For the Voices That Will Not Be Silenced [Open, Serious RP]
Austar Union
26-12-2005, 06:57
"We are tired of being regulated... we are tired of such government spies watching our every move... unforgiving for such times and or events which happened almost thousands of years ago. They believe that we are dissenters; they believe too that we are cowards. They believe that if provoked, we will be willing to stand by and submit ourselves to attack. And they believe that a society dedicated to 'freedom' is a society truly successful. Brothers, sisters in Christ; arise. It is time that we stood up and shouted with our voices of fame... that the domination of the Christian belief will once again rise... to affect and reach all levels of society. As the vice regents of God, we are to exercise godly dominion and influence over our neighborhoods, our schools, our government, our literature and arts, our sports arenas, our entertainment media, our news media, our scientific endeavors -- in short, over every aspect and institution of human society. We are the benefactors; we are the people of God. It is time that we made our stand. For the good of the people and followers of our Lord, Jesus Christ." -Dr. R. A. Porterman
Anatoba City, the Federated States of Austar Union
For all that which had been brewing, government and pro-government sources had been watching and waiting for what had already been termed as "The Outbreak". Together in fact, they had all been working side by side in not trying to prevent it from happening, but rather seeking a solution to defeat that which was unpreventable. An uprising; a coalition of two of the fastest growing movements within society today--members of the re-growing movement best known as the "Christian Right"; and democratic reformists. An unlikely coalition even, but those best made friends via means of one shared enemy. Both sought the widesweeping reforms of a society based upon true political freedom; that is, the removal of Lord Indigo Blue and his cronies.
The Leader; Lord Indigo Blue; had done well for what had formerly been known as the Absolutist State of Austar Union. But as his power had grown stronger, so had his infuence. And the more his influence had grown further and reached tighter and tighter into the community; the more those who disregarded his beliefs grew resistant. The first, would be today. Others, would be tomorrow.
"We have a visual sighting," crackled a voice over the radio. "Orders, Sir?"
Jonathon had never envisioned a day exactly like this. Throughout the city, police barricades had been established in the various locations which had been considered most important. But for these new enemies of the state police force, they had existed only. It was unfortunate that for the people of the Union, it would always be the people who came first. And so public favour wavered. Should they support the government and the law and order they were so desperate to re-establish? Or should they support perhaps a group which made up a great portion of this nation? Whatever their beliefs; this called for debate. It was only too unfortunate that the government had chosen to disallow such measures, such cultural reunderstanding.
"You have orders to fire at will, Chief Inspector," he replied, sweating from the forehead. "I repeat, you have orders to fire at will."
Pulling the microphone away from his mouth, he wiped his brow and sighed outwardly. Every decision had to be made carefully, and despite the public opinion of tomorrow, his direct obligation was to provide security to this government today. Outside of the National Statehouse he stood, and watched to his horror as the gunfire began.
Beginning at first as the occasional shot, he could watch no further as the area literally exploded in a hail of destruction. For the crowd which was brewing in anger, they had come relatively unarmed... until...
A fireball shattered the area beside them. A grenade or explosive of somesort... this was not usually the sort of behavior that Austrians participated in. But these people were passionate. And being fired upon was not their goal for today.
"Oh my god!" Jonathon cringed as his police communicator scream in a mixture of fear and pain. He knew, he knew already that several of his collegues had died today. Not nearly as many of the crowd who he sought to kill, however. And rushing before him, he watched as the skies were broken by the sounds and sight of chopper blades. Police choppers, to gain a better vantage point over the crowd of riotiers. Over the revolutionists.
As the gunfire exchange worsened between police and civillian, so did their anger and passion. And it was all too unfortunate when the helicoptors, so confident in their ability to fly would in fact fall horribly to the ground. This was one crowd that they had underestimated; certainly. And if it were not for Jonathon's own focus on what he was doing, he would have been made aware that this was happening, all over the city.
The time for change had come, and if today was any mark of the future, they would soon be proving successful.
OOC: Woo! My first RP since returning! ;-)
The Etarosi Embassy was frantic. A few kilometers east of the concentrated action in front of the National Statehouse, those inside could see the outer bands of action going on. People were running about the street, decrying the government and its policies. Police cars zoomed past, sirens blaring. Armored APC's rolled by slowly, ordering everyone into their homes. Some rioters could be seen pelting objects, from vegetables to molotov cocktails, at the armored vehicles. Every few meters, an APC would stop and unload. A small formation of soldiers or riot police (it wasn't clear which) would appear, and rioters would be driven to submission and promptly arrested and thrown into police trucks called in. As soon as that was finished, the APC would continue rolling by and the police truck would rumble off to a controlled area, pelting tear gas and other non-life threatening chemicals at obvious targets.
As Ambassador to the Austar Union, Lothluín Laurënil was very concerned with the situation. She had not contacted the Austarian government yet, because she found it needless to do so. Their orders were plain - stay inside, don't mess with anyone, and the situation will be dealt with in time. However, from media coverage (which, to her knowledge, was usually very censored), it appeared that the usually orderly nature of the country had devolved into complete chaos. Police and military maintained control of a few parks and squares, but rioters often controlled areas that were most likely to spawn more rioters. She knew that the embassy, physically, was relatively safe so long as the Elite Guard maintained its position. Currently, about twelve EEG were posted at the embassy. Reinforcements were to be sent within the hour, and Lothluín sat worried as she waited for their arrival.
The expert ambassador had ordered her entire staff to spend the night in the embassy when the situation began to deteriorate days ago. Finally, all hell had broken loose and they were there to thank her for her early decision. Their families, too, were very grateful. Supplies were beginning to come into question, as their latest shipment was cancelled due to the decline in order. The reinforcements were to be followed immediately by a shipment of foodstuffs, but as the rioters became more dangerous, there was no telling what could happen. And, as soon as that thought passed her mind, she heard an explosion. It sounded as if it came from the general locale of the National Statehouse.
She turned up the television as a few panicked aides rushed into the room. There, she saw live footage of a dozen choppers, at least, covering the square in front of the building. Smoke, though very common all over the city by this time, seemed particularly concentrated coming from an area on the steps of the building. "My goodness," she muttered. Her aides seemed very shaken...apparently they were taken aback by the sudden noise. "I've never known Austarians to behave this way," remarked one of them. Lothluín turned and looked at the man increduously. "Are you kidding me? They've been rioting for days straight. What'd you think was going to happen?" He seemed dumbfounded and embarrassed. She rolled her eyes.
"Right. I think it's time we give Indigo a call. We're here to support him and his government, I don't care what Van Arsden says. The guy would have us sit on our hands until they turned blue. We also need to let them know we have two choppers coming in, and if they want military help that we can request it from Ildanor." Her aides nodded silently (she wasn't much for listening to their mindless questions, and made that quite known to them) and set to work. Their final order comprised of sending an e-mail to Van Arsden, Etarosi Minister of Foreign Affairs, notifying him of the detiorating situation and the actions that the Ambassador was taking to alleviate it.
A quick phone call was made to the helicopters en route, and then another to Austarian officials letting them know what was going on. Then, Lothluín made a phone call to Lord Blue's office. It was answered by a frantic secretary. "Hello, I'm Ambassador Laurënil from Etaros. I need to speak with Lord Blue now." Her tone was demanding and urgent, yet polite enough to ward off offense.
OOC: Just because I'm obsessive, I'm letting anyone that reads this know that Laurënil, at least in my world, is pronounced, "Lar-AY-nil".
Austar Union
26-12-2005, 10:54
"Lord Indigo Blue, you have a telephone call," whispered the woman cringing at having disturbed a very important meeting. Indigo raised his hand to the woman in acknowledgement and she nodded.
Upon returning to the telephone, she picked up the handset; "Would you like me to call you back or would you rather hold? Mr. Blue is in a very important meeting right now."
