NationStates Jolt Archive

A Question of Duty (open, fantasy.)

17-07-2005, 21:51
(OOC This is an open rp. I expect decent roleplaying with at LEAST 3 paragraphs for your introduction. At *least*. I want no real cliches, and I have some idea for the plot here. So do not add anything to major to the plot, bring your own backstory, but nothing massive like "I am going to save the world.". Normal people please, or at least ones without backstories which could feed a movie. My thanks.

In addition, I do not want uber powerful characters. I want the lesser experienced here, to midranged. This means no masters of magic, no elite rangers, no divine paladins. I want mistakes =) Any race is allowed, with the exceptions of things like ogres, giants, orcs, vampires, werewolves and such.

This story will be about character progression, and general fun as to what happens. Bring what you like to this story, as it belongs to all of us. I have a few ideas, but it all depends on you folks. If you bring a specialised personality which requires specific elements to progress and be interesting, it could dampen the enjoyment (for example, a lonely warrior who seeks love, or redemption.).

And enjoy! I do hope this goes well!)

"We can rest here. It certainly is not safe Master Volo, so don't go wandering about. Wouldn't want anything happening to you now." The sagely knight said, his armoured arm gesturing to the clearing in the forest. A nod came from the small individual which was under the protection of the honourable yet naive knight, and not another sound. His extremely baggy clothing spilled about his person in a daft manner, contrasting with the Knight's tightly attached plate mail which now shone in the low moonlight. The soft blue metal was lined with words of the code of a knight, written in an ancient language.

The two settled down in the darkness, and put their things about them. Both were worn out from the journey they had been forced to take, more from the mental strain of the decisions and moral judgements they had been driven to take. The Knight had to make less of these judgements, for he was bound to the code, although his loyalties were at arms with one another. The child had different conflicts to consider, his private nature wanting no council from others. He set about his things in a neat and slow manner, whereas the Knight was well practiced in setting up camp. He finished setting up his white woollen sleeping bag along with his personal possession which he had managed to hastily obtain from his quarters before the two had to flee. Many times during the previous events which had led up to this situation had he forgotten how they had gotten away precisely. He presumed that he had done something to get his young Master away in time of the rushing guards of the palace.

"Are you quite alright Master Volo? Anything I can do to assist?" The Knight asked politely and softly to his young charge. The boy shook his head, which had upon it a rather large and ill-fitting straw hat which was threatened with constant risk of being removed by the boy's movements. But it never did, the straw hat remained in place, no matter how fast the boy's head shook.

The honourable man kneeled down, towards the darkness which surrounded them to see if there were any threat within. Not entirely satisfied with it, but content for the moment, he set about creating a small fire as to keep them warm. It was almost midnight, and it was extremely cold within the forest. One could hear the wind through the vast towering trees, and it brought an unnatural chill to one's body.

The boy was now sitting cross legged, his arms deep within the folds of those huge cloth sleeves and his head not visible beneath the peek of his straw hat. He was thinking again, something he did often. The Knight glanced at the boy, and wondered what he was thinking about. Most likely the events of today. Must have been hard on the young boy, he thought. So young, having to do what he just did.

But that boy, although innocent and naive to first appearance, had some strange nature about himself. All was not what it appeared with him, his gestures and motions not that of a child. Although his clothes were ill-fitting, his mistakes childlike, and his rarely spoken voice soft and youthful, his actions and decisions were adult like. He was the height of a small eight year old, like a small gnome. His flood of clumsy peasant clothes were a far cry from what he normally was accustomed to, fine prestigious clothes which a prince deserved. His boots were of wrong size, his belt tightly around his waist to prevent his trousers from falling down, and his thick wool shirt's sleeves came down to his knees. His straw hat was wide and cumbersome, and often prevented anyone from seeing his face. Indeed, the Knight barely knew his features at all.

