NationStates Jolt Archive


The Shogun Of Sorrow
18-05-2005, 12:55
Sorrow. For countless aeons we were one with the darkness and it was us. We were everything, without limit, without constraint we were all that was and all that ever would be.

Then it came. A disturbance in the whole that was. Something alien, something that changed, that lived. It was the Light. We who were all were challenged by this light and long we fought, but it spread till we were engulfed and were but a shadow amongst the stars. But still we extinguished these creations of light when we could. The light sent minions to acost us, countless times we beat them back to carry on with our destruction but they came again and again, each time stronger for the destruction till the light gave unto our enemies the very power of gods and those enemies became in truth gods.

The end came when the gods known as Odin, Ra, and Rama came for us and all that we were. Our time came and destruction spread far and wide within us. We were shattered. Burned by this light. Mutilated. We fought but to no avail our every limb and with them our hope hacked away, our purpose split and annihilated in the flames of the gods.

But I survived. I but a shard of the whole who felt the very burning flame of the gods spent countless millions of years tumbling, shattered and burned through the very depths of the cosmos as all the starry galaxies did form.

One such galaxy I slowly tumbled towards, its great weight altering my endless hopeless tumble through this light filled universe. I entered the disc of this foul galaxy and upon its worlds I felt life, towards one such world, still young and filled with the most primitive monstrous and useless creatures I fell. I fell with great force upon these creatures intent on wiping them out with my very passage, their shambling hated life filled forms erased from the surface of the globe who’s cracked depths I inhabited. An endless age passed and of a time I became dissatisfied with my lot as pathetic mindless creatures blundered into my very essence. These creatures however gave me knowledge. Such knowledge. Then when the world was of ice the first of a new creature arose. The very creature who would be my freedom. Man. When I consumed these minds and bodies and souls, I once more realised who and what I was and what I had been. I grew and brooded endlessly slowly surging through the earth who’s very surface I cracked in search of more of these creatures and the knowledge which they held. My journey was long but fruitful and I learned much from those who I subsumed into myself in this time. After a thousand years of searching I came upon the edges of the city. My form still wretched I slowly advanced towards it rending its buildings foundations and driving spikes of my very being through its buildings. The puny fools resisted, first with sticks and stones, then with metal and flame but all to no avail. Their broken forms littered the shattered remains of their homes as I advanced towards their heart and with every one that fell I grew more aware again.

Then he came, Emperor, they called him, they believed he represented their god on earth and fought in their and his name. He brought the best of his armies to me and I fed quickly upon them. Then he alone was left, but their was something about him. Something different. Drawing his mighty bow this emperor did hurl an arrow of great and ancient power into my very core. The fool did seek to destroy me but I survived. I used the very power meant to rend my essence apart to free it. I once more was I. I Aku the Shogun of Sorrow was born unto this globe. I shattered easily this emperors weapons and bound him to a great rock which I rose up from the very earth itself, then when the fools resistance became clear I decided that I must rule with a fist of strength. This came easily to me, and soon his city was but a burning hulk, his armies shattered upon my will. His people scattered to the four winds and their temples burnt with my very sight.

But this emperor unkownst to me did gain power from the very gods and came alone to fight me. I fought for days with every form I could conceive but his weapon was unlike any of this world, who’s forms cannot harm me. No this weapon was forged of the gods and its blade cut and burned with the separation that had severed me from the whole before time was time. I was beaten and retreated once more and bided my time in waiting for the fools to let their guard down. The years passed and the Emperor had a son, this boy grew and before he had reached the earliest passages into manhood I struck again. I did burn and rend the emperors kingdom and this time the world could not stop me. For years I did enslave and rule the emperor and his people as no more than slaves while ever my influence did spread into neighbouring lands. Then he the son who had grown into a skilled warrior a samurai came again. I Aku was once more burned by the sword cursed by the very fire of the gods and I Aku fought this foolish Samurai who sought to oppose me. I realised again that I needed time to beat this creature and before the final blow was struck and my beings dark essence spread to the winds I tore open a very hole through time itself and hurled the samurai into it.

The world changed. Shifted moved. Lands I controlled vanished and I was stranded upon this strange new universe filled once more with nations which beg my rule to spread.