"I'll wait," replied the Ambassador sternly. "This is important... too."
Placing the Ambassador on hold, the receptionist continued with the work that had been given. Although, she couldnt exactly focus, and turned to watch the television feed instead, getting up from time to time for only to peer out the window toward the courtyard. Guards had maintained the compound for now, and a helicoptor-like craft sat awaiting as a "just-in-case" measure. Indeed, the Austarian Central Government was not so much known for being unprepared... and prepared they would be for today, for anything.
Inside Indigo's office in the meantime, gentlemen sat around to drink scotch. On the rocks, and a heavy dose. "I dont know," sighed one of the men. "This situation has been brewing ever since we started sticking our noses into peoples homes, lives et cetera. Not that we have much of a choice; since the ABC scare of December last year."
Indigo turned to face the man, "I thought we had agreed to never mention that." His face grew stone. "Arrests were made, and the various conspirists had been executed."
"And you deny that those, and this," he motioned with his hand. "Are linked?" The man shook his head. "Im sorry Indigo, but you are too nieve sometimes. It was Dr. Porterman who incited this shit you realize. We've been watching him like a hawk for years."
"And nobody thought to remove him?!" growled Indigo. "You're the one who's responsible here, not me. So why dont you shut the fuck up before I have you removed."
The room fell into silence and the sound of snickering only remained. "Anyways," he continued. "I would tend to believe that the cause of this event is relatively unconcerning. What we should be concerned with is a solution, of somesort. We have to declare a national emergency, and state of martial law across the country, first."
Another man raised his hand, "I think... I can deal with that Mr. Blue."
"Good," he barked in response. "In the meantime, I have a telephone call with an Ambassador to deal with, possibly a meeting. Some shithead seems to think they're Captain Important or something, when I have plenty of other stuff to deal with just across the road." He paused. "This isnt looking good, you know. Firing on citizens, et cetera et cetera. I wouldnt be too surprised if we didnt gain a few more telephone calls from our various other... more respectable allies over this."
"One thing sir," noted the same gentleman. "What about the media? Should I work to have them shut down?"
Indigo paused for a moment, "Let them be. I think... from the footage shot so far it wouldnt be wise if it suddenly got cut. And I have greater things to concern myself with right now. Public Opinion might be important right now, but in the chaos of communication at the moment, I dont think we can do much from this room here." The room erupted in some light chuckling, some contrast from the actual mood of said individuals. "Anyhow, if you all wouldnt mind..."
Taking their leave, each of the gentlemen bid good luck to Lord Blue and the cause of his fight. Each of them had their part to do from now, and they would meet again probably within a few hours at least. The most important of them, would be to actually contact the local media and have this state shut down. All flights to and from the Union would be cancelled, and a message would go out to each of the respective governments that the Austarian government would keep an eye out for their citizens. If they were found and identified, they would be set aside and given the opportunity to leave. If they were not either found or identified, they would be treated as dissenters... assuming that they had been found either rioting or wandering the local streets. And if they had remained inside their homes as instructed... well, their matter would be dealt with as soon as it was givenly possible. This government however was committed to the cause of restoring some form of order. As the situation worsened, they found a lack of it. And it would either go one way or the other. In favor of the government, or against the government. That which it was headed now was... more uncertain than anything. This had come as a shock for everyone, including the various intelligence agencies which operated inside the Union.
In the meantime... Indigo sat back down at his desk and breathed to settle himself down. He could hear the damage and rioting outside, and could really do little about that. For now.
"Ambassador Laurënil," greeted the national leader. "Sorry to keep you waiting. What can I do for you?"
Somewhere above the city, above it’s violence and anger, above the pretty lights and the bursts of automatic weapons, it’s saints and it’s sinners, it’s tyrants and rebels – whoever was which – hung a single object, steel and gossamer-glass, beautiful and yet disgusting. It was the very image of truth – and yet a symbol of that horrible nosiness which people despise while enjoying the gossip that is it’s fruit. In short, it was a news satellite.
It was property of the Allanean News Network, and as such was fully the equal – in fact, better than most of the military satellites that the Confederacy possessed. The Allanean government was not involved in this one – the new government was cautious, diplomatic, and nothing at all like the Blix administration.
But the consumers – make that, ‘the people’ – ‘the people’ wanted to know. They thirsted for stories about revolutions and rebellions, about noble freedom-fighters vanquishing tyrants and glorious armed forces vanquishing insurgents – and if they couldn’t be sure who was who, well, the suspense in finding out would be good enough to get some interesting commercials in the middle of it all.
This was approximately the reasoning Jennifer “Idaho Jones” Akston in the city below followed when she opened the satellite pictures on her laptop. She was not a pretty woman – slightly too thin, with obvious dental braces, thick glasses and disgusting red hair – and she suspected this was why she was relegated to the Austar Union office of ANN. The nation was slightly hostile to Allanea, but not enough to freak out and suddenly attack – so there was little stuff of newsworthyness for Allaneans here. You got thrown into this ‘office’, you stayed here.
Until today.
Jennifer Akston began grabbed her phone – an ancient disc-dialing monstrosity – and began to dial a number. It was that of a friend – a member of the local police forces. A middle aged fellow called Erik. Major-Constable Erik Mikogami. “Hello, Erik. It’s Jennifer. Can you help me figure out what’s going on? I think I have a lucky break, here… but I do need your help.”
26-12-2005, 16:07
The sets of heavy boots rumbled down the corridor as the various soldiers took up positions, they masks were on and their great coats were a deep blue. The rifles clicked as the safeties came off as they burst out onto the balconies and set up near to the windows, twenty men in all, the staff retreated to the secure rooms in the middle of the building, a set of panic rooms where things could continue to work while the embassy went into lockdown, the wrought iron gates were slammed shut and locked, shutters clattered down on the first floor and in the lawns a couple of Infinite repeater positions slid out of cover and hummed gently as their crews moved over to man them. This was completed in 23 seconds. The man clicked the stopwatch and smiled. Good time, even the helicopter on the landing pad was humming, blades chopping the air, ready for an emergency extraction. And a few of the Drones, both Spy and Attack variant hovered around edge of the compound. The Middle-aged man clicked his intercom. “Ok folks, well do the extraction drill in 20 seconds.”
His pips on his shoulder denoting he was a lieutenant. Luke George had been in the AU embassy since a few years back when he was injured during Odin’s rebellion, his leg had healed, but not sufficiently enough to allow him to remain in the service of the armed services, instead he was transferred to the Economic and Diplomatic Corps Security Forces.
One of the Spy drones, its dull matt black seeming to suck the light out of the sky suddenly stopped and turned its eyes towards the distance; it then floated higher and stopped at a hover, 30 or 40 feet higher than the security pattern denoted.
Luke frowned and clicked down his eye piece and cycled through the touch pad connected to a buckle on his hip until he gained sight of the drone.
Something was happening, something big. He saw the traces and smoke of bullets and battle, he then saw a helicopter fall from the sky, struck by something. He clicked the intercom again. “Stand down to level 2 lockdown, I repeat, level 2.” A few seconds later the shutters came up, but the guards did not move from their positions, a couple looked at each other quizzically as the Lieutenant walked briskly inside, he opened one of the panic room doors with a swipe of the key card attached to another part of the great coat.
“Madam Diplomat?” he peered around. “Tessa? Where are you?”
A youngish girl stepped out of the crowd of milling diplomatic staff, she was short with grey hair, she wore a typical brown suit with a skirt, right out of the early 1950’s with a white shirt underneath.
“Yes Lieutenant?” she asked, her voice quiet and timid.
“We have a situation Madam Diplomat, there seems to be something happening down near to the capitol building. I have kept my men at level 2 security just to be on the safe side.”