The Knight was decadent and seemingly rather old. HIs hands bore a slight tremble, and his face was worn with age. However, he did not struggle with the wieght of his armour, nor of his great round shield upon his back. While his face and physical features could have been judged as frail and weak, in truth he was still a potent and competent warrior. He was experienced, and could still handle himself in combat with his birthright, his family blade which hung upon his side. He was the Bodyguard to the young prince, and was wholly bound by honour and duty. He followed the prince into this, fulfilling his oath of protection no matter what the young master did.

And what the Volo had done, was beyond the Knight's knowledge.

"Stephen, did you hear that?" the prince asked, his voice sharp and low. He had heard something within the distance, and his head turned towards it. His straw hat still prevented anyone from seeing his features.

The Knight had not heard anything, but his senses were not they used to be. Regardless of his own senses failing, he trusted the young prince's. They had not failed them yet in this brief escape. Numerous times the Prince had been correct, saving them valuable time or battle. The Knight severely disliked attacking those of his own alliance, but they were enemies of his Master. He was bound by honour and duty to serve and protect, no matter who he faced.

The Knight drew his weapon, the long blade firmly within his hand and his shield now unslung. He was looking for a sign of a threat, his old eyes looking around with speed. The prince did nothing more but listen, his head still downwards. He was still in thought and consideration in the moment.
18-07-2005, 02:50
Collegiate Arcane, Outer Dormitories, Tor Caladonn, Caladonn
The sunlight filtered through the fine white curtains, the long, quartz windowpane normally providing a moderate view of the West Wing of the Collegiate Arcane. Nothing compared to the Archmage's, of course, with his grand quartz walls, looking out on the great harbour, and some said, even beyond, to places the young elf below the window sleeping was not troubling with... yet.

He had jet black hair, and lively emerald eyes, was slender and tall, even for an elf, and who preferred deep-green robes of his own devising to those provided by the Collegiate. The sunlight was finally strong enough not to be ignored, and he arose, stretched, and dressed quickly, pulling on his robes and picking up a shiny new staff in the corner. He prepared to go out the door, when suddenly he stopped, and turned around.

Where are you going? the voice echoed in his mind, but still, like non-telepathic speech, seemed to emanate from one spot: outside the window.

The young elf quickly strode across the room, and cast open the curtains, revealing a very irate falcon, with its feathers puffed out, looking bedraggled and much the worse for wear.

Oh, I'm so sorry! the wizard thought as he opened the window, and the bird flew in pompously but rather comically. The elf stifled a grin, and thought, So sorry I didn't let you in, Aurian. I'll really be more careful next time.

Yes, you had better, thought the large bird crossly as he eyed the wizard with a furious, but slightly amused, eye.

"Well, I'd better be off to class then," the elf said, opening the door.

Aramil, you idiot! Classes ended yesterday! You were officially discharged from the Collegiate Arcane! the falcon thought, coming to rest on his shoulder.

Aramil stood there for a second, then burst out laughing. "Oh yes, I almost forgot," he said between guffaws. "Well, I'm home free now! Where should we go? What adventure and action await us, a newly graduated wizard and his falcon familiar?" His fantasizing was abruptly interrupted by a sharp peck on the ear.

Before you fill your head with that nonsense, you could at least teleport to the city and get some breakfast! All the magical food you've been conjuring lately has been wearing a bit thin, that's why I went out to hunt yesterday and was unceremoniously forgotten!

"Oh, yes, some breakfast!" Aramil rubbed his hands excitedly, ignoring Aurian's rebuke. "It'll give me a chance to try out that new teleportation magic I learned! Well, here we go!"

He stepped into an open space next to the door, and began muttering incantations. Gradually, a circle of silver runes appeared around him, and grew in power until, in a bright light, he disappeared.

