NationStates Jolt Archive

OOC: I'm considering marrying off one of my main characters....again....

20-11-2005, 07:27
...and I just want to see how it'd be received before I actually did it.

Amy Keane, daughter of former Supreme General Yunger Keane and Consul of Klonor, is the woman who'd be the bride if I decide to do this. I was actually planning on having her be involved in a long-term relationship with the Grand Duke Solomon Klonor (My main character and leader of Klonor) but recent events (Namely the Duke getting a new girlfriend who kinda mentally raped Amy by accident) have pretty much ruled out that plot.

She's smart, attractive, in a position of great power in Klonor (Her position would be equated with the Prime Minister in Great Britain, although their responsibilities differ quite greatly) and of good social standing (Her dad is pretty much the Klonor equivelant of George Washington, U.S. Grant, or any of a dozen other generals in US history). However, she has recently been severely mentally scarred and will likely be dealing with some severe issues in the near future.

This is actually an RP that I had before, but one-by-one the suitors stopped posting or officially dropped out and it ended without anything happening. So, I'm starting it all over again. What would you think of getting involved in this RP and sending a possible groom?

Info on the marriage RP:

1) This is going to be a long term RP, probably taking weeks and possibly taking months.

2) I doubt it will 'fit' to have the groom be a person of power in whatever nation is RP'ing him; the character would need to be a person who could just happen to be in a restaurant/movie/on the street in Klonor, and how many times does the President of the US go watch a movie in England? He can still be a native of your nation, but it'd need to make sense for them to meet (But if you can find some way to have your Vice-President be in a Klonor bar then go ahead).

3) This RP will cover the entire range of the relationship, including meeting for the first time and the relationship before they even consider getting married. We're going to go through the whole thing. Hell, it might actually end without them even getting married if we RP some problems.

4) Whoever plays the groom will have to be willing to take place in Klonor RP's later on as First-Man, the spouse of a nations head is usually involved in things. Likewise, I'll be willing to RP her in any RP's of yours that would need her.

5) To tell you the truth, this is starting to freak me out a bit to be plotting having a relationship as a woman.

6) Any nations (or races) that have telepathy (mind powers) are automatically out, there's no way it would work. Hell, there's no way she'd even let him off the planet alive.

7) Seriously, I'm starting to wonder if this means I have some serious gender issues.

8) Well, not really, I don't think I have any gender issues, but this does just seem weird to me. Normally my characters do nothing but go to bars, take shots, then collapse under the table and accidentally kill people with their telekinetic powers cause they're drunk beyond all belief. I don't even know what kind of alcohol tolerance this woman has!

9) There will be multiple suitors engaged in this RP at once, so until we're quite a ways into it the odds of any protracted one-on-one RP'ing will be rather small.


The thread:
20-11-2005, 07:42
Couple questions:
1. Mind powers out why?
2. FT?
3. Character template please(it helps me figure out my character/get in the right mindset)?
4. Aliens/Gene-tweaked humans allowed?
I don't have a problem with long RPs.
20-11-2005, 07:59
Wow, faster responces than the first time. w00t!

1)A little back story

In Klonor, mental contact (Mind-to-mind telepathy) is one of the worst possible things imaginable. It's worse than theft, worse than murder, worse than rape. Hell, it's worse than what Michael Jackson does at night. The fear that Klonorians have of mental contact stems from one of the times the Duke was killed. It was (You guessed it) a mental death and this particular death (Unlike the other times he's died) plunged all of Klonor into complete anarchy for several centuries and lead to civil wars, Nazi-like genocidal purges, and annexation by foreign powers (the first time this has ever happened in Klonor history). To inhabitants of Klonor, mental contact isn't just an invasion of privacy, it's symbolic of everything that has ever been valued and strived for being cast aside and nothing but horror coming soon afterwards.

Amy Keane was, in a meeting with a foreign dignitary ignorant of the Klonor hatred for menal contact, subjected to a brief mind meld type thing and was horribly traumatised by it. Not physically hurt; she is a, mentally. She's now being treated and rehabilitated so that she wont collapse and start whimpering at even the thought of being (physically) close to someone.

2) Yup, Future Tech through and through. Klonor is an extra-solar nation (though we do still have some territory on Earth) and inter-stellar travel is rather commonplace. Of course, that doesn't mean Modern Tech nations can't participate, they just have to accept Future Tech nations and be able to explain how it is they wound up several light years from Earth.