“Good idea,” she nodded and then moved over to an old-fashioned phone and picked it up, the call was directed at any available spokesperson in an attempt to find out what exactly was going on.
Austar Union
26-12-2005, 16:17
Jennifer Akston began grabbed her phone – an ancient disc-dialing monstrosity – and began to dial a number. It was that of a friend – a member of the local police forces. A middle aged fellow called Erik. Major-Constable Erik Mikogami. “Hello, Erik. It’s Jennifer. Can you help me figure out what’s going on? I think I have a lucky break, here… but I do need your help.”
Erik, whom had actually just come out of briefing himself had only just re-arrived back to his office. "Jennifer," he replied over the communicator. "What a surprise, its been a while since we've spoken." He smiled, not being able to be tranfered via his own visual functions. She used an old communicator, a big clunky beast of a thing. Least, thats what she had been using previously.
Jennifer smiled - she had learned to smile even in phone conversations. Somehow, this is always felt in your mood - damn it if she knew how, but it did help. "I'm sorry, Erik. I've been in one of my binges. You know me." Being cast in what she saw as a backwater office has made Jennifer prone to long depressions and drinking spells. She was just recovering from this one. "So, I open up me compy... and people are shooting each other! Seems to be like Big Stuff is happening - and I may be late to the party. Can you give me the gist as to what and why is going on so I can get my bearings straight?"
"Hah!" he exclaimed in return. "You have been a little unawares havent you." Snickering softly, he rubbed his chin; coated in a thin layer of stubble. "Well, what have you got to offer me if I do? Information comes at a price, as you know already."
Akston knit her eyebrows together. What could she possibly offer? She wasn't very sexually attractive - though she could try that angle - and money wouldn't work... she didn't have much of it. But then again... she pondered of what the network would pay her for the news. "Let's start like this. First, I buy you lunch, and you tell me the basics - whatever I would be able to see on the news if I wasn't drunk for the last three weeks. Then, I'll pay you for the inside dirt - in Allanean dollars you know they can't track."
Erik chuckled softly; "You know, you're lucky I'm feeling generous today. But you're going to have to fit in my schedule, unfortunately for you. How does the Affliction Lady Lounge sound to you; meet me at three just north of the Eastern Ghettoboard Sector?" The Major-Connstable grinned, revealing a not so straight line of slightly yellow, coffee and cigar stained teeth. "And no-one but yourself. No recorders."
It took Jennifer Akston only a few seconds to recollect where the Lounge was located. Then, he matched Erik's grin with an equal glint of steely braces. "No recorders. Very well - I have a good memory, hope it'll serve me well. I'll bring pen-and-paper though - stuff that isn't admissible evidence."
Mikogami took just a moment before turning his expression back to a face-set-in-stone. "Good, I'll meet you at three then. You may have to leave immediatly." Soon to be followed was the click of his handset, having not even saying his goodbyes. This was a professional relationship only, a good portion of this professional relationship being, well, unprofessional. In the meantime, he sat back for a few moments before collecting his mind and several personal objects; his wallet. And then swinging his coat around himself, made his leave for the lounge. It would make for a decent journey, too far to trace; not too far to drive in a day.
26-12-2005, 17:14
[Written with A.U. over IRC.]
Teresa Jones, 36; it had been quite a busy day for even her. Having been given a career determined by her true and direct superiors, it had become quite clear that it was going nowhere. But for now, she did her job, and did it well. Having been granted a relative portfolio, she behaved as one of the many correspondents to the various national embassies within the Embassy District Square. It was only natural that during this time, the area be in a state of total lockdown. Being located within an Austarian-Secure compound, the embassies were relatively safe themselves. And at least for now, it seemed that protesters were relatively uninterested there. They werent looking for international attention, they were looking for answers, and a greater solution that what had been evolved over time--Lord Indigo Blue's.
In the meantime, it had just been after lunch when she recieved a call from one of her respective 'clients'. "Ah, Madam Diplomat. I suppose you are calling with regards to the violence which seems to have broken out? I can assure you that things are relatively within our control, if thats what you are calling about of course." In the meantime, it had just been after lunch when she recieved a call from one of her respective 'clients'.
She laughed nervously.
Tessa frowned. “What about the helicopter? We saw one go down, you sure that everything is in hand?”
"Your concerns are well received," Teresa noted, also frowning on her side of the phone call. "It is true, that... several craft have been lost in the riots. And it might not quite seem that things are within control. I am actually working closely with the Central Government, and I can assure you that it is well within competent administration. Indeed, there has been a certain level of lawlessness across a few locations. But we have some relative plans into place, and or even being put into place as we speak. We have police barricading key locations, and for now, the riots appear to be mostly unorganized."
She chuckled, "A bit of an excuse for a scruffle, if you know what I mean."
"There are no credible threats to the people of Midlonia at this point," she continued, addressing the concerns of the ambassador. "Nor to your ambassador. We have strict control over that district, if the last location we have control over is that Embassy Square, non-officials will not be forcing their entry nor destruction upon you." She paused.
"Unfortunately Madam I do not have too much information to offer you. But as soon as much comes up, I will certainly be working to make sure that you know and understand what exactly is going on. If there are any threats, I can organize to have you and your staff extracted, and if all else fails; I can ascertain that you and your government will not be affected directly or indirectly with the going-ons which seem to be happening today, recently. I cannot lie and tell you that these people are not seeking for a change of government, but the security of Midlonia is our concern also, and we are working overtime to protect and seek that security."
Tessa nodded as her shoulders sank a little, she then rolled her eyes. "Thank you very much for belaying my concerns, we would hate to see anything happen to the Blue Administration at this time, we shall inform our government of the situation immediately, thank you for your time.” She placed the phone back onto the receiver and turned to the Lieutenant.
“They’re worried, I don’t know if they were expecting this and its gone wrong or something, get a commincae to the central government immediately, and request that they start to monitor the Union in more detail, I don’t like the smell of it, and I’ll be damned if I’m blamed for anything that happens to this staff if they decide to go international.”
“Yes Madam Diplomat.” The soldier nodded and turned to head for the communications array at the top of the building.
Lothluín had been waiting patiently as she watched the live feed coming in from the television screen. Nothing was changing -- it was still the uncertain, desperate situation it had been minutes ago. She received an update on the choppers coming in. They'd arrive in about 15 minutes. She then heard a voice, and muted the television.
"Ambassador Laurënil," greeted the national leader. "Sorry to keep you waiting. What can I do for you?"
"Ah, hello. I'm very sorry to interrupt your schedule, but I felt that the matter at hand was rather pressing. You will probably receive word that two military helicopters are inbound to the Etarosi embassy within minutes to provide supplies and a couple of squads of EEG, and my people have already contacted security elements. I'm not sure if your authorization is required." She paused to hear his response.
"Also, when they get here, they will be awaiting further requests. A reserve of about 200 more EEG are located off the coast if you need reinforcements. I usually wouldn't have authority to request that kind of manpower, but the regional military commander and I have agreed the situation warrants it."
"I can't help you as far as Ildanor goes -- our government is tediously cautious. I am risking my job to help you, Lord Blue, because I think we all understand the stakes in this situation."
Another post coming soon...
Tiburon Jolted
27-12-2005, 01:37
Om Bheeshaasmaadvaatah Pavate. Bhishodeti Sooryah. Bheeshaasmaadagnischendrashcha. Mryturdhaavati Panchama Iti. Saishaanandaya Meemasaa Bhavati. Yuvaa Syaatsaadhu Yuvaadhyaayakah. Ashishtho Drdhishtho Balishthah. Tasyeyam Prthivee Sarvaa Vittasya Poornaa Syaat.
-from the Vedas
Across the world and into the stars, scenes of rioting and massacre in Anatoba City filled television screens, newspaper headlines, and webpages. And from Mercury to Mars and points onward, Tiburonese civilians and government officials watched- and cursed.