However, he was badly shaken from his confident mood when, as the bright light faded, he was confronted not by the bustling agora, but by a silent forest. He looked around bewilderedly, trying to find out how the teleportation mishap had occurred.
Blood Moon Goblins
18-07-2005, 03:40
Squee, amature alchemist and Goblinaut, fiddled with the final design of the latest rocket engine that would theoretically send a Goblin into space. The current space program was not going overly well. The last three rockets had ended in disaster when all of their various stages had exploded at once. This was technically what they were supposed to do, but the current theory was that, because it was made by Goblins, it wouldnt DO what it was supposed to.
Scratching the back of his 'Actually, I am a rocket alchemist' T-shirt, Squee stood up and walked over to the cabnet that held all his tools and chemicals, it was rather empty at the moment because of the party last week in which a bottle of vodka had impacted on it, detonating most of the explosives inside and generaly causing the party to break up. The day had ened well though, because Squee managed to find out that his neighbor actually WAS female, an important first step in any Goblin relationship.
Reaching in, he enountered lots of broken glass and one unbroken bottle. It turned out to be the vodka bottle. The lid had come off and there were only a few drops left. Squee shrugged and downed them, then threw the bottle into the device recently introduced into Blood Moon as a 'Garbage can', the function of the 'Can', normally garbage was piled on the floor and shoved into a corner when it wasnt needed, or simply eaten, but the idea was sound. After all, if all the garbage was in one place, it would be easier to rummage in.
Squee was fairly average for a Goblin, even his name was average, since roughly 3/4 of the population of Blood Moon was named "Squee". He was roughly three and a half feet tall, weighed about eighty pounds, and had a large nose, large ears, and large eyes. He was a bit muscular for a Goblin, and a bit more intelligent as well. He could even speak passable English if the fancy took him.
Right now there was other buisness though, right now he was attempting to work a rocket that would not explode and kill everybody around it. So he was trying to design a rocket that WOULD explode and kill everybody around it.
The mind of a Goblin is complicated and not exactly sane by the standard measurements, but it does produce some very impressive pyrotechnics.

Modern Goblins okay? I wont bring anything modern with me for the RP, since most Goblins prefer black-powder weapons, bows and swords/axes to modern assault rifles.
It might be interesting, playing out the bit where everybody has to come to terms with non-evil greenskins :P)
18-07-2005, 07:30
(OOC Both characters seem fine. I like the idea of your goblin Blood Moon, and I know where Squee is from =). But I hasten to add that please do not overbear this thread with gizmos and humour, it is rather serious. But I do welcome the odd explosion and crazy device, so long as it is not completely over-the-top. Just strike a decent balance.

Personally, I suggest that your goblin is broke, and needs cash to fund these devices. That way, he does not use them that often in combat (the more potent ones at least, blackpowder is fine), and he has a reason to work with a group or at least hunt for cash.

I will post myself in short time, currently I have work to go to. I will post, and thanks to you two people joining. =)
18-07-2005, 08:15
(Hope you don't mind me joining in, I'm hoping to add a new character to my line-up, one that would be of great importance to my future developments. I'll keep it simple, as to not ruin anything. Hope you don't mind reptilians. Race pic avaliable.)

The Past. Such a nasty thing at times. Usual as it was, David Zeus believed it had its faults. Past occurances and unchangable decisions led him to see that not everything was right in this world, especially when one can't imagine what decisions would have led him down another path. It was hard not to think about for him, harder to comprehend that most of what he was came about because of his past. He thought about changing many things, wanting to. Yet always, in every situation, he somehow knew everything would turn out for the better.

How he knew this, he did not know. All he could do to explain this was believe that something Higher guided him most of the time. To David, it felt as if every decision was towards something greater, and that every feeling of guidence was towards something of purpose. He could only explain this as destiny, someone keeping him on the right track, to fulfill something greater.

But, that didn't matter much now. Zeus had finally, as he felt, came to a point of reflection, of peace. He gazed up at the clear night sky with interest, keeping himself occupied as he sat alone in the grass fields. He would lay back eventually, with a heavy sigh. A feeling that his thoughts need not rage kept his mind at calm. Right now, he only wanted to concentrate on the clear sky, the beautiful stars.

