NationStates Jolt Archive

The Princess Voyage

The Resurgent Dream
23-01-2006, 04:46
((OOC: Fairly open. Feel free to have a character on board))

The Atlantic Princess would have seemed elegant even ten years ago. Ten years before that, only the technology would have seemed a marvel and some proper ladies of some consequence in society might have turned up their noses at the impertinence of an engine that dared replace the billowing sails which, like white wings, had adorned the ancient vessels of the aristocracy. That world, however, was tottering. The advent of liberal democracy had destroyed their legal monopoly on political power, even as the rise of the new bourgeoisie had dwarfed their vast landed wealth. In years past, the great landowners had reaped a great fortune in rents and their tenants had been scarcely more than peasants. Increasingly, however, the tenants were agricultural businessmen more than farmers, men whose fortunes dwarfed those of their landlords hundreds of times over.

The lords and ladies to whom the nation had once turned as its protectors and natural lords had been publicly defamed beyond all repair. The nation has listened in half-horrified, half-rapturous fascination, as Lady Juliet ni Gwydion, herself a prominent lady of a royal house, decried the much admired Danaan aristocracy as “a collection of most indolent persons, selected at random from among the unemployed”. They had seen Vincenzo Lacau systematically and completely remove feudalism from the laws and life of the country, leaving only empty ceremony behind. Or so it seemed.

It would, perhaps, be going too far to say that the people were for the abolition of noble orders. They did, on the whole, support the monarchy and they felt that a king needed unmanly, useless courtiers fluttering about just as he needed hunting dogs and jewels, for some vague purpose which somehow touched upon the roots of society, even if no one could say what use it was.

But all of this is to digress from the matter at hand, the Atlantic Princess. In another age, she might well have been at home, but at dock in present-day Armonvale it looked like a gaudy and ridiculous bauble. The bunting was overdone and bore large, ostentatious crests of high-born sponsors. The rails rather loudly contained quite a good deal of real silver and gold, in strategic places. Moreover, servants walked the deck in anachronistic liveries which looked more like costumes than real uniforms, a site rarely seen nowadays outside of Royal Palaces.

In the background there were dozens of commercial ships being unloaded by longshoremen in jeans and t-shirts, private yachts which aimed to be more classy than gaudy, middle-class cruise ships filled with vacationing businessmen and accountants, fishers returning from a day’s work, and dozens of other ships and boats went about their daily business.

The Atlantic Princess herself was now boarding. She was filling quickly with aristocrats who refused to surrender to the modern age, flashy music and cinema styles who felt themselves the natural beneficiaries of such splendor, the daughters of wealth businessmen placed strategically so as to win a marriage where title and money might be united, and the more tasteless members of the political elite. The whole affair reeked of both the flashy pretensions of new money and the pathetic nostalgia of fading noblemen and none of the truly distinguished lights of society came near it. However, there was nonetheless a great collection of title, wealth, and fame, both Danaan and foreign, than was often gathered on a single ship.
23-01-2006, 05:26
Madison Taylor was excited for this voyage. Her first ever, especially with such high class. Her long raven black hair was tied in a barret, with a ribbion to top it off. A lovley pink dress, and pale complection topped her off. Some say she looked very much like the Princess of Kurona, but she never felt like that.
23-01-2006, 07:08
To be filled with an IC nice and long post
24-01-2006, 02:45

"Coming mamma," replied breathless Isabella, returning from her trip to the market!

Home could be seen just a few steps away. If anyone wanted to call it a home, but to her it was great. The building was one room; containing a small cot, which had several holes in it, but layers of blankets piled on it, A rusty white stove appearing more brown than white, and acouple buckets of brown tinged water. The outside was gray stone, with some of it crumbling away with the weather and the harsh sun. There was scattered daisies around the parameter of the house and a small garden just behind it. The garden was Isabella's favorite place to be. But she entered the wooden door to find her mother at the small counter next to the stove.

"Mamma, I got a deal on the fish. So I used the extra to buy some chicken."
She knew her how much her mother like chicken and rarely could afford it.

Her mother worked as a cook in the House of Cortes. One of the wealthy families in the city of Faraka located in the Nation of Theodrea.

As her mother cleaned the fish, Isabella brushed her long locks. Her hair went to her lower back in casading waves of caramel brown. Each stroke she recited a poem she wrote out loud to her mother.

Her mother hummed along with it.

As they sat on the ground to eat her mother looked across at her daughter. Her own hazel eyes took in the vision of her creation.

Isabella was a slim young women, who also had been blessed with good genes and had women's curves. Her body was tone, but she often hid it with bulky dingy sundresses. Her face was a creamy tone with a button nose. Her eyes were the same hazel that often sparkled with happiness and her little Isabella was known for her glorious smile and pump lips. She brought many smiles to sorrowfull faces.

"Darling I heard some interesting news today."

Chewing some fish, she finished and then swallowed, "Ah yes mamma and that is?"

"Well it seems that there is a ship called," pausing trying to remember it, "ah the Atlantic Princess and it will be boarding people from everywhere."

Isabella raised an slim brown eyebrow, "And mother what does this have to do with me."

Her mother always tried for her daughter to be in a place better than where they were. She would rather not.

"Well, I got to talking to Susie, " a smile came across Isabella face, oh boy here it is "and we think you should go on it."

"Now, mamma..."

"No, darling you need to do this. We have it all planned out. I saved money and Susie is helping. We will get you a new wardrobe."

"Mamma no." Pausing, "who will tend the garden and the house?"

"Nonscence, please do this for your mamma."

Isabella looked down and then up to meet her mother's eyes. Her mother an slightly older reflection of herself.

"Okay, mamma, but I am not going to like it."

The next few days in their spare time they prepared a story and got her things ready. She was to be Isabella Cortes, daughter of the wealthy Lord of Faraka.

The day she came to board the ship. Her eyes wide with shock, but quickly concealed it. She must appear that she is familar with this. Her mother told her to wear the violet ruffled gown. It was always good to make a great first impression. The gown skin tight on her bossoms and waist , but flowed freely at her hips down to the ground in layers. She wore her hair down.

The wind picked and played with her hair. Tears began to settle in her hazel eyes and she frowned.

Her mother she her head, "I love you dearly, but I love you more when you smile my child."

With that Isabella smiled. She didn't like to see her mother sad and she wanted to please her mother.

"Mamma could a peasant ever become a princess?"

"Why not. Make it a reality."

Isabella hugged her mother goodbye and walked onto the ship. Several luggage at her side. She sighed. Here I go.
Magic Sorcery
24-01-2006, 03:17
Callie looked at the large ship. "Wow, it's amazing." She had never been sailing before, at least she couldn't remeber. Most of the time her family used Magic, but as she was meerley a student, she could not fly such a long journey back home. Seeing as she lived in the annexed teritories, of MS but studied in the vast Empire Home it's self, how else could she get home? Her long Emerald Green Hair Fluttered in the gusty winds, as well as her casual dress, for travel. (Usually she wears mage outfits)

"Let's see ticket, ticket, ticket, ah ha."


She walked down the long narrow hallways, trying not to scrape up her staff. "Let's see 360, 360, exuse me. Ah 360. She walked into the Cabin she was apparently sharing with some other passangers. How are you doing, Callie Khuori."

Callie lied down on the bottom bunk.
Aqua Anu
24-01-2006, 03:46
Maria Slovest and her three little kids, Bella, Zoey, and Steven all boarded the ship. "Stay Close." Maria ordered, searching for their cabin. She felt extreemly lucky to get a family cabin, despite her comming alone. She was off to meet her husband back in Aqua Anu. She was heartbroken to have to give up the family farm, but she couldn't bear to be away from the man she adored. And the children need their father. Bella was the olders, 13, long raven black hair, who she her self wasn't too thrilled about moving to a giant island made up two parts land and four parts water cannales. She loved the country, the solid ground, the open air. Not the cramped city. She adjusted the strap to her blue denime sun-dress, and pulled out some fresh change of clothes for tonight and her yellow raincoat, to hang on the rack. Zoey the second youngest, age 9 was just excited to be on a ship, and going to a new place. She knew she was leaving her freinds, but she wanted to be with her daddy. She had red hair, like her fathers. "Ma'ma, how long will this take?"
She was wearing her favorite blue jeens, and tank.
"Quite some time Zoey. It's a long ways to Aqua Anu. And the only way to get there is by sea. Take out your coat honey and hang it up."

Zoey obeyed pulling out her pink raincoat.

And Little Steven, age 7, having only his mothers eyes, and light brown hair, wearing a white tank with blue denim shorts, he was shy and quite, he mostly hung around Bella.

Bella nelt down to help him unpack. She cared very deeply for him, with his condition.

"Here you go Stevie." She brushed his brown hair. Steven loved that.

Bella set out some of his clothes, pulled out his light blue coat.
Nation of Fortune
24-01-2006, 05:49
A dark figure clad in a heavy cloak stood, looking at the ship. A hand reached up and pushed a strand of black hair under the hood. Behind the figure black leopard sat. A cold breeze picked up as the figure headed towards the ramp with a sea bag hefted over the shoulder.

step, limp, step, limp, step, limp

The clunking sounds of the figures boots only added to the eerie effect of the presence. Another strand of black hair fell, and hung from the hood. No effort to replace it was made. The leopard followed behind the figure, it's tail flicking on the end.

The figure made it to the cabin, and set the sea bag down on the rack. Not a moment later, someone else came in, and layed down, introducing herself as Callie Khuori. The figure said nothing.
The Resurgent Dream
24-01-2006, 06:18
Isabella was approached in short order by a host of liveried servants who eagerly took up her bags, escorting her to her spacious cabin. Being a single lady’s cabin, it had only four rooms. The men asked her where she wanted all of her luggage placed, informed her, in the most sychophantic manner possible, that she had only to ring the bell if ever she required service, and departed with elegant bows.

~ ~ ~

Callie’s ticket was taken by a tall man dressed in green and gold livery. He smiled in almost contemptuous amusement at the young woman’s behavior as well as her manner of dress. In the Resurgent Dream, as elsewhere, it was generally known that the only people more arrogant than aristocrats were the ranking servants of aristocrats. While he maintained perfect composure, Callie could almost feel the man judging her before he picked up her luggage and escorted her to the only section of the ship were strangers were required to share. She was shown into a small suite containing four individual bedrooms and a common sitting room, wherein she found the dark figure.

~ ~ ~

Maria Slovest was met with the same gaze from the men who carried her luggage and her children’s, the same perfectly polite, almost obsequious deference, behind which lurked the unmistakable impression that she had been judged according to an arcane set of rules for aristocratic ladies and her dress, her manner, her apparent place in society, had all been found wanting.

However, Maria and her children received a warmer welcome from many of the older lady passengers than they did from the staff. A number of plump society ladies, dressed in fashions one would expect to see in the finest royal courts of nineteenth century Europe, smiled warmly at the three Slovest children, offering them little waves as they passed on their way to their luxurious suite.
24-01-2006, 06:42
Myron Jack Thorpe stepped out of the taxi he had taken from the airport to catch this boat, the Atlantic Princess. Thorpe was one of the most eccentric men in all Haraki. He was rich, but at the same time didn't live like it. With over four hundred million dollars in the bank, mostly inherited, and another half billion dollars to come once his estranged mother died, he lived in a modest apartment and let no-one know he was rich. Apart from eating better food than those around him, and driving a better car, plus never working a day in his life, he had inherited his entire life from his father's death when he was seventeen, eleven years ago.

Listed as one of the most eccentric men in Haraki, he had decided to, for once, act somewhat rich and bought himself a berth on the cruise liner now sitting in front of him. He made his way over, dressed in a somewhat high-class suit with but one suitcase of simple luggage, and presented his ticket to the man standing on the boarding ramp.
New Mass
24-01-2006, 09:00
'Gotta get on the boat before i blackout.' Was Kriss's only thought as he half ran half stumbled towards the ship before him. 'The bleedings nearly stopped and with a hairs width of luck nothing too importants been damaged' He'd only mannaged to get the ticket an hour before when he overheard some toff in a pub boasting about leaving everyone for better things, when he woke up he was in for a suprise. Besides Kriss was of the oppinion that he needed to get out more than anyone who wears a top hat, if they found out he was here they would kill him.

Before he knew it he was at the top of the ramp handing his ticket to the porter who looked suspiciously at the first class ticket then Kriss but a 'don't fuck with me' smile made him immediatly forget all doubt that the 6' 4 brickhouse stood infront of him was indeed 'Jeramire Julian Witherhouse III Esq'. Kriss took a quick scan of the deck and saw another porter looking at some dark haired chick and a young girl with green hair was standing by the rails as well as various other odditys patroling the deck. The guy he paid most attention to though walked with a limp and Kriss imediatly reconised him from the pictures. 'I'd hoped for a good ride' he thought as he guided himself to his room 'but this is perfect, two birds with one knife'
24-01-2006, 22:18
Isabella was approached in short order by a host of liveried servants who eagerly took up her bags, escorting her to her spacious cabin. Being a single lady’s cabin, it had only four rooms. The men asked her where she wanted all of her luggage placed, informed her, in the most sychophantic manner possible, that she had only to ring the bell if ever she required service, and departed with elegant bows.

She spoke no words, but smiled politely at the men. As they bowed to her she nodded her head slightly and watched the door close slowly behind them.

Silence engulfed her and the sight before her eyes made her question if this was real or not. Would she wake up next to her mother's soft breathing. She pinched her underarm and let out a high shrill. Okay that is proof enough I guess. Geez just look at this place. I would never be able to tell the others; they would only think I was lying.

Her soft hazel eyes skimmed her gathering room. It was a spacious, but cozy opening leading to four doors; each door was completely different from the other. She choose the dark oak wood door and opened the knoob, pushing the door in.

