But I, Being Poor...
Of course, it had all gone terribly wrong the day that Rialla had gone missing. Every Nenyar knew instantly she was wrong, somehow, but none knew precisely what had occurred.
Promptly, the revolution occurred.
Apparently House Dth'gari had not been so comfortable as many had believed; large swathes of the Crown Guard split off from the mainstream, declaring their independence. Ax-turath swiftly became a warzone - although both sides fought well outside the cities, in the rough, difficult terrain that that state is well known for.
Non-lethal arms swiftly gave way to lethal arms once again - but only amongst the Humans. House Dth'gar and House Rihad fought most bitterly, while the rest of the Commonality managed some restraint, negotiating and striving to end the conflict. Loyal Crown Guard units were left on hot standby, and interfered only when the fighting moved near zones of habitation.
On one such occasion, rebel forces attempted to claim the loyal town of Armtuu, a House ux-Rihad stronghold. That proved a fatal error. Within seconds of the incursion being noted, G# air-superiority bombers enacted pinpoint kinetic harpoon strikes, obliterating the rebel lines in that area. The strikes continued for a week, as decided by the Unified Commonality Government.
Promptly, both sides returned to the table.
But the loss was extraordinary. The borders had been sealed during the conflict: the tourist industry had lost billions.
Trade had continued uninterrupted, but it still left the Commonality in a decidedly unstable state...
Near Earth Orbit, ICEL Space 'feeder' zone (free space; ICEL policed)
The warship Might and Mercy had arced gracefully in on a decellerative curve. It's trajectory was precisely calculated, of course, but it would still take no less than three days to slow to an appropriate speed for a rendezvous with the far-slower-moving Earth.
Her crew had no idea of events on Earth.
Ever the cost of the Transitional drive (for vessels without the benefit of mf/f feeder reactors and accompanying PG-field enactors) was the fact that object a (the ship) is always moving faster than point b (the destination), resulting in an almost-certain overshot. Especially since no one had figured out how to make a Transitional translation without first accelerating beyond .1c. Nor did anyone quite know why it was required; the math merely indicated that it did, and the proof of reality likewise.
Might and Mercy was the third of her class; a mid-sized Explorer-derived vessel, technically classified as a Eye of Merit-class vessel. She, however, had returned with poor news.
'Poor news' was the polite description, mused her commanding officer. In fact, the news was far poorer: there was no electromagnetic communication from the surface. That is, from Iluvauromen - everywhere else seemed normal enough. There were rapid-fire laser bursts from the ground to the MISAT network...
Lockdown. The information flashed on her 'visor, blinking down slowly as the data appeared to scroll through the air. "Uh oh," she mumbled.
Unfortunately, it was also the last two words she ever spoke. In the grand scheme of things, she had probably hoped for better parting wisdom...
* * *
The Might and Mercy dissolved in the cloud of plasma that erupted in her path, just as predicted and planned. Gracefully sweeping around the slowly-dissipating field of death, the pocket cruiser Glorious Symphony pumped energy through her propulsion fields, flexing the electromagnetic field lines into tighter and tighter bundles. Space-time groaned, briefly, under the stress, although only a handful of local satelites picked up the brief distortion in gravity. And then the Symphony erupted into nothingness, only a brief gamma ray burst proving her presence.
[OOC: Yeah, I'm back. Hi! Hope some of you are pleased to see me. :)]
It is technically feasible to determine the exit point for a single Transitional Hop, but one requires certain technology to do so. It's not a simple case of matching current course; and one has to do so swiftly, and catch the vessel ahead fast enough to repeat the process.
In essence, it is difficult to catch any vessel which is Transitioning at a rapid pace - basically any ship with a better computer system than the pursuer.
Fortunately, this was not the case.
The Glorious Symphony's near-instantaneous translations to the Earth-Mars Highway entrypoint took three-point-seven seconds - two small hops.
Unfortunately for them, the Noble Sacrifice, a brand spanking new Vital Intelligence class EWF, was watching. The EWF relayed it's projected course to yet another ship - which in turn relayed the data to one more.
