Sovereign California
24-01-2006, 14:43
"At what point shall we expect the approach of danger? By what means shall we fortify against it? Shall we expect some trans-Atlantic military giant, to step the Ocean, and crush us at a blow? Never! All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest; with a Bonaparte for a commander, could not by force, take a drink from the Ohio, or make a track on the Blue Ridge, in a trial of a thousand years. At what point, then, is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide. — Abraham Lincoln. January 27, 1838."
January 17, 1998
Los Angeles, California — United States of America
Cold wet, hideously painful freezing rain fell upon the streets of Los Angeles and most of Southern California, like most days in the winter the months would be punctuated by weeks of nice warm and breezy weather around seventy degrees... a time of the year that isn't so bad for tourism until it rains. On the days that it does rain you will be lucky to see anyone outside unless they are carrying an umbrella, or inside a building or a car.
Californian Senator Sandra D'vina-Starayeva (Devnostraeva) sat in her Cadillac limoussine sipping at a glass of Finlandia vodka garnished with a slice of lemon and watched the rain as it ran down the window of the passenger door she was sitting next to, she took her gloved hand and began to trace the paths of some of the rivulets of rain until the inside of the window was marked with long finger traced lines. It had only been twenty minutes she had been waiting out behind the Renaissance Hotel in Hollywood for one of her esteemed colleagues in the U.S. Senate, Senator Raymond Bennings of Alaska.
What had seemed like an eternity to her as she sat in her limoussine drinking her vodka finally came to end as Mr. Bennings briskly exited hotel's rear lobby and ran to the limoussine with the back of his jacket hunched up to cover his head from the rain he ran to the door of the limoussine's left passenger door, opened it and jumped in. After getting settled the driver started the engine and made its way onto Franklin Avenue and finally Highway 101 going north to San Francisco where along the way they would pick up a Californian senator in San Jose and head to Sacramento to pick up another from Alaska.
As the limoussine's trip progressed into the hours of the evening the passengers began to talk with each other... and all of it was concerning the politics of the other fourty-eight states of the United States and their grievances with the war against Yugoslav-Bulgarian Republic (Balkania). It was then that Sandra spoke up, having only sat and observed the conversation as an outsider she found something that not only everyone in the limoussine shared a common interest in, but an interest she also shared as well. She smiled and took another gulp of vodka before smiling to everyone "I assume that all you have some semblance as to why we are here like this... meeting with each other and moving on to gather our like minded compatriots for this cause of ours.
Since the entrance of the United States into the NATO-Balkan War, U.S. Forces have been virtually eaten alive along with practically everything the North Atlantic Treaty Organization has thrown at them... with the Soviet Union, and the Warsaw Pact supplying arms, ammunition, military hardware, food, medical and other supplies to the Balkanians in their war against Italy, Austria, and Turkey they have virtually annihilated the armed forces of those countries and have moderately handicapped those of Belgium, Sweden, the United Kingdom, France, Prussia and Norway. Because of the United States' obligation to the defense and preservation of our allies in NATO our nation has been brought into another European war — a war which could very well bcome a World War... World War III if the present conditions continue in their rapid deterioration.
At this point we have a grand total of five-hundred thousand armed personnel, a sizable portion of our Air Force and Marines on the ground in and around central Europe in an attempt to push back the Balkanian advance on Prussia, Austria and Italy as well as to drive them out of Greece and southern France where their military has a large presence.
With this said, I think it would be in our best interests that we the people, and leaders of our country decide what we should do about this currrent situation. With some of the senators here with us from our State of California, and some from the State of Alaska after a long debate we have come to the conclusion that we should declare independence from the United States of America and form a two-state union we have temporarily named 'the Republic of California & Alaska'"
Some of the senators in the limoussine were astounded when they heard this, few spoke out against it until she silenced them with a wave of her hand. "Senators... please, remain calm! You say that we are committing treason? Whom are we committing this act against? the United States Government? Several state and local law enforcement agencies are already pressed to do their own jobs with the mass rioting and anti-war protests going on from state-to-state. Our nation's military is busy fighting in the war in Europe and we're left with nothing to defend ourselves from our greatest enemy... our fellow men. Dissent and desperation have caught the minds and souls of the American people trying to make sense of what is going on. With the New England States having left the Union already, and several others threatening secession the United States Armed Forces looks to be having its hands full.
So why not take a hold of this opportunity while it still exists? History will not forgive us if we should refuse to take the destiny of our people and politics into our own hands... for this sake alone we should declare our independence, the United States in its current political and economic situation has become akin to a sinking ship, if we do not leave soon enough we will be pulled down with it... and our fate will be as the fate of this country.
So again, our decision is made... within this coming year we will declare independence from the United States of America but until then we will need to begin to build our military forces discreetly and to be stealthy in forming an embassy of close allies just in case we have to face off against any of the United States Armed Forces remaining in the country that may be brought into play when we do secede. We will want to secede peacefully, however if this cannot be done without bloodshed we will have to do it by force. So we will need to appoint someone to coordinate and oversee foreign affairs, as well as to have someone oversee the formation of a trained and mobilized infantry, we will need to acquire armor, weapons and other supplies from the United States and store them in a cache or depot in a location that only we would know of, basically we will be taking large quantities of these items and 'losing them' in unfortunate accidents — after the paperwork is all finished up, no one will come looking for any of it... it will generally be assumed that it was lost, destroyed or stolen. All of this needs to get done within a matter of time before May... July at the latest so we will need to have this done in absolute secrecy... alright?