Gasping, the room was glorious. It contained a bed so big, she thought it never ended. The blankets on the bed were a deep purple and numerous fuffly pillows rested ontop of the bed. On each side of the bed, the same dark oak wood, were tables. They both contained several tan candles with wax spilling down the sides onto small metal plates. On the right side of the bed was two large doors and she ran and opened them. It was the wardrode, large and waiting for her clothes. Oh yes, my luggage.

She walked back to the gathering room, picked up acouple bags and placed them in the "purple room". She picked up the others and started to unpack.
Maybe I should check out the other rooms.

Grumble...grumble... Well, first I need to find some food.

She left her room, deciding to check out the other rooms later, and walked down the corridors.

She made her way to out on the deck, maybe someone would know where to find food or she could ask someone who worked here.

The hallway was silent, but soon she heard noises from outside and she entered the deck.

She looked out at the water and the wind picked up her hair once more to tease it.

She then spotted several people and walked up to them.

In a slight hispanic accent, "Excuse me, could you tell me where I could come by some food."
25-01-2006, 03:08
Atlantic Princess

Spot saved. Will follow up with a large post.
25-01-2006, 06:35
Sakari Mcklane ran through out the streets of Tarayshia, dragging one bag on the ground and carrying the other on her back. Her raven like hair blew out behind her as she ran, the skirts of her gown nearly brushing the the earth as she ran.
'No one will believe you if you run like that.'
A voice said in Sakari's head and she tried to slow her pace to a fast walk. It was a good thing she had run for the ship was getting ready to leave as she walked up the ramp.
"I have a ticket," Sakari spoke as she reached in the perce by her side and brought out the slip of paper. She ignored the look that the man threw at her as he allowed Sakari to pass onto the deck.
Her ticket was marked for a first class cabbin, however her messed up hair, wind swept dress and the slight sweat on her forehead did not make it believable. Also the fact that she carried her bags but Sakari couldn't be bothered with such formalities.
Allowing her dark brown eyes to scann the deck before her, she spotted a girl that looked about her age walking around. When she heard the girl mention something about food; and seeing how she had not eaten anything since the night before made her go up to the nicely dressed woman.
"Hello," she said as she smiled, "I am unsure where the food is on this ship, however perhaps we can look together?"
The Resurgent Dream
25-01-2006, 08:45
Myron was shown to his luxurious rooms by the same servants who waited on everyone else. He could hear a few ladies who might have thought they were out of earshot gossiping in hurried whispers about his clothes. The younger and prettier ones would sometimes giggle lightly and bring pale, delicate hands to soft mouths, not so much because what was said was funny but simply because the gesture was one likely to attract young men.

~ ~ ~

Kriss actually didn’t get passed the man taking tickets so easily. While he stepped back initially at the dangerous looking man’s glance, he quickly came to the conclusion that he didn’t have much to fear. Port security at Armonvale was the toughest in the world. Everyone who had gotten this close to boarding would have gone through weapons inspection already and, besides, port security forces were always near at hand. A physical attack here would just be suicide by cop. So he just looked at the clearly false ticket. However, he didn’t turn Kriss in either. He was expecting something else that might just get the man aboard.
25-01-2006, 19:26
"Joshua, go make your self usefull and help some of the first class passangers with their bags." Said a Sr. Officer

Joshua obeyed, stating to him self, "what do I look like a bell-hop?"

"I wonder where that girl is? Maybe If I play my cards right I'll meet her."

he saw the young lady Sakari Mcklane, asking where to find the food. She almost looked like 3rd Class, but it became obvious she was 1st class.

"Excuse me, ma'am. If you are looking for the first class dining room it's well.. (*Josh was terrible with directions*) Well if you just follow me ladies, I can show where it is. Uh may I take your bags, oh yest, I am a crew member."

Sakari turned her head towards the boy as she handed him the bag that she had been carrying, "Thank you," she said as she flashed a smile.
25-01-2006, 20:40
Isabella heard the voice, but wasn't listening she was looking off into the hazy horizon. Am I crazy to do this? What will happen to me if I get caught...will I be thrown out into the unforgiving sea and the knifes of the waves that will slowly blow me and the salt water that will fill my lungs...

A worried look came across her face, she shook her head, with layers of caramel brown waves following.

I need to stop thinking like that otherwise I will get caught.

She looked at the voice, a young women whom she assumed was around her age. Her attire appeared a bit frumpled and her skin and hair was wind blown. She was talking to a man who appeared to be a crew man. She heard the word food and she followed.

She noticed the woman carried only one bag. A perfect brown eyebrow raised in question. Maybe she wasn't the only one with secrets on this ship. Maybe they shouldn't call this ship the Atlantic Princess, but the Atlantic Ship of Deception.

They paused before the door leading to the doorway.

Isabella cleared her throat, "How very rude of me. I apologize for my day dreaming. It has been it seems like forever since I have been away from home, I got lost in the pretenses."

She extended her arm out and she cupped her hand as to make a gesture to shake hands with the other woman. "My name is Isabella Cortes. I am the only daughter and only child to Frederis, Lord of Faraka. Faraka is located in Theodrea if you are familiar with the region Fatal Terrain. I have come on this ship to extend our platitudes with others and," she paused and smiled, "well actually I wanted to get away and Daddy can't say no to his little angel. It is always nice to meet another female near my age. I was dreading going on this because I thought it would be all older individuals."

She stopped and noticed the crewman was still there.

I am losing it already. I am so caught up on the act I forgot to pay the man. Get a grip.

She handed him a few coins native to her land, but equivalant to most other nations. "We do thank you sir for your service. Shall we miss?"

She waved her hand to the door and smiled. "I am hungry and we have some gossiping to do."
25-01-2006, 23:43
Isabella heard the voice, but wasn't listening she was looking off into the hazy horizon. Am I crazy to do this? What will happen to me if I get caught...will I be thrown out into the unforgiving sea and the knifes of the waves that will slowly blow me and the salt water that will fill my lungs...

A worried look came across her face, she shook her head, with layers of caramel brown waves following.

I need to stop thinking like that otherwise I will get caught.

She looked at the voice, a young women whom she assumed was around her age. Her attire appeared a bit frumpled and her skin and hair was wind blown. She was talking to a man who appeared to be a crew man. She heard the word food and she followed.

She noticed the woman carried only one bag. A perfect brown eyebrow raised in question. Maybe she wasn't the only one with secrets on this ship. Maybe they shouldn't call this ship the Atlantic Princess, but the Atlantic Ship of Deception.

They paused before the door leading to the doorway.

Isabella cleared her throat, "How very rude of me. I apologize for my day dreaming. It has been it seems like forever since I have been away from home, I got lost in the pretenses."

She extended her arm out and she cupped her hand as to make a gesture to shake hands with the other woman. "My name is Isabella Cortes. I am the only daughter and only child to Frederis, Lord of Faraka. Faraka is located in Theodrea if you are familiar with the region Fatal Terrain. I have come on this ship to extend our platitudes with others and," she paused and smiled, "well actually I wanted to get away and Daddy can't say no to his little angel. It is always nice to meet another female near my age. I was dreading going on this because I thought it would be all older individuals."

She stopped and noticed the crewman was still there.

I am losing it already. I am so caught up on the act I forgot to pay the man. Get a grip.

She handed him a few coins native to her land, but equivalant to most other nations. "We do thank you sir for your service. Shall we miss?"

She waved her hand to the door and smiled. "I am hungry and we have some gossiping to do."
Sakari smiled at Isabella, "It is nice to meet you," Sakari said as she shook the other woman's hand. A bit nervously, Sakari tucked a piece of her dark hair behind her ear before she followed the girl into the room.
"I'm hungry as well," Sakari replied to the girl's last statement, "I was such in a rush this morning that I forgot to eat breakfast, plus I was sort of nervous; I have never been on a ship."
Sakari stated as she let her dark eyes scann the ship's room, "I see a nice table over there, shal we?"
The young woman relaxed her shoulders as she gazed around her, her mind going back to a room simular to this however it was in a house. It had been the dining room of Henry Manfield, the man that was supposed to become her husband through an arranged marriage.
26-01-2006, 01:52
Madison unpacked her bags, and settled in. Now she was hungry, she thought she would go to the gally, maybe socialize, although she was terribly shy.

She walked out of her nice cabin out on deck, it was sunny, bright and windy. She hummed her favorite song Salva Nos and sang silently in Kurma. "Gally, ah ha there it is." She opend the door, and went inside, people we're waisting no time digging in.

"How am I going to find a table?" She asked to her self

She proceeded to the food line, she saw food fit for a Queen, or Princess, or Dutchess. Many of her favorites. She had to dish up quickly as if they would run out.

In a singsongy way she said "Table, table, have to find a table." She was in an extreemly good mood, nothing could get her down, except maybe a dark sky and a choppy sea. Statments ran through her mind "Maybe I should have put on my coat just in case. After all it can go from bueatiful to a hurricane like that. Maybe I shouldn't think like that, maybe..."

"Watch Out!"

She nearly bumped into a steward. "Bloody hell, watch where you're goin' lass."

"Yes sir, sorry sir." She still scrambeld about to find an availble table, or at least one she could share with some people, that wouldn't mind her company, despite being so young.
26-01-2006, 02:27
Jack Thorpe made his way with his one solitary piece of luggage down to his room, not in the worst conditions available, but definitely not in the best. Even when on vacation as a rich son-of-a-capitalist, he enjoyed more having single room than an entire suite for himself. He was, after all, only one man. Arriving at his cabin, having been shown there by one of the servants, whom he thanked before taking his key, he set the suitcase down on the floor and looked around. Absentmindedly shutting the door behind him, he surveyed the room. A solitary large bed, cabinets, a seperate bathroom ... It was like a hotel room for one. He nodded amiably to the room as he took off his suit jacket and threw it on the bed messily. Undoubtedly most of the people on the ship would be horrified by that, but he actually wasn't aware that the cruise ship was anything that important. He had bought the ticket as a more pleasant way to get back home and as a way to relax, rather than yet another flight. He'd been in the nation on corporate business watching over his late father's company, which was thinking of expanding here, and was mostly oblivious to the culture, history and customs of the nation. As such, he was expecting a gentle, pleasant cruise with a bunch of suburban, two point five kids and white picket fence families on their annual vacation. With this mindset, he had been rather confused when the ladies dressed completely formally had giggled at him, looking more like he was the middleman than that he was actually funny. He also hadn't slept in about eighteen hours by personal choice rather than overworking, and so had been somewhat oblivious to many of the less obvious stares.

He made his way into the bathroom, splashing water on his face and running wet hands through his hair, making it stand up somewhat, a short black spiky mess of hair. He shoved his head under the tap of the sink with some effort and ran water through his hair, grabbing a towel once he was done refreshing himself and drying himself as best he could.

When done refreshing himself and bringing himself to the land of the living once again, he stepped out of the bathroom, pulling off his tie, which was now dripping with water, and undid the top button of his plain white shirt. He calmed his hair somewhat, making it merely look messy and stand up nearly straight, rather than as if he had been attacked by a furry monster from some distant galaxy, rolled up his sleeves, and stepped out the door of his cabin again, locking it. He was more hungry than anything, and so, unknowingly extremely casually-dressed for the situation, made his way to look for food.
26-01-2006, 02:36
Atlantic Princess

“It is so nice to get a couple days off of work!” exclaimed a young man as he stepped out of a nondescript black sedan, although the vehicle had hovered its way to the front of the ship terminal. The man, dressed in an un-tucked white dress shirt with an undone tie and black slacks, slung his suit jacket over his shoulder and retrieved his briefcase from the dark plush interior of the car. He exhaled and inhaled the moist ocean air. “Isn’t this the best Lieutenant?” he asked the stoic man who was lifting baggage out of the car’s trunk.

“Yes it is Lord Marshall, but I implore you to show some restraint,” replied the Lieutenant.

“Oh, I believe that it is you that has to loosen up my good Lieutenant Francis,” Marshall laughed and pulled out his flexipad. “The ship should be departing soon, should I get someone to take the luggage?”

“No need, my lord. The porters here will sort the luggage out and bring them to the cabins.” The Lieutenant shut the car trunk and followed Marshall into the terminal and to the First Class departures area. “I have to get going to the airport, the transport will be returning to Adean in an hour and it appears that they need my services elsewhere. I hope you have everything. Do you have your tickets, passport, international citizen’s credentials, and some spending money?”

“Andrew J. Marshall?” asked the woman at the ticket counter as she read the ticket Lord Marshall had handed to her.

“Yes, that’s me.” Marshall raised his hand. “I hope everything is correct and my accommodations are accounted for?”

“Yes everything is prepared. A member of your concierge staff will meet you onboard if you wish and show you to your room.” She handed Lord Marshall his room key and a map of the ship.

“That’s good, but I think I’d like to find the room myself. I think having someone show me around takes the fun out of exploring the ship.” Marshall waved the rectangular folded map as he walked away from the counter.

“You sound like a child, Lord Marshall,” muttered Lieutenant Francis.

“And you, Lieutenant, sound like my mother. Thank God, she’s not here. I’m here to have some fun and some R and R.” Marshall had already started up the bridge that linked the terminal with the ship.

“And I beg you again. Please show some restraint and some sign of personal dignity.” The part bodyguard and driver shook his head at Lord Marshall’s unruly clothing.

“I’ll try, MOM! Geez!”

“And just so you know, Lord Marshall, I heard rumors that Miss Machida and her family are on this cruise. I know that…” A slur of curses and other obscene words cut off Lieutenant Francis as he watched the young lord disappear into the ship. A small grin appeared on the typically emotionless Lieutenant Francis’s lips as he walked back to the car. The briefing was right. The Noir’s Science and Technology Minister is a pretty interesting, and eccentric, fellow to be about, thought Francis.


Lord Marshall stepped into the ship and beheld the immense central atrium of the ship. It was not his first time aboard a cruise ship, but this ship was from first glance, older than he was. The classical era of ocean liners was reconstructed well, he thought at first glance until he saw that this ship was an original. Lord Marshall was the last person to judge a people by their technology. He looked around the negative aspect and saw the ‘beauty’ of the things that were presented before him. Marshall laughed, ‘beauty’, sure, ‘antique’ yes. “I’m such an idiot,” he laughed aloud.

