NationStates Jolt Archive

Ideological Writings - Somersbyite Fascism (MT - IC Political Analysis Welcome)

21-06-2006, 18:35
OOC: In order to give people an idea as to how my country operates politically, economically and culturally, the following thread will be used to outline the doctrinal concepts which my government uses. It is essentially my country’s comparative 'Mein Kampf', written by my national leader. Feel free to comment IC as a political analyst or a reviewer in your country writing an article/briefing document, as I’d be interested to see people’s views/criticisms/praises of this system.


A Treatise upon the Principles of Somersbyite Fascism


Supreme Generalissimo Jacob Trelawne Somersby, Commander-and-Chief of All Azraelonian Armed Forces, Supreme Party Theoretician and Chairman of the Azraelonian National Somersbyite Democratic People’s Party

For the people of Azraelonia,
We shall prevail.


Azraelonian State Publishing Corporation
(c) Jacob Somersby 2006


Publisher's Forward

The 'Treatise' is a document comprising several articles on politics, economics and culture written over several years by the Supreme Generalissimo during the development of his political career. Article One was written in 1996, shortly after the Supreme Generalissimo's 20th birthday, and was subject to reviews both praiseworthy and heavily critical in numerous political journals. It was after the publication of this document that Joseph Macdonald, then Party Leader of the minutely-sized Azraelonian Fascist Party, invited Somersby to apply for membership and enlisted him as Party Theoretician in the development of doctrinal and policy-related publications. This is undisputedly the point where the Supreme Generalissimo officially entered the world of politics.


Article One - The Underlying Principles of Fascism and Somersbyite Thought

Since its conception in the inter-war years of the XX century, fascism has been both the victim and perpetrator of abuse, with many different interpretations of fascist government implemented throughout the world to varying degrees of success. In any analysis of fascist ideological interpretation and the principles of Somersbyism, it is important to recognise that the central ideological concepts of fascism are Unity and Advancement, rather than Division and Regression. The forms of anti-Semitic fascism implemented across the world are therefore antecedent to the principles for which fascism stands. Fascism should not be racially defined, but nationally categorised on the basis on birth. In order to unify society, fascism must bring together all groups in support of the collective whole to effectively utilise all the tools and skills to which group individuals are endowed. This is a central tenant of implementing Somersbyite fascist thought

Nor should fascism represent the desires of the political fringe, for where the rhetoric and terminology of fascism is used to the benefit is also fundamentally incorrect. Somersbyite Fascism should represent all people as a popular, ‘non-political’ means of societal advancement and conflict resolution. Somersbyism should be the guiding hand, the parent to which the squabbles of its children should be addressed in order to establish an agreed peace. Conflicts of interest occur on a daily basis between different groups of people striving for separate goals. Where ‘democracy’ seeks to address these conflicts at the ballot box, Somersbyism negotiates a solution by directly involving interest group representatives in the policy-making process and enforcing the resulting compromise. In a ‘democratic’ system, politicians pander to certain interest groups in order to achieve elected status, and find themselves unable or unwilling to effectively administer group compromise for fear of losing support amongst the groups that elected him. This results in an unfair solution to the problem, where only select group interests are considered. The Somersbyite fascism being proposed is therefore more directly democratic than the false ‘liberal democratic’ elective system, as Somersbyism seeks to address the interests of all affected groups.

To achieve this system of compromise, fascism requires stability in order to effectively carry out its purpose. Effective administration cannot be achieved in a false democracy. Politicians, given too few years and too much elective pressure, ultimately never achieve any rational compromise for fear of losing their prestigious positions. The decision which should be undertaken for the aggregate good of the population never prevails. The solution is to ultimately replace politicians with Statesmen. A Statesman is a person whom, faced with a conflict of interests, chooses the course of action best suited to the development of society and the maximising of the collective good. These Statesmen should form the elite of the Somersbyite system, the arbitrators of the means of compromise, the mothers and fathers without whom the State could never unite nor continue. Where Statesmen have appeared in the history of false democracies, they have been struck down by the ballot box once a decision unpopular to certain interest groups is made. This discourages Statesmen, and encourages politicians to seek high office. The removal of the ballot box in this manner is therefore essential, to be replaced with a lifelong system of high office, subject to a true democratic method of election and nomination by interest group representatives chosen by the people. These same interest group representatives shall be empowered with conditions under which they may exercise a vote of no confidence in the elite, such as in the case of proven lunacy or incompetence. However, in the interests of the stability of the Somersbyite State, Statesmen shall be largely immune to removal from office.

We have therefore proposed a system of governance that is both effective and practical: a composition of an autocratic, meritocratic, benevolent elite heading a directly elected set of interest group representatives, given the powers to administer national policy upon the population tailored to the encompass both interest groups and the collective good. Somersbyite fascism is hardly undemocratic, but in fact a superior development upon false democracies, combining the will of the people with the collective good and removing the corrupting influences of the ballot box, allowing society to surge ahead with developments never seen before in the history of the world.

Next Article: The Economics of Somersbyite Fascism
21-06-2006, 20:11
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21-06-2006, 21:11
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21-06-2006, 22:22
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23-06-2006, 17:46
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