NationStates Jolt Archive

Lancre Cup quarter finals

Fatheaded Edward
20-05-2005, 16:54
Sorry it is slightly late!

Lancre Cup X
Quarter Finals 1- Upand Town

Gandhi Followers versus LostLotheria

'Look!' The BLF shouted to the Upand Town crowd before the match, 'I still haven't gone mad! I'm as sane as the day that I was born!'
He then walked away, saying 'Flobberbobbercobber'.
'He's turned mad even quicker than the last one…' was the general muttering of the crowd.

The eagerly anticipated game between The Community of the Gandhi Followers and The Refugees of Lost Lotheria was an exciting one indeed.
The Gandhi Followers were rather 'p'ed off with the fact that all of their weapons had been confiscated before the match, and were seeking a rampage.
The Lost Lotheria players were just hoping that there were no armoured scorpions in this match.
They were disappointed, there still seemed to be armoured Scorpions. These were soon cleared up though, by the Gandhi Followers who merely ate them and by a particular Siroccan man.
'Get oot!'

High Punisher Hrrachen was quoted as saying, 'Our back-up secret weapons escaped as well?!'

The game ended Gandhi Followers 3 LostLotheria 4

Sirocco versus DTAS LAND

'We're playing DTAS LAND again!' King Siroc said before the match, 'This Lancre Cup is obviously fixed. First Bestiville -present Delegate- and now DTAS, the ex-delegate and opposition to us in the Lancre Cup IX final? It doesn't matter, we'll beat DTAS just the same as last time'
'No you won't, the only reason you beat us last time was that you had "magic boots" and the Bestiville players stole them!' Emperor DTAS chirped in.
'Shut up DTAS'

The match was a goal-fest, the teams seemed to have put all their effort into offensive play and none into defensive play. DTAS LAND even had their keeper up in attack.
'I don't want to go to the Semi-finals…' Siroccan player Grew said after the match.
'Shut up Grew, you whinging git' Siroc said.

The final score was Sirocco 5 DTAS LAND 4

Extreme Dictators versus Jothopolis

Well well, it looks like tree-hugging really works, for us and for the Hippie Dudes. Speaking of the Hippie Dudes…'
It appeared that the Jothopolis players had been kidnapped, in vein of the Hippie Dude matches.
'We've got to watch out for ED as well now?! Ahhhhhgggg!' the BLF president screamed, running away.
When the Jothopolis players were eventually found in amongst a sugar store, they were totally high and ready to play. It was a stupid place for ED to put them I suppose…
'Wewonidontbelievethiswerethroughtothesemifinalshowawesomeisthisyay' a Jothopolis player said, trembling slightly.

The game ended Extreme Dictators 0 Jothopolis 3

The Hartlot of Babylon versus -Arynth-

The pre-match celebration was slightly tainted by the fact that the BLF president skipped through the procession and covered the Hartlot players in custard. For some reason.
'Right' Emperor James Besty the Majestic XXIII said to the press conference, 'The BLF president has now been safely stored in a Bestiville prison and I will be taking over charge as the BLF president for the remainder of the tournament. And the teams better obey MY rules.'
'Oh dear' everyone muttered.

The match was quite a boring one, with not many goals at all. Mainly because Emperor Besty would glare at any of the players who looked like they were going to score. Or do anything exciting.
Pielza Larello, who has just retired from the Bestiville team in this tournament, has now ousted Besty from his position as BLF president. And hopes not to go mad.
'I hope not to go mad' Pielza Larello proclaimed after the match.

The final score was The Hartlot of Babylon 1 -Arynth- 0