Kingdom of Listeneisse, TO&E, 30 Aug 2005
30-08-2005, 14:20
Kingdom of Listeneisse TO&E, 30 Aug 2005
Being an analysis of the Royal Army, Air Force and Navy.
Listeneisse has advantages in its military position, because of its mandatory military service, and strong, practically omni-present government.
The main advantage of Listeneisse is its large reserve army and air force. While fighting on the defensive, its ranks can swell by adding in five times the reservists over the active army, and two-and-a-half times the ranks of active air force personnel. The navy, because it would require additional purchase of capital ships, cannot readily utilize reservists.
Force projection of Listeneisse is mostly for UN peacekeeping abroad. For such a small nation, the country maintains a rather sizeable heavy airlift capacity, and a busy fleet of lighter air transports. These aircraft are often sent on relief and diplomatic missions worldwide.
The Royal Army of Listeneisse (RAL) has not yet greatly altered its force mix for variable-theatre world peace-keeping missions. Its is considered conventional in organization, focused on heavily mechanized units. Given the logistical expense of transporting such heavy units worldwide, these are better deployed for regional and homeland defense.
The Royal Air Force (RAFL) is looking to develop better early warning systems, and has begun to contract the private industry to help research and develop air control and surveilance not just for itself but for its regional neighbors.
The Royal Naval Office is interested in obtaining low-cost vessels from other nations; perhaps retiring ships that can be refurbished for use. However, Listeneisse is far from developing a deep-water navy, and does not have any carriers for global force projection.
Listeneisse has not developed nuclear power or WMD programs, though with the recent advent of uranium mining, it may be able to develop nuclear technologies in time.
OOC: Listeneisse is comparable in population to Israel, but its per capita income falls far short of Israel's. Much of the model of the Listeneisse military is a cross between Israel's army, navy and air force, scaled down about two-thirds. The army unit compositions more model the US Army however.
Listeneisse Gross Domestic Product
Population: 6,000,000 (Comparable to Israel)
Civil Rights: Some
Economy: Good
GDP per Capita: $10,000 (Somewhere between Libya and Israel)
GDP: $60,000,000,000
National Budget: $10,627,920,000
Percentage of GDP Spent on Defense: 11% (Israel spends 8.7%)
Percentage of Budget Spent on Defense: 62.1%
Military Budget: $6,600,000,000 (Israel spends $9.11 billion)
(Courtesy of this handy tool: (
This permits the Kingdom of Listeneisse to field the following forces:
Royal Army of Listeneisse (RAL)
25,000 Recruits
55,000 Draftees
80,000 Active Personnel
400,000 Reservists
480,000 Total Available Personnel
Order of Battle
Active Forces
- Army HQ (3,000 personnel)
- Corps HQ (2,000 personnel)
- 3 Mechanized Infantry Divisions (15,000 personnel, each comprised of 3 brigades x 4000 personnel, 1 artillery regiment x 2000 personnel, divisional HQ x 1000 personnel; 45,000 personnel total; 88 IFVs, 60 MBTs, 18 SP Howitzers per brigade; plus 36 SP Howitzers in arty regmt.)
- 1 Armored Division (10,000 personnel, 3 brigades x 3000 personnel, 1 divisional HQ x 1000 personnel; 44 IFVs, 120 MBTs, 15 Recon Vehicles per brigade)
- 4 Air Mobile Regiment (2,500 personnel each; 10,000 total; 28 Transport Helos each; 96 total)
- 2 Artillery Regiment (2,000 personnel each; 4,000 total; 36 SP Howitzers each)
- 6 Air Defense Artillery Battalions (1,000 personnel each, 6,000 total; 24 IFVs, 12 Mobile SAM Launchers each)
Active Military Approx. Totals:
660 MBTs
1,068 IFVs
270 SP Howitzers
72 Mobile SAM Launchers
96 Transport Helos
Reserves tend to be mostly mechanized infantry battalions, but there are also good armored and air mobile battalions. Equipment also tends to be one or two generations of technology behind the active units.
Reserve Military Approx. Totals:
2,000 MBTs
6,000 IFVs
1,000 SP Howitzers
320 Mobile SAM Launchers
400 Transport Helos
Royal Air Force of Listeneisse (RAFL)
8,000 Recruits
12,000 Draftees
20,000 Active Personnel
50,000 Reservists
70,000 Total Available Personnel
Order of Battle
Active Forces
- Air Force HQ (2,500 personnel)
- 8 Fighter-Interceptor Squadrons (1,000 personnel, 12 Fighter-Interceptors each; 96 total)
- 4 Fighter Squadrons (1,000 personnel, 12 Fighters each; 48 total)
- 1 Ground Attack Squadron (2,000 personnel, 24 Attack Helicopters)
- 1 Heavy Air Cargo Squadron (1,000 personnel, 12 STOL Heavy Transport Aircraft)
- 1 Light Air Transport Squadron (1,000 personnel, 24 Light Transport Aircraft)
- 1 Air Refueling Squadron (1,000 personnel, 6 Air Refueling Tankers)
- 1 Reconnaisance Squadron (500 personnel, 24 UAV)
Reserve Forces
- 3 Reserve Air Wing HQ (2,000 personnel each, 6,000 total)
- 20 Fighter-Interceptor Squadrons (1,000 personnel, 12 Fighter-Interceptors each; 360 total)
- 10 Fighter Squadrons (1,000 personnel, 12 Fighters each; 120 total)
- 2 Ground Attack Squadron (2,000 personnel, 24 Attack Helicopters each; 4,000 personnel, 28 Attack Helicopters total)
- 2 Heavy Air Cargo Squadron (1,000 personnel, 12 Heavy Transport Aircraft each; 2,000 personnel, 24 Heavy Transport Aircraft Total)
- 3 Light Air Transport Squadron (1,000 personnel, 24 Light Air Transport Aircraft; 3,000 personnel total, 72 lLight Air Transport Aircraft Total)
- 3 Heavy Transport Helicopter Squadrons (1,000 personnel, 12 Heavy Transport Helicopters each; 3,000 personnel, 36 Heavy Transport Helicopters total)
- 2 Air Refueling Squadron (1,000 personnel, 12 Air Refueling Tankers)
Royal Navy of Listeneisse (RNL)
2,000 Recruits
4,000 Draftees
6,000 Active Personnel
4,000 Reservists
10,000 Total Available Personnel
1 Destroyer (DD) - 3,000-ton, gas turbine drive; 30 kt. Armed with SAMs (2 32-cell launchers), SSMs (2 quad long-range, 4 quad medium-range batteries), 1 antisubmarine rocket launcher, 6 torpedo tubes, 1 76mm gun, 2 CIWS. 1 ASW helo. Crew 200.
2 Attack Submarines (SS) - 2,000-ton, diesel-electric drive; 20 kt (submerged), or 12 kt (snorkeling). Capable of launching torpedoes, SSMs (Surface-to-Surface Missles) and SLCMs (Sub-Launched Cruise Missiles); Crew 36.
6 Corvettes - 1,050-ton, duel gas-diesel drive; 33 kts (gas) or 20 kts (diesel). Armed with SAMs (2 32-cell launchers), SSMs (2 quad long-range, 4 quad medium-range batteries), 6 torpedo tubes and 1 76mm main gun. 1 ASW helo. Crew 72.
20 Light Patrol Boats - 35 ton, diesel drive; 30 kt (max speed), 20 kt (patrol speed). 2 20mm guns, 2 SAM launchers. Crew 6.
2 Minesweeper Coastal (MSC) - 500-ton, diesel drive; 15 kt. 20mm cannon. Crew 45.
1 Fleet Training Vessel (FTV) - 3,000-ton, gas turbine drive; 25 kt (max speed), 18 knot (cruise). Armed with SAMs (1 32-cell launchers), SSMs (1 quad long-range, 1 quad medium-range batteries), 1 antisubmarine rocket launcher, 2 torpedo tubes, 1 76mm gun, 1 CIWS. 1 ASW helo. Crew 460.
1 Fleet Container Ship (FCS) - 54,000-ton, diesel drive; 15kt. Unarmed. Crew 26 (civilians).
1 Royal Yacht (RY) - 450-ton, (details unknown).
"HMS Ship of Solomon"
Royal Naval Air Wing
- 1 ASW Helo Squadron (1,000 personnel, 12 ASW helos).
- 1 Air/Sea Rescue Squadron (1,000 personnel, 6 air rescue helos, 1 submarine rescue minisub.)
30-08-2005, 14:35
(OOC: Pardon, I believe this might belong in II instead, but I posted it here through newness. I'm looking for how to delete the post, but cannot see any delete thread flag. Please be gentle in corrections and actions by forum mods; just let me know where this gets tucked away if it needs to move.)
31-08-2005, 05:51
I was inspired to do the above by the posting What logistics is (, by The Evil Overlord. It's a great thread.
For those not familiar with the term, TO&E is a "Table of Organization and Equipment."
This is an exemplar for people who are not familiar with how armies, air forces, and navies are actually composed. It lists what I believe would be a reasonable assessment of possible armed forces for my country.
While what I prepared is not a fully extensive TO&E, it serves as a sort of example of what a small (6 million pop) nation might aspire to have.
Note a few things:
1) I had a very militaristic state (compulsory military service) with a sprawling government.
2) My people are not as wealthy as I'd love to imagine them to be.
3) I decided to avoid certain types of technology (like WMDs) that my nation by policy, or by probable technological limitations, has not developed on its own.
4) I decided on a 'Late Cold War' sort of army vs. the modern light, mobile force. My forces are heavier and more defensive-oriented because of my national posture.
5) Limited mobility and foreign force projection. While I have some airlift and overseas transport capacity, I am not going to be moving a full division to a new continent any time soon. However, in preparation for international operations or defensive regional wars requiring air superiority, I do have air-to-air tankers for my air force, and a fleet container vessel for overseas logistics for my army.
6) Lack of special forces and ultra-elite units. Since when can I pretend that I have crack units off the bat? I've fought no great wars since I began the game, and must presume that I will need time to develop special equipment, training, and fighting elan.
7) It doesn't need to be detailed ad nasueum. I'm not going to roleplay out all details to the extremes. Like a painting, I can also lay down more layers of detail over time.
My military is 'realistic' in its numbers but people could reasonably argue it is probably a bit-too-large. Yet I did not want to have to go back and redo this when I hit 7, 8, 9 or 10 million people over the first few days of game play. Right now, I am presuming my economy and resources are stretched to maintain the forces listed above. Listeneisse will have to 'grow into its shoes," as it were.
Probably when Listeneisse gets a bit larger I will redo it, and show what I feel is a 'reasonable growth' over time. (Perhaps once a month.)
We'll also see how my policy changes affect my taxation, and from that, if I can sustain the huge GDP % assigned to the military. When you're small and desperate you can do that. But you can also land a nation in great debt by doing so. "Guns or Butter," as they say.
31-08-2005, 08:32
Listeneisse (30 Aug 2005)
Active forces total: 106,000 (1.76% of population)
Total incl. reserves: 560,000 (9.3% of population)
Avg. spending per personnel (if counting active forces only): $62,264 per person.
Avg. spending per personnel (if incl. reservists): $11,785 per person.
To compare:
US (2002)
Active forces total: 1,412,000 (0.5% of population)
Total incl. reserves & natl. guard: 2,612,000 (0.9% of population)
Avg. spending per personnel (if counting active forces only): $219,900 per person.
Avg. spending per personnel (if incl. reservists): $118,874 per person.
(US Population was 287,676,000, and the military budget was $310.5B in 2002)
In US$ c. 1997, the United States compensated their average active military personnel $46k per year, and the typical reservist $4.5k. However, the US has no compulsory military service, and a far higher per capita income, and thus has to pay a competitive wage.
There is no way Listeneisse can afford to do the same. Because beyond the personnel pay, there are the upkeep costs of feeding and housing the human, never mind paying for their transport, fuel, weaponry, ammunition, repairs, etc.
Instead, the compensation per person in the reserves is set at 1k/year, and the average full-timer's pay is set to $20k/year.
Considering the per capita GDP is $10k, this means the typical full-timer in the military is doing well for themselves compared to a civilian counterpart.
Thus personnel costs are $2.12B for the full-time military, and $454M for the reserves, for a total personnel cost of $2.574B/year, or about 40% of overall military budget.
The remainder of Listeniesse's budget would be:
Operations & Maintainance: 40%
Procurement: 15%
Research & Development: 5%
Consequently, Listeneisse develops very little on its own, relying instead upon procurement of weapon systems from larger nations. Ammunition may be scarce, thus training exercises limited, especially for the reservists. It also means the reservist forces likely have older generations of equipment, and would only rarely have any completely modern armaments.
In comparison to the real world, the US military budget only sets aside 25% for personnel costs.
US Military Budget Breakdown (c. 2002)
Operations & Maintenance - 40%
Personnel - 25%
Procurement - 20%
Research & Development - 15%
If you are looking at your own budget, you might consider how to divide your costs into these four main components.
The small state of Listeneisse has a military that is probably unsustainable. It is only because of the growth of its population (5M yesterday, 6M today, and so on) that it will be able to afford this size of a force.
Over time, the government hopes to develop more R&D, and improve the payscale and procurement nightmares.
Fiscal Year 2002 Budget - Center for Defense Information'02/index.html
Military Personnel Statistics
Census Bureau - Special Edition: U.S. Armed Forces and Veterans (2003)
02-09-2005, 02:02
After having found the NSEconomy and the NSTracker, and subjecting Listeneisse ( to its analysis, it is obvious that my initial estimates for a military are too high.
As of this day (1 Sep 2005):
Government Budget Details
Administration: $1,381,145,532.48 7%
Social Welfare: $2,564,984,560.32 13%
Healthcare: $2,762,291,064.96 14%
Education: $3,946,130,092.80 20%
Religion & Spirituality: $2,564,984,560.32 13%
Defence: $1,381,145,532.48 7%
Law & Order: $4,735,356,111.36 24%
Commerce: $591,919,513.92 3%
Public Transport: $0.00 0%
The Environment: $0.00 0%
Social Equality: $0.00 0%
Listeneisse Economic Statistics
Exchange Rate: 2.8008 Librums = $1
Gross Domestic Product: $54,935,090,080.47
GDP Per Capita: $6,866.89
Unemployment Rate: 10.13%
Consumption: $35,985,600,000.00
Government Budget: $21,446,359,200.00
Government Expenditures: $19,730,650,464.00
Goverment Waste: $1,715,708,736.00
Exports: $6,325,504,216.47
Imports: $7,106,664,600.00
Trade Deficit: $781,160,383.53
What I had presumed as a $6.6B annual military budget, based on an annual GDP per capita of $10K, is soundly shattered.
Our actual GDP per capita has sunk to only $6.8K. Our international trade deficit will further cripple us in the days ahead.
According to NSEconomy, even accounting for our growth to 8 million residents, our military defense budget is $1.38B. Far short of the necessary figure to maintain the military described in the example above.
The obvious recourse is to combine the Defense and Law & Order budget, which suddenly adds $4.73B, for a combined $6.11B budget. In other words, assign the military responsibility for domestic law enforcement -- martial law.
Instead of police cars arriving at the scene of a crime, an armored, tracked Infantry Fighting Vehicle with a squad will deploy to the site. Military helicopters with mounted machine guns patrol overhead. Naval patrol boats are used to enforce proper fishing licenses. Summary justice and lethal force is often applied for those who refuse to cooperate or turn violent.
Even so, that still leaves us with a budget shortfall of a rather substantial $490M.
Yet it is not the only way to maintain such a large military. For Listeneisse, once home of the Holy Grail, still has at the heart of its religion the Knights of the Temple of the Holy Grail. Drawing from its strong aristocratic military tradition the budget of our national religion, with $2.5B, can also be leveraged for defense. In doing so, something less than 100% of the Law & Order budget would be needed, leaving some portion of law enforcement in the hands of civil authorities. Specifically, the judiciary.
Accordingly, here is what our government chose to do to balance its military and law enforcement needs:
Defense: $1.38B
Martial Law & Order: $4.00B - assigned to military
Civil Law & Order: $735M
Total Law & Order: $4.735B
Martial Religious Orders: $1.22B - assigned to military
Civil Religion & Spirituality: $1.344B
Total Religion & Spirituality: $2.564B
We are therefore living not just in a police state, but a theocratic military police state.
Most officers are knighted and take sacred oaths.
Such knights can perform summary justice in the name of the realm, render execution, and perform your last rites. The few surviving haggard criminals in the underground call this "one stop shopping."
All military bases have, or are nearby large (if ancient and decrepit) cathedrals.
The King is the head of the church as well as the state.
I will likely be changing our military structure as it evolves to account for a far higher degree of military police units and tactics. It will become our particular focus and specialization. At least until our economy straightens out.
02-09-2005, 08:18
As of today, we have a population of 9M. We're still short of the $6.6B for our projected defense spending if we look at the defense portion of the budget alone.
Defense: $1.55B
Martial Law & Order: $4.00B - assigned to military
Civil Law & Order: $1.327M
Total Law & Order: $5.327B
Martial Religious Orders: $1.05B - assigned to military
Civil Religion & Spirituality: $1.88B
Total Religion & Spirituality: $2.885B
The good news is that a higher percentage of law enforcement duties (now up to 25% of the law enforcement budget) are falling to the hands of civilian agencies.
The religious martial orders are also being gradually brought under the command of the military directly, as the secular defense ministry grows.
03-09-2005, 11:58
Today was a terrible day for the Listeneisse economy!
For reasons having to do with the outlawing of child gambling, our economy suddenly plummeted. GDP per capita now has dropped to $4,443.58.
We are suddenly in the midst of a full-scale depression.
Our population is now 10 million, and our tax rate is set to 37%.
Government Budget Details
Administration: $1,072,480,697.88 6%
Social Welfare: $2,144,961,395.76 12%
Healthcare: $2,502,454,961.72 14%
Education: $4,111,176,008.54 23%
Religion & Spirituality: $1,787,467,829.80 10%
Defence: $1,072,480,697.88 6%
Law & Order: $3,932,429,225.56 22%
Commerce: $357,493,565.96 2%
Public Transport: $0.00 0%
The Environment: $714,987,131.92 4%
Social Equality: $0.00 0%
Listeneisse Economic Statistics
Exchange Rate: 4.2642 Librums = $1
Gross Domestic Product: $44,435,790,339.16
GDP Per Capita: $4,443.58
Unemployment Rate: 11.70%
Consumption: $27,193,950,000.00
Government Budget: $19,428,998,150.00
Government Expenditures: $17,874,678,298.00
Goverment Waste: $1,554,319,852.00
Exports: $5,174,974,966.16
Imports: $5,807,812,925.00
Trade Deficit: $632,837,958.84
Defense: $1.072B
Martial Law & Order: $3.00B - assigned to military
Civil Law & Order: $932M
Total Law & Order: $3.932B
Martial Religious Orders: $787M - assigned to military
Civil Religion & Spirituality: $1B
Total Religion & Spirituality: $1.787B
Martial Environment: $553M - assigned to military (Forestry Service Rangers, Naval Fishing Patrols)
Civil Environment: $161M
Total Forestry Service: $714
Total Military: $5.412B
There is no way we can maintain the military as we had in the past. $6.6B is just beyond our capabilities. Or is there? Do we have to scale back our military spending at last?
We have to make up a short fall of $1.188B. How?
Personnel costs.
With GDP being 44% of what it was when we began, we will scale pay back by the same rate of deflation. At least for the full-time personnel. Reservists are already paid very little.
Original costs were $2.12B for the full-time military, and $454M for the reserves, for a total personnel cost of $2.574B/year.
We now will pay $932M for the full-time military, saving $1.188B per year.
Things do not look to be shaping up any time soon. Just tonight the government turned down political contributions from big businesses seeking to take advantage of opportunities during the depression by lining our bureaucrat's pockets. However, by turning down the political contributions, the King hopes to minimize government corruption and waste, which accounts for 3.5% of overall GDP.
Still, the military is being stretched thin, having been rapidly deployed but not fully converted over to other uses. Many of the capital procurements for tanks, IFVs, and jet fighters are looking ludicrous and pointless to the people. How can tanks, which chew through precious ecosystems, be deployed to protect the wildlife? How can fighter squadrons be used to stop suburban crime? Yet the king as commanded it, and perplexed commanders do their best to carry out his orders.
What was once a national jewel is rapidly becoming questioned. Talk of our own disarmament, especially of the reserves, is being uttered in the halls of government.
04-09-2005, 02:59
The news from the Royal Palace was grim. The pressure of the multinational corporations to accept their campaign contributions had been turned aside. Now, feeling snubbed, they had torn up their tent posts and moved to some other nation to bring their habits of all-consuming economic rapine. Yet for Listeneisse, life continued. Simply more harshly. The economy was crippled.
Annual GDP per capita had been reduced to $2,592 -- a quarter of what it once was. The King's loyal subjects were shocked to read the headlines that their realm of centuries of peace and prosperity had so suddenly been reduced to the status of 'developing nation.' Unemployment creeped up to 13%. Which was almost a good thing: since the population had grown from 6 million to 10 million souls it could have stood closer to 30% or 40% or more. But the hearty folk tightened their belts, and made room for more at their table, though their feast was turning to famine.
Overall GDP had shrunk from $60B to dip under $26B.
Even raising taxes again to 40%, the pure defense budget, which once stood at $6.6B, was now $666M. A tenth of what it had been. A devilish number at that.
Government Budget Details
Administration: $666,702,102.53 6%
Social Welfare: $1,333,404,205.06 12%
Healthcare: $1,555,638,239.23 14%
Education: $2,555,691,393.02 23%
Religion & Spirituality: $1,111,170,170.88 10%
Defence: $666,702,102.53 6%
Law & Order: $2,444,574,375.94 22%
Commerce: $222,234,034.18 2%
Public Transport: $0.00 0%
The Environment: $444,468,068.35 4%
Social Equality: $0.00 0%
Listeneisse Economic Statistics
Exchange Rate: 7.2066 Librums = $1
Gross Domestic Product: $25,929,665,873.63
GDP Per Capita: $2,592.97
Unemployment Rate: 13.00%
Consumption: $15,206,400,000.00
Government Budget: $12,077,936,640.00
Government Expenditures: $11,111,701,708.80
Goverment Waste: $966,234,931.20
Exports: $3,038,400,324.83
Imports: $3,426,836,160.00
Trade Deficit: $388,435,835.17
The King could no longer keep his military as it once had been. The time to restructure was now.
Personnel wages across all services were reduced to be indexed to the devaluation of the national currency. Those that used to once earn $20,000 on average were now earning $5,200 in the 'new economy.' The local currency looked the same. It just bought a quarter of what it once did. There were no salary increases to deal with the inflationary conditions.
Royal Army of Listeneisse (RAL)
35,000 Army draftees were immediately discharged without dishonor.
All 400,000 of the Army reserves were stood down, or reassigned to other branches of government, such as the Forestry Service Rangers or the fighting orders of the Temple of the Holy Grail.
By this force reduction, the Army, which once stood at 480,000, was now only a force of 45,000.
A little more than a thousand of the regular army took up life vows of poverty and service, giving up their pay in return for feudal loyalty to the king. The King, in return, ceremoniously knighted them.
The 2nd and 3rd Mechanized Infantry Divisions were entirely disbanded.
The Royal Armored Division reduced to just the 1st Brigade.
Corps HQ was disbanded.
One Artillery Regiment and 3 Air Defense Artillery Battalions were disbanded.
Two Air Mobile Regiments were transferred from Army Reserves into the standing Royal Army. This was a compromise to deal with the greater amount of mobility and speed required to respond with a far smaller force.
Two Military Police Battalions were created from the best troops of the demobilized combat units. They serve as the cadre training and leading other paramilitary forces serving in domestic law enforcement capacity.
50% of decomissioned materiel from the standing army, and all the heavy weapons of the Reserves, were sold off internationally to help pay off the crippling foreign debt.
25,000 Recruits
20,000 Draftees
45,000 Active Personnel
Order of Battle
- Army HQ (3,000 personnel)
- 1 Mechanized Infantry Division (15,000 personnel, comprised of 3 brigades x 4000 personnel, 1 artillery regiment x 2000 personnel, divisional HQ x 1000 personnel; 88 IFVs, 60 MBTs, 18 SP Howitzers per brigade; plus 36 SP Howitzers in arty regmt.)
- 1 Armored Brigade (5,000 personnel; 36 IFVs, 128 MBTs, 30 Recon Vehicle)
- 6 Air Mobile Regiment (2,500 personnel each; 15,000 total; 28 Transport Helos each; 168 total)
- 1 Artillery Regiment (2,000 personnel; 36 SP Howitzers each)
- 3 Air Defense Artillery Battalions (1,000 personnel each, 3,000 total; 14 IFVs, 12 Mobile SAM Launchers each)
- 2 Military Police Battalions (1,000 personnel each; 2,000 total; 14 IFVs per battalion)
Equipment Totals:
308 MBTs
370 IFVs
90 SP Howitzers
36 Mobile SAM Launchers
168 Transport Helos
Royal Air Force of Listeneisse (RAFL)
The RAFL suffered far more in certain ways and was able to escape mostly unscathed in others. It was required to get rid of the bloating. Perhaps it was a necessary step. Yet questions were being raised about its safety and operations in times of lean procurement cycles.
It went entirely to a recruit-only force, discharging all draftees and reservists, without dishonor.
Being one of the most aristocratic of professions, approximately 25% of the personnel took up vows of fealty and 'poverty.' What they meant were that they were already of the aristocracy, and they preferred to defer pay rather than bankrupt their beloved nation.
Air Force HQ was severely slashed.
2 regular and 20 Reserve Fighter-Interceptor Squadrons were demobilized.
9 Reserve Fighter Squadrons were demobilized; 1 was converted over to regular status.
All of the squadrons, which had historically been assigned to disparate bases around the country, and which each provided their own logistical and base support personnel to be self-sufficient, were stripped down to exclusively provide their own needed flight and ground crews. Automated procedures were imposed to get rid of traditional manual labor. From a sprawling total of about 1,000 personnel on average, they were able to be brought down to 200 personnel per squadron.
Other reserve squadrons were brought into the regular air force with stripped-down squadron rosters.
Over 40 disparate squadron air bases were closed or converted over to civilian use, especially the reserve squadron facilities. Six geographically strategic regional bases were kept, but the vast majority of forces remain at a central hub base beside RAFL HQ.
An additional Reconnaisance Squadron was formed to deal with domestic law enforcement surveillance issues.
Engineering & Supply Battalion was formed to provide common centralized base functions for all squadrons.
Approximately 50% of the decommissioned aircraft were sold to recover costs and instantly raise capital. The other 50% have been mothballed for spare parts or remobilization in case the economy improves.
8,000 Recruits
8,000 Active Personnel
Order of Battle
- Air Force HQ (1,200 personnel)
- Engineering & Supply Battalion (1,200 personnel)
- 5 Fighter-Interceptor Squadrons (200 personnel, 12 Fighter-Interceptors each; 1,000 personnel, 60 Fighter-Interceptors total)
- 5 Fighter Squadrons (200 personnel, 12 Fighters each; 1,000 personnel, 60 Fighters total)
- 2 Ground Attack Squadrons (200 personnel, 24 Attack Helicopters each; 400 personnel, 48 Attack Helicopers total)
- 1 Heavy Air Cargo Squadron (200 personnel, 12 STOL Heavy Transport Aircraft)
- 2 Heavy Air Cargo Squadron (200 personnel, 12 Heavy Transport Aircraft each; 400 personnel, 24 Heavy Transport Aircraft Total)
- 4 Light Air Transport Squadrons (200 personnel, 24 Light Transport Aircraft each; 800 personnel, 96 Light Transport Aircraft)
- 3 Heavy Transport Helicopter Squadrons (200 personnel, 12 Heavy Transport Helicopters each; 600 personnel, 36 Heavy Transport Helicopters total)
- 1 Air Refueling Squadron (200 personnel, 6 Air Refueling Tankers)
- 2 Reconnaisance Squadron (500 personnel, 24 UAV each; 1,000 personnel total; 48 UAV total)
The Navy was forced to make tough choices as well.
All 4,000 draftees and 4,000 reserved were discharged without dishonor.
The fleet training vessel was decommissioned.
2 Corvettes were mothballed into a ready-reserve fleet.
10 Light Patrol Boats were given over to the Forestry Service for coastal and riverine patrol.
2 Naval bases were decomissioned
The Royal Air Wing squadrons were likewise gutted of extraneous personnel, and moved to share an air force base.
Royal Navy of Listeneisse (RNL)
2,000 Recruits
2,000 Active Personnel
1 Destroyer (DD) - 3,000-ton, gas turbine drive; 30 kt. Armed with SAMs (2 32-cell launchers), SSMs (2 quad long-range, 4 quad medium-range batteries), 1 antisubmarine rocket launcher, 6 torpedo tubes, 1 76mm gun, 2 CIWS. 1 ASW helo. Crew 200.
2 Attack Submarines (SS) - 2,000-ton, diesel-electric drive; 20 kt (submerged), or 12 kt (snorkeling). Capable of launching torpedoes, SSMs (Surface-to-Surface Missles) and SLCMs (Sub-Launched Cruise Missiles); Crew 36.
4 Corvettes - 1,050-ton, duel gas-diesel drive; 33 kts (gas) or 20 kts (diesel). Armed with SAMs (2 32-cell launchers), SSMs (2 quad long-range, 4 quad medium-range batteries), 6 torpedo tubes and 1 76mm main gun. 1 ASW helo. Crew 72.
10 Light Patrol Boats - 35 ton, diesel drive; 30 kt (max speed), 20 kt (patrol speed). 2 20mm guns, 2 SAM launchers. Crew 6.
2 Minesweeper Coastal (MSC) - 500-ton, diesel drive; 15 kt. 20mm cannon. Crew 45.
1 Fleet Container Ship (FCS) - 54,000-ton, diesel drive; 15kt. Unarmed. Crew 26 (civilians).
1 Royal Yacht (RY) - 450-ton, (details unknown).
"HMS Ship of Solomon"
Royal Naval Air Wing
- 1 ASW Helo Squadron (200 personnel, 12 ASW helos).
