NationStates Jolt Archive

New Allanean President Gives First Address [ATTN Haven and Mars]

24-06-2005, 13:21
*Allanean Anthem plays in the background*

*President Demarque appears on screen*

Friends! Citizens! Allaneans!

Those have been some hard times for Allanea - a war, a restrictive foreign treaty, and yet another war - external and internal. And while we have won and stabilised the nation - and even achieved new conquests, not all is fine. In fact, almost nothing is fine. The nation is in shambles. The GDP is in a free-fall, and unemployment is approaching fifteen per cent. Hundreds of thousands are dead. In many parts of the country, there are no rail communications or even electricity.

My friends, there is only one conclusion from this disaster. Only one way out. We must admit that it is our own folly - our own errors - that brought us here. Faulty military policy. Faulty internal policy. Finally - and most of all - faulty foreign policy.

Today, I wish to speak to you - to announce a new page in the history of Allanea. The Age of Peace. With Edolia wiped out of the map, and the country defended by the kind auspices of the Greater Prussian Empire and the Extra Solar Union of Systems, we can finally afford peace - and, to be frank, with the Treaty of the Wolf, we hardly have a choice.

This is why, today, I signed the Military reorganisation Act. This will set the size of the Navy of Allanea at exactly twenty cruisers and the Kim Du Toit superdreadnaught, which is undergoing refitting as I speak. The cruisers will be constructed within the next five years. The military will be set in size to five hundred thousand troops - of them three hundred thousand will be combat personnel.

Under the Act, we will begin major industrial projects, to be funded at a total of two trillion dollars. Those will be in the form of grants for Allanea Rail Corporation for the purposes of rebuilding Allanean rail connections, and Allanean Arms contracts for the rebuilding of the interstate highway system.

But all of this rebuilding will be for naught - if the foreign policy changes I speak of are not implemented. From tomorrow, the United States will engage in a campaign of diplomatic reform - friendship with those indifferent, peace with our enemies, tightened relations with our friends.

Even as I speak, researchers are working to prepare diplomatic missions to many diverse areas of the world - in order to assure peace, prosperity, and liberty for the people of Allanea and their children.

Rest assured - there is a new future for you and you family.

A better future.

Good night, and may God bless Allanea.
24-06-2005, 14:05
Michael Linovich smiled as he began typing his letter. Say what you will about the latest wars, they meant one good thing for those like him - by killing off the military-aged officials, and by virtue of massacring the population of the capital, the latest wars opened the way for many young people like him to advance in politics and diplomacy. This, and the realisation of the fact Allanea was in dire need of both diplomatic ties with foreign nations - and bare-bones help - mean people like Michael Linovich [Age, 19 years, IQ: 135] had a better than ever chance of success - even, and especially, in government office.

He looked contentedly as his long, slender fingers [he was partially elven, and it showed, sometimes] danced on the keyboard, producing the message in seeming independence from his body and mind.

To: Demetrios Raoul, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Pantocratoria
From: Michael Linovich, Allanean Ambassador

Dear Sir!

I have been appointed by the United States of Allanea Department of State to serve as Allanea’s ambassador in Pantocratoria. I would like, if it is possible, to arrive in your nation within the next week, and to meet with the appropriate Pantocratorian officials to discuss matters of international importance, in particular Allanea’s role in the international community as a diplomatic partner, and also economic aid from your nation to ours.

Even though the economic situation in Allanea is not first-grade, the Department of State would like to present you with a two-kilogram box [attached] of quality Stossel Tea. As you know, this tea is perhaps one of the best sorts of tea avaialble in the universe, and is grown, cut, and processed by hand by workers who come from the Hashi and Mgweni cultures - who consider the act of making tea semi-sacred. As you will sea, this tea is very, very good.

Enjoy it.

Please write back with any details or comment or questions you would like to have related to my arrival.

Sincerely yours,

M. Linovich.
24-06-2005, 15:39
Michael Linovich watched intently as the pilot of his small diplomatic seaplane directed it to land on the river on which New Rome stood. It is common for Allaneans to be slightly - as foreigners would call it… "wacky". Linovich was no exemption. In this case, his strangeness found its expression in his choice of diplomatic vehicle - an Allanean Arms Single Offer seaplane, painted a virginous snowy white, slicing along the surface of the river as he landed at New Rome.

He opened the door of the aircraft, descending towards a small boat prepared for him here. He wondered momentarily whether this form of entrance would pose too much of a shock to the Pantrocratorians - and then shrugged it off. After all, ir’s Allanea we are talking about - the land of geeks, goths, and gun nuts, all rolled into one. You can’t conceal the weirdness of such a nation for long anyway. So he just decided to wing it and smiled to the Pantocratorians.
24-06-2005, 16:50
tag - IC post coming later.