The first thought, naturally, was of protection of assets. It would not be so simple as a helicopter troop transport to the Tiburonese embassy to the Austar Union. Military assets in the United Kingdom- the oldest Tiburonese ally in Europe- were at a slightly greater threat, although not terribly. What was most pressing was the situation on Mercury. Not only did this rioting hack away at allied plans for the Radiant Sun and the Mercurian Core, but it also placed what was now a fairly turbulent nation across the border from Tiburon Mercury.
The fact remained that Tiburon was supporting (and continuing to support) a dictatorship, which was contrary to the general Tiburonese mindset of supporting liberal democracies. As always in Tiburonese-Austarian relations, that mindset would have to be set aside. Of course, Tiburon would naturally support its ally- not doing so was out of the question, especially for such a close ally.
All in all, not a good position.
Tiburonese Embassy to the Federated States of the Austar Union, Anatoba City, the Austar Union
Stefan Antakepolos, the Tiburonese ambassador, sat in a small conference chair and looked out the window at the scenes of rioting outside. Of course, he had heard whispers and wisps of unrest and revolution, but he had never imagined that they could erupt into something like this. He had called for a military security detachment half an hour ago, and he could already hear the dull thupathupathupathup of the Tiburonese helicopter as it made its way to the chaotic scene below. Near the entrances, soldiers began to become more visible as the helicopter landing site were cleared for a troop drop. Chaos in the building as the Army secured rooms in preparation for the worst.
Central Executive Complex, New York City, the United Solaris Federation of Tiburon
The general sense of disorder had crossed the Atlantic and permeated the halls of Central Station, the emergency conference room for the executive branch of Tiburon's government. Orders were coming in to and from the military and civilian systems- and at the center of it all, a very frustrated President Abhinash Chandran.
He looked around the table, a collection of the heads of each department- divisions, he had to remind himself, now that the Federal Structure Act had been passed. They came from all races and all ethnicities- a reflection of Tiburonese life itself. "Situation?"
Sakura Akanimara- the Minister of State- responded first with the political situation. Each of them knew, of course, the reality that the Austar Union faced, but this needed to be spoken, for the record. "The Austarians are protesting their government's dictatorial control of the country. The rioters are mainly the religious right and the democratic left, united only by their opposition to Lord Blue. If their side wins, there are two possibilities: either the Austar Union becomes a democratic state, or it becomes a theocracy. The political power of either side prevents the other from gaining major power."
William Acheson- Force Director of Defense- nodded and continued. "We could be seeing a Jacobin-Girondin situation on that side. Of course, if their side loses and our side wins, there's status quo. Status quo seems to be quite nice- except for this mess. We can surely try to isolate the religious right, which seems to be the side that has a higher-profile leader. A Union police raid, and..."
Chandran nodded. "Well, priority one is minimizing damage and having a united VERITAS front, and that means supporting Blue in his time of need, of course. I don't give a rat's ass what the stated goal of the nation is. We haven't backed out on our allies ever and I sure as hell aren't going to start now. Getting rid of the right's leader may have a countereffect. We'll have to tread a careful wire as we help Blue out." A brief call to Ambassador Antakepolos, and then a call to Lord Indigo Blue.
*TLSF- the Tiburon Lightning Strike Force, Tiburon's analogue to the U.S. Marines
OOC: Gah. A revolution in an allied country? As if I didn't have enough stuff to do ICly and OOCly already.
Back in Ildanor, Government Central was in a frenzy. Cyrus Kasparov, who had taken to reprimanding Minister Van Arsden for his slow response, was now threatening to fire the old statesman. Van Arsden, ashamed and offended, threatened to walk out. Either way, the entire Etarisan Cabinet was arguing back and forth, with no end result coming. Apparently, Ambassador Laurënil had been right in her phone call to Lord Blue...
"Look, Van Arsden. I got a phone call from our embassy in the Austar Union telling me that you'd left specific instructions to not offer aid, support, or any word whatsoever. And it appears from your e-mails that you completely failed to respond to requests of authorization from the guys that were sending in reinforcements. And, as --"
The old man interrupted, and banged his cane onto the table. "Look here. I don't have to give authorization if I don't want to. That ambassador was overreacting --"
"Do not interrupt me, Mr. Van Arsden," intervened the Eratis with a very stern and angry tone. "You are out of order. Ambassador Laurënil was doing her job, and I told her staff to carry on as planned. I apologized to them for your lack of ability, and the Defense Ministry has been ordered to send in more reinforcements as necessary.
"You know that I usually allow a fair amount of leniency. You also know that I do this because I trust all of my Cabinet. Mr. Van Arsden, you have lost my respect and trust. You are excused from your duties as of now." The stern, hard stare from the Eratis was piercing, and quite frightening. The old man was in a state of relative shock. However, he composed himself, stood and walked out of the room with stares following him. The entire Cabinet was in a state of disbelief. However, they said nothing. When the door was closed, they looked to Kasparov.
"This situation is not dire, but it is worthy of close attention. Joseph Van Asrden was unable to provide such attention, and I cannot have anymore mistakes. This is an embarrassment to our nation...a message should have been sent immediately to Lord Blue. I will go do that now, the rest of you involved with affairs outside of this nation need to buckle down and ensure that normal traffic between the Austar Union and Etaros is halted, per their request. We need to make sure all nationals in the AU are accounted for. We need to draw up an effective military plan if things go downhill. We need to get the Ambassador and her staff the supplies they require. Any questions?" There was a shake of heads. "Very well. Dismissed."
To: Lord Indigo Blue, the Austar Union
From: Eratis Cyrus Kasparov, the Erasati Republic of Etaros
Subject: Recent Unrest
Lord Blue,
First, I must sincerely apologize for the slow response from my government. I usually employ a great deal of leniency in regards to my Cabinet, and my Minister of Foreign Affairs failed most miserably in providing me with information and creating a detailed plan of action in regards to the unrest and rioting in your nation. He has been removed from his position as a consequence.
Next, I must say that Etaros is fully behind you and your government. We will provide whatever aid is necessary to ensure that order is restored to the Austar Union. Though Etaros is now a democratic state, we do not believe that the rioters in question are right -- in fact, they are totally wrong.
I have ordered my Defense Minister to send in a contigent of forces upon two Etarosi warships. There should be about 5,000 EEG (which actually comprises of almost 1/4 of the EEG) at your disposal, should the situation continue to spiral into chaos. With the authorization of the Etarosi Congress (its name for now), I have also been provided with an emergency fund of EC2.5 billion. This money shall be devoted to whatever you need. Think of it as a gift.
In accordance with our VERITAS signature, the Erasati Republic is fully devoted to ensuring that you and your government prevail in this situation. However, know that if you decide upon other courses of action, we will continue our support. The Austar Union will always have the backing of Etaros as long as our alliance survives.
With best wishes,
Cyrus Kasparov
Eratis of Etaros
Austar Union
27-12-2005, 05:11
Discussion with the Etarosi Ambassador had been relatively well, but had still mirrored much of the sentiments of which Indigo chose to respond to the central government via a letter of confidence.
-< Open Transmission > ---
--< Transmission Type: Standard Diplomatic Communique > ---
--< Origins: Lord Indigo Blue, the Federated States of Austar Union > ---
--< Destination: Eratis Cyrus Kasparov, the Erasati Republic of Etaros > ---
--< Subject: RE: > ---
I thank you very much for your unwavering support, and with this message I send my personal gratitude of thanks. At this time, I am forced via means of sensitivity that I think it most important for me to not accept outside forces and or assistance in these matters; whilst the situation may or may not appear to be dire, I am strong in my belief that a certain level of sensitivity ought to be adopted when tackling such issues. There is indeed some cause for concern, but intelligence and conciousness must prevail in the unrest.