As he made his way though the ornate corridors, he had already passed several peculiar persons. This’ll be an interesting trip, he told himself. First, there was a man who looked like he was in a gunfight or something. Then there was this family with apparently a single mother and her three kids. Finally, this ship had some exceedingly beautiful females onboard. This place had some class, not that he felt alienated or anything. Luckily, he had made it into the nearest restroom and followed Lieutenant Francis’s advice to tidy up. He left the bathroom with his tie fixed, shoes shined, and suit worn correctly.

Now I look just like one of those other rich freaks! he exclaimed in his head. Although I am a rich ‘freak’ also. Err this.

A short walk within the large ship eventual brought him to one of the ship’s restaurants. A young woman had just collided with a steward and now continued to scramble about the numerous tables near him. I sense that she is going to crash into something or someone else again. Although she looks like she’s having a great time.

“It is open seating, sir, but if you wish to be seated I can gladly assist,” said one of the starched suit-wearing waiters.

“No, that’s fine. I can find my way thank you.” Lord Marshall continued making his way through the maze of tables.
26-01-2006, 03:30
"Watch Out!"

She nearly bumped into a steward. "Bloody hell, watch where you're goin' lass."

Isabella's round hazel eyes followed where the slight commotion came from. She saw a young girl walking around, much at dismay. The girl seemed to be several years younger than herself and the woman with her. Isabella nodded to the other woman sitting at the table, whose name I still do not know, and walked over to the girl.

She rested her soft hands on her small shoulders and the girl whirled around.

Isabella bent down a bit to the girl's level. In a softer voice, but still thick with her southern accent, "Don't worry darling, I do that all the time."

A bright welcoming smile came across her face, "Come and down us, we will be eating shortly. Are you here alone?"

They walked over to the table she glanced up to see a man in a suit and tie walking by, dismissing the servents. Her eyes meet his, but she glanced away, yet leaving him with simple smile.

"Here we go, what is your name, child?"
26-01-2006, 05:35
Isabella's round hazel eyes followed where the slight commotion came from. She saw a young girl walking around, much at dismay. The girl seemed to be several years younger than herself and the woman with her. Isabella nodded to the other woman sitting at the table, whose name I still do not know, and walked over to the girl.

She rested her soft hands on her small shoulders and the girl whirled around.

Isabella bent down a bit to the girl's level. In a softer voice, but still thick with her southern accent, "Don't worry darling, I do that all the time."

A bright welcoming smile came across her face, "Come and down us, we will be eating shortly. Are you here alone?"

They walked over to the table she glanced up to see a man in a suit and tie walking by, dismissing the servents. Her eyes meet his, but she glanced away, yet leaving him with simple smile.

"Here we go, what is your name, child?"

Sakari watched as Isabella and the girl joined her at the table.
"Hello," Sakari smiled to the younger girl, "My name is Sakari Mcklane."
Turning to Isabella, "It's so silly of me, I didn't introduce myself propperly."
The Ctan
26-01-2006, 16:25
Dr Edwin Provost, Director of Anthropology at the Institute of Cultural Studies, Tephet-Sheta, was every bit as anachronistic as one could wish for. Of moderate height and a rakish build with short black hair carefully combed into place, he wore a cream and black suit that would look perfectly in place on the moneyed gentlemen – the only thing that was out of place was a small golden lapel pin set with a star ruby in the design of the C’tani national symbol - of nineteenth century England, an immaculately fitting bespoke cream waistcoat and cravat, and a white shirt, all worn under a black overcoat. He walked sombrely up the boarding ramp of the anchored vessel, walking with a cane – which, if one were to check it for the presence of weapons, would prove to be completely ordinary.

The surprisingly youthful looking academic had an interesting enough hobby, he collected ethics. It was in fact, this interest that had resulted in his current employment, both his ostensible employment as the respected Doctor of Anthropology and Advena-Anthropology in the institute, an isolated branch of the university that seemed to operate in a strange state of academic isolation, occasionally doing small quantities of government work on projects that seemed to required a certain level of pedantry.

He did of course, have the correct paperwork for a place on the ship, and for many other things, including a suspicious looking set of credit cards and their equivalents. He took an unsurprisingly equally-archaic pocket watch from his pocket as he waited. The device itself was one of a kind, a gold plated brass casing built around a tiny power cell, with several offset circles and dials in its face including a rather antique liquid crystal display screen that showed a graphical approximation of the object’s location, necessary for it to adjust to local time zones, at all times, as well as various buttons that manipulated the quartzite indicators of the device’s face. It of course, had a few other potentially useful functions, including the ability to keep time with the precision of three chip-scale atomic clocks operating in concert and correcting one another, manipulated by an array of micro devices powered from a small array of crystal stacked molecular cells. He had no idea how much the device was worth, as most of its components had either been made by himself, the intricate casing for example, or commissioned especially from any of the numerous small-scale device workshops that were always keen for work. He replaced the device in his waistcoat’s pocket, and waited to board.
26-01-2006, 19:09
Isabella bent down a bit to the girl's level. In a softer voice, but still thick with her southern accent, "Don't worry darling, I do that all the time."

A bright welcoming smile came across her face, "Come and down us, we will be eating shortly. Are you here alone?"
They walked over to the table she glanced up to see a man in a suit and tie walking by, dismissing the servents. Her eyes meet his, but she glanced away, yet leaving him with simple smile.
"Here we go, what is your name, child?"

"My name is Madison, Madison Taylor. Uh as a matter of fact I am travelling alone, my first time alone for that matter. Kind of nervous I guess. It's very nice to meet you, what cabin are you in? I'm in 12C." She smiled brightly feeling most at ease, with what could be two new freinds.
26-01-2006, 19:21
Jack walked into the dining hall, looking around for a place to sit and some food to get. It was only at that point that he noticed exactly how out of place he was in his current attire. Around him were people dressed in formal dresses, suits, and other attire that looked more suited to a 19th-century Victorian ball. He, standing there with his sleeves rolled up, no tie, no suit jacket, and wet, dishevelled hair, was getting odd and often disguted looks.

People are fickle, he thought. They're probably just dressed up to make an impression on the first day of the cruise. I'm sure they'll loosen up.

He looked around for a place to sit. Most table were full or had few spaces left, and multiple times when he tried to sit down at an empty chair at a table, even if there was only one person at the table, he was met with a rather rude response. "Sorry, this seat's ... uh ... saved for my wife ..." "I need this seat to rest my feet on," (Obviously a lie, as the man seemed more than happy to rest his feet on the floor), "This seat's taken." By who?

He had worked his wya halfway across the room, trying several tables, when finally he came across a table with three talking women at it. He arrived just in time to hear someone say something about Cabin 12C, and decided to try a more polite approach this time. Putting on a smile, he approached the three women and asked politely while gesturing to one of the empty chairs, "I'm sorry, but is this seat taken?"
26-01-2006, 20:39
"Oh not at all, by all means sit."
26-01-2006, 20:44
"Thank you," he said with a grateful nod to the young woman, pulling the seat out and sitting down in it. Only a moment passed before the awkward wilence became too much for him and he leaned over more towards the three women. "I'm Jack Thorpe," he said by way of introduction.
26-01-2006, 21:34
"Thank you," he said with a grateful nod to the young woman, pulling the seat out and sitting down in it. Only a moment passed before the awkward wilence became too much for him and he leaned over more towards the three women. "I'm Jack Thorpe," he said by way of introduction.

"Hello," Sakari said as she smiled and stuck out her hand, "My name is Sakari Mcklane. It is nice to meet you Mr. Thorpe."
She looked at the man that was sitting in front of her, liking how he seemed to not have the want nor need to impress anyone. This made her smile at him before she remembered where she was and she cleared her throat.
"So," Sakari began as she ran a hand through out her dark hair, "Where are you from? I'm from the nation of Tarayshia."
26-01-2006, 22:41
"Well, i've been living in Kayo but I originally come from Kurona. Native born Kuronan. I do speak fluent Kurma. How about you ladies, and sir, where are you from?"
27-01-2006, 02:49
OOC: Nation of Fortune and Noir, this is amanda, or AmandaTheGreat. I thought you would recognize my writing technique, but oh well. Nice to see you are still around during my long hiatus away.

IC: Her smile brightened, "My name is Isabella Cortes, I am from Faraka a city in Theodrea."


Her digestive organs swished around in her abdomen. She clutched it and she could feel her face pale dramatically and her palms became clammy.

Great. How was I to know I was to get motion sickness.

She stood up suddendly, a frown hovering over her white face, "I do apologize, I am not feeling well."

She nodded to each person and left the table, not even to eat anything. She hurried to her room, but the three other doors would not open. And she wasn't feeling any better. She ran down the corridor, trying to find her way out on the decks.

Ah, the smell of the sea. She opened the door and was greeted by the wind. She ran over to the edge and let out the contents that were in her stomach, not much and now less.

She wiped her mouth and slide down the side, resting her head against the wooden railing.

The voyage hasn't even begun and I am sick. What am I going to do?

She closed her eyes and let the wind softly caress her face.

It can only get better.
27-01-2006, 03:40
IC: Her smile brightened, "My name is Isabella Cortes, I am from Faraka a city in Theodrea."


Her digestive organs swished around in her abdomen. She clutched it and she could feel her face pale dramatically and her palms became clammy.

Great. How was I to know I was to get motion sickness.

She stood up suddendly, a frown hovering over her white face, "I do apologize, I am not feeling well."

She nodded to each person and left the table, not even to eat anything. She hurried to her room, but the three other doors would not open. And she wasn't feeling any better. She ran down the corridor, trying to find her way out on the decks.

Ah, the smell of the sea. She opened the door and was greeted by the wind. She ran over to the edge and let out the contents that were in her stomach, not much and now less.

She wiped her mouth and slide down the side, resting her head against the wooden railing.

The voyage hasn't even begun and I am sick. What am I going to do?

She closed her eyes and let the wind softly caress her face.

It can only get better. [/QUOTE]

Sakari Mcklane watched in concern as Isabella had quickly stood up and ran out of the room. Turning her head she gazed after the woman as she ran.
"If you'll excuse me," Sakari said, "I'll go see if she is alright. I hope to see all of you soon."
The young woman finished as she nodded at everyone and left to go find Isabella. Walking to her cabbin would be stupid considering she did not know where Isabella was staying; figuring that Sakari could look for her out on the deck, the woman headed that way.
When she arrived, she right away saw Isabella leaning against the side of the deck. Sakari walked up behind her and placed a gentle hand upon her shoulder before saying in a soft voice, "Miss Isabella, are you alright? Do you need help?"
The Resurgent Dream
27-01-2006, 04:17
In actuality, on the Atlantic Princess, it was quite unthinkable for a steward to tell a passenger to watch where she was going, let alone to refer to her as 'lass.' Instead, the man quickly regained his balance and bowed at his waist. "I beg your pardon, m'lady. How terribly clumsy of me!" He gave absolutely no outward sign that the accident had actually been Madison’s fault, even though they both knew it. In another moment, he was again on his way.

~ ~ ~

Jack Thorpe did indeed have a single room, although it shared a relatively spacious sitting room with three other single rooms. It was about the equivalent on what first class would be like on an ordinary passenger ship, which made it one of the cheapest rooms available on the Atlantic Princess.

~ ~ ~

Ozoro Wagaw, who some guests might recognize as one of the most popular talk show hosts in the Resurgent Dream, smiled up slightly as she saw Lord Marshall wandering through the maze of tables. While she was fabulously wealthy and held in high esteem by a lot of people back home, she was considered a ‘trashy’ figure in society circles. This was the closest she’d ever been socially to real nobility.

~ ~ ~

It was not long before Dr. Provost saw a man who, if he had done his research, he might find interesting as a collector. Sir Alun Abernethy, one of the few remaining leaders of the essentially defunct Traditionalist Party, was on board, still dressed in clothes that might as easily be a costume for a fantasy of medieval movie as the garb of a real man in 2006. Sir Alun was a principled man by any definition. He had been principles enough to stick by the old morality of feudal knighthood throughout the entirety of High Queen Agwene’s reforming reign and even through the complete break-up of any serious feudalist sentiment even among aristocrats. Most men of his party had been ambitious men, moving freely to the Nationalist and Patriot Parties when the Traditionalists had ceased to be viable. But Sir Alun…Sir Alun believed with all his heart and soul in things one could hardly imagine a man of his intellect and principle believing in the modern era.
Nation of Fortune
27-01-2006, 04:21
((OOC: I thought your writing style looked familiar, but I couldn't quite place it. Nice to see your back. I must say, the RP I did with you was one of my favorites, regardless of how short lived it was. I also believe I have improved a lot since then.))

The figure scratched the head of the leopard, then took her cloak off. In a disorganized manner she threw the heavy cloak down on her rack. Her face and arms were covered in deep scars, and one of her lovely silver eyes was missing. She made her way to the top deck, leaving the panther behind.

She leaned on the railing for the edge of the ship, and took in the sea smell. She listened as a hatch went flying open and a girl lost her lunch over the ship. Kiley said nothing. She let the wind play around with her hair as she stood, looking off into the distance, where her home nation would be.

A second girl, Kiley didn't even need to look, just by the sounds of her footsteps hurrying down the hall Kiley could tell that it was definatly not a man. This girl posed no threat....... Kiley shook her head, she wasn't in a battle field, her life wasn't on the line, at least not at the moment. The last place they would for her would be on a cruise liner like this.

She stepped over, and answered the second girls question.

"She'll be fine, I'm guessing she's never been at sea before," she said as she closed her eye and tilted her head back. Addressing Isabella, "You'll feel better if you walk it off instead of sit there like that," she held her hand out for Isabella to grab.
27-01-2006, 04:39
"I'm from the city of Susa, in Haraki," Jack replied as the others introduced themselves and their home countries. Then, rather abruptly, Isabella took off. Jack raised his eyebrows and muttered a concerned "I hope she's all right," at which point Sakari left as well, leaving Jack and Madison alone.

