A question of Fate [Open]
09-12-2005, 23:04
OCC: Ok it works out like this: I'm reintroducing Eric Lancer. For those of you who don't know who he is well just read and find out. Right now I'll be expanding on the area but the colony is an ex-military facility so it has many an unexplored area but these colonies are popular amung pilots to relax at. Just remember, Phalanix has fallen so the territory once held by the PSN is open for the time being (though the base system is secretly active). Though some ships have gone the way of mercs while others still follow the PSN and are attempting to hold territory for the time being.
It had been at least a decade since the room had been opened. The cryo-storage bay still hummed with the life that the backup generators provided for the few souls deemed lucky enough to still be alive, yet undiscovered.
Breaking the silence the sound of shoes against the dust covered gunmetal gray floor followed by voices.
“Jessica hurry up. Everyone is waiting on you.
“Ya Jess hurry up. I wana see this.”
“I’ll take as long as I damn well like.”
“You can be such a bitch you know that?”
“Go to hell Alex.”
After a few more minutes of the squabbling four figures entered the long abandoned cryo-bay using a few handheld floodlights to illuminate the bay. One of them a male easily looking about eighteen-year-old walked up to a door and pressed a button beside it. The door hissed open shooting out a cloud of dust but parted letting the youth through. In the room the youth pressed a rather large orange button, the lights in the bay flickered on slowly some bulbs exploding showering the room below with glass. The two young women in the group looked worried as some of the glass fell near them.
“Well at least we know we aren’t going to stub our toes,” the male joked before suddenly a computer display activated beside him. It flashed the alert that all cryo-techs (and nerds) knew, “Stage three completed, all stored peronel revived. Now opening all active cryo-tubes within thirty seconds”.
The male looked shocked and scared as he pointed to the alert but the others were transfixed on one pod that slowly began to ease open, cryo-gasses seeping out and those close felt the stinging sensation they caused.
What the…why does that clock read ten years…Alice said I’d never be forgotten in a recording error. God what a good liar she was. God damned cryo-gasses, they burn like hell. Strange, three each instead of just one greeting me….. this isn’t right.
The two women and second man stared in shock, fear, and awe at the figure that emerged from the cryo-tube. Though he was dressed in a spec ops under armor suit they could easily tell he wasn’t human. To any normal person they could feel the difference in the pit of their guts. In their studies in school they learned about some of the many hero’s of the Phalanixian Military Forces and of the most poplar Eric Lancer the half demon was the second most next to Joshua Maxwell and Joshua Knightly (both tied at first). They knew it was him.
Eric groaned slightly as his vision returned to normal and his muscles stopped aching. He finally took a look at the three teens in front of him and felt his combat instinct kick in. He quickly repressed it but the demon cape that he still had (even years after being “purified”) managed to unfurl causing the teens to back away slowly in fear. “Where….where the hell am I?” he finally spoke after a minute his voice raspy and faint.
Of the three teens and the one in the control room only one spoke. The oldest looking one a young woman spoke, “You’re in the old cryo-bay of the Hydra-570 Colony.”
“Jess be careful,” the other young woman said quietly hoping Eric wouldn’t hear.
It had only been five hours since he had woken up. The shock that he was forgotten had subsided and the questions that plagued his mind now were what should he do now. He was free of the military, he could do anything he wanted to do, he was finally free.
His thoughts were interrupted when a woman entered the room. She was younger than Eric by at least seven years (in appearance when in reality she was at least twenty years younger). She reminded him of his older sister who probably by now was in her early fifties (and Eric only looked about twenty-nine strangely enough thanks to the demonic encounter).
“You feeling any better Eric?” she asked him as he sat in her apartment.
A cold-untouched meal in front of him, he still was trying to understand what had happened over the ten years he was frozen. Phalanix had fallen, commanders who had been lucky to not be a part of the final battle had become warlords or mercs, and for all he knew his sister was dead.
10-12-2005, 09:15
He could barely recall what went on during those five hours since he was woken up. It was mostly blurs of being helped though empty hallways and finaly being laid down on a bed before it went black.
