NationStates Jolt Archive

The United System federation formed (FT)

The Fedral Union
08-10-2005, 01:08
OOC: no this is an alliance

After many years of deliberation, the Fedral senate today has announced the first draft of the USF.

What this means:

What this means is that the United states of the federal union is no longer a lone 7 system republic, other worlds have now joined us, giving us 3 additional systems numbering in a few million (around 2- 5 each).

The new organization will be divided in to:
Executive branch:
The President, Vise president, cabinet members
Legislative branch:
USF Senate
And the colonial house
Supreme Court
Circuit court
Sector court
Colonial court
Colonial officer of the Court
Military branches:
USSN (United System star navy)
Sub divisions of the USSN:
United System star navy Capital ship corps
United System star navy Mobility services (cargo and logistics)
United System star navy office of the JAG (judge advocate general)
United System star navy Fighter corps (includes fighter command planetary fighters and carrier fighters)
USSMC (united Systems space marines)
Star guard (USSN reserve forces or planetary security)
Planetary Guard
Colonial rangers (include Colonial officers of the courts and officers of the law)


Amendment one: all races, spices, and any of different sex, or sexual orientations have the foremost right of freedom of speech and assembly with in the USF, the courts, senate, or local governments will make no law restricting freedom of speech, or assembly.

Amendment two:
All USF citizens are granted the full right to bare non military arms, limits shall be imposed for safety on this amendment but only if a majority of the house and senate vote for it.

Amendment three: the USF shall not condone torture, nor slavery with in the USF or spheres of influence, the USF will also try to help other nations over come there own slavery problems if asked.

Amendment four: USF authorities shall not infringe on citizens rights, with excessive bale or un warranted searches, all search warrants must go to a search tribunal witch will determine if those searches are warranted.

Amendment five: all USF government officials are to fallow laws set out buy the USF,
If the president or a senator is found guilty of high crimes the Senate shall impeach the said person.

Ship classes: