A spot of trouble: cooperative character RP - Open Future Tech.
This RPG is now closed. Participation limited to
Aelosia, Mirfak, Newbish Delight, Omar Guilds, and Theao.
Alright, if you clicked the link I assume you're interested, so here's the lowdown. Basically, the sequence of events is this: your characters, and probably a few of my own, are travelling on a small Mirfakan passenger transport between Mirfak and Earth. The transport, however, runs into mechanical trouble along the way in planespace, in which the two pilots are killed. From there, it is up to the passengers to save their own skins and get the ship back to normal space, preferably (for their sake) someplace where they'll be rescued. Fairly free-form, requirements for participation follow.
1. You must be willing to stick with it and play to the end of the RP. I hate it when people just abandon a game in progress.
2. Your character must not be proficient at engineering or piloting. To make it interesting, I don't want the magic fix-it expert guy aboard, though limited experience in any relevant area is certainly acceptable.
3. Your character must not have intent to kill people or destroy the ship, as that would likely cut things rather short.
4. Your character must not have powers beyond the scope of what is generally not ignorable.
5. You must be able to make decent posts without horrible misspellings, excessive abbreviation, or general grammatical retardation.
Submit your intention to join here, along with any public information on your character you'd like to be out there from the start (outstanding physical characteristics, name, origin, etc.). Bear in mind, posting here does not guarantee you a place. I reserve the right to refuse entry.
Ground rules for the RP:
1. Allow reaction. Don't get going with one other person, leaving everyone else to trip over themselves catching up. Private conversations and things not affecting other passengers are excepted from this rule.
2. Don't godmode. That is, don't take action for other players. This has no limit of extention, including reaction. i.e. if you throw a punch at someone, they decide if it connects and how much damage it does.
3. Don't godmod. Do not use super strength, cloaking ability, telekenisis, or anything else that will piss people off or generally solve problems way too easily. Remember, this is a cooperative RP.
4. I'm saying it again for effect: don't join if you're not going to post regularly, at least once a day or two, and don't join if you're going to leave before the game is over.
5. If everyone follows the rules, it should be fun for us all. Let's keep in mind that we're all friends here. Have fun, and don't ruin other people's fun.
Omar Guilds
05-05-2005, 02:02
Dyslexic lawn gnomes
05-05-2005, 02:11
normally if their is a problem, and you explain it in a SLOW manner, people tend to respond better.
Try spreading it out. Then people might be interested in you’re issue.
No anger please, were gnomes, were fragile.
Name: Rivan
Age: 23
Height: 5'9"
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black
Build: Lean
Background, Public: Insurance salesman
Private: Criminal with multiple convictions in almost every crime imaginable from treason to assassinatio to littering to grand theft auto/spacecraft.
Goal: Theft of the ship and ransoming everyone on it.
Cooperative RP, Theao. Cooperative. Trying to kidnap and ransom people doesn't count as cooperating with them, unless he abandons his goal after the accident.
That's his reason for being there, he'll help the others when the ship malfunctions and possibly, havn't decided, try to betray them at the end.
I'm sort of ripping of the movie Pitch Black, precursor to Chronicals of Riddick for the basic idea.
He could be the reason for the damage but it spun out of control if you want.
Omar Guilds
05-05-2005, 03:33
[OOC: I am unsure whether to use one of my more developed characters I have waiting, or instead an Omar who gets caught into this mess. The unfortunate thing is, the developed character will be needed in another, though using fluid time it may not be a problem, unless a time paradox is created.]
Name: Laessa Cúthalion
Age: 249 Years (For a Sindarin elf, that would make her like a 20 years old human lass)
Height: 1.56
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
Build: Slim
Background: An elven Top Model famous in her Aelosian homeland, image of the the famous brand of sport GravBikes Maelia. She's coming from a short vacation at Mirfak to be on a new project of her company, which tries to place their products (Sporting jet bikes) into the human markets, following the contract, she took the first flight available.
Abilities: With the exception of just an enchanting voice and her wonderful appearance of an elven porcelain doll, nothing worth mentioning.
Goal: finish the trip easily and without anything "unexpected", in the most luxurious and comfortable way. However, she display an uncommon interest for human characters and customs, and wants to learn as most as he can from the Second Sons of Ilúvatar.
Theao: Alright, we'll see how it goes. I'm probably not going to allow betrayal at the end though. I want this RP to terminate with escape and rescue, not a blaze of fire. It's not meant to be a tragedy or a conflict.
Omar Guilds: It probably doesn't matter a whole lot. I'm not going to let any of the main characters die. Well, not unless they do something really dumb and seem to be continually asking for it.
Aelosia: Accepted.
Omar Guilds
05-05-2005, 04:13
[OOC: Katarine it is.]
Name: Katarine Cappidocia
Age: 37
Height: 5'3''
Eyes: Blue-Gray
Hair: Black with Blue
Build: Thin
Background: A Terran nanotechnician that has recently been studying the strange enigmatic civilization of the Omar Guilds. She is quite fascinated by them, especially dealing with their dedication to genetic engineering and strictly purpose-driven system. She is a good friend of the former Jedi Master and known scholar Chrle Artul, and also of the privateer Dmitry Kirsanov. She recently has been recruited by Artul for a scientific and anthropological mission to study and find the nature of the Omar Guilds, in a diplomatic and scientific role. She has had much contact with the Omar Traders as she gets much of her nanites and other materials for her studies from their markets.
Abilities: Very discerning and quick to inquire. She has knowledge in a wide variety of sciences, mostly dealing with nanotechnology, though she is also very knowledgible in eugenics, genetics, and anthropology.
Goal: To reach Earth to receive a shipment of nanites from her Omar contacts before she meets with her friend Chrle Artul. They are preparing for an extended scientific journey and inquiry into the nature of the Omar Guilds.