He had only woken up an hour ago to a meal on the table beside him, minutes later the women who had spoken to him in the cryo-bay had opened the door and asked him, "You feeling any better Eric?”
He didn't respond and just sat on the bed looking quietly at the floor.
In the hanger a transport had just began to dock and people began disembarking, amung the passengers no one stood out but with a closer look a well trained SF or agent could spot her. Of all the places in the universe one of the last known Avenger agents had arrived in the backwater pisshole colony Hydra-570.
((Join!! >_<))
11-12-2005, 08:31
Why won't you people join?
ooc: Two questions:
1: Tech level?
2: How would be easiest/best way to join?
11-12-2005, 08:38
OCC: Since when was the last time you saw me to a MT rp? I'm exclusivly FT and multi-tech.
Easiest way can range from being a pilot who is making a stop, a traveler, just about anything. After all this is a space colony that acts as a refuel and rest stop for any ship that wants to dock (and pays).
Mizumi Nekoloski brought his craft out of hyperspace with a jerk and the scream of tortured metal. "Man I gotta get this thing tuned up before I take the endless." He commented as he spotted the station and swinging the prow of the ship toward it he tapped the thrusters and decided to let inertia take him most of the way.
As the small personal craft neared the station he sent a hail, identifying himself as Mizumi Mekoloski, the ship as the Decrepid and reason for visit was repairs and waited for the go-ahead.
ooc: I'm trying to remember when I last saw you in an RP of any tech actually.
11-12-2005, 09:24
The response was swift, it contained an entry vector, docking bay, and an ID number for identifying the ship.
It didn't take long to the female agent to get on task for her mission. It was simple realy, just find out what weapons systems were still opperational within the station and what the odds of reclaiming it with a small strike force were.
Eric's head bobbed up suddenly, he felt the probing mind of something in his head. Almost as if it was scratching at his skull. He ignored it for the time being and responded to Jessica's question, "I'm fine, just as fine as I can be."
She looked at him worried before leaving the room.
As she walked into her living room the holo-projector was showing the curent station news. Nothing seemed to catch her ear untill the major event updates came in.
"Just three hours ago a unexpected energy spike was detected in the older section of the colony that onced were used as a cryo-storage bay. Normaly those sections are sealed however at this time a security unit dispatched to investigate located an active cryo-bay with four pods active, and one opened within the last five hours. More information will be annoucned as it comes in."
OCC: Well I did leave for a month or two. Gotta come back eventualy, and nothing beats coming back to a ruined empire coming back up with a thrist for blood. And an old hero going into a relapse.
Mizumi guided the Decrepit along the vector, to the docking bay and transmitting the ID number. Once succesfully docked he exited the ramshackled collection of parts that made up his ship, and looked around to see if there was a greeter.
ooc: lol
East Lithuania
11-12-2005, 21:32
i would join... but ow would i get involved?
i would join... but ow would i get involved?
ooc: Just join like I did(with your own hook of course) and free-form it.
East Lithuania
11-12-2005, 21:44
IC: Mike was mad. He had been standing at the vending machine for about 10 minutes trying to get a soda. It had been a long travel to this stop and his thirst was large. However, the machine would not let him get his drink as he waited for his craft to be repaired. He sighed. It was no use. The damn thing just would not work. He turned and put his hood over his head. His eyes suddenly caught the glimpse of two people walking across talking. He could barely make out what they were saying. It sounded quite interesting, whatever it was. Suddenly, one of the men turned and looked in his direction. Mike turned away, somewhat embarressed, and started walking. He did not know if he had be caught staring or not.
ooc: hopefully this works
15-12-2005, 00:59
(( Sorry for the delay, school has been hell on me ))
It had been far to long since the last infantry drop had occured in system, the recently established MI forces had been reclaiming outpost after outpost, planet after planet for the past three weeks with only a few hours of rest while the ship's were in fold space (though they were forced to be on guard duty during these times).
The AFP New Eden was one of these ships, however her MI compliment specalized in ship/station boarding and combat. She was enroute to the colony in question to reclaim it in the name of the Allied Forces of Phalanix.