- 1 Air/Sea Rescue Squadron (200 personnel, 6 air rescue helos, 1 submarine rescue minisub.)
The Defense Budget now was apportioned as follows:
Personnel: $286M (42.9%)
Maintenance: $264M (39.5%)
Procurement: $77M (11.5%)
Research & Development: $39M (5.9%)
Total Defense Budget: $666M
04-09-2005, 10:33
The population of the country continued to grow. Now there were 12 million souls living in the Kingdom. Per capita GDP was $2,593, and the tax rate still hovered at 40% -- both flat, no change -- but the increase in population helped spur the overall economy.
Yet people were now hushedly speaking of the monarch, old King Parzival XIV, as a 'psychotic dictator.' What had happened to their faith and devotion? Had he not faithfully stewarded them for so many years?
Charges of treason were being called for by the loyal defenders of the sovereign. Tribunals were established to tell actual cases of subversion from corrupt attempts to curry favor with the king.
Some blamed King Parzival for exposing their once 'hidden kingdom' to the world. They opined they were far better off before plans for modernization and integration with the world economy were foisted on them. Perhaps they would have been better off to not have joined the UN.
Meanwhile, the restructuring of the military continued.
Government Budget Details
Administration: $800,042,523.03 6%
Social Welfare: $1,600,085,046.07 12%
Healthcare: $1,866,765,887.08 14%
Education: $3,066,829,671.63 23%
Religion & Spirituality: $1,333,404,205.06 10%
Defence: $800,042,523.03 6%
Law & Order: $2,933,489,251.12 22%
Commerce: $266,680,841.01 2%
Public Transport: $0.00 0%
The Environment: $533,361,682.02 4%
Social Equality: $0.00 0%
Listeneisse Economic Statistics
Exchange Rate: 7.2066 Librums = $1
Gross Domestic Product: $31,116,001,049.17
GDP Per Capita: $2,593.00
Unemployment Rate: 13.00%
Consumption: $18,247,680,000.00
Government Budget: $14,493,523,968.00
Government Expenditures: $13,334,042,050.56
Goverment Waste: $1,159,481,917.44
Exports: $3,646,482,390.61
Imports: $4,112,203,392.00
Trade Deficit: $465,721,001.39
Defense Spending Increases
The defense budget improved from $666M to $800M.
The Ministry of Defense put much of the budget increase back into personnel. Training and retraining. The consolidated bases were modernized where possible.
Procurement and R&D lagged. War games were cancelled. Maritime research was halted.
Personnel: $380M (47.5%)
Maintenance: $300M (37.5%)
Procurement: $80M (10%)
Research & Development: $50M (5%)
Total Defense Budget: $800M
The UAV Program
The most successful area of growth in the Royal Air Force of Listeneisse (RAFL) had been in the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) ( Reconnaisance Squadrons.
Each of the modest-sized UAVs cost in the neighborhood of $50,000 to purchase, and five times that, $250,000, to deploy a ground station, including control electronics, service shop, launch and recovery system. Annual operating costs for each vehicle was $104,000 ($200/hour of flight x 10 hrs/week operations).
For an additional 24 UAVs, the budget had been:
Procurement (UAVs): $1.2M
Maintainance (Bases): $6M
For the two Squadrons of 48 UAVs total, annual operations were modest, compared with the cost of manned aircraft:
Personnel: $2.6M / Year
Operations: $5M / Year
There were some drawbacks with the program. The operations budget only permitted 10 hours of flights per aircraft per week.
With 24 UAVs and 500 personnel per squadron. Why did you need 20 people per UAV? Human-piloted aircraft, which had more complex systems to maintain, had a 16:1 ratio of personnel-to-aircraft in each squadon.
First, each UAV had an assigned controller, styled a 'pilot,' which rankled those who actually knew what it was like to sit in and pilot a manned vehicle.
Three others, dubbed 'observers,' were monitors controlling each of the UAVs three cameras, scanning for and zooming in on locations and events of interest.
However, since the operations budget only allocated 10 hours of flight time per week to each aircraft, there were many days the pilots and observers were idle.
The UAV teams also maintained their own ground crews, communications, and even security personnel.
Dozens in each squadron were assigned to data storage and image processing. But these specialists were hampered because promised computers were unable to be procured to support the program.
Many were analysts, who compiled the information for the MoD's intelligence needs, and worked with other intelligence operatives and law enforcement officials on mission planning, briefings and debriefings.
Their bases were often segregated from the main Air Force bases. They would launch from secret facilities. While other historic squadron bases were being closed, or in rare cases renovated to deal with consolidation, these were the only truly new facilities being built.
Because the UAVs were granted rights to observe almost any place within the realm at any time, and could even deploy their vehicles abroad on highly secretive intelligence missions, members of the Squadrons were granted very high security clearances.
The King was often personally interested in the intelligence gathered by his "observant angels in the sky," as he dubbed them.
Visual observance from manned flights, using targeting cameras often just as good as the UAV's equipment, has at times been downplayed or ignored compared to information gathered from the UAV squadrons. Sometimes for blatant political favortism, and not due to any deficiency in the manned flight observations or assessments.
Old-school Air Force veterans are warning of the dangers of ignoring their seasoned judgement. They dub the UAV program teams 'video game jockeys.' The UAV teams have dubbed the manned aircraft flight crews, 'Don Quixotes.'
These issues have collectively contributed to rivalries and conflicts with manned aircraft squadrons. The UAV squadrons were the targets of jealousy and fear. And all-too-often with good reason.
05-09-2005, 09:56
Yes, it was the joke all over the capital, but it was a true story.
The King signed over the legislation, and proved that it was not idle promises or an empty gesture by entering the Grey Nuns Hospital that afternoon for a risky procedure to have his own kidney removed. The organ was implanted in a patient suffering from a natural form of kidney failure. The identity of the recipient of the royal kidney was kept hidden from the press.
"When the Kingdom of Listeneisse once had a maimed king, the Holy Grail healed the wound by the Grace of God. But this only happened through the act of sincere compassion, when a bold and wise knight finally stood forth and asked the question, 'What ails thee uncle?' Today, I look around the nation, and I ask, 'What ails thee?'"
So spoke King Parzival in the first public speech following his recuperation.
"Medical research, funding of our hospitals, and the health and welfare of Our subjects, so devastatingly set back by the depression of our economy, needed to be addressed head-on at the gallop. This was not a time for deliberation and cowardice. It was, and is, a time for selflessness and care. The quiet heroism of those who truly give of themselves. We care deeply for all Our subjects. May this be seen as but one action of but one man conducted amidst the deeds of many good men and women who daily heal the nation and save our lives. We have done this, and passed this as Our law, for the good of all Our people."
In his live broadcast, the king then lifted and showed his organ donor card, and encouraged his subjects to seek out programs for both post-mortem and living donations. Even to attend a blood drive would help.
It is rare to see people cry over politicians, but tears were flowing freely across the nation.
"This is why he is Our King!" sobbed Milvia Millhouse, homemaker from the Lion's Gate section of the capital, as she watched the broadcast at the Old Jousting Lance Tavern, "He's a good man, he is!"
"If he's such a good king, then why can't I afford another bloody pint!" countered a younger man who refused to give his name. "Drafted to the military then dumped on the street -- now there's a life for you!"
Yet public sentiment improved greatly for the monarch after the more-than-symbolic gesture.
Nationwide, the population had continued to rise. Now there were 14,000,000 subjects of the crown. Taxes dipped a bit, to 39%, and unemployment dropped to 12.32% (down 0.7%).
Notably, GDP per capita took a substantial rise: to $3,546. The nation, though not back at its former glory, took a collective sigh of relief.
The healthcare industry was buoyed. Especially natal units dealing with the new children. There was also growing expectation that the first generation of cloned children might be born, as soon as the processes were perfected. Certain members of the aristocracy saw it as preferential to inbreeding. Others saw it as the worst sort of inbreeding imaginable.
The education programs were also paying off. The new generation of graduate students were eager and ready for more than basket weaving. Book publishing was on the rise. Arms manufacturing remained a strong sector as well.
"Fair," the economists pronounced with their usual glib air, "With a forecast of disaster."
Three of the last big business employers in the nation were planning on leaving Listeneisse, fed up with the royal government's bureaucracy. They were tired of having to fit their factory systems into buildings built before the discovery of the New World.
The king, leery of what happened the last time he trusted business expansion, signed over the paperwork to permit the slashing of a few key regulations, praying it would not lead to the slashing of the forests again.
Government Budget Details
Administration: $1,250,281,228.09 6%
Social Welfare: $2,500,562,456.18 12%
Healthcare: $3,125,703,070.22 15%
Education: $4,792,744,707.68 23%
Religion & Spirituality: $2,083,802,046.82 10%
Defence: $1,250,281,228.09 6%
Law & Order: $4,584,364,503.00 22%
Commerce: $416,760,409.36 2%
Public Transport: $0.00 0%
The Environment: $833,520,818.73 4%
Social Equality: $0.00 0%
Listeneisse Economic Statistics
Exchange Rate: 5.3364 Librums = $1
Gross Domestic Product: $49,654,741,394.01
GDP Per Capita: $3,546.77
Unemployment Rate: 12.32%
Consumption: $29,490,328,000.00
Government Budget: $22,650,022,248.00
Government Expenditures: $20,838,020,468.16
Goverment Waste: $1,812,001,779.84
Exports: $5,812,004,841.85
Imports: $6,485,611,916.00
Trade Deficit: $673,607,074.15
06-09-2005, 00:34
"Reasonable," the economists and business leaders admitted.
It had been. The overall pie showed only 1% less each for law enforcement and healthcare, but the commerce portion more than doubled from 2% to now 5% of the overall budget. Other slivers were shaved from areas.
While the percentage had dipped in two areas, the overall budget growth had more than made up for it. The pie had grown.
GDP per capita had climbed further, to $4,433. Taxes were level at 39%. Unemployment dipped further to 11.71%. The latest census figures had yet to come back, so the population remained nominally at 14,000,000.
The economy still was not as good as when gambling was legal for children, but the people and their King were satisfied this was a far more moral road to fiscal recovery.
Listeneisse Economic Statistics
Exchange Rate: 4.2691 Librums = $1
Gross Domestic Product: $62,068,398,852.46
GDP Per Capita: $4,433.46
Unemployment Rate: 11.71%
Consumption: $36,862,910,000.00
Government Budget: $28,312,527,810.00
Government Expenditures: $26,047,525,585.20
Goverment Waste: $2,265,002,224.80
Exports: $7,264,978,162.26
Imports: $8,107,014,895.00
Trade Deficit: $842,036,732.74
Government Budget Details
Administration: $1,562,851,535.11 6%
Social Welfare: $3,125,703,070.22 12%
Healthcare: $3,646,653,581.93 14%
Education: $5,990,930,884.60 23%
Religion & Spirituality: $2,604,752,558.52 10%
Defence: $1,562,851,535.11 6%
Law & Order: $5,469,980,372.89 21%
Commerce: $1,302,376,279.26 5%
Public Transport: $0.00 0%
The Environment: $1,041,901,023.41 4%
Social Equality: $0.00 0%[/b]
Military Spending
For the military, it was time to overhaul the budget again: $1.562 Billion needed to be allocated. Still far below when they had $6.6B at their peak, but generous compared to the $666M spending cap they had suffered recently.
First things first: the soldiers and sailors and airmen themselves. Pay rose, indexed as it was to the rise and fall of the Librum.
The numbers kept under arms did not change: 45,000 Royal Army, 8,000 Royal Air Force, 2,000 Navy.
Even those that kept to their pledge to forego wages needed to be fed, clothed, trucked or flown from place to place, given medical care, and so on. No soldier was 'free.' It was not time to expand the payroll or recall the reserves yet.
Personnel costs were still the largest portion of the overall budget. Yet now there was far more in absolute terms to spend in other areas.
Personnel: $704M (45%)
Maintenance: $352M (23%)
Procurement: $350M (22%)
Research & Development: $156M (10%)
Total Defense Budget: $1.562B
More Than Maintenance
During the worst of the crisis, maintenance, procurement and R&D had been slashed so badly that the motto of the Quartermasters was simply, 'feed, fuel, bathe and bivouac.'
Now they could actually consider far more.
The maintenance budget swelled from $300M to $352M. No more bases were opened, but more refurbishment, modernization and civilian conversion took place.
The cannibalization of equipment from mothballed weapon systems was halted. For now, actual spare parts could be ordered.
Procurement was still down, from $990M at its peak to $350M, but far higher than the $77M it once starved on.
Munitions and petrol were finally obtained in sufficient quantities for the first combined services live-fire wargame held in a long while. Since most of the troops were veterans, it was not a complete debacle.
The Air Force had predicted beforehand, and to no one's surprise, proved it still had sufficient strength to maintain air superiority over the nation -- so long as it had sufficient supplies of air-to-air munitions and fuel to keep their aircraft aloft. They burned through fuel at a tremendous rate. It was the first time any of them had been permitted to fly on afterburner, or even to fly supersonically without express orders, since before the crisis. For them, it was like a tremendously merry joust held at 15,000m altitude.
The Army suffered terribly in the war games. Air defenses had to be concentrated around armored assets, which meant peripheral areas were subject to virtual pummeling.
To survive and avoid air strikes required many army units to go to ground. The king conceded that, if a war actually came, it could not be fought in the open field. The wilderness of the Perilous Forest and the urban areas around Carbonek would make their best defenses.
They also did not have the same quantity of heavy weapons -- especially artillery -- to stop a determined opponent in their tracks by barrage and tank-to-tank slugfest.
Tactics began to change to adopt lighter and more mobile forces. The MoD winced at the term "guerilla warfare," especially in relation to defense of the kingdom, preferring to use the terms "mobile defense."
R&D rose to $156M from its paltry $40M just a short while ago. Its percentage of budget also increased, to 10% of overall spending. The King himself declared that if the country was going to meet certain international threats, it would need to develop the capabilities to do so on its own.
NBC Defenses
Directly having to do with the UN debates on the repeal of the chemical weapons bans, the military began an aggressive 'NBC defense' program. No, not a boycott of bad American television, but a Nuclear, Biological and Chemical weapons defense.
UAV Program Developments
The UAV program was upscaled, with some larger drones purchased to support weapons and NBC sensor systems. While undisclosed, these cost more than $50,000 each.
Now they could fly over fields and cities, and detect the airborne presence of trace chemicals, pathogens or isotopes which would indicate an NBC attack had been committed. In the rarest and most hopeful of cases, it might even be able to detect the weapon before an attack, if it was close enough by and if the weapon was improperly contained or concealed. And if, being so close, it was not simply shot down before it was able to make a proper read. Then, if they could scan the environment for the point source, get a visual contact with their weapon systems, they could possibly take out the target or a surrounding force. And if, by detonating it, or alarming the forces guarding it, they did not actually cause the detonation or discharge what they were trying to prevent from going off. Too many 'ifs' to actually work, truth be told.
Yes, some NPC weapons could be found this way, but by no means all. But only the most foolishly deployed assets, in the most inert of settings, could be safely destroyed by these means.
The UAV program leaders had actually only wanted anti-vehicle capabilities. They took the extra sensor arrays as mission-specific mountable packages, and after the trials were complete, stored them away.
The procurement budget also finally brought in the necessary computer equipment from overseas.
But mostly, the budget increase brought flight time back up to where it had been when the program had first been envisioned. Drones had been designed to loiter for hours over their mission areas. Now they finally could.
From flowing wheat fields to suburban neighborhoods, the subjects of Listeneisse were getting used to the drone of drones overhead.
Some jokers in the south shire had even taken to lay out messages with what turned out to be fertilizer bags to be seen by their flyover missions.
"NICE SPY PLANE" it read.
06-09-2005, 07:29
Pop: 14,000,000
GDP per capita: $4,433
Military Expenditures: $1.562 billion
Comparable Military Spending & GDP per capita:
Pop: 5,759,732
GDP per capita: $4,500
Military Expenditures: $1.46 billion
I think Jordan is a possibly good model for a military analysis. Other than the mis-match in the raw population and the geography, the concept of it being a monarchy and defense-oriented state matches fairly well.
Interestingly, Jordan claims their military expenditures are only $424M, 85% of which goes to salaries, but a few sites put their military at far higher, like the above figure. It is also making the transition to a professional force, and is down only slightly from 90,000 total (not including reserves) after striking its deal with Israel.
Army: ~50,000 or less
Air Force: 12,600
Public Security Force: 25,000
Civil Defense Brigade: ??? (firefighters, ambulance services)
Coast Guard: ??? (Aqaba)
Intelligence Service: ???
Special Operations Command: ???
Total Armed Forces: 88,000
Reserves: 35,000 Army, 5,000 Air Force
'People's Army': 10,000
3rd Royal Armored Division - Strategic reserve (Zarqa - Amman - Qatraneh)
5th Royal Armored Division - Iraqi-Syrian border
4th Royal Mechanized Division - Israeli border
12th Royal Mechanized Division - Syrian border, with eye on Israel
Royal Guards (Brigade) - Amman
2 other brigades
1,246 Tanks (979 c. 1988)
(1,234 APCs c. 1988)
(140 Scout Cars c. 1988)
412 SP Artillery (132 SPA & 115 towed c. 1988)
(166 SAM launchers)
71st Counterterrorist Battalion
81st Ranger Battalion
91st Airborne Orientation Battalion
101st Special Forces Battalion
Royal Jordanian Air Force
106 Aircaft(?) - this is a figure I have c. 2001, with no breakdown.
Other figures I was able to get:
59 Fighters (F-15) (c. 1988)
70 to 80 F-16 fighters (new figure; by about 2007, est.)
35 Fighter-Interceptors (Mirage F-1) (c. 1988)
20 Fighter-Interceptors (Mirage 2000, on order c. 1988)
20 Jet Trainers (F-5) (c. 1988)
12 Transports (c. 1988)
53 Trainers (c. 1988)
16-24 Attack Helicopters (c. 1988)
31 Transport Helicopters (c. 1988)
8 Observation Helicopters (c. 1988)
It could be that many of these have been obsoleted or replaced by now. Numbers can have gone up or down depending on procurement or lack of maintenance or operations funding.
Special Operation Aviation Squadron
Fixed Wing Element
Helicopter Element
Special Forces Element
Royal Jordanian Navy
Dead Sea Boats Group
4 (5?) medium patrol boats (Bertram Class) - 8 ton 1974 Bertram 46' sports fishing boat; equipment for divers & frogmen
Fighting Boats Group
3 heavy patrol boats (Hawk Class) - "Al Hussan" - 124 tons; diesel, top speed 32kt. 2x30mm, 1x20mm, 2xMG. Crew: 14 (On order at least by 1988; originally to be 95 tons? Delivered 1991)
Sea Observation Posts Company
Underwater Warfare Group (special forces)
Training & Operations Branch
Technical Branch
Comparable Population & GDP per capita:
Pop: 14,655,189
GDP per capita: $4,200
Military Expenditures: $201.9 million
Guatamala probably matches Listeneisse more in terms of lush forests, but it has very little in terms of military spending.
For history's sake, let's include Israel, who was the first model for military spending:
Pop: 6,276,883
GDP per capita: $20,800
Military Expenditures: $9.11 billion
We're double this now in terms of population, but about a quarter of their per capita GDP, and fifth the military budget.
CIA Factbook: Jordan (
Jordan - Government - The Armed Forces (
Jordan Tables (
Jordanian Special Operations (
Ships (Aj-Al) (
Jordanian People's Army & Reserves (
06-09-2005, 08:36
In short, the comparison to Jordan is 'about right' with a few exceptions:
1. Jordan has a lot more armor assets (tanks & IFVs).
2. Listeneisse has more airmobile forces.
3. We have a far larger navy.
Noting some problems, I went back to my last TO&E and dinked a few numbers.
06-09-2005, 09:31
Now the nation was 16,000,000.
The economy made another modest rise, on a minor tax dip to 38%. GDP per capita rose to 2.5% to $4,545 (from $4,433), and unemployment was down a bit to 11.63%.
Listeneisse Economic Statistics
Exchange Rate: 4.2161 Librums = $1
Gross Domestic Product: $72,729,135,047.29
GDP Per Capita: $4,545.57
Unemployment Rate: 11.63%
Consumption: $43,747,200,000.00
Government Budget: $32,490,057,600.00
Government Expenditures: $29,890,852,992.00
Goverment Waste: $2,599,204,608.00
Exports: $8,483,690,855.29
Imports: $9,392,608,800.00
Trade Deficit: $908,917,944.71
Government Budget Details
Administration: $1,793,451,179.52 6%
Social Welfare: $3,586,902,359.04 12%
Healthcare: $3,885,810,888.96 13%
Education: $6,874,896,188.16 23%
Religion & Spirituality: $2,989,085,299.20 10%
Defence: $1,793,451,179.52 6%
Law & Order: $6,575,987,658.24 22%
Commerce: $1,494,542,649.60 5%
Public Transport: $0.00 0%
The Environment: $1,195,634,119.68 4%
Social Equality: $0.00 0%
Armored Assets
The increase in defense spending, from $1.562 Billion to $1.793 Billion, was rather sizable.
$231 Million goes quite a long way.
The King proposed the feasibility of fielding another armored brigade.
Personnel: $45M (avg. ~$9,000 salary x 5,000 troops)
Operations: $50M (to refurbish & operate base, logistics)
Procurement: $53M (Use refurbished 'mothballed' equipment, $250K/ea. to upgrade: 36 IFVs, 128 MBTs, 30 Recon Vehicles, 18 SP Arty)
Research & Development: $25M
Total cost to field armor brigade: $173M
He had considered purchasing new MBTs, but it was not possible. Not yet. The latest MBTs were ranging between $3M - $5M.
For a brigade, he would need somewhere around $400M just to purchase the new assets. Then there would be retraining, new spare parts, and so on.
No, for now it was simply time to take a second armored brigade and remobilize it.
The Army drafted 5,000 more conscripts, but first drew tank crews from the existing divisions to form cadres for the new armored brigade. The conscripts were first assigned to backfill the transfered crews, then the rest were used to bring the unit up to strength. In this manner, about 20% of the new brigade were already well-trained regulars, and another 10% were trained draftees.
The king also put 20,000 troops back in the Army reserve, paying stipends of $1,000 per year. It was to help mitigate unemployment in part, but it was also to help prepare in case the army was to grow again. This cost approximately $10M in salaries, and $20M in operations and procurement.
The rest of the budget increase went towards general improvements across the board.
Some questioned why the MoD did not invest in more air defense systems, especially after the war games. Then someone pointed out that it was their own air force that had decimated them. In war, it would be that same air force who would decimate the other fellow.
Still, we could always use more air defense.
Good point, they conceded, both ways.
Royal Army
25,000 Recruits
25,000 Draftees
50,000 Active Personnel
20,000 Reserves
Order of Battle
Army HQ (3,000 personnel)
1 Mechanized Infantry Division (15,000 personnel, comprised of 3 brigades x 4000 personnel, 1 artillery regiment x 2000 personnel, divisional HQ x 1000 personnel; 88 IFVs, 60 MBTs, 18 SP Howitzers per brigade; plus 36 SP Howitzers in arty regmt. 264 IFVs, 180 MBTs, 90 SP Howitzers total)
2 Armored Brigade (5,000 personnel, 36 IFVs, 128 MBTs, 30 Recon Vehicle, 18 SP Howitzers each; 10,000 personnel, 72 IFVs, 256 MBTs, 60 Recon Vehicles, 36 SP Howitzers total)
6 Air Mobile Regiment (2,500 personnel, 28 Transport Helos each; 15,000 personnel, 168 Transport Helos total)
1 Artillery Regiment (2,000 personnel; 36 SP Howitzers each)
3 Air Defense Artillery Battalions (1,000 personnel each, 3,000 total; 14 IFVs, 12 Mobile SAM Launchers each)
2 Military Police Battalions (1,000 personnel each; 2,000 total; 14 IFVs per battalion)
Equipment Totals
436 MBTs
406 IFVs
162 SP Howitzers
36 Mobile SAM Launchers
168 Transport Helos
07-09-2005, 10:24
Cutting back the tax rate to 28% while the population continued to grow to 18 million and the economy inched up seemed to offset matters well.
The overall economy improved significantly from a GDP of $72B to $84B, up 16.5%. Per capita GDP had improved 3.5% to $4,708.
While still not out of the woods, and still far shy of where the nation had once been on a per capita GDP level, people saw that the government was heading in the right direction.
Listeneisse Economic Statistics
Exchange Rate: 4.1424 Librums = $1
Gross Domestic Product: $84,757,247,767.07
GDP Per Capita: $4,708.74
Unemployment Rate: 11.52%
Consumption: $58,423,680,000.00
Government Budget: $29,935,644,480.00
Government Expenditures: $27,540,792,921.60
Goverment Waste: $2,394,851,558.40
Exports: $9,757,631,085.47
Imports: $10,964,856,240.00
Trade Deficit: $1,207,225,154.53
Government Budget Details
Administration: $826,223,787.65 3%
Social Welfare: $2,478,671,362.94 9%
Healthcare: $2,754,079,292.16 10%
Education: $5,783,566,513.54 21%
Religion & Spirituality: $3,855,711,009.02 14%
Defence: $1,927,855,504.51 7%
Law & Order: $7,160,606,159.62 26%
Commerce: $1,652,447,575.30 6%
Public Transport: $0.00 0%
The Environment: $1,101,631,716.86 4%
Social Equality: $0.00 0%
Defense Spending
Even with the tax reduction, defense spending improved again, from $1.793B to $1.927B.
The king withheld any major weapon systems investments as of yet, allowing payscales to rise with the economy's growth.
An Electronics Counter Measures (ECM) program was begun, with investments in local manufacturers. About $50M was earmarked for it. It was only a start.
He reasoned that if air force and the army's air defense systems were insufficient to shoot down all incoming aircraft, then it would behoove them to ensure that none of their air or ground targets could be acquired.
It would not stop carpet bombing, but it might be effective against guided missiles and munitions.
08-09-2005, 00:29
The king fumed and glowered, obviously displeased after reading the text of the resolution and the demanding memorandum from the Compliance Ministry. The MoD could hardly contain his glee, but adjusted his face when the king turned his eyes towards him.
"You have Our permission," spoke His Majesty in a tight voice, "to do what is necessary to defend the realm from such threats. Ensure the Compliance Ministry We shall abide by the ruling of the United Nations."
But the vote was close. It was more of a divided group of nations than unified. Some had voted to repeal the Chemical Weapons Ban because they felt the original was simply poorly worded. Others felt it unfairly hampered law enforcement and had voted for it to allow the use of tear gas and pepper spray. Yet in the greatest of ironies the Compliance Ministry, in effecting the Resolution, actually demanded funds be shifted away from law enforcement.
It also forced funds away from commerce and welfare causes. All for the sake of increased global rearmament.
And not where it was needed, at least in the King's estimation. It was for weapons of the Wasteland.
The Minister assured the King that he would not use Listeneisse's funds for any chemical weapons of war. If anything, they would invest in NBC countermeasures, defenses and medical research. The bulk of their spending would go to the conventional military.
With a curt nod, the MoD was dismissed. But before the King let him reach the door, he added the warning, "I want to know where every Librum, every shilling, and every penny goes."
With a royal decree to alter the budget to meet the Compliance Ministry's dictates, and utterly out of cycle with the usual budgetary process, the King drastically increased defense spending.
He cancelled his next meeting. It was ludicrous anyway. Some business wanting to try to turn the Questing Beast into the staple at their fast food franchise. Calming himself, he simply ordered the fools be dismissed.
Effects of UN Resolution #120
Population (18 million) and tax rate (29%) remained the same. GDP per capita and unemployment hovered about the same, but were slightly worse.
Listeneisse Economic Statistics
Exchange Rate: 4.1451 Librums = $1
Gross Domestic Product: $84,647,480,480.87
GDP Per Capita: $4,702.64
Unemployment Rate: 11.53%
Consumption: $57,612,240,000.00
Government Budget: $30,682,169,280.00
Government Expenditures: $28,227,595,737.60
Goverment Waste: $2,454,573,542.40
Exports: $9,756,603,383.27
Imports: $10,948,958,640.00
Trade Deficit: $1,192,355,256.73
Government Budget Details
Administration: $846,827,872.13 3%
Social Welfare: $2,258,207,659.01 8% (-1%)
Healthcare: $2,822,759,573.76 10%
Education: $5,927,795,104.90 21%
Religion & Spirituality: $3,951,863,403.26 14%
Defence: $3,105,035,531.14 11% (+4%)
Law & Order: $7,056,898,934.40 25% (-1%)
Commerce: $1,411,379,786.88 5% (-1%)
Public Transport: $0.00 0%
The Environment: $1,129,103,829.50 4%
Social Equality: $0.00 0%
08-09-2005, 03:55
Military Budget Changes
The increase from $1.927B to $3.105B, without any appreciable change to GDP to affect wages, represented an immediate and unexpected rise in spending of 61%.
"Use it or lose it," was oft quoted over the following days.
But how to use it wisely?
Personnel: $782,000,000 (25.2%)
Maintainance: $404,000,000 (13.0%)
Procurement: $1,608,390,000 (51.8%)
Research & Development: $310,500,000 (10.0%)
Total Defense Spending: $3,105,000,000
A force increase of 5,000 men was instituted and earmarked for the Army. Draftees, since there was no time to wait for recruits to file in.
A formerly closed base was reopened to deal with the new troops.
$350M of Procurement was reserved for resupply and upgrade of existing units, leaving $1.258B for new system expenditures.
R&D nearly doubled from $156M to $310.5M
SAM and Theater Missile Defense
3 New Theater Defense Missile Battalions
Each Battalion was comprised of 3 Batteries.
