NationStates Jolt Archive

Maximum Ride: The Saviors at Prime

24-05-2006, 21:06
Six Children were chosen out of all the rest to save the world. These children were crafted from birth to be different more powerful. And they were. Each had his own special ability. All of them were faster and stronger than a normal human. And they all had Wings. These children were genetically changed to be 98% human 2% Bird. These children's names were Max, Nudge, Gasman, Iggy, Fang, and Angel. They were brought up in a secret facility named the School. In the School they were forced to stay in small dog cages and were tested on horribly. But then a scientist there named Jeb freed them and brought them to a house on a mountain. There he taught them to fight and fly. But soon Jeb disappeared and they all were lead to the conclusion that he was murdered.

They lived in the house for about two years when Angel was kidnapped. After a long cross country journey they rescued her. Angel, being a telepath, told Max the team leader that she read the mind of a few scientist and they thought of an institute in New York. The institute had info on all there parents. After another cross country journey they found the institute.

After many fights with Erasers,
wolfmen. Other expirements of thee scientists in the School, they came to find their files. While escaping through a subway Max and an Eraser named Ari the son of Jeb fought. Max and Ari fought many times but this time Max had a large wave of anger running through her because Ari had injured Fang in there last encounter. Because of that Max killed him. It was accidentaly but he was dead. As the flock ran away Jeb found Ari dead and yelled "Look what you've done. You've killed your own brother." This made Max stop. She had found no files on herself in the institute. Could it be possible that she was related was what she thought.

After escaping New York they traveled throughout the country to find the parents of the flock members. When searching for Angels parents Max was captured. Jeb told her why she had no files. Because he was her father. When the flock found her and freed her they met Ari again. But how you might ask. He was genetically brought back to life. Now 10 years after all these incidents. The flocks powers have fully developed. They are stronger then ever. Faster then ever. Smarter then ever. They are ready to save the world. And the scientists have finished all the tests.

A new race has appeared on the planet. Faster and stronger then any human. They are there to conquer it. Now the Erasers and flock must work together to stop them all. The Erasers now are not only just wolfmen but have been engineered to have wings. The flock after learning the truth about everything were genetically enhanced again. Their wingspan doubled. Strength tripled and speed doubled. Their powers are at their primes.

You may choose between any of the six flock members or be an Eraser.

Here are each persons powers.

Max- Superior strength, speed, vision to other flock members. X-Ray vision. Night Vision. Helpful Voice inside her head can fly Age-24

Fang-Smarter than the rest. Can camouflauge himself at will. Bigger stronger teeth and has claws. Fast Healing can fly Age 24

Nudge- Big appetite, can tell who or what has used or touched something by touching that thing. Regenaration can fly Age 21

Gasman- Can immitate the voice of any other. Strategic Genius can fly Age 18

Iggy- Master technician. Blind. Excellent hearing. can fly Age 24

Angel- Telepath, Mind Control, can breath under water can fly Age 16

Ari- Eraser but special. Wolflike dna crafted into him after birth. Wings

I am taking Max. Once i get enough joiners we'll start the rp.