Those two ships, already circling the Earth's path around the sun at .1c, immediately made instantaneous translations to the EMH entrypoint - or, more precisely, tightly winding orbits several hundred thousand kilometres above.
Immediately, they launched combat Hornets, which accelerated (via propulsive PG-field enactors) on a relative 'downwards' trajectory. Again, an instantaneous translation for each ship - putting them several hundred thousand kilometres to port and starboard of the EMH entrypoint.
Again combat Hornet's unload from their weapons bays, rapidly deploying into the launch tubes - and are then sput into the cold vacuum of the void. They roar away from their launching vessels, accelerating at twenty-nine gees.
And the two ships complete the maneouvre with one more Hop each, cancelling half of their momentum with skilful exits from Transitional space.
The CSF warships took just two-point-nine seconds for deployment.
At three point seven seconds, the Glorious Symphony burst into existance, exactly where it was supposed to be: one hundred twenty thousand klicks astern, relative to the EMH entrypoint ring.
Naturally, it didn't detect the warships sitting seven hundred twenty thousand kilometers away. Nor did it detect the incoming combat Hornets - at first.
The first sign was noted on the bridge - at fifty-three seconds.
"Sir," the comms officer piped up, nervously. "I'm getting an electronic warfare warning."
The captain scowled; he was not, in fact, a captain. He was formerly the second officer of this once mostly-Dth'gari crewed warship - now it was entirely Dth'gari crewed. His uniform still bore the bloodstains of his slaughtered comrades, including the captain.
A shame. His commanding officer had been a noble, gentle soldier, who had fought ferociously for his beliefs. He had, however, ultimately died. Therefore he was inferior.
And no loss.
This sequence of thoughts cost the Glorious Symphony nearly two seconds of dead response time. "Scan for Hornets," he ordered, sombrely. Hornets were the new mainstay of the CSF; Glorious Symphony was overdue for her refit - so she had none. It was a serious disadvantage...
But not all CSF ships had been refitted for them, yet.
He hoped.
In vain. "Fifteen incoming," came the swift response.
However, it was not swift enough in coming.
At one hundred thousand kilometres distance from the Glorious Symphony, the Hornets applied gyro-based vector realignment the instant that their propulsive fields failed (thus without losing velocity to the maneouvre, relatively speaking) and opened their warbays. Submunitions leapt forth - twenty-five units apiece from each Hornet.
The majority of the submunitions were electronic warfare suites; local space, in accordance with the inverse square rule, immediately became super-saturated with electromagnetic radiation on particular wavelengths - the wavelengths used for the super-sensitive sensor suites on an ICEL warship.
Glorious Symphony, in response, switched to laser-tagging, and launched a volley of countermeasures. Electron particle cannons mounted on submunitions from the Hornets immediately obliterated two thirds of those countermeasures, clearing the path for the final phase of the assualt: fifteen hundred kinetic bullets were slung free of their gauss cannon platforms. The equivalent of tracer fire in space lit up bright amber lines between the submunitions and the Glorious Symphony...
Which promptly disintegrated under the force of the assualt. Immediately that the light from the blast reached the waiting CSF warships, they ceased their decellerative burns and begin pushing towards velocity for Hops back to their patrol positions.
Within forty seconds, EM cleanup tugs translated into position to begin the cleanup operation.
Within four minutes, the CSF warships were gone.
[OOC: I note that this was a highly visible event. Thus, anyone who happened to be looking out towards Mars would have seen it. And considering all three involved vessels were all flying under the same flag, I expect eyebrows would be raised a tad. ;)]
It was insanity at best.
President Batoule sat in his office, watching the latest security briefings flood through his computer. He had been aware of the Situation in ICEL since nearly the beginning; It was hard not to notice. Though traffic between ICEL and Chellis had all but stopped during the silver revolution, which had been over only for a short time, traffic completely stopped when the events in ICEL began. Chellis had sent over queries, asking why the borders had been closed, seeing as they had been open for a few months now on the Chellian side.