David Zeus was young, to his people. Only 18 summers ago had he been born, and remembering back it had been a long and hard journey. His 5' 10" figure was the result of his blood, a slow grower who would eventually be as tall as his fellow brethren. He was of the Komodren, a race of reptiles spanning back many ages. His tail rested peacefully below him as he gazed upward, seeing a shooting star or two along the way, the cool earth beneath him comforting to his skin.

He had his own land, his own house. Nothing too special but a four-acre lot and a one story dwelling. No one lived with him, and the occasional neighbor or soldier stopped by for a chat. He payed his dues to his government, and in return his government provide. His life was like many, nothing too special nor great. But unlike many, he knew that he would be unsettled one day and look for higher things.

Tonight was the sixth night of a seven day week. Tomorrow perhaps he would venture to speak with a few people, perhaps even visit the nearby temple for worship. Right now, however, he thought no farther than that, for his gaze remained on the stars, until he heard his wooden gate open with a thumming of wood locks against wood. This didn't startle him in the highest, it was the weekend afterall. Even at night many came to visit, many came to talk. It was customary, and as such all conversation was welcome.

With a happy sigh he sat up, his reptilian head to the side as his eye looked into the dimly-lit darkness. Seeing the figure at first confused him, as it looked nothing Komodren. However, as the figure came closer, he saw it was a soldier. And, a wave was seen, suggesting no business was meaningful for the night. Knowing this, David stood to be respectful to his honorable brethren, his head nodding in greetings as he soldier came close enough to notice.

"Lovely night, isn't it," came a familiar voice from the soldiers suit.

"Indeed," came Zeus's response, "I am honored to have you tonight. What brings you here?"

The soldier took his helment off, and David immedietly reconized him as Joseph Vlag, an old friend whom joined the military long before.

"Greetings Vlag," David greeted with a happy hissed tone, "I am glad to see you once more."

"Indeed," responded Joseph, "it has been some time."

(Hope that was good)
18-07-2005, 15:55
OOC: Your welcome :) But thanks for making this RP. I think it'll turn out well.

IC: Somewhere in an Unkown Forest
Aramil gazed in astonishment at the scenery surrounding him. His subconcious mind, used to classifications and the like, began to tell him that this was a deciduous forest in a temperate climate, but suddenly, it was interrupted by a sharp peck on the ear. Look what you've gotten yourself into! Aurian thought with an angry squawk. Now we're in the middle of nowhere, with who knows what lurking around, and to confound it all, I still don't have any breakfast! To show his displeasure, the falcon flew off Aramil's shoulder and alighted in a tree branch, gazing reprovingly at the wizard.

I'm sorry! It's not my fault! Well, it is my fault, but I'm sure you can find something to eat, and I'm fine with magical food at the moment! Besides, this is an adventure, like I was wishing for this morning! Admittedly, we were catapulted into it a little too soon, but this means we'll get to prove ourselves that much sooner! Aramil thought.

The falcon's expression softened slightly. Oh, Oh well, he thought. Well, you go try and find someone to get us out of this Isha-forsaken forest, and I'll find someone to eat. See you later. Aurian flew off through the trees, winging away in search of a tasty morsel.

Aramil shook his head, and trudged off in a random direction, materialising a transparent shield around him just in case. His shield magic was his pride and joy, although he was also good at elemental magics, and reasonable at enchantments. As for teleportation... Well, he just needed some more work.

The wizard thought he saw a clearing up ahead, and approached cautiously, in a way only elves can.
Dancing Penguin
18-07-2005, 16:08
The trees were horrible things, their blood thirsty limbs striking at the girl's already raw skin as she raced through the dark woods. Behind her, she could hear the relentless sound of hounds clawing through the underbrush. A root caught the girl's foot, as they always do, and sent her earthward. Before she hit, though, a hand roughly grabbed her shoulder. The girl looked back, unable to make out the owner.

