Thanos Lyco
04-08-2005, 13:51
Attention, to ensure no nations feelings may be hurt the grand emperor has commanded me to attempt to begin relations with other nations, He also commands that i ask your favorite colour
Thanos, Minister for Diplomatic relations, Director of Project World Domination
05-08-2005, 06:49
To Minister for Diplomatic relations of Thanos
In an attempt to improve the relationship between Thanos and Archipelogo more importantly the region of Heilongjiang,
We will comply with your request to find out What my Favourite Colour Is,
The answer to you question is Orange,
As this is Heilongjiangs national colour and all our citizens have great pride for our region,
I hope this will bring you great happiness in knowing my favourite colour,
maybe some time in the future our nations may speak again on more important issues,
From The Emperor of Heilongjiang and the Prime Minister of Archipelogo
05-08-2005, 07:05
“Umm, favorite color?” the Executer asked, sipping her morning coffee, skimming the precious little intelligence available on Thanos Lyco, it was like the nation just appeared overnight…
“That’s right, executer, favorite color….” Replied Director-General Davis
“Uh, well, tell them we’d be willing to open diplomatic relations…and that my favorite color is…umm, silver.” The Executer said, shaking her head, of all the random questions…. this one was about as crazy as the time they’d received a 3x5 index carding simply asking how they said hello. No, she thought, nothing could ever be crazier than that.
“Um, Executer, you told me your favorite color was purple and gold.” Stated Minister Apwar, a token minister in government, relegated to handle the simplest of tasks…and still managed to screw it up. Just this morning he had somehow managed to burn the Executer’s Corn Flakes.
“, those are my favorite colors not favorite color.” She replied, not wanting to take the time to answer him honestly, that she just named off a random color. Hoping the complexity of the answer would shut him up
“But. if those are your favorite colors…wouldn’t you choose one of them as your favorite color?” he persisted.
“Damnit…no, now, shut up and do as I say! Get me my breakfast, and do not cook my toast in the frying pan with the eggs…again!” she shouted, dropping her head into her hands.
Director-General Davis, quietly picked up his PDA and tip-toed out the door…it was going to be another long day...