While Batoule knew that all hell had broken loose, he didn't know much more. Despite being a neighboring country, he, like most Chellians, did not know ICEL history, except for what might be picked up in the news. During the "Catre Streen" period(easiest way to translate the Chellian, meaning "for the state"), Chellis was not accepting of its neighbor. Despite being friendly with them, and having "open" borders, by Chellian standards, the government had not been comfortable with its citizenry knowing an advanced country lay so near. The idea that Chellis wasn't the most incredible nation in the world was a foreign idea alone.
Batoule's most recent report was that of some type of warfare in ICEL space. This worried Batoule. He wanted a good relationship with his neighbor, and while he realized that the chellian military, strong as it was, was no match for anyone who could hope to even take on ICEL.
However, he wanted to help. He was a firm believer that infantry was infantry, and while you could equip them with gear up the rear, a 7.62mm would kill regardless of level of technology...
He realized he didn't even know who to send the letter to. Queries had gone through established lines of communication, to no avail. He couldn't even give any wide broadcasts of help; chellis used an Intranet, connected to the internet only through a few government lines, and those had been destroyed in the revolution. They would be rebuilt soon, but other needs had been first priorities.
He began to write a draft, for the ministers of Chellis to vote on. While he had dictatorial power, and was voted in for his merits, he understood that the key to effective government is to pool the best resources together, to come with the best products. He might be the best in some areas; but 13 members of the Ministry really were the best resources of Chellis, and if anyone could better his plan, it was them.
The draft was short. He wanted action, and to let the specifics be let to the generals, the command-generals, and the command-advisors. The draft contained three main objectives. The first, to mobilize a million troops near the ICEL border, far enough away that they couldn't storm into the country, but close enough to be seen by the ICEL government. Considering the professional chellian army was 13m in strength, active, a 1m man deployment wasn't much. These troops were career soldiers, in service from 17-26 to 42 years old. They were the ones to be used first in all combat situations, to only be supplemented by the National guard(all persons 18-26, for 2.5 years a person) when absolutely nessecary. The second objective was to obtain an ICEL ear, by any means short of firing rockets(in futility) at border positions. The third was to begin development of ways to combat enemies who were much higher in technological development than Chellis. This meant high caliber and high explosive weaponry for infantry, new chemical weapons systems, light infantry vehicles with high calibre weapons, new artillery, and other systems. None of these would be used in ICEL, but Batoule decided it would be a good idea to have in the future, to at least research these things.
When all was said and done, the draft quickly made it through the Ministry. They developed the draft heavily, added things, and sent it off to the Executive Ministry, to be put into action. Preparations were beginning to be made in a north-eastern chellian military base, to accomodate more soldiers in hotels, and in tents. Chellian doctrine had long been set for mass deployments, so this was no problem logistically. Troops closest to the border were the ones sent, as if they were in a certain radius of the camp, they could simply stay at home, and be ready for deployment within 6 hours.
Batoule realized this might bring Chellis back on the world stage. He hoped not. Chellis was doing excellently in its isolationist fashion. Its people enjoyed an incredibly high standard of living, a very low crime rate, and a great amount of freedom in their lives. They had given up their political freedoms, and some civil ones, but the government was for the people; and the people were educated to know that the government was for them, and not to question it. In a corrupt society, this would have been horrid. But with the long running Catre Streen period, the people had been used to these things. The government evolved, providing for its people, instead of the state in general. The system worked before. Such a simple, yet vast change allowed it to still work.
Batoule didn't want his paradise ruined. So he would be careful. As careful as possible.
And although Chellis was not always especially observant of it's neighbour, the reverse was not, unfortunately, accurate.
Ever since the sworn enemy of the Nenyar, Morgoth, had utilized that nation as an invasion route, the Nenyar intelligence forces had paid special attention to Chellis.
As such, troop movements were fairly easy to spot. It didn't take long for a reaction, either. Promptly, a sub-sentient AI slapped a red flag on Chellis, and forwarded the data to a more 'intelligent' AI. That AI, in turn, approved the red flag. Several more, similar steps followed. The process took only several seconds, of course.
Eventually, however, the red flag found it's way to an actual sentient.
