The Danaan Commonwealth (OOC Thread)
The Resurgent Dream
16-02-2006, 03:08
Very soon, I'm going to open the thread where the legal relationship emerging from the marriages between the royal houses of the Resurgent Dream, Adoki, and Marlund is going to be clarified by a formal treaty. Most of this thread will not be about the treaty proper or the negotiations but about what life is like for people in the Commonwealth at the beginning of this brave new era. After the initial post, which provides basic background information, most posts will introduce new characters as they live their lives. This is your chance to get involved if you would reasonably have a character there. Naturally, this is only open to people whose characters have IC reasons to be in the new Commonwealth. I don't let other people play my citizens unless I know them very well. However, if you have a character who could reasonable be there, feel free to respond. Scenes from the lives of these ordinary Danaans will not grow into full fledged stories without RP partners. This will not be a story thread.
The Resurgent Dream
20-02-2006, 04:19
I do want it to be clear that this doesn't necessarily rule out totally new nations or nations I've never played with before, as long as they can rp. I'm willing to assume normal relations with ALMOST anyone as a starting point for rp.
The Resurgent Dream
07-03-2006, 00:15
*bump because the IC thread came so long after this was posted*
07-03-2006, 04:32
It might be good if you linked people to the IC thread in these OOC threads, TRD!
Here is the link anyway:
The Resurgent Dream
08-03-2006, 02:17
Thanks, Panto! Come on people. Sign up. You know you want to.
I assume there are Weyreans in the Resurgent Dream, just like there are probably Weyreans everywhere they'd be allowed to live without too much hassle. Past that I'm just waiting for an opening, assuming there isn't a problem with my participation.
The Resurgent Dream
10-03-2006, 01:28
Yeah, there's be Weyreans there and in the other commonwealth countries. Maybe some are going to see that concert?
Panto, you have an opening with that general since Montmanuel is at that headquarters.
10-03-2006, 04:53
Yeah, there's be Weyreans there and in the other commonwealth countries. Maybe some are going to see that concert?
Panto, you have an opening with that general since Montmanuel is at that headquarters.
I know that, I was already writing that post but I lost it.
The Resurgent Dream
10-03-2006, 21:03
That General was a Lieutenant under the Duke of Tasat at the battle of Narich in the Civil War, where the Duke of Tasat was killed, along with his brother-in-law, the Duke of Algha.
12-03-2006, 22:37
I've posted for a few characters that should reasonably be around. Let me know if there is any particular direction you want things to go...
The Gupta Dynasty
12-03-2006, 22:45
I might just be interested...Mainly an I.I. guy, but I've been observing RP in both places (I RP here sometimes too) and I don't know...might just be interested.
Look at my "The End of an Epoch; The Beginning of an Era" and "Current RP - Please Read" links in my signature for an idea of my work.
The Resurgent Dream
12-03-2006, 23:14
This is really kind of an any direction and no particular direction thread. It's less about moving any plot events forward than it is about showing what life is like for ordinary people in the three countries involved at this point in their history.
Danaan Ambara
13-03-2006, 15:18
Gupta Dynasty: I didn't really need writing samples but I read them since you sent them. They're pretty good. Hop right into the thread.
The Resurgent Dream
22-03-2006, 03:30
Are Weyr and the Gupta Dynasty still planning to participate?
Yes, it's just taking a while. Sorry, real life can be very annoying sometimes.
Edit: Postinated to the IC thread. I hope it's acceptable. Kira will probably depart after the Opera, since I assume you want daily-life rather than government-associated characters, so this is mostly setup. If the post doesn't work I'll edit it immediately.
The Resurgent Dream
08-04-2006, 21:53
Nah, the post works fine. Hard to reply to immediately though since she's not really directly interacting with anyone.
12-04-2006, 11:20
Considering the events taking place in The Danaan Commonwealth, what do you think about advancing the related thread, What Fate Ambara, up to the "present"? It seems a little odd at this point to still be setting up cooperation in Frederickstadt in the "past" when Zablosky and Karlsson are talking final resolution in the "present". Let me know.
The Resurgent Dream
18-04-2006, 18:35
We can advance up to the present as soon as Christiana's done with her conversations and stuff.
19-04-2006, 20:55
OK. Christiana has responded to the little girl...
The Resurgent Dream
08-05-2006, 05:10
I'm still pondering exactly what to do for a catch-up thread. I don't want another one of the same basic form.