"Well ..." he said. This is awkward, he thought. "I'm going to get some food," he said, standing up suddenly and nearly knocking his cahir over, catching it at the last second. "I'll be right back."
Magic Sorcery
27-01-2006, 05:22
Callie saftley tucked away her staff. She wouldn't be needing it untill she got home, and went back to school. She wondered up on deck, and took a deep breath. "Mmmhmm. That ocean air." She was hoping to socialize with some people, maybe crew member, if not plenty of passangers
27-01-2006, 06:26
Sakari turned to the other woman, "Hello," Sakari said, "You have been at sea before? I never have, but I suspected that she may have sea sickness."
She patted Isabella's shoulder as she said, "Do you need anything, can we help somehow?"
27-01-2006, 07:50
(OOC: Hey AtG! We've all missed you here. How's everything? It's a shame that RP we were in died. It was doing pretty well, then you left. Do you think it's possible to revive it some time in the future? And how's Riverside?)

Restaurant - Atlantic Princess

Marshall scratched the back of his head. It had been two whole minutes and he was getting annoyed. He had not been able to locate a vacant seat. I should have had the waiter help me get to a seat, he thought to himself. The girl he had seen earlier had already found her seat in a table with other women. A disheveled looking man had just entered the restaurant and had taken the remaining seat next to the women. Now that’s casual. Looks like I didn’t really need to change. My flip-flops are still in my luggage. Lord Marshall took one last survey of the area. To his immediate dismay, all the seats appeared to be taken, and he did not want to exert the extra effort to go to the other end of the restaurant.

I might as well find my cabin. Maybe get some room service before heading back out later.

As he turned to exit the restaurant, one of the women that had been dining earlier had just rushed out clutching her stomach with one had and her mouth with another. Seasickness? We haven’t even left port yet.

He took the flexipad out of his jacket pocket. Lord Marshall’s Ericsson T4255 Flexipad was the newest model that was sent to his department before he left Noir. Being the Science and Technology Minister had its perks. He gripped the rubber grip in his hand of the small six-by-nine inch plastic and quarter of a millimeter thin device.

“Still connecting…” he sighed loudly. “I keep forgetting that coverage isn’t as good as it is back in Adean. Screw those local nets. Oh, wireless is off.”

Marshall followed the map of the ship he had downloaded back on the plane. His room was three decks up and at the other end of the ship from his current location. It had been at least two minutes since he had left the restaurant. For the record, he had noticed that the rest of the women seated at the table had already followed the seasick woman back to the First Class cabin areas.

Who here isn’t in First Class?

He walked a few steps then came to a stop. I remember there being a small café near the entrance of the ship from where I entered. Might as well go there and get a cup of coffee before heading towards my room.

The café was small and tucked away besides a small gift shop in the main entrance lobby of the vast ship and was in a position as to be directly overlooking the terminal bridge. As Marshall sipped the coffee that a waitress had placed before him, he observed the various passengers making their way into the Atlantic Princess. All this pomp and circumstance is getting monotonous. And a guy decked out in a medieval-era like costume and a really statesman like man with an old fashioned cane. That'll make an interesting clash. I'll wait for them to make it up here, and maybe intercept them for a little chat.


Port Deck – Atlantic Princess

“Ayaka, come back! Wait for me! Wait for me!” yelled a small boy. He was running along the polished wood deck dragging the end of telescoped handle of a suitcase behind him. “Onee-sama! Wait!”

“Takumi, you better keep up! I’m gonna make it to the cabin before you!” exclaimed Ayaka Machida. The young woman was dressed in a loose white silk sundress that flaunted a rather bold décolletage. A white headband held back her bangs as her lustrous black fluttered and flowed behind her as she ran. Her youth like demeanor turned several heads as she opened a bulkhead door and entered inside the vessel and found herself in the middle of a crowded lobby. She had to be careful not to crash into anyone.

Regarded as Lady Ayaka Machida back in Noir, she was the daughter of a prominent member of the Noirian Parliament. Her father was busy representing the planet Miltia before the Parliament and therefore unable to spend some time off with his family. Incidentally, Lord Machida was busy filling in for the role of that two-timing slacker of a Science and Technology Minister who had availed of his designated vacation privileges. That low life scum…How could he do something like that at a time like this. It is all his fault that Dad isn’t here with us. I don’t care if he and papa had known each other for a long time. He makes me so angry.

While her father was busy in Parliament, her mother busy taking care of the house in Miltia, and her brother still in grade school, Ayaka was currently attending the Academy on Stellvia. Although Foundation II, Stellvia, was not very far from Miltia, it was a hassle to keep traveling between the space station to Miltia and then back to the station. Nevertheless, Ayaka was lucky that Stellvia Academy had, reluctantly, approved of the several days off she was using for her vacation. Right now, she could forget about schoolwork and focus on having some time with her mother and brother.

But I just can't forgive that freeloader of a ‘Sci and Tech” Minister. He makes my blood boil!

She ran passed a crowded elevator lobby and into the First Class area corridors on the third floor. After passing at least two dozen doors, she stopped near at a pair of double doors with the room number C11 stamped into the wood door. Ayaka had locked the door behind her, hence preventing her little brother from getting in. Takumi rang the doorbell several times. Ayaka counted nine chimes, until it stopped. It seems that he gave up. The young girl laughed as she walked towards the balcony at the other end of the suite.

At least I don’t need to share a room this time. That’s good Mom and Takumi got the double bed across the hall. I’ve got this whole room all to myself. This is the life!

Once outside, her dress bellowed in the wind as she came to a stop at her cabin balcony. The sea air was great, as she exhaled the bad air and inhaled the fresh air. While she stared out into the blue, she noticed some commotion from the adjacent balcony. A woman a bit older than herself was leaning against the railing. She looks like she might throw up. The young woman was also accompanied by several other people. Entourage maybe?

“Excuse me, are you okay?” Ayaka asked as she moved across her balcony and closer towards the ill looking woman. “I have some medicine that might help.”
27-01-2006, 19:40
OOC: I miss those threads also and if I could find them and restart them I would. I can't though because my old nation does not exist and I can't search for those threads. Maybe we could start new ones. Noir, I moved to Ontario now, but I still work in Riverside, still cocktailing at the same club.

IC: Isabella opened her eyes to the commotion around. Her cheeks flushed with red now.

How embarrassing, I have attracted unwanting attention. Great.

She smiled nervously and grabbed the extended hand and stood up. She straightened her gown.

She spoke softly, "I am fine, sorry to alarm anyone. It seems like ages since I have been on a ship and well that and my nerves got to me, " she looked to the woman over the medicine, "I should be fine. Thank you all though."

She paused.

"I think that I shall have something small to eat and go lay down before we take off. My cabin is number three, if you want to get ahold of me."

She said her goodbyes and walked to the nearby small cafe. She took a seat near the window that outlooked the deck. She always liked to people-watch, but now she only was lost in daydreams. She barely acknowledged the waitress and her order. She slowly sipped at the warm liquid, the caramel coffee taste filled her mouth and her nose. The smell was comforting and soon her bagel with creamcheese was finished and her stomach quieted.

Maybe I should take some time alone to check out the ship and maybe not socialize yet. Right now I just don't want to put up a front. Yet, so far everyone thinks I am of nobility, wouldn't it be great if I were.

She had an aching in her heart and she could feel tears well up in the corners of her eyes.

I cannot live like this long. I do hope this voyage is not so long. I hate to live a lie. But if it is to please mamma. Although, does it make it right to do that, I do not know. I just wish I could talk to someone about this. They would not understand though, this is mine to hold away. Hmm...I wonder if there is a garden in the ship?

The waitress stopped by to check on her.

"Excuse me, I know this is a stupid question, but is there a garden on this ship?"

"There is a garden it is located, " she pointed to the green area on the map, actually three building away from the cafe, "here. It is open all day long."

"Thank you."

Isabella left several coins on the table and made her way to the garden. She could get lost in there for hours and not have a care in the world.
Nation of Fortune
27-01-2006, 20:38
((OOC: You mean this thread? ( I had it floating around somewhere. Content post later, I'm not feeling really inspired at the moment.))
27-01-2006, 21:31
Sakari nodded at Isabella after she had helped her stand up, then watched as she walked towards another place to eat.
"I think she wishes to be alone right now," the young woman said as she gazed around her and her dark eyes fell on the woman that had spoken about the medicine, "Are you a doctor?"
28-01-2006, 02:27
(OOC: I've decided I'm going to take a diffrent route with my involvment, I should have known better than to try to RP a crew member to someone elses ship. heh heh, any how so forget the character I started as)


Mr. Hanks reeled a large creat through the streets. On it read:EXTREMELY FRAGILE, HANDLE WITH EXTRA CARE. Cargo CBX#45795 He was heading to the Atlantic Princess in hoppings they would take it. He would have tried a Merchent Ship, but they thorougly inspect everything. Cruise ships generally don't. But he couldn't be sure about this countrie's cruise lines. If they did decide to search it as througuhly as he feard, this could all be over.

"Ahem, excuse me, I would like to have this shipped on this well uh Ship. Ha ha ha. Get it? Anyway, it is rather heavy, so I would be more than happy to reel it into the cargo hold for you, absolutley free."

He waited patientally and anxiously for a response. Hoping it would be a falt yes, and nothing more would be thought of it.

"Um in fact I have shipping details on this sheet." Although that was the fall back plan if they chose to search, he felt it was needed


ITEM: Rosetta Stone




Followed by a signature, he was hopping it would get it on. It's not like it was a bomb or it was ticking. Nor filled with pirates or terrorists.
Magic Sorcery
28-01-2006, 02:49
Sakari turned to the other woman, "Hello," Sakari said, "You have been at sea before? I never have, but I suspected that she may have sea sickness."
She patted Isabella's shoulder as she said, "Do you need anything, can we help somehow?"

"Why yes I have." Callie Said "Looks like your freind has a mild case of sea sickness. Tell you what, (**She reached through her deep pockets**) Ah, I've got this tea, it's really tasty and it will clear the seasickness right up. Trust me, why once my first time at sea, big ol' storm struck. I was sick to my stommac, dranks some of this, I was back on my feet in no time. "
28-01-2006, 05:14
"Why yes I have." Callie Said "Looks like your freind has a mild case of sea sickness. Tell you what, (**She reached through her deep pockets**) Ah, I've got this tea, it's really tasty and it will clear the seasickness right up. Trust me, why once my first time at sea, big ol' storm struck. I was sick to my stommac, dranks some of this, I was back on my feet in no time. "

Sakari looked at the tea that Callie held in her hand, "So you just drink that and it clears it right up?"
Sakari asked more in amazement, "I can give that to her whenever I see her again," Sakari said, refering to Isabella.
"I don't have any dables on me right now," she began refering to her nation's money, "However, I am located in cabbin 3 A if you'd care to stop bye so as I can give you the money for it."
Sakari said; she was unsure if Callie wanted money for her tea or not, but wanted to offer instead of asuming that it was free.
Magic Sorcery
28-01-2006, 05:31
"Oh no you don't have to pay me. They grow all over the place back home and where I'm going to school. Take it for free by all means."
28-01-2006, 05:56
Ran Notael, who was Vice President of Marketing at Aerionian Motor Works <AMW>, was on vacation. He was on vacation for a quiet scandalous reason though, one that he hoped and assumed the others onboard the ship would not know about. Ran Notael had taken off of work in order to spend some quality time with his “mistress”, a beautiful young Aerionian singer named Panora Rapel. She was the image of beauty, and a very famous jazz singer in the Grand Kingdom.

They had both decided to get out of Aerion, to try to spend some time together without the media following or attempting to find out what they were up to. So they ended up onboard this cruise ship in this most unusual kingdom. They had both so far seen things that would appear quiet out of place, and almost otherworldly in the modernist Aerionian society.

Ran Notael was 5’4, and middle aged in appearance. He had the mid-range dark tan-like complexion that most Eastern Aerionians had, and marked green eyes. His hair was cut in the common short masculine business style that many Aerionian executives wore their hair in. He had a slightly round face, but was attractive in an unusual suave way. He wore a light white summer blazer, with an light blue button down shirt that was unbuttoned , white pants with an brown belt, and fancy brown shoes. Large sunglasses covered his green eyes.

Panora Rapel had a slightly darker complexion than Ran Notael, and her hair was tied up in an elegant fashion but covered with a hat. She wore a short black skirt with white flower embroidery, a white silken top that draped over her figure elegantly, and large sunglasses as well. She also wore a large white hat with a silver band that looked fit for the beach.

They both boarded the Atlantic Princess accompanied by Ran’s personal assistant, who traveled everywhere with him. Also along came with them 15 pieces of luggage, Panora’s being one fashionably monogrammed with the interwoven logos of an prominent Aerionian fashion house (Somewhat like Loui Vuitton Luggage), but Ran’s 5 pieces of luggage were black leather with chrome fastenings and simply monogrammed with his own initials in white. Ran would most likely have purchased whatever First Class suite was closest to the best on the ship that he could book.

They walked onto the deck, hand in hand together, Panora gazing at whomever passed but giving off an aloof vibe with Ran’s attention seeming engrossed in Panora.
28-01-2006, 06:05
"Oh no you don't have to pay me. They grow all over the place back home and where I'm going to school. Take it for free by all means."

"Thank you," Sakari replied as she smiled and tucked the tea away in the pocket of her gown, "That's very nice of you."
Magic Sorcery
28-01-2006, 06:08
"Oh no problem. The Golden Rule Do Unto Others As They Would Have Done Unto You You would have done something like that for me, so I should do something nice for you. I'm more than happy to help anyone in need. My teacher in school says Help Thoes Who Need Help, Or Be Condemed-Hum *Laughs*
The Resurgent Dream
28-01-2006, 07:52
Jack found that the dining room was quite luxurious. A vast crystal chandelier, of the sort one might expect to see in an imperial ballroom, hung from the ceiling, sending dazzling shards of light throughout the room. The tables, about half full at any given time, were round with an elegant white table cloth draped upon them. The servers kept all the places constantly set and all the patrons constantly served. After Jack had been shown to a seat at a table also occupied by an older woman and what seemed to be her three daughters, he was handed a menu. The menu made clear that patrons were expected to order full five course meals, although it did contain a number of less patrician items, including even a beef burger, albeit one finely made.

