Colours Aloft!
ooc: i just got my nation restored after a lengthy summer vacation and decided to start up a little rp for the sake of writing and getting back into the swing of things. If you take an interest, Tg me and I'll get you involved, if not, I hope it will at least be a good read
Although according to Largentian Standard Time it was only noon, through out the solar system most of the nations citizens were fast asleep. Few were awake to hear the braking new that would change the course of their nation forever. A transmission had been sent from earth, directly from the desk of the Empress herself. It was a short document, maybe only five hundred words but it carried with it a great and powerful message.
Govenor Santucci was awoken, much to his dismay late that night by a phone call from his secretary. The woman spoke fast and he had trouble understanding but he made out the words, "turn on you television". Reaching for his remote he turned on the television, squinting as the bright image flashed onto the screen, lighting up the room with a blue light. He saw a woman reporting from the Imperial palace on earth reading from a sheet of paper.
"'The colonies of Largent have for too long been under the control of one governing body,'" she said "'The laws we pass and the ordinances we issue are not applicable to all corners of this empire. Feirce sectionalism runs rampant throughout each planet and it is only a matter of time until this fire fuels rebellion. Each colony from here on fourth shall be protected under the Rights of Nations. They will act as sovereign nations and shall be treated as such by all. The former Imperial Court will now seat representatives from each new nation to act as an alliance between nations as opposed to a governing body.' the passage you have just heard is from the Rights of Nations issued by the empress only hours ago. Stay tuned as we monitor the situation."
Santucci sat on the edge of his bed. All he could do was stare with his jaw hanging slack. It was going to be a long week at the office.
On Mars the situation was very much the same. Top officials heard the news and began to convene immediately and discuss how to respond to the situation. Many declared that without unity the colonies would fall to foreign agressions and that drastic actions must be taken to reunite the empire. Others disagreed saying that they had finally been liberated and this was their chance to take the offensive and build a new empire with Mars at its center.
No matter what the position all seemed to have one common denominator, military response. Very typical given the former colony's location, but a potential problem none the less. The colony would need supplies and goods once delivered to them straight from earth, without them they were facing a potential and drastic economic depression. Newly elected govenor Beauchamp's mind was racing. What could be done? Something had to be done. But what? Finally, he called for silence. "Gentlemen, I have come to a descision. Mobalize the Martian fleet and prepare to strangle our neighboring colonies into submission."
"But sir," Beauchamp's top advisor objected "you can't possibly be serious. Such a situation must be handled with great care until we start an all-out war."
"Our nation, thats right our NATION, and our people are at stake. They face foreign invasion, economic depression, and a whole host of other problems. I will not stand by as we are left defensless. Any great leader will tell you, you must attack before you are attacked if you want to win a war, and gentlemen, like it or not, this will end in war." With those words the men departed as the fleet was beggining to come together and plans were carefully drawn up.
18 Months Later
Above the icy plains of 2003UB313, a mixed collection of vessels were docked on the Largentian space station, tugging at their cables and waited for the sudden solar storm to abate. Despite the brief moments when the electronics would work and it seemed the storm would pass, the conditions were harsh and very uncharacteristic of the region.
Considering the areas strateigic importance, the station's docking was unusually deserted. A few transports, some brigs, frigates, and cutters seeking shelter or awaiting orders made up the bulk of the vessels there, and of the major battleships there were only three. Unachored and hovering well apart from the hotch-potch of local craft were three cruisers which were a popular ship and considered most adaptable in any plan of battle.
The one achored nearest to the station bore the name Reliance across her broad counter. A name to match what she had been over the past eighteen months. The large ship was well crafted, designed, and was well-painted wich gave it a look of newness wich belied its several years in service. Back and forth, up and down on her wide quarter deck her captain, Francise Mosher, walked with barely a pause to peer towards the station. If he considered the ships appearance of condition, it was more from anxiety than pride. The months of work on Earth to get the Reliance ready for battle, the whole wearing business of re-commissioning and gathering what amounted to practically a raw company had gone on without a pause. Stores and water, provisions, weapons and the men to handle them. Mosher had more than once question the fates which had given his his new command.
And yet, despite the delays and infuriating slackness amongst the dockyard men, he had seen his ship grow from a disorganised chaos to a living, vital creature.
Following the end of construction frightened men were brought aboard. Some fled lives of crime others were brought on by motives as varied as patriotism to avoiding execution. They were then slowly and painstakingly molded into something which, if still far from perfect could offer hope for the future. The first storm that hit as the Reliance had crawled from Neptune showed some weaknesses in the crew. Too many seasoned hands in one watch, too many landsmen in the other. But under Mosher's watchful eye and the efforts of the the remaining backbone of the professional officers the crew had at least come to terms with the awesome complexity of the ship.
Once stationed at the dock, Mosher had waited with apprehension for this particular day. More ships had arrived including the two cruisers, Osiris and Nicator as well as a frigate Buzzard, cutter Harebell, and destroyer Monomoit. The ships were no longer seperate entities but now part of a whole as ordered by the Plutonian Largent Admiral Harris. The squadron, in which Mosher's ship would hoist the broad pennant of commodore, and over which and through all imaginable cirmumstances Richard Barbarosa would at any moment now be exercising his right to command.
It was strange when Mosher paused to consider the matter. It had only been four months since he and Barbarosa had returned from the same space following a bloody battle in which Mosher's own ship and been destroyed and a complete Martian Largenti squadron had been routed or taken, they had gone to the Admiralty together. It all seemed like a dream, a memory of long past.
The result of that visit had been far-reaching. For Richard Barbarosa an immediate promotion to commodore, and for Mosher the post of flag captain. Their Admiral had been less fortunate. Packed off and sent to govern an asteroid colony on the outer rim of the system, the very swiftness of his fall from grace had somehow measured the step between authority and oblivion.
Mosher's first overwhelming pleasure of being appointed flag captain to Barbarosa had been marred by another of the Admirality's change of heart. Instead of Barbarosa's own ship, Aureilius, the great Martian dreadnaught that had been seized as a prize, they had been given the Reliance. Esier to handle, possibly, but Mosher suspected that another, more senior officer had claimed the great vessel for himself.
He paused in his pacing and ran his eyes over the busy decks. Crewmen were working on the bridge and main decks. Others worked frantically to get the electronics working as the ship was continually pounded by solar flares or searched the maze of individual pieces making sure no weaknesses in the ships sturcture would greet the new commodore. The marines were assembled as a lieutenant checked each mans uniform and rifle.
Mosher decided that the midshipman of the watch must be growing weary of getting brief and flashed of satellite imagery while the electronics would momentarily go online. He was very conscious of the captain's presence, as he worked feverishly to make out the fuzzy images, obeying the last order, to report immediately when the commodore's boat launched from the planet's surface.
Mosher's gaze turned outwards towards the other vessels in the small squadron. He had had little to do with them so far, but knew quite a bit about each captain. From the little cutter which was almost totally out of commission during the storm and sought shelter next to the Osiris, they all seemed to have some sort of link. Monomoit's captain for instance had served with Barbarosa--both as leiutenants--on the Neptuinian fleet several years ago. Their reunion might prove happy, or other wise. Of the Frigate captain he had heard little but gossip but he was said to have a hasty temper and a hunger for prize money. He had all the makings of a typical Frigate captain. The crippled Harebell was captained by a man who had commanded the vessel with the old squadron in the Plutonian fleet.
Mosher let his gaze rest on the Osiris once again and tried to contain his irritation. She was almost the twin to the Reliance and her destiny was firmly in the hands of a Captain Alden Bullen. It was like another fate which had somehow drawn them together once more to serve under Barbarosa. It had been a Frigate in the Neptunian fleet all those years ago. Bullen was arrogant, high-born, and never failed to prick Moshers resentment. Even looking at Bullen's ship did nothing to help. His ornate and lavish paint job and interior was an outward sign of his status and prosperity. So far they had avoided meeting besides reporting their arrival at the station. Any hope at a fresh beggining had faded as Bullen made sure to comment on the inferior condition of the Reliance and saying the commodore would not be pleased.
Suddenly the kietic cannons all along the sides of the Osiris aligned and with perfect prescision fired a battery on one tonne shells into the distance.
Something like panic ran through Mosher's mind. Bullen would never allow his ambitious brain to be fogged by some stupid memory or dislike. He had kept his eye on what mattered most to him. Which at thi particualr minute was to impress the commodore. It hapened to be Richard Barbarosa, a man more dear to Mosher than any other living being. But if it had been satan himself Bullen would have been ready.
As if to make a final stap the midshipman shouted excitedly, "transport has just lifted off from the surface."
Mosher licked his lips. They felt like dry ashes.
"Very well. My compliments to the first leiutenant. He may muster the hands now."
Richard Barbarosa walked to the quarter windows of his broad and lavish cabin and looked towards the other ships. Despite the importance of the moment, the solemnity of being received aboard his own flag ship for the very first time, he could not contain his excitement. It was like wine and laughter all bubbling up inside him, held in check by some last nerve.
He turned and saw Mosher watching him from the other side of the connecting plank laid between the two ships. Crewmen were carefully arranging equiptment and unloading his personal items from his transport as his pilot shouting at someone to take care.
"Well Francis, a fine welcome indeed."
The two strode to his quarters to discuss matters. Once there the thump of the boots as the marine guards departed could be heard overhead on the main deck. The returning familiar sounds of normal routine.
Mosher smiled awkwardly. "Thank you, sir." He gestured at thee baggage. "I hope you've brought all you need. It seems it may be a while before we will return to our homes."
Barbarosa studied him gravely. Mosher's stocky figure, his round, homely face and those bright blue eyes were almost as fimiliar as his childs. But he seemed different somehow. It was only four months, and yet...
He thought of all that had happened since that visit to the Admirality. The discussions with men so senior and powerful that he still could not grasp that promotion coul mean so much. Whenever he had mentioned his anxiety over the progress being made with his new flagship he had seen that amused look in their eyes. The admiral who had given him his appointment, Sir Nicholas Wilkins, had put it into words. "You'll have to forget that sort of thing now, Barbarosa. The captain must deal with the running of the ship. Yours is a more exacting task."
Eventually, he had taken passage to Neptune in a fast frigate, pausing just off Marte Largenti with dispatches for the Mercury fleet's flagship, employed on blockade duty. There he was given an audience with the admiral, the Earl of St. Etienne, so titled because of his victory above mercury eleven months back. The admiral, still affectionately known as "Old Jarvy" by many of his subordinates, but only when he was well out of earshot, had greeted him briskly.
