NationStates Jolt Archive

Campaigning begins for the Chair

02-09-2005, 07:35
Campaigning begins for the Chair
First elections under new Constitution
Manasi Adrahn, Daily Ennial

The official two-week campaigning for the half-election of the People's Assembly began today. Those Assemblimentarians facing the vote officially ended their duties until the new Assembly is announced. However, rather than the People's Assembly being the focus, most attention is instead being turned to the race for the Chair.

In previous years, the Chair was considered simply a figurehead of the Assembly. As such, the elections for that position (scheduled every 1.5 Assembly elections) were usually not fraught with tension. Influential figures have served in that role, but only as a footnote to their already notable careers.

That has all changed during Hannah Sikura's first term as Chairwoman. She acheived phenomenal popular ratings during Destabilisation, when she called for the dismissal of the Council of Enn. She was also one of the key figures in the set-up of the Trilateral Commission, securing the Chair a role in what has become the Triumvirate of Enn.

Hannah Sikura is again running for the Chair. Early polls have put her firmly ahead of any possible opposition. While she no longer enjoys the ratings she had during and just after Destabilisation, she is still very popular among the public. Her early rival, Johann Havers, announced that he would not contest the election two weeks ago.

But Ms. Sikura is unlikely to return to the Chair without a challenge. Justine Engard, a career politician, has a strong following amongst Enn's elderly. Mrs. Engard was an opponent of Ms. Sikura's during Destabilisation, and while she accepts that the Triumvirate is Enn's political system, she points out that under Ms. Sikura's reign the People's Assembly has lost nearly all of its powers.

"When I entered the Assembly," Mrs. Engard spoke when announcing her candidacy, "we enjoyed an amiable relationship with the Council. The People's Assembly had full control over Enn's security and legal system. We no longer have that. This needs to be remedied, and Hannah Sikura has repeatedly shown that she is not up to the chaleenge of taking on her fellow triumvirs."

Jeremy Alliston, midway through his first term in the People's Assembly, has also announced that he is joining the race. "We need a change in Enn. We need to look inwardly, rather than relying on our standing in the international community."

Chief Justice Loreni and Lady Faren have both declined to comment on the election. Under the Constitution of the Triumvirate of Enn, they shall serve as a duumvirate until the next Chair is declared.
03-09-2005, 07:17
"It would appear that Enn is holding a somewhat important election."

"Will this influence our policies in any major way?"

"It is too soon to tell. Perhaps if we had more information on the candidates..."

"Send Johan. He's done good work and he deserves a foreign assignment for once."

"Sure thing."
06-09-2005, 03:19
Who is most suitable as the next Chairperson of Enn?
Hannah Sikura 37%
Justine Engard 31%
Jeremy Alliston 22%
Other 7%
Uncommited 2%
figures may not add to 100 due to rounding

Hannah Sikura entered her office to see the latest poll results.
"So," she asked her advisors, "what do you think?"

"It's a good start," her political analyst Steven Goodmilne replied. "A six point lead against Engard, who we always knew would be your main rival. But it's Alliston that's most concerning. Before the campaign began, he was languishing with less than ten per cent, now he's well into the twenties."

"What about these 'others'?"

"Most are supporting the Deputy Chair, Aravind Ganil. But he's retiring at this election, it just hasn't sunk in with everyone. But we can't just dismiss him. Many people respect him, and who he gives support to will be crucial in the election."

"And what about Yssandra and Xavier?"

"Lady Faren and the Chief Justice have both been extremely careful to avoid giving support to anyone, publically. Privately, Xavier doesn't like Engard much, and regards Alliston as a minor curiosity. On the other hand, Lady Faren has never liked you. Of course, she doesn't like Justine Engard either, what with Engard's doctrine of a UN-led world. Yssandra likes her fiefdom.
"It is possible that she is behind Alliston's sudden rise in the polls. They both agree with the principles of national sovereignty, at least when it comes to weapons.

"Hannah, we've also run polls of our own. National sovereignty is a big thing with the people. On one hand, Engard wants a world government modelled after the Council of Enn. Then you've got Alliston, who would probably withdraw Enn from the UN altogether if he thought he could get away with it.
"If either win the election, we'll be looking at a major shift in Enn's attitude towards the UN. Enn could be taken out of the NSO, or could become one of its most ardent followers."

"Alright then." Hannah shook her head. "Let me guess. I'm in the middle, and that's more dangerous."

