State Visit (Closed; ATTN: Guffingford)
To: President Lord Christopher Watermont, Guffingford
From: Tsar Alexei Alexandrovich Andropov XIV, Derscon
Subj: State Visit
President Watermont,
As Derscon begins to reach out into the International Community, it searches for respectable nations to do business with. After watching you for a few months, as well as discussing it with your fellow Head of State Emperor Fedor I of the Second Empire of the Golden Throne, we would like to invite you to come to Rekjyavich-Andropov Military City to discuss a possible alliance between our two nations.
God Bless,
Tsar Alexei Alexandrovich Andropov XIV
Holy Monarch of the Divine Prussian Empire of Derscon
Sacrosanct Sultan of the Eternal Empire
Sanctified Guardian of the Holy Covanent of God
Protector of the Kingdom of Burgundy
Arch-Chancellor of the Greater Prussian Empire
01-01-2006, 17:50
From: Corpse Diplomatiqué, Guffingford
To: Dersconi Tsar Alexei Alexandrovich Andropov XIV
Subject: RE: State Visit
Your Imperial Majesty,
It is with great interest that I read your letter and I am very pleased that you have chosen to contact us. Although Guffingford doesn't really involve itself in world affairs - we keep our own things to ourselves. Your request couldn't have came on a more convenient time: currently Guffingford has allied itself with the Second Empire of The Golden Throne, to ensure the safety of the crown and her lands. So here I write back to you with a positive response to your initial request. The date and location of visit are of your choice.
With best regards,
[SIGNED] President Lord Christopher Watermont
The Hanseatic League of Guffingford.
To: President Lord Christopher Watermont, Guffingford
From: Tsar Alexei Alexandrovich Andropov XIV, Derscon
Subj: State Visit
President Watermont,
Thank you for accepting my invitation. It will be held in my own capital, Rekjyavich-Andropov Military City, at the Kremlin Palace, and you may come over at any time you please, but do give us fair warning -- our border security (in air especially) is paid to be paranoid, and it would do neither of us a favour for you to be shot down!
God Bless, and save travels,
Tsar Alexei Alexandrovich Andropov XIV
Holy Monarch of the Divine Prussian Empire of Derscon
Sacrosanct Sultan of the Eternal Empire
Sanctified Guardian of the Holy Covanent of God
Lord Protector of the Kingdom of Burgundy
Arch-Chancellor of the Greater Prussian Empire
03-01-2006, 11:37
From: Corpse Diplomatiqué, Guffingford
To: Dersconi Tsar Alexei Alexandrovich Andropov XIV
Subject: RE: RE: State Visit
Your Imperial Majesty,
The reply sent to us by you has been accepted with pleasure by the Guffingfordian president, and he is thrilled to meet you in person. Unfortunately, the president cannot depart to the scheduled meeting between our two nations at once, due to the known conflict between Guffingford and some barbarian states. This will not, I assure you, mess up our meeting. And of course, we respect your national airspace and you will be notified once we come near your nation.
With best regards,
[SIGNED] President Lord Christopher Watermont
The Hanseatic League of Guffingford.
From: Corpse Diplomatiqué, Guffingford
To:Tsar Alexei Alexandrovich Andropov XIV, Derscon
Subject: 3RE: State Visit
President Watermont,
Your troubles are noted and understood. I have no problem waiting, as I do personally have a few things to take care of myself, although nothing like you do.
God be with you on your quest to crush the barbarians.
God Bless,
Tsar Alexei Alexandrovich Andropov XIV
Holy Monarch of the Divine Prussian Empire of Derscon
Sacrosanct Sultan of the Eternal Empire
Sanctified Guardian of the Holy Covanent of God
Lord Protector of the Kingdom of Burgundy
Arch-Chancellor of the Greater Prussian Empire