January 17, 1998
Los Angeles, California — United States of America
Cold wet, hideously painful freezing rain fell upon the streets of Los Angeles and most of Southern California, like most days in the winter the months would be punctuated by weeks of nice warm and breezy weather around seventy degrees... a time of the year that isn't so bad for tourism until it rains. On the days that it does rain you will be lucky to see anyone outside unless they are carrying an umbrella, or inside a building or a car.
Californian Senator Sandra D'vina-Starayeva (Devnostraeva) sat in her Cadillac limoussine sipping at a glass of Finlandia vodka garnished with a slice of lemon and watched the rain as it ran down the window of the passenger door she was sitting next to, she took her gloved hand and began to trace the paths of some of the rivulets of rain until the inside of the window was marked with long finger traced lines. It had only been twenty minutes she had been waiting out behind the Renaissance Hotel in Hollywood for one of her esteemed colleagues in the U.S. Senate, Senator Raymond Bennings of Alaska.
What had seemed like an eternity to her as she sat in her limoussine drinking her vodka finally came to end as Mr. Bennings briskly exited hotel's rear lobby and ran to the limoussine with the back of his jacket hunched up to cover his head from the rain he ran to the door of the limoussine's left passenger door, opened it and jumped in. After getting settled the driver started the engine and made its way onto Franklin Avenue and finally Highway 101 going north to San Francisco where along the way they would pick up a Californian senator in San Jose and head to Sacramento to pick up another from Alaska.
As the limoussine's trip progressed into the hours of the evening the passengers began to talk with each other... and all of it was concerning the politics of the other fourty-eight states of the United States and their grievances with the war against Yugoslav-Bulgarian Republic (Balkania). It was then that Sandra spoke up, having only sat and observed the conversation as an outsider she found something that not only everyone in the limoussine shared a common interest in, but an interest she also shared as well. She smiled and took another gulp of vodka before smiling to everyone "I assume that all you have some semblance as to why we are here like this... meeting with each other and moving on to gather our like minded compatriots for this cause of ours.
Since the entrance of the United States into the NATO-Balkan War, U.S. Forces have been virtually eaten alive along with practically everything the North Atlantic Treaty Organization has thrown at them... with the Soviet Union, and the Warsaw Pact supplying arms, ammunition, military hardware, food, medical and other supplies to the Balkanians in their war against Italy, Austria, and Turkey they have virtually annihilated the armed forces of those countries and have moderately handicapped those of Belgium, Sweden, the United Kingdom, France, Prussia and Norway. Because of the United States' obligation to the defense and preservation of our allies in NATO our nation has been brought into another European war — a war which could very well bcome a World War... World War III if the present conditions continue in their rapid deterioration.
At this point we have a grand total of five-hundred thousand armed personnel, a sizable portion of our Air Force and Marines on the ground in and around central Europe in an attempt to push back the Balkanian advance on Prussia, Austria and Italy as well as to drive them out of Greece and southern France where their military has a large presence.
With this said, I think it would be in our best interests that we the people, and leaders of our country decide what we should do about this currrent situation. With some of the senators here with us from our State of California, and some from the State of Alaska after a long debate we have come to the conclusion that we should declare independence from the United States of America and form a two-state union we have temporarily named 'the Republic of California & Alaska'"
Some of the senators in the limoussine were astounded when they heard this, few spoke out against it until she silenced them with a wave of her hand. "Senators... please, remain calm! You say that we are committing treason? Whom are we committing this act against? the United States Government? Several state and local law enforcement agencies are already pressed to do their own jobs with the mass rioting and anti-war protests going on from state-to-state. Our nation's military is busy fighting in the war in Europe and we're left with nothing to defend ourselves from our greatest enemy... our fellow men. Dissent and desperation have caught the minds and souls of the American people trying to make sense of what is going on. With the New England States having left the Union already, and several others threatening secession the United States Armed Forces looks to be having its hands full.
So why not take a hold of this opportunity while it still exists? History will not forgive us if we should refuse to take the destiny of our people and politics into our own hands... for this sake alone we should declare our independence, the United States in its current political and economic situation has become akin to a sinking ship, if we do not leave soon enough we will be pulled down with it... and our fate will be as the fate of this country.
So again, our decision is made... within this coming year we will declare independence from the United States of America but until then we will need to begin to build our military forces discreetly and to be stealthy in forming an embassy of close allies just in case we have to face off against any of the United States Armed Forces remaining in the country that may be brought into play when we do secede. We will want to secede peacefully, however if this cannot be done without bloodshed we will have to do it by force. So we will need to appoint someone to coordinate and oversee foreign affairs, as well as to have someone oversee the formation of a trained and mobilized infantry, we will need to acquire armor, weapons and other supplies from the United States and store them in a cache or depot in a location that only we would know of, basically we will be taking large quantities of these items and 'losing them' in unfortunate accidents — after the paperwork is all finished up, no one will come looking for any of it... it will generally be assumed that it was lost, destroyed or stolen. All of this needs to get done within a matter of time before May... July at the latest so we will need to have this done in absolute secrecy... alright?