3) Do you mean her character or the character of the person she might marry?

4) As long as we're not talking five heads and thirteen arms attached to a gelatinous blob that is shaped like a small cricket, species is no problem. Just try to keep it within reason and realize that, while she's not a speciest, she simply won't be able to be attracted to anything to far outside the norm.
20-11-2005, 08:06
Ah, found out the answer to the first question by reading the thread that dealt with her recovery. So it's just telepathy that's banned, or all mental abilities(Ie: Telempathy, Precognation, Telekinesis, Telepyronics/Pyrokinesis ect)
Second, was just wondering as I do FT, MT and just about everyother tech imaginable.
Third, character template for suitor characters.
Fourth was meaning closer along the lines of near human/parallel evolution human/genetically modified humans.
20-11-2005, 08:09
Oh fiddle sticks. If it wasn't for my chronic unreliabilty, I'd be the perfect candidate. Skeelzanians are big, strong and handsome, and completely immune to mind powers. And I have at least three unmarried Princes, including the crazy deformed one. Of course, that kinda violates the first rule, since they generally only travel as military personnel. Maybe he could be the less-soldiery one...
20-11-2005, 08:15
Just telepathy, Amy herself is telekinetic along with approximately 3% of the Klonor population. Mind-to-mind and whatnot is the only taboo along these lines (So no Vulcans). If you can move things by thinking and make buildings blow up with a thought then you and her will have that much more in common.

The only actual requirements that I have are simply being, in general, a nice person. Social status, economic prosperity, political power, etc. are up to you and you alone. But keep in mind, this also has to make sense. If your character is an anarchist Anti-Elf racist then it won't make any sense for him to date/marry a government official who rules a largely Elf nation.

And as long as they're not to far from the norm there's no problem.
20-11-2005, 08:19
One last question, beside my request for a template to help me get my character from head to paper, How old is Amy?
20-11-2005, 08:23
Age? Uh....lemme think. Nearly a hundred years old I should think, but this would only equal around 25 or 30 as modern women go. Current Klonorians have an average lifespan of approximately 400 years, you're not even middle aged until you hit 200. Forgetting the real number, just pretend she's 27.
20-11-2005, 08:28
Gotcha, I've got a rough idea for my character, and will post basic bio if you want.
20-11-2005, 08:30
Sure, go for it.
20-11-2005, 08:50
Sure, go for it.
Name: Lord* Andrew
Age: Modern age(In terms of modern life length): 25
Background: Somewhat quirky, he left home when his mother tried to pressure him into a marriage to a girl he loathed. Enjoys life, and preferes to live life to the edge, he decided to explore the universe until he found someone he'd like to spend his life with, and would like to spend her life with him. He's a class one telepyronic and telekinetic.

ooc: * Second lowest nobility rank, lowest heriditary title(mostly cerimonial).
Class one is lowest level(In his case, can life around a plate filled with food, and generate a flame around the size of a base or tennis ball.)
20-11-2005, 08:58
Since I don't see any attempted genocide in that bio he's good to go. Welcome!

EDIT: I'd like to wait until we have at least two suitors before I actually start the RP, the point of this is to find out who she wants to marry and, if we only have one option, I think we all know how it's going to end.
20-11-2005, 09:04
lol, true, but she could find a native husband, or decide she doesn't like him.
20-11-2005, 09:06
If I wanted a native husband I'd be writing a story instead of an RP, and those usually just end badly.

Nah, I'll give it a day or two, we'll probably have at least one other person by tonight.
20-11-2005, 09:57
Hey, Klonor. Good to see you're still active. I might have someone, but it depends on what she's going for. We probably have all sorts of traders and things going between our territories, still, so that might not be a problem...

Oh, and this is a placeholder for my FT nation.
20-11-2005, 14:01
Hey, why not...

Name: Medaan vos-Vynios'ral kei-Orchid Lais-Onarriosa (Medaan kei-Orchid)
Age: two hundred and thirty-eight*
Title/s: Warden of Thassiol ko'Tedaii, Scion of Orchid, Lesser Servant of the Conclave
Rank/s: Reaver Commodore, Herald, Citizen-Colonel **
Psychomagical abilities: Abnormally high Allnet tolerance, Personal Enhancement***
Notable military actions present: Vanathir Conquest, Dyrasii Crusade, Second War of L'amenali D'torr.