Each missile battery has a Phased Array Radar Set (RS), Engagement Control Station (ECS), Antenna Mast Group (AMG), a Communications Relay Group (CRG), an electric power plant, and eight mobile Launching Stations (LS) each with 4 missiles. Cost per battery: $102 Million
Those were equipped with the basic intercept models (equivalent to original PATRIOTs). Additional missiles cost $1.3M each.
Newer missiles, with heavier warheads and more sophisticated guidance equipment, sufficient to intercept Theater Ballistic Missiles (TBMs), would cost $4M each.
Each battery had a staff of 90, but only the three soldiers manning the ECS were needed to control the battery when it was set up. The rest, for the most part, could be removed to a safe distance in case SAM surpression targeted the launchers.
It also had HQ and Battalion assets of 30 personnel (300 personnel per battery, 900 total).
Reorganization of Older Air Defense Artillery as 3 Batteries
The MoD authorized reorganization of the existing three Air Defense Artillery Battalions. They noted how each 'battalion' was actually three batteries of four older launchers, with a bloated complement of 300 men assigned to each battery, and a company-sized headquarters. Each battery also had IFVs, turrets mounted with light SAMs (Stinger-equivalent). It was no wonder they were overmatched in the recent wargames.
The 36 older launchers were reorganized as three batteries of 12 launchers, each with 100 personnel. R&D invested $18M in upgraded fire control systems. One battery was assigned to the Mechanized Infantry Division, and one battery each was assigned to the two Armored Brigades (36 launchers, 300 personnel total).
Armored Cavalry Squadron
The 42 tactical SAM-mounted IFVs were roundly castigated.
Modified for $500K each, the chassis had their SAMs dismounted and new antitank guided missiles (ATGMs) added instead (Hellfire II-equivalent), with a dual launcher mounted on each side of the turret. Sporting missiles with a range of 9km, these would help keep invading armor forces at bay. Laser designator systems alone cost $165K each. Missiles cost $80K each.
675 extra missiles were ordered for $54M.
These were organized into an Armored Cavalry Squadron (1,000 personnel), and assigned to the Mechanized Infantry Division as a divisional asset.
Tactical Air Defense Battery
The original tactical SAM systems were scrapped. New hyper-velocity (Mach 4+, 5 km range) short-range SAMs were adopted, with 8 launchers mounted on a tracked chassis. Using passive IR (heat signature) and visual targeting systems, radar countermeasures were inneffective. Flares could be ignored if the visual lock was maintained by the operator.
MoD acquired 36 of these 8-round launcher self-propelled SAM systems for $3M each. Each vehicle was able to carry 12 extra missiles inside (Stormer Starstreak equivalent). They were organized into one large battery of three troops of 12 launchers each.
The new, lighter chassis now made the SP SAM systems air-mobile if slung below a heavy cargo helicopter or carried by air transport aircraft.
Additional missiles could be ordered at $100k each, so the MoD placed an order for 400.
Each launcher had a crew of 4, plus there were radar and communications vehicles, command and support staff for the HQ (300 total personnel).
$912 Million - 9 SAM batteries (288 Theater SAM missiles)
$65 Million - 50 Theater SAM missiles (stockpile)
$40 Million - 10 Theater Ballistic Missile Defense SAMs (stockpile)
$18 Million - Theater SAM batteries (36 launchers): improved fire control
$21 Million - 42 ATGM IFVs (retrofit)
$54 Million - 675 ATGM (stockpile)
$108 Million - Tactical SAMs (36 launchers, 720 Tactical HVM SAM missiles)
$40 Million - 400 Tactical HVM SAMs (stockpile)
$1.258 Billion - Total Additional Procurement
$154 Million - NBC Defenses, Early Warning Systems, Medical Research
$154M - Total Additional R&D
08-09-2005, 04:32
Extra Personnel
The reorganization of the air defense units (formerly 3,000 personnel, reorganized as 2,500, leaving 500 for reassignment) along with the new draftees (5,000) meant that there were 5,500 personnel now available for organization.
With various shifts from unit to unit to accommodate specializations, a new force was constituted:
Light Infantry Brigade
For now, this was a euphamism for the fact that they had no tanks, no heavy artillery, and no helicopters.
The unit was being trained with trucks, lighter utility vehicles and scout cars. They also did a fair bit of marching on foot in the forests. They cross-trained with the Forestry Service Rangers. The unit was a fair-sized brigade (5,500 total personnel), but it was utterly without 'punch'.
08-09-2005, 10:38
The population hit 20,000,000. The tax rate was 30%, but because of the sudden rise of direct marketing in the nation, the GDP per capita shot up to $7,202 and unemployment shrank to 9.93%.
While the population had grown 11.1% (from 18 to 20 million), per capita GDP was up 53%, and overall national GDP had grown a stunning 70%.
Business was back. They were not a rich nation any more, but they were not a poor one either. The government's credit rating was even raised to 'good,' though international lenders were still concerned with allegations of government corruption.
Marketing. It was somewhat novel to the people of Listeneisse. Unused to such tactics, and mistaking them for burglars, there have been frequent reports of door-to-door salesmen beaten up by 'vigilantes,' but crime is still virtually unheard of because of strict law enforcement. Unwary of cold calling telemarketers, the people of Listeneisse actually take it as an opportunity to strike up a chat. In fact, there's a popular rumor that there have been many couples who have met over sales calls. Fallen in love without ever having met? So romantic!
At the MoD, things could scarely be rosier. Even with the slight dip in percentage of spending on defense, the pie had grown vastly again. Military spending was up 60%, from $3.105B to $4.935B. Now, what to do with the windfall of an increased $1.82B?
Listeneisse Economic Statistics
Exchange Rate: 2.7347 Librums = $1
Gross Domestic Product: $144,057,262,973.85
GDP Per Capita: $7,202.86
Unemployment Rate: 9.93%
Consumption: $96,673,500,000.00
Government Budget: $53,649,649,350.00
Government Expenditures: $49,357,677,402.00
Goverment Waste: $4,291,971,948.00
Exports: $16,464,365,546.85
Imports: $18,438,279,975.00
Trade Deficit: $1,973,914,428.15
Government Budget Details
Administration: $1,480,730,322.06 3%
Social Welfare: $3,948,614,192.16 8%
Healthcare: $4,442,190,966.18 9% (-1%)
Education: $9,377,958,706.38 19% (-2%)
Religion & Spirituality: $6,416,498,062.26 13% (-1%)
Defence: $4,935,767,740.20 10% (-1%)
Law & Order: $11,352,265,802.46 23% (-2%)
Commerce: $4,935,767,740.20 10% (+5%)
Public Transport: $0.00 0%
The Environment: $1,974,307,096.08 4%
Social Equality: $0.00 0%
08-09-2005, 11:16
Before any additional forces were mobilized, this was the new TO&E for the Army:
Royal Army
25,000 Recruits
30,000 Draftees
55,000 Active Personnel
20,000 Reserves
Order of Battle
Army HQ (3,000 personnel)
1 Mechanized Infantry Division (15,100 personnel, comprised of 3 brigades x 4000 personnel, 1 artillery regiment w/ 2000 personnel, 1 SAM battery w/ 12 SAM launchers, 100 personnel; divisional HQ w/ 1000 personnel; 88 IFVs, 60 MBTs, 18 SP Howitzers per brigade; plus 36 SP Howitzers in arty regmt. 264 IFVs, 180 MBTs, 90 SP Howitzers, 12 SAM launchers total)
2 Armored Brigades (5,100 personnel, 36 IFVs, 128 MBTs, 30 Recon Vehicle, 18 SP Howitzers, 12 SAM launchers each; 10,000 personnel, 72 IFVs, 256 MBTs, 60 Recon Vehicles, 36 SP Howitzers, 24 SAM launchers total)
1 Armored Cavalry Squadron (1,000 personnel, 42 IFVs armed with ATGMs)
6 Air Mobile Regiments (2,500 personnel, 28 Transport Helos each; 15,000 personnel, 168 Transport Helos total)
1 Artillery Regiment (2,000 personnel; 36 SP Howitzers each)
1 Light Infantry Brigade (5,500 personnel; 88 IFVs)
3 Theater Defense SAM Battalions (300 personnel, 24 theater defense SP SAM launchers each; 900 personnel, 72 launchers total)
1 Tactical Air Defense Battery (300 personnel, 36 short-range SP SAM launchers)
2 Military Police Battalions (1,000 personnel, 14 IFVs each; 2,000 personnel, 28 IFVs total)
Equipment Totals
436 MBTs
452 IFVs
60 Recon Vehicles
162 SP Howitzers
72 SP Theater SAM Launchers
36 SP HVT Launchers
36 SP SAM Launchers
168 Transport Helos
08-09-2005, 23:56
Government control of the press was causing more harm than good. While there has ever been worries that a free press could sow dissention and treason, His Majesty was very concerned to hear that there were outright lies being printed covering up corruption in the government.
The practice was banned.
But because of this, the economy was rocked as there was a shake-out in the retrenched media. Many reporters lost their jobs for failing to fact-check their stories. The regime actually began to review stories not to ensure they were politically inert, but to ensure the people knew the truth, no matter how embarrassing to the aristocracy or the big businesses that curried their favor.
Even before the government could reap the benefits of the uptick, GDP per capita stumbled slightly to $6,870.87. Unemployment rose slightly to 10.13%.
But worst, it did not stop the corruption at all. In fact, government waste increased to over $5B, a rise of 18%. The bureacracy was covering its tracks, and the sources of corruption were obscured.
Meanwhile, teenagers in the realm were trying to flex their muscle. Long established curfews, which had been instituted since the 'child gambling' fiasco, were asked to be relaxed by His Majesty. Then again, it had been years since a proper ball was held for the youth. With fond thoughts of his own younger days he gave royal assent to such, but he wondered what it might do to crime and laxness of moral character.
At the MoD, a bit of hope was dashed. Just before they were able to pass their budget of $4,935B, they were sent back to the budgetary drawing board, having to drop back down to $4.558B.
The Air Force and Navy chimed in that they hoped that after being long ignored they might get a bit of the windfall.
Listeneisse Economic Statistics
Exchange Rate: 2.8000 Librums = $1
Gross Domestic Product: $137,417,391,792.00
GDP Per Capita: $6,870.87
Unemployment Rate: 10.13%
Consumption: $93,639,000,000.00
Government Budget: $50,655,354,750.00
Government Expenditures: $45,589,819,275.00
Goverment Waste: $5,065,535,475.00
Exports: $15,947,350,485.75
Imports: $17,758,777,968.75
Trade Deficit: $1,811,427,483.00
Government Budget Details
Administration: $1,367,694,578.25 3%
Social Welfare: $3,647,185,542.00 8%
Healthcare: $4,103,083,734.75 9%
Education: $8,662,065,662.25 19%
Religion & Spirituality: $5,926,676,505.75 13%
Defence: $4,558,981,927.50 10%
Law & Order: $10,485,658,433.25 23%
Commerce: $4,558,981,927.50 10%
Public Transport: $0.00 0%
The Environment: $1,823,592,771.00 4%
Social Equality: $0.00 0%
09-09-2005, 03:28
Research & Development decided to take allocated budget for NBC defenses and put it into the prototype and initial unit production of a dozen NBC Reconnaissance Systems (NBCRS).
Each vehicle can operate independently, its crew safe from contamination in complete isolation (known as 'short sleeve' environment). Each system sports sensor packages to detect the presence of nuclear radiation, chemical agents, and biological pathogens up to 5km away given a stop-and-sense time of about an hour. It can also operate at up to 20kph, with brief stops every kilometer or so for less efficient readings. This is sufficient to keep ahead of an advancing infantry or refugee column while being able to detect the presence of contaminants in the direct environment.
The vehicle is packed with various onboard NBC detectors, mass spectrometers, analytical computers, and control panel dashboards. It has onboard GPS to report its position, IR and UV sensors, and even a radar to detect aircraft. The crews are rigorously trained in physics, biology, chemistry, and medicine to be able to interpret and make judgements from incoming data from the systems, observing atmospheric and terrain effects, and also analyzing (and possibly treating) victims.
The LM9945 is a six-wheeled vehicle. It provides its crew of four with life support sufficient to operate for a week without reprovisioning and flushing (many aspects of its filtering systems may work even longer, depending on the contamination faced). It has room to carry four additional passengers, or two litters, but operations in the field is thereby reduced. It is tall enough to stand in and has a rear 2-person-sized airlock for vehicle entry/exit in contaminated enviroments even when its main door remains sealed. NBC gear stored onboard can also be donned if the vehicle is breached.
Because of its profile, sensitivity of equipment and lack of significant armor, it is not designed for operation in battlefield environments. Its mission is to patrol countryside and urban environments to detect rear-line NBC contamination. If readings are negative this can assure military personnel and civilian populations. In case of positive readings, it has mounted alarms and loudspeakers to warn surrounding units or civil populations for their safe evacuation. It can keep commanders aware of the absence or presence of NBC contaminants to plot open lines of movement or warn of areas of effect.
For defense in case of attack, it has a 7.62mm MG mounted in its sealed cupola turret, and 6 smoke grenade launchers (each with 6 reloads).
The LM9945 is also designed for off-road use, capable of ambhibious operations, and light enough for airmobile transport (C-130 class). Because of the sensitive nature of its equipment, it is not air-droppable.
The program, including trials, cost $60M. Each additional unit costs $2.5M.
The first 12 vehicles were organized into the NBC Reconnaissance Troop, assigned directly to Royal Army of Listeneisse (RAL) HQ.
Subsequently, vehicles have been purchased for every Corps and Divisional Headquarters, and additional units are being purchased for Yeomanry Militia, Air Force and Naval base defense.
M93 Fox (
09-09-2005, 04:24
Comparable GDPs: Belarus, Panama, Libya, Algeria, Columbia
Comparable Populations: Australia, Yemen, Sri Lanka.
Comparable Military Budgets: Singapore, Argentina, Iran.
Singapore's a curious and close example.
Singapore's Army ( has 3 divisions and 2 reserve divisions. "It is capable of mobilising over 350,000 reserves and has an active force of 60,000."
The Air Force ( operates with a third of its inventory overseas because of the small area they have on the island. 56 F-16s, 53 F-5s, 20 Transport Helos, 18 Heavy Transport Helos, 31 Medium Transport Helos, 10 Recon Helos, 30 Attack Helos, 10 Transport Aircraft, 8 Airborne Refueling Tankers, 4 Airborne Early Warning, 5 Maritime Patrol, 50 Jet Trainers, 40+ UAVs.
The Republic of Singapore Navy ( and coastal command have 4 SS (Submarines), just bought 6 new FF (Frigates) supporting ASW helos (launched 2004-present, deployment over 2007-2010), 6 600-ton corvettes, 6 270-ton gunboats, 6 500-ton patrol boats torpedo-equipped for ASW, 6 500-ton patrol boats, 4 amphibious transport docks capable of carrying 4 landing craft and 2 helos, 4 coastal minesweepers.
What is obvious is that they have far more toys on sea (albeit less toys on land). Chalk it up to the fact that, though they are now spending as much, Listeneisse has been procuring for a shorter period of history, and until very recently had grave financial problems. Listeneisse is also less of a maritime nation, and does not have the Singapore Straight to maintain.
But these sorts of ideas will play back into the TO&E, especially as the MoD considers reactivating the reserves or widening the draft.
CIA World Factbook (
Singapore Armed Forces (
Singapore Naval Assets (
09-09-2005, 10:52
Total Defense Budget $4.558B
GDP Per Capita $7,202.86
Reserve Stipend $1,000.00
Total Full Time Personnel: 70,000 (59,000 Army, 8,000 Air Force, 3,000 Navy)
Total Reserve Personnel: 400,000
Personnel: $904M (19.83%)
Maintainance: $1.239B (27.19%)
Procurement: $2.067B (45.34%)
Research & Development: $348M (7.63%)
Total Defense Spending $4.558B
Refurbishment & New Procurements
Artillery Regiment-to-Brigade Upscale: 4,000 personnel
Artillery Recommissioning: 72 SP Howitzers
IFV Recommissioning: 72
Reserve Remobilization Package: 390,000 personnel
Heavy Trucks (2.5T): 2,000 ($100K each)
Utility Vehicles (4x4): 4,000 ($50K each)
NBC Recon Squadron: 12 NBC Recon Vehicles ($5M each)
Theater Anti-Ballistic SAM Missiles: 20 (stockpile) ($4M each)
Theater SAM Missiles: 40 (stockpile) ($1.3M each)
Reactivation of Squadron: 12 fighter-interceptors
Airborne Early Warning (AEW)/Electronic Counter Measures (ECM) Aircraft: 4 aircraft ($52M each)
AEW/AWACs : 2 aircraft ($250M each)
Fleet Training Ship re-outfitted
Naval Base Personnel: 1,000 additional (incl. construction)
Royal Army of Listeneisee (RAL)
The Artillery Regiment was upscaled to an Artillery Brigade with 4,000 more personnel (6,000 total), recommissioning 72 IFVs, and sufficient guns to bring it up to a total of 108 SP Howitzers. There are six battalions of artillery (four with 18x 155mm, two with 18x 175mm).
The Army reserves were brought back up to 400,000. The reserve system works as a 2 week mandatory draft. Rotating personnel means that there are on average 15,385 active reserves on-duty at any time. Some times of the year have higher averages, to coordinate with annual wargames, or lower, to account for holiday seasons.
Ordered first deliveries of 2,000 trucks (2.5T, 5T and 10T), and 4,000 utility vehicles (4x4 of various sorts: troop carriers, ammunition carriers, ambulances, etc.). Airmobile or airdroppable design (fits aboard C-130-type transport) permits greater mobility, especially for the Light Infantry Brigade and reserve units. Replaced aging vehicles of the standing forces.
NBC Reconnaissance Squadron of 12 NBCRS, 100 personnel, was assigned as part of Army HQ (see above). An additional $50M was spent on NBC defenses as part of the R&D budget.
20 Theater Ballistic Missle Defense SAMs (now 30 total) and 40 Theater SAMs (now 90 total) were added to stockpiles.
The Army finally felt back to its old self with the remobilization of the Reserves. The "Yeomanry" regiments were formed again. While there were other countries that had provisions for a "well-formed militia" in their constitution, the Listeneisse armed forces mandated the process. Those not drafted to the army were supposed to serve in the reserves for at least a year of their lives. The army still could not afford to put all able-bodied personnel into the reserves, but having 400,000 of them on-call (and about a division's worth on hand at any time) meant that things were practically back to normal vis-a-vis the pre-depression fieldable force.
The Artillery Regiment was upgraded to a full Artillery Brigade. Six battalions of guns, and a fair complement of infantry with IFVs to screen it. Its mission was to hammer and shatter any advancing force, or to prepare any line of advance or counterattack. Now coordinated with a single command and control system, 108 heavy guns brought to bear on any single target zone should do the job nicely.
Royal Air Force of Listeneisse (RAFL)
Additional Fighter-Interceptor Squadron
Electronic Warfare Squadron with 4 AEW/ECM, and 2 AEW/AWACS aircraft.
Undisclosed amount invested in UAV antitank R&D
While the Air Force ostensibly did not see much added to them in terms of personnel, the Electronic Warfare Squadron accounted for over $700M just in the procurement budget alone. The two AEW/AWACs models were the size of commercial jetliners, and could stay aloft for extended periods of time providing strategic control of the airspace over Listeneisse, or beyond. The four AEW/ECM models were more for tactical jamming during strike missions, or in an escort role to screen the movement of transport aircraft or helicopters, or to launch their own anti-radiation strikes (to take out enemy ground radars).
Royal Navy of Listeneisse (RNL)
Fleet Training Vessel reactivated (460 crew)
1,000 additional base personnel, with emphasis on construction and maintenance.
Undisclosed talks with shipbuilders.
The Navy felt a little short-shrifted. But then again, historically the Royal Navy was always the last. This year was promised to be a year of preparation. The Fleet Training Vessel was refitted and reactivated. Base personnel grew with an eye on construction. Old mothballed buildings and docks were repaired. Barnacles scraped. And many mouths at Naval HQ and the MoD were otherwise tightly shut.
Airborne Early Warning: An affordable necessity? (
09-09-2005, 11:23
The population rose to 23,000,000. Carbonek, which had once been surrounded by bucolic countryside, began to suffer sprawl. Fuel costs were rising also. People complained of the cost of transportation.
The king authorized the building of mass transit to deal with it. It would take time to see what effect that would have on the economy or the environment.
Meanwhile, the national teen curfew was repealed for the first time since the anti-gambling legislation was passed. The tax rate dipped modestly to 29%. Instead of spurring the economy with increased nightlife spending, GDP per capita shrunk from $7,202.86 to $7,043.95 (down 2.2%).
What happened?
There was simultaneous to this relaxation also the reinstatement of the Army Reserve draft. Now that teens were given an outlet to enjoy themselves, they also saw the coming of a $1,000 per year supplementary income. Teens decided to take a break from summer jobs, and simply wait until they had to don their reserve uniforms. It was too soon to grow up! They cherished their evenings now. They truly enjoyed their time in the sun.
There was also operational specialty training as part of the Army Reserve programme (free courses beyond the two weeks of active duty), so certain segments of vocational school instruction suffered.
However, the overall economy for the nation grew at a healthy clip, up 17.8% over the most recent dip, and even up 12.4% over the "telemarketing bubble."
Listeneisse Economic Statistics
Exchange Rate: 2.7654 Librums = $1
Gross Domestic Product: $162,010,862,126.21
GDP Per Capita: $7,043.95
Unemployment Rate: 10.03%
Consumption: $111,550,230,000.00
Government Budget: $58,257,500,400.00
Government Expenditures: $52,431,750,360.00
Goverment Waste: $5,825,750,040.00
Exports: $18,733,677,266.21
Imports: $20,704,795,500.00
Trade Deficit: $1,971,118,233.79
Government Budget Details
Administration: $1,572,952,510.80 3%
Social Welfare: $4,194,540,028.80 8%
Healthcare: $4,718,857,532.40 9%
Education: $10,486,350,072.00 20% (+1%)
Religion & Spirituality: $7,340,445,050.40 14% (+1%)
Defence: $5,767,492,539.60 11% (+1%)
Law & Order: $10,486,350,072.00 20% (-3%)
Commerce: $5,767,492,539.60 11% (+1%)
Public Transport: $0.00 0%
The Environment: $2,097,270,014.40 4%
Social Equality: $0.00 0%
Defense Budget
The MoD was positively gleeful! The defense budget was now up to $5.767B, an increase of 26.5%.
The Admiralty declared, "Almost back to even keel!"
They hoped it would be their time in the sun next.
10-09-2005, 03:51
The King could not understand what happened. Taxes had been raised 4%, to 33% of income, particularly to fund the new mass transit proposals. But funds for public transport were, to his astonishment, nowhere in the budget.
Where had the money gone?
Apparently to the Minister of the Interior, particularly to the Forestry Service and other environmental agencies.
"No mass transit?"
"No, Your Majesty."
While that was good for the overall ecology, it was somewhat of an unanticipated mixed blessing. His Majesty was a bit peevish that the cost of petrol was continuing to rise, and GDP per capita had dipped back down to $6,844.
The exhange rate had worsened, but minisculely. The tax rate was certainly a factor, but what else was hampering economic growth?
Going back over the recent budgets, the King was alarmed to see government waste -- monies assigned to what were widely regarded as dead-end or frivilous projects -- had grown to 10% of overall government spending over the past budget cycle and this one. Fully 3.97% of GDP was being thrown away on government waste. It had been climbing over recent budget cycles as well: 2.83%, then a mid-cycle rise to 2.9%, 2.98%, then an unprecedented leap to 3.69%, with a minor dip to 3.6%. But now it was at the highest percentage of GDP ever!
The Finance Minister was given stern looks and a warning that this trend needed to be stopped immediately. What was his solution?
The King increasingly frowned at the answer. The Minister babbled on and on about the success of organ donating. Think of the next logical step, for the sake of the economy! Yes, the nation had been putting unused hearts, livers and kidneys to good use, but what was to be done with the muscles? The meat?
"Cannibalism!" he beamed at the monarch, revealing his next PowerPoint slide. It was to be the solution to the nation's economic woes, and a major export product, if he had gotten his way.
He was not allowed to say one more word.
The King had him immediately detained for public safety. He believed, quite rightly, he had lost his mind. He ordered the Royal Palace Guards to move quickly. Siezure of documents from his offices later led to arrest of the Minister of Finance and a number of underlings under suspicion of corruption and treason. A grotesquely joking email that circulated about his office, entitled "Members of government we'd love to best serve up on a platter," and mentioning some of the Royal Family, had been leaked to the now-more-candid press.
Even though the King had stopped it as soon as it was brought to his attention, and it had never been anything other than a crazed notion that had never gone anywhere, this undoubtedly had a chilling effect on attracting foreign business and tourism. A massive investigation swept the halls of government. It was eventually tracked back to the same foreign entrepreneurs who suggested putting the Questing Beast on a platter.
Listeneisse Economic Statistics
Exchange Rate: 2.8055 Librums = $1
Gross Domestic Product: $157,413,653,779.00
GDP Per Capita: $6,844.07
Unemployment Rate: 10.15%
Consumption: $102,977,325,000.00
Government Budget: $62,454,979,125.00
Government Expenditures: $56,209,481,212.50
Goverment Waste: $6,245,497,912.50
Exports: $18,326,191,785.25
Imports: $20,099,344,218.75
Trade Deficit: $1,773,152,433.50
Government Budget Details
Administration: $1,686,284,436.37 3%
Social Welfare: $4,496,758,497.00 8%
Healthcare: $5,058,853,309.12 9%
Education: $11,241,896,242.50 20%
Religion & Spirituality: $7,307,232,557.62 13% (-1%)
Defence: $6,183,042,933.37 11%
Law & Order: $11,241,896,242.50 20%
Commerce: $6,183,042,933.37 11%
Public Transport: $0.00 0%
The Environment: $2,810,474,060.63 5% (+1%)
Social Equality: $0.00 0%
MoD Budget Increase
The rise of the tax rate, even with the dip of GDP, inched the defense budget to $6.183B.
That was an additional 7.21% over the projected $5.767B, and a full 35.6% over the prior $4.558B spending package.
While the Finance Minister made headline news and set new precedents of law, the Minister of Defense, particularly with the Admiralty, made more private, and hopefully far more sensible, plans.
10-09-2005, 12:29
At first, they thought it was a continuation of the sick joke. But it wasn't. People were serious. They wanted to be cannibals.
People were trying write into their wills to have their bodies eaten instead of buried or cremated. The Minister of Health warned of the danger of dementia and fatal disease ( spread by cannibalistic practices.
Apparently they all suffered from dementia already.
It was strictly outlawed. Crazed adherents still practiced it, and were hospitalized or jailed if caught.
Health food advocates and clergy held peace vigils to call for a halt to it. Riots broke out between them and groups of horrific practitioners who sometimes even brandished knives. Part of a peace protesting girl's ear was bitten off and swallowed.
It was great for news ratings and tabloids.
It was an outrage to the King, to the Archbishop, and to the vast majority of the law-abiding citizens of the nation.
The economy sagged. Tourism was down, except for loopy sorts that were attracted to this sort of chaos. GDP per capita was off to $6,685.40. Unemployment rose a bit to 10.25%.
What was worse was that it diverted the attention of law enforcement away from rooting out government corruption to dealing with these bizarre cultists.
There was aside from that an outstanding issue of nudity in the arts, but the King took a reasonable view. He did not wish to whole-heartedly support everything thrown on a pedestal as 'art,' but where would society be without a Michaelangelo, or Bottecelli or Renoir or any other reputable artist who could render a beautiful nude? The King turned the issue back to the Department of Cultural Affairs with the order to just be sane about it all.
He was beginning to wonder if it was too much to ask.
Listeneisse Economic Statistics
Exchange Rate: 2.8385 Librums = $1
Gross Domestic Product: $173,820,440,294.11
GDP Per Capita: $6,685.40
Unemployment Rate: 10.25%
Consumption: $113,952,930,000.00
Government Budget: $68,920,262,775.00
Government Expenditures: $62,028,236,497.50
Goverment Waste: $6,892,026,277.50
Exports: $20,285,851,155.98
Imports: $22,446,577,359.37
Trade Deficit: $2,160,726,203.39
Government Budget Details
Administration: $1,860,847,094.92 3%
Social Welfare: $4,962,258,919.80 8%
Healthcare: $5,582,541,284.77 9%
Education: $12,405,647,299.50 20%
Religion & Spirituality: $8,063,670,744.67 13%
Defence: $6,823,106,014.72 11%
Law & Order: $12,405,647,299.50 20%
Commerce: $6,823,106,014.72 11%
Public Transport: $0.00 0%
The Environment: $3,101,411,824.87 5%
Social Equality: $0.00 0%
Ministry of Defense
$6.8 Billion meant that, not only had the original budget level finally been achieved again -- they had actually exceeded it. They'd have to wait for a bit to see if their proposal cleared. It would be part two, to follow on their present proposal.
What about the last budget, for $6.183B?
Only the King, the MoD, and a select group of government were allowed to know the details. The King was now convinced there were other elements of corruption in the government, and until they were rooted out, it would be best to keep certain things top secret until it was ready to be released.
(More to come.)
12-09-2005, 12:05
The King thought it was novel a novel solution.
Minorities were complaining that they wanted to attend the better schools outside their neighborhoods, just at the time the public transit systems were being opened at last.
So he decided to permit minority students to get bussed to whichever school they wished to attend.
That seemed to do the trick. "Be careful what you wish for."
The next looming problem was teen depression and suicide.
His Majesty wondered what was wrong with the youth of today. These sorts of things had never plagued the kingdom during his own boyhood. Was it was the pressure of the outside world bearing down on the once-idyllic kingdom? The economic reality of what families were bearing up under? Income per capita was still down below a third of where it had once stood. That certainly could cause some teen angst.
He decided to treat it more as an issue of education than medication. Though many prescribed drugs to control teen happiness, he preferred personal counsel. And giving the students what they needed to get competitive jobs in the world.