"You've got your orders. So carry 'em out. It's been months since we knew what Beachamp was up to. Our spies reported Beauchamp sent reconnaisance over Earth and Neptune and was laying plans for an invasion." He gave a dry chuckle. "I think my medicine off St. Etienne taught him to tread warily where open space is concerned. Beauchamp is a land animal with the naval equiptment, making him a double threat. We have nobody to match him yet. On land that is."
The admiral had walked with him to his quarterdeck and had said quietly, "Wilkins is the man to plan this sort of mission. But he needs good officers to make his plans a reality. Your squadrons actions last year told us a great deal about Beauchamps intentions. Your admiral did not perhaps understand their true significance until it was all too late. For him, that is." he had given Barbarosa a grim stare. "We must know the worth of putting our fleets in harms way. If we dive our squadrons in for a bad purpose the Marte Largenti will soon explore our weakness. But your orders will tell you what you must do. Only you can decide how you will do it. Wilkins chose you for this job to tickle at Beauchamps underbelly. I hope for all our sakes it was a wise choice."
And now, after all the discussions, the searching through reports to discover the value of countless ideas of the enemy's motives and objectives, here he was on his own flagship. Beyond the thick windows were the other ships, all linked by the dove-tailed broad pennant that had been displayed as he boarded the ship. Still, he felt the same as before. As eager to leave port as he had been in the past whenever he had joined a new ship. The difference, however, would present itself in all manner of ways. When Mosher had been his first lieutenant he had stood between his captain and company. The link and the barrier. Now, as a flag captain, he would stand between him and his other officers, his squadron and every man aboard each individual ship. Three thousand souls in all. It was this kind of assesment that brough home the reality of his command.
"I hope everything is to your liking, sir. Your sevant is preparing a meal and I have had some hads detailed to stow your things for you."
"Thank you, Francis. It seems most satisfactory." He stopped. It was happening again. The formal tones. The offering and acceptance. When they had always been used to sharing. Understanding.
Mosher asked suddenly, "Will we be departing soon, sir?"
"Aye. Tommorow morning." he glanced at a watch, "I would wish to see my officers--" He faltered. Even that was changed. He added, "To see the other captains as soon as convenient. I received some more transmissions from the govenor here but after I have read them i should like to tell the squadron what we are about." He smiled. "Don't look so troubled. Its as hard for me as for you.
For a brief moment Barbarosa saw the old light in Mosher's eyes. The warmth and trust which could so easily turn to hurt.
Mosher replied, "I feel like an old foot in a new shoe. Ill not let you down." he turned and left to summon the other captains. He could imagine each in his own quarters preparing to meet their new commodore, each wondering the same thing as Mosher: Where bound? What to expect? The price for both.
Representative Donald Allard paused for a moment outside the massive mahogany doors. I sudden wave of fear, intimidation, nausea, and anxiety rushed over him. He thought that it wasn't too late to turn back and let all the problems work themselves out. Pondering the consciquences of abandoning his duties for a moment, he reached for the enormous gold knocker in the shape of a tiger, teeth displayed as he growled, ready to strike. It reflected the personality of the Empress very much; beautiful and elegant but vicious and cunning. He finally let the knocker go as it landed on the door producing an enormous bang.
The seconds felt like minutes as the passed one after the other until the door finally opened only a sliver and a womans voice beconned him to enter.
The Imperial offices were spacious to say the least. Decorated with all sorts of treasures, the finest sitting in the center of the room. It was a massive desk carved from ivory and laden with gold, silver, and all manners of jewels. Behind the desk were two massive windows covering almost the entirety of the back wall.
Sitting in the large wooden chair, carved by some of the finest artists in the nations history, was the Empress Elwing Oronrá, elbows resting on the desk and hands folded as she examined Allard with her peircing stare. Allard bowed quickly and greeted her with "Your highness, it is an honor." She nodded, never breaking her stare for a moment, and then replied. "Somehow I doubt that you came here for the soul purpose of engaging in pleasant conversation. I would be much obliged if you could continue with some sense of haste. I haven't the time for formalities."
"Of course. I apologize. You see, Your highness, I come bearing bad news. It seems that the small skirmishes that have been going on over the past eighteen months are not far from becoming a full scale war between the colonies, and we can only turn a blind eye to it for so long."
Elwing's stare intensified, "Turn a blind eye to it? You would do well to watch your tounge and not forget who you are speaking to. Those who suffer most from this bickering were once my people. The people who have their homes because of my polotics. I care for those people and you insult me by saying I do nothing to help them. Now, continue."
Allard, taken aback by her harshness and even more by her contained anger gathered himself for a moment. "The colonies' fighting may soon take a turn towards Earth. Allow me to explain, the Marte Largenti have claimed to be fighting for control over the colonies' trade. However, Beauchamp is far to ambitious a man to simply want trade from the other colonies, rather he would like to restore the empire and name himself emperor. And, intellegance from around the system suggests he is in the stages of planning a land invasion of Earth and possibly Neptune."
"What is being done to stop him?"
"We have squadrons from all over attempting to contain his fleets while we try to learn what his intentions are and then strike."
"No. No strikes will be made with the use of the Imperial Fleet. We can't let the international community think the Rights of Nations was nothing but meaningless words and that we have been reduced to a civil war. We need a neutral party to help us settle this diplomatically."
Diplomatically? Allard thought to himself. Was she mad? The former empire was in the middle of a civil war. Action had to be taken. However, unable to voice his concerns without fear on execution he turned to leave the office.
"Mr. Allard." Elwing added at the last moment. "It would be wise of you not to question my descisons."
Pausing for a moment and wincing slightly, he opened the door and left to have the Ministry of Foreign affairs find the Empress' neutral party.
>>>Transmission to: [United Solaris Federation of Tiburon]<<<
>>>VIA {Largentian Diplo Networks} <<<
{From: The Office for Foreign Affairs}
{Subject: Formal Request for arbitration and legal consultation}
On behalf of Empress Elwing Oronrá, representing the Ba'ath National Command and the united Provinces therein, do I request formally that the United Solaris Federaton do consider a proposal, by the afore mentioned Council of the Union, to consider a request for legal arbitration in a matter of some delicacy.
Recent fighting between the former colonies show the difficulties in a peaceful aftermath following the Rights of Nations [File Attatched]. It is, as of this moment, nearly impossible to bring the ex-Colonies to any sort of agreement
We propose that the United Solaris Federation supply neutral location, judgement and logistics with the first and third to be compensated by the Ba'ath National Command if required. We secondly add a suggestion for a Jury or Panel of sorts to be composed by representatives of Tiburon, Largent, and the colonies, up to a suggested number of twelve.
Whilst we acknowledge the United Solaris Federation cannot normally pass such decision legally upon sovereign nations, We recognises the uniqueness of this situation and swear truthfully to uphold the outcomes, suggestions and decisions of any panel or jury.
Gregor Schelzi, Overseer of the Office for Foreign Affairs, acting on behalf of The Ba'ath National Command of Largent.
Barbarosa nodded to the six officers who stood around the cabin table and said, "Please be seated, gentlemen." He watched them as they eased their chairs towards him, their miced expressions of pleasure, excitement and curiosity. It was a very special moment, and he guessed they were all sharing it with him, if for varied reasons.
Bullen had not changed. Slim and elegant, with the self-assurance he had carried with him even as a midshipman. Now a post-captain of thirty two, his ambition shone in his eyes to match his gleaming epaulettes. Then there was Aleksandr Solahenitsyn, the commander of the cutter. Bobbing and horse-faced, he could bearly contain his excitement. Next to him was Cpt. James Clavell who would be commanding the destroyer and Maxwell Probyn, commanding the frigate. Last but not least, Captain Gilchrist from the third cruiser was seated next to Mosher, who said formally, "All present, sir."
Barbarosa looked around the table. In his mind's eye he was seeing his written orders. You are herby authorised and directed to proceed with your squadron to ascertain by every means in your power the presence and destination of considerable armamens...
He began quietly, "As you will know, the enemy has spent much time in seeking out some flaw in our defences. Apart from our sucesses in space, we hace been able to do little to stop the spread of Beauchamp's progress and influence. In my view, he has never changed from his original tack, which was and still must be to reach our and seize our trade routes. They have come far too close to succeeding." He saw Mosher's eyes flicker towards his, no doubt remembering when they had sailed together, seeing for themselves the determination of their old enemiy to regain ground lost in that uneasy peace. "Today Beauchamp must know that any delay in his preparations can only give us more time to gain strength.
They all looked around as Solzhenitsyn exclaimed cheerfully. "We'll show them, sir!" he grinned at the others, "Like we did before."
Barbarosa smiled. Glad that Aleksandr, if ignorant of the facts, had not changed. Thankful that his excitemed comment had broken some of the distance between himself and the others. "Thank you, Commander Solzhenitsyn. Your optimism does you credit." Solzhenitsyn bobbed and flushed with pleasure. "However, we have no real intelligence of which way the French will move first. The bulk of our fleet is operating from the inner belt, to keep a wedge between the Marte Largenti and their possible allies. They could attack there or they could attempt to invade Mercury again." He could not conceal his bitterness. "As they intended to do when our own Navy was beset with misfortune which broke last year in the great mutinies over Earth."
Bullen looked at his cuff. "Should have hanged a thousand of the devils, not a mere handful!"
Barbarosa eyed him coldly. "Perhaps if a little more thought had been given to our sailors' wants in the first place, no punishment would have been needed at all!"
Bullen smiled up at him, "I take the point, sir."
Barbarosa looked at his scattered papers, giving himself time. He had risen too easily to Bullen's intolerance. He continued. "Our duty to examine Beauchamp's progress near the red planet itself." He looked at each of them gravely. "Our fleet is stretched to the limit. We cannot afford to allow the enemy to scatter it to the extent that it can be devoured peace by peace. Likewise, we must not have a large fleet at one planet while the enemy is at another. Seek, find and bring 'em to battle, it is the only way!"
Probyn said harshly, "And mine is the only frigate, sir."
"Is that an observation or a complaint?"
Probyn shrugged. "A malady, sir."
Gilchrist darted him a quick glance. "It is a vast responsibility." He looked at Bullen. "If we meet superior forces we will be without support."
Bullen eyed him cooly. "But at least we will know they are nearby, my dear George!"
Mosher said, "It is a serious matter!"