"Exactly. People who know you understand the way you operate, always taking care. That was fine when the Council was still around, but now it isn't."
10-09-2005, 05:21
The Daily Ennial special report by political commentator Manasi Adrahn: Interview with Justine Engard

Manasi Adrahn: Mrs. Engard, you have been recently causing a stir through Ennish life with many of your statements. How are you coping with the pressure of the campaign?

Justine Engard: Well, I certainly have always tried to be noticed. There is no point in being a faceless entity in the People's Assembly. I don't see any reason to stop that now.

You've clashed with Chairwoman Sikura many times throughout your respective careers. How do you view her as a direct opponent?

Ms. Sikura has always been very strong minded, and I respect her for that. I supported her initial promotion as Ennish Ambassador to the UN, and she did a very good job there, a legacy that has continued with her successor Stephanie Fulton.
Hannah is very confident in herself, and very skilled at oration. But for all that, I cannot agree with some of her decisions as Chairwoman. I understand that she was instrumental in securing a solution to Destabilisation, but I still think that she should have tried harder to secure a place for the People's Assembly. Look at what has happened - the Assembly has lost control of policing to Lady Faren's wallet. The judiciary, appointed through the Council and Assembly working together, is now a separate division of government, only answerable to the Triumvirate.

I understand that in domestic policy you are mainly in agreement with Ms. Sikura, and that it is foreign policy that you most differ.

Yes. Enn has always been involved in international politics, it's something we're good at, how we made our name. This has nearly all been done under the auspices of the United Nations. But some of Ms. Sikura's decisions have left me confused. Why are we in the National Sovereignty Organization? What possible advantage is there in that? I find myself completely opposed to the principles of that group. What is the point of being in the UN if all we do is tie our own hands?

To be fair, the UN is under Lady Faren's control.

Please don't be willfully ignorant Manasi, it's most unlike you. Yes, technically it's done by Yssandra, but major decisions are always taken by the full Triumvirate. That is how resolution votes are decided. That is how we joined the NSO, that is how we got involved in the chaos of the Pretenama Panel. I know Justice Loreni, he would not have supported either move without extensive debate. So unless Yssandra managed to somehow convince him, we joined NSO because of Hannah.

How do you view Jeremy Alliston, your other opponent in the coming election?

I have yet to agree with a single policy statement of his. I have yet to work out whether he is a rabid sovereigntist or a rabid imperialist, nothing seems clear.
I'm worried by him. How did someone with so little tactical nous get elected, let alone manoeuver into a position to run for the Chair? He isn't acting like anyone I can think of in Ennish political life - Lady Faren wears her autocratic heart on her sleeve, Loreni is far more careful, no-one else is like that - so I don't see how he could be the puppet of another party.

Finally, what are your opinions of the other Triumvirs, Lady Faren and Chief Justice Loreni?

Well, you've already heard a fair bit. Lady Faren and I rarely see eye to eye - she's an autocrat, I'm a democrat, it stands to reason. But I see no reason why I couldn't work with her, should I be elected. After all, compromise is the art of democracy.
Xavier I've known for a while. I can see where he's coming from.
06-11-2005, 07:48
Shock late withdrawal in race for the Chair
Extra: Manasi Adrahn for the Daily Ennial

Jeremy Alliston, the firebrand contestant for the Chair of Enn, has had to withdraw from the campaign trail due to health reasons. A spokesperson has said that Mr. Alliston has been diagnosed with severe pneumonia, leaving him hospitalised.

Ms. Sikura and Mrs. Engard, his opponents in the upcoming election, have both communicated their support and condolences to him and his family.

The election will be held this coming Thursday. The last poll had Hannah Sikura and Justine Engard very close together, with Mrs. Engard just ahead on 34, to Ms. Sikura on 32, while Mr. Alliston had 23% of the primary vote. It is unknown how Mr. Alliston's withdrawal will affect the outcome, as he held opinions far different to those of his opponents.
The Black New World
07-11-2005, 01:03
Breakfast was a meal that Desdemona was beginning to like. Since coming to HotRodia it had taken a different tone. Desdemona and Geoffrey had done away with the table in the first week. They were currently in the habit of taking breakfast curled around each other on a couch in the reception room.

"It appears," Geoffrey read from his morning paper, "that the Ennish are having an election."

Desdemona looked up at him.

"Darling don't give me that look."

"What look?"