"Hey, what have you gotten yourself into?" The voice was obviously female. The girl smiled, revealing a loaf of bread.

"We had to eat something." She shrugged and the woman shook her head.

"If you don't get us killed, it won't be for lack of trying..." The light of a lantern suddenly caught them in its glare. The smaller girl had dark skin, tanned from days toiling under the sun. She was dressed in ragged clothes that almost, but not quite, fit over her scared frame. She was armed with the whip of her former master and the dagger which had taken said master’s life. The larger girl had much lighter skin, pale to almost an albino degree. Her athletic frame supported a pair of large swords crossed at her back.

“Over here!” The lantern holder shouted, and the two girls ran, hounds baying at their heels.
18-07-2005, 19:01
(OOC That will do for the characters. No more characters at the moment. Remember everyone, please do not try and force the roleplay into something it is not. Pengiuns, your story best flow into our own...instead of changing the whole thing. If it does not, I am going to be forced to remove you. Just a warning here. To everyone else, it seems fine. If you can find a way into this roleplay, carry on.

And Anagonia, when you do come into the rp, make it subtle. Don't crash in. I am going to have Caladonn come to my character's attention first, seeing as he the best to do so, and one of the first to post in this thread. Just go with the flow, and wait for an opportunity to enter fully.

And just a question Caladonn, and I right that your character's familiar, the bird, speaks telepathically? So no other character can hear it speak? Or am I wrong?)

The Prince remained seated upon a thick bed of woollen material, his head still not visible to the eleven mage who approached. The boy Prince knew that someone was indeed approaching, but said nothing to the Knight. The Knight remained on guard, scanning the darkness around them. His eyes held the effects of old age, and fatigue. He had no helmet upon his head, and his features appeared to have once been handsome. Now, in his later years of life, his head bore many shadows of concern and stress. It contrasted greatly with the unnatural calm the small child had.

Stephen held his blade tightly to his chest, ready to react to a charge of some sort. His shield was held tightly within his left hand, the dull material of his near ancient shield reflecting little light. The piece of armour had considerable amounts of dents and marks upon the surface, although it still looked a piece of armour which could protect one's life. It was obviously something the Knight kept close to him at all times, as it bore the same unique crest that he had upon his chest plate. Three hammers striking down upon a shield.

"Whoever walks the night come forward!" The Knight proclaimed, although it sounded less strong as he would like. His voice wavered slightly, not out of fear, but out of the natural fluctuation of an aging voice. It sounded slightly senile. His blade was pointed in the wrong direction of the elf, for the Prince had not told him where he was.

The Prince, however, had turned his head precisely to where the elf approached from. If the elf had looked at the small figure, he would have felt his eyes upon him. Even behind that thick straw hat that he wore. It felt eerie indeed...unnatural.
18-07-2005, 20:36
OOC: Yes, they do speak telepathically, although when Aramil is talking to the falcon, he usually doesn't use telepathy. When I do the telepathy, it's in italics,but without the "quotation marks". Other magically attuned characters can hear it, unless Aramil conciously blocks them.

IC: On the Edge of a Clearing In an Unkown Forest
Aramil approached inperceptibly slowly, his feet making almost no noise on the soft turf of the ground. However, when he leaned out ever so slightly to look into the clearing, he gave a start- and gasped. Sitting in the clearing, looking directly at him, as he could tell despite his hat, was a young boy. His clothing was so big that Aramil almost laughed, but something about the boy suggested an unfathomableness almost unkown in humans, something... unnatural. Even in someone who was surely even young for a human, when Aramil was even older than the grey-haired knight beside the boy, the boy seemed to have something odd about him, very odd indeed.