"Apparently." Bullen's eyes flashed. "So let us tackle it seriously."
Barbarosa made them all turn towards him. "One thing is certain. We must work together. I do not care what you may think of the value of these orders. We must interpret them indo deeds. Drive them to a rightful and profitable end." Bullen voiced his agreement while the others remained silent. "Now, if you will return to your commands and relay my wishes to your people, I will be pleased to have you aboard to dine with me tonight."
They all stood up, already planning how they would rephrase his words to their own subordinates. Like Barbarosa, each one of them, except Solzhenitsyn, would probably wish to be alon in his own ship to prepare himself and his ideas for whatever lay ahead. But they would have little enough time together, Barbarosa thought. He needed to know each of them better, just as when a signal was sent his captains would read the mind of the man who made it.
One by one they made their farewells and returned to their ships. Waiting anxiously to depart the next day.
Tiburon Jolted
23-08-2006, 07:48
OOC: Bleah. I've been really behind on posting, and this post died. Sorry.
18 Months Ago
The nation of Largent had a close relationship with Tiburon, and its breakup had come as a surprise to New York City. Still, it was important to maintain the peace and good relations that had been present before the breakup. The Tiburonese worked closely with the regional governments in equal amounts, never giving one more support than another and making their evenhandedness clear. At the same time, they gave a significant amount of support to make it clear that the good relations had not ended due to localization. Largent was by no means a developing nation, and much of the assistance had come to build up federal structures that would have been absent in any newly independent state. (Similar aid, in fact, was given to the Cocentricans when the Tiburonese granted their independence.) Watching for developments is a guaranteed, of course.
Present Day
The aid had continued to flow to each of the nations evenly. Recently, however, there had been incidents indicating that the brief battles were flaring up into wider wars, and the Tiburonese government indicated in response that it would cut off aid to any nation that would start a war. For the new President, any chance for peace would be, at this point, a chance worth taking.
[Sent Via D-Net]
[To: Gregor Schelzi, Overseer of the Office for Foreign Affairs, The Ba'ath National Command of Largent]
[From: President Anthony Peter Kennedy, the United Solaris Federation of Tiburon]
[Subject: Re: Formal Request for arbitration and legal consultation]
[Classification: Secret]
Overseer Schelzi,
I am humbled that you have requested our nation to mediate such a pressing dispute between the newly formed Largentian nations. We agree that the close relations, historically, that Tiburon and the Largentian nations have had allow us to carefully and fairly mediate the current situation between the nations. We have made preparations for an arbitration to be held in New York City, presided over by Chief Justice R. K. Patel of our Supreme Court, and will be more than happy to assist. In order to make such a peace permanent (with the full force of international law), I am calling a summit meeting of all heads of state of the Largentian nations, to begin immediately after the arbitration and to be presided over by myself. Thank you for honoring us with your request.
President Anthony P. Kennedy,
The United Solaris Federation of Tiburon
[Sent Via D-Net]
[To: {Heads of State of the Nations of Largent}]
[From: President Anthony Peter Kennedy, the United Solaris Federation of Tiburon]
[Subject: Arbitration and a Summit Meeting]
[Classification: Secret]
Distinguished Heads of State,
Given the close relationship that the United Solaris Federation has had with the Largentian nations, we note with sorrow and alarm the recent escalation of violence between the Largentian states. With this in mind, and after having been requested by a head of state of a Largentian nation to arbitrate this conflict as a neutral power, I invite all of you to attend the arbitration. I have also called a summit meeting amongst the Largentian nations and Tiburon, to take place immediately after the arbitration. For the interests of peace, security, and goodwill between Tiburon and the Largentian nations, I urge all who receive this message to arrive.
President Anthony P. Kennedy,
The United Solaris Federation of Tiburon
Had the circumstances been any different, the Empress would have broken tradition and smiled. However, given the gravity of the situation she mearly sighed as though a massive weight had been lifted from her shoulders. The Tiburnese response had been received, hopefully in time to prevent a catastrophe. As Representative Allard watched her, he knew she couldn't do anything but worry, and he couldn't blame her. All she had done was give the former colonies a gift and they had taken advantage of her, now she was faced with this mess. Allard sighed, "The Tiburnese have requested your presence along with the other heads of state at the summit."
Oronrà nodded. "Of course I will attend, as will you."
"Your Highness?"
"I will attend, meet with all the participants, help to come to a reasonable conclusion to this situation, but you will present our case, argue our points and serve on the panel that will make the final desicion. If I go alone and argue our case then it will send a message that this situation is too serious for anyone else; However, I will not insult the Tiburnese by not attending after they have done us this favor. Now, before we depart I want copies of the responses from every colony. Should anyone decline I will send a persuasive message personally." The last word was given with such intensity and with such an icy look in her eyes it gave Allard a shiver down his spine, a feeling he had come to know well in his months of work with the Empress.
>>>Transmission to: [United Solaris Federation of Tiburon]<<<
>>>VIA {Largentian Diplo Networks} <<<
{From: The Office for Foreign Affairs}
{Subject: RE: RE: Formal Request for arbitration and legal consultation}
On behalf of Empress Elwing Oronrá, representing the Ba'ath National Command and the united Provinces therein, I extend my deepest and most heartfelt gratitude. Your graciousness may have well saved years of suffering and civil war. Your actions will not be forgotten.
Gregor Schelzi, Overseer of the Office for Foreign Affairs, acting on behalf of The Ba'ath National Command of Largent.
>>>Transmission to: [United Solaris Federation of Tiburon]<<<
>>>VIA {KnownNet} <<<
{From: Nettuno Soldi, Mercury Largenti, Giove Soldi, Charon Largenti}
{Subject: RE: Legal Arbitration and Summit Meeting}
On behalf of all the Former Largentian Colonies who have remained peaceful, I, Diego Escobar, accept the Tiburnese invitation to the aformetnioned summit and am pleased to announce that Thomas Swanton, govenor of Mercury Largenti; Alfred Santucci, govenor of Charon Largenti; and Nathaniel Kinesson, overseer of Giove Soldi will all be attending the summit as well. Unfortunately, I am not of friendly enough terms with the Marte Largenti govenor, nor do I wish to be, to give you a difinitive answer as to his attendance. However, barring a complete lapse of judgement I would assume he will attend.
I do declare this valid, given under my had, Diego Escobar, Govenor of Nettuno Soldi and divided territories therin.
>>>Transmission to: [United Solaris Federation of Tiburon]<<<
>>>VIA {Matian LocalNet} <<<
{From: Govenor Beauchamp, Marte Largenti}
{Subject: RE: Legal Arbitration and Summit Meeting}
Having received your request and considered the matter at hand at a great length I have decided I will be attending your summit. While I must admit that I see very little value out of going since my former country mens' arguments carry very little legal weight. However, I will humor them, even if it is a waste of both our time.
~Govenor Beauchamp, Ruler of Marte Largenti
Tiburon Jolted
26-08-2006, 06:52
OOC: Speeding this along. Hope you don't mind. Also, NYNJ has Pluto, Charon, Nix, and Hydra, although Quaoar, Sedna, Orcus, 2003EL61, 2005FY9, and 2003UB313 (which you seem to have) are still free.
Fortunately for city aerospace traffic, a new aerospaceport had recently been completed on the Unity Island section of New York City, designed specifically for diplomatic transport. International relations have a tendency to wreak havoc with transportation systems otherwise, and a collective sigh of relief from travelers and workers at JFK and LaGuardia can be heard. The Largentian shuttles landed in rapid succession, and a motorcade hopped the delegates (and the Tiburonese President receiving them) the short distance to the Central Executive Complex and the arbitration room.
The chairs had been arranged throughout the arbitration room carefully, taking care not to position the Marte Largenti delegates next to the Nettuno Soldi ones. It was a well-lit room to say the least, with the side with a view nearly covered in window, giving a magnificent view of much of lower Unity Island and parts of lower Manhattan. In the back center of the room, three chairs had been arranged in a row, making it somewhat the center of the proceedings that would commence. President Kennedy joined the other two in the back center. Once the delegates filled in, the man in the center (with a placard labelled Chief Justice R. K. Patel) raised a small gavel and pounded it softly. "This arbitration amongst the nations of Largent, witnessed by representatives of the United Solaris Federation of Tiburon, shall officially begin. We now require opening statements." He turned to the woman (with a placard labelled Attorney General Ayumi Naritachi) on the opposite side of him as President Kennedy, and the two discussed for a brief period before Chief Justice Patel continued. "Opening statements are of indefinite length. The delegation representing the nation that had requested this arbitration shall be first to speak, as such, the delegation from the Ba'ath National Command of Largent may speak."
ooc: I cetrainly don't mind. As for Charon, I have spoken to NYNJ and it seems he doesn't have a claim to all of Charon, just most of it, however, for the sake of simplicity, we can conisider the colony on 2003UB313 if you like, it doesn't matter to me
Compared to other diplomatic travels, this one had gone extremely smoothly. The Empress noted the idea of different aerospace ports for civilian and diplomatic travel. It was a good idea, worth trying in her own capital. She had seen the other diplomats arrive and greeted a few of them, sharing a rather akward moment with Diego Escobar. The relationship between the two had been shaking as of recently, and Escobar did little to hide his displeasure with the Empress. However, his loyalty to her, even when he no longer had a duty to serve her, was as strong as ever.
As they were ushered into the arbitration room, they each took their seat, Allard right next to the Empress. Sticking with tradition he would be the voice for her, following an extensive meeting previous to the arbitration itself. Beauchamp was far across on the opposite side of the room. He had arrived last, in his truly arrogant fashion. No love was lost on Beauchamp as far as the Empress was concerned.
Once Patel called for an opening statement from the BNC the Empress gave a quick nod to Allard who rose and walked to the center of the room. He began by explainging to Kennedy and the judges, "I will be speaking on the part of the Empress, such is the tradition of the Largentian high court, no offense is intended." He nodded to the other delegates. "You all are already fimiliar with our customs, so I need not explain anything to you." Pausing momentarily he gathered himself and began his opening statement:
"I will make this as brief as possible. To put it plainly, the behavior of the Largentian nations is unacceptable. We gave the colonies their sovereignty for a simple reason: so that they may govern themselves as they see fit but maintain a strong and beneficial relationship to the other former colonies. Immediately following the independace of the former colonies, each promptly displayed a blantant inability to govern its people and ensure their safety from foreign agression.