The agent had already completed part one of her objectives, to collect data on the weapons that are still active. However her second objective of finding out the exact number of security forces and what they were armed with was proving to be difficult with the new complication (the discovery of the cryo-chamber with active tubes in it). As she checked the colony network again, wild rummors of Eric Lancer were flying around saying he was here (if he was it could prove to be a problem or a blessing), as well as out of station reports of sudden attacks and invasions on ex-PSN military instalations by a quardinated force. She had little time left.
Eric had slowly began to walk towards the door of Jessica’s room when she burst in, slightly worried. “Eric come take a look at this,” she said as she gently grasped him by the arm and led him to her living room where the holo-projector showed images that had managed to escape the attacks on the instalations. “I think that my home isn’t safe anymore,” she said as he voice quaked slightly with fear.
((OCC2:Quick clarification, a AFP cruiser is enroute to the station to take it over again as a Phalanix military instalation (though this is unknown) all across Phalanix space such attacks are happening on resisting instalations.))
16-12-2005, 15:44
OOC: i assume this is still open.
IC: The first 3rd Austian expladitionary fleet crawled through space, travelling a mere 100MPS, more than half what it's engines could do where they pushed to the max. They did this becuase they where coming up to a seemingly artificial construction in the middle of deep space, something they hadn't encountered before.
Aust was not a old space nation, new to them where the myraid of wonders that the universe, held. By comparision to many racs they wehre primative, yet there ships now travelled in droves beyond Austius Solarius to far of planets, fidning what was out there. The people of Aust where idealistic and nieve, guided by there god-emporer they balive that the universe was full of good things, a place of peie and potential, with plenty of room to expand the Emporer.
Already 4 more habital systems where under austian contol, the natives enslaved to constuct homes for Austian colonials, yet slowly the Austians where realising that the universe was not the freindly and empty place they ahd supposed it was. The 1st fleet was inbvolved in a major battle with 5 other races against the Havesters in a place call Solarius Beta, the 2nd fleet in Solarius Mackius, helping imperial Mackian troops fight against rebellious natives and now they found yet another new feature of a increasingly strange universe.
On board the fleets flagship, miles long, Lord High Rear Admiral Sir James Chistof Palpatine William Irisin the 4th, Duke of AUst City smiled as he poured over the singlnals being sent out from the station. They where a veriety of things, hard to pick out amoung the mesh of interstella commmunication adn background radioation uyet the Computer managed it.
Sir James had to act quickly, they would detect the 40 ships soon, for that was how large the lfetet was, 20 capital warshiups, 5 destroyers and the rest supply and coloney ships. A huge fleet, yet weak in comparision to some that the other fleets had discovered.
Sir James made his decision, attempt communication. isini! Je'Ani Lord High Rear Admiral Sir James Chistof Palpatine William Irisin the 4th, Duke of AUst City je m'alli [i]HMS Gridiron et la 3rd Explanditionary. Tu talppelles Aust, je iti peacus. Willcome respondez ent.
(Translations of Austian: Greetings, I am High Rear Admiral Sir James Chistof Palpatine William Irisin the 4th, Duke of Aust City commander of the HMS Gridiron and the 3rd expladitionary fleet. We come from Aust, in peace though we may go to war. Please respond in type.)
Mizumi needed to find a parts store, and began searching the station to find one.
16-12-2005, 20:52
OCC: Yup still open, but just wondering what planet are you talking about. Hydra-570 isn't even in a system, she is a station/colony in open space.
New Eden defolded several lightyears away from the colony to release a small scout ship with a small landing team.
The corvet seperated from the Eden's docking port and folded out of existance towards the colony. Onboard five fully armored MI troopers prepared for a recon strike.
It only took five minutes in the fold space before they were within sublight range. Her ID tag was that of a PSN vessel and directed towards the military vessel section of the colony.
The part dealers section was a cash cow when compaired to the others, hell it was given it's own sector on the station. It was litteraly impossible to miss.
OOC: My mistake, I was presuming it was on a planet, not a station, I'll change my post.
When Mizumi found the parts dealer, he began searching for any number of exotic components.