The Resurgent Dream
09-05-2006, 05:54
How about a meeting of allied chiefs of government in Ajuki to iron our a political exit strategy? I think we should formally end the other two threads though before starting a new one so Panto doesn't kill me for making him do too many threads...
09-05-2006, 11:16
Panto smash!
09-05-2006, 12:00
Having a meeting and wraping things up sounds good to me. To hijack this thread a bit, if no one objects I'm also going to do a sumarily wrap up my Grand Duke Coronation thread; I think its kind of gone flat and I want to get it out of the way before moving on to other things. (First I need to wrap up the ...Comes the Vision... thing, but I hope to do that soon....)
The Resurgent Dream
09-05-2006, 19:17
Ow! Smashing hurts! *whines*
Ok. I'll finish up those other two threads in the next day or two. Then we'll have three or four threads finished and out of the way and then I'll start the next one.
24-05-2006, 11:29
I see that the Excalbia Chancellor is invited to attend the discussions on the Marlund exit strategy. FYI, by the time this takes place (assuming it is not set last New Year's or earlier) Lady Jessica Tagaarth will no longer be the Chancellor. I'm not quite sure who will be chancellor, so I'm speeding up my ...Comes the Vision thread so that I can sort that out. I should know later today or tomorrow.
The Resurgent Dream
24-05-2006, 18:07
Alright. We will wait for you then.
28-05-2006, 16:15
Sorry that I'm taking longer than I thought. At least I know Davis Robb won't be my new chancellor! Funny thing is, until just now I thought he would be. I'll try to figure out tonight who Lady Jessica's successor will be so that the meeting on Marlund can continue.
The Resurgent Dream
09-06-2006, 03:21
I'm going to start a general catch-up thread soonish. People have been saying I've been getting ahead of myself recently and everyone's not really up to speed on recent events and the new situation yet. A lot's happened which hasn't been explicitly posted about yet and such.
09-06-2006, 06:24
You do get ahead of yourself you know.
09-06-2006, 06:40
At least I know who my chancellor is now, so, if you're ready, I can send him to join the conference on the future of Marlund...
The Resurgent Dream
09-06-2006, 07:30
Go ahead and send him.
Uncle Noel
09-06-2006, 11:56
What exactly is going on? Hope that doesn't sound rude or anything, but I'm one of these people who keeps returning to NationStates after being away and have to catch up.
Though I did manage to read through 'The Chains of Decadence' and well done to all you chaps for that!
The Resurgent Dream
17-06-2006, 19:07
Thank you!
Alright. Terrorists sponsored by Marlund launched a massive terrorist attack against the Danaan city of Armonvale killing tens of thousands. The Resurgent Dream responded by invading Marlund and setting a democratic constitutional monarchy. Now the Resurgent Dream, Excalbia, Adoki, and Pantocratoria are working to help the new government fight old regime loyalists in the north and communists insurgents in the south. The Heads of Government of all the nations involved are meeting in Ajuki to determine a political exit strategy.
25-06-2006, 23:07
Sorry for the delays in my posting; I was clearing out the office ahead of a transatlantic trip. I'm back in the States for the moment and will try to catch up, while juggling vacation with the family.
25-06-2006, 23:30
Commonwealth of Peoples? What kind of commie name is that? o.O
*files TRD and its puppets under the "evil bolsheviks to be killinated" and goes off to invade some random nation in accordance with GDT's new "Locust Doctrine"*
26-06-2006, 04:51
Commonwealth of Peoples? What kind of commie name is that? o.O
*files TRD and its puppets under the "evil bolsheviks to be killinated" and goes off to invade some random nation in accordance with GDT's new "Locust Doctrine"*
Vaguely more commie than the real-life Commonwealth of Nations?
The Resurgent Dream
26-06-2006, 05:10
I don't see how it's at all commie. It was inspired by the real life Commonwealth of Nations and the John Rawls (a staunch opponent of all forms of totalitarianism and a champion of the modern liberal democratic state) book The Law of Peoples.
26-06-2006, 12:47
I don't see how it's at all commie.
You don't need to see anything. o.O I see it, and that is all that matters :p
The Resurgent Dream
03-07-2006, 06:43
Welcome back, Excalbia.
10-07-2006, 06:32
Hoping to get things jumpstarted again over the next week or so.
13-07-2006, 19:36
Sorry to still be away so long. It's been an eventful few weeks - traveled back to the States for my son to have surgery, then back over to Europe to packout our household for our next assignment... I'm just getting my wind back, but I hope to catch up on things this weekend.