"Our actions were supposed to improve the standard of life within the Largentian nations, not lower it. Sovereignty wasn't even originally a Largentian idea. It was proposed by Mr. Escobar," Diego was obviously displeased with this comment. "However, despite the Largentian nations' complete ineptitude we are willing to give them a second chance. That chance is this meeting right now. We will not impose any peace agreements upon you, we will not force anything upon you for that matter. All we ask is that each of you here take advantage of this opportunity to make peace with each other before your conflicts escillate to all out war. We truely believe what we did was best for you and your people and it would be a sad day if we would have to reannex the colonies to ensure the safety of their people, but it is something we are willing to do if we deem it necessary hear today.
"Thank you Mr. President, Judge Patel, Ms. Attourney General Naritachi. We have come hear with a simple purpose, to either fix these nations' problems, and if that is not possible then we will simply have to absorb them once again."
The Largentian's opening statement probably wasn't what one would consider 'traditional'. It served a purpose entirely different from stating the Ba'ath National Commands hopes so much as to help the discussion along to acheive the Empress' final goals. It was also partly a stall tactic, Allard really hadn't said anything, which is better because he wanted to hold his cards close and wait for others to play theirs.
Tiburon Jolted
27-08-2006, 04:14
OOC: Just didn't know that he had cleared it. Since I'm under the assumption that Charon Largenti/2003UB313 Largenti is under the same administration, I'm going to refer to it as Kuiper Largenti. Hope it's not a problem.
Chief Justice Patel nodded calmly and continued the proceedings of the opening statements- but inside he was somewhat irritated. He had expected the BNC to explain their demands and their offerings to the rest of the Largentian states, but this hadn't come- and it could set a bad precedent for the rest of the arbitration. Presumably Naritachi and Kennedy were uneasy as well- Naritachi needed something that work as an enforceable statute of international law, and Kennedy could potentially have to contend with the same thing during the summit meeting afterwards. He needed to make sure this sort of thing did not happen again. He continued.
"Thank you, delegate. The opening statements shall continue by geographical order, starting from the delegate from the innermost planet, the delegation of Mercury Soldi, and ending with the delegation from Kuiper Largenti. We may then commence negotiations for individual points." Then, in a less official tone- a more friendly yet sterner tone- he added, "I would advise delegates to delineate exactly what they seek to obtain from this arbitration and what points they wish to negotiate further on, in the interest of completing a quick, successful, and harmonious arbitration, and presumably in the interests of the summit meeting to follow."
The second statement would be delivered by former Admiral Thomas Swanton, govenor of Mercury Soldi. Swanton was widely known as closest to Diego Escobar even though they were farthest geographically from one another. Prior to the summit they had had a correspondance to discuss exactly what it is they would request here to both get what they wanted and end the fighting as quickly as possible. What they wanted was rather simple and the proposal was to be given by Swanton, following a rebuttal from Beauchamp, and then Beauchamps argument put to rest by Diego and possibly the other two delegates.
Rising from his seat, Swanton took center stage. "Greetings gentlemen. I know I need not introduce myself to you," he said adressing the other delegates, "However, we have not been properly introduced," he said turning to the President and two judges, "I am Thomas Swanton, representing Mercury Soldi. I would just like to begin by saying that the current situation is unacceptable and that drastic measures must be taken. We, the people of Mercury Soldi, are in full support of local sovereignty, but recognize the fact that the colonies cannot stand alone as indepentant nations. The odds are simply stacked against us.
"To some this may be a tricky problem, one with no real answer; however, there is a solution and I believe I posses it. Up until recently Largent was a totalitarian dictatorship, although it was lacking the harsh rule commonly present in such situations it most certainly was ruled by a single person, The Empress. Prior to Largentian Earth assencion this form of government worked based on the types of peoples that inhabited this nation. However, we are far to spread out and in very different political situations for something like this to be practical. This is why I have a suggestion that should solve the problems of both sovereignty and safety. If we were to create a Federal System in which each colony posses a national government with total sovereignty on that planet but sends several delegates to an Empire-wide government responsible for interplanetary matters such as defense, trade, and other such matters I believe it would solve all our current problems. In the past such systems have failed because on was essentially splitting on nation into independant states. This is a very different situation in which the states span a great distance and need sovereignty but also need one another in the interests of their economy and safety. Thank you"
Once Swanton had taken his seat it was time for the statement everyone had been waiting for. It was time for Beauchamp the instagator of all these problems to take the floor and present his case. He was alone in the room, not a single friend present, still, he had another weapon working for him. He had the law on his side and he would be more than willing to exploit that advantage to its fullest extent.
Much like the delegates before him, Beachamp walked up and took center stage. It was not difficult to detect his air of arrogance, partially given by the way he was dressed. He clearly came from money and didn't wish to hide it. With an almost inaudible sigh he began, "Thank you for your time today ladies and gentlemen. As you all know I am govener Beauchamp, currently excersizing rule over the nation of Marte Largenti. As you requested judge I will first give a clear outline of what I think should be done concerning the current situation, and then I will adress some of the problems I have noted with previous statements.
"What should be done about the current situation is very simple and should take almost no time to impliment. The answer is nothing. The former colonies of Largent have been declared independent and any move to reabsorb them into and Largentian Empire would be an act of war that I am sure the international community would certainly not approve of. Perhaps the minor disagreements we have had thus far are slightly disconcerning but given some other situations around the sol I'd say they are rather minor and insignificant and even to be expected immediately following such an abrupt and unexpected decleration of independance.
"Now, to adress what dear Mr. Swanton proposed. The Ba'ath National Command has no right and neither do you to force any of the Largentian Nations to become part of any Federal system and I will tell you right now that Marte Largenti will flat our refuse to give any of our sovereignty to any international government. We have more than enough military force to secure our own military and economic interests without any foreign power meddling in our affaris. Thank you."
The opening statement from the Marte Largenit had been unexpectedly short and rather than a proposal it had been more like an initial failure to comply with the precedings. Nonetheless, they did have the law on their side and it would take nothing less than pressure from every party in the room to sway their opinion.
The third statement of the day would be delivered by Nathaniel Kinneson, head of the Jovian Colonial Commission, still largely dependant on support from the Ba'ath National Command and it would not be hard to predict what direction he would take with his opening statement.
Taking center stage he began with an introduction directed at the entire room. "I have not had the pleasure of meeting many of you previously, but I am Nathaniel Kinneson, chairman of the JCC and acting govenor of Giove Soldi. We are still a developing section of the former Largentian Empire, and are largely still dependant on what is now foreign support to aid in our colonization, immigration, and terraforming.
"Mr. Beauchamp, as you said, you have the military power to secure your own military and economic interests. Unfortuanatly, we in the JCC are not blessed with the same situation. This is why we agree with Mr. Swanton but wish to take it a step further. We would like local governments on some level but we would have to suggest that the interplanetary governement hold the majority of the power so that no states are left out to dry. Local governments will be responsible for making decision that are only relevant to local politics while the larger government will be responsible for everything else so that all the former colonies will be given equal economic opportunities. I realize my statement has been rather simple and short but we only wish to return things to the way they were with only a little more freedom given to local governments. The final product will be something of an oligarcy where the smaller governments will be monitored by the Empress. Thank you." His ideas were certainly unorthodox but no one could say that they made absolutely no sense.
Next cam Diego Escobar, easily the third most powerful Largentian in the room. While he came up short to Beauchamp in military power, he easily surpassed him in economic power and it certainly didn't hurt he was close to the Empress.
"Ladies and gentlemen, I have come here today with a small confession. Over a year ago now I came to the Empress and told her that the colonies needed more power to govern themselves. She said she would see to it that the matter was taken care of and the result was the Rights of Nations. Her actions were noble and I applaud them, unfortunately it was too abrupt a change and now action must be taken. I agree whole heartedly with Mr. Swanton and don't think any changes should be made to his plan. I must also add to Mr. Kinneson that he would have the full support of all the other Largentian states until Giove Soldi did become large enough to secure its own interests.
"In the matter of Marte Largenti, excuse me for being so bold, but Mr. Beauchamp, you are putting your people at a great risk by failing to cooperate. As the leader of Marte Largenti you have a contractual obligation to protect your people and their interests. By attempting to remain independant as an excuse to become more powerful and form a new empire and crowning yourself its Emperor. Now, you will certainly deny any such allegation, and our intel is not rock solid enough for any military action yet, but do not misunderstand me. I am not here to beat around the bush. I am here to resolve these problems before they are beyond repair. Thank you."
Finally it was time for Kuiper Largenti to present their case. Govenor Santucci took the stage and began. "Well, it would seem all our bases have been covered already, no? We have seen just about every possible suggestion made and probably hear every possible argument to counter every suggestion. I really couldn't give you all any amazing speech to present some new, revolutionary idea so I will simply tell you that I agree mostly with Mr. Swanton and Escobar. However, I must ask that we not strip The Ba'ath National Command off all its interplanetary authority. Without one powerful voice we are little more than a weak confederacy, suseptible to a second situation not unlike this one. That is all I have to offer. Thank you for your time."
As Santucci had put it. Just about every point of view had been given, considered and argued against, but all the disagreements would soon be brought to a new level as it became time to formalize a decision that would utterly reshape Largent.
Aboard the Reliance
It had been almost a week since the squadron had weighed from port at 2003UB313. It soon became evident to Mosher, Bararosa, and every other captain, that searching open space for a powerful enemy was incredibly difficult. They had been scanning asteroids and Mars Space ever since their departure but not a single Marte Largenti ship was to be found. This was incredibly disconcernign to all. It had been almost a month since Beauchamps fleet had been sighted and every minute that passed the threat of an invasion grew greater.
Barbarosa was certainly feeling the pressure to come up with something. He was walking the thin line between glory and oblivion. He sat in his office, Mosher only feet away reading the scanners' reports for what was probably the sixth time. How could an entire warfleet escape detection from all the forces that Kuiper forces, Mercury forces, and Neptun forces had to offer.
As he flipped through the reports from the Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices (SQUIDS) he saw something that was just odd. The information had been relayed from Mercurian scouts and it just didn't sit well with him. He beconed Mosher and asked if anything seemed odd to him. After several moments of thinking he replied, "Yes, the photosphere of the sun. Theres nothing in there that should give off that much of a magnetic reading without any flares. And the gravity is far too high." He paused for a moment wondering until his eyes met Barbarosas. "Oh god, he's got the entire fleet hiding in the Sun's Photosphere."
