NationStates Jolt Archive

Soccer League Sign Up

27-01-2006, 02:44
OOC: The purpose of this league is so that those who play are all at even parity with everyone else and therefore have an opportunity to win whether they have been doing this for a month or a few years. Do not send your best RPd team (save that for the World Cup) since I cannot guarantee you will win or lose.

I can however guarantee that you will have a say in how your team performs through three features. Your RPing news and other articles will have a minor impact upon your team, posting a roster will have an impact, and the variables you enter will have a major impact upon your team.

What info you need to sign up with:
-team name (can be a club, or national team)
-roster including position
-assigning points to ALL your players (you have 100 points to divide between 11 starters and maximum 12 subs). Obviously you could make one of your players a god but the rest of your team would suck so make sure you assign them evenly (do not go over 100 pts obviously...)

Example: (name then pts assigned)

John Smith 10
Carl Duggin 5
Walter Henry 1

Sam Givens 3
Howard Henry 3

Games will begin the first Sunday in February. As I see how many sign up I will overtime create more ways that players can interact. I plan to have this running for a while though again it depends on how many sign up.
27-01-2006, 13:51
bump (not sure why I am bumping but anyhow) lol :)

Those reading this and not interested in signing up if you could please note why so I know for next time how to make the rules better (or maybe how to structure it so there is less stuff to post for you I assume?)
Resurrected Danu
27-01-2006, 22:23
OOC: I will try to work up a team and get involved.