But Aramil did not have long to contemplated these things, for surely the knight had heard him gasp, and despite Aramil's extensive training and longing for adventure, he did not wish to fight an experienced warrior, not now at least. So he stepped forward, although with his shield still strong, and said, "Um... Hello. How are you? I seem to be a bit lost..."
18-07-2005, 21:25
(OOC The boys' eyes are not visible. They are blocked by the hat. =) )

The Knight did not know what to do in this situation. He still had his blade raised, ready to fend off an attack from this elven mage. For he obviously was a mage, from the way he carried himself and his robes. Few clerics wore robes in these times, and fewer had an arcane shield about themselves. Yes, this elf was most definately a mage. The Knight knew that much, even without an sense of detecting the arcane.

Stephen glanced back at the young Prince, seeing if he was safe or not. Satisfied with the boy being secure, he spoke slowly towards the mage. His tone was defensive, and doubted the mage's first words.

"A mage? Lost? Since when do mages get lost? You are most likely an assassin! Keep back, before I strike you down!" The Knight growled, his loyality and steadfastness towards the Prince's protection was proven in his words. His prejudice towards mages was obvious, both from his past experiance, upbringing and a little grain of truth. Mages tended not to get lost, or seek assistance. Well, the mages that Stephen was used to.

The Knight looked as if he could at least prove some of his words, but somehow he did not look as if he could overpower a mage. His sword was steady within his hand now, his stance practiced and ready to move the blade to quickly gut the mage. Certainly, he would get in a few swings of his sword before a spell could be cast. And if the warrior was fortunate, and the mage ill-fated, that was all he would need.

The Prince seemed to make the idea of fighting the Knight even less appealing. Both the fact that the Knight was protecting a small child, and the eerie manner in which the boy conducted himself and appeared to be, made the fight less logical to partake in. If it was just the steadfast Knight, one could consider it better. But words were better devices to cure this situation of hostility.
18-07-2005, 22:28
OOC: Oh, I see, edited. And you don't need to drop me hints about not attacking you; I wasn't going to anyway =)

IC: Aramil was startled. He assessed the knight. The man was obviously a seasoned fighter, with defensive armour, and a sharp blade, not to mention the unnerving boy. He thought he could fend off the knight if he attacked, but moved quickly to forestall that. "Umm... Well, the truth is, not many mages get lost... but I, well, I don't really have the knack for teleportation just yet, I recently graduated from the academy. I'm certainly not an assassin." He managed to gather his dignity by the last pronouncement, and a bolt of fire flared up in his hand, just to make sure the knight wouldn't try anything. He glanced at the boy, wondering why they were out in the wilderness.
Blood Moon Goblins
18-07-2005, 22:58
Dont worry, Goblins only use tech when they have to, mostly they specialize in quick-fixes, explosives and combining the two previously listed specializations.
Humour, on the other hand, is bound to happen around Goblins. Its one of those Things. Ill make it serious humour though. ;)
As to arrival, I have an idea :)

BTW, if I stop posting its because my computer crapped out, its a 1996 Compaq that has trouble running Age of Empires, the original.)

Squee grimaced, reminding himself that this was all his fault originaly.
King Ironbiter the Second looked upon the Space Program as a big lump of Goblins who built shiney toys. What did it matter that they were about to send their design specialist into space, or, more likely, Hell?
Apparently it didnt.
And that left Squee sitting on top of a giant firecracker preparing to be launched, hopefully, into space. It was a better design that usual, apparently somebody had designed a rocket to send somebody into space, rather than blow them up. That was alright by the person riding the thing.
The rocket itself was of the usual (well...sort of) Goblin design. It was big, and cobbled together from whatever was at hand when the builders had got the plans. The general idea was that if you filled the bottom bit with explosives and set them off, it would launch the top bit into space and possibly not kill the pilot.
The top bit contained a small engine to steer on the way down. Steering in space was acomplished by sheer willpower, apparently.
Without warning, Squee was thrown against the back of his seat, several gravities of force shoving him into the padding of a careworn carseat. Behind him the remnants of the lower part of the rocket fell away and the streamlined upper portion rocketed up on a ballistic path, leaving a black trail behind it.
It was tough to determine exactly how high he got, apparently the altimeter was a balloon on the outside of the rocket, he had been told that if he got into space the balloon would pop. Right now part of the balloon was plastered on the windshield as a film of melted plastic. The other part had been adopted by a seagull as nesting material.