I will contact you however in future, should there be need to adopt other measures of approach. Thankyou again, for your support, and I can assure you that regardless of government, the government of Etaros will always be a friend of the Austarian people.
With Respect,
Lord Indigo Blue
The Federated States of Austar Union
-< End Transmission > --
In the meantime, having all matters dealt with the Union's various friends and allies, each of them getting the same basic " thanks, but no thanks " response; Indigo was now left alone within his office to contemplate, and think. Day had turned to dusk, and dusk had turned to night. Through the night the riots had slightly died off, but the forces of the various revolutionaries prevailed against police and local government justice units. For one thing, he couldnt tell exactly what tomorrow had in store. He had recieved information from all over the various government departments that the citizens would strike once again. And then some, he had recieved the contradictary information that perhaps tomorrow would be somewhat easier than today; yesterday, and the day before.
He sighed, and took a swig from his bottle of scotch; no longer concerned about drinking 'properly' from a glass and ice. Today had been a big day, and tomorrow would be even bigger. But now that the day had at least somewhat quietened, he was free to ponder his move toward a final solution.
"Bloody revolutionries," he muttered under his breath before taking another swig, finishing it off with an empty stare toward the burning city. "If I had known..." He allowed his voice to trail, realising that there was nobody to actually hear his true depression. It was true however, his reputation, his personal image. All that which he had worked for. All gone in a mix of blood and dust. And pulling the revolver from its case he stared at it, studied it solemly.
Not today, he thought to himself before placing back in its glass case. Its single bullet still resting beside it, within its own little protective location.
Not today...
HNN Reporter Tracy Nichols had somehow managed to get a ride into the city on the Tiburonese helicopter bringing in troops to defend the embassy. To be honest, she didn't know quite what was happening. She had contacts in the Tiburonese military from a long time ago, from the days of NATO, and she had called in more than a few favours to get onto the helicopter. But mass rioting in a major city of a major nation was too good a story to pass up. She knew if she did, she'd never hear the end of it from her somewhat-rival, Miranda Cooper. Hiraki was without an embassy in Austar, and so she would have no backup on the ground except possibly the Tiburonese soldiers, who gave her uneasy looks as she was on the chopper with them thanks to favours from their superiors, and nothing to do with them.
And so as the chopper landed, no escort arrived for her, no reporter already on the ground. She was completely on her own with press gear, a camera and a lot of film. She slipped her way into the chaotic environment inside the embassy and down the building towards the front gate. However, as she stepped out she saw to her horror that there was a large crowd outside the gate already, making it impossible to slip out that way. Even if they would open the gates for her, she wouldn't be able to fight her way through the crowd to the street.
And so she made her way back into the embassy, trying to avoid those who didn't know of her presence and make her way to a back door of some sort, to escape the embassy and make her way out into the real danger, the rioting streets. She knew this could be a breakthrough story for the HNN, especially if she somehow found a videocamera. If not it would have to settle for newspaper.
Muttering statistics and words under her breath, and trying to get the irritating tune of a commercial she had seen last night and a rock song from a few days earlier - which were creating a bizarre mix of music in her head - out of her head so she could think clearly, she made her way, walking quickly with a worried expression on her face, to the back of the embassy. People mostly let her be, as she had discovered through years in the field that one of the best ways not to be bothered was to act as if you belonged.
OOC: Tiburon, I'm assuming this is okay with you. Also, Austar, I know we've never RPed together before but I'm hoping it's okay to be here. It did say 'Open', so ...
Austar Union
27-12-2005, 07:01
[ OOC : Tis absolutely fine Haraki, you seem to be a decent gentleman. ]
" And so what will our next move be comprised of ? " snarled Harris, of whom sat around a dining table with cigar in his mouth. He puffed, and snorted; wiping away something from his nose. " I am sure that even you Doctor, understand the fact that those who stand still are made obselete, proverbially."
Richard held his due, peering out the window nervously. " I'm more than aware of that Harris. " It was relatively obvious that the two faction leaders werent the best of friends. But rather that they called themselves collegues. For now. " I think we have actually managed to do quite well for today... the world has taken notice to our cause already. "
" Oh ? " snickered Harris, leader of the Underground Democratic Movement. " From where I'm sitting the only attention we seem to have grasped is the negative. The Union's friends and allies have adhered to the Central Government, which is only expected. " He snickered once again. " But, it makes our job that little more difficult. "
The Doctor nodded. " Especially in trying to establish a provisional government. "
Harris rolled his eyes and stood to his feet, taking a large mouthful of the alchoholic drink he was drinking. " You frustrate me sometimes, Porterman. Of course I was refering to exactly that... " He snorted and wiped his mouth. " Anyhow, this banter is getting us no-where. What's on for tomorrow Captain ? "
" I think, " Richard stuttered, thinking at the same time. " Although I strike today might have created some degree of lawlessness, tomorrow's will have to be much more organised. I want high-powered weapons sent and distributed amongst all of the divisions, and I want us to take the city squares one by one. The more people we can recruit to the cause, the better. And the more of these government bastards we can scare... or buy into submission; the quicker both you and I can begin the final turnover. "
He smiled, " Tomorrow is another day Harris. And despite our differences today, we will be celebrating in victory tomorrow, and the next, and the next. "
In orbital space, multi-spectrum eyes watched, and did not record, but instead sent back multi-megabyte datastreams to their bigger, more permanent brethren, who in turn routed it to ground stations from which it was dumped real-time for processing and storage. It was data available to all, for a price, and most of it would remain undisturbed until subject to one of the many disruptions of the modern age.
The data stream from over Austar Union's Anatoba City was ultimately downloaded by Shara Hida, who overlaid it against a more permanent map of the city and uploaded the resulting real/static matrix into the Distributed Kingdom's diplomatic server, where it could be viewed by anyone who wanted to know what streets to avoid. It was a mirror of the monitoring project performed for Wye City, capital of Weyr, on a permanent basis, and thus not unfamiliar to Weyreans who, for one reason or another, had chosen to stay in Austar Union despite its recent troubles.
This, and an edit to the wiki-esque site monitoring situations across the world for Weyrean travelers, completed her duties as the Distributed Kingdom's de-facto delegate in Austar Union. She was one of the alternative diplomats Weyr had had to rely on, with increasing budget cuts to the Ministry of Foreign affairs, and thus far it was difficult for anyone to object to the shift away from needing armed guards and dozens of staff members to fulfill functions that few Weyreans or locals took advantage of anyway. Thus, like any prudent Weyrean, she chose to stay the hell out of the streets, because while, like most Weyreans, she was perfectly able to assemble a few molotovs and chuck them out of windows, she also knew that such tactics were pointless without a plan and plenty of backup and, in her case, as she poured herself a sizeable mug of vodka and went back to downloading a few more episodes of various teleshows, an actual reason to be involved. She decided to do the other cities in the nation later, if no one beat her to it by then.
Kasparov was now busy looking for a new Minister of Foreign Affairs. He had seen Van Arsden off an hour ago -- the old man was very angry and not to be talked to at the time. He said he'd be leaving the country for Etarosi Haven. As soon as the old man left, Kasparov had intelligence tracking his every move. Better to be safe than sorry, especially with an old wingbat on the loose...
Now, as the sun was at its highest, Kasparov received a return email from the leader of the AU. He read it through, and smiled. Such diligence in the face of threat..What a truly remarkable person. The Eratis only hoped that he could have such sense and wisdom if he were ever placed in such a difficult situation. And, some would argue, unnecessary stubborness. In fact, the Etarosi Democratic Party was secretly requesting that Kasparov back off on the entire situation -- apparently party members were becoming annoyed with his devoted support to an absolutist government. In fact, moments ago the Eratis had just dismissed a member of the Etarosi Congress from his office that had complained the same thing.
