Shadow Vs Light (Open Rp)
Solid Gear
22-05-2005, 15:51
OOC: listen anything is possible in this RP from bombs to fights you decide what happens.
The year is 4099 on the planet Tala 4 in a large city a man walked out of a entrance to a large hotel there are many large skyscrapers around him the people passing him were in suits or brightly coloured clothes he stuck out from the people because he wore black clothing his skin tone was a normal colour and his hair was black with red highlights at his short spiked fringe he looked about then BANG!!! :sniper: people scattered left and right but the man stayed where he was his eyes closed blocking out the screams of the people around him. From somewhere he heard his name being called "SHADOW!"
Gehenna Tartarus
22-05-2005, 16:15
Neda Marks ducked as the shots rang out around her. What they were aimed at she did not really care, so long as it was not her. She lifted her head, carefully taking a look around. Her eyes fixed on to a man who seemed to be oblivious to what was going on. She took slowly, making sure she was in no danger, as she watched him just standing there with his eyes closed. She frowned, not wanting to get involved, while at the same time unable to draw her gaze away.
She heard the shout, looking around for the owner, almost spinning around trying to find it. She had no idea what was going on, just by being in the wrong place at the wrong time she had been caught up in the action. Suddenly worrying about her own safety, she took off, ducking inside one of the buildings lining the street. Once she was inside, she took a moment to watch what was happening outside, her eyes once more fixed to the man, as she waited to see what happened next.
(OOC Full stops, commas and punctuation in general are your freinds.)
Solid Gear
22-05-2005, 17:15
BANG another shot was fired this time just whizzing past his head his eyes opened and he put his hand out pointing towards a building where people were watching him he was pointing to a woman
:sniper: Bang this shot hit this time just passing making a deep gash in his arm. Bang and before the bullet hit the floor shadow had disappeared out of view
Behind the woman he pointed to he said
"He is after you follow me if you want to live."
Gehenna Tartarus
22-05-2005, 17:25
“After me?” Neda turned stunned, at the voice behind her. She was more than a little surprised to find the man she had been watching only moments before standing there. She did not recall seeing him leave. “How do you know he’s after me?” Her voice trembled a little with fear and confusion. She had done nothing to warrant something firing at her, and she was a little surprised that this man had suggested such a thing.
She patted the weapon she was carrying, concealed about her person. She was not about to follow a stranger without some precaution. She had not survived this long by being careless. Letting out a sigh, she headed in the direction the man was heading.
[ooc: Btw, can you drop the smilies, they get a little irritating in RPs?]
Solid Gear
22-05-2005, 17:42
OOC: ok ill stop using them
Shadow headed for the nearest fire exit and he explained.
"The guy firing is called Ansem he is mad he seems to knows you and he wants to kill you the first shot missed you but once he saw me well you know what happened after that."
He grabbed the wound on his arm and half a min later he removed his hand and the wound was gone.
"Until ansem is dead I’m your protector my name is Shadow and I’m not of this world or any other." Shadow added
Gehenna Tartarus
22-05-2005, 17:51
Neda frowned, the name meaning little to her. “Ansem?” She searched her memory for signs of recognition, but she drew up a blank. Suddenly her attention was caught by his actions, she watched opened mouthed as he removed his hand from his wound and it had disappeared. This action added to her general confusion, and she stopped, not wanting to take another step before she knew what was going on.
“Who are you? What are you?” She pointed to his arm, unable to find the words she wanted. “How did you do that?” Her eyes flicked over the man before her. She gave out a huge sigh, and began moving again, suddenly worried that the assailant might be following. “Let’s go! You can answer my questions later.”
Solid Gear
23-05-2005, 12:20
As shadow ran out the back door of the hotel he came to a halt for a moment as he searched his pockets for keys to a vehicle he turned to the woman he hardly knew and he said
“Wait here ill be right back!”
She closed her eyes for a moment she opened them to see shadow was not standing there she closed them to see shadow standing two feet in front of her opening the door to the transport and in they went.
The vehicle took off at a steady speed the woman turned to shadow and asked
“Right who are you!”
Shadow looked at her sighed and explained
“My name is shadow I’m older than time because I was created by somebody called The Darkness a very long time ago. The power you saw me use was something called Chaos a very powerful kind of magic there are only ever been 3 people I have met that have welded the art. Ansem is older than me he also was created by The Darkness but for some reason he wants you dead. I know this is a hole lot to take in but you have to keep up with what happens.”