Commerce, law enforcement and defense also had to give way, percentage-wise, for the new social and transportation programs.
Aside from all this, the cannibals were still at large. The corruption trial was still outstanding. And government waste was still rising as a percentage of GDP -- now to over 4%.
To afford the new programs, not only did spending priorities need to shift, but taxes increased to 34%. Unemployment rose modestly to 10.26%. As a result, GDP per capita slid to $6,664.30.
Listeneisse Economic Statistics
Exchange Rate: 2.8430 Librums = $1
Gross Domestic Product: $193,264,789,045.37
GDP Per Capita: $6,664.30
Unemployment Rate: 10.26%
Consumption: $125,204,310,000.00
Government Budget: $78,579,932,287.50
Government Expenditures: $70,721,939,058.75
Goverment Waste: $7,857,993,228.75
Exports: $22,329,132,978.81
Imports: $24,990,592,992.19
Trade Deficit: $2,661,460,013.38
Government Budget Details
Administration: $2,121,658,171.76 3%
Social Welfare: $5,657,755,124.70 8%
Healthcare: $6,364,974,515.29 9%
Education: $13,437,168,421.16 19% (-1%)
Religion & Spirituality: $9,193,852,077.64 13%
Defence: $7,072,193,905.88 10% (-1%)
Law & Order: $13,437,168,421.16 19% (-1%)
Commerce: $7,072,193,905.88 10% (-1%)
Public Transport: $2,121,658,171.76 3% (+3%)
The Environment: $3,536,096,952.94 5%
Social Equality: $2,121,658,171.76 3% (+3%)
Military Spending
The MoD grey quite hushed. Though there was more money to spend than ever before, a secret multi-year procurement programme focused on the Navy was causing quite a private stir.
But some in the Navy were not pleased. A few unshredded documents revealed that a plan for a larger surface fleet was being reconsidered.
Listeneisse was not known as a great seafaring nation. Or at least, it had not been considered a great seafaring nation ever in its history before.
12-09-2005, 12:20
The hearty beef cow was seen as a far more favorable alternative to human meat. The Agriculture Ministry put forward a strong campaign to support traditional foods.
There was a bit of an uproar, though, when it was discovered that agribusiness was also overly spraying foods with pesticides. The king hoped that in the long run a fair trade between business and the environment could be struck.
A bit of natural luster was lost in the countrysides, as modern farming techniques began to spread around the countryside. Yet for now, there was no great change in the GDP per capita (it stood at $6,661.24, and priorly was at $6,664.30). Taxes were a bit up, to 35%. Unemployment and the value of the Librum were practically unchanged.
Still, the overall economy grew since the population was now 32,000,000.
Listeneisse Economic Statistics
Exchange Rate: 2.8437 Librums = $1
Gross Domestic Product: $213,159,626,123.47
GDP Per Capita: $6,661.24
Unemployment Rate: 10.26%
Consumption: $138,156,480,000.00
Government Budget: $86,708,890,800.00
Government Expenditures: $78,038,001,720.00
Goverment Waste: $8,670,889,080.00
Exports: $24,540,971,153.47
Imports: $27,575,826,750.00
Trade Deficit: $3,034,855,596.53
Government Budget Details
Administration: $2,341,140,051.60 3%
Social Welfare: $6,243,040,137.60 8%
Healthcare: $7,023,420,154.80 9%
Education: $17,948,740,395.60 23% (+4%)
Religion & Spirituality: $10,144,940,223.60 13%
Defence: $7,803,800,172.00 10%
Law & Order: $14,827,220,326.80 19%
Commerce: $7,803,800,172.00 10%
Public Transport: $2,341,140,051.60 3%
The Environment: $2,341,140,051.60 3% (-2%)
Social Equality: $2,341,140,051.60 3%
Military Budget
The additional $7.8B was sequestered into a private fund. Funding levels for the existing military were practically unchanged, since the Librum had not risen much in recent budget cycles.
Whatever was being planned was a big procurement. A lot of it was spent in secret R&D budgets. Foreign suppliers were also spoken to, but far from the public's attention.
13-09-2005, 03:42
The domestic cell phone industry began to blossom at last. GDP per capita rose again to $6,932.86. Because of that, the King lowered taxes slightly to 34%, but still had a higher net government budget.
Better yet, the highly-publicized corruption trials finally rooted out billions of dollars of government waste. It also deterred a few other schemes from even starting. From an estimated $8.670 Billion a year, projected waste fell to $5.497 Billion. It was now down to 6% of the government budget, and 2.48% of overall GDP -- a new low.
His Majesty was cautiously pleased. He still felt that it was $5.497 Billion too much.
Another concern was the rise of the foreign trade deficit. While it used to be less than $2 Billion, it crept over that figure, then over $3 Billion. Now it was hovering just below $4 Billion.
While he was assured it was a sign of a healthy and active economy, a necessity to import technology and raw materials for burgeoning industy, and proof of foreign confidence in the local economy, the King remained cautious of its growth. He searched for a way to make Listeneisse a net exporter in due time.
Meanwhile, a new import was about to hit the economy.
How could a small nation of 32,000,000 with a modest income support a major league sports industry? What about their native cricket leagues?
That was the ticket! Major League Cricket!
It was decided to call it "Listeneisse Rules Baseball" for media packaging to the American market. Their cable sports networks were desperate for novel programming. But it was pure cricket! Just updated for the era of instant replay TV and headline sports news.
The league would consist of ten regional clubs and two clubs from Carbonek that would draft and field teams. The King boyishly listened to the specific rules being adopted, from special rules for 1-day matches, referees using light meters to approve use of artificial lighting to continue play even into the night (quite a novelty), to the ringing of a bell 5 minutes before the termination of a an interval.
There were a minority pressing for redoing natural sod with artificial surfaces to prevent playing on sticky wickets. Yet there were concerns about injuries on the harder surfaces. The King himself ruled only natural surfaces would be tolerated. Groundskeepers around the country celebrated.
Soccer teams also made a play for more media coverage.
The largest mobile phone company made live sports updates available as a popular feature. Many who took the new mass transit were able to get updates while commuting home.
It was a modest economic proposition compared to many worldwide sports investments. Yet they hoped if they developed more of a national focus on athletics, the nation might be able to field an Olympic team some day.
Aside from this was the effectivity of the UN Resolution on Adoption and In Vitro Fertilization Rights. It was a mild social rights issue that did not materially impact or clash with domestic policy.
For once the King relaxed. Not much, but a little.
Listeneisse Economic Statistics
Exchange Rate: 2.7874 Librums = $1
Gross Domestic Product: $221,851,404,934.39
GDP Per Capita: $6,932.86
Unemployment Rate: 10.09%
Consumption: $139,708,800,000.00
Government Budget: $91,629,921,600.00
Government Expenditures: $86,132,126,304.00
Goverment Waste: $5,497,795,296.00
Exports: $24,816,719,230.39
Imports: $28,806,240,600.00
Trade Deficit: $3,989,521,369.61
Government Budget Details
Administration: $2,583,963,789.12 3%
Social Welfare: $6,890,570,104.32 8%
Healthcare: $7,751,891,367.36 9%
Education: $19,810,389,049.92 23%
Religion & Spirituality: $11,197,176,419.52 13%
Defence: $8,613,212,630.40 10%
Law & Order: $16,365,103,997.76 19%
Commerce: $8,613,212,630.40 10%
Public Transport: $2,583,963,789.12 3%
The Environment: $2,583,963,789.12 3%
Social Equality: $2,583,963,789.12 3%
13-09-2005, 10:08
The Navy decided long ago that a major investment meant little without a strategic analysis of its needs.
Listeneisse, though an island nation, was historically overshadowed in martitime matters by larger and economically more powerful nations bordering both the north and south of it. Moreover, Carbonek, while built upon a navigable river, was not a coastal city. Carbonek overlooked the River Listeneisse, which ran north-south past the city, but its watershed ran to the sea to the west.
The second largest city, Galafort, was a river port on the navigable River Humber whose sea outlet was on the east coast. It was Listeneisse' only port to the east. It was also on an estuary where neighboring states to the north and south could threaten the approach or departure of ships.
Imports usually came through adjacent neighboring states at unfavorable terms. Historically this meant Carbonek focused on self-reliance. Navally, or even with merchant shipping, it never tried to challenge its larger neighbors. It never took part in colonial-era expansion. It was a convenient buffer state between more powerful nations looking elsewhere around the world for expansion.
During the early industrial revolution a barge canal, with locks, had been made over the middle of the nation to join the Listeneisse to the Humber during the 19th century, but it was not appropriate for naval traffic. It was maintained as a small boater's and angler's waterway, as long as a tourist destination with old-style river barges pulled by draught horses.
The Port Cities
Galafort is the main naval base along the east coast, it is about 95 km from the central city and capital of Carbonek.
Castle of the Galleys had traditionally been the main coastal port on the west coast. It lies 110 km west and a little south of Carbonek in the midst of the Perilous Forest, facing the broad ocean to the west. Castle of the Galleys was notable for being the port at the mouth of the River Listeneisse which flowed past both Carbonek and the Isle of Joy.
Longtown is the northernmost port on the west coast, 95 km up the coast from Castle of the Galleys. Its naval reserve base was drastically reduced during the force reduction. Fishing remains the mainstay of its traditional industry. Longtown has a good deep harbor, but it is along an exposed rocky coastline. It was more a favorable anchorage than a true port. In the modern era, a large artificial breakwater was sunk to provide harbor from the harshest of winter squalls and gales.
Duchy of the Western Isles
The Western Isles were ceded long ago to the kingdom through a claim of indirect inheritence. The claim goes back to a contestable story. They were said to have been conquered by Sir Lancelot du Lac, the son-in-law of King Pellam, the King of Listeneisse in the 6th Century A.D. After the death of both Sir Lancelot and King Pellam, with no clear heir at the time to either realm, the Kingdom's stewards took the isles in as a protectorship. In time they were formally ceded and declared to collectively comprise a duchy.
Oriande is most-populous but geographically second-largest island, at about 600 square km. By air it is 200 km west of Carbonek, 110 km west-by-northwest of Castle of the Galleys, and 130 km southwest of Longport.
The largest island is the Island of the Elephants at 715 km square. It is about 125 km southwest of the Castle of the Galleys, and 105 km nearly directly south from Oriande.
Oriande and the Island of the Elephants therefore make strong forward defensive bases to guard the commercial shipping to be found closer to the coast near the Castle of the Galleys and Longport.
By air, it is only 120 km between Galafort and Castle of the Galleys. However, because there are nations both north and south of Listeneisse which must be sailed around, the Navy requires navigating a significantly longer distance to transfer ships from Galafort any of the western coastal ports (Castle of the Galleys or Longport) or the Western Isles (Oriande or the Island of the Elephants). Both the northern and southern navigation routes are about 1,300 km.
This is a significant. A fairly fast ship at full speed (30 knots, 55 kph) would take a full day to make the transit, not taking currents into account. Cruising at a more typical 15-18 knots (28-33 kph) would take 40-48 hours.
Naval Deployment
Because of this, the fleet is divided into two main bases, at Galafort and City of the Galleys. There are also Naval Air Bases at Longport, and on Oriande and the Island of the Elephants.
The Navy used to have more active bases in the west, but they were shut down during the depression.
It is with these considerations that the Naval Secretary made the following decisions:
The primary goal of the Navy was to defend the nation from foreign navies and air forces. Listeneisse had no aims for expansion. The army was responsible for defending the land borders. The Air Force was primarily partnered with the Army.
The Navy required extensive air-superiority, anti-surface and anti-submarine capability in order to guard commercial shipping.
Listeneisse would begin to invest more in its merchant marine in order to compete on a global basis.
It was not yet required to have a 'deep water' navy capable of international presence.
More advanced littoral operations capability based on a coastal defense strategy was desired.
The main naval base would remain at the City of the Galleys, as it had traditionally.
A surface squadron would be based at Galafort.
Naval air defenses would operate out of Galafort, City of the Galleys, and especially Longport, Oriande and Island of the Elephants.
During peacetime, air-sea rescue, maritime policing of fishing and commercial vessels, and other such missions were at best secondary considerations.
Listeneisse had no marine infantry or armor assets. These would only be required if there was a need to retake any of the islands from an invading force in a case where an airborne landing was undesireable, or for use in overseas missions on behalf of the UN. While they were ruled as technically unncessary, it was also desireable to develop capabilities for a small force of significant firepower capable of seaborne invasion or even riverine crossing operations.
13-09-2005, 11:25
The population was now 36,000,000. Immigration was playing a big factor in it. Now that the education system was fairer for minorities, more minorities decided to immigrate to take advantage of it.
While Listeneisse was not a wealthy nation, it was wealthier compared to some places in the world. Even other nations within the same region. Certainly its subjects were better off than the people of Tripleblade, who suffered a GDP per capita of $266.48, or Yuar with a GDP per capita of $315.96. Both states were just a bit larger than Listeneisse, at 40 million souls. But how poor they were!
In Listeneisse, people were literally an order of magnitude better off. GDP per capita dipped a few Librum, but it was twenty times that of these nations: $6,926.
Though Listeneisse grew by four million more inhabitants from the last census, unemployment was virtually unchanged at 10.10%, and taxes were modestly up to 35% again. The foreign trade imbalance steadily rose, to now over $4.4 Billion.
Major league sports had caught on so hot that cities practically shut down when their teams were playing. It was ripping good business for pubs.
But when people said "shut down," they also meant by traffic congestion. The queues for parking were extreme. The small but burgeoning public transportation system was insufficient to deal with the crowds. It was not that long ago Listeneisse was a nation of 6,000,000. Now it was six times that.
The government authorized carpool programs, traffic-free zones in city centers, funded the rail and bus systems further, and expanded the airports and ferry terminals at the ports. It would not immediately relieve congestion, so they also funded more law enforcement to squelch the road rage.
Fortunately, the cannibalism problem seemed to have died down. Government corruption was also contained, if not utterly rooted out.
The King finally heard a new term to describe the government. The people saw the recovery was slow, but noticeably improving the nation. No longer was the government known as a '"psychotic" or "corrupt dictatorship."
They were now calling the land "democratic" and "socialist."
It simply confused him. Listeneisse was still a hereditary monarchy, wasn't it? Neither he, nor any of his forebearers back to the foundation of the realm had ever empowered a nation parliament. Democratically-elected municipal governments were permitted amongst the commoners for cities and towns. A few local barons had preferred and permitted to share power with their subjects in the shires. But they were still at the national level a monarchy.
It just struck His Majesty as an odd and incorrect approximation. As if the world didn't have sufficient words to describe a properly-functioning monarchy.
Which was a shame, he thought.
Listeneisse Economic Statistics
Exchange Rate: 2.7887 Librums = $1
Gross Domestic Product: $249,347,911,186.65
GDP Per Capita: $6,926.33
Unemployment Rate: 10.10%
Consumption: $154,791,000,000.00
Government Budget: $105,322,177,800.00
Government Expenditures: $99,002,847,132.00
Goverment Waste: $6,319,330,668.00
Exports: $27,925,728,229.65
Imports: $32,371,664,175.00
Trade Deficit: $4,445,935,945.35
Government Budget Details
Administration: $1,980,056,942.64 2% (-1%)
Social Welfare: $6,930,199,299.24 7% (-1%)
Healthcare: $8,910,256,241.88 9%
Education: $21,780,626,369.04 22% (-1%)
Religion & Spirituality: $11,880,341,655.84 12% (-1%)
Defence: $9,900,284,713.20 10%
Law & Order: $18,810,540,955.08 19%
Commerce: $10,890,313,184.52 11% (+1%)
Public Transport: $1,980,056,942.64 2% (-1%)
The Environment: $1,980,056,942.64 2% (-1%)
Social Equality: $1,980,056,942.64 2% (-1%)
14-09-2005, 08:20
Nothing great changed with the implementation of the anti-road rage program, except for a shift in domestic spending. Law enforcement was now the greatest government expense in the realm. Social welfare and equality, which had never been great priorities before, suffered. Public transportation edged up instead.
The population, GDP and unemployment rates remained the same.
The King considered legislation to permit the taming and owning of Questing Beasts. He had a feeling it would harm both the economy and the pet owners. So he dismissed the issue. Questing Beasts enjoyed their protected status, but he did not wish to harm the fragile economy even more.
Listeneisse Economic Statistics
Exchange Rate: 2.7887 Librums = $1
Gross Domestic Product: $249,347,911,186.65
GDP Per Capita: $6,926.33
Unemployment Rate: 10.10%
Consumption: $154,791,000,000.00
Government Budget: $105,322,177,800.00
Government Expenditures: $99,002,847,132.00
Goverment Waste: $6,319,330,668.00
Exports: $27,925,728,229.65
Imports: $32,371,664,175.00
Trade Deficit: $4,445,935,945.35
Government Budget Details
Administration: $1,980,056,942.64 2%
Social Welfare: $4,950,142,356.60 5% (-2%)
Healthcare: $8,910,256,241.88 9%
Education: $21,780,626,369.04 22%
Religion & Spirituality: $11,880,341,655.84 12%
Defence: $9,900,284,713.20 10%
Law & Order: $20,790,597,897.72 21% (+2%)
Commerce: $10,890,313,184.52 11%
Public Transport: $4,950,142,356.60 5% (+3%)
The Environment: $1,980,056,942.64 2%
Social Equality: $0.00 0% (-2%)
14-09-2005, 12:46
The nation was now at 40 Million souls. Major industries included Basket Weaving, Beef-Based Agriculture, and Information Technology industries.
No major changes occurred in policy because of the dismissal of the Questing Beast issue.
The king considered the next issue: the computer giants versus the small competitors.
Ideologically, he supported centralization. It matched the concept of a monarchy, where the best ruled. However, he understood that government was about controlling and slowing down the rate of change so that many could adopt to it: to take the country together to the future. A monopoly in business inevitably in due time hurt economies.
The King had to think about this gravely. Which was better? Income inequality, yet perhaps to have the advancements of a large single competitor? Or to spread income equality in business by advantaging small businesses to enter the market?
Then he read over the verbatim comments of the software CEO again: "I say it's high time we abolish these idiotic antitrust laws and give big business the freedom to serve the public better."
Idiotic antitrust laws?
Those laws had been enacted by his great-great-grandfather.
He decided to support the antitrust legislation in the spirit of fair play, which is at the heart of chivalry. And also to respect the wisdom of his forebears, who, for many generations, had somehow managed to get along quite nicely without this company's crashing, virus-ridden, buggy operating system software.
Now it was time to see what this would do to income parity and overall GDP. He braced for dramatic movements in either direction, and warned his ministers to plan likewise in their budgets.
Domestic Statistics
Government Category: Democratic Socialists
Government Priority: Education
Economic Rating: Good
Civil Rights Rating: Some
Political Freedoms: Some
Income Tax Rate: 35%
Major Industry: Basket Weaving
National Animal: Questing Beast
National Currency: Librum
Total Population: 40,000,000
Listeneisse Economic Statistics
Exchange Rate: 2.7887 Librums = $1
Gross Domestic Product: $277,063,707,754.87
GDP Per Capita: $6,926.59
Unemployment Rate: 10.10%
Consumption: $171,990,000,000.00
Government Budget: $117,024,642,000.00
Government Expenditures: $110,003,163,480.00
Goverment Waste: $7,021,478,520.00
Exports: $31,039,060,024.87
Imports: $35,968,515,750.00
Trade Deficit: $4,929,455,725.13
Government Budget Details
Administration: $2,200,063,269.60 2%
Social Welfare: $5,500,158,174.00 5%
Healthcare: $9,900,284,713.20 9%
Education: $24,200,695,965.60 22%
Religion & Spirituality: $13,200,379,617.60 12%
Defence: $11,000,316,348.00 10%
Law & Order: $23,100,664,330.80 21%
Commerce: $12,100,347,982.80 11%
Public Transport: $5,500,158,174.00 5%
The Environment: $2,200,063,269.60 2%
Social Equality: $0.00 0%
15-09-2005, 01:31
Once again big business was snubbed. Rather than face the small competition, they withdrew entirely and left the country for what they called 'greener pastures.' In other words, a more bribeable government.
After struggling for so long to rise back to about $7,000, the GDP per capita was suddenly hammered back down to $4,501. Taxes also rose to 37%, but there was no way to cover for the drop in productivity.
In response, the King was pressured by advisors to appoint a pro-business representative to the national Justiciary.
Domestic Statistics
Government Category: Democratic Socialists
Government Priority: Education
Economic Rating: Reasonable
Civil Rights Rating: Some
Political Freedoms: Some
Income Tax Rate: 37%
Major Industry: Basket Weaving
National Animal: Questing Beast
National Currency: Librum
Total Population: 40,000,000
Listeneisse Economic Statistics
Exchange Rate: 4.2365 Librums = $1
Gross Domestic Product: $180,074,974,401.49
GDP Per Capita: $4,501.87
Unemployment Rate: 11.66%
Consumption: $108,775,800,000.00
Government Budget: $79,405,470,700.00
Government Expenditures: $74,641,142,458.00
Goverment Waste: $4,764,328,242.00
Exports: $20,294,235,868.49
Imports: $23,636,203,925.00
Trade Deficit: $3,341,968,056.51
Government Budget Details
Administration: $1,492,822,849.16 2%
Social Welfare: $3,732,057,122.90 5%
Healthcare: $6,717,702,821.22 9%
Education: $16,421,051,340.76 22%
Religion & Spirituality: $8,956,937,094.96 12%
Defence: $7,464,114,245.80 10%
Law & Order: $15,674,639,916.18 21%
Commerce: $8,956,937,094.96 12% (+1)
Public Transport: $3,732,057,122.90 5%
The Environment: $1,492,822,849.16 2%
Social Equality: $0.00 0%
15-09-2005, 05:12
A curious source:
Global Showcase for Offshore Wind Power Dedicated in Arklow, Ireland (Demonstration Site for GE's 3.6-Megawatt Wind Turbines) (
15-09-2005, 19:57
The pull-out of the multinationals was quickly replaced with smaller, but now healthy domestic industries. The government's new investments in the Minstry of Finance, as well as the judiciary, while tending to be anti-regulatory, were working to benefit the new smaller corporations. They did a fair job balancing the progress of domestic business to the desire of foreign investors.
GDP per capita recovered to $6,936. Unemployment lowered again to 10.09%. Taxes were eased back to 34%. The dip was quickly recovered from, even before the budget cycle hit.
The population continued to grow, to 45,000,000. Many were refugees from war-torn nations around the world.
They brought their homeland's historical conflicts and arguments to Listeneisse. The king briefly pondered what to do. Law and order was already at 20% of the domestic budget. He was sure it would be taken care of in time. It would end, or they'd find themselves deported back where they came from. That put an end to most of it.
The issue of upper-class workers wanting collective bargaining was more interesting to him. If he let them unionize, it would provide more liberties for the people. At least, for a small minority of the people.
Feeling there was already enough corruption at the upper echelons of government, the King decided he did not wish to inculate that in business also. He barred their unionizing. "'Free enterprise,' they begged, 'No government restrictions.' Therefore, I'll not restrict their own employers from making them work just a little harder for salaries twenty times the national average. Besides, we could use some competition amongst those who say they are business leaders. Let's see what sort of leaders they make."
Nodding, he closed the dossier and handed it back to the smiling Secretary of Commerce. He hoped this would maintain income parity in a nation already renown for disparity (it was still legal to support serfs on baronial estates), and also allow employers to squeeze some productivity out of a sluggish economy.
Domestic Statistics
Government Category: Democratic Socialists
Government Priority: Education
Economic Rating: Good
Civil Rights Rating: Some
Political Freedoms: Some
Income Tax Rate: 34%
Major Industry: Basket Weaving
National Animal: Questing Beast
National Currency: Librum
Total Population: 45,000,000
Listeneisse Economic Statistics
Exchange Rate: 2.7867 Librums = $1
Gross Domestic Product: $312,147,111,871.21
GDP Per Capita: $6,936.60
Unemployment Rate: 10.09%
Consumption: $196,465,500,000.00
Government Budget: $128,854,577,250.00
Government Expenditures: $121,123,302,615.00
Goverment Waste: $7,731,274,635.00
Exports: $35,067,085,099.96
Imports: $40,508,775,843.75
Trade Deficit: $5,441,690,743.79
Government Budget Details
Administration: $2,422,466,052.30 2%
Social Welfare: $6,056,165,130.75 5%
Healthcare: $9,689,864,209.20 8% (-1%)
Education: $25,435,893,549.15 21% (-1%)
Religion & Spirituality: $14,534,796,313.80 12%
Defence: $10,901,097,235.35 9% (-1%)
Law & Order: $24,224,660,523.00 20% (-1%)
Commerce: $18,168,495,392.25 15% (+3%)
Public Transport: $6,056,165,130.75 5%
The Environment: $2,422,466,052.30 2%
Social Equality: $0.00 0%
15-09-2005, 20:55
Listeneisse is now a moderately-large state in terms of population. It will be modeled somewhat on England, with about half the population in the bustling metropolitan region of Carbonek (only some in the city of Castle Carbonek itself), the rest spread around the countryside in smaller cities, countryside and islands.
With 45 million people, GDP of $312 Billion, a GDP per capita of about $6,900, unemployment of 10%, and a military budget of about $11 Billion, what nation would this compare closest to?
Columbia is close: population almost 43 million, GDP $281B, GDP per capita of $6,600, unemployment 13.6%. $3.3B military spending.
Ukraine is also close: pop. 47 million. GDP $299B, GDP per capita of $6,300. Official unemployment of 3%, but real unemployment of 9-10%. However, Ukraine's expenditures on the military are only $617 million -- far less.
Militarily, Listeneisse' spending is far greater as a percentage of overall GDP and government budget than these nations.
Spending $11B would put it more in the catagory of a Turkey ($12B) or Brazil ($11B), and ahead of Spain ($9.9B) or Canada ($9.8B).
16-09-2005, 09:23
The entire Royal Audience Chamber was stunned. The new Finance Minister was rather pleased by the reaction.
He repeated the figure again.
"Fourteen thousand... six hundred... fourty seven dollars, and thirty six cents, as measured by the standard dollar."
"Per capita?" asked one of the members of the Privy Council.
"Yes, of course. Per capita."
"What does that equate to in GDP?"
"About $732 Billion."
They boggled at the figure.
Then he told them the new national government revenues: $241 Billion.
It was almost as much as the national GDP used to be.
"We're bringing in that much revenue on a tax rate of 25%? That's..."
"...a tax rate 27% lower than it was before?" the Minister of Finance concluded.
He glimpsed back over his shoulder to scan again the figure he knew was projected there. He was rather proud of it. Then he turned his eyes back to the gathered members of government.
With a smile, he confirmed, "Apparently so."
The King stood.
He laughed.
King Parzival XIV bid the man kneel. Which the man did. The king strode forward and drew his ancient sword.
Though he had been born a commoner, the king dubbed him a knight there and then. "Keep this up, and I shall have to find a barony for you!"
The Finance Minister assured the king he was simply doing his duty for the nation. The King assured him it was appreciated.
Turning down the bemoaning rich workers' plea for unionization had apparently broken the lock that the wealthy had on the economy. Combined with the government's new reforms for small business and the new judicary appointments, the GDP had soared.
Population had risen to 50 million. Unemployment shrank to 6.1%
GDP per capita was higher than it had ever been since the nation engaged the world markets: $14,647.36
Domestic Statistics
Government Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
Government Priority: Education
Economic Rating: Very Strong
Civil Rights Rating: Some
Political Freedoms: Some
Income Tax Rate: 25%
Major Industry: Basket Weaving
National Animal: Questing Beast
National Currency: Librum
Total Population: 50,000,000
Listeneisse Economic Statistics
Exchange Rate: 1.3560 Librums = $1
Gross Domestic Product: $732,368,145,766.72
GDP Per Capita: $14,647.36
Unemployment Rate: 6.10%
Consumption: $517,893,750,000.00
Government Budget: $241,625,055,375.00
Government Expenditures: $227,127,552,052.50
Goverment Waste: $14,497,503,322.50
Exports: $81,415,189,932.97
Imports: $94,068,346,218.75
Trade Deficit: $12,653,156,285.78
Government Budget Details
Administration: $4,542,551,041.05 2%
Social Welfare: $11,356,377,602.63 5%
Healthcare: $18,170,204,164.20 8%
Education: $47,696,785,931.02 21%
Religion & Spirituality: $27,255,306,246.30 12%
Defence: $20,441,479,684.72 9%
Law & Order: $45,425,510,410.50 20%
Commerce: $36,340,408,328.40 16% (+1%)
Public Transport: $11,356,377,602.63 5%
The Environment: $4,542,551,041.05 2%
Social Equality: $0.00 0%
Defense Budget
The MoD had a budget of $20.441 Billion. They gaped. They hadn't quite anticipated that much. They needed to figure out how to allocate it now.
All their calculations would need to be redone. Especially indexing pay scales to the new GDP.
The Army began to press for more support for the individual soldiers. Better communications gear. Kevlar vests, new helmets, and even goggles.
The Navy's plans apparently were being leaked. They had to do with a strategic offshore energy programme.
The Airforce began to wonder if it was time to begin a proper domestic aerospace programme to avoid procuring strategic resources from overseas.
The King gave his permission to spend the dollars as they felt best to ensure Listeneisse's security as a growing regional power.
There was some protests now to drop the compulsory military service. With a nation as big as Listeneisse was now, there were some that said there was no need to keep a large standing army or reserve force.
Right now was not the time to change centuries of tradition. The people needed to keep vigilant in this dangerous world. On the other hand, with the military budget as large as it was now, there was no need to increase it either. The King dismissed the issue and kept the current policy.
16-09-2005, 10:06
Incredible. Yesterday our nation's GDP was about on par with Ukraine (#32 in world) or Columbia (#33). Today we're richer than Taiwan (#19) or Australia (#18) and closing in on Indonesia (#17).
