NationStates Jolt Archive

Muharram Ides Massacre

14-02-2006, 23:24
Place: The Holy Empire of Cailandia (Hagia Sophia Region)
Time: The 15th of Muharram, 1427

Large drums known as rebanas beat throughout the streets, with accompaniment by various string instruments such as the rebab, oud, santur and qanun. People danced in the streets with loved ones and family, dressed in traditional robes, women in hijabs. Althought displays of affection in public were not promoted, today was a day of love. There was a legend passed down from generation to generation telling the tale of the first caliph finding love...

Thousands of years ago.. the lands of Cailandia were rather baren. There were no roads or bustling towns but nomadic villages who hunted and gathered. Their spears were bloodied with the tips of whatever they could find, and their stomachs filled whatever green existed. They were trapped between the sea and the forest, the latter they feared heavily. He who went into the land of trees never returned, and as a result, the natives of Cailandia lived happily in the strip of coastal plain they resided in. However, one day, over 1400 years ago, something had returned to the forest...

Unbeknownst to Cailandians, the people had made it through the forest and to a bustling utopia of people and ideas. The land engulfed them, and they never for a moment thought about returning to Cailandia. They lived in their own sector of the utopia, and eventually the sector produced a great prophet. He went to the large forest as a teen and lived there for over a decade. The prophet's name was Muhammed, and he discovered Allah there. He emerged from the forest with a book called the Qu'ran, and he claimed that a higher being spoke to him. He explained how every human should act and live their life, as well as practice worship of Allah. A huge following listened to Muhammed and he was soon elected the leader of the utopia.

Once settled comfortably, he looked to expand his influence and outreach to backwards people. His first notion was to travel through the forest and to the other side, where he often saw smoke from that side, probably Cailandian huts. Muhammed spread his influence all over the lands surrounding his empire, but Cailandia proved to have much more of an effect. As he met the Cailandian people, he met the women of his dreams, who was the Cailandian tribe leader's daughter. The tribe leader plotted to overtake the empire of Muhammed and promised his daughter's hand in marriage to Muhammed when her current husband died. Knowing that Muhammed's extremist followers wanted nothing but the best for Muhammed and would quickly 'hurry' the death of the husband. They tried, and the tribe leader exposed their failed plot. Muhammed was shamed and offered to die for their sins. He entered the sea alone on a raft and it was unknown of his fate, but it is assumed he was washed away or died of hunger. From this point on, muslims throughout Cailandia celebrate the three days he prepared to, and entered the sea to die for their sins, expressing his love for Allah and willingness to love all followers of him.

So people danced and enjoyed themselves all day and all night long, except for government officials. Earlier that week, a bill was proposed, one that required hard thought and debate between the highest council. The celebrations were getting out of hand and disrupting their thought processes as they debated into the wee hours of the morning. The president of Cailandia angrily paused the arguments and had his servant fetch the commander of the army. The president ordered the army patrol the streets and end the celebration by any means necessary.

Most citizens abided by the sudden military forces showing up in their neighborhoods, and bitterly stopped public celebrations. However some in the Hagia Sophia Sector drunkenly refused to stop celebrating something so sacred to them, and were put into hostilities with the army. The army had little tolerance for such disobediance, and quickly pelted rebels with rocks and stones to deter their morale. The rebels were hit and injured, but they threw the rocks back. At this point they fired their muskets into the air, and yelled warnings and curses. The rebels responded with only curses and mockery of their own. The soldiers were ordered to open fire on their own, and did so. The rebels stood no chance against guns, for they were unarmed save their words. The casulties resulted in the hundreds, and the death toll was well over 300. News of the incident spread rapidly throughout the country and many were outraged, and the president admits his mistake. He claims the commander took a bit too much freedom in the assignment, but admits his mistake to have the military gallivanting around during a sacred holiday.

The advisor to the president holds a press conference in which reporters from all around the world to come and ask questions. He also indicates that the president himself will be making a speech in a few moments, just after the questions are taken care of.

(Not much of the incident was reported internationally except that many died by firing squad during a sacred holiday. Reports may also be tweeked if you would like, of course all news isn't always true. Anyone is welcome and encouraged to join in on the roleplay. It's my first one, hope it's okay. Critiques, criticism and pointers are all also welcomed. Thanks.)