NationStates Jolt Archive

50th Anniversary of Grell-Jansen Motors

Iriyan Jaya
13-02-2006, 09:56
OOC: A get-to-know you RP. I actually first discovered NS in '04, but I never got into the RP aspect.


Lodi paced back and forth, her low heels click-clacking on the tile floor in her small office. Event planning was her forte, but she had never been asked to plan an event on this grand of a scale. The 50th anniversary of Grell-Jansen Motors, one of the biggest employers and an institution of Iriyan Jaya? True, she was charging Grell-Jansen 500,000 clicks, but in her mind, it was worth it. Plus, the a new GJ-540 convertible didn't hurt. Lodi pictured herself driving the plains of the Crown Free State, whipping down the Prince Edward Highway to her mother's house in Airinnel, or her boyfriend's apartment in Kirikeet. Why had she accepted the job in Rampart? Such a Brigolian town.

Suddenly her assistant burst in, carrying stacks of notebooks and two paper sacks. The young man set down his load, and stood to catch his breath.

"Goddamn you, Shu-Ming, where were you? I've been waiting for an hour for my lunch!"
"I'm sorry, Lodi, but the lines at the sandwich shop were fierce. You got the last ham, turkey, and salami baguette."
"Thank the creator; it's impossible to find any good Neal food in this town. What'd you get?"
"I just stopped at the soup bar and got some seaweed and buckwheat noodles in crab broth."
"You Shu-Mai will eat anything," Lodi teased. The two sat at the lone table, and opened their bags to dig in.

"So do we have the guest list finalized?" Lodi inquired.
"Not quite," Shu-Ming replied. "I'm still waiting on a bunch of foreign dignitaries."
"Well, let's just run down the list of our guys. President Senate?"
"Confirmed, with the First Gentleman."
"What about the VP?"
"Jacobossen's office wasn't so sure. Presidential security and all that."
Lodi rolled her eyes. "Governor de Miller?"
"Yes, and I made sure his office knows he is not speaking." The two chuckled. JM de Miller, the Conservative governor of the Crown Free State, was well known for his off-color remarks.
"Minister Yelets-Kar-Donnen?" Lodi continued.
"He called me - just keep him away from the punchbowl." Dar Yelets-Kar-Donnen, the Minister of Trade & Industry, still had not outgrown his college party days.
"Senatrix de Forest?"
"Laura Baker's father just died, so she has to return to Brigoliland for the funeral." Laura Baker de Forest was, if an ineffective Senator, a devout family woman.
"Who's going to be here for Polik Province?"
"They're working it out. It's the same day as Polik Day, so I don't think anyone will be here."
"Oh well. It's only the one industry that keeps that damn province going. Creator help Askarlium if that factory shutters."
"And we got a couple of actors: Lidena True Leaf, JC de Brewer, Arlo Toz ben Mallor, Rita Twelve, and Lucy Bad River."
"Ooh, Lidena's coming? Did you see her in A Kirikeet Story?"
"I didn't care for that movie. Too predictable."
"Figures. Translators?"
"We got the Chalkyitsik, the Shiriyu, the ISL, and the Shu-Mai translators set. I'm still waiting to hear back from the Brigolian and Neal translators."
"Good. Press?"
"IBS, SkyNews, the Island Weekly, the Rampart Daily Telegraph, and the Kirikeet Times."
"And the catering?"
"You were taking care of that."
"Oh yeah. Thanks for reminding me."
"How's Mark?"
"Still in Tukrook. It's hard dating a radio engineer. He could go to any station he wants on the Island, but no, he has to work for the World Service. Polonium, Kirikeet, or Tukrook." Lodi took another bite of her sandwich. "Hopefully he can get that transfer to Kirikeet."

"And the foreign dignitaries?"
"I'm still waiting to hear back. Kri, Shu-Ming, ambassadors are the worst people to deal with."