What is your national religion
The Military Commander
13-03-2006, 22:22
What is your national religion?
13-03-2006, 23:03
Nationstates can make up their own religion.
And seeing as my nation doesn't have a "National Religion", i vote NONE.
13-03-2006, 23:07
why do just list 4 rekligions on the poll. also, not every nation uses RL religions. Also, the state religion in Swilatia is atheism. I really condemn the idea of polls with a very small amt. of options, and no "other" option.
Draconis Nightcrawlis
14-03-2006, 00:05
There should at least be an 'Other' option.
Crazed Marines
14-03-2006, 17:29
we don't have a national religion, and people are free to worship as they choose. However, we are 95% Christian and Muslims tend to avoid our nation as we kinda...uh...eliminated 99.9% of them in a rogue action by a renegade officer.
We are not atheist, but we do not enforce any religion. Many people in the Quallinoi province still worship the Quallinese pantheon, but the bulk of our population (95%) is Christian. The others are Pantheonists.
There is no national religion in Reloria. The vast majority of people (85%) follow a fairly localised religion called 'Nalism', with the rest being atheist. But they do so of their own volition; the state has no involvement in any facet of religion, not even marriages (or 'spiritual unions' as they are known to Nalists) receive any state benefits (the only government involvement is the name-changing business).
The Resurgent Dream
14-03-2006, 23:52
We don't have an official religion. However, 58% of the people are Protestants of one kind or another.
15-03-2006, 00:30
There are no official religion in Oliverry, but, seeing as the split between England/France dates back to before the Renaissance began, more than 95% are Catholic Christians who never questionned the Papal Authority. However, there are some Far-right political groups that want to establish Catholicism as the official religion of the nation.
15-03-2006, 01:34
It's Judaism not Judism. Get it right.
We don't have just one religion. Though a common one that was and is pracitced today is Chrishatoism
Not Quite Dead Peoples
15-03-2006, 04:33
When you say "national religion," what do you mean? :confused:
a) most commonly practiced
b) government forces everyone to follow that religion, or face punishment by the gods
c) government gives that religion money, but does not force citizens to follow it
Why are there only 5 choices? :confused:
Why do you care? What intel are you gathering? You want war? Huh? HUH?! :sniper:
15-03-2006, 04:34
Pythogria is incredibly secular, but 20% of the people follw Pyonism, and 10% a host of other religions. 70% believe in no god or religion-- just science. However, religion is allowed to be practiced and is not repressed.
Romanar has freedom of religion, but it has a strong Christian background.
15-03-2006, 13:34
What's Budism? The short version of Buddhism? :D
Too many religions in jeruselem to list here.
15-03-2006, 20:11
No official religion, Maineiacs has total religious freedom. However, 35% list their religion as "none" and a full 60% practice a mix of Catholicism, Taoism, Judaism (mainly the Kabbalah), and New Age belief. 3% Muslim and 2% Protestant.
The government of the Eternal Republic of Xirnium is entirely secular, and the doctrine of speration of church and state is strictly adhered to.
The vast majority of Xirniumites hold no religious or spiritual belief. That is, they are atheists.
21-03-2006, 11:14
The "National religion" of New-Avalon is Dionic Wicca (Yes it is real, no we don't worship "Satan") ,as in it forms the basis of national holidays. However church and state are seperate, no religion is funded, no religion is outlawed, do as you please...it's between you and the Goddess(/God/Aruman/Guru/whatever/no-one)
The Avaloni are by nature religious, and mainly Wiccan, but it takes all sorts.
i have been froced to state no religion but i have to say we are a holy empire if Jedis :(
Wow, a mostly Wiccan nation, I never thought I'd see the day.
Andossa Se Mitrin Vega
21-03-2006, 20:43
Religions in ASMV
45% Voo Doo
18% Taoism
15% Confucianism
6% Wiccan
5% Hindu
4% Shinto
2% Ancient Tribal Religions
3% others not on your list
2% on your list
How can you possibly list only 4 religions for a choice? Someone needs to broaden their spectrum of knowledge :p
21-03-2006, 22:36
We have the following religions. Mainly Christianity and Buddhism with some Muslims. We also have three new religious movements New Harmonites, First Universal Church of Deism, and Church of Human Uplift. There are a few other religions in the mix with some agnostics and atheists.
21-03-2006, 22:57
All serve the will of the Triune, belief is not required. Whether you pray at the Communication Shrines or give penance with an Administrator-Priest matters not to the Triune, so long as It's Will is done.
See above. National religion.
27-03-2006, 06:17
You know there are other religions than the ones mentioned above. My nation's religion is Zoroastrianism.
Five Civilized Nations
27-03-2006, 06:43
There is no national religion in the Five Civilized Nations. We deny everything for we are a bunch of aethists who deny spiritual salvation.
But seriously. 50 or so percent of the population is aethist or agnostic. The rest: 20% Buddhist, 10% Christian, 6% Muslim, 5% Jewish, 4% Hindi, 3% Taoist, and 2% Others.