About ten minutes into the flight, the rocket began to level out. Squee was apparently quite high, he could make out the curveature of the Earth, and Blood Moon was out of sight, lost below some clouds or over the horizon. Regardless, Squee had no idea where to land the rocket. Clearly the middle of an ocean would not be a good idea.
There was a relativly flat looking area a ways away, maybe he could land there...

Another twenty or so minutes (the chronometer had wound down and Squee couldnt find the key) later, Squee was reconsidering. A forest of some kind was clearly visible now, but there was little choice, he couldnt redirect the rocket to a clearer spot, so the forest would have to do.
Squee checked his survival pack, lots of sharp objects which he wished wouldnt be flying around the cabin shortly, and strapped himself into the carseat again. It was well reinforced, designed to take such landings. It was rather expected.

A further then minutes later, Squee had a serious headachce. Fortunatly most of the survival pack and vacated the rocket on landing, spreading out into the trees nearby. Squee himself was held firmly by the chair.
For now the Goblin was fairly unconcious, a large yellowish bruise on his forhead showing where the chronometer had hit him.
Most of the rockets fuel had burned up, so there were few fires, but a long swath of forest was fairly well torn up and the rocket had left a thirty yard long ditch in its last moments, before falling apart and spreading throughout the woods.

I realize that this sort of flies in the face of what you told Anagonia...well, it kinda contradicts it in most ways...but this IS subtle for a Goblin :P)
Dancing Penguin
19-07-2005, 02:17
ooc: I'll try not to make this into something its not... I'm confused however, how do my characters threaten your story?
"They're gaining on us!" The younger girl snaked through the trees with increasing speed. The older girl, however, was having more trouble navigating the thick woods.

"Come on, Daim, pick up the pace," The younger girl, Mejo, called to her partner.

"Damn you, Mejo, it gonna take a miracle to get us out of this!" Suddenly, their miracle came. Something fairly large and trailing flame thundered though the forest, snapping branches and trees alike. To Mejo and Daim it looked like a falling star. To their pursuers, however...

"It's the Devil! He has returned to walk the Earth! Run for your lives!" As the lanterns bobbed off into the distance, Mejo smiled.

"Lucky break." Daim just stood, dumbfounded, the scattered fires sending shadows dancing across her pale frame. The two picked their way down the path the thing had left. As they reached the remains of the cockpit, Daim was once more reduced to staring.

"What in Hell is this thing?"

"Broken." Mejo examined the wreckage, unfazed, as if this sort of thing was perfectly natural to her. She soon found Squee bound to his chair. "Hey, something alive was in this!"

Together, Mejo and Daim carefully removed the unconscious goblin from his seat and set him on the ground. Mejo poked him.

"Hey! You alive?"
19-07-2005, 17:29
And Anagonia, when you do come into the rp, make it subtle. Don't crash in. I am going to have Caladonn come to my character's attention first, seeing as he the best to do so, and one of the first to post in this thread. Just go with the flow, and wait for an opportunity to enter fully.

I'll do my best not to make it too fast. I'm planning on keeping David in line of his plot for now, just going about his life. I should mention that there IS some technology in this, however for the reasons of fantasy I have placed David Zeus in a town with a few vehicles, spaceships, and the like. I will only explore areas of technology if you allow, and I will only go into it if you see fit.

Sorry I couldn't post earlier, headin hom from near Atlanta and all, typing from the Library and stuff so forgive me.