In terms of GDP per capita, we were on par with Panama (#107). Today we moved up to be competetive with Hungary (#62), Slovakia (#63), or Uruguay (#64). We skipped completely past Turkey (#101), Brazil (#92), Mexico (#85), Russia (#82), Saudia Arabia (#73), Poland (#72), and Argentina (#71).
In military spending, Listeneisse surged ahead past Saudi Arabia (#8), India (#9), Australia (#9) and South Korea (#10).
In terms of population, we're now ahead of Ukraine (#27) and South Korea (#26), and not far behind Italy (#25).
All around, a singularly huge lunge forward.
I had been planning to update the TO&E, but I think I need to redo a few things now.
:eek: :D :cool:
16-09-2005, 14:37
I have prepared the TO&E, but I will wait for now. First, I want to wait for the budget cycle to formally pass. Second, it's a major revamping of each service with a lot of equipment.
Lots of surprises in store!
17-09-2005, 00:00
MoD Budget
Personnel: $2.186 Billion (10.7%)
Maintainance: $6.541 Billion (32%)
Procurement: $6.97 Billion (34.1%)
Research & Development: $4.743 Billion (23.2%)
Total Defense Spending: $20.44 Billion
Personnel, All Branches
53,000 Recruits
28,000 Draftees
81,000 Total Active Personnel
500,000 Reserves (approx. 19,000 available on-duty)
581,000 Total Military Personnel
Royal Army of Listeneisse (RAL)
While draft was maintained, a higher percentage of force was now recruits.
Reserves were brought up to 500,000 (1% of population)
Reserve Stipends were increased to $2,000 per annum
Active Reserve forces were formed into an operational Division
New trucks and utility vehicles widespread across regular army and reserves.
New helmets, ballistic faceshields, and tactical vests to improve survivability.
New tactical communications systems in every vehicle and squad for improved command and control coordination; interoperable with Air Force and Navy systems.
60 more Theatre Antiballistic Missiles (now 90 total) and 200 Theatre Defense SAMs (290 total) were added to stockpiles.
35,000 Recruits
24,000 Draftees
59,000 Total Active Personnel
500,000 Army Reserves (approx. 19,000 available on-duty)
559,000 Total Army Personnel
Equipment Totals
484 MBTs (436 Regular + 48 in Reserves)
577 IFVs (524 Regular + 153 in Reserves)
60 Recon Vehicles
12 NBC Recon Vehicles
234 SP Howitzers
72 SP Theatre SAM Launchers
36 SP Tactical (HVT) SAM Launchers
36 SP Tactical SAM Launchers
168 Transport Helos
2,000 Heavy Trucks (2.5T, 5T, 10T)
4,000 Utility Vehicles (4x4)
90 Theater Ballistic Missile Defense SAMs
290 Theater SAM Missles
Order of Battle
Army HQ (3,000 personnel, incl. 12 NBC Recon Vehicles w/ 100 personnel)
1 Mechanized Infantry Division (15,100 personnel, comprised of 3 brigades x 4000 personnel, 1 artillery regiment w/ 2000 personnel, 1 SAM battery w/ 12 SAM launchers, 100 personnel; divisional HQ w/ 1000 personnel; 88 IFVs, 60 MBTs, 18 SP Howitzers per brigade; plus 36 SP Howitzers in arty regmt. 264 IFVs, 180 MBTs, 90 SP Howitzers, 12 SAM launchers total)
1 Mechanized Infantry Reserve Division (19,000 personnel; 153 IFVs, 48 MBTs total)
2 Armored Brigades (5,100 personnel, 36 IFVs, 128 MBTs, 30 Recon Vehicle, 18 SP Howitzers, 12 SAM launchers each; 10,000 personnel, 72 IFVs, 256 MBTs, 60 Recon Vehicles, 36 SP Howitzers, 24 SAM launchers total)
1 Artillery Brigade (6,000 personnel; 72 IFVs; 4 battalions w/ 18 155mm SP Howitzers each, 2 battalions w/ 18 175mm SP Howitzers. 72 155mm SP Howitzers, 36 175mm SP Howitzers total)
1 Armored Cavalry Squadron (1,000 personnel, 42 IFVs armed with ATGMs)
6 Air Mobile Regiments (2,500 personnel, 28 Transport Helos each; 15,000 personnel, 168 Transport Helos total)
1 Light Infantry Brigade (5,500 personnel; 88 IFVs)
3 Theater Defense SAM Battalions (300 personnel, 24 theater defense SP SAM launchers each; 900 personnel, 72 launchers total)
1 Tactical Air Defense Battery (300 personnel, 36 short-range SP SAM launchers)
2 Military Police Battalions (1,000 personnel, 14 IFVs each; 2,000 personnel, 28 IFVs total)
Royal Air Force of Listeneisse (RAFL)
Given control of national military satellite programme; launched 4 military communications satellites (built 1 spare).
Additional fighter squadron with 12 aircraft.
New ground attack squadron with 24 advanced attack helicopters [AH-64D Longbow equivalent]
New Heavy Air Cargo Squadron with 12 ultra-heavy lift aircraft [C-5B equivalent]
Doubled AEW/ECM and AEW/AWACS aircraft in Electronic Warfare Squadron.
New intercontinental-range strategic reconnaissance UAVs [Global Hawk-equivalent] added to Recon Squadrons.
Added 2,000 draftees, mostly in engineering, supply, operations and maintainance roles.
4 advanced flight simulator systems ($100M each) for training.
Still lacking adequate tactical reconnaissance helos (OH-equivalent).
8,000 Recruits
2,000 Draftees
10,000 Active Personnel
Order of Battle
Air Force HQ (1,000 personnel, 4 flight simulators)
Engineering & Supply Battalion (1,200 personnel)
Base Operations Battalion (1,000 personnel)
6 Fighter-Interceptor Squadrons (200 personnel, 12 Fighter-Interceptors each; 1,200 personnel, 72 Fighter-Interceptors [F-15] total)
6 Fighter Squadrons (200 personnel, 12 Fighters each; 1,200 personnel, 72 Fighters [F-16] total)
4 Ground Attack Squadrons (200 personnel, 24 Attack Helicopters each; 800 personnel, 72 Attack Helicopers [AH-64A], 24 advanced Attack Helicopters [AH-64D] total)
1 Heavy Air Cargo Squadron (200 personnel, 12 Heavy Transport Aircraft [C-5B])
1 Heavy Air Cargo Squadron (200 personnel, 12 STOL Heavy Transport Aircraft [C-17])
1 Heavy Air Cargo Squadron (200 personnel, 12 Heavy Transport Aircraft [C-141])
1 Heavy Air Cargo Squadron (200 personnel, 12 Heavy Transport Aircraft each [C-130])
4 Light Air Transport Squadrons (200 personnel, 24 Light Transport Aircraft each; 800 personnel, 96 Light Transport Aircraft)
3 Heavy Transport Helicopter Squadrons (200 personnel, 12 Heavy Transport Helicopters each; 600 personnel, 36 Heavy Transport Helicopters total)
1 Air Refueling Squadron (200 personnel, 6 Air Refueling Tankers)
1 Electronic Warfare Squadron (200 personnel, 8 AEW/ECM Strike Aircraft, 4 AEW/AWACS Control Aircraft)
2 Reconnaisance Squadron (500 personnel, 24 Tactical Recon UAV, 12 Antitank UAV, 4 Strategic Recon/NBC Detection UAV each; 1,000 personnel total; 48 Tactical Recon UAV, 24 Antitank UAV [Predator], 8 Strategic Recon UAV [Global Hawk] total)
Royal Navy of Listeneisse (RNL)
Created Fleet Group, centered around new conventional (non-nuclear) aircraft carrier, destroyers and submarines.
Carrier Air Wing formed, with fighter-interceptors, naval-designed attack helicopters for antiship, ASW and ground strike roles.
Added 2 guided missile destroyers for carrier protection, antiship, ASW and land-strike.
Added requisite fleet support vessels, including submarine tender for "blue-sea" operations (away from coastal bases); forms Support Group.
New Fleet Command HQ controls Fleet Group, Carrier Air Wing and Support Group.
New Coastal Command HQ controls Coastal Defense Group, Royal Naval Air Wing and Marines.
Marine battalion formed for island and coastal defenses.
2 Light Transport Helo and 1 Heavy Transport Helo squadrons formed, mainly for Marine transport.
Marine LAV rely on Navy heavy helos, fleet container vessel, or Air Force aircraft or heavy helo transport for transshipment; no roll-on-roll-off (RORO) or ambhibious vessels available.
Added 2,000 draftees, spread across Marine infantry, engineering, supply, operations and maintainance roles.
New naval surface, air and marine bases being built on islands.
10,000 Recruits
2,000 Draftees
12,000 Active Personnel
Land Based Personnel
Naval HQ Personnel (344 personnel w/ 2 flight simulators)
Fleet Command HQ (200 personnel)
Coastal Command HQ (200 personnel)
Naval Base Operations (2,600 personnel)
Marine Battalion (800 personnel 24 Light Armored Vehicles [LAV-III])
Royal Naval Air Wing
(land-based) 2 Marine Transport Helo Squadrons (200 personnel, 12 Transport Helos [HH-60H] each; 200 personnel, 24 Transport Helos total).
1 Heavy Helicopter Squadron (200 personnel, 6 Heavy ASW/Transport Helos [MH-53E])
1 ASW Helo Squadron (200 personnel, 12 ASW helos [MH-53E]).
1 Air/Sea Rescue Squadron (200 personnel, 6 Air Rescue helos [HH-60H], 1 submarine rescue minisub.)
Fleet Group
1 Carrier (CV) [JFK Class-equivalent] - Crew 3,000 (Ship) + 1,600 (Air Wing, see below) = 4,6000 (Total).
2 Destroyer, Guided Missile (DDG) - 2 ASW helo. Crew 350.
1 Destroyer (DD) - 3,000-ton, gas turbine drive; 30 kt. Armed with SAMs (2 32-cell launchers), SSMs (2 quad long-range, 4 quad medium-range batteries), 1 antisubmarine rocket launcher, 6 torpedo tubes, 1 76mm gun, 2 CIWS. 1 ASW helo. Crew 200.
2 Attack Submarines (SS) - 2,000-ton, diesel-electric drive; 20 kt (submerged), or 12 kt (snorkeling). Capable of launching torpedoes, SSMs (Surface-to-Surface Missles) and SLCMs (Sub-Launched Cruise Missiles); Crew 36.
Coastal Defense Group
4 Corvettes - 1,050-ton, duel gas-diesel drive; 33 kts (gas) or 20 kts (diesel). Armed with SAMs (2 32-cell launchers), SSMs (2 quad long-range, 4 quad medium-range batteries), 6 torpedo tubes and 1 76mm main gun. 1 ASW helo. Crew 72.
10 Light Patrol Boats - 35 ton, diesel drive; 30 kt (max speed), 20 kt (patrol speed). 2 20mm guns, 2 SAM launchers. Crew 6.
2 Minesweeper Coastal (MSC) - 500-ton, diesel drive; 15 kt. 20mm cannon. Crew 45.
Support Group
1 Fleet Training Vessel (FTV) - 3,000-ton, gas turbine drive; 25 kt (max speed), 18 knot (cruise). Armed with SAMs (1 32-cell launchers), SSMs (1 quad long-range, 1 quad medium-range batteries), 1 antisubmarine rocket launcher, 2 torpedo tubes, 1 76mm gun, 1 CIWS. 1 ASW helo. Crew 460.
1 Fleet Container Ship (FCS) - 54,000-ton, diesel drive; 15kt. Unarmed. Crew 26 (civilians).
1 Fleet Oiler - Crew 100 (20 Navy, 80 civilians).
1 Fleet Ammunition Ship - Crew 150 (30 Navy, 120 civilians).
1 Fleet Combat Stores Ship - Crew 160 (30 Navy, 130 civilians).
1 Submarine Tender - Crew 150 (30 Navy, 120 civilians).
1 Royal Yacht (RY) - 450-ton, (details unknown). "HMS Ship of Solomon"
Carrier Air Wing
2 Fighter-Interceptor Squadrons (200 personnel, 12 Fighter-Interceptor each; 400 personnel, 24 Fighter-Interceptors [FA-18F] total)
1 Electronic Warfare Squadron (200 personnel, 8 ECM [EC-6B])
1 Airborne Early Warning Squadron (200 personnel, 4 AEW [E-2C])
1 Attack Helicopter Squadron (200 personnel, 24 Antiship/ASW/Ground Attack Helos [AH-64D Longbow])
1 Light Helicopter Squadron (200 personnel, 6 Light ASW/Transport Helos [HH-60H])
New Personal Equipment - All Branches
The Minister of Defense did not stop at simply getting heavy equipment. Each member of the military was re-outfitted with new combat outfit and everyday uniforms.
Because the military was focusing on survivability of its relatively small force, it invested in new helmets, detachable faceshields made from clear ballistic-proof materials, tactical vests, plus new camoflage BDUs, helmet covers and vest covers for all members of all branches. Even Air Force and Naval personnel were equipped with them.
NBC gear was also purchased. "Throw-away" bio-chemical hazard suit kits were obtained, complete with rolls of duct tape. Antiradiation suits were also purchased and stockpiled.
Sufficient stockpiles were purchased for all regular and reserve forces.
Personal Gear Issued Tactical Vests (Armored)
Tactical Vest Covers: Woodland Camo, Black, White, Urban Grey, Desert Camo, Blue*
Helmet, Ballistic
Detachable Ballistic Riot Faceshield
Helmet Cover: Woodland Camo, Black, White, Urban Grey, Desert Camo, Blue*
Helmet Cover Catseye Bands (x10)
Battle Dress Uniform (BDUs): Woodland Camo, Black, White, Urban Grey, Desert Camo, Blue*
Boots: Black (2 pairs)
Boots: Desert Brown (1 pair)
Day Uniforms (Shirts x2, Pants x2, Undershirts x5, Underpants x5, Socks x5)
Day Shoes
Service Caps/Officers Hats
Dress Uniforms for all branches
Dress Shoes
NBC Radiation Protection Suits
NBC Bio/Chem Protective Suits
* Only 12,000 Blue BDUs, Tactical Vest Covers and Helmet Covers were ordered for Naval Personnel.
Communications Systems
The Air Force was given control of the military communication satellite system.
The Air Force had to first make agreement with a foreign facility to make its launches. So far, Listeneisse did not have a near-equitorial possession, nor any lease on any such facility.
It was the beginning of a global communications systems capability. Four military communications satellites were properly launched. A fifth spare was produced, and was needed for service after a failure in the second launch to obtain proper orbit required its autodestruction.
The MoD was now interested in weather satellite systems. The Air Force would operate the launches. But that would have to come next.
For tactical communications, each squad, detachment, and vehicle across all military branches was given a joint tactical radio system. Personnel radios were purchased on a flat 10:1 ratio for all branches. Every vehicle was equipped. They were all able to interoperate, but cost quite a bit ($127,000 each).
The system was not without its flaws. Command and control structures needed to be redone. Once every infantry squad realized they could call in a carrier strike, many of them wanted to, and some of them even tried during the annual wargames. The generals gave them credit for creativity, but the Navy stayed neutral in the land conflict.
8,000 Vehicular Joint Tactical Radio Systems
58,100 Personnel Joint Tactical Radio Systems
4 Military Communication Satellites (+1 Spare, already deployed), 5 launch vehicle launches (Titan IV-equivalent)
Policy On Telecom Outsourcing
Meanwhile, back in the halls of government, the new pro-business Judiciary decided to strike down some laws they said were hampering business. It might lower the minimum wage, but it was expected to be good overall for the economy.
Considering many in the military, state religion and other branches of government had already pledged to forego salaries for their lifetime, and there were still serfs living in tenure on baronial estates, the King permitted the changes to go through.
Why outsource to 'cheaper' labor overseas if domestic indentured service could be arranged?
17-09-2005, 11:18
The Minister of Finance suggested lowering taxes another four points, down to 21%. It was fully 40% lower than where it had stood once, at a rate of 35%.
The market flourished. The burgeoning economy sparked an influx of population, rising 6 Million to a new census total of 56 Million.
Unemployment dipped to just over 3%, almost a quarter of what it had been at the height of the depression. GDP per capita ballooned to an almost unbelievable $25,076.
The Gross Domestic Product was truly that. A gross figure of $1.4 Trillion.
The Minister of Finance was granted his peerage. He was now Lord Minister, and given a baronial estate. Few could say he did not earn it.
If there was any cloud over his glorious time in the sun, ironically, it was the present UN resolution on solar power ( It threatened the economy with devastating provisions against fossil fuel use.
For now, though, it was time to enjoy some hard-earned Librums. Much to the delight of Listeneisse vacationers looking to spend time overseas, they were finally worth more than the dollar!
Domestic Statistics
Government Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
Government Priority: Education
Economic Rating: Powerhouse
Civil Rights Rating: Some
Political Freedoms: Some
Income Tax Rate: 21%
Major Industry: Basket Weaving
National Animal: Questing Beast
National Currency: Librum
Total Population: 56,000,000
Listeneisse Economic Statistics
Exchange Rate: 1 Librum = $1.2457
Gross Domestic Product: $1,404,306,934,513.30
GDP Per Capita: $25,076.91
Unemployment Rate: 3.07%
Consumption: $1,039,640,000,000.00
Government Budget: $412,552,840,000.00
Government Expenditures: $387,799,669,600.00
Goverment Waste: $24,753,170,400.00
Exports: $155,297,223,613.30
Imports: $178,429,958,700.00
Trade Deficit: $23,132,735,086.70
Government Budget Details
Administration: $7,755,993,392.00 2%
Social Welfare: $19,389,983,480.00 5%
Healthcare: $31,023,973,568.00 8%
Education: $81,437,930,616.00 21%
Religion & Spirituality: $46,535,960,352.00 12%
Defence: $34,901,970,264.00 9%
Law & Order: $77,559,933,920.00 20%
Commerce: $62,047,947,136.00 16%
Public Transport: $19,389,983,480.00 5%
The Environment: $7,755,993,392.00 2%
Social Equality: $0.00 0%
17-09-2005, 11:38
Once again, incredible!
Yesterday we were richer in overall GDP than Taiwan (#19) or Australia (#18) and closing in on Indonesia (#17). Today we raced ahead of Indonesia, and also cruised past South Korea, Spain, Mexico, Canada, and are now just behind Russia (#12). Brazil (#11) is not that far away.
In terms of GDP per capita, we were competitive with Hungary (#62), Slovakia (#63), or Uruguay (#64). Today we zipped past all those, plus the Czech Republic (#59), South Korea (#51), Israel (#46), Greece (#43), New Zealand (#40), Spain (#39), and Brunei (#38). We're now just behind the United Arab Emirates (#35) and Taiwan (#34). Quite a jump from the equivalent of #63 to #36.
In military spending, Listeneisse surged ahead of Saudi Arabia (#8) and is now ahead of Italy (#7), just behind Germany (#6).
In terms of population, we're still just behind Italy (#25).
At this point, Italy seems to be a rather close comparison in terms of population, military spending, and overall GDP.
It's GDP per capita of $27,000 is roughly comparable, too. It's unemployment rate of 8.6% is far higher though.
17-09-2005, 22:26
It was as if the entire nation had gone to the doctors, and cried about the medicine it was going to need, and was given a lolly afterwards for being so brave.
GDP barely dipped when UN Resolution #122, Promotion of Solar Panels (, went into effect.
The initial response of the economy was mild. Taxes went up a bit. Programmes for social welfare and some new public transport proposals (fossil-fuel-powered fleets of busses and new diesel locomotives for rail) were cut back.
The ecology of the nation benefitted immediately. The forests sprang back to their natural lustre. The rivers, which had been seeing terribly high levels of pesticides, were once again clean. Which was odd, since the causes for that came from agribusiness, not the energy industry. Regardless, funding for the environment had risen dramatically, and it was helping the natural resources spring back to life quite vividly.
The GDP per capita dip of $18, to $25,058, was mild to say the least. Especially compared to the doomsaying on the eve of the UN resolution's passage. Unemployment was utterly the same at 3.07%. This once again impressed the monarch with the Lord Minister's financial capabilities. Commerce had hardly been impacted at all.
Further, revenues rose as taxes inched up slightly to 22%. It being a mid-term budget adjustment, the census still stood at 56 Million. Predictions were that it would grow to 62 Millon by the next cycle.
To meet growing energy demands, the Lord Minister of Finance proposed to create a large network of wind turbine farms, both on land and offshore. Wind power had been quietly growing already, and was at 6% of national output presently. The goal of 20% of energy production from wind was readily forseeable given sufficient investment. The King wished it to grow to 30% in time.
The rest of the national power system presently was a mix of coal (45%), natural gas (24%), nuclear (16%), hydroelectric (5%) and other renewables (4%). Because of the nation's somewhat cloudy and rainy weather, solar was still less than 1% of overall power production, but many homes were converting. The majority of other renewables was biomass, especially in the form of waste reduction facilities. Many of the coal plants were older facilities, unable to be upgraded during the era of financial depression.
The country had sufficient coal reserves and offshore oil and natural gas for most of its needs, but was a net importer of energy. There were worries that its resources were vulnerable, especially during the coming decade of uncertainty. While UN nations might be barred in time from fossil fuel use, or even simply reduced to strenuous restrictions placed on use, other nations would not be. Their unfettered consumption might lead some to run out sooner than others. They'd want those offshore resources as their own reserves ran dry.
The Navy had a new role now. Offshore energy protection. Oil rigs (while they were still pumping) and wind turbine farms needed to be kept safe as part of national defense strategy.
Commercial escort was also given a nod. High seas piracy of tankers and armed siezure of oil and gas platforms was possible by voracious nationstates desperate to claim whatever fuel resources they could.
The question was, given the barring of fossil fuels in 10 years' time, how would the Army, Navy or the Air Force propel itself anywhere?
Aside from all this, King Parzival XIV was glad to hear people were referring to his government as "inoffensive" and "centrist". He still had no idea why they called it a "democracy."
Domestic Statistics
Government Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
Government Priority: Education
Economic Rating: Powerhouse
Civil Rights Rating: Some
Political Freedoms: Some
Income Tax Rate: 22%
Major Industry: Basket Weaving
National Animal: Questing Beast
National Currency: Librum
Total Population: 56,000,000
Listeneisse Economic Statistics
Exchange Rate: 1 Librum = $1.2452
Gross Domestic Product: $1,403,254,152,819.53
GDP Per Capita: $25,058.11
Unemployment Rate: 3.07%
Consumption: $1,026,480,000,000.00
Government Budget: $424,923,240,000.00
Government Expenditures: $399,427,845,600.00
Goverment Waste: $25,495,394,400.00
Exports: $155,584,787,919.53
Imports: $178,238,480,700.00
Trade Deficit: $22,653,692,780.47
Government Budget Details
Administration: $7,988,556,912.00 2%
Social Welfare: $15,977,113,824.00 4% (-1%)
Healthcare: $31,954,227,648.00 8%
Education: $79,885,569,120.00 20% (-1%)
Religion & Spirituality: $43,937,063,016.00 11% (-1%)
Defence: $35,948,506,104.00 9%
Law & Order: $75,891,290,664.00 19% (-1%)
Commerce: $63,908,455,296.00 16%
Public Transport: $15,977,113,824.00 4% (-1%)
The Environment: $23,965,670,736.00 6% (+3%)
Social Equality: $0.00 0%
18-09-2005, 11:16
The economy was buoyant. GDP per capita remained steady, at $25,059. Unemployment remained at 3.07% and the tax rate at 22%.
The population grew to 62 Million. Many of them were international refugees from nations once powerful but now dissolved, or from nations where GDP was measured in the hundreds of dollars per annum.
Simply based on the population rise the GDP rose to $1.553 Trillion.
Domestic Statistics
Government Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
Government Priority: Education
Economic Rating: Powerhouse
Civil Rights Rating: Some
Political Freedoms: Some
Income Tax Rate: 22%
Major Industry: Basket Weaving
National Animal: Questing Beast
National Currency: Librum
Total Population: 62,000,000
Listeneisse Economic Statistics
Exchange Rate: 1 Librum = $1.2453
Gross Domestic Product: $1,553,660,795,709.29
GDP Per Capita: $25,059.05
Unemployment Rate: 3.07%
Consumption: $1,136,460,000,000.00
Government Budget: $470,450,730,000.00
Government Expenditures: $442,223,686,200.00
Goverment Waste: $28,227,043,800.00
Exports: $172,312,570,284.29
Imports: $197,335,460,775.00
Trade Deficit: $25,022,890,490.71
Government Budget Details
Administration: $8,844,473,724.00 2%
Social Welfare: $17,688,947,448.00 4%
Healthcare: $35,377,894,896.00 8%
Education: $88,444,737,240.00 20%
Religion & Spirituality: $48,644,605,482.00 11%
Defence: $39,800,131,758.00 9%
Law & Order: $84,022,500,378.00 19%
Commerce: $70,755,789,792.00 16%
Public Transport: $17,688,947,448.00 4%
The Environment: $26,533,421,172.00 6%
Social Equality: $0.00 0%
Aerospace Initiative
The Army and Navy both had their turn for major upgrades. The Royal Airforce (RAFL) now was looking for a strategic review of their capabilities.
First priority was national defense. With the emphasis being placed on the wind power stations, and the Navy having to face two coasts separated by a two-day 1,300 kilometer transit, the most obvious way to make a direct response to any threat was by air. Jets and helicopters, if at the ready, could cover any intercept required in less than an hour.
With the amount of ground strike and heavy airlift capacity required for the success of the Army, more thought was now given to air superiority, SAM and antiaircraft fire surpression and transport escort duties.
Advanced munitions were also considered. Most of the bombs in the stockpile were still simply unguided gravity bombs. Supplies of antitank missiles, guided munitions, and air-to-air-missiles needed to be modernized.
The satellite and missile programmes were nascent and needed to mature. They had launched the first generation of military communications satellite. While successful, it was only the first foray into an overall space-based military infrastructure. Replacement satellites would be needed in time. The Air Force also started conceptualizing and drawing up plans for weather satellites, ground-based mapping and intelligence surveillance systems, a GPS network or even a manned launch into space. It was still too premature for the latter, but it showed the hopes the Air Force had in this area.
What was also identified as lacking was a standing near-equitorial launch and test site. So far launches had been made at foreign facilities. Some of what the RAFL contemplated now needed more privacy, security and sustained base of operations. It was assured to the King that neither nuclear weapons nor offensive Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) were the aim of the Air Force's strategic plans, but indeed developments in light and heavy-lift launch vehicles, if modified, could act in such capacity.
The King was wary of misperceptions that could develop. For now, a lighter lift capacity low-earth-orbit (LEO) launch vehicle programme was all he would contemplate.
A more pragmatic "down to earth" effort was made for airbase expansion and upgrades, refurbishing runways, and creating various satellite tracking and aerospace command ground stations.
The Royal Navy put in a more pragmatic bid for their own UAV and long-range naval reconnaissance and command-and-control programmes for the Royal Naval Air Wing. Aerial survey by transcontinental-capable UAVs and long-range refueling of manned aircraft could replace many common patrol duties of surface vessels, even if they were equipped with helicopters.
They also wished to further develop helicopter deployment tactics for Marine mobility, and considered an amphibious operations ship capable of helicopter operations, roll-on/roll-off (RORO) loading, and support for landing ship tanks (LST). It would mean another carrier-sized vessel.
The main purpose for this would be deployment of Army or Marine units in coastal combat environments. While Listeneisse had no territorial expansion plans, this would be at the heart of deployment into dangerous regions as UN peacekeepers.
A far cheaper alternative was to rely on container vessels to bring heavy equipment to the nearest friendly port or, for faster response, global airlift via major airports to arrive in theatre. Then use a combination of overland or helicopter transport to advance to the area of operations.
The King preferred the latter as more economical. Listeneisse was as yet too small to offer support to areas resistent to peacekeepers. Far larger states in the Warzone of the Defenders or other regions where Listeneisse was responding could make forced invasions and secure bridgeheads via ports and airports. It was referred to as the "coat-tailing" option. It would need to suffice for now.
The military also needed to set aside in their physical plant spending for the installation of solar panels. Innovation contests were developed to reward ideas for cost-effective and energy-efficient solar and other energy initiatives on bases and in the field.
The Army had made only one major plea: military construction and engineering capabilities.
Reinforcement and upgrades of critical roads, highways, and highway bridges. More rolling stock and road transporters for armored force deployment. Mobile bridging and fording engineering capabilities. All this would permit greater force mobility.
Heavy earth moving equipment, cranes, mine clearing and tank recovery vehicles, and other operations and support vehicles would allow the Army to more quickly set up logistics during wartime, protect and recover their assets, and permit greater emergency response during peacetime. It would also help for base construction, allowing the Army to save money rather than contract civilian firms for various construction projects at greater-than-cost. A Construction Battalion, Combat Engineering Battalion, and centralized Vehicle Repair Depot were proposed.
The Army also asked for R&D investment into a mobile NBC decontamination capability. For example, vehicles could get coated with persistent mustard gas or biological toxins. There needed to be a way to neutralize common agents that might coat combat and support vehicles. But this was seen as a "nice-to-have." Listeneisse did not anticipate getting involved in any "dirty wars" for the forseeable future.
Military medical systems were also suggested, but the government traditionally deferred to the national church to provide medical care and operate hospitals. The Archbishop and Prince Kardiez (Commander of the Grail Templars) were consulted to plan improvements for casualty treatment as well as everyday medical care. For now, these would be services provided to the military, but it would remain in the hands of the Church.
18-09-2005, 11:54
Only an incremental advance today, based on the population increase from 56 to 62 million.
For overall GDP, Listeneisse was just behind Russia (#12) and Brazil (#11). It's now passed them both by, and is in range of Italy (#10), France (#9) and the UK (#8).
In terms of GDP per capita, the country remains just behind the United Arab Emirates (#35) and Taiwan (#34). No progress.
In military spending, Listeneisse nudged ahead of Germany (#6) and is not that far behind Britain (#5), France (#4) or Japan (#3).