~ ~ ~

The crew members, although infallible polite, would never have dreamed of socializing with Callie. Such a thing would have been far above their station and a sure way to lose a job. However, a lean young man in the uniform of a Danaan Navy Lieutenant soon found himself standing near her at the rail. “The view will be even better once we’re out to see, m’lady.”

~ ~ ~

Ozoro frowned slightly as Lord Marshall left the dining room without taking a seat. Some of the guests aboard now really amazed her. It was as if they didn’t quite understand where they were or what the social situation was. Instead, people were wondering around the dining room like it was a sea food buffet, using terminology one would expect among a cruise ship for upper middle class elderly couples that might be advertised on television…it must be a foreign thing. Some of them were even referring to themselves as first class passengers, as though a ship of this kind needed or used such a division. By definition, anyone who could afford to be on this ship at all was first class.

~ ~ ~

The server smiled gently at Isabella as she asked about a garden. “Actually, my lady, there is. Because of the unpredictable conditions on a ship like this, we have to keep it in a greenhouse instead of outdoors. If you just go aft, you can’t miss it. I can show you if you’d prefer.”

The greenhouse was right where the woman had said it would be and very well kept. It was full of bright flowers and green plants from a wide variety of countries. The only problem was that Isabella did not find herself quite alone. A rather handsome young man with light brown hair, dressed in a dashing Danaan uniform, was sitting alone on one of the finely wrought benches.

~ ~ ~

The man at the ramp looked at the man asking him to ship a package in faint surprise. “If it’s part of your luggage and you have a ticket, you can bring it aboard. However, this is a cruise ship. Our route is mostly through various tropical islands. We’re not really going from nation to nation.”
28-01-2006, 13:10
Café – Atlantic Princess

“A doctor? I am currently in the process to earn my doctorate,” nodded Ayaka. “Oh, I’ve forgotten to introduce myself. I am Ayaka Machida, from Noir. And you are?”

Ayaka had moved away from the barstool she was sitting on and approached the young women who had accompanied Isabella. “Do you girls want a drink or something?”

(OOC: to be continued)
28-01-2006, 17:49
[QUOTE=-Noir-]Café – Atlantic Princess

“A doctor? I am currently in the process to earn my doctorate,” nodded Ayaka. “Oh, I’ve forgotten to introduce myself. I am Ayaka Machida, from Noir. And you are?”

Ayaka had moved away from the barstool she was sitting on and approached the young women who had accompanied Isabella. “Do you girls want a drink or something?”

Sakari looked at Ayaka, "My name is Sakari Mcklane, it's nice to meet you."
Sakari said as she stuck out her hand and turn towards the young woman that had given her the tea, "Thank you so much," she smiled, "If you need anything or if there is anything I can do you let me know."
She smiled, finding it more easy to make friends on this ship then it was back home in Tarayshia.
Gehenna Tartarus
28-01-2006, 19:22
The Atlantic Princess was like a home away from home for the Duke of Crellin and his family. Moving in all the best circles back in the Empire of Tartarus, they were accustomed to the best that money could buy and the most aristocratic of company. They were friends of the Imperial Family, and were invited to all the auspicious events held throughout the Capital and other noteworthy addresses around the Empire.

His Grace, Rutland Trevellyn, Duke of Crellin sat in one of the comfortable chairs in the suite that he shared with his wife, children and his oldest son’s girlfriend. He looked briefly at one of the booklets that described what was available on board. The leather bound book rested on his lap as he carefully turned the pages, making a note of many of the things that he would take a closer look at once they were out to sea.

Henrietta Trevellyn was overseeing the unpacking of their belongings by two members of their staff that they had brought with them. The family could not survive without them, and the two young women worked silently, taking orders from the Duchess without batting an eyelid.

The eldest son, Lord Maxwell Trevellyn, Marquis of Lambton, stood over by one of the windows, looking out at the view offered. He looked briefly at his watch, before turning to look at one of the doors that connected to the main room. He took a few steps away from the window and called. “Come on, Gabrielle, what is taking you so long?”

Lady Gabrielle Clifton poked her head out of the door, smiling charmingly. “I’m coming. I just want to find my glasses.” She disappeared back into the room. “Do you see them, Alex?” Her voice could be heard as she spoke to the other girl in the room.

Her companion, Lady Alexandrina Trevellyn looked up from the book she was reading, her legs crossed beneath her as she sat on the bed. “They are on your head.” She mumbled, before once more returning to her book.

“Oh, so they are.” Gabrielle giggled as she pulled them off. “How silly of me.” She walked out of the room, leaving the younger girl alone.

Alex looked up, watching her brother’s girlfriend depart. “Yes, how silly.” She mumbled before once more focusing on her book. She managed to read half a page before a noise at the door once more attracted her attention.

“Come on, Alex. Let’s go watch from deck as we set sail.” Her younger brother, Lord Laurence said, sounding more excited than his sister felt.

“Have fun.” The seventeen year old daughter of the Duke smiled at her twelve year old brother and returned her focus to the book she was reading.

Practically running over to the bed, Laurence grabbed the book, and pulled it out of her hand.

“Laurie!!” Alex jumped off the bed, and chased her brother to the door, slowing down so as not to disturb her parents.

Lady Henrietta looked up and smiled at her only daughter. “Ah, Alexandrina, are you taking Laurence to the deck. He said you had promised.” Her voice indicated her surprise at this fact.

Smiling sweetly at her mother, she nodded her head. “Yes, I promised.” She looked at her brother cutting him daggers with her eyes. “Come on, Laurie.” Moving to the door, she pushed it open, letting her brother through first, giving him a kick as he went passed.

“Be careful. I don’t want anyone falling overboard.” Lady Henrietta called after her two youngest children, as they departed, leaving just the Duke and Duchess on their own.

“Overboard,” Alex mumbled to herself as she walked down the corridor. “Now that’s a thought.”

“Come on, Alex!” Laurie shouted back to his sister, already some way in front of her.
The Ctan
28-01-2006, 22:27
“I say, Sir Abernethy,” Edwin said, having decided that as the only person he recognized in the vicinity, Alun would be as interesting as anyone to talk to on this little cruise. He moved over to the politician with long strides, bowing just a little, as his perceived social station would suggest appropriate, in this environment and with this audience at least, “You probably don’t know me, sir, but I am Doctor Edwin Provost,” he left off his origin, deciding to see if it was evident from the nationalistic lapel pin, “and I must say I have long been an observer,” he couldn’t quite bring himself to say admirer, “of your political career.”

One couldn’t say, of course, that Dr. Provost was anti-feudalist in all things. He was a man of flexible opinions; he was for example, well aware that a variant of that system seemed to thrive happily in Aelosia, with the consent and agreement of most everyone involved, despite that nation being highly technologically sophisticated with freely available education. However, what he knew of the Resurgent Dream appeared to suggest a national character far different. If the doctor had to make an assessment of the Traditionalist leader, he’d say he was ‘trying to sell sand to Bedouin.’
29-01-2006, 01:37
Jack made his way to where he thought the food was, and asked a waiter carrying a plate of it where he could find some. Despite the waiter's apparent badly-hidden disdain for his attire, he very politely informed him that the food would be served to him from the menus on his table. Jack thanked the man and walked back, feeling more and more like a fool with every passing second. He hadn't even noticed the menus. Oh well. Life went on. Best to just roll with the punches and carry on. After all, no-one could change the past.

He sat back down at the table, picking up one of the menus sitting there and starting to look through it, grumbling inwardly.
The Resurgent Dream
29-01-2006, 01:57
Alex and Laurie found the deck rather crowded this early in the voyage. Quite a few people were still getting settled in or taking in their surroundings for the first time. In their immediate area, they noticed a plump woman dressed in almost too much finery with no less than five younger women, apparently her daughters. The oldest looked around twenty and the youngest couldn’t have been much younger than fourteen.

~ ~ ~

“It is nice to meet you, Dr. Provost.” Sir Alun responded simply. “What do you think of our fellow passengers so far?”

~ ~ ~

Ozoro smiled over at Jack. "Good afternoon, young man. Is this your first time aboard a cruise ship?"
29-01-2006, 04:51
The man at the ramp looked at the man asking him to ship a package in faint surprise. “If it’s part of your luggage and you have a ticket, you can bring it aboard. However, this is a cruise ship. Our route is mostly through various tropical islands. We’re not really going from nation to nation.”

"Hmm I see. Well tell you what, if you could at least drop it off at Azure Island, which I know will be on your rout, I can take care of it from there. I know merchent ships would be better, but this is a highly prescious item, couldn't you make an exception?"
Gehenna Tartarus
29-01-2006, 12:41
Laurie arrived on the deck in front of Alex, who was some way behind. He looked about him all excitedly, taking in the other passengers before standing by the rail and looking out to the sea. He turned as his sister reached him and grinned. “Isn’t it wonderful?”

“Yeah, it’s great,” Alex answered, sounding less that thrilled at the view. She did not approach the rail; instead she looked around at the other passengers.

Walking over to her, Laurie stared at the group of six people before him, grinning. “Look at them. Mama is concerned that she won’t be able to get rid of you to some good husband, think what trouble that woman is going to have.”

“Laurie, ssshh!” Alex frowned at her brother, not wanting to cause a disturbance, especially not by upsetting strangers. “They look like a perfectly lovely family.” Her voice was low. “Let’s go walk to the other side of the… Laurie!”

The youngest Trevellyn had moved away from his sister and was heading directly towards the group. He paused just before them. “Good afternoon.” He inclined his head in bow. “I am Lord Laurence Trevellyn, second son to the Duke of Crellin from the Empire of Tartarus.”

Alex stopped a couple of steps away, her hand on her forehead, a slight blush on her cheek. Letting out a breath, she took a few more steps to meet her brother, her eyes focused on the group. “Please excuse us, my brother is far too keen to meet people. I do apologise for interrupting.” She placed her hand on her brother’s shoulder, ready to drag him off.

“I’m only being polite and introducing myself, Lexie.”

“It is not your place to do so, and stop calling me that.” Alex berated her brother, her voice low so that only he could hear. All she wanted to do was disappear before she caused too much of a scene.
30-01-2006, 04:44
Mr. Hanks was feeling doubt full. He need to get this precious cargo out. "All right, I'll buy a ticket for 3rd Class. It will likely drain me of my savings but it will be worth it."
30-01-2006, 05:02
Café – Atlantic Princess
Towards Tarayshia

Ayaka took Sakari’s hand. “Let’s be friends, that’s a start.” She smiled one of her biggest grins. This is going to be a fun trip, thought Ayaka. “So, where are you from? Are you here just for vacation?”

Ayaka picked up her drink. “It’s getting crowded here. Why don’t we take a walk outside in the fresh air and continue our talk there.”


Port Side Deck – Atlantic Princess

Marshall looked at his Flexipad for the tenth time since he had left the café. “Ayaka is carrying her Flexipad with her. I just need to stay as far away as possible from her, or else she’ll bite my head off.” Lord Marshall knew in his head that Lady Ayaka Michida was angry that her father had taken Marshall’s place in Parliament for several days.

It’s not my fault my vacation also arrived during this time.

He had by chance left the café right before Ayaka could see him sitting there. Marshall walked briskly along the wooden deck. More and more of the rich and famous were pouring into the ship, though he knew no one since this was mostly an international affair. He and the Machidas are probably the only citizens from Noir on board the gigantic ship.

“Lord Marshall?” said a young boy’s voice.

“Huh? Now who could know me?” Marshall turned around and faced Takumi Machida. His heart jumped a beat.

“Hey! Lord Marshall, I didn’t know you were here. Onee-san is going to throw a fit because you’re here.”

“I know!” Marshall ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. “Takumi, please don’t tell your sister that I am here.”

“Why are you here in the first place?”

“Your father gave me his ticket. I wanted to pay him for it, but he insisted.” Marshall fished out his Flexipad and showed Takumi a scanned image of ticket. “I had to pay extra to change accommodations since I this ticket shows that I am in C12. And I assume you are in that room.”

“Yeah, Mom and I are in room C12. Ayaka is in C11 across the corridor.”

Lord Marshall and Takumi walked along the deck chatting on various gossips that they had heard before heading out on the cruise. Noirian politics, the weather, to what shows were on last week. They had passed a group of wealthy tourists gawking at two seagulls fighting over a bit of trash when Takumi mentioned something that made Marshall’s heart jump a beat for the second time.

“What did you say again, Takumi?” Marshall turned his head so very slowly that it was as if his neck was going to creak like a rusted door. “Who else...Who else is here?”

“Huh? I’m going to repeat it only once. Lord Hallad and his kids, Lady Sanada and her family, Sir Bruce Mayfair and his family, Lord Seki of Artai, General Kim and his family, and some relatives of the Prime Minister Yui’s family are here but the Prime Minister isn’t here for Parliamentary reasons.” Takumi let out an exaggerated breath. “And those are only the government officials; I don’t remember how many corporate or just plain rich people are here. I was surprised when I heard of it. It seems that they had a discount or something.”

“Well, the ship is so big that there’s a small chance that we might run into any of them.”

“Takumi, is that you?” said a boy who had just passed them from the opposite direction.

Takumi jumped and turned slowly. “Ah, Ken, what are you doing here?” Takumi tried to act surprised, though he knew the boy was there with his family. “Lord Marshall, this is Kentaro…”

“It’s Ken,” corrected the young boy.

“I mean, Ken Seki. He’s my friend from school and the son of Lord Seki.”