She looked at shadow with a puzzled look and asked
“You say older than time what do you mean how old are you?”
shadow replied
“well I lost count after 3000 but that was a couple of millennia ago”
the woman looked at shadow with a look as if to say I don’t believe you
“you are joking!!…are you?”
shadow looked at the woman
“If its serious I never joke about. And this is serious.”
Gehenna Tartarus
23-05-2005, 17:14
Neda shook her head for a moment, walking away slightly trying to get things sorted in her mind. She had some strange man telling her that another strange man was trying to kill her, for some reason that she did not know. She looked at Shadow, staring unable to decide whether she was still dreaming or whether the world had gone mad around her. A quick pinch to her arm indicated the first was not where she found herself.
She frowned slightly…feeling her brow furrow deeper as she wondered what in the name of hell was going on. She sighed deeply and pointed to the vehicle. “Where are we going?” She was not about to get into a car with a stranger. As far as she knew, he could be part of this plot to kill her, or he could just be some psychotic killer trying to get her to a quiet spot to murder her himself. She eyed him suspicious. “How do I know you are a ‘good guy’?”
One might assume that I was just an imagined being, something not of this world like he. But alas, such assumptions are wholly false, smashed by the realisation of fate having a far more exuberant role for me than just applied thought to improbable, musing events. No, I am reality, and this is truth. I exist, I exist as that being does. I cannot think otherwise, to think I am just a dream is insanity defined. I can manipulate this place, I must be able to manipulate the outside world. Does that satisfy the thoughts I gave last time?
Apparently the spirit was satisfied with his owner's response, as it said nothing further and remained where it was. The owner in question turned his attentions back to the device he was holding with his long, nosferatu like hands. The pale flesh of unknown origin held the orb, the glowing sphere protraying events as they occoured.
"Intreging." The owner said quietly to himself, his presance in the sealed chamber known to no-one else. He stood in the center, shadow and things not of this world flowing around him.
He had been within here for as long as he could remember. But his memory was wholly abolished when he was put into this room. For what reason he was put here, he did not know. For what purpose he was created, he did not know. He had assumed he was created, due to the nature of his body and comparison to the world he saw in the sphere. His companion, if one could call it that, gave him some infomation of the outside world, along with keeping infomation he gave. The chamber he was in sometimes blotted his memory, shifted perceptions grossly and made emotions inverted. It was a confusing and gruelling place sometimes, but at the moment, no such tricks of the mind or body were set forth. They rarely did these days.
"Soon I will escape this hold, to enter the world I have observed for so long." He said softly, words which bore cold fact, not furious ambition of liberation, that one might think he would have. Considering that he did not know anything other than this chamber from his own experiance, he could not long for the elements and facets of the physical world.
This is what I want, correct Rasp? The Owner asked again, checking his intentions. He frequently did so, to keep his mind in check. He was powerful in mind, body and soul, and he would use his discipline and abilities to escape from this place in due time.
The creature perched upon his shoulder, near unnoticable, whispered words, a rare action for a being who could communicate through thought. It hissed with a tone that suggested prophesy, "Yes, this is what you want. This is what you always have wanted, it is your purpose now. To escape, to be free. To be free, then to manipulate. That is what you want."
The owner of orb looked more deeply into the orb for infomation, and nodded slowly. Soon would be the time when he would claw his way out of this place, to be free of it. So that he could change the world, and perhaps find out what he was before this containment.
Solid Gear
23-05-2005, 20:57
OOC: All will be explaned soon.
Shadow sat in the pilot’s seat then he felt a shift in reality his head looked to wards the exit behind the woman he was going to risk his life for saw a man in the doorway glowing bright red and purple with lighting bolts flying off him he was much more older than shadow with orange skin and his eyes glowed a cold colour of gold. His clothes were old and retro looking he held his hand up and a orb of red and purple it also had lighting bolts flying out of it.
“Ansem” shadow said under his breath. The orb shot from the Ansem’s hand towards the woman “GET DOWN NOW!!!” as the orb just dogged her realising it was meant for him it hit the front of the vehicle and it exploded with a massive BBBOOOMMMMM!!! As it burst into flames Ansem walked towards the woman and he said while still walking “Now where was I” the wreckage of the vehicle was till ablaze but out of nowhere shadow appeared in a flash of chaos he shouted “Ansem leave her alone!”
Ansem turned to see shadow and he laughed “One day you got to tell me how you do that. Good to see you again shadow” shadow gave a little bow of his head to show it was good to see him too. “Why the open the target range on her and me? And then why the hell destroy my expensive vehicle and trying to kill me?”
