Literate Homeschoolers Trade Rules (Region Members Only)
To the Region of Literate Homeschoolers,
You have been invited to take part in a meeting to discuse the trade between each other. The People's Republic of Lotkas will be hosting this event. We hope you will attend to talk about such things as cheese trade, weapons and drug sales. This will begin tonight. We hope to see you soon.
Yours Bitterly,
Grace Tam
OverLord People's Republic of Lotkas
Head of Trade and National Relations
Grace Tam, overlord of Lotkas, stood at the head of the round table. "Welcome, my friends," she opened her arms wide to the other rulers of the region. "We have been waiting a long to meet. I hope you found your rooms suited to your likeing."
She laied her hands down on the table. "Now, comrad-er-friends, I would like to formaly introduce myself to you. I amd Grace Tam, Overlord of Lotkas, and I am more then pleased to have you here. My nation has been awaiting the arival of our neighbors for some time now."
Her eyes looked from one member of the region to the other. "I know both of you in name alone. Please, won't you introduce yourselves to us?"
Jumbo Muffins
05-10-2005, 04:07
A hush fell as the leader of the nation of Jumbo Muffins entered the room. She was dressed majestically in robes of gold and her pet otter followed her faithfully as she made her way to the table. "Good evening Grace Tam."
Jumbo Muffins
05-10-2005, 04:10
"I am sorry to be late to this improtant meeting, but I had-things to take care of." As she said this, an expression ofextreme sadness passed over her face.
Grace raised an eyebrow slowly at the new person to step in the room. She looked down at the otter and her eyebrow rose higher. She was going to say something, then thought better of it.
"No need to fret," she said, smiling. "We were just introducing ourselves. I take you to be from Jumbo Muffins. You are well known for your otter population.
Jumbo Muffins
05-10-2005, 04:22
The monarch of Jumbo Muffins took a seat across from the Overlord. "Unfortunately, Cannoli-A-Stan's ruler will not be joining us tonight. However, I am glad of the opportunity to discuss a few things without her prescence." As she said this a smile slowly crept over her face.
Grace smirked lightly. "As am I. Cannoli-A-Stan sems focused mostly on weapons trade. And, as you may have heard, we've stopped manufacturing most of our weapons." She shrugged. "The UN... what can you do, right?"
Jumbo Muffins
05-10-2005, 04:33
The monarch of Jumbo Muffins seemed surprised. "No, I had not heard of your ceasing the weapons trade. It is a good choice. And you are correct in thinking that Cannoli-A-Stan is very weapons and war oriented. It is not something I approve of. I personally am fairly peaceful unless some one decides to test my nation, as Cannoli-A-Stan seems bent on doing."
A slow grin spread acros the overlord's face. "Yes, well, untill lately Lotkas was the same way. We've been trying to cut back our military while boosting out police force. We've found them to be a better scores of controling the populace.
Jumbo Muffins
05-10-2005, 04:47
"There are other ways to handle your people than with brute force." As the monarch said this she leaned forward eagerly. "That is one of the things I was hoping to discuss today because-" At this point an attendent came forward and whispered something in her ear. Her face went white. When she spoke her voice shook slightly. She rose and said, "I apologize overlord, but I have an emergency that needs attending. Perhaps we may continue this discussion tomorrow night?" With that, she swept out of the room with her otter following.