NationStates Jolt Archive

Garnilorn Empire, Republic of the TirKara Systama

25-06-2005, 14:13
Gar (green) ni (nine) lorn (in water) Emp (forest) pi (thick) re (green)

Tri (three) Kara (large) Sys (units) Tama (flaming)

This world was first in a distant solar system under a Super Nova held three giants around it. Each of the giants held life orbs (planets) in orbit and they in turn held selwhites (moons).. Thus the TriKara SysTama was home to the Garne People... made up of the Marne under a blue giant.. Drake under a fire giant.. and Saxas people under a bold giant...
Empire Garnilorn...
The Elders had known for near six years the day would come when they needed tell the common people why they had spent so much on space craft. Taking funding from projects that might ease the common peoples lives and help them live longer. Green River Fever was a killer and had struck again this year as it had in past five, killing now near half the estimated surviving population double over. The royal medical council had tried to find a stop for it but failed due to lack of funding... They had been promised that travel into space would bring them greater things but all it had brought was the Green River Fever. A single stone about size of a Tremott Flea had more toxin that even the flea in it's veins. At first they considered the river being poluted from the orite mines to the north but this was short proven not the fault here. In the first six months this evil with no mercy found the young and separated them from their comacho spitatus. Thus leaving rotting flesh to feed then carry the virus beyond it's first strike onto another and another until something stopped it as cold as it had come. Nobody knew why it ended they only gave prayer it was fully over this virus. Wrong were all as six months later it struck again even faster and even more. Taking also the elders near term age first then young who had stayed near to ease the elders of pain can keep them coo. Struke them down like trees for the saw mill waiting to break flesh and change them forever.

--will continue this later nap time for me....