Operative Miliu Rihad was not a Nenya, but he was a half-breed. It was close enough to secure a position at this facility, where 'special' observations took place. It was, of course, safely inside the High Command Citadel, buried deep beneath Iluvauromeni soil. Somewhere.
Even he didn't know where. And he was here. It was a disturbing thought, but a reassuring one at the same time.
He was, however, quite bored. Watching the borders was not a particuarly interesting job. So when a red flag came up over Chellis, he was quite excited. To say the least.
Immediately, he contacted his Supervisor. The Supervisor investigated the situation - for all of five minutes. Promptly, he contacted the Commissioner.
And she contacted the Commonality Crown Guard.
* * *
The flight launched from Turath Primary Airfield - the M# interceptors slid up and out of their subterranean hangars quietly and efficiently, before thrumming gently and vaulting into the sky. Three - a single recon wing. The recon flight took it sedately, however: supersonic flight - much less ultrasonic flight - was quite quite illegal over inhabited landmasses.
Still, they were en route to the border with Chellis, and their intent was relatively clear. Take a peek.
* * *
Meanwhile, a MISAT in orbit silently repositions. A specialized comms cluster slips out from behind the sheathe which protects delicate electronic systems inside from the ravages of space - and angles to point down at Chellis.
Someone, unfortunately, at the Diplomatic Corps, has an unusual burst if humourous intent.
The message composed is quite simple; just two words. It says (in a male voice that sounds as if it belongs to a Human in his mid-seventies): "Yes, neighbours?"
16-09-2005, 14:00
Several Retaliatory Guard RASTER Satellites had notices the increased activity, above, in and around the Commonality. In Tollan Fire Control one of the intelligence Leftenants took note of it and forwrded the data on to Retaliatory Guard Command, and set one of the RASTER satellites to keep tabs on the goings on in the Commonality.
In the meantime, Retaliatory Guard Command briefed the Minister of Defence on the matter at his bi-weekly intelligence meeting. He in turn briefed the Commanlities favorite diplomat, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sir Alec Connover.
Minister of Defence Issem tossed a pendrive at Alec as he entered the office.
"Hey, everytime you come in here you're throwing things at me. What's on this William?"
Minister Issem rolled his eyes as he sat "First you make a great target, ask the press. Second, if I wanted to take the time to tell you what was on that , I wouldn't have taken the time to save it in the first place."
Sir Alec paused and plugged the pendrive into his laptop. "Ah-ha, what is this civil war in the Commonality?"
Minister Issem shrugged "Most likely."
Sir Alec rubbed his chin going over the data "That is interesting, I wonder what's become of their monarchy? There was some talk of having their Prince, unh, Semir-Randle, I think his name was, visit?"
Minister Issem frowned "An elven Prince? That would go over well."
Sir Alec chuckled as he leaned back into his chair "Not elven, Nenyan."
Although operations on the ground had been somewhat unusual for a while now, the loyalty of the majority of the core of the Crown Guard to the Commonality had effectively ruled out a true rebellion ever truly taking hold - a problem which the House Dth'gar rebels had not quite foreseen. Even their own kin had refused to take up arms against their own nation - leaving only the 'downtrodden' to rally for 'freedom'.
Of course, one finds it hard to maintain momentum when the enemy refuses to undertake an aggressive, reactionary position. One finds it hard to produce propaganda when people do not vanish in the middle of the night, dragged off to be interrogated - or worse.
One finds it exceedingly difficult, therefore, to mount an effective, continuing resistance against a force which stubbornly refuses to bother to acknowledge your existance - so long as you don't threaten the population.
Thus, the House Dth'gar rebels had discovered that their operation was running out of steam - and with that, came the inevitable fact that the Crown Guard Special Lancers would almost certainly be coming for them soon. The operation had not been smooth: unlike the Dawn Revolution, which had birthed the Commonality, this particular attempt by the few to stamp their authority on the many had not been planned for close to a century - it had not had the foundations carefully lain, so that all the pieces simply fell into place at the appointed hour.
Nor, in the end, did it have the powerbase required to carry the day. Although fighting had been intense between the hastily assembled, Crown Guard-armed House forces, it had not been particuarly worthwhile. People had died, but essentially that was the only change.