"Exactly, and we're out scanning asteroids in the Kuiper Belt. Theres no way we'd beat him to any of the inner planets at this point. However, there is one more thing. I referenced our readings to the entire known force of the Marte Largenti. Thats only about three quarters of it. And if hes going by this strategy we need to get the Neptunians scanning Jupiter and Neptune for the rest of the fleet. He's Got something big planned. I only hope we can stop him in time."
Tiburon Jolted
31-08-2006, 04:22
After hearing the statements of all of the delegates, the three Tiburonese delegates turned to face each other and had a length conversation. It was evident that something needed to be done- laissez-faire, as Governor Beauchamp would have it, was certainly within the law, but would be solving absolutely nothing. On the other hand, it was necessary for the arbitration to follow the letter of international law to have the force of it. After several minutes of discussion, the three nodded their heads in agreement and turned around to face the rest of the delegates once again.
This time, it was Attorney General Naritachi who spoke in her characteristically light tone. It was a tone of understanding and cooperation, rather than formality as Chief Justice Patel's had been.
"Having heard the statements from all of the delegates, we admit that we must agree with every single one. Every statement, and every viewpoint expressed, has absolute validity. Keeping the idea behind this arbitration- specifically, maintaining the peace between the Largentian nations- in mind, I believe we've been able to form the basis of an idea that can work for all parties involved.
In order to make this arbitration more amenable to every party involved, we've attempted to recognize as best we can the individual sovereignty of every nation involved. At the same time, we recognize the precarious nature of security for many of the nations involved.
Therefore, what we propose is this. A security community amongst the nations of Largent, with membership on a voluntary basis only. In order to continue our capacity as mediator of this arbitration and summit meeting, and in recognition of our good relations with all Largentian nations, we will be an observer state to this community. This security community will be closed only to the Largentian nations and Tiburon, and will be based not only on security agreements but also economic aid; however, this does not mean that security agreements or economic aid from any member nation is banned to any non-member nation. Membership and non-membership in this organization will not affect current aid to any Largentian state by Tiburon.
In addition, we propose that a motion be made to outlaw armed conflict between member states. Given our multitheater capabilities, I'd say that we (Tiburon) certainly has the capability to police this law. Thoughts?"
Diego was the first to speak. He was uncharacteristically enthusiastic, "The proposal you have suggested Ms. Naritachi certainly carries enormous potential. However, there are a few points I would like to clarify. First of all, since entrance to this proposed security community would be optional, certain hands-on aid would have to be mandatory if the community will be of any use. Allow me to give an example. Lets say that a member nation is attacked, whether it be The Ba'ath National Command, Nettuno Soldi, or even Tiburon, it must be considered an attack on every single member nation, and said nations must be held accountable to act accordingly. If it were any other way then any response would be caught up in needless beauracracy. This would be especially sad since on of the Largentian principals is efficiency.
"Second, free trade must exist between member nations much like it existed when the Largentian nations were still colonies. Hopefully these two things combined will creat a community where the security and economic situation will not be unlike the way it was prior to the independance of the colonies. Other than that, all I can say is that I urge the other colonies to take advantage of this opportunity and not let it pass by," this final comment was clearly directed at Beauchamp. Diego's words seemed to draw general approval from all of the delegates except for one.
Beauchamp immediately rose to speak, "I don't really see any problem with creating any communtiy to protect security and economic interests as long as membership is voluntary. We may come across as being unsupportive of reuniting the colonies in any way. In reality we are totally supportive of our..weaker, shall I say, counterparts. As I have stated before, we are powerful enough to look out for ourselves and do not wish do have any obligations to any other nations."
Following these comments, some of the delegates were put at ease by the appearant change of heart from the Marte Largentian, but not Diego. He shared a grave look with the Empress momentarily knowing full well what the absence of the Marte Largenti from the community would mean. With an almost unnoticeable nod they agreed that there would have to be some meeting concerning Marte Largenti intentions when Beauchamp was absent. It appeared Swanton shared his concern because he quickly whispered, "Theres no way he will suddenly decide to make his relationship peaceful. The Martian fleet could trounce on any of our fleets minus the Imperial fleet."
"If it comes to that we could always have Tiburnese support. And if we get that, we have reason to send in an ground invasion and Beauchamp is as good as dead." Almost as if he had heard the two, Beauchamp glanced over with one could almost call the slightest smile.
Last to speak was Allard. With an approving glance from the Empress he began, "The Empress and I both fully support this idea. We do however have a question. Will there be any governing body to monitor and uphold the ideals of this communtiy? If so, what will be the structure of said body, and if not how will the communtiy be monitored and its ideals upheld?"
Tiburon Jolted
04-09-2006, 03:08
The new proposals must be carefully considered. Tiburon already has a few "collective security" agreements- the Triumvirate of Yut, the Alliance of Progressive Nations, and the Mars Defense Initiative to name a few. On the other hand, the threat of a Marte Largentian conquest of the Largentian territories is a very real threat, and realistically the only force in this arrangement that can successfully trounce any attempts by anyone to conquer the other nations is the Tiburonese Aerospace Force. The BNC and Marte Largentian fleets have parity, but TASF is easily the most powerful force represented.
The two Tiburonese delegates (President Kennedy and Attorney General Naritachi) and the moderator (Chief Justice Patel) have a lengthy discussion in private. Upon completion, it is now the President who speaks to the rest of the delegates. "We agree with Delegate Escobar's proposal of a collective security agreement within this proposed organization amongst not just the member states- the Largentian nations- but also among the one observer, us. We believe that this organization could better serve the policy of enforcing the peace between the Largentian states than our Aerospace Force directives alone. As for the free trade proposal, we had intended the organization to be simply an agreement to secure the peace between states, but we have no opposition to a state of free trade. And we agree with Delegate Beauchamp's proposal of keeping this purely voluntary- if a nation is self-sustainable and follows to the letter of this and other pieces of international law, there is no reason that it should be constrained in an organization it does not wish to be party to.
As for Delegate Allard's questions, this organization will indeed have a governing structure. I've found the most effective way to manage a structure to be a summit structure employed by the Triumvirate of Yut and the Alliance of Progressive Nations. Essentially, this means that the representatives to this organization are the respective heads of state of each member nation."
ooc: eh, crappy post, feeling sick, itll be better next time.
Allard was the only to speak as it seemed that discussions were coming to a close and hopefully the tension in the room would ease soon. "I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say we are most excited to hear of your willingness to enter into our "collective security agreement". It certainly puts many minds at ease. Now, unless there are any matters of interest either of the judges or the President would like to bring up, there are a few minor points--mainly formailites--I would like to bring before you all.
"First of which is, where will these summits be held. Unless anyone voices any objections, the Ba'ath National Command would be more than happy to host all summits within the halls of the Imperial Palace. This would be a place which would cast an air of formality over all proceedings, and it would be a space able to accommodate all the representatives for nearly an unlimited period of time if need be.
"Second, possibly the most obnoxious formality of all, is a Charter. There is certainly no need for it to be drafted here and now although it may be for the better if we would like to make our decision formal in a fast manner. Since the idea of this security community was first proposed by the Tiburnese on Tiburnese soil, I suggest that that aformentioned nation be the ones to produce a first draft, which would then be put to discussion by all who would have an interest to join the said community.
"Now, finally," he pauses for a moment, "This is rather small, but it seems we are in need of a name for our organization unless we wish to referr to it as the "security community" from hence forth." The final area of discussion was rather informal and was more to ease the tension that had mounted in the room than to make any real progress.
On Board The Reliance
Word of the progress being made by the delegates within Tiburon's borders had not yet reached the ears of those patrolling the sol, where the state of war was still very real. It would probably take until the next day until and cease fire would even start to be put into affect. Already the last known location of the Marte Largenti fleet was given to Mercury while the squadron was sent to scan the upper atmospheres of Neptune and Jupiter. It was a significant force that was still missing and it was Commodore Barbarosa's job to find it.
To Barbarosa it seemed most likely that Beauchamp would hide the fleet within Jupiter's atmosphere. He immediately ordered the squadron to enter the atmosphere and actively scan every inch of the planet using their SQUIDs for absolutely anything that would give away the large force that was currently unaccounted for.
The Harebell and Monomoit were sent ahead of the squadron as scouts while the other four ships followed behind in a battle-ready formation, fully prepared to engage any enemy after reporting its current position.
On the Reliance's deck Mosher paced nervously, waiting for Monomoit to give a signal. Barbarosa watched him from the corner of his eye. Something about the man had changed since they had last served together. He had no way of knowing what troubled his life long friend but it would be an understatement to say he was concerned. His flag captain would have to be ready to engage in combat without hesitation and he was having concerns. Just as he was about to say something a lieutenant called "Its Monomoit sir, she's signaling."
"Very well, forward the message to the bridge." Moments later the image came up on the screen. It was simple, short, straight to the point. Written in red lettering in the holographic image for all the crew to see was the message: Enemy in sight. Signal 'close action'. It was time for war.
Tiburon Jolted
10-09-2006, 03:27
OOC: Hope you feel better, man.
New York City, United North America, the United Solaris Federation of Tiburon
President Kennedy nods in agreement. "Right. If you'll excuse us for a few minutes..." He then turns to Attorney General Naritachi, and for several minutes they create a charter.
They both turn to the rest of the delegates, and it is now Naritachi that speaks. "Okay. Here's our proposal for the charter. I'm thinking of calling it the Largentian Security Organization."
Proposed Charter of the Largentian Security Organization
Article I- Purpose
This organization, the Largentian Security Organization (LSO) is intended to foster a spirit of cooperation between the independent states of the nation of Largent, bonded by a common heritage, a common history, and a common desire to promote the safety and unity of the Largentian nations. As such, this organization is limited to former Largentian nations, with the exception of one observer nation. To reflect the original agreement of the organization, observer status shall be granted to the United Solaris Federation of Tiburon only. In order to continue the progress of these independent states, these Largentian nations and the United Solaris Federation formally agree to the following terms of the organization.
Article II- Duties
The LSO exists to provide for the security and unity of the member states. To foster this spirit, the member states agree to the following terms.
1.) In order more effectively to achieve the objectives of this treaty, the member states, separately and jointly, by means of continuous and effective self-help and mutual aid, will maintain and develop their individual and collective capacity to resist armed attack.
