Our Country is named Polliok. We are trying to be excepted in this community of nations as a leader. We have made progress in the sense that we are a very quiet nation with allies in high places. Trying to gain ground here is vey difficult. And if nations do gain ground, it's hard to keep. If you can support our country in any way, please do. Our armies are growing larger every second, so I suggest you join our side. We appreciate all contributions that are made BEFORE we attack.
Dread Lady Nathicana
11-02-2006, 20:39
A bit of friendly advice from a nation who has no interest in meddling with your affairs one way or the other:
We respectfully suggest you turn your sights to pursuits more within your reach, and by far more amicable than simply building armies for war. Such an approach as this, asking for the support you so obviously need while pointedly stating it is only for whatever war effort you might choose, is no way to win friends. Such actions tend to draw the wrong sorts of attention by nations far better suited to eliminating a potential problem before it has a chance to become a thorn in one's side.
Whatever allies you may believe you have, remember that most everyone else has allies as well. Anyone who has to ask outside influences for the means with which to build their forces is one asking to be taken advantage of, or invaded, or annexed by those who already posess the means, allies or no. Perhaps it is time to rethink your approach before attracting the wrong sorts of attention.
A bit of trade, diplomatic effort, what have you, perhaps would be in order?
--Taccino Consulenza, Ministry of Public Relations
I'm very sorry for the way I conducted myself in that post. Our country, which I lied about, is having a bad time. Crime is up more then ever and we DON'T have allies. If you would please become one of those allies which we do not have, it would help Polliok very mcuh.
We are willing to become potential allies with you.