The orbital battle, then, was a rarity; but it had been compartively spectacular. The revelation that the Commonality had essentially begun rearming it's fleet with weapons clearly intended for fleet-to-fleet engagements had the potential to make people nervous.
Oddly, most nervous of those people was Commissioner Bao Ling I - formerly the High Queen of Ma-Nenya, mother to Rialla, the current Empress. She was not a lady prone to nervousness - her achievements highlighted that fact - but today was different.
The outside world was simply not supposed to know that the Commonality had finally completed the Hornet Project. It had begun with the simple Hornet missiles used on the #-series aircraft - they had seen very limited action, those weapons, but had shown ample promise. Bao Ling's son-in-law, Semir-randil I, of course, was responsible for the final design of the stellar combat Hornet. Bao Ling envied him that, although not for herselfl; but then, Si Ling, her own consort and the former Emperor, had his own achievements to hearken to.
Tensions had risen in the Imperial House of late. Semir had been absent for astonishing periods of time - often returning with injuries. Nobody seemed to know where he went or what he did - except Rialla. And, maddeningly, Rialla refused to tell Bao a thing. And now Rialla was 'missing'.
Of course, Bao Ling knew very well where her daughter was, and likewise knew that she would be returning quite soon. And she would not be best pleased with events - although Ax-randiri Rihad and Semir-randil had proven to be an exceptional combination in dealing with the rebels. She was impressed at the low number of black ops events that had been required to prevent the rebel leadership from gaining any particular strength; RISE had done it's job well, and, as ever, in the utmost secrecy. Any action taken would be linked back to IDFI, and through them, NIOUA, but RISE simply didn't exist, as far as the world - bar one nation - was concerned.
"Ma'am," the soldier intoned respectfully, bowing his head to the proper degree. It wasn't servitude, but instead respect and honour which drove his actions. "Operations reports that three warships are expected to go rogue. Spear of Fire, Technical Dread, and Nova are the suspects. Sixty percent Dth'gari crewed, Nenya command crew. They've been recalled by the CSF, as per the suggestion of the Advisory Council."
She nodded, slowly. The Advisory Council was the true command of the Crown Guard, under the new streamlining and restructuring of the Commonality Armed Forces; it amounted to the divisional commanders meeting in a room and discussing a proper response. That the room was virtual in nature was irrelevant, however.
"And the rest of the fleet?"
"Recalled," the young Nenya responded calmly. "All of them that aren't assigned to the Colonies."
* * *
Fleet Staging Grounds Alpha-through-Omega, Iluvauromeni Stellar Space
Technically, it would have been a simpler matter to bring the fleet home piece by piece.
But that lacked a certain dramatic flair that the Nenyar - and their Human counterparts - found appealing. Therefore, the fleet did not arrive home in drabs.
Unfortunately, this meant that they could not emerge into normal space directly above the Earth. That would entail a rather large gamma-ray emission - the total energy output would be dangerous to local satelites, for one thing.
For another, it would have been rude.
Therefore, a little-known fact was brought into the public domain; for some time, the Commonality had been 'seeding' areas of space with inert VECO (http://ns.goobergunch.net/wiki/index.php/ICEL_MISAT/VECO_network) units. As they were inert, they only give themselves away on mass-indicators - and, sheathed as they were, that didn't exactly give away much. Now they activate, along with several small point-defence units slaved to the observation drones.
Several seconds later, over four hundred Commonality warships erupt into existance in space directly local to the previously inert VECOs. Gamma-ray bursts announce their presence first; electromagnetic signatures second; white-light flashes as their propulsion fields interact third; and finally, a simple communication from the VECOs.
"The immediate surrounding space to these observation-and-defence units is temporarily declared protected by the Commonality Space Force. As such, any armed vessel entering the one hundred thousand kilometre military exclusion zone will be considered hostile, and engaged by local Carrier Air Patrol forces. We apologize for any inconveniance. Repeat: the immediate surrounding space..."
