NationStates Jolt Archive

Things banned in Your nation?

10-05-2005, 10:47
What sorta things are banned or prohibited in your nation? To give you an idea what's banned in ours here's a short list, it maybe updated time to time...

1. Alcohol
2. Gambling
3. Swine.
4. Non-Muslim proselytizing.
5. Cars
6. Pornography.
7. Racist political parties.
8. Distasteful music.
9. Prostitution.
11.Massive corporations.
12.Illegal drugs
13. Animal hunting for fun.
14. The Da Vinci code
15. Animal testing
Soveriegn States
10-05-2005, 10:52
Very little, if anything, is banned by the Confederation government. Individual states, however, do ban some activities and items.
10-05-2005, 11:01
Interesting...Do some states enjoy better freedom than others?
The Minions of Minous
10-05-2005, 11:05
I was about to ban baseball. But my people didn't have anything else to do but smoke grass, so... There you go. ;)
10-05-2005, 11:09
Pedophillia and pederasty are illegal, as is child pornography and the like.

Beastiality isn't illegal per se - you can do with your property as you will - though it voids parts of your insurance and insures you will be checked medically more often.

That would be about it. We have consequences of actions, but we do not forbid the actions themselves.
10-05-2005, 11:17
After a long debate which almost led to the fall of the government, Spruitland politicians realized that nothing is effectively banned in our nation. This did not seem like an appropriate message to send out to the international community – since it could raise the question what it is, then, that Spruitland politicians do all day – so His Majesty, King Alfons I, was consulted.

His Majesty, peeved by having his siesta interrupted, wanted to ban politicians, but could fortunately be convinced to make a different suggestion. Therefore, effective immediately, it has been decided that the following things are banned in Spruitland:
• figure skating
• washing and drying machines that continuously beep when completing their cycle

Hans Custers
Minister of External Affairs
10-05-2005, 11:30
Don't get us wrong we're not an overtly harsh nation with these prohibitions, we abide by a spiritual ideology and breaking one rule can upset the applecart. There's a legend that a drop of blood spilt on a special utopia can sink the whole utopia. Similarily, breaking one of these rules can be bad for our spiritual society.
10-05-2005, 13:10
Mainly Freemasonry, Calvinism, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, anyone associated with Fred Phelps, and Michael Jackson
10-05-2005, 13:33
Crime is illegal in Czardas.
10-05-2005, 13:36
In my nation there is a alcohol banned and a Hunting animals for fun bann those were on issues
Saint Uriel
10-05-2005, 16:24
1. Capital punishment - this is the big one

2. Hard illegal drugs (herion, cocaine, crack, etc). The legality of marijuana is ummmm.... iffy.

3. Beastiality - The Saint Urielian parliament banned it just on the basis of being "gross". No other explanation was given.

4. Sexual contact with persons under 16 years old

5. Corporate monopolies

5. Desecration of sacred Roman Catholic objects or places

6. Talking bad 'bout my mama
The Serene Death
10-05-2005, 17:06
The Serene Death doesn't have alot of banned things in our nation. Recreational drugs are regulated by the state, guns are owned by most everyone, alcohol is widely distributed and used (and those 3 mixed together make alot of fun ;) ).

Some things that are banned:
1. Anything having to do with sex with underaged children (defined as children under 16).

2. Bestiality, though its not usually enforced unless you do it to someone else's animals.

3. Fundimentalist religions. Normal ones are fine, but those that want their beliefs to be more important than the law or cause harm to others are not allowed.

4. Corperate Monopolies, both vertical (controling an industry from raw materials all the way to finished product and sales) and horizontal (example: Having total control over sale and prices of all cars).

5. Racist Organizations, though racist remarks are not illegal.
Newbish Delight
10-05-2005, 19:49
- Paedohilia (legal age dependant upon species/sub-species

- Organised, violent protest (disorganised, violent protest is perfectly legal)

- Bestiality (causes too much damage to herd animals)

- Deliberately attacking a BladeGoblin or GreatGoblin without due warning or challenge

- Murdering someone who wasn't doing anything wrong (note that "wrong" has a very, very, broad definition in the CGC)

- Murdering old people, unless they deserve it: "deserving it" requires a warrant to be issued by the police, which is quite frequently given (remember, we're talking about Goblins here)

- Murdering children, unless they deserve it (see above)

Note that certain acts that result in no legal recourse for the victim if perpetrated under the "Bloody Stupid Act". The act states that if you are stupid enough to do something, you deserve the punishment. The BSA applies to a number of things, which include "landing on sharp pointy things, or getting injured when robbing a house" (mostly because the Goblin Judges got bored of listening to the same stories), "trying to rob a BladeGoblin and getting killed/injured in the process", "trying to rob a Trollguard and getting killed/injured in the process" and so on.

