NationStates Jolt Archive

The Eagle Sharpens It's Talons. (Closed. GPE Only)

17-08-2005, 01:34
The victorious Imperial Stellar Navy had returned to Earth Orbit and the Stardocks there for repair and refitting. Many of the ships, such as the Flagship, the HMS Napoleon Bonaparte were getting a cosmetic facelift as well as technical refitting in which the cornucopias of technology given to the Empire by the Seraphim military were being integrated into the ship structure.

Near Mercury, a whole new giant complex of facilities were being errected. From these facilities, the Second Imperial Fleet would be constructed and would be even more modern and more deadly than the first.

Each nation in the Empire was also advised to begin building an Orbital Monitor, the design for which had been commissioned by Napoleon from ZMI. There was one that was under steady construction to be manned by Imperial forces, but only one. The other national monitors should do well.

Imperial forces soon began fabricating a net of ground to space weapons to defend from ortillery attacks. About 50 unbelievably enormous anti-Shipping and Point Defense guns were being errected on the various Imperial Bases around GP Majour and Burgundy. All members of the Empire were also asked to build a similar network of defense upon the plans presented to the Emperor by the Quartermaster General.

In addition, the Imperial SDI system which had been allowed to fall into decay and had become long ago outdated was being refitted, modernized, and expanded to defend against Nuclear attacks and airborne assaults. The net of radar and other detection arrays was being modernized and expanded as well.

More menacingly though, the Emperor had issued a decree establishing "Le Grande Armee" as he referred to it. This was projected to be a 20 million strong force. More Importantly, the entire Imperial Groundforce was going through a revolutionary restructuring process that would hopefully yield the most effective Army on earth.

The gigantic surplus of funds from the Paisley years was now being put to use.

On GPNN, there was a new bumper clip inserted between all of the shows. It showed galons of hot liquid metal being poured into cast iron molds. The steam rose as the molds were doused with water and then opened. First one could see a single golden Imperial Eagle that would go atop a regimental standard...then the camera zoomed out and you could see douzains and douzains in the mold set. Napoleon was on the move again.
24-08-2005, 13:42
Classified, Eyes Only
Subj: Greater Prussian Orbital Defenses

The Greater Prussian Anti-Orbit Defense System is a multi-layer system. On it’s first level, the Empire is protected by the First GPSN Strike Fleet. The GPSN is then backed-up in the mission of protecting Greater Prussia Majeur with a single Monitor-class vessel, whose engines are capable merely of holding it static over GPM. It is incapable of any significant independent motion, and cannot leave Earth, although it is possible to move it to attack or defend other areas on Earth.

In essence, the Monitor-class is heavy, immobile orbital defense fortress equivalent in class if not in statistics with a Sky Marshal-class System Defense vessel. The vessel is armed with 32 heavy anty-ship gauss-cannons, 16 Special Anti-Capital-ship Particle Beam Cannon, 16 Special ACP ERASER cannon, and finally a single Anti-Surface Stategic ERASER cannon -

A general sketch of the Montior (

Point-defense unmarked.

Below that is the Emperor’s Shield Anti-Orbit Defense Network. It is composed of fifty Shield-class Orbital Defense Units, spread out throughout the Empire’s Nations. Each Shield-class defense unit is an ERASER Ground-to-Orbit cannon, combined with twenty-four launch pad’s for Sharkhunter-class medium anti-ship missiles.. A stock of 100 such missiles is kept at every launch site.

A general sketch of the Shield defense unit (

A wide variety of SDI and anti-air defenses employed with every individual Empire nation is also used as the final layer of anti-orbital defenses.

The below is a list of nations in the GPM where Shield units are present or being constructed, together with number and construction status.

Reichskamphen: 10 units are present around the capital.
Derscon: 10 units are present around the capital.
Allanea: 6 units are under construction
Psychotic Psychos: 6 units are under construction
New Sigismund: 6 units are present throughout the nation.
Northrop Grumman: 6 units are present throughout the nation
Jedi Revolutionists: 6 units are present throughout the nation
26-08-2005, 18:14
OOC: Tagificationalizationism.
Pschycotic Pschycos
26-08-2005, 19:12
We also have our own orbital defense platforms. These can be moved about at will, so they will act in supplement to the above mentioned defense system. We have two, and each is outfitted with a lot of lasers.