In terms of population, Listeneisse sailed ahead of Italy (#25), France (#24), UK (#23) and Congo (#22). Looking ahead to its next increase (to 68 Million) it will exceed Thailand (#21) and tie with Iran (#20). Turkey (#19) is just beyond this figure (at 69 million).
While the prior analysis made Listeneisse comparable to Italy, now it is not unreasonable to consider comparisons to France or the UK. It is still a bit below in terms of GDP per capita (France is $28,700, UK is $29,600).
If Listeneisse was a real country, a few days ago it would have qualified for EU membership. As of today, it would now easily qualify for a member of the "G8" (or whatever number of "G" nations there would be now).
19-09-2005, 09:32
No major policy decisions were enacted of late other than adding flouridation to the water supply.
The tax rate remained at 22%. Unemployment was unchanged at 3.07%. GDP per capita was up slighty, rising less thn a dollar to $25,058.95.
The major change had been to the population: now 69 million souls.
It had led to the growth of the GDP to $1.7 Trillion, with a government budget of over $523 Billion. Government waste, as an overall percentage of government budget, remained at 6%. As a percentage of overall GDP, it was 1.82%.
It was one thing the King wished to minimize, as was the trade deficit.
The King dismissed passing a national law on corporal punishment. He felt this was an issue best handled by local and regional customs, not something to be mandated on a national level. Some corporal punishment was indeed not parental punishment, but assault. He wouldn't stand for it. Yet he would not unilaterally jail every parent who cuffed an obnoxious brat. He left it in the hands of individual cases, law enforcement personnel, judges and juries.
Domestic Statistics
Government Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
Government Priority: Education
Economic Rating: Powerhouse
Civil Rights Rating: Some
Political Freedoms: Some
Income Tax Rate: 22%
Major Industry: Basket Weaving
National Animal: Questing Beast
National Currency: Librum
Total Population: 69,000,000
Listeneisse Economic Statistics
Exchange Rate: 1 Librum = $1.2453
Gross Domestic Product: $1,729,067,823,214.13
GDP Per Capita: $25,058.95
Unemployment Rate: 3.07%
Consumption: $1,264,770,000,000.00
Government Budget: $523,566,135,000.00
Government Expenditures: $492,152,166,900.00
Goverment Waste: $31,413,968,100.00
Exports: $191,760,927,176.63
Imports: $219,615,270,862.50
Trade Deficit: $27,854,343,685.87
Government Budget Details
Administration: $9,843,043,338.00 2%
Social Welfare: $19,686,086,676.00 4%
Healthcare: $49,215,216,690.00 10% (+2%)
Education: $98,430,433,380.00 20%
Religion & Spirituality: $54,136,738,359.00 11%
Defence: $44,293,695,021.00 9%
Law & Order: $93,508,911,711.00 19%
Commerce: $73,822,825,035.00 15% (-1%)
Public Transport: $19,686,086,676.00 4%
The Environment: $24,607,608,345.00 5% (-1%)
Social Equality: $0.00 0%
19-09-2005, 09:50
Another incremental advance, based on the population increase from 62 to 69 million.
Overall GDP cruised past Italy (#10), and was closely peered now with France (#9) and the UK (#8).
In terms of GDP per capita, again, no progress. The country remains just behind the United Arab Emirates (#35) and Taiwan (#34).
In military spending, Listeneisse slipped ahead of Britain (#5) and now closely trailed France (#4) and Japan (#3).
Listeneisse's population shot ahead of Iran (#20), and effectively tied with Turkey (#19). Ethiopia (#18) would be passed next. Egypt (#17) and Germany (#16) were the next two coming up, but would take two more population increases to get there.
The closest comparisons remain France or the UK.
It would be quite possible for it to qualify as a nuclear power (though the government is quite against use of WMDs) and for it to further develop a domestic aerospace program.
19-09-2005, 13:24
Royal Army
112,700 personnel (+ 40,000 Reserves)
386 MBTs
575 IFVs
4,000+ APCs
400 Arty
290 Aircraft
Royal Air Force(see list (
48,635 personnel (Mar 2005), 41,000 (by 2008)
60 Tornado GR4 (Ground Strike)
54 Harriers GR7 (Ground Strike)
68 Tornado F3 (Fighter)
6 Sentry (AEW)
17 Nimrod (ASW)
24 Tornado GR4A (Tactical Recon)
5 Canberra Recon
13 Jaguar Tactical Recon
3 Nimrod Electronic Intelligence
26 VC10 or Tristar (Airborne Refueling)
45 Hercules (Transport)
4 C-17 (Heavy Transport)
7 (VIP Transport)
1 (VIP Helo)
34 Chinook (Heavy Transport Helo)
22 Merlin (Medium Transport Helo)
15 Puma (Medium Transport Helo)
1 Gazelle (Observation Helo)
18 Sea King (Heavy Transport, Search/Rescue Helo)
18 Hawk (Training Jets)
Plus many other reserve squadrons, training aircraft, helicopters and gliders.
Royal Navy
37,590 personnel
incl. Royal Marines (Brigade): 4,800 personnel (plus 1,600 personnel from the Royal Navy, Army and RAF)
The full list here: Navy Listings (
Fleet Air Arm
6,200 personnel
200 combat aircraft (incl. Sea Harrier, Merlin ASW, Sea King ASW, Lynx, Gazelle)
50 support/training aircraft
By 2012 and 2015 the RN is supposed to launch its first two full-sized carriers (the CVF), and other combatants. "At present, the government's procurement policy involves 2 CVF and their air groups, 8 Type 45 destroyers, 5 Astute class submarines and perhaps as many as 17 FSCs."
The 65,000 tonne CVF would carry 30 F-35s STOVL (short take-off/vertical landing) Joint Strike Fighters, 4 AEW aircraft, and 6 ASW helos.
It is still small compared to the Nimitz-class CVNs of the US (97,000 - 104,000 tonnes), Enterprise CVN (85,600 tonnes) or even the conventional JFK-class CV (75,000 tonnes).
It would be a bit larger than the conventional Kitty Hawk CV (60,000 tonnes), but it would not initially have the catapult design, relying instead on a ski-ramp for short take off.
19-09-2005, 23:25
The nation was doing well enough for businesses to afford 6 months of maternity leave, the King reasoned. The Minister of Finance was against it, but it was the King's decision, of course.
The King considered, though. Should every woman be guaranteed the right of six month's leave? This was not just a fringe benefit, but a guaranteed right. What if she wished to have six children? What if she wanted to have ten?
Even if it was only one, the issue was a serious one for the economy and for population increases. Should it be burdened by businesses alone? The government was already stretching to keep up with the rate of growth of the nation.
While first in support of the concept, upon rethinking of both the economic and ecological issues at stake, the King decided to dismiss the issue as a national mandate. If employers wished to offer that as a benefit, that was their business decision. At first, he decided not to make it a national universal policy.
Then, upon another glance, he looked at his nation, and wondered whether it was worth more to have children cared for, or to have a larger military. Reversing his thoughts again, he decided to nationalize the system, paying for the maternity leave out of the government budget so that mothers would benefit, and businesses would not have to lose out on revenue.
The Lord Minister of Finance believed it might have an impact on the economy regardless, raising taxes or shifting spending to afford the new system, but it was possible. He did not seem very certain of this course of action, but presented to the King models of how other nations supported this, to learn the good and the bad of the policy and practice.
The King, having two boys of his own (now both old enough to have children of their own), but no living wife to guide his domestic policy, aimed to please the mothers of his nation, and honor the spirit of his beloved departed wife. He hoped it would benefit everyone and help stablize the foundations of family and community for the next generation.
Otherwise, there had been no great statistical change.
Domestic Statistics
Government Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
Government Priority: Education
Economic Rating: Powerhouse
Civil Rights Rating: Some
Political Freedoms: Some
Income Tax Rate: 22%
Major Industry: Basket Weaving
National Animal: Questing Beast
National Currency: Librum
Total Population: 69,000,000
Listeneisse Economic Statistics
Exchange Rate: 1 Librum = $1.2454
Gross Domestic Product: $1,729,343,753,862.00
GDP Per Capita: $25,062.95
Unemployment Rate: 3.07%
Consumption: $1,264,770,000,000.00
Government Budget: $523,566,135,000.00
Government Expenditures: $492,152,166,900.00
Goverment Waste: $31,413,968,100.00
Exports: $192,036,857,824.50
Imports: $219,615,270,862.50
Trade Deficit: $27,578,413,038.00
Government Budget Details
Administration: $9,843,043,338.00 2%
Social Welfare: $19,686,086,676.00 4%
Healthcare: $49,215,216,690.00 10%
Education: $98,430,433,380.00 20%
Religion & Spirituality: $54,136,738,359.00 11%
Defence: $44,293,695,021.00 9%
Law & Order: $93,508,911,711.00 19%
Commerce: $73,822,825,035.00 15%
Public Transport: $19,686,086,676.00 4%
The Environment: $24,607,608,345.00 5%
Social Equality: $0.00 0%
20-09-2005, 08:57
The economic effects to granting maternity leave, or more properly parental leave (because it could be a man who adopted a child that could apply for it) was mild so far. The Lord Minister of Finance said the actual effects would not be expected for some time.
The King lamely jested, "Nine months before the results are due, I presume?"
The population continued to grow, now to 75 million. Taxes rose one point to 23%. Unemployment was unchanged and GDP per capita was relatively unchanged at $25,039.87.
The government modestly shifted spending from education and law enforcement to cover the cost of the maternity leave system in the social welfare budget, but these other sectors remained quite well-funded.
As far as new issues, the King had to deal with the issue of an inheritance tax. From centuries ago, the King and the right to a 'relief' -- a portion of the estate which had been somewhat flat. This meant that during times of economic downturn the relief was a higher percentage of the estate's worth. During a time of plenty, it could be easily afforded.
He considered the children of these new mothers. Surely if anything were to happen to the parents, they would wish for savings to be set aside for their young?
The King decided to update the laws on inheritance, and tried to balance both the inflow of incomes to the state, while leaving intact the basis of the estate for the next-of-kin. Inheritence taxes would help to pay for social programs, such as orphanages, for those who were left with no parents and no estate at all to speak of.
He hoped a moderate policy would be welcomed by his subjects. He was sure there would be extremists on both ends of the spectrum who would be displeased.
Domestic Statistics
Government Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
Government Priority: Education
Economic Rating: Powerhouse
Civil Rights Rating: Some
Political Freedoms: Some
Income Tax Rate: 23%
Major Industry: Basket Weaving
National Animal: Questing Beast
National Currency: Librum
Total Population: 75,000,000
Listeneisse Economic Statistics
Exchange Rate: 1 Librum = $1.2448
Gross Domestic Product: $1,877,990,426,680.76
GDP Per Capita: $25,039.87
Unemployment Rate: 3.07%
Consumption: $1,357,125,000,000.00
Government Budget: $585,661,125,000.00
Government Expenditures: $550,521,457,500.00
Goverment Waste: $35,139,667,500.00
Exports: $208,799,776,368.26
Imports: $238,455,807,187.50
Trade Deficit: $29,656,030,819.24
Government Budget Details
Administration: $11,010,429,150.00 2%
Social Welfare: $38,536,502,025.00 7% (+3%)
Healthcare: $55,052,145,750.00 10%
Education: $104,599,076,925.00 19% (-1%)
Religion & Spirituality: $60,557,360,325.00 11%
Defence: $49,546,931,175.00 9%
Law & Order: $99,093,862,350.00 18% (-1%)
Commerce: $82,578,218,625.00 15%
Public Transport: $22,020,858,300.00 4%
The Environment: $27,526,072,875.00 5%
Social Equality: $0.00 0%
20-09-2005, 09:12
Population increased from 69 to 75 Million.
Overall GDP rose to just ahead of France (#9) and the UK (#8). Germany (#7) would take some time to reach at $2.3 Trillion.
In terms of GDP per capita, still no progress. Listeneisse remains behind the United Arab Emirates (#35) and Taiwan (#34).
Gross shifts of GDP could adversely affect these first two rankings.
In military spending, Listeneisse's budget of $49 Billion cruised past France (#4) and Japan (#3), who spent in the $45 Billion range. In comparison to real world nations, only China (#2) at $67 Billion and the US (#1) at $370 Billion would outspend it.
Listeneisse's 75 Million population surpassed Turkey (#19) and Ethiopia (#18). Egypt (#17) at 77 Million would be passed next. Germany (#16) at 82 Million and Vietnam (#15) at 83 Million were the next two coming up.
The closest comparisons remain France or the UK.
20-09-2005, 09:20
What I'm trying to understand is how a mostly-pacifistic nation which I envisioned would have been around the same size as the English Midlands might grow to such a populous state.
I added on some islands off the coast (the equivalent of the Isle of Man, Anglesey, and other islands in the Irish Sea), which gave them more territory.
Still, I can't help but think they'd have to be a heavily urbanized nation at this point, or seeking out 'virgin territory' to annex or confederate with.
My own region has been geopolitically silent on such matters.
I've left the territories north and south of Listeneisse utterly vague for just such purposes, but I have not decided yet how to explain the merging with another region or expansion into formerly former territories yet.
Ah! I have an idea. I'll have to dig back into Arthurian literature for a bit of reference. Stay tuned!
21-09-2005, 06:28
The inheritance tax reform went through. It was not a repeal, and it was not an entire raping of all their assets. But many of the wealthy saw it as an impinging on their God-given rights to their lucre.
It raised taxed, and the overall government revenues increased, but it degraded the per capita income and overall economy a bit, down almost .2%. The Lord Minister of Finance performed his usual miracles to keep the effects mitigated.
Listeneisse baskets were now growing into quite a hot property overseas. Reed beds on the islands and in the fenlands were now maintained commercially. However, the Lord Minister suggested a more profitable export product should be added to the nation's portfolio.
Meanwhile, someone had discovered how to clone the extinct feathered Questing Beast. Which was quite a miracle, as some people were not even aware there ever had been a feathered Questing Beast species. Yet here was a found inheritance of genetic composition.
Some opined it was not a resurrection of an extinct species, but a genetics mutation new in the laboratory. Regardless, the King was rather curious to see what this might produce, and permitted the research to continue. He warned the consortium that they would be held accountable for their results, but that, if by the grace of God they could bring old life back to the forests of the nation, this would be a wonder he'd like to behold.
Domestic Statistics
Government Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
Government Priority: Education
Economic Rating: Powerhouse
Civil Rights Rating: Some
Political Freedoms: Some
Income Tax Rate: 25%
Major Industry: Basket Weaving
National Animal: Questing Beast
National Currency: Librum
Total Population: 75,000,000
Listeneisse Economic Statistics
Exchange Rate: 1 Librum = $1.2436
Gross Domestic Product: $1,874,392,650,709.60
GDP Per Capita: $24,991.90
Unemployment Rate: 3.08%
Consumption: $1,321,875,000,000.00
Government Budget: $618,796,125,000.00
Government Expenditures: $581,668,357,500.00
Goverment Waste: $37,127,767,500.00
Exports: $208,792,212,897.10
Imports: $237,942,919,687.50
Trade Deficit: $29,150,706,790.40
Government Budget Details
Administration: $17,450,050,725.00 3% (+1%)
Social Welfare: $40,716,785,025.00 7%
Healthcare: $52,350,152,175.00 9% (-1%)
Education: $110,516,987,925.00 19%
Religion & Spirituality: $63,983,519,325.00 11%
Defence: $46,533,468,600.00 8% (-1%)
Law & Order: $104,700,304,350.00 18%
Commerce: $87,250,253,625.00 15%
Public Transport: $23,266,734,300.00 4%
The Environment: $29,083,417,875.00 5%
Social Equality: $0.00 0%
MoD Budget
More air bases were laid down to protect the burdgeoning Western Isles. What had once been idyllic quiet towns and hamlets were now, due to the increased capacity of wind power and a larger ferry fleet, turning into thriving little off-shore communities and even a few metropolitan areas.
The borders north and south were turning increasingly porous with trade. An influx of refugees from failed states was turning Listeneisse into more of a polyglot population.
The MoD was given a bit of a breather. With the rapid growth of the economy and the population, they had been almost stretched to consider where they'd spend their funds next. Now, with funding shifted away to domestic programmes, they had less to spend. They did not worry at all about the mid-cycle adjustment down a few billion dollars. When the new census came out, and the new budget prepared, they were sure they'd have it all back and more.
Then they'd have to figure out how to spend it.
A better national highway system sounded appropriate.
21-09-2005, 10:45
Already the feather-bellied Questing Beast clones were being put forward for scientific application. Someone thought they might hold the cure to cancer.
"It's the feathers!" declared Dr. Thomas Wu, Chief Oncologist of the Listeneisse Cancer Research Center. He wanted to understand why the species had originally died out. They became extinct during the 6th Centery A.D. from a rare form of cancer: feather cancer.
They were able to be cloned and raised by first treating the embryos using various common cancer treatments.
"Did that include bombarding them with radiation?" the King enquired.
Apparently so, but the scientists still dismissed thoughts of this all being a freak genetic mutation.
Each of the feather-covered animals was gloriously baying like thirty-odd hounds in full plummage.
The King was not sure where this was heading, but he had to admit that they were rather colorful creatures. He approved their use for cancer research.
Meanwhile, the population continued to grow, now to 80 Million.
Taxes climbed to 27%, and unemployment inched higher to 3.09%, but GDP per capita was slightly up, to $24,944, though this was still about half a percentage point down from its high of $25,076.
The GDP of the overall economy was now $1.995 Trillion. The government budget was $695 Billion, of which defense spending was $52 Billion.
The Lord High Minister got his desire for another industry to take the lead in the nation's economy. Information technology was now the top sector. Basket weaving (which included the overall textiles industry) and agribusiness were next. The trade deficit was still a concern, but at least now they had a strong card to play in international trade negociations.
The King continued to point out to both the Lord Marshal and Lord Minister of Finance that, if they could find the sources of corruption and eliminate government waste, it could possibly save the nation more than the existing trade deficit. Sober nods and words of assent were shared by other members of privy council.
Domestic Statistics
Government Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
Government Priority: Education
Economic Rating: Powerhouse
Civil Rights Rating: Some
Political Freedoms: Some
Income Tax Rate: 27%
Major Industry: Basket Weaving
National Animal: Questing Beast
National Currency: Librum
Total Population: 80,000,000
Listeneisse Economic Statistics
Exchange Rate: 1 Librum = $1.2424
Gross Domestic Product: $1,995,568,208,636.88
GDP Per Capita: $24,944.60
Unemployment Rate: 3.09%
Consumption: $1,372,400,000,000.00
Government Budget: $695,393,200,000.00
Government Expenditures: $653,669,608,000.00
Goverment Waste: $41,723,592,000.00
Exports: $222,757,301,636.88
Imports: $253,258,701,000.00
Trade Deficit: $30,501,399,363.12
Government Budget Details
Administration: $26,146,784,320.00 4% (+1%)
Social Welfare: $45,756,872,560.00 7%
Healthcare: $58,830,264,720.00 9%
Education: $124,197,225,520.00 19%
Religion & Spirituality: $65,366,960,800.00 10% (-1%)
Defence: $52,293,568,640.00 8%
Law & Order: $117,660,529,440.00 18%
Commerce: $98,050,441,200.00 15%
Public Transport: $26,146,784,320.00 4%
The Environment: $32,683,480,400.00 5%
Social Equality: $0.00 0%
21-09-2005, 10:55
Population increased from 75 to 80 Million.
Overall GDP of $1.995 Trillion is still behind Germany (#7) $2.3 Trillion.
GDP per capita remains steadily behind United Arab Emirates (#35) and Taiwan (#34).
Listeneisse's military budget of $52 Billion lifted it further ahead of France (#4) and Japan (#3), both in the $45 Billion range. China (#2) at $67 Billion and the US (#1) at $370 Billion remain the targets to beat.
Listeneisse's 80 Million population surpassed Egypt (#17) at 77 Million, and now closely trailed Germany (#16) at 82 Million and Vietnam (#15).
The closest comparisons are now Germany or France in terms of size. The UK remains a good model in terms of culture, but it is being eclipsed in scale.
22-09-2005, 02:04
The King heard the off-color comment about corruption conducted in smoke-filled back room deals. He took it quite literally.
"Then we'll make those people uncomfortable from now on."
"Ban smoking."
The Lord Minister of Finance was aghast. He knew precisely the figure that came from revenues off the sin of smoking.
"I don't care," the King informed him. "I find it a filthy habit anyway. If people want, they can still drink themselves to oblivion. Or they can leave the nation if they think it's such a vital issue of personal rights. As of now, I want tobacco products banned. Cigarettes, cigars, even chewing tobacco."
"Treat it as a sign of my displeasure of those that do take part in those 'smoky back room deals.' Let them clearly know that, one day, I'll find the source of the corruption and root it out!"
The Lord Minister tried to put a good face on it, but he expected this would have undesireable consequences to the economy. If, however, it could bring down healthcare costs, there might be a silver lining. They had grown quite large of recent.
The "Testing Beast," as the new cloned creatures were being called, had not yet provided a cure for lung cancer or emphazhema.
Domestic Statistics
Government Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
Government Priority: Education
Economic Rating: Powerhouse
Civil Rights Rating: Some
Political Freedoms: Some
Income Tax Rate: 27%
Major Industry: Basket Weaving
National Animal: Questing Beast
National Currency: Librum
Total Population: 80,000,000
Listeneisse Economic Statistics
Exchange Rate: 1 Librum = $1.2424
Gross Domestic Product: $1,995,568,208,636.88
GDP Per Capita: $24,944.60
Unemployment Rate: 3.09%
Consumption: $1,372,400,000,000.00
Government Budget: $695,393,200,000.00
Government Expenditures: $653,669,608,000.00
Goverment Waste: $41,723,592,000.00
Exports: $222,757,301,636.88
Imports: $253,258,701,000.00
Trade Deficit: $30,501,399,363.12
Government Budget Details
Administration: $26,146,784,320.00 4%
Social Welfare: $45,756,872,560.00 7%
Healthcare: $71,903,656,880.00 11% (+2%)
Education: $117,660,529,440.00 18% (-1%)
Religion & Spirituality: $65,366,960,800.00 10%
Defence: $52,293,568,640.00 8%
Law & Order: $111,123,833,360.00 17% (-1%)
Commerce: $91,513,745,120.00 14% (-1%)
Public Transport: $26,146,784,320.00 4%
The Environment: $32,683,480,400.00 5%
Social Equality: $0.00 0%
22-09-2005, 15:13
Instead of being an "inoffensive centrist" democracy, the King was now being called "moralistic."
"Yes, and I hope they appreciate the moral," he commented to the Lord Minister of Finance, "Look. We eliminated smoking, did not have to raise taxes, and the GDP per capita was effectively flat or slightly higher."
It was true. Taxes were flat. Unemployment rate was the same. The population was now 86 Million souls.
Many of them now seemed to be suffering from a wasting disease, known as the Spon Plague. The King assented to held fund a cure, but stopped short of government subsidies for all drugs.
Domestic Statistics
Government Category: Moralistic Democracy
Government Priority: Education
Economic Rating: Powerhouse
Civil Rights Rating: Some
Political Freedoms: Some
Income Tax Rate: 27%
Major Industry: Basket Weaving
National Animal: Questing Beast
National Currency: Librum
Total Population: 86,000,000
Listeneisse Economic Statistics
Exchange Rate: 1 Librum = $1.2425
Gross Domestic Product: $2,145,481,713,307.89
GDP Per Capita: $24,947.46
Unemployment Rate: 3.09%
Consumption: $1,475,330,000,000.00
Government Budget: $747,547,690,000.00
Government Expenditures: $702,694,828,600.00
Goverment Waste: $44,852,861,400.00
Exports: $239,709,988,282.89
Imports: $272,253,103,575.00
Trade Deficit: $32,543,115,292.11
Government Budget Details
Administration: $28,107,793,144.00 4%
Social Welfare: $49,188,638,002.00 7%
Healthcare: $77,296,431,146.00 11%
Education: $126,485,069,148.00 18%
Religion & Spirituality: $70,269,482,860.00 10%
Defence: $56,215,586,288.00 8%
Law & Order: $119,458,120,862.00 17%
Commerce: $98,377,276,004.00 14%
Public Transport: $28,107,793,144.00 4%
The Environment: $35,134,741,430.00 5%
22-09-2005, 15:28
Population increased from 80 to 86 Million.
Overall GDP of $2.145 Trillion would be considered #8, still behind Germany (#7) $2.3 Trillion. Also, this ranking is a bit misleading, because the CIA Factbook lists "The World" (#1), and "European Union" (#3). Taking out those two entries, Listeneisse would only trail the US, China, Japan, India and Germany, therefore it would be the sixth largest economy in the world.
GDP per capita remains steadily behind United Arab Emirates (#35) and Taiwan (#34). Actually, to be fair, it would be behind Lichtenstein (#37) and the Falkland Islands (#36).
Listeneisse's military budget of $56 Billion inches it closer to China (#2) at $67 Billion. The US (#1) at $370 Billion is a far way off.
Listeneisse's 86 Million population finally surpassed Germany (#16) at 82 Million and Vietnam (#15) at 83 Million. It now trails Vietnam (#14) which has 87 Million.
Germany, in terms of GDP and population, is the closest comparison. Listeneisse is at about $25K GDP per capita, and Germany at $28K. Yet Germany's unemployment rate is over 10%.
22-09-2005, 23:20
The plague cure was coming along well. Many of those afflicted thanked the King for helping fund the end of their misery, and many lives were saved. The King was no longer called "moralizing," but "inoffensive" again.
King Parzival XIV gazed out the window and wondered, "When shall the world simply refer to me as a 'good king'? What do I need to do to be a bit better than simply, 'inoffensive?'"
Labeling standards were implemented across the UN as Resolution #123 ( All packaged food in Listeneisse were now required to have labels translated into Aramaic on the food.
Business leaders boggled, "But Your Majesty, so few actually speak Aramaic outside of formal ceremony!"
The Archbishop protested, "Your Majesty, this is a debasement of our sacred ancestral tongue!"
Regardless of the objections, this was the U.N.'s latest proposal. It passed with a wide margin. Even the Listeneisse UN Delegate had supported it.
A great controversy erupted over whether "Plucked from earth recently" was close enough an approximation to "fresh" for produce. And while that worked for food grown in or on the ground, "butchered recently," was applied to meats. Packagers also took off extraneous marketing phrases, and stated as narrowly as possible what their product was.
Common subjects watched in bemusement as UN inspectors walked up and down the isles of markets looking for offending cheese wrappings and pickle jar labels. Black helicopters swooped in on food packaging plants to ensure that Aramaic labels were being applied properly.
"You'd think they'd be more interested in a true criminals," the people quipped, "Like those taggers!"
The King had heard of the latest fad. "Graffiti artists," they called themselves. Everyone else called them "taggers." The King dismissed the issue confident local law enforcement, as currently funded, would be able to take care of the hooligans.
Between the plague treatments and labeling standards, the economy sat still. It neither shrank now grew. Amazingly, the Lord Minister of Finance found two percentage points of funding for new Health that took nothing away from other branches of government.
The King was quite impressed!
Domestic Statistics
Government Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
Government Priority: Education
Economic Rating: Powerhouse
Civil Rights Rating: Some
Political Freedoms: Some
Income Tax Rate: 27%
Major Industry: Basket Weaving
National Animal: Questing Beast
National Currency: Librum
Total Population: 86,000,000
Listeneisse Economic Statistics
Exchange Rate: 1 Librum = $1.2425
Gross Domestic Product: $2,145,481,713,307.89
GDP Per Capita: $24,947.46
Unemployment Rate: 3.09%
Consumption: $1,475,330,000,000.00
Government Budget: $747,547,690,000.00
Government Expenditures: $702,694,828,600.00
Goverment Waste: $44,852,861,400.00
Exports: $239,709,988,282.89
Imports: $272,253,103,575.00
Trade Deficit: $32,543,115,292.11
Government Budget Details
Administration: $28,107,793,144.00 4%
Social Welfare: $49,188,638,002.00 7%
Healthcare: $91,350,327,718.00 13% (+2%)
Education: $126,485,069,148.00 18%
Religion & Spirituality: $70,269,482,860.00 10%
Defence: $56,215,586,288.00 8%
Law & Order: $119,458,120,862.00 17%
Commerce: $98,377,276,004.00 14%
Public Transport: $28,107,793,144.00 4%
The Environment: $35,134,741,430.00 5%
Social Equality: $0.00 0%
23-09-2005, 09:13
It did not seem that long ago that the country was far smaller. But indeed, they had grown from a population of 6 million to over 93 Million.
Massive influxes of refugees, many from failed states in the International Democratic Union (, were cramping the once quiet cities.
Castle Carbonek was quickly becoming overrun. A metropolitan corridor sprawled and stretched from it to the Isle of Joy down river. The Western Isles, though they were now rapidly growing, could not take on such a massive influx of inhabitants.
Developers demanded rights to build into some of the reserved green belt lands. Some even wanted to build up to the border of the Perilous Forest.
The King was rather leery. He recalled the last time developers wanted to encroach upon the forest there was radioactive slag that took years to clean up and remove. The latest environmental report had declared the ecology once again was "stunning." Did they wish to risk that?
But there were seven million more people to accommodate since the last census alone. Soon the population would hit over 100 million. The cities were becoming too overcrowded.
With a great leeriness, the King signed the royal order to allow additional commercial and residential expansion.