19-12-2005, 22:53
OCC: It's alright, I've made far worse mistakes. And Theo if at all possible try for something more than oneliners. And sorry for the delay, been realy busy lately with Christmas and all..
In the Hydra-570 CnC center the sudden arival was unexpected. AI units quickly began to scan the vessels and surounding area as well as compaired the scans to ships on record. As no matches came up the ships that were detected and scaned were being logged under an unknown classification.
All this took roughly twenty seconds.
Inside the main population center alarm claxins began to blair warnings of unknown ships and calling all defense core members to stations.
Buildings were quickly being sealed up by defense systems to help protect the people inside from possible attacks, Hangers were sealed and magnetic locks were being activated to hold ships and other large objects in place.
Jessica watched as he door and windows were sealed up by armored plates, Eric on the other hand began to look for an exit. He charged at the door plate and attempted to break it down but only felt the sheering pain of his shoulder smashing into the armored plate. Jessica tried to talk him into stopping but he ignored her untill he stopped trying and began to look for another exit.
It took five or so minutes (those minutes were spent preparing defense forces) but a response was sent.
As it stands your claim that you come in peace seems to be false. One does not usualy bring a large number of vessesl for peace.
Upon hearing the sounds of the internal alarms, Mizumi pulled out a gidgmet and tapped out a few commands. Upon receiving the message the Decrepid locked down, and only he could open it without rendering it unusable. Seeing the plates slam down, he began looking for the shop-keep to get some info on the situation.
Lord Christof looked at the message thoughtfully, after the computer had decoded it into legiable Austian. His sensors had detected the space station powering up defences and preparing to fight and he ordered the fleet to do the same, 20,000 nuclear missiles locked onto the enermy ship. That alone would probably destroy the station, but his mission was to find new civilisations and life, not to kill everyone he met.
Thus deplomacy was the key and to be honest he wasn't good at it. Like all Austian officers he was an artisocrat, used to moving in higher circles and getting what he wanted immidetly. The only person superior to him was the God-Emporer. As a lord, knight, High Rear Admiral and duke of the lpargest city on earth there was nobody who outranked him. Except for the immortal emporer.
But out ehre it was diffrent there might be, the Lord strained to locate the word and then winced in discust, democracy. Pwoer to the pweople. Even the greatest of ans enermy Communism. Those people wouldn't see him as his lord, just as another man, and that thought hurt. So Lord Christof decided to do his best to be freindly.
We travell in numebr to be safe, the universe is a large place and who knows what dangers there are around here? You may note thatb half our ships are transports, containing women and children, as are our main ships. We are a peaceful race new to the cosmos and have only recently begun to travell outside our solar system.
22-12-2005, 06:29
OCC: Arg! Damn you school!
In the station command center weapons systems (ranging from a few hundred nuclear missiles of their own to three anti-capital ship grade Fallen Angel cannons [anyone who fought against Phalanix before the end of the civil war would have seen the shear destruction]).
You will deactivate your weapons as you have violated two laws within Phlanixian space. Under threat of arrest of the commanding officers you will stand down.
Mizumi wouldn't be getting much as the shop keeper had vanished into a shelter in the back of the shop. However near the exit a peice of the floor slid aside permiting him to exit the shop and join the masses of people heading to the main shelters.
Mizumi decided to seek out someone who would answer his questions, and as the shop-keep was being stubborn and refusing to come out, he left to find someone who wasn't a coward.
You will deactivate your weapons as you have violated two laws within Phlanixian space. Under threat of arrest of the commanding officers you will stand down.
"when the hell did we enter Phlanixian space?" Lord Christof asked the midshipman who shrugged,
"Dunno, sir." Lord Tine stared at the comm screen, they wanrted him to deactivate his weapons, not hard, he the targeting locks where already stored in the ships mainframe and he could have the missiles fired within 30 seconds. Standing down wasn't a bad thing really. As for the thing about arresting him, well he'd ignore that.
"Lutent, we are to move to Amber alert, keep the targeting locks stpored and the men at there posts."
Lord Christof quickly typed into the beacon and sent out another message. We have moved our alert statusto Amber, thus standing down. We request you do the same and wish to know of what laws we have broken and when we entered your space.