The Secularist Kingdom of Maraque has no national religion.
Although 98% of the population is either Atheist or Agnostic, there are small pockets of Christian, Muslim, and Jewish populations. We grant the right to practice any religion as you wish, but in the passed year or so there have been various bombing at a non-denominational church near the capital. The people responsible have been captured and are currently serving life sentences in jail.
27-03-2006, 07:36
Religion in Bethpage is not promoted by the government, but it is a matter of individual choice. We have (in no particular order) Christians, Jews, Muslims, Taoists, Buddhists, Jedi (a combination of Taoism and Christianity) and athiests.
Let me ask you: Should we have a "government religion" in the first place? Isn't it better to let the people find their own way?
As the representative for life elected by my people, we've eliminated the crutch of need for a high power. It's beem illegeal to practice religion for quite some time. Any religious groups fall under "terrorist/gang/hate crime" laws which follows by strict punishment.
We are a nation of science, not the fake invisiable world not a one can see.
Bejerot does not have a state religion although the current Grand Duchess, Isolde, was raised Catholic. A total of %58 of people are practising Catholics or Protestants; the large remainder of people are Islamic, Jewish, Buddhist or agnostic. There are also minor religions including Hinduism, Bahá'i and Paganism.
27-03-2006, 08:05
Well, I don't know or care about you, because ours is Soylent. At birth, everyone is designated a colour and that colour determines what social caste you enter. The ones marked purple get eaten, because green is too cool a colour to eat.
27-03-2006, 09:44
The Constitutional Monarchy of Gothsylvania has no official religion. The absolute separation of church and state is rigidly enforced, as is the religious freedom of the individual. Of course, this leads to interesting conflicts and court cases. In general, Gothsylvania is a secular society, but one which is open to all forms of faith and spirituality. No exact figures are available, but the dominant sects in Gothsylvania (other than "None" or "Undecided") tend to be the "liberal" branches of Protestanism.
Newbish Delight
27-03-2006, 23:53
The predominant religion in the Combined Goblin Collective is a form of ruler deification, where King Griptite is considered to be the God of all Goblindom.
Since Goblin magic is empowered by belief, and since there are countless trillions of Goblins (remember, these are Goblins we're talking about, not humans or any race with sane breeding levels), this makes him effectly a God.
28-03-2006, 00:03
The Imperial Faith Union is predominantly Christian, with the official state religion being the Imperial Faith - an offshoot of Christianity which accepts the Book of Judas in the new testament.
The IFU's government is wholly controlled by the Church of Christ Imperator, and other religions are tolerated up to a point by limited civil/political rights and taxation levels.
Followers of the Imperial Faith suffer no penalties, while those of other Christian denominations have limited political rights and slightly higher taxes.
Judaism and Islam are similarly restricted, but with greater limitations, higher taxes, and under greater penalties for lawbreaking, although the penalties for Christian priests (especially those of the Imperial Faith) are more severe than for almost any citizens of "Permitted Heresies" or "Authorised Religions".
Other monotheistic religions are normally tolerated, although restricted to a greater or lesser extent.
Hinduism, buddhism, wicca, agnosticism and atheism are all illegal, as are all forms of polytheism or pure ancestor worship. Punishment ranges from Re-education, through deportation to execution - typically by firing squad or strangulation. Occassionally a person is executed by death-through-torture for their faith, in an attempt to purge the victim of the sin of false belief and so allow them to enter Heaven (not something I would normally agree with, but an interesting facet of Isamite belief).
Kurona is amazingly almost split entirely in half. Rougly 50% are Catholic, and 50% are Shinto.
The Catholic/Shinto boom came as a result of World War II, as many fled either Europe or Japan, to the safty of Kurona, and the Xanadou region. Princess Tomoyo her self is Shinto, as well as her Minister of Foreign Affairs.
However some smaller minority religions do exist with in the borders of Kurona. Primarly these are Christian Faiths, not Atheism or Agonism. (That's not to say there aren't any)
Prodestant and LDS are on the small rise. Religious Freedom is a right in Kurona, but in more rural areas, not very safe guarded. Church and State are generally seperate, but not vigerously like more secular nations. Bible Classes, Groups, or Clubs, are allowed in Schools, and are purley optional. Although religous conflict has and does rise, people are generally tolerant.
Mirkana has no "official" national religion. Most Mirkanans, including our Commander-in-Chief, General Ken Remmol, are atheists.
One reason is that Mirkanans are hardcore nationalists. Nationalism competes with religion for the ultimate loyalty of the people. The "precepts" of Mirkanan nationalism are:
Mirkana uber alles (Not that Mirkanans are German, but you get the idea)
Respect for war dead
Kill all the idiots
My puppet states:
Shalaam - 50% Islam, 50% Judaism. Non-monotheistic religions are banned.
The Far Realms - 99.9% Cthulhu cultists, 0.1% others.
Maeri - Mostly Christian, though we haven't had a census since the Sinking (which sent Maeri to the bottom of the ocean).