[OOC: Yes, that's the 2, 3, and 4 Stellar Battlegroups home, plus the 3 and 4 Stellar Squadrons.]
Santa Barbara
16-09-2005, 19:48
The response from Julia Bennings, Chairman of the TNE, could best be described as one of concerned indifference. If such a thing were possible. The UTR of Santa Barbara itself remained, thus far, silent.
When reports were confirmed that the Nenyans were again fighting each other, and after realizing that no Santa Barbaran companies or citizens were threatened directly, she was indifferent. The TNE had bigger fish to fry. She noted that the Imperial Trade Conglomerate would be unlikely to have much influence in the latest TNE Discussions (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?p=9638170#post9638170) regarding Mars. She was indifferent to the causes of this war; she had numbed herself to the slaughter of billions of Santa Barbarans and the sundering of the old CoFedCo; this was even more removed from her heart, her people, her interests.
But she was concerned, because wars rarely ended in a vacuum, and Ma-Tek was one of the few nations with whom government in Santa Barbara had had any meaningful relations. It was conceivable the United Trade Republics would push for involvement, especially since it seemed there was support for involvement in the Tyranid war on Mars. The general consensus among the people, she knew, was "hey if we're paying extortionist amounts of taxes, we might as well get some decent entertainment out of it." As Chairman, and executive of Bennings Enterprises, she couldn't keep the nation out of a foreign war single-handedly.
And so today she read the reports, sifting through cited satellite readings and direct observations, noting the change in power, sensing for opportunities... but without any inclination to do more than read. And drink her coffee.
'Operation Landhammer' Defeats Insurgent Remnant, says IPC/IDFI
NENYA, SATURDAY - A joint Imperial Police Corps-Imperial Defence Force Intelligence sting operation Saturday has resulted in the arrest and seizure of some two thousand insurgents throughout the Commonality. The IPC and IDFI insist the operation was carried out entirely within the boundaries of the Law, and the Commonality Criminality Court is now confirmed to have executed the warrants required for the operation.
Ninety percent of those arrested are members of Great House Dethri; two-thirds of the leadership of that House are now in police custody. Imperial Police Corps Chief Supranational Commissioner Elise Saldana-Dethri noted that the operation had been "carried out to the precise letter of the plan," and that "IDFI [had] been invaluable to the proper execution of the Law."
Saldana-Dethri also observed that the "insurgent leadership responsible for the recent instability" had, during the operation, "mostly been brought into custody," and hailed "Operation Landhammer" as "an absolute success."
Charges of High Treason are expected to be brought against the leadership of the insurgency, whereas the remainder are likely to face various charges, ranging from Illegal Arms Possession to Unlawful Slaying and Treason.
~ excerpt from the Nenya Today electronic broadsheet
OOC: Since I don't understand through what method you are communicating with me, and who the message was sent to, Im going to start at the president being transfered to the message...
IC: Batoule was dumbfounded by the simplicity of ICEL's message. He permitted himself a chuckle, before getting on with what his message, which sounded nearly planned, though it was more nervousness than anything. "Greetings, representative of ICEL. Err, the... government of Chellis has come into knowledge that there has been problems within your great nation... We were not aware of any wars that were occuring, which is probably the best; We would, at best, be confused by such incidents. However, the closing of borders has led us to believe something serious is going on...
Uhm, anyways, we understand that there is not a great relationship between our two countries. While we havn't been enemies for a great period of time, we have not been allies either. While this was sufficient under the Catre Streen system, led by President Raslin(s), we want to improve relations with our northern neighbor.
Please... mmm... realize that this isn't just banter. We have mobilized a small number of troops, no doubt which you realized. While it isn't much, and we aren't sure we could be of any real help, we would like to offer any help to ICEL that we may. Our military factories, for the most part, are unused, except for commercial arms deals. We have a great influx of materials through our country, and would be glad to help ICEL with anything within that. We also have a large number of military members, who, quite simply, have nothing to do. And one of the few things we share in ideology with the last government, enough manpower can solve anything.
Basically, we are offering a blank check of our services. We know that we are a backwards society, compared to you, but even so, we are at your service in your time of need, assuming there is one. A meeting would be great; a rapport would be completely sufficient.