2.) The signatory states agree to consult together within the Largentian Security Council (to be defined in Article III) whenever, in the opinion of any of them, the territorial integrity, political independence or security of any of the member states is threatened. A request for consultation may be called for at any time by any signatory state.
3.) The member states formally enter a status of alliance, mutual defense, and collective security. This status shall not be abridged while this treaty is in effect, and abridgement of this status shall represent an immediate withdrawal from this treaty by the respective party.
4.) In accordance with Article II Part 3 of this treaty, the member states agree that an unprovoked attack on any territory under the jurisdiction of either nation, an unprovoked attack on any property under the ownership of either nation, or any other unprovoked act of war, shall be interpreted as an attack on all nations, and each respective government shall take any actions it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to maintain the security of all member nations. In accordance with the Largentian Treaty of Mutual Peace, the United Solaris Federation of Tiburon agrees to be subject to this part of this article when a breach of the Largentian Treaty of Mutual Peace is deemed to exist.
5.) In accordance with Article II Part 3 of this treaty, the member states will engage in an intelligence-sharing program such that each nation shall share any and all classified information if it represents a critical point of information for either nation or if it is requested by the other nation. All such information shall be released at the discretion of the sending nation.
6.) In accordance with Article II Part 3 of this treaty, the signatory states agree to enter into a state of free trade amongst themselves. Mutual aid between signatory states is encouraged.
Article III- Structure
To implement the terms of Article II, the signatory states of the LSO agree to the following terms:
1.) The LSO shall be represented by the Largentian Security Council (LSC). This council shall comprise of alliance ambassadors from all signatory states of the organization, and shall be held in the Ba'ath National Command of Largent (BNC) in a venue to be determined by the PLC with the approval of the BNC. The PLC shall serve as the legislative, executive, and judicial body of the organization, and shall hold all of the subsequent powers therein.
2.) Motions to the floor of the PLC may be brought by any nation at any time. All member states have one vote each, and PLC decisions shall affect all member states. Motions shall pass with a simple majority (50% plus one) vote.
3.) Membership within the organization is limited to Largentian nations, with a special observer status granted to the United Solaris Federation of Tiburon. A Largentian nation is defined as any of the nations listed in Article III Part 4 or any independent nation that had been at any time been the sovereign territory of a nation listed in Article III Part 4. Membership to the LSO is voluntary, and shall be immediately granted upon application.
4.) The nations of Largent are defined as the following independent nations: the Ba'ath National Command of Largent, Mercury Largenti, Marte Largenti, Giove Soldi, Nettuno Soldi, and Kuiper Largenti.
5.) Amendments to the charter may be submitted by any member state, just as any other motion. Amendments require a 75% minimum majority vote in the PLC to pass.
Member States:
Mercury Largenti
The Ba'ath National Command of Largent
Marte Largenti
Giove Soldi
Nettuno Soldi
Kuiper Largenti
Observer States:
The United Solaris Federation of Tiburon
Copies of the charter are lighted up on each delegation's viewscreens. She continues. "In addition to this, we've decided on a treaty we call the Largentian Treaty of Mutual Peace. This being a combined arbitration and summit meeting, we have come to the agreement that this particular treaty be made mandatory for all states in this arbitration. Specifically, it provides for a state of peace between Largentian member states.
Largentian Treaty of Mutual Peace
In accordance with the summit meeting and arbitration between the signatory states in New York City, United North America, the United Solaris Federation of Tiburon on this date: 9 September NCE 279, the undersigned nations agree that a state of formal peace shall be instituted between the undersigned nations. This state of peace shall not be abridged by any means whatsoever. This includes an unprovoked attack on any territory under the jurisdiction of either nation, an unprovoked attack on any property under the ownership of either nation, or any other unprovoked act of war. In accordance with the summit meeting and arbitration in New York City, the United Solaris Federation of Tiburon shall act as an observer state and arbitration judge for this treaty. Any signatory may call upon a summit meeting at any time if it feels that the terms of the treaty are being abridged.
Signatory States:
Mercury Largenti
The Ba'ath National Command of Largent
Giove Soldi
Nettuno Soldi
Kuiper Largenti
The United Solaris Federation of Tiburon
"Thoughts on the matter?"
Outer Space
The Tiburonese Aerospace Force was certainly watching to see signs of trouble. The conference at New York had not formalized anything yet, but that didn't mean they still wouldn't be examining space for signs of inter-Largentian trouble.
And trouble came, at an inopportune time. While the proposal is being passed around to formally ban conflict between the Largentian states, they decide to go to action. Four battleships are dispatched from the Third Floating Command, one of numerous commands each commanding legions of ships. Hopefully, they can arrive in time to prevent an all-out war.
OOC2: I'm fairly sure you have Uranus territory, and I defined it as Uranii Soldi. Don't remember exactly what came of your discussion with FACS to purchase part of Umbriel. I know I've been taking some liberties with the Largentian nations, and I apologize for that. Hope it's not too much trouble, again. Not sure if I missed some Largentian nations in Article III Part 4.
ooc: i actually have no holdings on uranus, negotiations fell through.
As copies of the two documents were passed around and examined no objections were raised. The two agreements almost mirrored all the requirements the delegates had set forth, so no one could really object, certainly without the threat of losing a little ground as far as their own interests were concerned.
One by one they began signing the charters of the LSO and LToMP. Starting with Swanton, ending with Santucci every state signed, save one. It came as no great shock but the Marte Largenti would not be entering into either the organization or the peace treaty. It was official, they had totally alienated themselves from the rest of Largent, and could very well face the consiquences.
On Board the Reliance DEFCON-1
The the minutes before and engagement a ship jumps to life. Barbarosa had often wondered why. As if each man were working harder as though to think it would save his own life? No. Certainly not. They were all going to hell today.
Communication systems were already cluttered beyond belief and all Largentian ships began switching to tightbeam transmissions, disconnecting themselves from the localNet, for both practical and strateigic reasons. They were now unable to be tracked by their Comms but information would be delayed by a few minutes.
Gun crews began testing and prepping their weapons for the engagement that was only two minutes away and closing. Last minute preparations. Checking and rechecking everything. Final scouting reports, signals, tactical plans--which Mosher was responsible for as flag captain. Normally these few moments served as a time when one could collect his thoughts. That wouldn't be the case today. As far as anyone was concerned, the rulebook had gone out the window. A Comms officer hailed Barbarosa, who slowly turned and walked to the mans station, clearly preoccupied.
"This had better be important Mr. LaMott."
"Sir, Tiburnese ships. Battleships. Looks like they're closing in on the projected point-of-contact? Should we hail them and tell them to stand down?
Barbarosa shook his head slowly. He damn well knew what this meant. It meant that an agreement had been reached back on Earth. Surprising seeing as news of the summit had only arrived hours before. He knew it would mean his job and possibly his life if he received any sort of message informing him of the new situation. As he mulled this over something caught his eye out of the bridge window. It was the first sighting of the enemy fleet with Monomoit standing off to the port side as the squadron closed. As Barbarosa looked at the fleet, he saw not a collection of ships, run by men he once called brothers, but merely the essence of the evil that ruled them, the evil that had torn his land apart. He made a decision. The events that took place today would be larger than him, his career, anything. Today would be the day he left his legacy in Largentian history text books.
"Disconnect all Communications systems after sending a message to the other ships that the battle plan is still on. Leave signaling systems on and respond and relay Monomoit's first signal--Close Action." The signaling systems were relatively archaic in design but certainly served a purpose. They sent out a stream of electons that when received and ran through onboard systems, would be translated into a simple one line message after cross-refrenced through a database of all possible messages. It was slow and noticeable to an enemy, but extremely useful in close combat, totally encrypted and unableto be intercepted, and good when communications went off line, unintentionally or intentionally.
Once the orders had been excecuted the battle began. As standard to old Martian style tactics, the ships came at the squadron in sphere. This told Barbarosa something. His opposing commander followed everything by the book. Martian tactics were designed for use against warfleets (for obvious reasons) but extremely flawed against a smaller, faster opponent. If a single ship was lost early on, the center of the sphere could be exposed for only a few moments, but just enough time to squeeze in a squadron where it would become and ablsute slaughter house.
Barbarosa judged the opposing fleet to contain about thirty ships. Far less than expected but there was a catch. A battleship. The Martian Lysander. She would be Barbarosa's real test. While deep in thought, Mosher came up next to him. "Are you ready, sir?"
Barbarosa smiled for a brief moment. "As long as you promise me one thing, Francis." Mosher nodded slightly, waiting for him to continue, "whatever happens, whatever, do not hesitate. If I lay dying, you go on like nothing has happened." Mosher acknowledged his friends request gravely and then returned to his post, overlooking the main deck.
"Engadge the Diametric Drive." Moments later every ship in the squadron engadged they super-powered reactionless drives and began their charge on the opposing force. Given the amount of distance between the two, Barbarosa estimated they would arrive at about .4c in approximately twenty seconds. The moment the drives came to life, a barage of Boost-Bombs, or more specifically, monopoled anti-matter missiles, were launched at the enemy. The acceleration producedby these weapons were enormous, they hit the opposing force at .2c only three seconds after being launched. The affects were immediate, however, the enemy held out, clearly hoping to destroy the squadron in the first volley of kinetic weaponry.
This first volley, which only took place fifteen seconds after the first blow and been thrown, took place at .4c, just as Barbarosa had predicted. The squadron produced a volley of 36 1 ton shells, moving at velocity ranging from .05-.1c which all met their massive target spewing depris as far as any man on the ship could see.
The Marte Largenti volley that followed would often be reffered to as the 'Shock Felt 'Round the Sol' by later historians. The sheer numbers of the shells alone would have sent shivers down each mans spine, had he been given the time to see them. Alas, rocketing at .1c the blood, gore and twisted hulls that were once the frigate Buzzard and cutter Harebell came before anyone knew what had happened. No one onboard had felt a thing. The shells had ripped through their hulls and bodies before the nerves had time to send the message of pain to their brains. By that time their grey matter was in orbit around the planet.
Barbarosa could only stare. Maxwell Probyn and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn were the only words that came to his mind. Two of the most honorable men he had ever known. Solzhenitsyn, with his rather ugly feature but unwavering loyatly and astounding attitude and out look on life. Probyn, reliable, friendly, a joy to serve with. Gone forever.
Mosher, seeing the look in his friends eyes did as he was asked to. He never hesitated for a moment. He saw the opening in the enemy lines and exploited it. Before the enemy knew what had happened the sqaudron had breached their defenses. The order was sent, 'Fire at Will'.
