NationStates Jolt Archive


South Danmark
10-02-2006, 15:05
My Country seeks new trading allies and diplomatic friends

its a cruel world out there after all and with America no doubt about to invade me (after all, i could have oil!) and instigate 'democracy' i could do with some allies.

peace my fellow statesmen/women
10-02-2006, 15:18
The Republic of Kanami would like to considre being allies with you
Western Might
10-02-2006, 23:11
To: South Danmark
From: Ross Kavern, Western Might Secretary of Foreign Relations

The Stellar Republic of Western Might is always looking to establish new trade relations and political ties with new countries. With your governments’ permission, my government wishes to send a delegation to your country to seek an appropriate for an embassy and to starts ties between our two nations.
Free Tulsa
11-02-2006, 01:06
The Free Republic of New Tulsa is happy to establish relations with any nation that respects the rights of its citizens. An embassy delegation is en route via our national-flag airline.