And lastly, we have no plans of attacking ICEL. Our troops would be decimated, we realize this. Our troop movements are to prepare troops for anything that might occur, not to provoke conflict of any sort. We are not like the Imperialist Catre Streen government; We wish to keep to ourselves, as much as possible. However, we realize that good allies is better than unlikely enemies..."
Batoule simply stopped talking at this point. He wasn't sure how to properly end the statement; he was a horrid orator. He could speak well, when he had a typed up speech that he had time to memorize; and when talking personally, he had great emotion and simply a feeling of intelligence and stride... but it didn't show itself in places like this.
After saying it, Batoule almost wished he could take it back. He knew that nobody in chellis would see it; it would make him look weak if they did. He didn't want to sound like a subservient dog to ICEL; But he couldn't take back what he said. He would just have to make desicions as they came.
[OOC: Okay to assume a vid-sat uplink?]
At first, the image presented was of a man with brown hair. A Human man, then, because he has blue eyes. His voice was crisp and clear, and his mouth begins to open to form a response...
{-and Sarah, observing, realized that the responding person was of far greater rank than expected. Promptly, she datavised the information to Semir-randil's desk, who, unexpectedly rapidly, agreed with her evaluation.
Without fuss, the small segment of Sarah's consciousness that was overseeing the communication seamlessly switched from the brown-haired man to Semir-randil - and then switched her attention elsewhere, allowing a smaller segment to oversee the transmission-}
...and he promptly disappears, replaced by a far more recognizable face. High King Semir-randil I smiles faintly, seated at a desk in front of a window overlooking the magnificent greenery of the Imperial Palace Grounds. The High King appears to be in strangely good spirits.
"My dear fellow," he starts with, rather informally, shaking his head, "please don't give all of that bowing and scraping nonsense. Goodness me, though, if the last Emperor had had such friendly neighbours, we might all be a bit better off today." He chuckles, quietly.
"But really, now. All that claptrap about superiority. What tosh. Speak frankly, man, or don't bother.
"At any rate, your offer is indeed gracious and kind - and were we of need of military support, I can assure you that we would not overlook the additional resources that you could provide us. However, there is no such need.
"Let me explain. The Commonality underwent a brief and unfortunate period of insurgency related to the recent disappearance of Empress Rialla. However, all that was a big misunderstanding, and we now, of course, know where she is. Which is why I'm so cheerful, naturally." He grins. Naturally. The Nenya would be pleased to know his wife was safe and well.
That must be why he's so upbeat.
"Anyway, one of the Human Great Houses decided it would overthrow the Commonality. Except nobody outside that House was much interested. It all ended pretty sharpish when the Dethri realised that the vast majority of the Crown Guard was going to remain loyal.
"And just earlier today, the ringleaders were arrested. They'll be tried for High Treason, of course."
Semir-randil tilts his head, curiously. "Don't you subscribe to Nenya Today? - But of course not. I suppose you don't have access to the MESH in Chellis. We shall have to talk about laying vastband connections, hmmm?"
Someone is... very uncharacteristically chatty.
Somewhere in the Commonality...
She smiled as she read the news. Her eyes light up, in fact.
Usually this wouldn't cause much of a stir, but, since they really did light up - a kind of unholy white light, dirty and enough to make an observer vomit (quite literally, in some cases, she had observed with amusement - although they had found little pleasure in their immediate death following after) - but this time, it did.
The other women in the Cubicle stared, and passed out. Of course, they didn't pass out naturally. She reached out telekinetically, crushing their hearts with ease.
Yet more odd heart attacks the authorities would scratch their heads at with bemusement, she decided.
Silently, she walked out of the Cubicle.
The shadow around her was tangible to the Nenyar, she had realized, and this made travelling troublesome; it was likely the demon inside her that made her seem thus. They could not feel her, at all, and this was deeply pleasurable to her.
She glided into the night, with a merry heart.
And within her, It stirred with gladness. It had feasted well these last few days. Soon it would feast on a greater prize. But that would come soon.