NationStates Jolt Archive

Charter of Consolidation of the Washita

The Washita
24-06-2005, 03:22

In order to create and establish a lasting central government, to ensure the defense of the common good and the preservation of the culture and people of the Washita, and to invoke the power of the human spirit, this Charter of Consolidation is hereby ordained.

Article I: Executive Authority

Section 1: Executive powers shall be vested in the Consul of the Washita, whose duties shall be: to protect, preserve, and advance the people and culture of the nation; to guide the government on a clear, focused path; to execute the laws of the land, for the common good and to the exclusion of no other. The Consul shall also be vested with the authority to introduce legislation; to request declarations of war; to deploy the branches of the Armed Forces for up to six months; to establish Martial Law in times of crisis; and to replace legislators or judges in times of war.

Section 2: The Consul shall be elected by a vote of the people. No electoral college shall be established; but rather, the exclusive and clear popular vote shall serve as the Consul's mandate.

Section 3: The Consul shall serve a single term of ten years, but may be removed from office by unanimous agreement of all the state governors, and of the people of the several states.

Section 4: In order to facilitate governance by the Consul, he or she shall appoint a council, to be called the Council of Governance, in order to: consult and advise the Consul; to serve as executors pro tempore for his or her individual partition of authority. Any or all Council members may be removed and replaced by the Consul; but only a majority vote by the Governors may establish or remove a Council position.

Section 5: The several states shall be under the authority of the Governors, who are elected by popular vote. Once a month or as often as necessary in times of crisis the Governors shall meet with the Consul and the Council of Governance to discuss affairs of state, both on the national and state level.

Section 6: The authority and powers of the Governors shall be the same as the Consul excepting that they serve terms of only five years and are eligible for two terms; and the Consul may call for the removal of a Governor or several; but a vote of the people of the state in question is required for removal from office.

Section 7: Local governments and municipalities may establish varied ordinances and laws according to their needs but may not violate this Charter.

Article II: Legislative Authority

Section 1: Legislative powers shall be vested in the Senate of the Washita.

Section 2: The Senate shall have the power to: establish laws and ordinances; enter into treaties with foreign states; issue declarations of war; levee taxes; and establish or dissolve Courts, as necessary.

Section 3: The Senate shall be composed of elected representatives of the several states, each state being allowed no more than five Senators. Each Senator will be elected by a popular vote of the people.

Section 4: Senators shall be limited to two terms of five years, to ensure that the Senate is constantly renewed and revived.

Section 5: The members of the Senate shall serve as jurors in trials of treason, provide the accused was at the time of judicial suspicion a member of either the Central, State, or Local level.

Article III: Judicial Authority

Section 1: The final interpretation of Law shall be vested in the Prime Judiciary of the Washita.

Section 2: Members of the Prime Judiciary shall be appointed by the Consul.

Section 3: The Prime Judiciary shall consist of seven Judges, who have each served at least on term on a District Court; and whose record and abilities as candidates shall be called into question and investigated by the Senate.

Section 4: Members of the Prime Judiciary shall be limited to one term of fifteen years.

Article IV: Cooperation and Powers of the States

Section 1: All States are hereby required to cooperate in all matters, including but not limited to: common weighs and measurses; common rail gauges; standards of commerce and safety; the conduct and prosecution of war; and furthering the common good of the people.

Section 2: States are forbidden to secede from the Central Government; raise or maintain independent military forces; host the military forces of foreign powers without the consent and approval of the Central Government, and only then if the agreement is in the interest of the people; enter into treaties with foreign powers; and levee taxes.

To be continued when things make sense. If they ever did.