Domestic Statistics
Government Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
Government Priority: Education
Economic Rating: Powerhouse
Civil Rights Rating: Some
Political Freedoms: Some
Income Tax Rate: 27%
Major Industry: Basket Weaving
National Animal: Questing Beast
National Currency: Librum
Total Population: 93,000,000
Listeneisse Economic Statistics
Exchange Rate: 1 Librum = $1.2425
Gross Domestic Product: $2,320,194,576,387.25
GDP Per Capita: $24,948.33
Unemployment Rate: 3.09%
Consumption: $1,595,415,000,000.00
Government Budget: $808,394,595,000.00
Government Expenditures: $759,890,919,300.00
Goverment Waste: $48,503,675,700.00
Exports: $259,301,896,999.75
Imports: $294,413,239,912.50
Trade Deficit: $35,111,342,912.75
Government Budget Details
Administration: $30,395,636,772.00 4%
Social Welfare: $53,192,364,351.00 7%
Healthcare: $98,785,819,509.00 13%
Education: $136,780,365,474.00 18%
Religion & Spirituality: $75,989,091,930.00 10%
Defence: $60,791,273,544.00 8%
Law & Order: $129,181,456,281.00 17%
Commerce: $106,384,728,702.00 14%
Public Transport: $30,395,636,772.00 4%
The Environment: $37,994,545,965.00 5%
Social Equality: $0.00 0%
23-09-2005, 09:29
Population increased from 86 to 93 Million; a rise of 7 million now.
Overall GDP of $2.32 Trillion still ranks Listeneisse #8, just behind Germany (#7) $2.362 Trillion.
GDP per capita is effectively unchanged. This latest policy will likely make a major difference.
Listeneisse's military budget of $60 Billion again brings it closer to China (#2) at $67 Billion.
Listeneisse's 93 Million population surpassed Vietnam (#15) at 83 Million and the Philippines (#14) which has 87 Million. Mexico (#13) is next, with 107 Million.
Germany, in terms of overall GDP and population, remains the closest comparison. However, now will continue to grow past that. Once it does, the only way to compare is to start considering what EU nations, lumped together, equate to Listeneisse. So for instance, "Germany + Czech Republic."
I've wondered how I wanted to expand Listeneisse, and that will be reflected in coming posts. Basically, we will probably have some sort of "United Kingdom/EU" model, where we'll be confederating with nearby states to explain the multi-million person increases in population, and to add areas.
Meanwhile, I'll be on vacation this weekend. First major break from the game since I started. Expect there to be delays when I return. Hope you've enjoyed reading what I've been posting.
26-09-2005, 06:40
The King had decided to invest in naval technology over other branches of military defense spending. There was a new emphasis on protecting the off-shore wind farms and the Western Isles, which were becoming bustling homes to new maritime industries.
Then the economy collapsed when he decided to enact laws to preserve archaological sites recently discovered. Per capita GDP, which had hovered near $25K for so long, suddenly collapsed to just under $15K. Unemployment rose to nearly 6%.
Hadn't it been enough to allow the earth movers to come in and destroy the heritage sites of thousands of years? All the archaologists wanted to do was catalogue the locations before they were forever removed from the world.
No, apparently. Businessmen were so offended that they decided to exacerbate delays by playing games with moving projects overseas. "Costs were too high in Listeneisse anyway." There were other nations without such legal hassles, and where people could be paid a dollar a day, apparently.
It outraged the King. Once again, his people suffered.
And now there were 105 Million of them suffering.
Certain disputes over ancestral lands were brought before him. People began to trot out legal documents that were literally hundreds of years old. Some were over a thousand. Family trees, some in grave doubt as to authenticity, were presented as reasons why one person should have claim over now precious land over another.
The King decided if they wished to trot out centuries-old proofs of their claims, they could resort to centuries-old traditions to maintain those claims. Jousting and duels of honor were now permitted for certain legal disputes of a personal nature. It was supposed to have lawful review and sanction before the parties simply began fighting, but many criminals, smirking at the law, tried to pretend it was an excuse for their own crimes and murders.
Their sense of irony was lost on the King. Anyone caught committing unsanctioned dueling was liable to face assault or murder charges.
The result? People claimed that this 'infringed their rights' and the country was regarded internationally as having 'below average' civil rights now.
The King ruefully considered that only if murder was legal would these sorts of hooligans be satisfied.
The latest issues were even more depressing. Beauty contests? He was being asked to judge the rules of judging beauty contests? He dismissed the issue as utterly unworthy of his attention.
The Lord Minister of Finance coughed politely regarding the speed limit legislation. The King wondered whether this would result in reckless endangerment and higher gas consumption.
Yes, but it might provide some conspicuous consumption of luxury goods. Good for the economy.
Grousing about the fact that the kingdom had a perfectly good mass transit system -- which he recalled quite clearly funding -- the King signed the law to raise the speed limits dramatically.
Domestic Statistics
Government Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
Government Priority: Education
Economic Rating: Very Strong
Civil Rights Rating: Below Average
Political Freedoms: Some
Income Tax Rate: 27%
Major Industry: Basket Weaving
National Animal: Questing Beast
National Currency: Librum
Total Population: 105,000,000
Listeneisse Economic Statistics
Exchange Rate: 1.3414 Librums = $1
Gross Domestic Product: $1,571,595,810,901.40
GDP Per Capita: $14,967.58
Unemployment Rate: 5.97%
Consumption: $1,080,765,000,000.00
Government Budget: $547,622,145,000.00
Government Expenditures: $514,764,816,300.00
Goverment Waste: $32,857,328,700.00
Exports: $175,507,221,638.90
Imports: $199,441,227,037.50
Trade Deficit: $23,934,005,398.60
Government Budget Details
Administration: $15,442,944,489.00 3% (-1%)
Social Welfare: $36,033,537,141.00 7%
Healthcare: $66,919,426,119.00 13%
Education: $102,952,963,260.00 20% (+2%)
Religion & Spirituality: $51,476,481,630.00 10%
Defence: $61,771,777,956.00 12% (+4%)
Law & Order: $66,919,426,119.00 13% (+4%)
Commerce: $72,067,074,282.00 14%
Public Transport: $20,590,592,652.00 4%
The Environment: $15,442,944,489.00 3% (-2%)
Social Equality: $0.00 0%
26-09-2005, 11:03
The Lord Minister of Finance looked a bit sheepish. The economy did not bounce back rosily by making the speed limit higher. Nor did dropping the tax rate a single point do much either. The current policy issue on the table was whether to get better equipment for the state police forces.
The Minister of Defense looked over the table and compared the national budget on law enforcement to his own budget on national defense. Together they comprised a full quarter of the government's annual budget. Did they really need more?
Now the country was up to 112 Million souls.
The King was far more concerned about their economic well-being. They had retrenched again economically, and the King wanted to do something about that. So, no, more police equipment would not solve this problem. He dismissed the issue and asked who had better ideas to bring to the table.
For once, the Lord Minister of Finance did not have an idea ready to hand.
Domestic Statistics
Government Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
Government Priority: Education
Economic Rating: Very Strong
Civil Rights Rating: Below Average
Political Freedoms: Some
Income Tax Rate: 26%
Major Industry: Basket Weaving
National Animal: Questing Beast
National Currency: Librum
Total Population: 112,000,000
Listeneisse Economic Statistics
Exchange Rate: 1.3408 Librums = $1
Gross Domestic Product: $1,678,038,807,576.49
GDP Per Capita: $14,982.49
Unemployment Rate: 5.96%
Consumption: $1,168,608,000,000.00
Government Budget: $569,285,808,000.00
Government Expenditures: $535,128,659,520.00
Goverment Waste: $34,157,148,480.00
Exports: $187,269,230,496.49
Imports: $212,967,082,440.00
Trade Deficit: $25,697,851,943.51
Government Budget Details
Administration: $16,053,859,785.60 3%
Social Welfare: $37,459,006,166.40 7%
Healthcare: $74,918,012,332.80 14% (+1%)
Education: $112,377,018,499.20 21% (+1%)
Religion & Spirituality: $58,864,152,547.20 11% (+1%)
Defence: $69,566,725,737.60 13% (-1%)
Law & Order: $64,215,439,142.40 12% (-1%)
Commerce: $80,269,298,928.00 15% (+1%)
Public Transport: $10,702,573,190.40 2% (-2%)
The Environment: $16,053,859,785.60 3%
Social Equality: $0.00 0%
27-09-2005, 02:20
The economy was still at a rather dull lull. The King wondered what would be required to urge it back to its prior peak, near $25K GDP per capita. People began to blame the influx of refugees: they were being used as unskilled and skilled labor, taking jobs away from other Listeneisse citizens. They did not exactly seem like typical church-goers with their exotic ways.
First it was cannibals; but that had been a domestic-born crisis. Now it was human sacrifice. People tended to turn to odd practices when faced with financial downturns.
The Order of Violet cultists were brought to the King's attention. They were bent on sacrificing others to their goddess. A rather obscure religion, it was definitely foreign to the lands. But new adherents started springing up. He ordered their leaders to be rounded up.
Rather than simply killing them by way of lawful execution (since their goddess might like that, and it might damn their eternal souls to hell), the King decided to try re-education. Perhaps their souls could be saved. There were still a few cannibals being held in prison too. It was worth a shot regardless.
He was sure this latest episode was not helping the economy at all.
Domestic Statistics
Government Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
Government Priority: Education
Economic Rating: Very Strong
Civil Rights Rating: Below Average
Political Freedoms: Some
Income Tax Rate: 26%
Major Industry: Basket Weaving
National Animal: Questing Beast
National Currency: Librum
Total Population: 112,000,000
Listeneisse Economic Statistics
Exchange Rate: 1.3407 Librums = $1
Gross Domestic Product: $1,678,106,263,497.31
GDP Per Capita: $14,983.09
Unemployment Rate: 5.96%
Consumption: $1,168,608,000,000.00
Government Budget: $569,285,808,000.00
Government Expenditures: $535,128,659,520.00
Goverment Waste: $34,157,148,480.00
Exports: $187,336,686,417.31
Imports: $212,967,082,440.00
Trade Deficit: $25,630,396,022.69
Government Budget Details
Administration: $16,053,859,785.60 3%
Social Welfare: $37,459,006,166.40 7%
Healthcare: $74,918,012,332.80 14%
Education: $112,377,018,499.20 21%
Religion & Spirituality: $58,864,152,547.20 11%
Defence: $69,566,725,737.60 13%
Law & Order: $64,215,439,142.40 12%
Commerce: $80,269,298,928.00 15%
Public Transport: $10,702,573,190.40 2%
The Environment: $16,053,859,785.60 3%
Social Equality: $0.00 0%
27-09-2005, 08:31
The GDP per capita slip from $25K to $15K is ludicrously precipitous. But that's what you get when you play NationStates. Regardless, let's see what this does in terms of comparisons to other nations.
Population increased from 93 to 105 Million, then to 112 Million; rises of 8 million and 7 million respectively. This surpassed Mexico (#13), with 106 Million. Japan (#12) with 127 Million and Nigeria (#11) with 128 Million are next.
Overall GDP plummeted back to $1.678 Trillion. Listeneisse slipped back between Italy (#10) and France (#9).
GDP per capita tumbled back to just before Hungary (#62) or Slovakia (#63). We'll have to work to get back to Czech Republic (#59). (Barbados, #60, and New Caledonia, #61, have populations which are just too small to offer any reasonable comparison.)
Even with the drop, because of the shift in government allocation and tax rates, Listeneisse's military budget of $69 Billion now exceeds China (#2) at $67 Billion. Only the United States would outspend it in the real world.
China has a GDP per capita of $5,600, meaning the average subject in Listeneisse has about three times the annual productivity.
At this point, there is no reasonable direct comparison to what Listeneisse is like to any real-world state. Population-wise, it is approaching Mexico, but it is about 50% richer on a GDP per capita basis.
A close approximation might be if the entire Balkan area, along with a few ajoining states were added in, from the Swiss Alps to the Black Sea. Imagine this like a sort of new "Austrian Empire."
Switzerland: 7.5 Million, $33.8K
Austria: 8 Million, $31.3K
Liechtenstein: 34 Thousand, $25K
Greece: 10.6 Million, $21.3K
Slovenia: 2 Million, $19.6K
Czech Republic: 10 Million, $16.8K
Hungary: 10 Million, $14.9K
Slovakia: 5 Million, $14.5K
Croatia: 4.5 Million, $11.2K
Bulgaria: 7.5 Million, $8.2K
Romania: 22 Million, $7.9K
Macedonia: 2 Million, $7.1K
Bosnia and Herzegovina: 4 Million, $6.5K
Albania: 3.5 Million, $4.9K
Serbia and Montenegro: 10.8 Million, $2.4K
Moldova: 4.5 Million, $1.9K
Total Population: 111 Million (approx)
Total GDP: $1.5 Billion (approx)
GDP per capita: $13.7K
This gives us a 'state' of approximately the same aggregate population, overall and per capita GDP. Note how the nations involved range from very rich lands, such as Switzerland, to extremely poor areas, such as Moldova.
I imagine Castle Carbonek is likely the 'very rich' area of the country. Some of the islands should also be (relatively) rich, in the same manner as Greece.
Some of the rest of the country, still suffering the wrack and ruin of deforestation and uranium poisoning. It would be referred to as the Wasteland, a "Moldova-esque" or "Serbia-like" part of the nation. This is not to say there are not beautiful parts of Serbia or Moldova, nor that the country has suffered natural disasters only, but the economic depression is likely lingering in some portions of the country.
Yet there is no reason for Listeneisse to actually be in such a desperate straight any more. Perhaps when the economy truly was depressed some time ago, but for now, the overall economy is healthy enough for the "bottom half" nations above (Bulgaria, Romania, Macedonia, Bosnia, Albania, Serbia and Moldova, representing approx. 48% of the population) to all be brought up to $8.5K GDP per capita.
By doing this, the economic numbers roughly equate to Listeneisse (overall GDP of $1.67 Trillion, and GDP per capita of $14.9K).
So this would be the closest equivalent of what Listeneisse would be like: an Austro-Hungarian (or Swiss-Greco) 'Balkan' empire, with substantial economic improvements across the entire bottom half.
In other words, the Kingdom of Listeneisse is likely to start resembling an empire. Perhaps it has been absorbing other states into its dominions in a mini-EU-type model. Pulling smaller states up to economic minimums, and replacing modes of failed governments with its brand of 'new monarchy.'
27-09-2005, 09:25
ooc: Just as I was speaking of this, the policy issue came up.
"The new regions demand more autonomy," the Minister of the Interior repeated. The room was silent. They all waited for the King to speak.
"Were these not the same regions where We have recently found the Cult of Violets was most ardent?"
"Yes, Your Majesty," replied the Archbishop, even before the Minister of the Interior could open his mouth.
The King nodded once, knowing full well these areas were the heart of the murderous cult. These areas, new to the realm, were where the ancient modes of chivalry and nobility were weakest. Where duels of honor were becoming shameful murders, hollow facsimiles of what such contestations of heart and spirit were meant to be. Champions were supposed to be employed for those who could not fight themselves. Many southerners were using challenges to duels of honor as a means to bully their way into or out of contracts or simply to drive others out of their neighborhood. This was not what the law was purposed for.
He mused on the throne, "Yes, We are sure they would want their independence."
Turning to gaze at the Lord Minister of Finance, the King enquired, "Were these not the same regions that wished to join the Realm to benefit from our national defense, our laws, our educational and health care systems and other social programmes?"
"Yes, Your Majesty."
The King pondered more, then asked obliquely, "What is the estimated government waste standing at these days?"
"Approximately 49.5 Billion Librum," the Lord Minister of Finance replied.
"Suppose we paid a typical government bureaucrat four times the average gross domestic product per capita. How many such persons could we hire if we were able to recoup all those estimated losses to waste?"
The Lord Minister was about to figure it out on scratch paper when an quicker-thinking aide stepped up to whisper the answer in his ear.
"Approximately six hundred and seventeen thousand civil servants, Your Majesty."
The King nodded. "Yes. If we could finally stamp out government waste, we'd have far more money to give to the regions."
Turning to the Minister of the Interior, he posed this question, "Would the regional leaders actually wish more say in how their governments are run, or would they prefer that we simply had less siphoning of their regional incomes to the Royal Treasury?"
The Minister of the Interior listened to the King, for it seemed a rhetorical question. The King in fact continued, having set his mind to a solution already.
"Propose this: We will slash Royal tax rolls, thus leaving more money in the hands of the people. If they wish to raise taxes for services, they can do so. If they wish to leave local taxes at the present rates, then this will simply be a boon. It may bring a rise in the overnall economy, it might mean that each subject had more personal income after taxes, but it might also mean there are less government programmes subsidizing some industry and development on a regional basis."
"We offer to cut the Royal Government, in agreement that the demands of the central state has exceeded the good it was doing for the people. However," the King then lowered his voice into more stern tones, "Let them know this: they joined this Kingdom knowing full well what was required of them in loyalty, fealty, boon and sacrifice. They made treaties, pledges, oaths and sacred vows. They had taken referendums, as a people, to pledge their regions to join the Kingdom of Listeneisse. While We sympathize with the tribulations of all Our subjects, each should soberly regard and reflect on what benefits joining the Kingdom has brought to them. And if they can only see harms, they should each bring those issues before the Crown, confident that a King shall not turn his back on the people. Yet if they harbor their ill feelings in private, or if they fail to take actions to improve their own lot, this is not a proper cause to complain about. Their King keeps an open ear. For their sake, the government shall be cut back to remand revenues to the regions. For now, the issue of autonomy beneath the Crown shall be put aside. We shall act as one people under one King."
The gathered ministers wondered if it would be enough to placate those pushing for semi-autonomy. Especially concerned was the Minister of Defense. If there were troubles in the regions, a smaller police and military force would need to face it.
This could be good for the economy, or very bad. The nation had never faced civil insurrection before. Not even during the days of the terrible depression.
While there had been no outbreak of violence, it was something that private scenarios and wargames began to take into account: civil strife.
Domestic Statistics
Government Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
Government Priority: Education
Economic Rating: Very Strong
Civil Rights Rating: Below Average
Political Freedoms: Some
Income Tax Rate: 27%
Major Industry: Basket Weaving
National Animal: Questing Beast
National Currency: Librum
Total Population: 118,000,000
Listeneisse Economic Statistics
Exchange Rate: 1.3414 Librums = $1
Gross Domestic Product: $1,766,376,320,072.59
GDP Per Capita: $14,969.29
Unemployment Rate: 5.97%
Consumption: $1,214,574,000,000.00
Government Budget: $615,422,982,000.00
Government Expenditures: $578,497,603,080.00
Goverment Waste: $36,925,378,920.00
Exports: $197,438,667,377.59
Imports: $224,133,950,385.00
Trade Deficit: $26,695,283,007.41
Government Budget Details
Administration: $17,354,928,092.40 3%
Social Welfare: $57,849,760,308.00 10% (+3%)
Healthcare: $75,204,688,400.40 13% (-1%)
Education: $121,484,496,646.80 21%
Religion & Spirituality: $57,849,760,308.00 10% (-1%)
Defence: $69,419,712,369.60 12% (-1%)
Law & Order: $63,634,736,338.80 11% (-1%)
Commerce: $80,989,664,431.20 14% (-1%)
Public Transport: $11,569,952,061.60 2%
The Environment: $17,354,928,092.40 3%
Social Equality: $0.00 0%
27-09-2005, 23:43
The government revenues indeed were hacked back, "leaner and fitter," they were saying. The King had a feeling that the long-term effects had yet to take place, but already spending had shifted considerably.
Avoiding the peril of semi-autonomy, the King now heard from people irate that there was child neglect occurring. They wanted to press for 'parental licenses.' However, there were plenty of laws to cover poor parenting and neglect. There was no reason to require people to have a license to have a child. What if they immigrated and came with their children? Would their children then be taken into protective custody until they could 'prove' they were responsible enough to keep them?
"Rubbish," declared the King. He was rather displeased at the Department who proposed the idea to him so much, he decided to cut the funding of the Social Welfare programme, which had grown cancerously large over many budget cycles.
"We do not want this to be construed that We condone or encourage child neglect or abuse. We simply want to put the onus of good parenting where it belongs -- on the parents. If they grossly and flagrantly violate child safety laws, may heaven have mercy on them, because Our judicial system likely will not."
He hoped that the domestic plagues of cannibalism and human sacrifice were sufficiently behind them all that this would not present a noticeable rise in crime perpetrated against the youngest subjects of the Crown. He was content as long as the sprawling bureaucracy could be reined in a little without greatly jeopardizing the state.
While the census did not reflect a change yet, the budget cycle closed with overall and per capita GDP slightly up, and government spending down.
The tax rate was slashed to 22%. The government revenues dropped 12.71% from $615 Billion to $537 Billion.
Government waste was down to $32 Billion, making it only 1.82% of GDP, near the all-time low, though it stubbornly remained 6% of overall government spending.
Unemployment had not shifted greatly yet, but dipped from 5.97% to 5.94%. GDP per capita rose almost half a percent, from $14,969.29 to $15,041.24.
The greatest changes were in the pattern of spending. Spending in administration and the environment were slashed in favor of practically everything else (except for transportation and social equality).
There would be another shoe to drop, all were certain. The question was what sort of thud it would make.
Domestic Statistics
Government Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
Government Priority: Education
Economic Rating: Very Strong
Civil Rights Rating: Below Average
Political Freedoms: Some
Income Tax Rate: 22% (-5%)
Major Industry: Basket Weaving
National Animal: Questing Beast
National Currency: Librum
Total Population: 118,000,000
Listeneisse Economic Statistics
Exchange Rate: 1.3381 Librums = $1
Gross Domestic Product: $1,774,866,833,918.07
GDP Per Capita: $15,041.24
Unemployment Rate: 5.94%
Consumption: $1,297,764,000,000.00
Government Budget: $537,224,382,000.00
Government Expenditures: $504,990,919,080.00
Goverment Waste: $32,233,462,920.00
Exports: $197,456,279,723.07
Imports: $225,344,364,885.00
Trade Deficit: $27,888,085,161.93
Government Budget Details
Administration: $0.00 0% (-3%)
Social Welfare: $55,549,001,098.80 11% (+1%)
Healthcare: $70,698,728,671.20 14% (+1%)
Education: $111,098,002,197.60 22% (+1%)
Religion & Spirituality: $55,549,001,098.80 11% (+1%)
Defence: $65,648,819,480.40 13% (+1%)
Law & Order: $60,598,910,289.60 12% (+1%)
Commerce: $75,748,637,862.00 15% (+1%)
Public Transport: $10,099,818,381.60 2%
The Environment: $10,099,818,381.60 2% (-1%)
Social Equality: $0.00 0%
Ministry of Defense
It was time to reveal the new TO&E. The latest budget was a bit of a disappointment, but there was going to be much to show in the new King's Review of the troops.
28-09-2005, 10:16
This TO&E covers expenditures of the ten budgets passed between 17 Sep 2005 - 26 Sep 2005 inclusive. It solely covers MoD expenditures. Other branches of government, such as the Church of Listeneisse (which supports the Grail Templars), the Lord Constable (who leads the Royal Sherriffs), and the Minister of the Interior (who supports Forestry Service), provide additional security or paramilitary organizations beyond what is described in this TO&E.
Total MoD Budget for past 10 cycles: $568,254,733,648.60
Expenditure Sectors:
Personnel: $69,261,565,692 12.19%
Maintainance: $227,301,893,459 40.00%
Procurement: $206,181,459,033 36.28%
Research & Development: $65,508,960,000 11.53%
Payscales are linked to GDP per capita, so military personnel benefited when the economy rose, and were affected like all the rest when it returned to a lower level.
The Army is the only branch that organizes a reservist force. It is set to 1% of overall population, and can lawfully resort to conscription if the reserve numbers are deficient for current needs. Generally there are enough retired former members of the military to fulfill the needs of the Royal Army Reserves. Recruiters give precedence to those already trained in the military.
The reserve stipend is set to $2,000 per annum for two week's annual service. When the economy was at the high, that was about 8% of GDP per capita; it's now about 13.3% of GDP per capita. Since it only requires 2 weeks of service per year, or about 4% of your year, it provides a pay rate 2-3 times or more higher per day than what a regular draftee would get. Hence in some places, being called up for the reserves is treated more as a lottery ticket than a punishment.
This means on average there are about 43,000 out of the 1.12 Million total reservists actively on duy. Their organization will be detailed below.
Total Forces, All Services
Recruits: 110,000
Draftees: 60,000
Standing Forces: 170,000
Active Reserves (avg.): 43,000
Total Active Forces (Standing + Active Reserves): 213,000
Total Army Reserves: 1,120,000
Total Active Forces plus Reserves: 1,290,000
Royal Army of Listeneisse (RAL)
The Royal Army remains the single largest branch of the military in terms of personnel, especially when the reserve components are added in. Yet they do not have the same 'big ticket items' that the Air Force and Navy can splurge upon. Instead, they lavish equipment upon each soldier, even the reserve component. A more detailed description of the typical Listeneisse combat gear will be shown below.
Recruits: 70,000
Draftees: 52,000
Standing Forces: 122,000
Active Reserves (avg.): 43,000
Total Active Army: 165,000
Royal Army HQ & Assets
Royal Army HQ (3,000 personnel, 12 NBC Recon Vehicles)
Royal Guards Artillery Brigade (6,000 personnel, 72 IFVs, 108 SP 155mm Howitzers)
Motor Pool (3,000 personnel)
Quartermaster & Logistics Corps (2,400 personnel)
Signal Corps (1,000 personnel)
Combat Engineer Battalion (1,000 personnel, 16 Bridgelayers, 50 Robot Mine Clearing Vehicles)
1st Theater Defense SAM Battalion (300 personnel, 24 Theater Defense SAM Launchers)
2nd Theater Defense SAM Battalion (300 personnel, 24 Theater Defense SAM Launchers)
1st Tactical Air Defense Battery (300 personnel, 36 Tactical Defense SAM Launchers)
2nd Tactical Air Defense Battery (300 personnel, 36 Tactical Defense SAM Launchers)
King's Royal Military Police Battalion (1,000 personnel)
Lord Marshal's Military Police Battalion (1,000 personnel)
I Corps - "South Corps"
I Corps HQ (500 personnel)
1st Mechanized Division (15,100 personnel, 180 AFVs, 240 IFVs, 24 IFV/ATGMs, 30 HVATGM Launchers, 90 SP 155mm Howitzers, 12 SP Medium Range SAM Launchers, 12 NBC Recon Vehicles)
3rd Mechanized Division (15,100 personnel, 180 AFVs, 240 IFVs, 24 IFV/ATGMs, 30 HVATGM Launchers, 90 SP 155mm Howitzers, 12 SP Medium Range SAM Launchers, 12 NBC Recon Vehicles)
1st Armored Brigade (5,100 personnel, 120 AFVs, 36 IFVs, 60 HVATGM Launchers, 18 SP 155mm Howitzers, 12 SP Medium Range SAM Launchers, 12 NBC Recon Vehicles)
1st Artillery Brigade (6,000 personnel, 72 IFVs, 108 SP 155mm Howitzers)
1st Field Artillery Regiment (1,500 personnel, 54 SP MLRS)
1st Armored Cavalry Squadron (1,000 personnel, 21 IFVs, 30 HVATGM Launchers)
3rd Theater Defense SAM Battalion (300 personnel, 24 Theater Defense SAM Launchers)
3rd Tactical Air Defense Battery (300 personnel, 36 Tactical Defense SAM Launchers)
II Corps HQ - "East Corps"
II Corps HQ (500 personnel)
2nd Mechanized Division (15,100 personnel, 180 AFVs, 240 IFVs, 24 IFV/ATGMs, 30 HVATGM Launchers, 90 SP 155mm Howitzers, 12 SP Medium Range SAM Launchers, 12 NBC Recon Vehicles)
2nd Armored Brigade (5,100 personnel, 120 AFVs, 36 IFVs, 60 HVATGM Launchers, 18 SP 155mm Howitzers, 12 SP Medium Range SAM Launchers, 12 NBC Recon Vehicles)
2nd Artillery Brigade (6,000 personnel, 72 IFVs, 108 SP 155mm Howitzers)
2nd Field Artillery Regiment (1,500 personnel, 54 SP MLRS)
2nd Armored Cavalry Squadron (1,000 personnel, 21 IFVs, 30 HVATGM Launchers)
4th Theater Defense SAM Battalion (300 personnel, 24 Theater Defense SAM Launchers)
4th Tactical Air Defense Battery (300 personnel, 36 Tactical Defense SAM Launchers)
III Corps - "Reserve Corps"
III Corps HQ (500 personnel)
1st Reserve Division, "Yeomanry" (13,000 personnel, 48 AFVs, 153 IFVs, 240 towed 105mm Howitzers)
2nd Reserve Division (10,000 personnel, 240 towed 105mm Howitzers)
3rd Reserve Division (10,000 personnel, 240 towed 105mm Howitzers)
4th Reserve Division (10,000 personnel, 240 towed 105mm Howitzers)
5th Theater Defense SAM Battalion (300 personnel, 24 Theater Defense SAM Launchers)
5th Tactical Air Defense Battery (300 personnel, 36 Tactical Defense SAM Launchers)
IV Corps - "West Corps" or "the Marchers"
IV Corps HQ (500 personnel)
1st Airmobile Division (10,000 personnel, 112 Tactical Transport Helos [UH-60H], 96 towed 105mm Howitzers)
2nd Airmobile Division (10,000 personnel, 112 Tactical Transport Helos [UH-60H], 96 towed 105mm Howitzers)
Light Infantry Brigade (5,500 personnel, 88 IFVs, 36 towed 105mm howitzers)
6th Theater Defense SAM Battalion (300 personnel, 24 Theater Defense SAM Launchers)
6th Tactical Air Defense Battery (300 personnel, 36 Tactical Defense SAM Launchers)
Royal Air Force of Listeneisse (RAFL)
Recruits: 20,000
Draftees: 4,000
Total Forces: 24,000
Air Force HQ & Assets
Air Force HQ (1,000 personnel)
Engineering & Supply Command (3,000 personnel)
Base Operations Command (2,000 personnel)
Space Command (1,000 personnel)
Communications & Computing Command (1,000 personnel)
Air Force Security Battalion (1,000 personnel)
Air Combat Command
8 Fighter-Interceptor Squadrons (1,600 personnel, 96 Fighter-Interceptors [FA-18F] total)
8 Fighter Squadrons (1,600 personnel, 96 Fighters [F-16] total)
1 Airspace Command Squadron (200 personnel, 6 AEW/AWACS)
Ground Combat Command
3 Ground Attack Squadrons (600 personnel, 72 Ground Attack Helicopters [AH-64] total)
4 Ground Attack Squadrons (800 personnel, 72 Advanced Ground Attack Helicopters [AH-64D Longbow] total)
2 Reconnaisance Squadrons (400 personnel, 48 Recon/Light Strike Helos [OH-58D] total)
7 UAV Ground Attack Squadrons (1,400 personnel, 280 ATGM-armed UAVs [Predator/Hellfire] total)
3 UAV Tactical Reconnaissance Squadrons (600 personnel, 72 Tactical Recon UAVs total)
1 UAV Strategic Reconnaissance Squadron (200 personnel, 12 Strategic Recon UAVs)
1 Electronic Warfare Squadron (200 personnel, 12 ECM Ground Strike Aircraft [EA-6B])
Air Logistics Command
2 Heavy Air Cargo Squadrons (400 personnel, 24 Heavy Air Transports [C-5A] total)
2 Heavy Air Cargo Squadrons (400 personnel, 24 Heavy Air Transports [C-17] total)
3 Air Cargo Squadrons (600 personnel, 36 Heavy Air Transports [C-141] total)
6 Air Cargo Squadrons (1,200 personnel, 72 Heavy Air Transports [C-130] total)
9 Light Air Transport Squadrons (1,800 personnel, 216 Light Air Transports total; mixed single and twin engine, small prop and jet aircraft)
5 Heavy Transport Helicopter Squadrons (1,000 personnel, 60 Heavy Transport Helicopters [CH-53E])
2 Air Refueling Squadrons (400 personnel total, 24 Air Refueling Tankers [KC-135] total)
Training Command
2 Squadrons (400 personnel, 48 propeller trainers total)
2 Squadrons (400 personnel, 48 small passenger jet trainers total)
2 Squadrons (400 personnel, 48 2-seat fighter trainers total)
2 Squadrons (400 personnel, 48 helicopter trainers total)
3 Advanced simulator centers
Royal Navy of Listeneisse (RNL)
Recruits: 20,000
Draftees: 4,000
Total Forces: 24,000
Naval Command
Naval Command HQ (305 personnel)
Base & Logistic Operations (5,000 personnel)
Royal Marines
1st Marine Battalion (1,000 personnel, 48 Wheeled Personnel Carriers [LAV-III], 18 towed 105mm Howitzers, 12 Light Transport Helos [HH-60H], 6 Heavy Transport Helos [MH-53E], 6 Attack Helos [AH-64D Longbow]) - "West Shore"
2nd Marine Battalion (1,000 personnel, 48 Wheeled Personnel Carriers [LAV-III], 18 towed 105mm Howitzers, 12 Light Transport Helos [HH-60H], 6 Heavy Transport Helos [MH-53E], 6 Attack Helos [AH-64D Longbow]) - "East Shore"
3rd Marine Battalion (1,000 personnel, 48 Wheeled Personnel Carriers [LAV-III], 18 towed 105mm Howitzers, 12 Light Transport Helos [HH-60H], 6 Heavy Transport Helos [MH-53E], 6 Attack Helos [AH-64D Longbow]) - "Northern Western Isles"
4th Marine Battalion (1,000 personnel, 48 Wheeled Personnel Carriers [LAV-III], 18 towed 105mm Howitzers, 12 Light Transport Helos [HH-60H], 6 Heavy Transport Helos [MH-53E], 6 Attack Helos [AH-64D Longbow]) - "Southern Western Isles"
Naval Air Wing - land based
3 Fighter-Interceptor Squadrons (600 personnel, 36 Fighter-Interceptors [FA-18F] total; outfitted for carrier, air-to-air, ground strike & antiship operations)
6 ASW Helicopter Squadrons (1,200 personnel, 72 ASW Helos [HH-60H] total)
3 Air/Sea Rescue Squadrons (600 personnel, 36 AirSea Medivac-capable Helos [HH-60H] total)
Carrier Air Wing - aboard the CV Galahad
2 Fighter-Interceptor Squadrons (400 personnel, 24 Fighter-Interceptors [FA-18F] total; outfitted for carrier, air-to-air, ground strike & antiship operations)
1 Airborne Early Warning (AEW) Squadron (200 personnel, 4 AEW Aircraft [E-2C Hawkeye])
1 Airborne ECM Ground Strike Squadron (200 personnel, 8 ECM Ground Strike Aircraft [EA-6B])
1 Naval Air Refueling Squadron (200 personnel, 6 Airborne Refuelers [KA-6D])
1 Naval Attack Squadron (200 personnel, 24 Attack Helos [AH-64D Longbow]; outfitted for ground strike, antiship, and limited air-to-air and ASW roles)
1 Support Helicopter Squadron (400 personnel, 6 Heavy Helos [MH-53E] and 6 Light Helos [HH-60H]; outfittable for transport, airsea rescue, antimine, antiship or ASW roles)
Marine Assault Air Wing - carried aboard the RNL Pellinore
1 Naval Attack Squadron (200 personnel, 8 Naval Attack Helos [AH-64D Longbow]; for ground strike, antiship, and limited air-to-air and ASW roles)
1 Heavy Transport Squadron (200 personnel, 12 Heavy Helos [MH-53E] outfittable for transport, airsea rescue, antimine, antiship or ASW roles.)