He didn't care what his party wanted -- he knew what was right in this instance. He knew that even though Lord Blue declined his military aid, that the leader would appreciate it greatly if a force were still sent to rest in international waters. Kasparov was not stupid -- he knew that in the past the potential for close Etarosi-AU relations was extremely high. Somehow, things didn't work out then. But now, regardless of the situation, they would work. He sent the leader a brief message explaining what he would do...
To: Lord Indigo Blue, the Federated States of Austar Union
From: Eratis Cyrus Kasparov, Erasati Republic of Etaros
Subject: Re:
Lord Blue,
It is not a problem for us to help a friend in need. I must say to you that in your darkest hours, know that we and other allies will be here to help. Know that when times seem their worst, there is always a brighter day ahead. The Erasati Republic is a shining example of this fact.
Although you have politely declined my offer for troop reinforcements (with good and justifiable reason), I have ordered a contigent of about 2,500 EEG to be stationed upon the ENV Eledhwen, a fairly large Etarosi aircraft carrier. The ship will remain in international waters in the North Sea, close enough to provide immediate aid if the situation deteriorates. You may know that a rather small naval group is already stationed there with 200 EEG. This force is only precautionary, and will not be used unless you personally authorize it.
To end this message, I must say that you will continue to have our backing in this matter regardless of what you decide to do.
With best wishes,
Cyrus Kasparov
Eratis of Etaros
Meanwhile, he contacted the embassy to check in on their status. He was toying with the thought of promoting Ambassador Laurënil, perhaps to Etarosi Ambassador to VERITAS or KIST. He had even dared to consider the possibility of her being Minister of Foreign Affairs...
At the Etarosi Embassy, things were going very smoothly. The troop reinforcements had arrived hours ago, and with night upon them, things seemed a bit quieter, though racket could be heard in the streets. Lothluín was tired, even though she'd had a nap. A phone call interrupted her rest, and she had a brief and friendly conversation with Kasparov. She was told of the situation concerning Van Arsden. Personally, she was satisfied. Professionally, she was neutral, but supported the decision modestly. Lothluín informed Kasparov that the troop reinforcements brought the number at the embassy to 30 EEG. Thus, the perimeter had been fully secured. She also told him that the supplies they received would carry them for another week or so. After they hung up, she looked into the sky from a window.
The moon wasn't quite visible, being just a sliver. The stars weren't too visible either..she was in the middle of the city. However, she still happily accepted the sky that was offered to her. She understood that regardless of what happened tomorrow, today had ended well. Tomorrow would bring trials and tribulations, but they would be dealt with in the proper manner.
So, as she walked through the embassy accounting for everyone before she retired to her sofa, Lothluín thought of the songs her mother had sung to her when she was very small. Hundreds of years never let her forget those beautiful songs. She smiled at the small children -- sons and daughters of her staff -- curled up in their blankets, fast asleep. She smiled at the troops standing guard in and around the embassy. Pleased with life and the situation, the elf went to sleep very comforted.
Perhaps too comforted, for she did not know the plans of the sinister revolutionaries...
Jennifer was never really a clever dresser. A pair of jeans with what would be strategic cuts on a better-looking lady, and a pair of running boots – old, dirty, and worn-out, as well as a light-grey T-shirt served their purpose in this case. She pondered her hair a bit – and decided that making it more disheveled was actually a good idea. In fact, it would be a key part of her plan.
She grabbed a paper bag – marked conspicuously as ‘MarketPlus![tm]'. It was somewhat old and dirty – she was planning drop her trash in it – but it would do. In fact, it would serve just well for the occasion. She washed off any lipstick, and wrapped several sandwiches into a plastic bag, and tossed them into the big one. She added a t-shirt she was actually using as a floor rag, and smiled. Sometimes, I’m so clever…
Fifteen minutes later, a ragged bag lady without any documents (though packing a cheap, disposable digital camera in a back pocket, pretty consistent with what a bag lady would pick out of the trash) was making her way through the city, hiding in shadows, looking scared, sometimes remembering to shudder appropriately when gunshots where heard in the distance.
As someone who grew up in a place where Urban Tactical Marksmanship was a credits course in high-school, Jennifer Akston really did need to fake that.
Austar Union
27-12-2005, 09:23
If it were not for the fact that Jennifer had decided to go under the guise of a homeless woman, Police Units would have promptly arrested her for breaking curfew, to say the least. But given that she was homeless, and that homeless people generally had nowhere else to go; she might have been handled with lenience. Might be. In the meantime, as she made her way through the streets of Anatoba, she would have certainly heard the sound of sirens making their way toward her. Well, not toward her; but in her general direction. Jennifer slunk to the shadows as the vehicle began to come into sight; it was travelling fast. And screeching to a halt, she turned to face it, seeing that it was a heavy 'troop carrier'. No soldiers were on board however, just a unit of the regular justice system.
"Hey, you!" shouted a voice from beside the vehicle. Jennifer stayed silent and only looked over her shoulder, continuing to walk down the street. "Halt!" commanded the voice.
Jennifer hesitated, and turned to see three or four officers standing over her.
"Who are you? We want to see your papers!" one of the men demanded. "Dont you know these streets have been closed?"
In the meantime, Erik had already arrived at the Lady Lounge by himself, and ordered a cup of coffee and flatjacks to suit. It was already approaching 2:35pm.
There’s three things a human can do when startled. Either refuse to act sanely at all – run, freeze up, scream, whatever – or fall into whatever pattern he has pre-learned for the situation – or act rationally. This is the reasoning behind most self-defense training – you practice your draw dozens of times, and eventually this becomes instinct, and even if you’re not able to act rationally, the pattern will kick in.
In our case, Jennifer was not yet able to act rationally in a moment of danger. Regardless, she rehearsed her ‘role’ of a bag lady a dozen times mentally while she was on the way – and right now, it did kick in. With force. She fell on her knees, dropping her bag, raising her hands upwards, paling (this was natural, of course – few people can fake that) and stuttering in shock: “C-cclosed? C-cclosed, sir? I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about, Sir… I sleep in streets, you see… one night in a park, one night on a sidewalk.. I don’t watch no tee-vee, Sir… how do they close the streets? What is happening?”
Only after some inquiry did the police officers realize that ‘Jenny’ didn’t actually have any documents on her – as often happens with homeless people, even in regimes much less lenient than Austar Union. This was natural – as Jennifer Akston wisely hid her creds in the sole of one of her running shoes. Now, unless some strange thing happened, they would not be found and would not contradict her identity of a bag lady.
Tiburon Jolted
27-12-2005, 23:20
OOC: No problem, Haraki, although the presence of a reporter wouldn't be odd at all within the TLSF- reporting teams are embedded all the time with armed force units. Pluswhich, although I'm no longer official NATO, I've still got close relations with some nations- Haraki included.
Pozzo: Have you not done tormenting me with your accursed time! It's abominable! When! When! One day, is that not enough for you, one day he went dumb, one day I went blind, one day we'll go deaf, one day we were born, one day we shall die, the same day, the same second, is that not enough for you? They give birth astride of a grave, the light gleams an instant, then it's night once more.
-from Waiting for Godot, by Samuel Beckett
Central Executive Complex, New York City, the United Solaris Federation of Tiburon
Chandran was visibly irritated after the shrug-off he had gotten from Blue. The friggin' hell! That wasn't the only reason for the call. Still, there was nothing he could do except write a letter, which at least guaranteed that the text would be seen.
[Sent Via D-Net]
[To: Lord Indigo Blue, the Federated States of the Austar Union]
[From: President Abhinash Chandran, the United Solaris Federation of Tiburon]
[Subject: Unrest]
[Classification: Top Secret]
Lord Blue,
Although your current refusal of Tiburonese aid is perfectly understandable, I wish to assure you that any time the Federated States requires Tiburonese assistance, we will be most willing to assist- Tiburon has historically, and shall again stand by her allies in their hours of need.