“Nice to meet you, Ken,” said Marshall as he shook the boy’s hand. “Well, Takumi, Ken, I’ve got to get going. Have fun.”

Marshall turned and walked away quickly. He let out an exasperated sigh as he escaped from being dragged around the ship by the kids. After walking about five yards in the opposite direction, and having passed a most peculiar crowd of tourists wearing ornate pajama like clothing, he spotted a group of women, a young boy, and a girl who was most likely his sister. This scene was not new since he had passed similar groups chatting up and down the deck. What made Marshall slow down to observe this group more closely was that another teenage girl had just bolted out from a door across from the group and was now running towards the railing at breakneck speed. The running girl, who had her hand clamped against her mouth, had almost run into a waiter carrying drinks, and then almost a second later she had collided with the other girl with her brother.


Portside Corridor – Atlantic Princess
Towards Gehenna Tartarus

“This is not my day.”

Chie Hallad had spent scouring one of the Atlantic Princess’s many convenience stores for a pack of seasickness medicine. The store clerk had said that he had sold the last pack of medicine five minutes ago. Downtrodden and feeling completely ill, she left the store and headed for the next one.

The Hallad family boarded the large vessel two hours ago. From the moment Chie stepped onto this ship, she knew she should have followed her friend’s advice and packed the seasickness medicine before leaving for the cruise, instead of having to rely on the medicine she could buy on the ship. Besides the fact that she did not pack the medicine, Chie had been on many other cruises that departed from Adean. This was her first cruise she had been on that departed outside of Noir. Apparently, her father had gotten a very good deal on family tickets for this particular cruise. She had also read online that this cruise was very elite and catered especially to the upper class. However, right now all Chie wanted was to find the store that has the seasickness medicine.

The following five minutes after exiting the store felt like being in the depths of hell. Chie’s hand was now clapped firmly around her mouth and her head was spinning. For some strange reason, the moment they arrived at their suite, she had started to feel sick, and the ship was still docked in the harbor. Chie suddenly stopped as a shiver ran all he way up her body. Her eyes began watering as her stomach started its eruption sequence. Her mind had stopped for a split second as it processed the fact that her stomach was just about to throw up the cheeseburger she had several hours earlier. Almost without thinking, Chie ran towards the nearest door opening to the outside and made a run for the railing, quickly dodging a waiter, but then running head first into a girl standing in front of the railing. She quickly grasped the railing with her free hand, picked herself up and leaned over the railing to throw up.

Wiping her mouth with a handkerchief, she turned around and faced the girl she had run into. She felt as if all the energy had been sucked out of her. Still shaking from the horrific experience Chie strained herself to apologize to the girl.

“I…I…I am so, so very so…Sorry.” Chie bowed from the waist, as was her habit when either being reprimanded or apologizing.

(OOC: Just to be clear, she ran into Alex)
30-01-2006, 09:41
[QUOTE=-Noir-]Café – Atlantic Princess
Towards Tarayshia

Ayaka took Sakari’s hand. “Let’s be friends, that’s a start.” She smiled one of her biggest grins. This is going to be a fun trip, thought Ayaka. “So, where are you from? Are you here just for vacation?”

Ayaka picked up her drink. “It’s getting crowded here. Why don’t we take a walk outside in the fresh air and continue our talk there.”

"I could use a walk," Sakari replied as she followed Ayaka out onto the deck.
"I guess you could say that I'm on vacation," Sakari answered Ayaka's question as she walked, running a hand throughout her raven like hair.
"I'm from the nation of Tarayshia," Sakari changed the subject, "It's not a bad place. It's pretty safe, and the crime rate is very well under control."
The young woman finished as her gaze swept over the deck; as she allowed her mind to replay the reason she was running away from her country.
It had nothing to do with Tarayshia;
The Resurgent Dream
30-01-2006, 13:49
“Oh my!” exclaimed the mother of five who Laurie was addressing. “What a charming young man! You simply must introduce me to your older brother, if he be on board. I’m Mrs. Reuban Bail and these are the Miss Bails: Jacoba (my oldest), Evana, Labahna, Kavon, and Melevine. It is quite a pleasure to make your acquaintance, my young lord!”

Jacoba and Evana, young ladies as serene in manner as lovely in visage, looked away with faint blushes at their mother’s rather unseemly manner. Labahna and Kavon, on the other hand, grinned in a pretty but undignified manner. Melevine, the youngest and by far the plainest of the sisters, looked, for her part, immensely disinterested in the whole affair.

~ ~ ~

“Third class?” the man asked with an arched brow. “We do have one suite still available in the lowest grade of accommodations available on this ship. That will be 50,000S please.”
30-01-2006, 15:23
"Oh no I could never afford a suite, I'll just take a basic cabin. "

he paid in full, virtually his armes and legs. "I will uh, need to check in on my cargo every so often, so if you wouldn't mind telling me where you are keeping it, it would be much appreciated." He then said very louldly "I will likely check in on it about 2 hours after we depart!"

Now things we're going according to plan. He just hoped no one would be the wiser
30-01-2006, 17:35
On the Deck

Ran Notael and Panora Rapel accompanied each other as they walked down the deck, a man and his mistress (though they hoped no one would realize this). Panora Rapel, being a popular Aerionian jazz singer, may be recognized by those who are very musically inclined perhaps especially in jazz. Ran Notael, on the other hand, was Vice President of Marketing at Aerionian Motor Works (AMW) and would be less so recognizable unless someone kept up with Aerionian business.

Ran's personal assistant would be arranging the sorting of their luggage, and their suite to their personal specifications.

Ran pulling his digital phone out of his white summer suit jacket, a combination of PDA, personal media device (including live TV), and cellphone in one.He glanced at the small flat silver device, and slid it open to reveal a small keyboard and flat LCD screen then punched something in as he checked his communications quickly, and then closed it up. He placed it back in his pocket.

Panora frowned slightly at Ran, speaking in her elegant yet slightly snooty sounding fashion, "Must you be looking at that thing all the time, you know how it bothers me. We came all the way here to spend intimate time together."

Ran sighed, "I am VP of Marketing for a multi-billion dollar corporation, my dear, there is always business to do though this is my vacation time so formally no one should bother me. I will insure that our time spent together will be worthwhile." He looked at her with an adoring gaze, her beautiful face, and eyes. He was at her mercy, fallen under her spell, and she probably knew it.

Panora sighed, and pulled out the information pamphlet/brochure they were given with a map of the ship and information. They looked, "Lets make our way to the cafe in a bit, I would wish something to drink. Perhaps I can look into if they have any spa services later on."

They walked a leisurely pace on the deck, toward the cafe.

(Characters introduced Earlier in this Thread on end of pg3 if you Missed It)
Aqua Anu
31-01-2006, 04:25
Zoey, and Steven started running about outside while their mother took a nap. Bella chased them, their we're other passangers to consider.

Both the little kids accidently bumped into Mr. Ran. In fact he fell right to the ground (Kids will be kids right?)

Bella ran up to them. Zoey, Stevie, you two know better than that.

"I've verry sorry sir, my brother and sister they can get a bit rambunctios at times. If anything is broken, we'll replace it."

She brushed off his suite, looked for anything that might have fallen out of his pockets.
The Ctan
31-01-2006, 21:50
“Well,” Provost said, “I can’t say that they’re entirely what I expected, but for the most part the passengers of the ship seem to be inoffensive types looking to enjoy themselves. There are one or two people here I think are ever so slightly out of place, perhaps I should investigate them later, should I begin wanting for entertainment. What of yourself?” he added.
The Resurgent Dream
01-02-2006, 00:05
The man taking tickets stared at Hanks incredulously. Did this man really have no concept of where he was or what was going on? It was bad enough before but he had just explained things to him. He began again patiently “We don’t have any accommodations cheaper than a 50,000S suite available. We don’t have basic cabins on this ship, not for passengers anyway. If you cannot afford a suite, I suggest you get out of the way of the paying customers.”

~ ~ ~

“There are quite a few people on board whose acquaintance I would prefer not to make.” Sir Alun said, glancing haughtily down the deck towards the children who were running about and bumping into people. “I hear that obnoxious Ozoro is on board. I shudder to think when trash television became an appropriate substitute for gentility in this country.”
The Ctan
01-02-2006, 00:11
“Oh I could not agree more, those children really are quite an astonishing sight. Considering the prices their parents must have paid to bring them here, it can’t be beyond for them to afford tutors to instil some proper manners,” Provost said, keeping an appropriate expression of disdain while smiling inwardly at the juvenile antics.

“I’m afraid, Sir, that I do not have the acquaintance of this Mr. Ozero.”
01-02-2006, 02:11
The man taking tickets stared at Hanks incredulously. Did this man really have no concept of where he was or what was going on? It was bad enough before but he had just explained things to him. He began again patiently “We don’t have any accommodations cheaper than a 50,000S suite available. We don’t have basic cabins on this ship, not for passengers anyway. If you cannot afford a suite, I suggest you get out of the way of the paying customers.”

Now Mr. Hanks lost his cool. "Listen you, my job is to see that this giant box here gets out of here, now unless you are going to just take it with out me, I suggest you give me a ticket that I can afford. So what's it going to be?"

It probably wasn't wise to lose cool, but after all Cargo X was in desperate nead of "delivery"
01-02-2006, 04:45
Jack had finished eating three of the five courses and was more than full. Disregarding the rules of etiquette, he decided to leave the room as he was no longer hungry and it seemed redundant to be there any longer. He stood up, wiping his mouth with one of the napkins, and received disapproving looks from those around him at the other tables. He brushed them off as nothing personal and pushed his chair back into the table. Walking away from the now-empty table, he made his way back through the ship and up several flights of stairs onto the main deck, walking over to a railing and looking out at the city in front of him. As the ship had not yet left port, the view was stationary, and so he started slowly walking a route of the outer deck of the ship, looking out to see what he could see on the horizon.
The Resurgent Dream
01-02-2006, 22:41
"Miss." Sir Alun corrected the C'tani. "Miss Ozoro Wagaw. It's an African name, I believe." He frowned briefly before saying defensively "Not that that's the problem. I might be a conservative but I'm not a barbarian and this isn't Marlund or Guffingford. It's her show that's the problem. I don't approve of day-time talk shows, you see? They tend to be use a vulgar expression...trashy."

~ ~ ~

"That is very interesting." the man said to Mr. Hanks. "However, my job is to make sure that no one boards this ship without a proper ticket and you cannot afford one. Whether or not you can do yours is quite a matter of indifference. Please get out of the way, now, sir. The ship is leaving." As soon as Mr. Hanks was out of the way (and port security was there to remove him if he refused) the ship got under way.

~ ~ ~

As Jack looked out over the towering skyline, the ship started on her journey. Armonvale was a vast city with great and towering skyscrapers. In the harbor stood a large statue of justice, commemorating where terrorists had detonated a natural gas tanker fifteen years ago in the largest terrorist attack in Danaan history.
02-02-2006, 01:37
Hanks watched dissapointedly as the ship left port. He walked over to the large crate. "I'm sorry I'm afraid I couldn't...." He searched through the thousands of stirofoam thingys. "I don't belive it!" He ran to watch the ship, he caught the glimps. Of what was really in the box. His face lit up with joy, and happiness and excitment, "YES! Come on, come on, go go! YES!" He let out crys of joy. CARGO X was now aboard.


CARGO X, is hardly a rosetta stone, as so cleverly forged on the sheet. In fact it was a human girl. A girl who lost her parent's and was sold in to slavery. Her name Azmaria Hendrik, age 14 long silver hair, chrimson colored eyes. She escaped, snuck into The RGD Nation, to get to Kanami, a land of freedom, proseperty, with deep compassion for refugees. She met Mr. Hanks, and he agreed to help her, by getting her onto a ship, any ship. She cramed into a large wooded crate, and waited for Mr. Hanks to negotiate her on board. She could clearly hear it was faling, so she snuck right out, and blended in with the crowed going up the ramp. (OOC: Please don't jump on me over this, I had to get her on some how. I'm sure your security is really good, but you can allow a small slip for the sake of RPing) Of course now she was a stow away, and if she was caught, she would likely be thrown into the unforgiving seas. She kept calm and cool, she would just have to find a place to sleep, and try to not bring about attention to her self. But she was hungry, she would have to quickly grab some food and get out. All she was wanting was freedom from slavery and abuse. But no one sypmatheized with her, now it was time to take matters into her own hands. She quitley weaved into the cafe, hopping she would look just like another passanger, she went to food, and filled a plate full. She hadn't eaten in day's, she was barley fed back home. All she had to do was to get to Azure Island, the firs stop, and then she could make her way to Kanami
02-02-2006, 04:01
Madison drank down her ice tea, and took her plate, to leave for cleaning. "Well it was very nice to meet you." She said to Isabella and her companions. "I don't mean to eat and run, but I'm rather tired, and would like to go back to my room to rest for a while." As she left she bumped into Azmaria. Madison accidentally dropped her plate.

"I'm so sorry." Azmaria said to her (I am doing this character with permission)

"Quite all right." Madison said. She scooped up a few scraps, and her sliver wear.

Madison left forgetting her manners of introducing her self. She turned to go ahead, but she was gone. "Odd, where did she go? All well, suppose I'll meet her again."
02-02-2006, 07:05
On the Deck

Panora gasped as Ran fell to the deck knocked over by the children, his sunglasses tumbling off and beneath him as they broke beneath him. He let out a loud "ow" as he hit the deck. His digital device had also fell out of his pocket, and slid across the deck.

Panora, rather than herself helping Ran get up, called over to the nearest stewards "Help him get up, come on, help him!". She frowned at the children, "You should watch where you are going." She looked at the older, "Your parents obviously have not taught you how to act in a place such as this, where are your parents?"

Ran was more worried about his digital device as he ran over to pick it up, and looked at it closely. He knew his personal assistant had one as well, but he needed his own, and a replacement might take awhile to get while out at sea.
02-02-2006, 16:58
Robbio McKnight saw the ruckus. A wealthy Kanamian Publisher, who loved children.

