05-01-2006, 08:29
While not much is know at this point about the lands of Tribrunia their are a few things that do need to be pointed out. This is a time line of events within my country spanning over the course of the first fifty years of development. While I do not have the specific dates down as of yet I am keeping them in chronological order as they happen.
1. While in a hospital being observed after an accident the first documented case study of the usage of precog happened. The EKG (goose egg) brain waves monitor showed unprecedented activity as this before mentioned patient had a precognitive episode.
2. One of the people in charge of his case whom also suspected themselves of having actual healing abilities noticed this strange patern of brain wave activity. Since the person was a known precog of note whom had a history of knowing things before they happened this doctor experimented with government funding and between the two of them fully proved the existance of psionic powers.
3. This in turn led to the founding and institution of the schools for gifted individuals. While the full extent of these powers and abilities are not fully understood it has been found that some of the higher level kinetics can tap into machinery boosting their powers to higher levels without exhausting themselves.
4. Under military services leadership at the age of 18 each individual of the country of Tribrunia joins the military for at least one year. Those who choose not to join the military are not forced to, however they are then not allowed a voting decision in the country. It was decided when the country first started that if you do not understand the importance of the military to protect the country you then do not deserve the right to vote.
5. 1/5th of the population are not allowed to vote because they choose not to have anything to do with military service, however they do have rights as citizens under the government and those rights are protected. Policing of the nation is taken care of by a mixed group of special forces trainees with gifted abilities and ordinary citizens.
6. After extensive testing of the population it is found that 3/5th of our population shows signs of different psionic abilities. These individuals are given special training to handle these abilities and those who join the military are given advanced training in the usage of their abilities in cobat situations.
7. It is found that some of these gifted individuals do not show readily seen powers, however upon further exmination they seem to have highly advanced mechanical abilities. This includes being able to rebuild any mechanical device that they witness being used. These same individuals can then manipulate the said device and even improve upon it's design specs and specifications. They also show extremely high score during IQ testing which simply can't be measured by any conventional means.
8. It has been decided upon further investigation that individuals showing the high intellect abilities be brought into a special organization within the government here to fore to be called, "Preoject Omega", or by the civilian term, "The Brain Trust" these individuals are henceforth delegated to expanding the technological level of our nation.
9. Team members of Project Omega begin research into wormhole mechanics with devastating results. Two years into the research an accident happens which changes the focus of studies. An individual managed to actually create a stable wormhole which lasted 2.5 seconds. In that time period an object materialized within the room and fifteen brain trust employees were aged dramatically. It was later found that these individuals were exposed to something the lab techs have dubbed Chromaton emittions, all further wormhole testing has therefore been banned until the exact origin of these emitions can be found.
10. Inspection of the mystery object has turned up something highly interesting. This obeject has been deemed a warp drive by the Brain Trust group. Further inspection of the device shows that it was active at the time that it was transported and a study of the lab shows that the reason for the sudden aging of the individuals within the lab was due to a time aperture of some sort. During a reverse analyzation of the drive an understanding of it's technology created several new industries within the nation. Including sublight speed travel. It is also found that kinetics can toss things between the planet and the moon using kinetics and tapping into machines built from the new technology. Further investigation shows that objects being sent between kinetics may well be traveling at light speed, though this is only in theory at the moment and is being highly debated by Project Omega along with a study of exactly where the other side of the now closed wormhole openned to. Low level space craft based upon the technology gleamed from the warp drive have been built to deliver the device back to it's original owners which should be reaching the point where they were intercepted by the worm hole in three more years. The device has been upgraded to go 2 warp levels higher than it was originally designed for and the specifics of the quantum mechanics which created the stable wormhole are being fully studied. It has been decided that any other study of such devices will only take place off planet as the effects of planetary gravity and the atmosphere may well have played parts in the accident which in turn greatly changed our nation.