Joseph Vlag and David Zeus had gone into David's house after a little chat outside. It was a unclaimed tradition to celebrate a friends safe return from his travels with a drink and a night of laughs, it was something Zeus had been looking forward to for a long time. They had just settled into the living room of the house when David went to grab some nice, cold beer for them to both enjoy. Upon his return Joseph gazed at David's clothes, seeing he wore the usual, loose pants and a shirt. Joseph retained his Military armor for the time being, the silver of the suit lightly relfecting the light from the lamp on the table beside the couch.

If Standing, Jospeh was a good 6' 4", he being of 22 summers in age. A red area on the top of his snout signified his blood-line, and showed a birth-mark that all males in his family retained. His tail sat comfortably behind and beside him.

David sat with a pleasent sigh, he opening a bottle and giving it to Joseph, whom nodded in return as Zeus's opened his. Both took a good drink, David looking at his old friend.

"So," started David, "what has the Military got you doing now?"

"Well, basically, just guard duties and the like. Nothing serious has happened yet with our Republic," Joseph responded, "But, I can say it pays well."

"I would think so," Zeus replied. "Anything new besides the fact at hand?"

"Besides the Military? Hmmm," Joseph started to ponder for a moment, then continued, "really nothing happens at the base, and I have nothing planned expect for a camping trip I'm hoping to take."

"Really," David said with a healthy agreement, taking a drink of his "sounds good to me. You going alone or with your buddies at the base?"

Vlag shrugged, "Everyone has somewhere to go."

"Oh, well, going alone then?"

"Well, actually, I was planning on taking you." Jpseph tilted his head, "Want to come? Going to the Forest near the Mountains for a few days. It'll be great! Just relaxing and perhaps some swimming and fishing, all that good stuff. It would be good, you need to get out anyway."

David looked suprised in a way at his offer, it had been some time since he had seen Joseph. Hearing the benefits of the trip, David knew that this could be the perfect opprotunity to catch up on lost time. He did need to get out anyway, it was getting somewhat dull doing the same things day after day. Good exercises of swimming and the like would be healthy for him, and fishing would be relaxing. Smiling back in a reptilian way as Joseph toom a long drink of his beer, David nodded his head.

"Alright, I'll go." His smile faded into a calm face as Joseph set his empty bottle down. "However, tomorrow is worship. So I suppose we could go the day after tomorrow."

"Sounds good to me," responded Joseph, "Its kinda late anyway, need some sleep."

"Yea, guest rooms down the hall, to the right. Make yourself comfortable." David drank the rest of his beer. "If I ain't here in the morning, I'm at the temple."

Joseph nodded. For a few couple of minutes, a new conversation started before both became sleepy. David grabbed the empty beer bottles before tossing them in the trasp, Jospeh quickly heading to the guest bed. David headed for his room and set an alarm, rolling over and going to sleep.

(Sorry if this one wasn't as good as the last one.)
19-07-2005, 18:03
(OOC On the contrary, Anagonia, your post quality is very fine.

And Blood Moon, you are irritating me beause you said "I realize that this sort of flies in the face of what you told Anagonia...well, it kinda contradicts it in most ways" which tells me you KNOW that this sort of thing will not be accepted. I am not accepting that. At all. What the fresh hell did I say at the begining?

"So do not add anything to major to the plot, bring your own backstory, but nothing massive like "I am going to save the world."

I am nuking this thread. This thread is now dead, and I am going to make it again, as a bloody sign in. You have to give me a character you are going to put into the thread, BEFORE you enter the thread. Caladonn, I think you are the only one to actually stick to what I am saying, that this is a FANTASY enviorment, and NO ONE SHOULD BE UBER, or have a VIOLENT AND JARRING ENTERANCE.

This is why people do not do Open rps, because people do not have a clue a lot of the time. Bah.)
19-07-2005, 18:30
New thread is here: