NationStates Jolt Archive

New Landlords, Old Problems [Attn: Arda]

03-03-2006, 07:30
Dst: the Emperor Althalon, the Novus Imperium
Src: Kira li'Starhavven, the First Distributed Kingdom of Weyr
SubjLin: Regarding Recent Events

I would like to congratulate you on your victory over the forces of the late Melkor, and the unification of the Five Kingdoms. I hope that this change in government will lead to improved relations between our two states, and between the Ardan community and the rest of the world. Melkor's policies have, unfortunately, alienated Arda from much of the world, and I hope you will lead us on a more rational, peaceful path.

The First Distributed Kingdom of Weyr has been leasing a small coastal territory from the former government of the Five Kingdoms for several decades. This territory has become of some importance to certain domestic groups within Weyr, and I hope you will permit continued Weyrean presense the area. With stablility finally returning to the region, I hope that this territory will serve to bolster commerce and further cultural understanding between Weyr and the various Ardan nations.

Kira li'Starhavven
High King of the First Distributed Kingdom of Weyr