Cherry Ridge
08-05-2005, 22:28
Diocesan Press Release
[i]Earlier this month, His Excellancy Daniel De Vito, the auxillary Bishop from Carmel was selected to become Archbishop of Cherry Ridge. Today, he journeyed to the Vatican, and was officially installed as the archbishop, and also, elevated to Cardinal by Pope Benedict XVI, for being an "excellant servant of the church". His Eminence Daniel Cardinal De Vito is a nephew, and named after the old Cardinal De Vito.
The archdiocese invites other religious leaders, and national leaders, to join in a celebration. The schedule is as follows:
Day One
6:00 AM to 9:30 AM- Breakfast is Served
9:30 AM to 2:30 PM- Parade
2:30 PM on- Party (buffet will be present)
Day Two
6:00-9:00 Breakfast
9:30- Ecumenical prayer Service
Guests will be housed in the Cardinalatial Palace Guest Quarters
[i]Earlier this month, His Excellancy Daniel De Vito, the auxillary Bishop from Carmel was selected to become Archbishop of Cherry Ridge. Today, he journeyed to the Vatican, and was officially installed as the archbishop, and also, elevated to Cardinal by Pope Benedict XVI, for being an "excellant servant of the church". His Eminence Daniel Cardinal De Vito is a nephew, and named after the old Cardinal De Vito.
The archdiocese invites other religious leaders, and national leaders, to join in a celebration. The schedule is as follows:
Day One
6:00 AM to 9:30 AM- Breakfast is Served
9:30 AM to 2:30 PM- Parade
2:30 PM on- Party (buffet will be present)
Day Two
6:00-9:00 Breakfast
9:30- Ecumenical prayer Service
Guests will be housed in the Cardinalatial Palace Guest Quarters