OOC Spage-Age RP Signup Thread
United O-Zone
19-06-2006, 23:26
Okay.....this takes place in a post-apocalyptic space-age type universe.
my character is named Tususaro and he is the captain of a spaceship called the Fallen Shark. Pretty much, he's a smuggler who travels around with a bunch of other guys(you can sign up to be those in my crew) transporting illegal stuff and avoiding the repressive Legendary Monarchy as well as the secret police known as Dinoflock.
United O-Zone
19-06-2006, 23:28
Character Name: Tususaro
Species: Human
Age: 20
Occupation: Smuggler
Weapons(up to 3): Sword with oddly-formed blade with bronze metal grip and white clocks and knights painted on it; Powershooter; Weapon horizon Launcher
Description:Will smuggle anything you want for the right price: crack, food, people, whatever
Allegiance: To whoever pays him the most
The Zombie Alliance
20-06-2006, 00:36
In this post-apocolyptic world, do our NS nations still exist? If so, I would like to submit this char:
Character Name:Lord Necromancer(not his real name, but that's what he calls himself)
Species: Necros
Occupation: Necromancer and former dictator of the Zombie Alliance
Weapons: A sceptor coursing with electricity, basically a giant shock-stick.
Description: Lord Necromancer was the ruler of the Antartic nation of the Zombie Alliance. When this "Legendary Monarchy" took power, he and the other Necros were removed from their thrones and now are interstellar fugitives.
Alligiance: The Death Cult of ZA and the other Necros.
United O-Zone
20-06-2006, 03:54
In this post-apocolyptic world, do our NS nations still exist? If so, I would like to submit this char:
Character Name:Lord Necromancer(not his real name, but that's what he calls himself)
Species: Necros
Occupation: Necromancer and former dictator of the Zombie Alliance
Weapons: A sceptor coursing with electricity, basically a giant shock-stick.
Description: Lord Necromancer was the ruler of the Antartic nation of the Zombie Alliance. When this "Legendary Monarchy" took power, he and the other Necros were removed from their thrones and now are interstellar fugitives.
Alligiance: The Death Cult of ZA and the other Necros.
yes they do.
United O-Zone
20-06-2006, 15:58
Okay...every character also gets one skill/ability/trait, but don't tell us what it is...keep it secret until you use it in the game
United O-Zone
20-06-2006, 16:28
you need to put your characters age also.
The Zombie Alliance
21-06-2006, 03:43
Character Name:Lord Necromancer(not his real name, but that's what he calls himself)
Species: Necros
Age: 3475
Occupation: Necromancer and former dictator of the Zombie Alliance
Weapons: A sceptor coursing with electricity, basically a giant shock-stick.
Description: Lord Necromancer was the ruler of the Antartic(yes, that's how it's spelled) nation of the Zombie Alliance. When this "Legendary Monarchy" took power, he and the other Necros were removed from their thrones and now are interstellar fugitives.
Alligiance: The Death Cult of ZA and the other Necros.
21-06-2006, 06:09
United O-Zone
21-06-2006, 19:57
meaning? if ur not gonna join the game please dont spam
United O-Zone
22-06-2006, 03:03
maintainance post
United O-Zone
22-06-2006, 23:06
maintanance post
United O-Zone
23-06-2006, 05:08
maintanance post
United O-Zone
23-06-2006, 16:13
maintanance post
United O-Zone
23-06-2006, 21:04
my 5th maintenance post! woo-hoo!
United O-Zone
24-06-2006, 16:22
people! sign up for this!
United O-Zone
24-06-2006, 20:55
The Zombie Alliance
26-06-2006, 17:49
Okay, all these bumps are really pathetic. And I think when he said, "Spage?" he was questioning the title of your thread, "OOC SpaGe-Age RP Signup Thread"
>-Anyway-< I'll add Lord Necromancer's age. And I apologize for my inactivity, I've become addicted to Halo 2 and Elder Scrolls 3.
United O-Zone
26-06-2006, 21:59
Okay, all these bumps are really pathetic. And I think when he said, "Spage?" he was questioning the title of your thread, "OOC SpaGe-Age RP Signup Thread"
>-Anyway-< I'll add Lord Necromancer's age. And I apologize for my inactivity, I've become addicted to Halo 2 and Elder Scrolls 3.
i know seriously they are. i didn't notice i hade put spage instead of space.
im actually not sure i want to continue this.
im starting a ninja rp called coean cave, i have 3 signups so far and one more guy says he'll do it. come check it out.