We also ask for a reasonable assessment of the volatility of the situation from the Austari government, in particular with respect to the Mercurian theater of operations. Given the current Seraphim civil war and the Sketch presence around MercurySphere, we hope you can understand our ill feeling at activities which could further destabilize the planet.
President Abhinash Chandran,
The United Solaris Federation of Tiburon
Quite irritating indeed.
Tiburonese Embassy to the Federated States of the Austar Union, Anatoba City, the Austar Union
The HNN reporter probably would have felt some unease, and may have thought that it was directed at her. This would be a miscalculation- it was actually directed towards the situation at hand. Despite full government support for Lord Blue, the average Tiburonese supported the democratic left, and even though the orders were strictly to defend the embassy, it was hard to shoot at someone who would be considered an upstanding citizen back home. Still, orders were orders, even unpleasant ones.
The second and third choppers, carrying more troops, a sizable Tiburonese press detachment, and what seemed to be a Harakian press team for someone- God knew for who- was delayed in the United Kingdom, leaving a very anxious Colonel X'hade, who knew for a certifiable fact that taking good care of the HNN reporter would make or break his career with General Alyatirinol. As if he didn't have enough to deal with already, commanding the troop transport and reinforcements.
After making sure that a section of the east bunker was reinforced, he made his way over to Nichols. "Salutations. I'm Colonel Tuvin X'hade. I'd like to personally apologize for the lack of a press team and the lack of hospitality so far- it's simply a very tense situation. I assure you it's nothing personal. We get embeds all the time. Colonel Browning over in the UK has informed me that your escort has left Dover Air Force Base and should be on its way soon. This may be a bad time, but welcome to the Tiburonese embassy."
Tracy nodded gratefully to the colonel who had introduced himself. "Thanks, nice to meet you. Sorry to tag along on the chopper, but really Haraki's never had much to do with Austar. We couldn't bring in a news team on our own, so we had to get through with your guys. As I understand, my support team was slightly delayed, but it looks as though the rioting is calming down for now. The strictly-enforced curfew I heard about a few minutes ago seems to be working wonders."
As she said, this, inside she was somewhat dreading this fact being true. She had been on a plane to Tiburon and then various airmobile machines for more than a day to get here, and if it was all over that would have been for nothing.
"Since we won't be allowed out until the morning, would it be okay with you if I try and get some sleep somewhere in here - Just find a quiet hallway or something? I'll just wait for my team to arrive and then we'll set out in the morning once the curfew's lifted."
Austar Union
02-01-2006, 05:34
{Open Transmission}
{Transmission Type: Standard Diplomatic Communique}
{From: Lord Indigo Blue, the Federated States of Austar Union}
{To: President Abhinash Chandran, the United Solaris Federation of Tiburon}
{Subject: RE:}
I can appreciate your concerns with regards to the true stablity of the political aspects with regards to the central government, and also; our current administration of the D'na Apollo Colonies on Mercury. Indeed, there are some reasons to be concerned about--instability within the MercurySphere as you have so dilligently put it, has grown into something more 'troubling'. However, I can at least assure you that relations between the United Solaris Federation and the D'na Apollo Colonial Settlements will remain untroubled, and the current discussions between ourselves and you at Sancturary City will be relatively unaffected. I have instructed E.L.E.K.T.R.A. however to do speak on behalf of her own administration on Mercury itself, rather than on behalf of the people of the Union.
Certain statistical data has indicated that even in the course of a change in central government however will not be unbeneficial for our current course of friends and allies, and that any new government that may or may not emerge over the course of the following weeks are likely to remain inclined towards the signing of that treaty. The United Solaris Federation has proven itself to be a worthy friend of the Federated States of Austar Union, and pending some caution in your own approach toward our situation; I'm sure you will find the results--whatever they might be; to be relatively positive, or at the very least neutral toward your own interests toward both us and on the MercurySphere.
Kind Regards,
Lord Indigo Blue
The Federated States of Austar Union
{End Transmission}
OOC: More to come
Austar Union
02-01-2006, 08:42
$_Days_Later, Anatoba City, the Federated States of Austar Union
" Lord Indigo Blue, Sir, " interupted a graying gentleman. Indigo sat silently within his Library. " But I'm afraid that it's getting to be time to evacuate you. The revolutionaries are now attacking the Statehouse Gate. "
Such unfortunate news, for such an unfortunate day. Several days had passed since the rioting and violence had began, and such efforts put in by the Justice Departments to restore law and order over the cities were equally, if not thrice as matched by local dissenters. All in the meantime, the central government had been in contact with outside interventionists; those who were interested in lending a hand. And it wasnt a matter of pride that Indigo had decided to deny them; it was his true belief--if this was what the people wanted, until he could prevent them no longer, he would stand on his own two legs. This governance would not rely on the hands and guns of others; if it were not strong enough to survive, then it would not. This was the heart of the capitalist system, one that Indigo had embraced since his true understanding of the global society he had been born into.
" Survival of the Fittest ".
" No, I'll stay," muttered the leader, now retiring to his fate. " If the people want to kill me, let them. If I have done them wrong, let me repay my debts. A true leader leads so long as he has the support of his gentlemen. And for all that I have worked for, it has become relatively clear that I do not. "
He sighed and looked off into the distance. " Contact the Press would you, and announce this government's surrender. "
Wallace frowned in dismay and bowed his head, " As you wish, Sir. "
The new Foreign Minister was sifting through paperwork and files left behind by his predecessor. Xirnes Novalis was currently trying to organize things -- the recently fired Joseph Van Arsden was apparently a very untidy and sloppy person. The alien was decidedly unhappy with having to take out his time to complete a task that was wasting his time. His long, thin fingers brushed over the papers, seemingly not touching them but moving them all the same as if he were. Neat piles were beginning to form, carefully neatening themselves when the forces of nature made them irregular. His keen eyes collected hundreds of words, and he would sometimes hesitate, and move a stack into a separate pile.
The work was tedious, no doubt, but he had the patience for it. He did not have the patience, however, to be interrupted, and was annoyed when an aide walked in. "Excellency, there is breaking news on television about the situation in Austar Union." Another burden he had inherited from his imcompetent predecessor. He nodded, the striking orange eyes gathering a sense of great fear and alarm about the yougn aide. That is not good...
He pressed a small button on the desk to turn on the flat-panel screen across the room. He said, "Austar Union" and the television automatically searched for channels that had mentioned anything to do with AU in the past hour. Ten channels popped up in mini-screens. By remote control, he selected one of them.
The frantic reporter was telling all who were watching that the government of Lord Indigo Blue had surrendered to the revolutionaries that had been creating a total lack of order in the past few days. Xirnes stood immediately, and ordered his aide to not allow anyone in the room until he returned.
The tall alien walked swiftly at a rather striking pace; he seemed to glide down the front steps of the building he was in. EEG on patrol turned to him, and almost dared to ask for identification before thinking it unwise -- not only was it obvious who he was, he also appeared urgent, stern, and nobody would think to interrupt his great, powerful strides. Moments later, he arrived at the Eratis' office. A quick knock, and he entered.
Kasparov was holding the phone in his hand as the alien walked into the room. "I was just calling you." Xirnes nodded. "So you have seen the reports...?" The Eratis was still slightly uncomfortable with the new guy..he seemed...all-knowing. However, he hid his discomfort and answered directly. "Yes, I have, and I must tell you that I am pissed." The alien smiled. "As you have right to be, Mr. Kasparov. If you seek my words to guide you, I must say that you must immediately evacuate any government officials, especially Ambassador Laurënil and her staff. From what my predecessor gathered, there were only a hundred or so nationals in the country, and most of those left. Any remaining are probably with the revolutionaries or hiding."