Excalbia's player
14-07-2006, 03:23
Hope your son is alright! Looking forward to having you back!
The Resurgent Dream
14-07-2006, 06:17
Ditto to what Panto said!
15-07-2006, 04:04
The Resurgent Dream: TG
Pantocratoria: TG
The Resurgent Dream
15-07-2006, 18:21
Responded. Maybe you'd actually like to do some RPs with us as well as just being mentioned though?
15-07-2006, 18:30
My son is doing great. He had a bone graft to close a cleft palate. They said he'd be "slow" on his feet for a week or so (they took the donor bone from his hip), but he was back up and tearing around the hotel in a couple of days.
I've just read over things and hope to have some posts out later this evening or tomorrow.
The Resurgent Dream
15-07-2006, 18:33
I'm glad he's doing well. Look forward to having you back.
16-07-2006, 02:51
Responded. Maybe you'd actually like to do some RPs with us as well as just being mentioned though?
Yes, I would like to RP with all of you at some point in the future, but at present I am already deeply involved in several RPs, so at the moment I do not exactly have that much spare time.
I could however start things off with a short diplomatic post from the Amestrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the Putting in the Stake thread in which the Amestrian State announces its support for/approval of the removal of Allanean squatters from Heregos Island by the Pantocratorian/Resurgent Dream Governments, when the said removal inevitably occurs.
BTW: Here are some details on Amestria.
Official Name: The State of Amestria
Short form: Amestria
Government: Constitutional Republic with Semi-Presidential System (referred to as the Fourth Republic).
Capital: Central City (called/referred to as “Central,” sometimes unofficial/uncommonly referred to as “Amestria City”). Central is at the very center of the Country.
Current Head of State: President Daniel François Boon (Social Democrat)
Current Vice President: Catherine Curie (Social Democrat)
Current Government: Social Democrat/Socialist Coalition (Social Democrats Ruling Party)
Current Head of Government: Prime Minister Jules Armand Faure (Social Democrat)
The Prime Ministers office, as Head of Government, mostly concerns organizational and domestic affairs.
Current Minister of Foreign Affairs: (Duke, thus referred to as The Honorable) Dominique de Villepin (Social Democrat)
Law System: Civil Law System using an Inquisitorial Court System.
Official Language: Amestrian (a Franco-Germanic dialect)
Ethnicities: North Amestrian (dominant ethnic group)
West Amestrian
South Amestrian
Southeastern Amestrian ethnic groups (no one group)
Notable Religions: North Amestrian Protestantism
Amestrian Catholicism
Various Neo-Pagan Faiths
(Note: The majority of Amestrians are secular, non-religious, or atheistic)
Notable Philosophies/Philosophical Movements: Amestrian Existentialism
Amestrian Postmodernism
Amestrian Epicureanism
The Resurgent Dream
16-07-2006, 04:39
Sounds like a plan. The comparable information on our countries is all on NSWiki.
02-08-2006, 12:14
The Resurgent Dream: TG
Pantocratoria: TG
The Resurgent Dream
02-08-2006, 15:24
I read it. It sounds like a good idea.
03-08-2006, 07:46
I agree!
03-08-2006, 08:05
I read it. It sounds like a good idea.
I agree!
Glad you both like my idea...
So when exactly should my character make her appearance in the Render Unto Cesare storyline, i.e. as a petitioner seeking patronage from the Prince of Nerise so that see can put on an exhibit of her work?
I assume the day after Cesare and Marie-Isabelle have finished their present outing/after dinner ride...
The Resurgent Dream
03-08-2006, 09:27
She should arrive well before she actually talks to him. Possibly today.
03-08-2006, 11:47
She should arrive well before she actually talks to him. Possibly today.
Niki has likely been in Nerise for some time already and is probably renting an inexpensive room somewhere. So she has already arrived.
Many seemed to be singers, poets, or writers and Marie-Isabelle overheard quite a few snippets of conversation indicating that the speakers were seeking the prince's patronage for their artwork. The Nerise guard seemed omnipresent but quite laid back. The officers moved among the crowds, chatting pleasantly in uniforms more designed for fashion than combat with ornate firearms at their sides.
Marie-Isabelle soon found her way to the prince's palace, the largest in the plaza. There was a bench going all the way around the palace on which petitioners of all classes and both sexes were sitting, waiting quietly for an audience with the prince.