Approxomately 6'1" with dark blue slitted eyes (similar to cats), dark bronze hair typical of the House of Orchid, pale skin with a faint violet tint (also typical of Orchid). Hair falls to his shoulders and is normally held back by silver clasps in a fashion currently popular among the young Onarrím nobility. Pointed, lobeless ears, both pierces three times with rings bearing rank markings.

A tpyical Scion of the Flower Houses, Medaan kei-Orchid served in the Reaver Packs since leaving the High Academy and distinguished himself in the three wars he took part in since then, notably disabling the Vanathir flagship August Presence in the eighteenth year of that conflict (Onarr takes a long-term attitude to wars, being as content to wage a war over decades and centuries as over weeks or months).
After his success in his second war, the Dyrasii Crusade, he was appointed Warden of Thassiol ko'Tedaii - one of the captured systems and giving him a Lesser Seat in the Conclave.
He is currently between wars and, along with many other Onarrím in similar situations, is taking the time to travel as a civillian rather than a soldier.
His father is the High Lord of the House, although Medaan kei-Orchid is not a favoured son. He is certainly not in disfavour, but has not distinguished himself enough to truly please his father, although his military actions have made him a person to watch in the hierarchy of Onarr.

* Onarrím reach adulthood at appxomately one hundred-fifty - when they leave school, and do not age appreciably for many centuries. The Onarrím lifespan has not been discovered to have any limits, with Adaryn lor-Rose current in the area of forty thousand, but due to the highly militarised nature of Onarrím society and the sad fact of disease & accident, the average lifespan is about two thousand. After leaving education most Onarrím of the noble houses join the Reavers (Onarrím naval forces) and live a relatively sheltered social life.

** All Onarrím have three ranks, military, Conclave and civil. Onarrím hierarchy goes beyond complicated as each different situation would require different weightings of these three ranks, plus political power and family strength (the House of Orchid is the second most powerful among the Flower Houses, after Rose, and has the largest military influence).

***Powers that would normally manifest themselves are often channelled back into the Onarrán to make themselves stronger/faster. Generally speaking, except for the trained Psionics, the Onarrím do not use much in the way of psychic abilities
20-11-2005, 14:42
Is it too late to send a suitor?
20-11-2005, 18:53
OOC: yea I have a character in mind but instead of "sending" him as siutor couldn't he be a bard or comedian that was invited for a royal performance? I have a character, one of the Queen's brother's who is an incredibly good looking rogue-ish bard/comdian. I can post details if you're interested:} Also don't sweat it about about the fact that you're RPing a female char in this. Writers create female characters and scenarios all the time:} Think fo it as developing your writing your creative writing skills:} I'm female and RPing a few male biggie:} In fact, my butler Trell has just been smitten by an ambassodor Now how's that for tweaky? LOL
20-11-2005, 19:49
Okay, just so we're clear, this isn't going to be an official announced courting cermony with applications, auditions, etc. We're not talking a giant ball with dignitaries and rulers from all over the galaxy. This is regular romance, meeting somebody at random and moving from there. As I said in the opening post, in all likelihood she'd meet your character when you both happen to order the same thing at Burger King (Or at Rory's, in the case of Klonor). IC'ly nobody here is actually 'sending a suitor', your character isn't here for the express purpose of marrying her, they're in Klonor for vacation/business/fleeing from the cops, etc. and just so happen to bump into her.

Onarr, you put more thought into this RP than I have. Wow. Sure, send him along.

Allanea, we haven't even started yet and, since this will be going on for a while, even if we had it wouldn't be to late. I'm sure you can find some citizen who has an excuse to be visiting Klonor at a time like this.

HeathenHaven, like I said, this isn't going to be an official event. For most of this RP, at least the beginning, she's going to be remaining incognito. So, I don't think a court jester would fit.
20-11-2005, 20:02
And the thread's open!