"Gentlamen, what seems to be the trouble here?"

Menawhile Azmaria was creeping around bellow deck to find an empty room to stay in. Most we're occupied, she was posing as a Stewardess as an exuse to knock on people's doors.

"Yes?" Asked a passanger.

She spoke in a unsual accent, not extreemly thick though. "Uh, please excuse me ma'am. Just making sure you are all setteled."

"Thank you. Everything is fine."

She knocked on an unmarked door. No one answerd, she knocked again, louder. No answer. She took it as unoccupied, hopefully. She tried it but it was locked. She slowly and skillfully picked the lock, whenever a suspicious passanger would walk by she would innocently say "I'm a stewardess, I lost my key." She finally picke it, and got in. It was small, obviously not for passanger use. "This must be the cabin they talked about."
Aqua Anu
03-02-2006, 01:13
"Mama is taking a nap s-sir. I've been watching over my Brother and Sister."

Steven tugged on Bella's dress.

"Are we in trouble?"

"Yes Stevie. Steven, Zoey, apollogize to the man."

Both said honestly and sincerly "Sorry."

Bella also aplogized.
Gehenna Tartarus
04-02-2006, 13:14
Alex groaned silently as her brother was addressed by the woman, surrounded by her five daughters. More so at the remark of being interested in her older brother, but then she surmised that if she had five to find husbands before, she would be begging too. She chuckled slightly to herself at the prospect of poor Laurie being earmarked for one of the younger, and realised it would teach him right for butting his nose into other people’s business.

She was just about to speak, when she was almost pushed to the ground by someone dashing passed to get to the railing. She shook her head sadly, as she heard the retching noises the girl was making.

Can this trip getting any better? We haven’t even set sail and already I want to get off, she thought, as she watched the girl compose herself and begin to apologise.

“Really, it’s nothing,” she smiled, politely. She had been brought up with manners, regardless of how she might have felt inside. “I doubt I’ll even get a bruise out of it.”

Laurie, who was far too interested in Mrs Bail, ran his gaze over each of her daughters, politely nodding his head to all. “My brother is, indeed, on board. I believe he is currently taking a stroll. I’m sure he would be honoured to meet you all too.” He once more gazed at the five young women. “Do you have any sons, Mrs Bail?”

Alex sighed as she heard her brother’s conversation, trying to ensure he said nothing that would be considered rude, while also paying attention to the girl before her.
05-02-2006, 21:58
Starboard Deck – Atlantic Princess
Towards Tarayshia

“Tarayshia? I’ve never heard of the country, and I doubt you’ve ever heard of Noir before.” Ayaka looked out towards the ocean. “It’s so beautiful, isn’t it? Living aboard a space station for so long, one forgets how beautiful the ocean is.”

Ayaka ran over to the railing and leaned slightly over the edge. “Come over here, Sakari. The breeze is great! I can’t wait tell we depart!” She closed her eyes and let the flowing ocean breeze envelop her. “By the way…When are we going? And what happened to the woman I gave the medicine to?”


Port Deck – Atlantic Princess
Towards Gehenna Tartarus

“Are you sure you are ok?” Chie had composed herself and now held her head up high. The young woman had medium length auburn hair, light brown eyes that turned a light jade green during certain light conditions, and svelte figure with golden skin. She wore a white sundress, which luckly did not get stained. She carried with her a small blue shoulder bag that contained her Flexipad and other medication.

“If there is anyway I can make it up to you…” The girl pulled out a small bottle containing a clear bubbly liquid from her bag slung across her shoulders. Flipping off the cap, she squeezed out some of the clear gel like liquid onto her hands, which she then rubbed thoroughly. Recapping the bottle, she held out her hand to Alexandrina. “Don’t worry it’s ninety-nine point nine percent clean. My name is Chie Hallad, I am sorry for the unpleasant introduction. I hope we can get along better during the rest of this voyage.”
07-02-2006, 02:12
The server smiled gently at Isabella as she asked about a garden. “Actually, my lady, there is. Because of the unpredictable conditions on a ship like this, we have to keep it in a greenhouse instead of outdoors. If you just go aft, you can’t miss it. I can show you if you’d prefer.”

The greenhouse was right where the woman had said it would be and very well kept. It was full of bright flowers and green plants from a wide variety of countries. The only problem was that Isabella did not find herself quite alone. A rather handsome young man with light brown hair, dressed in a dashing Danaan uniform, was sitting alone on one of the finely wrought benches.

Isabella glanced at the young man. It had been awhile since she had seen a handsome man. Not to say the men in her village were ugly, but she lost interest in them; they were all the same to her. She craved for someone different. She, however, did not expect to find him in the garden. Yet, this would make it easier to talk to him, for this is where she found her peace. She did not know all the vegetation, but she marveled in it.

She was not sure if he noticed her yet, so she played as if she did not see him and walked down the pathway.

Beads of sweat began to form on her forehead and her gown was sticking to her skin more than usuall.

She paused next to some violets and her fingers caressed the petals.

She sighed and glanced over her shoulder to where the young man sat on the benches.

She smiled one of her famous smiles and said softly, "Is the garden a place to hide or a place to be welcomed?"

She slowly walked over to the bench and sat next to him, waiting for his response.

OOC: Sorry the post took me so long...
07-02-2006, 03:47
This RP is going nowhere fast
07-02-2006, 04:57
[QUOTE=-Noir-]Starboard Deck – Atlantic Princess
Towards Tarayshia

“Tarayshia? I’ve never heard of the country, and I doubt you’ve ever heard of Noir before.” Ayaka looked out towards the ocean. “It’s so beautiful, isn’t it? Living aboard a space station for so long, one forgets how beautiful the ocean is.”

Ayaka ran over to the railing and leaned slightly over the edge. “Come over here, Sakari. The breeze is great! I can’t wait tell we depart!” She closed her eyes and let the flowing ocean breeze envelop her. “By the way…When are we going? And what happened to the woman I gave the medicine to?”

"I'm not sure what happened to the lady with the medicine," Sakari replied to Ayaka's last question before she stood up and joined her new friend at the railing.
"You're right about one thing," she said as she tilted her head back and the skirts of her gown swirled around her legs, "I take that back; you're correct about two things. The one thing is that I haven't heard of Noir and the other is indeed the ocean is beautiful."
Sakari breathed in the air, raising her arms and resting them on the railing in front of her, "Is Noir located on a space ship?"
Sakari inquired as she turned her head to look at Ayaka;
"Tarayshia has a population of 45 million, however it is still growing. It's a safe nice nation, however I couldn't stay there, I felt like there is something better out ther for me."
The young woman waved her hand in all directions to make her point;
Gehenna Tartarus
07-02-2006, 19:45
Alex smiled politely and shook Chie’s hand, breaking into a little laugh at her joke. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Chie. I’m Lady Alexandrina Trevellyn,” she rolled her eyes at her name, then laughed some more. “But most people call me Alex.” She flicked a few loose strands of her natural blonde hair behind her ear. “And you really do not have to worry about me, no damage has been done. And I’ve had worse introductions.”

She looked around them, making sure her brother was behaving himself. “I’m sure we’ll bump into each other again – hopefully not literally.” She grinned pleasantly. “On a ship, it does lead to the opportunity of seeing people again, especially as they have nowhere to run.” She paused, hoping the girl before her was not offended by her attempt at humour. Alex always put down such misunderstandings to her Tartarian accent.
08-02-2006, 01:24
Madison settled in her cabin. She grabbed her glasses, and began reading a book. "Oh what am I doing in here?"

She went out side, and settled down on a deck chair to resumed reading. It was a light romance story about ironically enough a ship. Two young teens we're traveling abroad, carrying a young princess. They we're all so young, but it was a great story. She couldn't put it down, and she was slowly reaching the climax. He raven hair blew in the wind. Her mind began to wonder about that girl.
Danaan Ambara
08-02-2006, 17:19
"Oh, no." said Mrs. Bail. "Only my five girls. I sometimes rather fancy that Mr. Bail would have liked a son. He sometimes speaks to Miss Evana as though he expects her go into the public service. I suppose, by the customs of our country, it's not altogether an unacceptable thing but I certainly shouldn't want it for one of my daughters. Now, my Jacoba is the great beauty of the neighborhood and..."

Mrs. Bail paused as Chie ran right into Alex. "Oh, goodness gracious! Are you ladies quite alright?"

~ ~ ~

The man in the garden slowly stood, momentarily losing his composure as the woman's voice startled him out of his revelry. However, the loss was only momentary. He soon took a single step towards Isabella wearing a confident but rather good-natured smile. "I believe the polite thing for me to do would to leave that matter to the lady's preference. Would you prefer I let you hide or bid you welcome, ma'am?"
The Ctan
08-02-2006, 20:59
“I see,” Provost replied, taking a little amusement form the other man’s evident distress at having said something so provocative. “Well of course, low brow entertainment is a terrible symptom of the decay of society I’m sure… In any case, if you’ll excuse me…”
12-02-2006, 22:31
Port Deck – Princess Atlantic

“Really, worse than getting run over by someone about to throw up?” Chie could not help but ask this, no matter how ridiculous it sounded to her. She pulled out her Flexipad from the bag around her shoulders. She held the rigid magazine sized object in one hand and waved her free hand over the display. “I forgot to go to the doctor to get my spinal inserts replenished and my bio-monitoring chip was due for an update last week before we left for this trip.” Chie held up her Flexipad that displayed diagnostics for her internal physiological monitoring and maintenance systems, all to emphasize her point. “Well my being on a ship without my medication does increase my chances of randomly running into people, especially when I am running around looking for a place to vomit.” She imitated throwing up.

Chie laughed feebly at her attempt to continue Alex’s joke. “Anyways, so, how’s your trip so far?”

But before Alex had time to answer, Mrs. Bail had addressed them both concerning the situation. “Oh, and I am fine,” said Chie to Mrs. Bail and her daughters that made up the small crowd of spectators. “Thank you for your concern I should be okay.”

The young woman’s composure began to change as her legs began to tremble, her eyes started to look weary and her smile faded. “I...I’m fi...Fine.” Chie started to wobble as her legs began to fail her. “I jus...Just need...Need some...” She swayed and fell towards Alexandrina’s direction.


Starboard Deck – Atlantic Princess

Ayaka ran her fingers across the wooden rail as she stared out towards the azure ocean that lay outside the bustling port. She let out a sigh. “From the way I’ve described where I am from, it does sound like Noir is a space station. Noir is actually a system of planets and hundreds of space stations, whose capital planet is called Miltia. Noir was originally a country here on Terra, or Earth. More than a century or so ago, we sent colonists into space, which eventually sparked a massive exodus from Terra into the unknown reaches of space and then settled there. The only territory we have here on Terra is the city of Adean, a massive arcology city that is spread for at least 10,000 square kilometers.

“Anyways, my parents and my younger brother live in Miltia, and I am living abroad while studying at the Stellvia Academy on Foundation II, or otherwise known as Stellvia. Stellvia is basically a huge space station,” Ayaka motioned with her arms extended and forming a large circle in the air. “When it is in orbit around a planet, it’s possible to see it from the ground without any visual aids. I have pictures of it I could show you on my Flexipad, which is in my room. Just giving the technical data is boring.”

It was nice having a casual conversation not filled with politics or school. Ayaka felt a huge burden being lifted off of her chest as she inhaled more of the fresh ocean breeze. Her mother and brother had thoroughly questioned her about how she was doing in school, how was her medicinal degree coming along, and if she was going to graduate. Of course I am going to graduate.

Ayaka repeated Sakari’s words in her head for the fifth time. ’Something better out there for me,’ I wish.

“I wish I had an easier life. That’s all I ask for.” Ayaka bent forward on the railing and rested her chin on the back of her hands.
15-02-2006, 06:32
Port Deck – Princess Atlantic

“Really, worse than getting run over by someone about to throw up?” Chie could not help but ask this, no matter how ridiculous it sounded to her. She pulled out her Flexipad from the bag around her shoulders. She held the rigid magazine sized object in one hand and waved her free hand over the display. “I forgot to go to the doctor to get my spinal inserts replenished and my bio-monitoring chip was due for an update last week before we left for this trip.” Chie held up her Flexipad that displayed diagnostics for her internal physiological monitoring and maintenance systems, all to emphasize her point. “Well my being on a ship without my medication does increase my chances of randomly running into people, especially when I am running around looking for a place to vomit.” She imitated throwing up.

Chie laughed feebly at her attempt to continue Alex’s joke. “Anyways, so, how’s your trip so far?”

But before Alex had time to answer, Mrs. Bail had addressed them both concerning the situation. “Oh, and I am fine,” said Chie to Mrs. Bail and her daughters that made up the small crowd of spectators. “Thank you for your concern I should be okay.”

The young woman’s composure began to change as her legs began to tremble, her eyes started to look weary and her smile faded. “I...I’m fi...Fine.” Chie started to wobble as her legs began to fail her. “I jus...Just need...Need some...” She swayed and fell towards Alexandrina’s direction.


Starboard Deck – Atlantic Princess

Ayaka ran her fingers across the wooden rail as she stared out towards the azure ocean that lay outside the bustling port. She let out a sigh. “From the way I’ve described where I am from, it does sound like Noir is a space station. Noir is actually a system of planets and hundreds of space stations, whose capital planet is called Miltia. Noir was originally a country here on Terra, or Earth. More than a century or so ago, we sent colonists into space, which eventually sparked a massive exodus from Terra into the unknown reaches of space and then settled there. The only territory we have here on Terra is the city of Adean, a massive arcology city that is spread for at least 10,000 square kilometers.

“Anyways, my parents and my younger brother live in Miltia, and I am living abroad while studying at the Stellvia Academy on Foundation II, or otherwise known as Stellvia. Stellvia is basically a huge space station,” Ayaka motioned with her arms extended and forming a large circle in the air. “When it is in orbit around a planet, it’s possible to see it from the ground without any visual aids. I have pictures of it I could show you on my Flexipad, which is in my room. Just giving the technical data is boring.”