Long ago in a distant land, I, Aku, the shape-shifting master of darkness, unleashed an unspeakable evil. And now in this time and place my evil shall be law again.
18-05-2005, 17:51
Deirdre Brennan opened her eyes slowly, roused from prayer by a sudden chill. She was the Arch Druid of Gaeltach, and as such held heavy responsibility as a spiritual leader. Deirdre rose from her knees, startling several attendants who had joined her in the pine copse. Nature itself seemed to shudder for an instant, disturbing her enough to stop and take notice. Something had changed.

"Did you feel that too..?" one of the priests managed to whisper despite the crushing silence of this place.

Deirdre nodded slowly, scanning the ancient trees as if they held an answer. She left the priests and quickly exited the grove. They were afraid. It was not evil they feared, but the unbalance which had rocked the spiritual realm. Balance in all things was paramount. She could feel nature recoil around this foreign and far-distant thing, and this set her slightly off ease. The balance was shifting, settling. But it was different. Unstable. The cause now concerned her. She would have to seek council with a peer.
27-05-2005, 03:54
OOC: Just so everyone knows, the setting will be in Pyrynn, Euroslavia, and I previously approved of this, so no one gets confused.
27-05-2005, 08:24
OOC: Isn't Aku, from a cartoon on cartoon network, Samuri Jack or something like that...
-Samurai Jack-
27-05-2005, 11:36
OOC: You are correct. IC post incoming.
27-05-2005, 23:40
Aeschia, Queen of Dragons, flew over the night sky, concerned with all she had seen for so many years. She was Queen of all Dragons... absolutely huge, black and gold, with many powers... coming from both her mind and mouth, and only known to other dragons as Queen. She also had a human form as a woman... a shinobi or a ninja, depending on how you looked at it. No one other than dragons or part dragons knew who she was. And none would tell. She felt the telepathic queries of so many dragons. All she could tell them was to wait and see.

Aeschia felt Yin and Yang tugging at each other. This concerned her, and she decided that at dawn, she would take her human form and and see what information she could get from the local Preistesses.

She disliked the tugging... it seemed balance was at war. It was an odd feeling. She continued to soar throughout the night at a a height where no one could see her, but she, with her accute eyesight, could see down, and watch what happened below, at the same time, looking for spiritual guides to seek in the morning, in order to get their opinions.
-Samurai Jack-
28-05-2005, 09:53
A rip. A swirling purple and blue tear in the fabric of space appears above a small house in lower Pyrynn and a slim white robed figure falls out of it, dropping to the roof with a loud 'thud'. The man attempts to steady himself on the roof, and then leaps to the ground with practiced ease. Thumbing his straw hat and once more checking on his katana, he peers at the growing crowd of onlookers. Aaah! What is this strange new land, like home and yet not? And what of Aku? I recall....Aha! the demon must have sent me here, to avoid the fate I would have delivered unto him!...Also, who are these people staring at me... (All of his speech from now on shall be in Nihongo, As far as I know. My knowledge of ancient japanese language is not very advanced, sadly.)
28-05-2005, 16:09
Aeschia felt a hard pull in one direction. She felt something strange up ahead. She could see the purple and blue tear in space time. My God!, she thought.

A man dropped through the tear and landed on a roof and down to the ground where a crowd was forming.

What in the world is this? Who tore space/time?

She had an idea, but didn't want to even think about it.

And even more importantly, who just dropped through the tear?

She continued to watch from above, with curiousity and interest, wanting answers. Aeschia was waiting until dawn. She would keep an eye on this man, as well as keep track of the local priestesses. She needed answers for her people. Perhaps she could be of help.
28-05-2005, 18:34
(OOC I utterly love your style with that, the way you are handling the samurai jack universe. But I would say that you should not let everyone and anyone in this thread, I would make it closed. Remake it so that only certain people can come in, otherwise you will get fanboys.

Again, great work.)
The Shogun Of Sorrow
28-05-2005, 23:17
OOC would all further OOC comments be prefrably short, in a minimized size and in italics and please no smileys. At all. Ever. Thankyou.
28-05-2005, 23:21
OOC would all further OOC comments be prefrably short, in a minimized size and in italics and please no smileys. At all. Ever. Thankyou.

OOC: Done. As long as you read it, I'll delete it.