Abu-Dhabi Khristatata
01-07-2005, 06:06
As some of you might know or not know, ADK has made it's IC return after basically a year's absence IRL. Therefore I'd like to thank all the pople who made this possible.
To Allanea and all the members of Haven, past, present and future.
To FSP, while we might be enemies ICly, you're a very nice person and a great RPer. I look foreward to more RP's with you, hopefully more peaceful ones.
To Gehenna, one of the kindest people I've met on NS. Someone that's helped me when I was feeling down and has encouraged me. Thanks very much.
To Katganistan, another very kind person who has helped and encouraged me and kept me straight in #nsg :P
To Nathi and Siri for all the constant nagging and questioning, no matter how much I whined or complained at the time, I think it's helped me a lot.
To the Planet Mars community. You guys have put up with a lot of my shit, and ADK wouldn't exist without you're OOC and IC kindness, thank you.
To Sunset for all the technical stuff he's done in the Mars region.
To Scolopendra, a kind and helpful person, no matter what others might say or think... A wizard with DoGa.
To Mikhail(Tarasovka(I got it right, right?)), thanks for putting up with my shit and helping me keep my nation(s).
To Nanakaland, for your dedication to NS. Keep the good RP's rolling.
To the Steel Butterfly, the same. You rock man.
To the Silver Turtle, I want a giant muffin too ;).
To the SLAGLands, I don't even know if you're still around. You are/were awesome.
To Bajon, even though he's retired, I'll always remember my good 'ole region mate.
To Valinon, thanks for the Treaty of Agraria.
To Auman, thanks for accepting those refugees(why'd you have to kill them :( )
To Wazzu for your continued involvement with diplomacy.
To Knootoss for uhh... KIST and other stuff and well, you're just cool.
To Goober, the ultimate gameplayer :P
To all the members of the Triumvirate of Yut, keep up the good FT RP's! And keep making interesting technology and cool renders.
To Melkor and Metus, so many of you guys are evil, so many of you guys are awesome.
To Matsu, "I hope you're step-son doesn't eat the fish!" ;)
To Imnsvale, you rock... for an indie punk :P
To LandHawk(Mirkai), keep on fighting for what you believe and thanks for the moral support man.
And to all NS Roleplayers past, present, and future(tech)(:P) thanks for putting up with all my angstiness and pointlessness Icly and OOcly.
I love this game and while many people question me and what I've done in the past, I'm not proud of much I've done. I feel that I've changed a lot in my RP and in my outlook on life. With all the mishaps, the past 39 months has been a wonderful and growing expeirence for me. Here's to at least 39 more months!
To Allanea and all the members of Haven, past, present and future.
To FSP, while we might be enemies ICly, you're a very nice person and a great RPer. I look foreward to more RP's with you, hopefully more peaceful ones.
To Gehenna, one of the kindest people I've met on NS. Someone that's helped me when I was feeling down and has encouraged me. Thanks very much.
To Katganistan, another very kind person who has helped and encouraged me and kept me straight in #nsg :P
To Nathi and Siri for all the constant nagging and questioning, no matter how much I whined or complained at the time, I think it's helped me a lot.
To the Planet Mars community. You guys have put up with a lot of my shit, and ADK wouldn't exist without you're OOC and IC kindness, thank you.
To Sunset for all the technical stuff he's done in the Mars region.
To Scolopendra, a kind and helpful person, no matter what others might say or think... A wizard with DoGa.
To Mikhail(Tarasovka(I got it right, right?)), thanks for putting up with my shit and helping me keep my nation(s).
To Nanakaland, for your dedication to NS. Keep the good RP's rolling.
To the Steel Butterfly, the same. You rock man.
To the Silver Turtle, I want a giant muffin too ;).
To the SLAGLands, I don't even know if you're still around. You are/were awesome.
To Bajon, even though he's retired, I'll always remember my good 'ole region mate.
To Valinon, thanks for the Treaty of Agraria.
To Auman, thanks for accepting those refugees(why'd you have to kill them :( )
To Wazzu for your continued involvement with diplomacy.
To Knootoss for uhh... KIST and other stuff and well, you're just cool.
To Goober, the ultimate gameplayer :P
To all the members of the Triumvirate of Yut, keep up the good FT RP's! And keep making interesting technology and cool renders.
To Melkor and Metus, so many of you guys are evil, so many of you guys are awesome.
To Matsu, "I hope you're step-son doesn't eat the fish!" ;)
To Imnsvale, you rock... for an indie punk :P
To LandHawk(Mirkai), keep on fighting for what you believe and thanks for the moral support man.
And to all NS Roleplayers past, present, and future(tech)(:P) thanks for putting up with all my angstiness and pointlessness Icly and OOcly.
I love this game and while many people question me and what I've done in the past, I'm not proud of much I've done. I feel that I've changed a lot in my RP and in my outlook on life. With all the mishaps, the past 39 months has been a wonderful and growing expeirence for me. Here's to at least 39 more months!