It was nice having a casual conversation not filled with politics or school. Ayaka felt a huge burden being lifted off of her chest as she inhaled more of the fresh ocean breeze. Her mother and brother had thoroughly questioned her about how she was doing in school, how was her medicinal degree coming along, and if she was going to graduate. Of course I am going to graduate.

Ayaka repeated Sakari’s words in her head for the fifth time. ’Something better out there for me,’ I wish.

“I wish I had an easier life. That’s all I ask for.” Ayaka bent forward on the railing and rested her chin on the back of her hands.

"It did sound like a space station to me," Sakari said, "I wouldn't have understood a lot of the tech stuff anyways. I'm certainly not putting it down, however I just don't think I'll understand it."
Sakari ran her hands down the front of her dress, smoothing the material before giving a chuckle at the wind that blew her skirts out again.
"I have an older sister as well as a brother," Sakari began, "Both are married."
'I would've been if I hadn't left my nation.'
Sakari mused to herself as she cleared her throat and tried to sound happy with the decitions of her family members, "My sister Malaya has two daughters and a son; however my brother does not have any children. I wouldn't mind some oneday, but not for a while."
Sakari wished she knew what lay ahead of her in her future; 'Something better for me.'
'What could that be?'
18-02-2006, 03:46
((OOC: I hope it's not too late for me to jump in? I'm rather new at this, so forgive me...))

Ark Vlandmere gazed up at the classy looking exterior of the Atlantic Princess as he strode towards it through the busy loading docks. So this is what I'm in for, he thought with slight trepidation, a bunch of well-to-do shmucks on a fancy-pants cruise ship. Ark Vlandmere was not used to class. Nor was he used to manners, nor dressing well, nor maintaining a civil tongue in social situations. In fact, he would have much rather been out in the forests of his native land, hunting werecats; or maybe even at the drawing board back home, designing the new Vlandmere were-fur coat that would make him millions. All of that he would have been doing right then and there--if the Quellin government had not outlawed werecat hunting six days ago. Some idiot politician had passed the ban on a suddenly-environmentalist whim, and now, though werecats might be brought back from the edge of endangerment, thousands of werecat hunters had lost their livelihoods. By boarding this ship, Vlandmere hoped to be able to make certain connections... inspire possible interest among the rich and famous for a black market in were-fur.

He was not a young man anymore, and though his clean shave had taken a few years off, it still showed. His hair was a grizzled grey, no longer the dark brown it had once been, and a wayward arrow from one of his colleagues had left him with a slight limp; that had been when Vlandmere decided that he did not need any more accomplices in his trade. This werecat hunter worked alone and reaped in the benefits all for himself. Thankfully, he had made a good living in his work, easily enough to afford a cruise on the Atlantic Princess. He wore a red silk waistcoat and the best pair of black leather boots money could buy.

Once on the ship, Vlandmere looked around. There were expensive looking people strewn about the deck, chatting idly with one another, being social. He growled a bit in the back of his throat and positioned himself strategically near a railing. Hopefully this endeavor wouldn’t be a complete waste of his time. Heck, maybe he’d even be able to enjoy himself… however doubtful that might be.
18-02-2006, 05:28
This RP has actually been abandoned
18-02-2006, 08:30
Can we resurrect it?
18-02-2006, 08:44
OOC: Dude, kanami, we don't need to hear that. If you think this thread has been abandoned, then keep your mouth shut as to not offend those who do not have the time to write up a reply everyday, but still wish to continue posting. I suggest that you delete your post so that it will not be an eyesore for those who come back and reply.

Starboard Deck – Atlantic Princess

“Ah, I see.” Ayaka started to walk along the railing towards the bow of the large ocean liner. “Do you live alone then?”

A strong gust blew across the deck, strewing loose objects around the wooden floor. Ayaka held up her arm to her face to block the wind chill. “I hope it isn’t this windy when we get out to sea. I would die if it were this bad.” The biting wind blew into Ayaka’s face once she had lowered her arm. A slight breeze is nice, but this. Ugh, I hate this. Let’s get back inside.”

Someone running after their hat had just passed them by. An extremely unusual occurrence, but nonetheless, they had a short laugh once the man was outside of earshot from them. It was an irksome sight having to watch this spectacle. The man, who was at least sixty years old, was reduced to chasing his hat around in circles. The wind would pick it up, blow it a few feet forward, drop it, and then pick it up again. It turned eyes, one might say. Finally, a waiter had stopped and picked up the hat for the elderly man, who by then had been reduced to a strained jog.

“Now that was random.” Ayaka held the entrance door open for Sakari. Another strong gust of air greeted them, but this time it was warm and comforting. “After you.”

Once inside the climate controlled interior of the ship, the two settled down at a near by lounge overlooking a panoramic view of the harbor. The immensity of the ship allowed for many rest or lounge areas for the many tired rich and influential to rest their feet after walking the miles of wood deck and corridors. The steady beat of a jazz band playing in a near by bar filled the corridor with a warm relaxing sound.

“Where were we?” asked Ayaka. “Right, do you live alone?”


Atlantic Colonnade – Atlantic Princess
Towards Quelin

(OOC2: Will continue later...)
The Resurgent Dream
19-02-2006, 20:31
OOC: Kanami, just because you appeared long enough to make a few atrociously bad posts doesn't give you the right to flame the thread. Just leave.

Melevine looked at Chie very curiously. "What's a bio-monitoring chip and what are spinal insers? I've never heard about anything like that before now."

"It's probably a Syskeyian thing." Kavon said foolishly. "Are you ladies Syskeyians?"

"Oh, hush!" Mrs. Bail said. "They're probably from Tartarus too."

~ ~ ~

"Of course." Sir Alun said, inclining his head to the C'tani.
19-02-2006, 22:33
OOC: Where is the response to my post, Resurgent Dream?
The Resurgent Dream
20-02-2006, 00:19
OOC: In post 82
24-02-2006, 00:57
OOC: Oops didn't know it was you?

IC: SHe blushed slightly, then regaining her composure. This would be her test now, to actually talk with a gentleman on the ship and to act like a woman should act with him. Yet, the problem be she didn't know how.

"Well, then I do believe it should be a welcome. If you don't mind me asking why do you sit in her." She paused blushing once more. The reason could be similar to her own.
Gehenna Tartarus
25-02-2006, 15:46
Alex nodded. “You couldn’t help not seeing me in your dash, these things happen. Really, you should not worry about it. I’m not injured and neither are you.” She gave Chie a gracious smile, hoping to bring and end to talk of how they met. The last thing she needed was to have someone apologise to her for the whole trip, it was bad enough being there in the first place.

She turned as she heard Mrs Bail’s voice. “Oh, we are both fine, thank you.” She smiled, really not wanted people to blow the little collision out of proportion. After all, she had to live with her brother, and he was more of a nuisance than anyone else could ever be in her eyes. “It was just a little bump.” She brushed herself off dramatically indicating that all was well, while at the same time wondering how she could kill her brother for causing it to happen.

“And to think, Lexie, you thought no one would talk to you on this trip,” Laurie exclaimed from his standing point near the Bails. “And now everyone is.” He chuckled to himself, amused at the incident.

“Thank you, Laurie,” Alex replied, gritting her teeth as her brother used her family pet name for her. She rolled her eyes and smiled, as she turned her attention back to the others. “I am sorry for causing such a ruckus.” She let out a slow breath, once more wondering why she was being forced to endure the trip, when she noticed Chie begin to wobble and then fall in her direction.

Somehow, managing to sort of grab but not stop the girl from pulling them both onto the floor, Alex looked at Chie. Shifting her position, from where she managed to stop Chie from crashing to the floor by using herself as a cushion, she laid the young woman on the ground.

“Are you alright?” She looked about her in a panic. “Someone help here, please.”
The Resurgent Dream
26-02-2006, 01:06

The Bails watch the whole mess with a surprised and somewhat amused expression. Mrs. Bail gave Alex a gentle smile. "It's quite alright, my dear. None of this is your doing in the least. In fact, thus far you have proven yourself..." She stopped as Chie collapsed, her mouth opening a little in surprise.

Jacoba Bail fell down to her knees next to Alex and Chie, trying to help the girl, to figure out what the problem was. Meanwhile, a couple of staffers rushed over. "What has happened, my ladies?" asked the first of them.


The young man pondered a moment. "Why do I sit in here? That is an interesting question and I must confess I have no particularly convincing reason, other than that a man must be somewhere and there is only so much to do on even so extravagent a cruise as this one."
Danaan Ambara
20-03-2006, 15:46
The days passed in opulence on the high seas. The many ladies and gentleman aboard tended to avoid dining with some of the rougher customers who had somehow gotten aboard but they weren't actively rude in doing so. More than anything, their attitude could be described as embarassed.

The young man whom the Theodrean had met continued to seek her conversation. Over the last few days, he had identified himself as Roald but he would not say any more, not yet anyway. He did seem rather taken with the lady.
Gehenna Tartarus
01-04-2006, 12:51
Alex stood looking out of the window of their suite, watching the waves roll by. She sighed heavily as the beginning of another day began. In the bed next to her own, lay Gabrielle, who seemed to sleep an inordinately large amount of her day away, but Alex assumed this was due to her brother never bringing his girlfriend back until the early hours. And Alex knew that it was the early hours, as she was always woken by the less than considerate noise of Gabrielle preparing for bed, which to Alex also seemed to take a very long time.

It was barely seven, and Alex knew that it was unlikely for most of her family to be up. Her parents, the Duke and Duchess of Crellin, were using this voyage to further their circle of acquaintance, possibly in the hope of finding a good match for their daughter, despite the fact that Alex was in no hurry to follow in her older brother’s footsteps and get attached to some rich and boring noble, though deep down she knew that it was most likely going to be her fate.

She dressed quickly and quietly, wanting to be able to leave the suite without having to take her annoying little brother with her. He was becoming the bane of her life on this trip, being with her practically every minute of the day. She wanted some fun, and she knew she was not going to get any with a pain in tow. Not that she had really found anyone male and interesting on board, not even a boring noble. Still, she had run into a few young women of her age, which gave her some people to talk to.

Stepping out of the main door of the suite, she made her way quickly down the corridor, aiming for the dining room. She wanted to be dressed and fed before she bumped into any member of her family, so that she could disappear for the day and not see them until dinner, which she could not get out of unless she wanted to have her mother instruct her in how to conduct herself properly. Alex sighed, wondering why she had been unlucky to be born into such an old fashioned family.

Pushing open the door to the dining room, Alex stepped through and made her way over to a table, debating what to have to eat.
The Resurgent Dream
28-04-2006, 05:58
Gehenna Tartarus

The table was fairly crowded with ladies. Two of them looked to be in their late forties or early fifties. Five of them were in their twenties. The youngest two seemed mere teenagers. It was the oldest and least attractive of the group who spoke first to Alex as she arrived. "Good morning, young lady. You're up early."
Gehenna Tartarus
29-04-2006, 17:08
Glancing briefly at each of the ladies sitting at the table, Alex finished by focusing on the woman who had spoken. She smiled graciously. “Good morning, ma’am.” She once more looked at each of the people seated, nodding her head slightly in greeting. “I am up early as I believe that spending too long in bed when there are other things to do, is a waste of opportunity.” She did not feel the need to mention that she had woken only to avoid her brother.

She stood a little way from the table, her stomach silently reminding her that she had come to have breakfast. Despite her need to break her fast, she knew that it would appear rude for her to walk away before the conversation was over.
The Resurgent Dream
29-04-2006, 17:33
The blonde woman who looked to be in her late forties smiled at Alex. "Feel free to join us if you like. My name is Lady Alfhild Edvardsen. Won't you join us? There's still quite a bit of room at the table."

The older woman shrugged her shoulders slightly. "Yes, quite a bit of room. I'm Lady Ida Cabal. I assume you are travelling with your parents, young woman?"

As Alex sat down and had a chance to answer, the remaining ladies were introduced as Ladies Marcelle, Honorine, and Adnette Cabal, Lady Ada Van Heune, and Ladies Gaynor and Maderun Caddick. They all seemed in high spirits except for Lady Ida who looked as though she was very seldom in high spirits these days.

After Alex sat, completing the company, a steward arrived at the table, giving the ladies rich Belgian waffles with butter and syrup elegantly soaked into the dish.
Gehenna Tartarus
29-04-2006, 18:57
Alex smiled as each woman was introduced, trying to remember each of their names. She knew she would be lucky to remember a few of them until she had spent a little time with them. As the steward arrived with breakfast, she once more focused on the two older women. “It is very kind of you to let me join you.”

As soon as everyone had been presented with their dish, Alex picked up her cutlery and began to eat. She once more replayed the introductions in her head, trying to place each name with a face and working out who belonged with who, while wondering how or if the others were somehow related. Oh, how she wished the ship had come with a copy of Who’s Who.

“This is a most beautiful ship. Do you often go on a cruise?” She once more addressed the older woman, feeling it would be impolite to stop until they had informally dismissed her so that she could converse with those nearer her age and thus having more in common with her.
The Resurgent Dream
09-05-2006, 02:59
Lady Alfhild smiled gently. "As often as I can. I find it very relaxing."
The Ctan
09-05-2006, 09:37
And so it seemed to Dr Provost that the Princess settled into the refreshing and nominal business of s cruise ship at sea, even though it was one with more than its fair share of riches and indeed, snobbery, at least in his experience. With want of anything in particular to draw his attention he mostly conducted himself as other passengers did, taking care to act in a manner which any given observer would find favour for, if nothing else, to make a good impression.
The Resurgent Dream
18-05-2006, 18:28
As Dr. Provost was strolling about the deck, studying everyone and conducting himself in a manner sure to garner universal approval, he found a rather plump lady with graying brown hair walking beside him in a blue dress and far too much jewelry. "Lovely morning, isn't it?"
The Resurgent Dream
15-06-2006, 07:32
"What about yourself?" Lady Alfhild asked.