The Ensuing moments were arguably the bloodiest in the history of Largentian warfare. Boost-Bombs, Kinetic Shells, Hellbore plasma systems. Not a single ship was spared. Parts were either totally inhalaited, shattered to bits, or melted and left flaming by the plasma. The destruction was so great that the greatest threat left to the three cruisers and the destroyer was not enemy fire, but the flaming shrapnel that flew about all around them. Monomoit sustained considerable damage and was forced to disengadge. This left the cruisers with a single opponent, the Lysander.
All that hatred, hostility, and agression that had mounted within the Largentian states seemed to culimate at this single point. Volleys were sent back and fourth as the cruisers attempted to surround the ship. They succeded and the main cannons as well as the engines were disabled. As soon as the brilliant light that had once illuminated from the aft of the battleship died, she slowly heeled as the planets massive gravity did the squadrons dirty work. Just as Barbarosa ordered the squadron to regroup back in high orbit the first use of a major WMD took place. A RKKS {pronounced: Rocks} stands for Relativistic Kinetic Kill System. What it does is use a massive platform to launch an inordinate amount of debris, amounting up to five tons, is launched at .9c. It takes almost a minute to charge up but there was no warning. The squadron was given .01 seconds to react before the kill system tore through the Orsiris and part of Nicator shredding everything in its path to peices.
No one had ever bothered to calculate the exact losses, but it was well into the hundreds. Maybe the number of the men that died wasn't to enormous. However, Barbarosa saw it for what it was. It was a statement. The captain of the Lysander knew his life was over and only wanted to inflict as much pain and suffering on his opponent as he could. Barbarosa's heart would not bleed for him. He turned to Mosher "Gather the survivors from Nicator and check in with Monomoit to make sure they're operational. Lets return to port. There has been enough suffering for one day." He turned and looked at the Tiburnese. They hadn't had time to react. The entire battle had only lasted minutes, six to be exact. Thanks to a series of rather unexpected events the Tiburnese wouldn't have been able to do anything.
As they began to return to port Barbarosa saw the first signs of lifeships amassing from all but one ships wreckage, Lysander. May God have mercy on their souls.
Mars-Earth Route
As prearranged by Diego and Swanton, just as the meeting was coming to a close, Mercerurian Orbital Guard [MOG] began preparing to intercept one of the shuttles. Only hours ago they had recieved 'intelligence' of a supposed drug smuggling shuttle that would be departing Earth and just about time the meeting was ending.
They had been issued orders to hail, intercept, and thourougly inspect the vessel. No one was to be harmed, no weapons drawn, perhaps a major nuisance though. It was an ellaborate plan, and perhaps rather useless, but it had a purpose. To send a message, and that it would.
Ba'ath National Command, Situation Room 1
Twelve figures sat around an elliptical table. The room was cast in a red light. They all wore black suits, covered in the gold medals they had earned in combat which were now pinned to their suits. They had breifings on the situation. Each was to understand that no a word of what would happen in the following days could ever be spoken to anyone. Not a government official, not a friend, and not a family member at any point in time. That was the beginning and the end of it.
Displayed as a hologram was a map. A continous loop was running showing the tactical plan, including specs, estimated elevations, and ground thickness. After running through the plan one last time, showing the landing point, entry point, second entry point, kill spot, rendezvous, and finally the pick-up spot. After each man understood what he was to do, they were dismissed until the following day when they're mission would take place.
In orbit, arrangements were already taking place for what was dubbed, Operation: Black-Out.
Small bump for whenever tib gets bak now that I have some free time
Tiburon Jolted
27-12-2006, 11:15
OOC: Tremendously sorry about having been away. Real life stuff.
New York City, United North America, the United Solaris Federation of Tiburon
Chief Justice Patel frowns as he notices both charters being passed without Marte Largentian signatures. Certainly Marte Largenti has the option of not joining the LSO, although it would have been nice to see some level of cooperation. Even India (before it became a founding state of Tiburon) and Pakistan cooperated in the Non-Aligned Movement, and they were mortal enemies. He speaks to the room after he receives the signatures.
"Attention delegates. As previously determined by the arbitering party- the United Solaris Federation of Tiburon- while membership in the Largentian Security Organization is voluntary for all parties involved, accession to the Largentian Treaty of Mutual Peace is mandatory for all parties assembled. I will be sending this around, and expect to see all national signatures on this document when it is returned."
Chief Justice Patel is now visibly irritated.
Outer Space
A fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a second too late.
The Tiburonese ships had reached the Largentian ones at approximately the time that the opening volleys were about to be fired. It was someone's bright idea (well, more precisely, all of the top leadership's collective bright idea) to make a sphere to encircle them. By the time the sphere is set up, said opening volleys have already been fired.
Not good.
Tiburonese battleships across the board are primed for action. In Mercury, forces that had sleepily been waiting for some news in the Seraphim Civil War turn active as they alert themselves to prevent an all-out war between Largentians and Largentians. Earth and Mars... well, they're already on high alert, so there's really no change in status. Then again, this is Earth and Mars we're talking about here. Jupiter is on active alert, but there's also the question of finishing the touches on Tiburonese holdings in Amalthea. Plus, one would not want to offend the gracious Guilders, who allowed the Tiburonese access to Amalthea in the first place.
Not much action for Fortress Saturnia.
Uranus and Neptune forces are put on a higher state of alert than before, but not terribly. It's unlikely that Marte Largentian forces would find their way all the way out here. The same goes true for the UNICOM, the United Space Colonies theater command, which is also in charge of Kuiper and Oort operations.
The Tiburonese commanders are not happy campers.
New York City
Beauchamp took note of the irritation in Patel's voice and on his face. For the first time during the summit he was hesitant to cause another fuss. His ultimate plan surely did not include signing his life away on some crap resolution which he had no plan to treat seriously. He sighed inwardly, but finally decided pussy-footing would get him nowhere. "If I may, Mr. Cheif Justice. What possible jsutification could there be to force, yes force, sovereign nations to sign such a document. If I choose not to sign this document, well then that is my decision and that is the end of it." He paused for a moment.
Before he could continue, Diego was at his feet, "You are absolutely right." There was an unsettling coldness in his voice. Then again, revenge is a dish best served cold. "If you so choose, do not sign the document. You have no obligation to keep your filthy soldiers off our soil and we have no obligation not to slaughter them in their seat. If you do not wish to cooperate I'm certain I speak for us all when I say you may show yourself to the door." With that, Diego took his seat leaving Beauchamp at his feet, clearly taken aback.
"Well, Mr. Escobar, I would have liked to think that representatives of the Largenti states would have been slightly more tactfull and controlled. However, if it saves me from the clutches of a raving lunatic, then I suppose its worth it." With that he signed the document and passed it along.
The Empress was watching him. Although her face showed no emotion she was frustrated. She had been counting on the Govenor's unwillingness to cooperate but Diego's outburst had appearantly prevented that. No matter. If her team performed at their usual level of experise, there should be no problem.
Barbarosa had taken not of the Tiburnese forces. He supposed it would be rude to blow them off entirely. "Mr. Mosher, if you would be so good as to send a message to our Tiburnese friends. The fighting has ended for now, hopefully for good. It would be good if we could meet, and get in touch with the outside world after days of radio silence.
>>>Encrypted Beam Transmission.<<<
>>>To: Tiburnese Forces<<<
>>>From: Captain Mosher, on Behalf of Commodore Barbarosa<<<
Greetings friends, although the cirmucstances may not warrant such friendly greetings. We would be honored to host your commanding officers aboard our flagship to discuss the current situation. Not just in this forsaken peice of space, but what has been going on in the greater scheme of things. We have been under radio silence and are weeks behind in information.
We anxiously await your reply.
>>>End Transmission<<<
OOC: This was originally intended to come later, but I figured why not post it now
Situation Room 1
Diplomacy has many different uses. In many cases it can be used to reach a peaceful resolution to a tense and undesireable conflict. Other times it can serve more underhanded purposes. True to form, the Empress had not hesitated to be underhanded in methods. Certianly she believed whole-heartedly in what she and the Tiburnese were doing, but the Martian govenor would never be a safe member of the greater Largentian communitee. When one has a thorn in their side some choose to remove it, other chooses to pull it out and end it there and then. The person who left the thorn there will more often than not find it to become horribly infected and a much greater problem that it originally was.
While the delegates were off arguing over the structure of this new Largent, Josef Hamacher and his team were well into their breifing. "This is the Gouvenatorial Estate located on the scenic Marte Largenti. This is the maintenance tunnel which leads to the city. As you are all aware, New Belmont is the single most secure city in all of Largent, no exceptions. If this plan does not go according to plan, people will die. I will not bother with the specifics of the city defense, I will just tell you what is required.
"The maintenance tunnel will be hit with a tiny shell from orbit, mimicking a gas explosion. Transport shuttles will have you at the site seconds after impact. Local authorities will be there within two minutes. That leaves you approximately one minute and thirty seconds to get in and get to the secondary tunnel and get the hell out of there.
"Continue along the secondary tunnel into the city. You will find yourself approximately four city blocks from the Gouvenatorial Mansion. Its your job to get in. The Govenor's bedroom is located here," the projected hologram zooms in on the building highlighting a small cubeish room in red. "If we time it right the rest should only take a minute.
"Getting out is once again up to you. You have the pick up location. The ship will wait no more than thrity minutes so don't screw up. Now get some rest and I'll let you know when we get the call."
Tiburon Jolted
22-01-2007, 03:44
Whoa. Sorry for not posting for a while. RL situation again.
New York City, United North America, the United Solaris Federation of Tiburon
To some extent, courtroom proceedings are a matter of who is presiding. Some justices are fairly lenient, some rule with an iron fist. This was the case for Patel, who would not stand for such outbursts in no less than a summit meeting. Beauchamp's and Escobar's outbursts were far past the line.
He began banging his gavel on the stump to drown out other noise. "Order, order! Gentlemen, order I say!" After both had sat down and quiet had returned to the area, he sternly looked around the room, as if daring anyone else to do the same.
Nevertheless, he was not an unfair judge. A legitimate question had been posed- but it was Kennedy that would respond. "To answer your question, Mr. Beauchamp, this is somewhat of an ad hoc combination of a summit meeting and an arbitration. Whereas the nature of treaties expounded in a summit meeting are voluntary, an arbitration- by its very nature- is less so. Whereas the only terms that are agreed to in a summit meeting are those of mutual diplomacy, members in an arbitration implicitly agree to follow the terms of arbitor when they walk in the door. We're considering the Treaty of Mutual Peace to be part of the arbitration aspect of it, and the LSO treaty to be the summit meeting aspect. Understand, we have no wish to constrain the state of Marte Largenti- you yourself gave us the right to do this when you walked in the door."
Outer Space
It was a difficult decision to make. Going could start a de-escalation... or it could alternately be interpreted by the Margentians as an indication that Tiburon could be a hostile state. Several minutes of agonizing resulted in an improvised response- Brigadier General Shigeru Takishide would be going over to discuss the situation with Captain Mosher and Commodore Barbarossa, but he would be accompanied with a message without encryption. If the Margentians were listening- and they undoubtedly were- they would be reassured of Tiburonese neutrality towards them.
[Sent Via M-Net]
[To: Commodore Barbarossa, Captain Mosher; Largentian warship Reliance]
[From: Brigadier General Shigeru Takishide, 474th Aerospace Force, Tiburonese Aerospace Force]
[Subject: Current Situation in Space]
[Classification: Declassified]
Commodore Barbarossa, Captain Mosher,
I will naturally come over to discuss the current situation. Word from Earth is that the Largentian powers have unanimously agreed to a treaty of non-aggression amongst themselves, and some of the Largentian nations (including your own) have agreed to a mutual defense treaty. Tiburon is a member to both treaties, as an observer to the mutual defense treaty and a full member of the non-aggression treaty, and USF Combined Command has agreed to fully enforce the state of peace between the Largentian states. I'll explain in greater detail on the deck of your ship.
-BRG Shigeru Takishide
474th Aerospace Force
Tiburon Aerospace Force
The United Solaris Federation of Tiburon
OOC: wow, this is late and short, sorry.
Beauchamp was left with no choice, he agreed to the Treaty of Mutal Peace. It was, to say the least not what he had had in mind when he arrived, but a true leader could adjust and he would see to it that he did.
The commodore and captain watched as the Tibournese shuttle attatched to the Largentian ship. There was an audible hissing as the link between the two vessels was secured. Barbarosa and Mosher both had on their uniforms and had seen to it that they appeared impecibly dressed, despite having just finished a battle.
Brigadier General Shigeru Takishide appeared as he exited his own ship and the two men bowed. Along either side of them stood columns of Marine Footsoldiers standing at attention. They were entirely for show, but then again that was the Largentian style, efficiency and extravogance at all costs. Brigadier General Takishide followed the men into Barbarosa's private office where he was offered a chair. The commodore began, "I realize that I was the one who invited you, but if you would not mind filling me in on the political situation, hopefully I can shed some light on the military situation."
Tiburon Jolted
10-03-2007, 04:26
New York City, United North America, the United Solaris Federation of Tiburon
In the courtroom, Kennedy sighs in relief as he sees that there won't be any drawn-out battles about the subject. "Thank you for understanding. We have no intent on limiting the capabilities of any nation's forces- we simply wish to preserve the peace. Now, unless there are any other motions or concerns on the floor..."
Aboard the Nettuno Soldi warship Reliance
Brigadier General Takishide, dressed in the non-ostentatious and more functional Tiburonese uniform, nods in agreement. "Right. Word from Earth is that all of the Largentian nations have agreed to a sort of non-agression pact amongst themselves, with us in Tiburon acting as a sort of enforcer and arbiter of the treaty. In addition, all of the Largentian states, save Marte Largenti, have entered into a mutual defense pact, with us acting as observer to make sure that the terms are carried out equitably. That's, to my knowledge, the entirety of the political situation, with the treaties presumably entering into force immediately. Now, how has the situation on the ground developed?"
OOC: By 'on the ground' I assumed you meant all the general military junk thats going on. Also, in the interests of wrapping up a few things I sped ahead to when all the delegates have left.
The Commodore was unsure about his feelings concerning this news. Doing his best to conceal his emotions he considered the circumstances. This took away his ability to strike first upon the Martian fleets. His features darkened and he answered with a certain graveness in his voice that had not been there before. "The situation...I think what you've seen here is a testament to just how undesireable the situation has become. Brigadier General, your a man who has seen war I'm sure. Scraps of paper tend to get in our ways."
The Commodore sighed and poured himself a Scotch, offering his guest any beverage he would like. "I am reluctant to be a pesemist, but I feel the bloodshed is not yet over. This meeting has done nothing but solidify the Martian position." He wished he could share more, but some information couldn't even be shared with the closest of allies. "Ah! Enough of my ominous rambling, allow me to outline the current situation. This most recent engagment was with a notable piece of the Martian force, but only a piece. My men and I will have to return to our home port and leave the defense of space up to our Mercurian brothers. No one is exactly sure where the Martians are hiding there fleet, but with these argreements the search will have to end temporarily.
"Allow me to show you this projection and give you more specifics..."
Mercurian Space
Five Mercurian Orbital Guard cruisers hailed down a suspected vessel and prepared to board. Aboard the vessel was Govenor Beauchamp who errupted into a furious rant when the men boarded the ship. He was subdued and eventually calmed down.
"We're sorry, Govenor. We heard reports of drug trafficking."
At that very moment Diego Escobar entered the shuttle. A slight smile crept across his face and then vanished. He told the Guards that he could handle the situation and that the shuttle had been cleared by MOG. "Well, well, well." Crack. He slapped Beauchamp who was too shocked to respond. "Let me make myself clear. I don't trust you, and I'll be watching you closely. Now where is the Martian fleet, now that you aren't legally allowed to use it against us?"
Beachamp only chuckled and smirked displaying the blood on his teeth, which was also present in the phlegm he spit at Diego. This time, when Diego there was no crack, only a dull thud followed by a second thud as Beauchamp hit the floor. Diego left, and told his pilot to signal to the Martian vessel that they were cleared to go.
Mars Surface
The explosion that propelled the tiny object was lost in the vacuum of space. The projectile approached its target without a sound, but it met its target with a deafening roar and dust and dirt was thrown high into the air. That was the teams cue.
They dropped into the tunnel and could hear the emergency response teams approaching. They quickly found the maintenance tunnel and began their approach. Their PDAs had maps that told them they were where they needed to be so they begand drilling. As the sound of metal on drywall reverberated through the tunnel they knew they were in. Only one guard was in the hallway leading to the Govenor's personal chambers. Beauchamps inablility to trust anyone was finally his downfall. The guards neck was broken and the team crept up to the Govenor's door.
There was a silent count to three, the crash as the door was flung open, a gasp, a shot, a cry, and a thud. Then a shuffle of feet and silence. The Govenor was dead, his blood pouring onto his fine Persian carpet. It had only taken one shot to rid the nation of its greatest threat, and possibly created another, a power vacuum that would have to be filled quickly.
News travels fast nowadays. It was less than an hour before the transmission reached the Reliance. An enseign brought news to the Commodore, who nodded and then whispered the news into his guests ear. "Perhaps it would be best if we parted for now. There will be consiquences that must be dealt with."
It is not often that such dramatic change occurs so abruptly, and even more rarely that the political pendullem swings back so soon. There would be consiquences alright, and the Commodore hoped he would not be the one to deal with them.
Tiburon Jolted
15-03-2007, 03:24
OOC: Yes, that's what I meant.
Outer Space
Barbarossa's comments were slightly odd, to be sure, but Takishide didn't suspect much. The key word, of course, is much- there was something peculiar about them. The mistrust that the Commodore had placed in treaties was nothing new to any military- Takishide himself preferred the honor of military officers to what he considered was the sliminess of the diplomat. Subconsciously, he also had responded with surprise to the change in tone that Barbarossa had upon learning of the development of the peace treaty. The abrupt departure was also somewhat interesting in and of itself, but there's nothing inherently suspicious about it. Takishide would, though, have liked to discuss more to get a better pulse of the Commodore and the general mindset of Nettuno Soldi's fleets. He's not an absolute idealist like Major Starfighter; he can suspect when a game is being played.
He can't identify (in his own consciousness) these as signs of something darker, though, so merely the comments made are included in the report, where they are by and large chalked up to the military mindset. Some of those who read the report- and the report is only read by the higher-ups- are somewhat wary of the Commodore's mistrust of the terms of the peace treaty. There's also the clear division that established itself during the negotiation process between Giove Soldi and the rest of Largent, plus the comment about Barbarossa's "Mercurian brothers", but all in all, concern is low. There's barely enough support to bring the solar forces to a more alert status of peaceful watchfulness, a state of operation that's pretty much status quo for the Tiburon Aerospace Force during peacetime. Nothing else arouses suspicion; Tiburon hasn't been tracking Beauchamp's shuttle.
The Chambers of the Martian Congress lacks all the extravagence and grandeur of its Earth counterpart. It is a simple room, nothing that could be considered art, no carpeting on the floor, just a chair and table for each man which collectively form an amphitheatre around a modest podium. It is a place for business, not for ceremonies, no royalty graces the Congress with their presence.
To an outsider, today would appear to be like any other day. One hundred men dressed in plain suits, all with the same stern gaze and one man speaking in only slightly more than a monotone. However, political daggars are rarely visible for good reason, but today they are never out of reach for each of the one hundred men. The speaker is Lieutenant Govenor Robespierre stepping down after mounting pressure and rioting in the streets. As he finishes his last words and leaves the podium with hidden shame Admiral Georges Louis smirks. The Martian people are left without a leader, but unlike Robespierre, the Admiral will not pass up such an opportunity.
Taking the floor he begins his adress to the Congress. "Today is a solemn day gentlemen. However, it is not the Martian way to dwell on unfortunate events. The people need a leader. It is clear to me that no worthy candidate, or strong candidate has stepped forward." His eyes narrowed as he deliberately found certain men in the crowd. "I will not stand by and let this nation crumble. As of now the Martian Military will be charged with running and protecting this country. As of now the Former Colony of Marte Largenti will be known as the Greater Martian Commonwealth, and its government, The Protectorate. If any who are to ambitious to allow order to be restored should challenge this move, martial law will be imposed. Good day." With military precision the Admiral turns and walks out of the room without a word.
On the streets riots are crushed without mercy and something resembling order is restored, while tensions are made even tighter. Not a soul dares to leave their home for fear of arrest or death.
In orbit the Martian Fleer assembles in preparation of a response from other Largentian, and possibly even Tiburnese, powers, and they are not far away.