This brings us to current times, returning the device to the race whom we accidentally got it from. any questions guys? Oh, and yes, their is a space faring race, whom I know the creator of and we already talked about this before I started this post. Just tell me what you think of my setup so far, any ideas, suggestions, comments, and no negativity please.
1. While in a hospital being observed after an accident the first documented case study of the usage of precog happened. The EKG (goose egg) brain waves monitor showed unprecedented activity as this before mentioned patient had a precognitive episode.
2. One of the people in charge of his case whom also suspected themselves of having actual healing abilities noticed this strange patern of brain wave activity. Since the person was a known precog of note whom had a history of knowing things before they happened this doctor experimented with government funding and between the two of them fully proved the existance of psionic powers.
3. This in turn led to the founding and institution of the schools for gifted individuals. While the full extent of these powers and abilities are not fully understood it has been found that some of the higher level kinetics can tap into machinery boosting their powers to higher levels without exhausting themselves.
4. Under military services leadership at the age of 18 each individual of the country of Tribrunia joins the military for at least one year. Those who choose not to join the military are not forced to, however they are then not allowed a voting decision in the country. It was decided when the country first started that if you do not understand the importance of the military to protect the country you then do not deserve the right to vote.
5. 1/5th of the population are not allowed to vote because they choose not to have anything to do with military service, however they do have rights as citizens under the government and those rights are protected. Policing of the nation is taken care of by a mixed group of special forces trainees with gifted abilities and ordinary citizens.
6. After extensive testing of the population it is found that 3/5th of our population shows signs of different psionic abilities. These individuals are given special training to handle these abilities and those who join the military are given advanced training in the usage of their abilities in cobat situations.
7. It is found that some of these gifted individuals do not show readily seen powers, however upon further exmination they seem to have highly advanced mechanical abilities. This includes being able to rebuild any mechanical device that they witness being used. These same individuals can then manipulate the said device and even improve upon it's design specs and specifications. They also show extremely high score during IQ testing which simply can't be measured by any conventional means.
8. It has been decided upon further investigation that individuals showing the high intellect abilities be brought into a special organization within the government here to fore to be called, "Preoject Omega", or by the civilian term, "The Brain Trust" these individuals are henceforth delegated to expanding the technological level of our nation.
9. Team members of Project Omega begin research into wormhole mechanics with devastating results. Two years into the research an accident happens which changes the focus of studies. An individual managed to actually create a stable wormhole which lasted 2.5 seconds. In that time period an object materialized within the room and fifteen brain trust employees were aged dramatically. It was later found that these individuals were exposed to something the lab techs have dubbed Chromaton emittions, all further wormhole testing has therefore been banned until the exact origin of these emitions can be found.
10. Inspection of the mystery object has turned up something highly interesting. This obeject has been deemed a warp drive by the Brain Trust group. Further inspection of the device shows that it was active at the time that it was transported and a study of the lab shows that the reason for the sudden aging of the individuals within the lab was due to a time aperture of some sort. During a reverse analyzation of the drive an understanding of it's technology created several new industries within the nation. Including sublight speed travel. It is also found that kinetics can toss things between the planet and the moon using kinetics and tapping into machines built from the new technology. Further investigation shows that objects being sent between kinetics may well be traveling at light speed, though this is only in theory at the moment and is being highly debated by Project Omega along with a study of exactly where the other side of the now closed wormhole openned to. Low level space craft based upon the technology gleamed from the warp drive have been built to deliver the device back to it's original owners which should be reaching the point where they were intercepted by the worm hole in three more years. The device has been upgraded to go 2 warp levels higher than it was originally designed for and the specifics of the quantum mechanics which created the stable wormhole are being fully studied. It has been decided that any other study of such devices will only take place off planet as the effects of planetary gravity and the atmosphere may well have played parts in the accident which in turn greatly changed our nation.
This brings us to current times, returning the device to the race whom we accidentally got it from. any questions guys? Oh, and yes, their is a space faring race, whom I know the creator of and we already talked about this before I started this post. Just tell me what you think of my setup so far, any ideas, suggestions, comments, and no negativity please.