"The look that says you already knew that and you want to punch me for assuming otherwise."

Desdemona smiled and kissed his. Breakfast was wonderful.

"What's wrong with the election?"

"I was just wondering which of the contestants you favoured."


"Never mind dear. I'm sure you'll get round to saying something eventually."

He left the room leaving a half finished breakfast and a half read paper. So much for lazy mornings. Politics. Desdemona typed a message for the Queen. To tell her to start preparing the gift for the victor.

Then she arranged a gift of her own. Her favour.
07-11-2005, 01:34
Palace of the Praetor, Shino (Capital of Semirhage)

The morning light filled everything it touched with a feeling of incredible peace as the Praetor Sophia Moss and Overlord Paul I ate a quiet breakfast in the Praetor's private breakfast room. His Holiness Paul I read the morning newspaper while eating toast covered in apple butter.

"Listen to this," Paul I said to Sophia, "In Enn they are holding an election for what I think is their ruler... The title is very odd, it's called "the Chair"."

"How is it odd?" the Praetor asked of her spiritual mentor and the titular head of the Temple of the Republic, Semirhage's only religion.

"From what little I know of Enn, their government works like the Triumvirate in the old Roman Republic, three people with equal stakes in power."

"It's no way to run an effective Republic," Sophia commented after sipping on a glass of orange juice, "It's no way to run ANY government, too much in fighting, too much corruption, it's too chaotic."

"I concur," Paul I responded to the Praetor before finishing his toast and then reaching for his glass of orange juice.

Praetor Sophia Moss
The Democratic Republic of Semirhage
Favorite Quote- “What an artist dies with me!”- Nero, Fifth Emperor of Rome
10-11-2005, 02:41
The count begins
Manasi Adrahn

Voting has officially ended in the combined elections for the People's Assembly, and for the position of Chair of the Assembly. The race for the head seat has been the closest for many years, with no clear winner apparent from opinion polls. Exit polls so far have indicated a very tight finish between Hannah Sikura, currently Chairwoman of Enn, and her rival Justine Engard. It appears that it will take some time for any clear victor to emerge from this.

Ms. Sikura has indicated that she will step down from the Assembly should she lose the election, and will likely return to her previous career in international diplomacy. Lady Faren, head of international affairs and security, has welcomed this move, saying, "It is good that someone as well known and liked as Ms. Sikura is still willing to work for Enn's benefit, regardless of her role."

Mrs. Engard, who has indicated she will remain in her seat in the Assembly irrespective of whether she wins, was campaigning to the last, handing out leaflets at her local polling station right up until the polls were closed.

A special edition of the Daily Ennial will be published when the results are made clear.
11-11-2005, 05:48
Justine Engard victorious; Hannah Sikura admits defeat
Manasi Adrahn for the Daily Ennial, the Old Guardian, and various syndicated papers

Hannah Sikura has officially congratulated her rival Justine Engard for securing the vote to become Chairwoman of Enn. The counting continues, but the next Madam Chairwoman has moved into an unbeatable lead of 52 - 46, with 2% of ballots cast informal.

Mrs. Engard this morning addressed the nation this morning, saying that "This is a victory for tradition. The reforms under Ms. Sikura's leadership were needed, and I thank her for her stability during Destabilisation. But now is the time for consolidation, for Enn to find out where we stand, as a nation, and as an international player.

"Once I am sworn in, I will work with, rather than against, my fellow Triumvirs. The rivalries of the First Triumvirate were well-known, and my new blood should help ease tensions."

She continued, "I will ask for Enn to withdraw from the foolishness of the National Sovereignty Organization. We cannot afford to compromise on our ideals by siding with such an alliance which is contrary to everything Enn has worked for in the international community. We of Enn understand the wisdom of having strong levels of government at every level. This does not, and should not, simply stop at our borders, but must continue through the work of the United Nations."

Hannah Sikura also addressed the nation, formally conceding the election, and officially stepping down from the People's Assembly. It is understood that she will return to international diplomacy, where she first made her name as Ambassador to the United Nations.

Ennish Consul to the UN Stephanie Fulton was unavailable for comment, but issued a statement saying that the will of the Ennish government would guide her work there, as it had always done.
11-11-2005, 11:08
Sincere congratulations to Mrs Engard on behalf of the Cloud-Water Community. We wish both her and Ms Sikura the very best in their new roles.

Frank Chalmers
Speaker for International Relations (outgoing)