Normall illegal things that are "encouraged" in the Goblin lands:

- Organised crime - because the big crime Bosses have contracts with the King, and work to a quota rather than random theft

- Use of poisons - not actually considered poisons, most poisons are used as flavourings, and Goblin cooks are encouraged to experiment.

- Hard drugs - because it's fun to watch Goblins trying to walk up walls. Also entertaining when they actually succeed.
Daistallia 2104
10-05-2005, 20:53
In essence, only four things are banned in Daistallia: initiating violence, theft, fraud, and the abuse of protected near or proto sapient beings (includes children and certain qualified adults, as well as numerous non-humans).
10-05-2005, 20:54
- Any and every violation of Company Policy that does not lead to increased profits

- Leaving Company trade products unattended without implicit instruction

- Avoiding Sentient Resources when they are looking for you

- Attending a holiday resort not authorised by The Corporation

- Not attending a meeting without giving warning

- Falling behind on deadlines

- Failure to pay The Corporation for damages incurred

- Failure to complete any and all forms to the best of your ability

The list goes on.
The Plunderers Union
10-05-2005, 21:07
Hyarrr, these be issues outlawed in our fine nation

-Not 'nuff grog
-Scurvy land-lubbers
-Other pirates
-Not pillagin' at least 1 village a week
-Keepin' yer ship in poor order
-Allowin' yer wench to roam free
-Not enough YARRRR or yo-ho-ho
-allowin yer deadlights ta wander to another mans wench

This be all at the moment, All violators are keelhauled an' fed to the sharks.

10-05-2005, 21:12
Englerican Government has decided that the following things are illegal and forbidden, with different punishments for each particular crime.

- Sex or Sexual acts with underage children (Aged 16)
- Hardcore drug taking or trafficing (Soft Drugs are Legal)
- Murder, and other crimes that are violent (with intent to harm, kill or disrupt. However self defence is NOT illegal)
- Smoking & Drug Taking in Public Places
- Rape, in any form.
- Anything which harms the enviroment to a certain degree (from littering to corporation pollution)
- Stealing, in any form.
- Fireworks (Without a Permit)

And we are sure there is more to come.
10-05-2005, 21:44
Massive corporations are banned
Political groups are banned
Petty crimes are banned

Everything else is pretty much legal.
10-05-2005, 21:48
I'm going to invade Mozraq with serial killers because apparently extreme crime isn't banned.
Pschycotic Pschycos
10-05-2005, 22:33


3.Political Parties

4.Governmental Elections

5.Murder/Rape/Other such crimes (Theft, Arson, etc...)

6.Child Pornography

7.Pedephiles (Spelling?)


9.Illegal Immigrants

10.Automatic Weapons
10-05-2005, 23:48
The only thing that is banned in my nation is a list of banned things. Basically you can have whatever you want without being punished by the police but it still might have aftereffects that might get you burned.
The Eternal Kawaii
11-05-2005, 02:46
So far the government of the Eternal Kawaii has put forward edicts banning the following:

- Voting
- Public Nudity
- Political protests
- Molesting the Sanrio kittens
- Bicycle riding in the streets
- Racist speech

We are exploring numerous other prohibitions, including:

- Prostitution
- Pornography
- "Reality" TV shows
- Smoking
- Drinking
- Doing drugs
- Using profanity
- Homosexuality
- Heterosexuality
- Any other kind of sexuality that isn't tasteful
- Sloppy clothing
- Bad manners in general
11-05-2005, 03:01
So far the government of the Eternal Kawaii has put forward edicts banning the following:

- Voting
You ban voting? Why not just not give them any chance to vote? That would be much easier.
11-05-2005, 04:51
Here in the enlightened nation of Chazadia the goverment stays out of its people's private lives, however the laws that do exist are strictly enforced.
-All violent crimes are banned.
-Automobiles are banned for envirmental reason.
-Many industries are regulated but not banned, these include:firearms, abortion, tobacco, alchohal, marijuanna, hard drugs
11-05-2005, 05:20
Prohibited actions: Murder, rape, theft, battery, assault, and the like. Pedophilia falls into the rape or assault categories, but it's punished more heavily, often with chemical castration or experimental psycho-medical treatments.

Banned items: Highly radioactive materials, military-grade rockets, Biohazard Level III, IV and V* organisms, certain parasites, nerve agents and certain other chemical weapons, and WMD delivery systems may not be possessed without a license. That's not to say we prosecute people who catch those diseases, though.

*Yes, in Ximea we have a whole extra Biohazard Level. It's a lot of fun.