My idea/plan is to first introduce her while she is sitting on the petitioner bench waiting for a personal audience with his majesty the Prince (the day after Marie-Isabelle and Cesare's post-dinner night outing/ride/est.).
BTW: Just curious, how tall are Marie-Isabelle and Cesare exactly?
I may be interested, if that is acceptable. But I was thinking more in an observer capacity, rather than anything concrete.
03-08-2006, 14:26
I may be interested, if that is acceptable. But I was thinking more in an observer capacity, rather than anything concrete.
Due to the fact that this comment comes after several others about a thread unrelated to the Danaan Commonwealth, I am not sure which thread you meant. Did you mean Danaan Commonwealth or Render Unto Cesare?
The Daanan Commonwealth, my apologies. I have not read Render Unto Caesar, although it does sound interesting. I will have to look it up for a read.
04-08-2006, 03:17
BTW: Just curious, how tall are Marie-Isabelle and Cesare exactly?
Marie-Isabelle is about 5'7" (168cm)
The Resurgent Dream
23-08-2006, 07:34
Is there any chance we could skip the thread forward some and spread it out a little? For one thing, the different storylines in the thread are chronologically way out whack with one another by now.
23-08-2006, 08:40
The Resurgent Dream: TG
The Resurgent Dream
23-08-2006, 17:48
Working on it! The Princes of Zutern and Fireforge aren't princesses though.
29-08-2006, 14:02
The Resurgent Dream: TG
The Resurgent Dream
29-08-2006, 19:58
Amestria, you don't have to tell me on the forums every time I have a TG.
Does anyone else want to move ahead in Danaan Commonwealth? The chronology is incredibly confused already.
30-08-2006, 02:56
I'm confused as to how the chronology is confused. What is the part which needs to move forward?
The Resurgent Dream
30-08-2006, 08:13
The chronology is confused because some storylines are still on the first day while others are weeks ahead of them at the same OOC time in the thread. For example, the Montmanuel storyline on the one hand and the meeting storyling on the other.
05-09-2006, 03:10
Pantocratoria: Big TG concerning some thoughts for the In the New World thread...
05-09-2006, 03:13
OK, but you really don't need to post every time you've sent a TG.
The Resurgent Dream
05-09-2006, 03:23
Panto and Excalbia, however, DO need to respond to my inquiry now that I've clarified it.
Incidentally, I have decided to consolidate my puppets into one defineable, discrete RPing unit in the form of the Commonwealth of Peoples, over time of course, so that it'd be like one very coomplicated and layered society with all "the Resurgent Dream"'s webgame stats referring to it.
But, can we straighten this thread out timewise or not? Please answer. I've been trying to get an answer here for weeks.
05-09-2006, 04:53
I don't understand what is out of synch, timewise, can you explain that?
05-09-2006, 18:33
I'm happy to go along with whatever you want to do. Do you want to do a big wrap up on the summit? Spin off the Tasha-Maans storyline? Let me know and I'm willing to go along.
The Resurgent Dream
06-09-2006, 00:32
I don't know how to explain it any simpler, Panto. The adoption storyline, the conference storyline, and the Tasha storyline all started at around the same time. It has been less than a day in two of them and about a month in the other. Does it make sense now?
06-09-2006, 02:50
Sure, it just didn't seem to me that there was any significant problem in there being a disparity between the timing of the adoption story and anything else except in Montmanuel leaving Marlund.
The Resurgent Dream
06-09-2006, 03:02
I would like to do a bit of a wrap-up on the summit and to move the Tasha-Maans storyline forward or possibly spin it off. How is this for a summit result?
1. Increased Excalbian presence
2. Marlunder given overall command
3. Gradual replacement of allied troops by Marlunders themselves
4. Two Danaan, one Pantocratorian, and one Excalbian bases to remain in Marlund on an indefinite basis
5. Withdrawal of other allied troops on a three month time table
07-09-2006, 18:20
That works for me, with the understanding that the increased "Excalbian presence" will include at least some Upper Virginian troops. Also, Upper Virginia can donate considerable amounts of equipment to Marlund.
The Resurgent Dream
08-09-2006, 01:03
So in the IC thread why don't we all post a summary of our leader's experience at the conference, personal and cultural, and the reaction to the final deal. After that, I think it should be possible to go ahead with the other plotlines in this thread at the pace we were going. In the next few posts, it should be easy to move Tasha up to the present, given the time between her writing Marian and anything coming of it.