Final Fantasy: NationStates (Just throwing around some ideas)
21-01-2006, 01:45
Okay everyone. I am sure there are a couple of people out there who love the game series, Final Fantasy. I am one of them. I also have other media things that i like. For instance I like Harry Potter, Naruto, Star Wars, Avatar: The Last Airbender, DC Comicbook Superheroes. and many other things. I have been thinking about this for a long time and I think we are ready for this rpg. I am thinking we should bring everything together. Right now I am just throwing around ideas. I would like to hear feedback from anyone. This means from the Moderators to the Newmembers and from the Honorary Spam Forum Founders to everything else. Please give me some ideas on how you think this should work. I wish to have this rpg up and running at least by the first week in February.
I too am a fan of the final fantasy series and would love to be in a FF RP. However, I believe that pulling all of those different games (and their elements) into one RP would be quite difficult and unwieldy as they each drawn upon different forces and laws (of how they work). Such as "Materia" from FF7 and the magick from Harry Potter... I just don't see them fitting together.
21-01-2006, 02:07
that is true and I think i have a solution for that. With magic there will be different types of magicians. In Harry Potter a wizard with can pretty much do anything but in Final Fantasy a mage can't do but so much. The Magicians will be probably have to be divided into differents parts. These are the ones I have been thinking about:
White Mage- casts support and healing spells.
Black Mage- casts spells that causes poison, silence, blindness, death,demi, and spells that cause non-elemental spells.
Summoners- Summons animals, aeons, and other creatures into battle to fight.
Elekinetics- Controls the four elements of fire, water, air, and earth. Rare to have a person able to control all four elements.
Telemasters- People who have ultimate control over the mind
I don't see how this adresses the issue of wizards? (unless you mean simply not including them)
21-01-2006, 04:25
I don't think that regular wizards and witches should be included because they can do just about everything if you know the right spell or enchantment, but like I said before I am just throwing around ideas. And also ninjas also have a different power source. Ninjas will use chakra while the jedi use the Force.
22-01-2006, 23:00
If you might be interested in participating in this kind of rpg please post. It is all-fantasy and probably just about anything can happen. Also if anyone has any ideas please post.