Ansem shook his head “one I wasn’t the sniper that was a hired H.M.O.T.H and two I thought you were the man made to look like you so that’s why.” Shadow was looking around hearing a BEEP…BEEP…BEEP as shadow realised what it was “right we are so screwed!” he looked to Ansem and said “We are going to try the chaos warp or try the chaos dome shield what is it going to be?”
Ansem looked at Neda and said “Shadow I think the human should decide her own fate!”
(OOC Please, please please please, can you read your posts aloud to yourself before you post them? Use commas and more full stops please, and just try and make it flow better. Instead of having:
"Mike went into the room then picked up the gun and fired into the crowd whcih caused them to disperse and then Mike retreated"
Have seperations, and write it so it flows better. It is just that your style is extremely ajar and hard to follow due to it. Just needs work, tis all. If this sounds arrogant, I am a regular to this forum, this profile is just a new one. A better paragraph might be:
"Mike strolled into the room casually, and looked at the gun upon the table. He snatched it, and promptly fired onto the crowd. The crowd immediately dispersed in reaction to this new threat, screams audible outside of the chamber. Mike, after emptying his magasine, span on his heel and retreated out of the room, which was not difficult considering that everyone was trying to get away from him."
Use gramma more, so that your writing becomes far more enjoyable and effective. Thanks. )
Gehenna Tartarus
24-05-2005, 00:16
Looking between the two, getting more and more confused as the seconds rolled into minutes, Neda tried to fathom exactly what was going on, and more importantly how she fit into it. She let her eyes stop of the man who seemed intent on ending her life. She could feel the frown growing deeper into her brow, as she worked on understanding, but despite her effort nothing seemed to make any sense.
When the one named Ansem spoke to her, she looked at him astounded, wondering what he meant about choosing her own fate. At that moment in time she felt so far removed from being in any kind of control. She felt her heart pounding in her chest. This was not how her life was going to end. Not caught up in the machinations of two strangers. She had a right to know what was going on.
“What is going on?” She felt her anger rising, her resolve growing in strength as she spoke. “Who the hell are you? And what do you want with me?” Her eyes blazed, no longer hiding her feelings behind a layer of fear. Whatever was going to happen was going to happen, but not with her cowering behind someone else.
Solid Gear
24-05-2005, 13:15
Shadow looked at the bomb and looked at ansem
"2 to 3 min can you talk that fast?"
Ansem turned to neda and spoke
"To sum up there is a spiritual orb inside your heart that’s all the Darkness or the H.M.O.T.H need to end the universe and plunge it into darkness. Shadow and me are people but we were taught by the Darkness himself how to use Chaos and we cannot die. Who is responsible for the shooting we don’t know. Now over there is a 12zx4 bomb now my guessing there are allot more to take down the four skyscrapers around this one now using shadows and mine supply of chaos we can build a field around us and you to survive the explosion and the falling rubble and we can warp 1 1/2 miles from the blast now what’s it going to be neda 10 seconds remaining 9...8...7...6"
Gehenna Tartarus
24-05-2005, 17:11
“Do whatever is easiest, and do it quick!” Neda practically shouted at the two men standing around her. She still did not understand what was going on, but now really was not the time or the place to argue about it. She looked quickly between the two, her eyes flicking rapidly. “Do it now!” She closed her eyes and waited for her life to come to an end or for these two strangers to pull the miracle they were talking about.
With her hands instinctively covering her ears and her eyes shut tight, she waited for the inevitable BOOM that would end all their lives. She would ask her questions once they were out of this quandary.
24-05-2005, 17:19
Solid Gear
24-05-2005, 18:40
Shadow looked at Ansem and bowed his head with his eyes shut and a flash of white light was all around them till it engulfed the three Ansem opened his eyes looked around to see only neda was with him he spun back round to see the tallest towers of the city descend down behind more skyscrapers.
"Shadow" Ansem said in a worried tone of voice. Then he turned to neda put his hand on her shoulder and spoke "its all right now listen we have to keep on moving!"
Gehenna Tartarus
28-05-2005, 10:26
Opening her eyes, Neda quickly looked around her, seeing only Ansem standing before her. She stared at him for a moment then spun around looking for Shadow. She jumped as Ansem spoke, his words filling her with fear. Shadow had told her that Ansem was trying to kill her, and now the very man was asking her to go with him.
“Where’s Shadow?” She asked, her voice filled with alarm. She backed up a little, wanting to make sure she was out of the man’s reach. Her eyes flicked around looking for a means to escape then returned to the man in front of her. “What is going on?”
[ooc: Sorry for the delay]