1 Light Transport Squadron (200 personnel, 12 Light Helos [HH-60H] outfittable for transport, airsea rescue, antimine, antiship or ASW roles.)
Oceanic Flotilla
1 Aircraft Carrier, Conventional (CV): RNL Galahad. Crew: 3,000, not including Carrier Air Wing (see above).
4 Guided Missile Destroyers (DDG). Crew: 350 (1,400 personnel total).
Marine Assault Flotilla
1 Amphibious Assault Ship (LHD): RNL Pellinore. Crew: 500, not including Marine Assault Air Wing (see above). Also carries 3 Heavy Transport Hovercraft.
2 Amphibious Assault Ship (LPD): RNL Lamorak, RNL Aglovale. Crew: 370 (740 personnel total). Also carries one Heavy Transport Hovercraft.
1 Destroyer, Littoral Bombardment (DDL). Crew: 95.
1 Destroyer (DD). Crew: 200.
5 Heavy Transport Hovercraft (LCAC). Crew: 5 (25 personnel total).
Submarine Flotilla
4 Attack Submarines, Nuclear (SSN). Crew: 113 (452 personnel total).
2 Attack Submarines, Diesel-Electric (SS). Crew: 36 (72 personnel total).
1 Submarine Tender. Crew: 150.
Coastal Defense Flotilla
4 Patrol Cutters (NSC). Crew: 126 (504 personnel total).
4 Corvettes. Crew: 72 (288 personnel total).
12 Patrol Boats ['Armindale' class]. Crew: 21 (252 personnel total).
10 Patrol Boats. Crew: 6 (60 personnel total).
2 Minesweepers, Coastal (MSC). Crew: 45 (90 personnel total).
Naval Logistics Support Group
2 Fleet Container Vessels (FCV) ['Panamax', 4,500 teu, 54,000 dwt]. Crew: 26 (52 personnel total).
2 Fleet Container Vessels (FCV) ['Feeder', 2,600 teu, 32,500 dwt]. Crew: 21 (42 personnel total).
5 Large, Medium-Speed Roll-On/Roll-Off (LMSR) [RO/RO, LO/LO, 62,500 dwt]. Crew: 45 (135 personnel total).
9 Fast Sealift Ships (FSS) [RO/RO 32,300 dwt]. Crew: 42 (378 personnel total).
2 Fleet Oilers. Crew: 100 (200 personnel total).
1 Fleet Ammunition Ship. Crew: 150.
1 Fleet Combat Stores Ship. Crew: 160.
1 Fleet Training Vessel. Crew: 460.
Royal Family Vessels
1 Royal Yacht: RNL Ship of Solomon. Crew: unspecified.
28-09-2005, 10:51
There was now a rash of 'street children.' Rather than accept responsibility for their progeny, the people of Listeneisse were turning their children out to the streets. Perhaps there was something wrong with the children yes, but that did not absolve the parent of their lawful responsibility to raise the child right.
Law enforcement officials began to drop children off at their home again. Fortunately, there was a national database of persons to reunite wayward children with their kin.
If they did not want to live with their kin? They could apply to become monastics if they wanted to. Or join the Forestry Service as a volunteer. Just so long as they were not lazing about harrassing people for their change.
Meanwhile, the rather serious issue of international automobile sales was facing the nation. The King decided to raise tarriffs to protect the nascent national industry. The Lord Minister of Finance tentatively agreed, but it would be up to the world at large to say whether this was the right approach to foreign trade or not. If it was done incorrectly, it could start a trade war or further hammer the delicate economy. The King was especially hopeful this might close the trade gap at last.
So, tarriffs it was.
Domestic Statistics
Government Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
Government Priority: Education
Economic Rating: Very Strong
Civil Rights Rating: Below Average
Political Freedoms: Some
Income Tax Rate: 21% (-1%)
Major Industry: Basket Weaving
National Animal: Questing Beast
National Currency: Librum
Total Population: 125,000,000
Listeneisse Economic Statistics
Exchange Rate: 1.3375 Librums = $1
Gross Domestic Product: $1,881,846,645,122.22
GDP Per Capita: $15,054.77
Unemployment Rate: 5.93%
Consumption: $1,392,375,000,000.00
Government Budget: $552,526,125,000.00
Government Expenditures: $519,374,557,500.00
Goverment Waste: $33,151,567,500.00
Exports: $209,065,782,309.72
Imports: $238,968,694,687.50
Trade Deficit: $29,902,912,377.78
Government Budget Details
Administration: $0.00 0%
Social Welfare: $36,356,219,025.00 7% (-4%)
Healthcare: $72,712,438,050.00 14%
Education: $119,456,148,225.00 23% (+1%)
Religion & Spirituality: $57,131,201,325.00 11%
Defence: $67,518,692,475.00 13%
Law & Order: $62,324,946,900.00 12%
Commerce: $77,906,183,625.00 15%
Public Transport: $10,387,491,150.00 2%
The Environment: $10,387,491,150.00 2%
Social Equality: $0.00 0%
28-09-2005, 11:33
Population increased from 118 Million to 125 Million. Japan (#12) with 127 Million and Nigeria (#11) with 128 Million are just ahead.
Overall GDP expanded again back to $1.881 Trillion. Listeneisse edged out ahead of Italy (#10), France (#9), and the UK (#8) once more.
GDP per capita is still near Hungary (#62) or Slovakia (#63), but we edged out New Caledonia (#61) also. Still need to work to get back on par with Barbados (#60) or Czech Republic (#59).
Our drop in tax rates has nudged Listeneisse's military budget downward (to $67,518,692,475.00), just above China (#2) at $67,490,000,000.
Let's see how we can expand our "Austrian Empire" to keep pace with Listeneisse's growth.
We need 14 Million people adding somewhere between $300 - $400 billion to the economy.
I say we annex Bavaria! It's got 12.4 million people. It's regional GDP is $455 Billion. It's in the zone.
Bavaria: 12.4 Million, $35.9K
Switzerland: 7.5 Million, $33.8K
Austria: 8 Million, $31.3K
Liechtenstein: 34 Thousand, $25K
Greece: 10.6 Million, $21.3K
Slovenia: 2 Million, $19.6K
Czech Republic: 10 Million, $16.8K
Hungary: 10 Million, $14.9K
Slovakia: 5 Million, $14.5K
Croatia: 4.5 Million, $11.2K
Bulgaria: 7.5 Million, $8.2K
Romania: 22 Million, $7.9K
Macedonia: 2 Million, $7.1K
Bosnia and Herzegovina: 4 Million, $6.5K
Albania: 3.5 Million, $4.9K
Serbia and Montenegro: 10.8 Million, $2.4K
Moldova: 4.5 Million, $1.9K
Total Population: 124.3 Million (approx)
Total GDP: $1.9 Trillion (approx)
GDP per capita: $15.9K
However, with this configuration, the other economies in the bottom half are would need to spin back down to their terrible state before to 'even out' Bavaria's powerful economy.
For tonight, let's be patient and see what happens to the Listeneisse auto industry. Hope it's good news!
29-09-2005, 04:49
The repeal of "Solar Panels" before the UN was an ecological tipping point. The lush forests had been losing their grandeur slowly -- which is one reason the King had wished to slow economic development along the edge of the Perilous Forest. Now, with fuel consumption and pollution emissions skyrocketing because of the lack of a speed limit on the nation's motorways, the repeal of clean energy alternatives suddenly led to an almost merry brace of ecological apocalypse.
The King accepted the change, but looked forward to more balanced ecologically-minded developments from the UN to replace the repeal. Apparently, for now, this would have to be managed domestically.
Economically, the country continued to shift its needs as swiftly as possible to wind power production. People thought of the windmill as an encroachment of "natural beauty." Oddly, the people complaining they could not see the horizon due to smog were displeased when, as the smog lifted, the horizon was dotted with wind turbines.
Sea trade was still imbalanced. The King wondered what could be done to stem the economic tide, but so far, no product had been able to stop the foreign trade imbalance. The new tarriffs on foreign imports had been imposed, but had not seemed to stem the tide yet. The Lord Minister of Finance was still on tenterhooks about the issue.
Meanwhile, he privately lauded the repeal of the UN Resolution on Solar Panels, and was cautiously optomistic about the tarriffs.
The tax rate had dropped to 20%. Unemployment was down to 5.79% -- the lowest since the recession hit. GDP per capita rose to $15,394.12.
In the last budget, the GDP grew 6.03%, while the population grew at 5.93%. Meaning the real growth per capita was a fraction of a percentage point.
With the repeal of solar panels and the imposition of tarriffs, the economy ticked up a real 2.25%. Not inconsequential.
Yet the Lord Minister kept his gladness in check before the King. And the Minister of Defense.
Domestic Statistics
Government Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
Government Priority: Education
Economic Rating: Very Strong
Civil Rights Rating: Below Average
Political Freedoms: Some
Income Tax Rate: 20%
Major Industry: Basket Weaving
National Animal: Questing Beast
National Currency: Librum
Total Population: 125,000,000
Listeneisse Economic Statistics
Exchange Rate: 1.3227 Librums = $1
Gross Domestic Product: $1,924,265,503,006.91
GDP Per Capita: $15,394.12
Unemployment Rate: 5.79%
Consumption: $1,440,000,000,000.00
Government Budget: $548,208,000,000.00
Government Expenditures: $515,315,520,000.00
Goverment Waste: $32,892,480,000.00
Exports: $213,364,423,006.91
Imports: $244,414,440,000.00
Trade Deficit: $31,050,016,993.09
Government Budget Details
Administration: $0.00 0%
Social Welfare: $30,918,931,200.00 6% (-1%)
Healthcare: $72,144,172,800.00 14%
Education: $113,369,414,400.00 22% (-1%)
Religion & Spirituality: $56,684,707,200.00 11%
Defence: $66,991,017,600.00 13%
Law & Order: $61,837,862,400.00 12%
Commerce: $92,756,793,600.00 18% (+3%)
Public Transport: $10,306,310,400.00 2%
The Environment: $10,306,310,400.00 2%
Social Equality: $0.00 0%
29-09-2005, 05:25
The MoD budget had once soared to $100B. That had been a one-time blip for an increased Navy, which resulted in the presence of the aircraft carrier, Galahad, the and the new guided missile destroyer escorts. In fact, it had only been three budget cycles since the ship had been laid down. It was innappropriate to as yet call her "RNL" since she had not been commissioned yet. Her crews were still undergoing land-based training and was being readied for commissioning shortly.
The Pellinore, Lamorak and Aglovale were likewise only nearing completion now. They were all laid down during the $40 Billion one-time shift to defense spending.
The fact was clear that it was precisely after this one-time increase in defense spending that the budget had dropped so precipitously. Many had tried to blame the MoD for the economic downturn, saying that the new nuclear submarines had brought economic ruin. Or they tried to say that there was corruption behind the creation of the new fleet.
If there was, it was below the Minister's level. He himself was against the new Navy's size and exposure. Too many aircraft operating off of too many decks with insufficient escort. It would have been better, he argued, had they developed a longer-term strategy towards naval expansion.
They had been given all the money in their father's wallet and told to expend it immediately on some binge running through a candy shoppe.
While the latest defense budget looked to be about $66 Billion, it was still, he considered, far more than they needed.
He far preferred the nuclear attack submarine fleet -- capable of firing cruise missiles -- and land-based aircraft -- for coastal defense and interdiction.
The primary purpose of the carrier and amphibious ships were not to defend the homeland, but for military ventures far away in the world. There were countless scenarios -- ensuring safety of sea lanes, responding to peacekeeping operations, and so forth.
The Royal Marines were driving much of the shaping of the Navy. Though they were only four battalions -- a regiment or brigade-sized force all combined -- they had convinced the Navy to get sufficient assault ships to carry them combat ready to any coastline in the world.
Then on top of that, they had even convinced funding of the "World Police Boats," as he privately liked to call them. A fleet of fast support ships to carry an entire mechanized division, with Roll-on/Roll-off capabilities and perpetually kept ready to sail in four days.
These ships were simple changes from commercial designs, with greater engines for speed. Four were commissioned long before the first amphibious assault ships were ready, and would have been what the Royal Marines used for deployment until the massive naval funding programme went through. Additional ships were purchased thereafter, making a fleet sufficient for a divisional deployment.
3rd Mechanized was designated as first candidate for overseas deployment training. A wargame was conducted which included loading the entire division from the east coast, and then debarking it at 'friendly' ports on the west coast which were first ostensibly held by IV Corps' airborne and light forces deployed in the Perilous Forest.
II Corps and III Corps provided the "opposing forces." This was mostly to test whether IV Corps' 26,600 troops could stand against a superior force of II Corps (with 29,800) and II Corps (with 44,100) with 3:1 odds until 3rd Mechanized Division (15,100) arrived as reinforcements.
The answer was "not precisely."
It became apparent that IV Corps lacked many things, such as anti-armor assets other than massive amounts of personal AT rockets. In a way, this was anticipated, and IV Corps had been granted more Air Force defenses to command the skies. It was also supported in its defense by the vast forest itself.
IV Corps had 'gone to ground' and was using ambushes to fight the heavy forces of II Corps. But the attacking force was able to break a column through to one of the ports of debarkation of 3rd Division, requiring the convoy to head further north and land in an area where it had not anticipated, and where it was further from reinforcing IV Corps.
In due time, the exercise halted with IV Corps resolved to fighting in pockets of resistance against the attacking force, and the attacking force having a bit of a problem finding precisely where they were to squash them out. Meanwhile III Corps, mostly lightly-armed reserves, was having to shore up a line against a counter-attacking 3rd Division in a place far from where they expected.
Though the Navy had called their own operational participation in the wargames a success -- getting the troops to a port 'cleared' by a battalion of Royal Marines -- the Army was not quite convinced yet.
Additionally, five large roll-on/roll-off (RO/RO) lift-on/lift-off (LO/LO) ships were built. Each was capable of carrying a heavy brigade, either of mechanized infantry or armor. They were each built to "panamax" specifications to pass through any canal locks they needed to on their way around the world.
To join it were two equivalent-sized "panamax"-limited container ships, and two smaller "feeder"-sized container ships which would carry all relevant logistical components to accompany debarking forces.
Along with airlift capacity, now the entire I Corps could be carried overseas in a single massive deployment.
A second wargame was conducted, this time pitting all of I Corps and IV Corps, along with the Royal Marines (for a total of 75,500 troops), against II and III Corps (73,900). In this latter scenario, using airlift with pre-planned times for arrival to simulate a far longer round-trip for the aircraft to a remote regional conflict, IV Corps at first suffered the same. However, then 3rd Mechanized Division arrived, and the day after, 1st Division and 1st Armored Brigade. While nominally even in personnel, the situation ended in a strong counter-attack, given the I Corps' preponderance of armored and artillery forces against the relatively lighter opposing force.
The Army generals were impressed. While there had still been many matters to be ironed out the overall capability seemed to be there. MLRS batteries were missing their rockets for an extra day as their containers were being unloaded from the bottom of a stack of a later-arriving support vessel. Conversely, the 1st Armored brigade headed off in a long, strung out column as soon as they rolled off their ship, like knights charging into the fray.
The MoD was still convinced there was insufficient escorts for a convoy of this magnitude. They would need to turn those ships around as soon as they landed to pick up additional logistical materials to keep a corps in the field. And moreover, they needed more access to tankers for petrol. Lots and lots of petrol.
He also cautioned that air power for the port in the exercise was produced by fiat of granting the defending force more air support. It could not be guaranteed in a true regional war. Turning this back around, the RNL now saw the carrier and assault ships as essential to providing whatever air power they needed if there was an unfriendly environment for safe landing.
To give them credit for foresight, there were regional problems brewing in far corners of the world which endangered Listeniesse's access to energy supplies, and even food. There was a need for a strong navy now. That, he was in agreement with.
The King was fascinated. A landlubber drawn to the sea. He clearly wished for Listeneisse to be able to project sizable power on a global basis. He surprised and shocked the Ministers once using the term "SLOC" (Sea Lines of Communication) without prompting or briefing. His Majesty even started using nautical terms in his language, and became personally fascinated by many aspects of commercial shipping and naval defense.
Yet the MoD still had no clear idea which world conflict would require a full corps-sized response from Listeneisse. For nearly two thousand years, the Kingdom of Listeneisse had remained hidden away from the world and avoided trying to solve global problems. Landlocked not geographically, but philosophically. Now, with the globalization of the economy, the Royal Navy had usurped the attention of the King, and filled his head with grand thoughts of crusade.
"World Police Boats," the MoD muttered to himself.
29-09-2005, 12:15
The King had dismissed the issues of bondage and drunk driving as local issues of communal standards.
The population had grown to 130 Million, but the dismissal of issues meant that there was not much change in the pattern of government spending, other than by the rise of the overall GDP and budget.
The King and his Ministers were far more concerned with what was occurring across the southern border in the USSM (, or as some put it, the "state formerly known as the USSM."
Domestic Statistics
Government Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
Government Priority: Education
Economic Rating: Very Strong
Civil Rights Rating: Below Average
Political Freedoms: Some
Income Tax Rate: 20%
Major Industry: Basket Weaving
National Animal: Questing Beast
National Currency: Librum
Total Population: 130,000,000
Listeneisse Economic Statistics
Exchange Rate: 1.3227 Librums = $1
Gross Domestic Product: $2,001,279,256,233.51
GDP Per Capita: $15,394.46
Unemployment Rate: 5.79%
Consumption: $1,497,600,000,000.00
Government Budget: $570,136,320,000.00
Government Expenditures: $535,928,140,800.00
Goverment Waste: $34,208,179,200.00
Exports: $221,942,133,033.51
Imports: $254,191,017,600.00
Trade Deficit: $32,248,884,566.49
Government Budget Details
Administration: $0.00 0%
Social Welfare: $32,155,688,448.00 6%
Healthcare: $75,029,939,712.00 14%
Education: $117,904,190,976.00 22%
Religion & Spirituality: $58,952,095,488.00 11%
Defence: $69,670,658,304.00 13%
Law & Order: $64,311,376,896.00 12%
Commerce: $96,467,065,344.00 18%
Public Transport: $10,718,562,816.00 2%
The Environment: $10,718,562,816.00 2%
Social Equality: $0.00 0%
29-09-2005, 13:21
Population increased from 125 to 130 Million surpassing Japan (#12) with 127 Million and Nigeria (#11) with 128 Million. Russia (#10) is next ahead, with a population of 143 Million.
Overall GDP rose to $2.001 Trillion. It was ahead of the UK (#8) with $1.782 Trillion, but behind Germany (#7) with $2.362 Trillion.
GDP per capita is still near New Caledonia (#61). It would take a major shift ($1,000+) to really move it past any nations above it.
The drop in tax rates but subsequent rise in population has made Listeneisse's military budget dip below ($66.991 Billion) then rise again above ($69.67 Billion) its next closest nation China (#2) (at $67.49 Billion).
We thusly need to add 5 Million people and between $70 - $80 Billion to the economy of our fictional comparative empire.
I thought to grab Saxony next. It has a population of 4.4 Million, and an economy of $91 Billion (making the GDP per capita $20.7K approx). But that would simply raise the average GDP per capita of my fictional comparative empire. So I need to get about 5 million 'poorer' people.
Looking north instead of west, let's consider the voivodships of Poland, particularly Lower Silesian Voivodship (Capital: Wrocław, DS; pop. 2.89 Million) and Opole Voivodship (Opolskie, OP; pop. 1.05 Million), known collectively as "Region V".
Their GDP per capita is 38.3% of the EU average of $26.9K; or approximately $10.3K.
Bavaria: 12.4 Million, $35.9K
Switzerland: 7.5 Million, $33.8K
Austria: 8 Million, $31.3K
Liechtenstein: 34 Thousand, $25K
Greece: 10.6 Million, $21.3K
Slovenia: 2 Million, $19.6K
Czech Republic: 10 Million, $16.8K
Hungary: 10 Million, $14.9K
Slovakia: 5 Million, $14.5K
Croatia: 4.5 Million, $11.2K
Poland, Region V: 4 Million, $10.3K
Bulgaria: 7.5 Million, $8.2K
Romania: 22 Million, $7.9K
Macedonia: 2 Million, $7.1K
Bosnia and Herzegovina: 4 Million, $6.5K
Albania: 3.5 Million, $4.9K
Serbia and Montenegro: 10.8 Million, $2.4K
Moldova: 4.5 Million, $1.9K
Total Population: 128.3 Million (approx)
Total GDP: $2.023 Trillion (approx)
GDP per capita: $15.7K
So this is near in terms of overall population (though a bit shy), rather a fair match in total GDP, and a bit closer in GDP per capita.
From the look of things, I'd need to be annexing more 'Polish-like' territories for some time to come unless my economy changes radically. Maybe I'll come back for Saxony some day!
29-09-2005, 22:50
There was an almost insignificant fluctuation in the exchange rate, but nothing that materially impacted the economy.
Prison overcrowding was becoming a serious issue. The King decided to permit a work-release programme with a national pizza delivery service for minor offenders. They would become drivers, cashiers and cooks. If there was any funny business, they'd end up back in jail. With a repeal of the speed limit, His Majesty wondered how swiftly they'd be able to deliver a warm dinner.
He was personally more concerned with the environment. Once again the Questing Beast was on the brink of extinction. There had to be a way to shift expenditures back to clean energy production and prevent sprawl without harshly impacting social well-being and the economy.
Public transit would help that, he knew. Only if people had reliable mass transit could urban centers handle heavy concentrations of people. Otherwise, they'd spread suburbia as far as their cars would carry them. The issues of renewable energy production, mass transit, and the ecology drove away issues of national defense for a while.
When he returned to the topic, his greatest thoughts remained on the southern border, and the imploded government of the USSM. While they had been building a fleet to carry the Royal Army to regional conflicts around the world, here their neighbor suffered a terrible catastrophe of epic proportions.
He prepared to dispatch more Royal Sherriffs, as well as the military police battalions to work with Grail Templars on the investigation. Meanwhile, many representatives of the USSM separatist regions were trying to seek private audiences. Since they were not on formal embassy from their government, he left them to speak with the Lord Marshal, Foreign Minister, Minister of Cultural Affairs and Lord Minister of Finance for now.
Domestic Statistics
Government Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
Government Priority: Education
Economic Rating: Very Strong
Civil Rights Rating: Below Average
Political Freedoms: Some
Income Tax Rate: 20%
Major Industry: Basket Weaving
National Animal: Questing Beast
National Currency: Librum
Total Population: 130,000,000
Listeneisse Economic Statistics
Exchange Rate: 1.3228 Librums = $1
Gross Domestic Product: $2,001,105,027,301.85
GDP Per Capita: $15,393.12
Unemployment Rate: 5.79%
Consumption: $1,497,600,000,000.00
Government Budget: $570,136,320,000.00
Government Expenditures: $535,928,140,800.00
Goverment Waste: $34,208,179,200.00
Exports: $221,767,904,101.85
Imports: $254,191,017,600.00
Trade Deficit: $32,423,113,498.15
Government Budget Details
Administration: $0.00 0%
Social Welfare: $32,155,688,448.00 6%
Healthcare: $75,029,939,712.00 14%
Education: $117,904,190,976.00 22%
Religion & Spirituality: $58,952,095,488.00 11%
Defence: $69,670,658,304.00 13%
Law & Order: $64,311,376,896.00 12%
Commerce: $96,467,065,344.00 18%
Public Transport: $10,718,562,816.00 2%
The Environment: $10,718,562,816.00 2%
Social Equality: $0.00 0%
The Most Glorious Hack
30-09-2005, 01:11
Daily updates of numbers from 3rd Geek is not necessary and rather spammy. If you have something of note to add, feel free to do so, but simply updating your numbers by a few million isn't going to fly. If you wish to track these numbers, use an offline resource such as Notepad.
Again, if you want to role-play the changes to your nation, you are more than welcome to do so, just make sure you're adding something more than just numerical updates and paraphrasings of your issue choices.
- The Most Glorious Hack
NationStates Game Moderator
30-09-2005, 05:59
Reply posted in Moderation forum.
Moderation ( > Updates of a National Thread (
30-09-2005, 07:47
As per the Moderator's ruling, I'll post future updates to the national policy choices and leading economic indicators out on the WotD Regional Forum, in a Listeneisse Factbook (
I will still be posting occasional TO&E, policy updates, and roleplaying episodes, but I will leave it to be recorded elsewhere more of the raw nuts & bolts, like the budgets and OOC comparisons to RL states.
My apologies for those who took issue with the thread.
OOC comments and feedback can be placed in the Moderator Forum Thread ( for this topic.
06-10-2005, 08:12
Kingdom of Listeneisse Expeditionary Force (KLEF) (
While this is not a complete Order of Battle for the Kingdom, it represents a significant portion of its military strength which can be readily projected overseas by airlift or sealift.