded," says Kasparov in her book. "After I looked into the process, it was clear that the election was rigged. Had the Erasito not touched the ballot boxes, there would have been a different outcome." This proclamation is only a reiteration of what many organizations have declared since the formation of the new government. Professor Jaina Nudons of the University of Namurin says that a recent study conducted by her students has indeed confirmed that election fraud was prevalent. She has also stated that every major university in Etaros that conducted a similar study got the same results. "What we have here is a betrayal of the law, and that is why Eledhwen is sitting in a maximum security prison awaiting his death," Dr. Nudons says.
What many people in the international community are unaware of is that the transition from Erasito to Eratis was rather bloodless. All that really occurred was the arrest of the Erasito and completely new elections at every level. "I think we have to get the message out so that the international community can stop looking at Etaros as a place you go to burn cars and scream obscenities at the ruling powers," Kasparov said in an interview with the New Itaros Monitor. When asked if she believed that foreigners feel that way about the Erasati Republic, she replied with a cold laugh. "I've heard people in our allies' nations jokingly refer to Etaros as a failed company with an ad slogan that goes, 'Etaros: A Revolution Every Year!' The sad part about it is that statement is half-true. It's more like every decade." We asked the former leader of the Etarosi Democratic Party what could be done to change this image. "First, we have to learn to calm down as a society. The political culture must become more open to gradual change and progress, rather than revolutionary decrees that blast us into the future, or the past as it sometimes happens."
Although Mrs. Kasparov resigned from her post not long after the Erasito was elected, she said she never gave up hope. When asked about her faith in Eratis Kasparov, she said, "My nephew seriously knows what he's doing. I support him, and I think he's made fantastic choices as far as government goes, and I know that the Etarosi people can rely on him to bring about positive and productive change."
Although barely advertised, Mrs. Kasparov's book has topped the charts in book sales, and many Etarosi are hoping that she will one day return to government. Critics, however, have hailed the book as anti-Elven and derogatory towards those that worked for the previous administration. Kasparov says she is fully supportive of sentient rights and has no vendetta against anyone. Whether or not her statements will end the controversy is not known, but her critics are proving to be relentless as From Fraud To Justice continues to break sales records.
The New Itaros Monitor
New book publicizes transition from Erasito to Eratis
NEW ITAROS -- A new book published by Ivana Kasparov, From Fraud To Justice, attempts to tell the story of the election of long-lasting dictator Ëtaros Eledhwen from the point of view of an opponent. She attempts to tell the reader what was really going on behind the scenes, and Mrs. Kasparov also explains that she was trying to convey the message in a clear and fairly unbiased way to the international community. Up until the publication of From Fraud to Justice, there has been no real documentation of the time after Ëtaros Eledhwen gained power as an elected official and the time that he was thrown out of office due to charges of election fraud, embezzlement, and treason for attempting to upset the democracy which he mandated.
"There is unparalleled proof by this point that Eledhwen deliberately attempted to destroy the democracy that he founded," says Kasparov in her book. "After I looked into the process, it was clear that the election was rigged. Had the Erasito not touched the ballot boxes, there would have been a different outcome." This proclamation is only a reiteration of what many organizations have declared since the formation of the new government. Professor Jaina Nudons of the University of Namurin says that a recent study conducted by her students has indeed confirmed that election fraud was prevalent. She has also stated that every major university in Etaros that conducted a similar study got the same results. "What we have here is a betrayal of the law, and that is why Eledhwen is sitting in a maximum security prison awaiting his death," Dr. Nudons says.
What many people in the international community are unaware of is that the transition from Erasito to Eratis was rather bloodless. All that really occurred was the arrest of the Erasito and completely new elections at every level. "I think we have to get the message out so that the international community can stop looking at Etaros as a place you go to burn cars and scream obscenities at the ruling powers," Kasparov said in an interview with the New Itaros Monitor. When asked if she believed that foreigners feel that way about the Erasati Republic, she replied with a cold laugh. "I've heard people in our allies' nations jokingly refer to Etaros as a failed company with an ad slogan that goes, 'Etaros: A Revolution Every Year!' The sad part about it is that statement is half-true. It's more like every decade." We asked the former leader of the Etarosi Democratic Party what could be done to change this image. "First, we have to learn to calm down as a society. The political culture must become more open to gradual change and progress, rather than revolutionary decrees that blast us into the future, or the past as it sometimes happens."
Although Mrs. Kasparov resigned from her post not long after the Erasito was elected, she said she never gave up hope. When asked about her faith in Eratis Kasparov, she said, "My nephew seriously knows what he's doing. I support him, and I think he's made fantastic choices as far as government goes, and I know that the Etarosi people can rely on him to bring about positive and productive change."
Although barely advertised, Mrs. Kasparov's book has topped the charts in book sales, and many Etarosi are hoping that she will one day return to government. Critics, however, have hailed the book as anti-Elven and derogatory towards those that worked for the previous administration. Kasparov says she is fully supportive of sentient rights and has no vendetta against anyone. Whether or not her statements will end the controversy is not known, but her critics are proving to be relentless as From Fraud To Justice continues to break sales records.