Have fun!
20-11-2005, 20:15
Commander Tienet of the PESV (Pantycellen Experimental Space Vessel) Angharad (after a famous explorer from Pantycellen) my nation has been sending stuff and people into space for sometime now (albeitly very quietly) and has been trying to develop a light drive for some time the PESV Angharad was to be the test bed ship.

unfortunently the drive worked somewhat too well and catapulted them across space leaving them at the mercy of fate.

thankfully they managed to get a tow to klonor.

however they have now somewhat fallen between the cracks in the governmental structure not being a nation important enough to ship them home at the expense of the klonor government they are stuck there untill such a time as someone tells pantycellen and when (or if even) pantycellen pays for them to be shipped home with their ship.

This has left commander Tienet and his crew some time to wander around and see the sights and they have been given a loan of some local currancy to spend while they are here by the local government.

OOC: i'm assuming your on a world far far away hope this is some good.
20-11-2005, 21:00
Is the book she's reading the book by Max Berry: Jennifer Goverment?
20-11-2005, 21:02
Yup, I like to throw it in whenever I have a character of mine reading a non-relevent book.
20-11-2005, 21:07
Pantycellen, she's sitting in a booth in the restaurant, no line for her. Sorry.
20-11-2005, 21:15
Yup, I like to throw it in whenever I have a character of mine reading a non-relevent book.
Yay, got it right, even thought my only knowladge of the book is the free excert.
21-11-2005, 01:57
Hi. I was looking through NS briefly and thought this would be wish to send a character.

Name: Jaril Kestal
Race: Drow ('s hard to explain, but you'll see)
Height: 5'5" or 1.65 m, whichever you prefer.
Build: Slender
Age: 263
Estimated lifespan: 600 years.

Magickal abilities: A few spells, including teleportation. Telekinetic ability also runs through his line, and while he can be empathetic, he's not going to touch minds. It's rude, and that requires more powerful than is healthy to expend.

Relevant information:

Kestal is one of the High Noble houses, and Jaril is the first cousin of Queen Kaymiril VII. He always got along with her quite well, though she has only barely attained a century.

Kestal is the least warlike of the Kaymirilian High Houses, but produces excellent diplomats and strategists. Jaril will be in Klonor to observe the nation without interfering or causing trouble, to see if it is a nation, which, at its roots, Kaymiril would be interested in creating closer diplomatic ties with. Relevant authorities have been informed, and he intends nothing but harm.

Kestals are renouned for their kindness and compassion, but all Drow, even Kaymirilians, are capable of acting ruthlessly and efficiently if provoked.

Jaril is the youngest son of the Main House, thus, while he'd be well off, his best hopes are to marry another noble, because the family responsibilities and titles would go to his two older sisters and older brother. He does not come to Klonor looking for a bride, or even a relationship. He merely wants to get to know the nation better.

BTW, this is what he looks like (when posing for a picture with swords he actually can use, but doesn't).
21-11-2005, 04:56
I don't think a court jester would fit.
OOC: A bard or a comedian. Oftentimes they wre the same thing. Jesters were totatlly different
21-11-2005, 08:10
Name: Alistair de Corean
Age: 50*
Title/s: None
Job: Confidence artist, insurance salesman. Has a degree in International and Business Law.
Psychomagical abilities: None. Has access to Imperial Artefact Rings, but none for psychic abilities.

Approxomately 5'11" with blue eyes, platinum-blonde hair, and semi-tanned skin. Hair falls down to his neck. He ties it back. Looks essentially average except for his hair, which is his one visible distinguishing mark. While 'working' he generally puts a wig on.


Alistair's history is shrouded in questions. Imperial Criminal Intelligence has learnt he comes from the Industrial Planet of Tyr. His first job is believed to have been insurance selling, but he moved to a less legal version of conmanship when it showed more chance of profit.

His first criminal job was defrauding the Stellar Banking Coster of nearly 3 Million Imperial Credits. From there he became involved in increasingly shady acts, slowly climbing up the ranks until he was the Imperium's Second Most Wanted. At that point he fled the country, apparently because he had attempted to con the Prince out of 200 Billion Credits. He's lately moved to Klonor, after a brief time in Valinon, because he's beginning to drift back home, confident the 20 years and the fact he left most of the money behind mean his name isn't an instant death warrant in the Imperium.