The Eratis frowned. "And what to do about the new government that is to come? I know there are two sides to the revolutionists...both with highly conflicting ideologies. Damn them for not remaining separate.." Kasparov flashed his eyes toward the television before taking a sip of wine. "Bastardly, ruinious forces. Now we are in a real rut, with little to do and much to ponder."
Xirnes, however, disagreed. Standing to elevate himself, he walked to the window and peeked out of it. He saw guards chatting down below. They immediately stopped talking and looked around, confused. The alien turned back to his superior. "I have little doubt that there is not much to do. In fact, if we work hard enough, we can assert ourselves quite prominently in creating a provisional government." Kasparov looked at the alien with a degree of surprise. "Are you suggesting an attempt to establish a puppet government?"
The alien laughed his slow, growling laugh. "Oh, no. Of course not." He dropped his smile. "However, it would be a wise foreign policy move to capitalize on the situation. If there is going to be a new government in AU, which there will be, then it must be compatible with our interests to maintain friendship. Friends, after all, are our best investment." The orange eyes of Xirnes peered into those of Cyrus Kasparov. The alien detected a sense of doubt in the human, fueled perhaps by his fear of the alien. He broke eye contact. "I would suggest a government that offers shared power between the leftists and religious zealots. A democracy supported by a background of religion." He paused. "Though, that would be rather undesirable, I'm afraid it's the only road we can take." He looked to his leader for approval.
Kasparov sipped his wine in thought. "You know, Xirnes, I hired you because you were a seemingly qualified candidate for the position you now hold. After this conversation, I am more sure than ever that I made the correct choice. I will have Ambassador Laurënil and her staff evacuated from their current location to rest upon the Eledhwen while we pull together a good plan for a provisional government. We'll have her present it to the revolutionaries as soon as they are willing to host us.
"If, however, things go badly, I trust that you will contact our allies immediately to prepare for war. These revolutionaries are not our allies -- the previous government was. I will not treat them as allies until they can prove that they are interested in maintaining and protecting Etarosi interests. That, I believe, will take months, if not years."
Xirnes nodded his approval. "Very wise, Mr. Kasparov. I must take my leave now, if we are done, for there is still much to organize in my humble office." Kasparov stood, and led him to the door. "I'll call you later with the plan to see if you approve of it. That is, unless you want to draw it up." The alien thought for a moment. "Yes, I will do that. I shall have it back to you in two hours, at the most." And so it was done.
The good ambassador and her staff were pulled out of the embassy, but a squad of EEG remained behind to make sure the embassy didn't come under fire. Those who were extracted were sent immediately to the ENV Eledhwen, and Ambassador Laurënil was informed of her coming mission. Tired as she was, she greeted the assignment with optimism and determination. She eagerly awaited the proposal by the Etarosi government so things could get under way. As soon as the revolutionaries established a presence in which they could be contacted, Etaros would be on top of them with a proposal and request to send an ambassador.
The situation, for now, appeared to be going as smoothly as possible.
02-01-2006, 12:53
“Pathetic.” Rumbled the Lieutenant, his burrow frowed.
“Mmm.” Hmmed Tessa as she looked at the message from the press.
“An uprising in one city and they surrender, how genuinely pathetic.”
“They’re Mindset is so weak. We’d have called in Soldiers that were elsewhere to remove them, even if that didn’t work we’d flatten the town…”
“Where were you deployed when you were on active service, Lieutenant?” Tessa turned to look up at him, the contrast in height and age was quite startling, something people rarely noticed.
“Er, 48th Batallion, Western Co-“
“Exactly, you were fighting against Colonials, people who every so often need to be punished, we give them respect, jobs, a place in society and respect them for it, when they break that circle of respect, we and other colonials beat them for it. This is a different position entirely; this is the capital city after all. Whoever these new people are, however, we have been instructed not to recognise, just yet. We want to see if they have Midlonian Economic interests, indeed, international interests at heart, if not, or if they order us to leave, well, we have to report it to Cent. Gov. They’ll take it from there.” She looked down and back at the screen that floated in mid-air, the pictures repeated of the rioting, people jeering in the streets, giving off the peace sign, waving flags, guns, burnt cars, crashed helicopters…
“What’s the likeliest response that Cent. Gov. will give?”
“Heh, probably invade the place and put something more favourable in place, but only if they start seizing stuff that belongs to corporations, and asking people to leave.”
She paused for a minute, then took another breath and spoke.
“Y’know, I wonder where they got all their weapons from, Austarian Security isn’t that incompetent, so who supplied them?” she mused a little more. “There’s got to be something more than this, the surface seems fairly easy to read, but there has to be a… a benefactor behind it. Can we get some Intel? Of some of the traffic in and out from here? I swear there must be something more.”
“Yes, Madam Diplomat” the Lieutenant nodded and moved over to a console to order various aids and savants to begin a request for various files on movement in shipping, arms movement, manufacture etc.
Royal Aerionian Broadcasting Corporation <RABC>
International News Headlines
“It was reported today that the Austarian Central Government surrendered to rebels following several days of violent rioting in Anitoba City, the capital of the Federated States of Austar Union.
Lord Indigo Blue, the head of the Austarian Central Government , voluntarily issued a statement of surrender.
The rebels were primarily composed of members of the Underground Democratic Movement and various Christian Right groups.
A spokesperson for the Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Grand Kingdom of Aerion stated at a regular Ministry press conference, “It it is unfortunate that a legitimate national government such as the one in the Federated States of Austar Union would so easily cede control of their nations to rebel groups, thereby setting a precedent to such groups in other nations that legitimate governments can simply be forced to surrender if pressured enough.”
In light of recent events, the Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued a Travel Warning to all Aerionians traveling to and in the Federated States of Austar Union.”
Tiburon Jolted
11-01-2006, 07:10
The Daughters of the American Revolution (reflected the cynic, Doremus Jessup, that evening) is a somewhat confusing organization--as confusing as Theosophy, Relativity, or the Hindu Vanishing Boy Trick, all three of which it resembles. It is composed of females who spend one half their waking hours boasting of being descended from the seditious American colonists of 1776, and the other and more ardent half in attacking all contemporaries who believe in precisely the principles for which those ancestors struggled.
-from It Can't Happen Here, by Sinclair Lewis
Tiburonese Embassy to the Federated States of the Austar Union, Anatoba City, the Austar Union
Colonel X'hade looked on with some skepticism. "A... hallway? You're sure you don't want to join your friends and the other reporters in the press barracks?" He motioned over to the troops, which were removing most of the furniture from the large central first floor room to make way for the troop, medic, and press barracks. "It would certainly be more comfortable." Noticing that various filming crews were already setting up their equipment and preparing to film live, he fished in his pockets and pulled out a small storage disk. "Oh, and you'll probably want one of these. Division of Defense-approved, has all the info you'll need for your broadcast."
Central Executive Complex, New York City, the United Solaris Federation of Tiburon
The message had been processed, registered, and read (and reread, several times), but could not be answered to. Between the send and the read, the Austar Union had collapsed. And this... was a problem.
Vice President Bell sat in a chair in a floor of the building of the complex, contemplating his actions. He would have to choose them carefully. An ally had collapsed, and Tiburon- and other allies of the Union- stood as representatives of the government's friends. They were, of course, at risk. And even if there was no intention of lashes against foreign nations, there were still the two other problems: the possibility of a theocratic AU, and the fact that the pro-democratists would support Tiburon- a nation similar to their vision of what the AU was to be. Support Tiburon, despite the AU and Tiburon being quite close allies. The reaction of the protesters, more than anything, would be a major factor in the coming days.
The only action that was done was to increase drone fighter patrols over the embassy grounds, establish a no-fly zone over said grounds, and continue manning the fortifications. The cameras were rolling, the soldiers in place in case of attack. $_day after the riots had started.