* Owing to advances in genetech and applied evolution, the average age of death for Imperials is 200 years old, with aging generally slowed to match that. Physically, Alistair is a normal human of 30 years old.
21-11-2005, 08:23
Magickal abilities: A few spells, including teleportation. Telekinetic ability also runs through his line, and while he can be empathetic, he's not going to touch minds. It's rude, and that requires more powerful than is healthy to expend.

Dude, she'd kill him, or make the best effort she could, on that alone. I've generally had most racism and prejudice ground out of Klonor society, but any mind feeling/reading/communicating/etc. is out. We're talking Nazi-level hatred here, even if he doesn't actively use his abilities.

HeathenHaven, I get what you're saying, but since she's staying incognito I don't see why she'd be hiring a bard or comedian for royal event.
21-11-2005, 08:23
<never Mind. Thank You, Klonor.>
21-11-2005, 08:33're welcome?

What'd I do?
21-11-2005, 21:59
Dude, she'd kill him, or make the best effort she could, on that alone. I've generally had most racism and prejudice ground out of Klonor society, but any mind feeling/reading/communicating/etc. is out. We're talking Nazi-level hatred here, even if he doesn't actively use his abilities.

HeathenHaven, I get what you're saying, but since she's staying incognito I don't see why she'd be hiring a bard or comedian for royal event.
He doesn't show it, man. It's generally used for family interactions. Besides, it's only used to sense what another person's emotive states are (You've seen Star Trek, right? Deanna Troi type thing), and with what she's been through, I don't think he'd need it.

Again, like I said, it's rude to do anything without someone's express permission.
21-11-2005, 22:34
Dude, since when is racism a logical thing? She finds out; she'll slowly disect him and burn his extremities off one by one, regardless of whether or not he's used his abilities even once in his life.

Just trust me, if you don't want a government sponsored pogrom followed by national invasion, have Jaril keep this little tidbit under his hat.
21-11-2005, 22:41
He intends to. Don't you think he did just a little bit of research before going?

You'll like some of his other abilities...Kestral, for one thing. (Ability from which his House takes its name. It's cool.)

Oh, btw...I'm not a dude (don't mind being called one, just letting you know), I'm a dudette. ;)
21-11-2005, 23:39
Eh, I call everybody 'dude' on-line, it's a gender-neutral term of affection that I feel is easier than actually taking the time to remember "Wait...did they introduce themselves as a he or a she? It?"

And do you plan to keep this a secret for the entire marriage (That is, if you happen to be the lucky winner, no guarantees)? Cause if she finds out after fifty years of blissful matrimony, she'd still have him run out of the country (though she might spare his life).
22-11-2005, 00:10
A bit of food for thought for all the suitors, try not to make the first move. Well, actually, make the first move, just don't look like you're making the first move.

With most people, if they're going to see a movie and they find some random person staring at them, then that random person suddenly starts hitting on them, they're going to walk in the other direction rather quickly. She's not actively out looking for a husband, so she's not really going to put herself in a "Come ask me out" situation. What happened last time, and worked really well in my opinion, was a series of coincidental and random meetings between people with no intention of starting any sort of relationship. Remember, we're not all out here trying to score, IC'ly it just....happens. Run with the random!
22-11-2005, 01:52
Eh, I call everybody 'dude' on-line, it's a gender-neutral term of affection that I feel is easier than actually taking the time to remember "Wait...did they introduce themselves as a he or a she? It?"

And do you plan to keep this a secret for the entire marriage (That is, if you happen to be the lucky winner, no guarantees)? Cause if she finds out after fifty years of blissful matrimony, she'd still have him run out of the country (though she might spare his life).
IF he winds up gaining her affections, then yes, he's not going to mention it. He'll even go with whatever form of marriage is normal in Klonor, as the traditional Kaymirilian wedding "bond" creates a permanent (but subliminal) mind link. He's a considerate sort of guy, and if she considers mental contact (even gentle and loving) a form of personal hell, he's not going to put her through that.
04-12-2005, 06:14
Oy, sorry for the long absence computer died. Completely. Everything gone. Kaput. Out the window. Formatted hardrive. Bye-bye five years worth of data.

I'm still here, but right now I'm working on bringing everything back on-line and this RP is going to have to go on hold (Which it pretty much already has). Sorry all, I'll TG everybody once I'm set to start it up again.
04-12-2005, 06:27
Thanks, and welcome back.
Sucks that your comp died thought.