Omar Guilds: Accepted.
Room for one more.
Newbish Delight
05-05-2005, 10:21
Name: Quikgedditoffame (prefers to be called "Quik", named after some misfortunes at the naming ceremony involving a rather large spider landing on the Namer's head) Edyucatoryal
Species: BladeGoblin
Rank: Professor of Goblin and Foreign History at the Grand University of Goblin City (on sabbatical), Marquis of Dem Big Cliffs on Hotwurld
Age:: Unknown (Goblin calendars are marked by events rather than a sequence of days/weeks/months, which makes it extremely hard to properly calculate age. There are suspicions that this was put in place by an aging, and rather vain, Goblin Queen)
Height: 6'3"
Build: Extremely slender, lithe muscular structure (speed rather than strength)
Skin colour: Rich green
Eye colour: Golden
As a BladeGoblin he forms part of the social and political elite of the Combined Goblin Collective (although this might not be something to brag about), also due to his being a BladeGoblin he has considerably more mental capacity than any form of Nebula Greenskin other than the GreatGoblin Royal Family. He has been teaching the history of Goblins and nonGoblins for many years, and has a reasonable knowledge of foreign customs (although he is rather hazy about many things), and is very well cultured when compared to other Goblins, even with others of the "relatively normal" nobility.
Good at swordsmanship, but will obviously not be using it to do bloody murder (not that he would anyway, being a rather peaceful Goblin), although his forceblade might come in handy at some point.
Intelligent! A most rare trait among Goblins, if not particularly unusual amongst Blade- and Great- Goblins.
Photographic memory: Remembers things very well, if not always perfectly (bad film development, perhaps).
Goal: Enjoy his sabbatical, have a holiday, learn some more about non-Nebula creatures and generally have a good time away from the chaos of Goblin City.
Alright then, that's enough people. Thank you all in advance for your participation. An in-character post will follow this one shortly.
StarTransit's Riolinik moves from its docking port at the boarding station and towards the Mirfak Sord. As it makes the turn to get on course, Mirfak III, the home planet of the Socialist Republic of Mirfak, is visible for a few seconds through the starboard windows. After that, the view is limited to other starships in parallel flight lanes. The Riolinik is by no measure a magnificent vessel. The small, Calicke variant is modified for passenger comfort, with a small galley at the back and more furnishings than its military cousin. This flight has only fifteen passengers aboard. Towards the back, Laessa Cúthalion sits alone, having had the entire rear of the craft cleared for her private occupation. A young male flight attendant gives her apologies for the fifth time since she boarded, bowing profusely to the model. "Once again, I can't say how sorry StarTransit is that your charter was delayed. Our representatives assured me that your money will be fully refunded."
As the ship passes through the orbit of Than IV, the captain addresses his passengers from the forward control room. “Good day ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. Welcome aboard StarTransit flight 2261, direct service from StarTransit Station in Mirfak to Earth International Spacedock. Our transit time today will be approximately two hours, including thirty minutes in planespace. Beverages and a light meal will be served en route, so sit back and enjoy the ride.”
Calicke class variant (light civilian transport): $600,000
The Calicke light transport is the most mass-produced of all the Labule’s ships. Incredibly functional, most larger ships carry at least one aboard to use both for transportation between vessels and facilities and as an escape vehicle when evacuation orders are issued. Because its facilities total up to be little more than engines and a basic AI for information storage and navigation, the two-compartment Calicke, though small, has a great deal of empty space by volume for transporting people, cargo, or any combination of the two.
Image: http://url.photobucket.com/albums/v88/Zorak950/NS/Calicke.jpg
Dimensions: 10x8x4 meters.
-Powerplant: One substance/antisubstance reaction chamber (10 terawatt output).
-Ion engines: maximum speed 20,000 km/s.
-Frasas jenreet.
-Maneuvering thrusters: turn radius at maximum speed 1,000 meters.
-Fuel capacity: 1,000 liters.
-Fuel range: about 5 days normal operation.
-Complement: 4 crew, up to 20 passengers.
-No weapons.
-No shields.
-Armor rating: 1.
Laessa Cúthalion wasn't exactly the kind type of woman. Instead, she was the equivalent of a spoiled teenager, knowing that billions of people in both her Empire and foreign lands idolatred her image and look. Aelosian ladies had an image of being delicate and elegant over the extreme all over the universe, being extremely educated and well mannered, yet again, Laessa was an exception.
A product of being the single daughter of a ridiculous rich widow, she spent her entire childhood surrounded of every luxury imaginable, having whatever she wanted with just a snatch of her fingers. Soon she found that she had power over others, power thanks to her personal fortune, power thanks to her noble heritage and background, and began to regard the rest of the people around her as inferiors. Soon she learned the power of looks and image, in the early of her teenager years, the power that beautiful and attractive women could achieve over men and over society as a whole, even more in a the aelosian society, where the sindarin elves placed beauty and aesthetics in an elevated place, and desired that power over everything else.
She achieved it through hard work and care, and for the first time in her life she dedicated effort to something. As she matured and blossomed into a young women, her image was already of a superb aelosian woman, displaying curves and dimensions quite far from the other aelosian maidens. She used her looks and influence over important men to win the trophy of the Maiden of the Year, and had the chance of meeting the Heir to the Throne, Princess Aliria D'Hyru, probably the most beautiful women in the entire, vast, Empire.
That encounter changed Laessa's life, as she felt like an inferior for the first time of her life. Although the beauty of the Princess wasn't far superior of her own, the Princess was also educated, charming, and gentle, qualities that Laessa lacked. She promised not to place herself in such situation again, and grew envious and disdainful of figure of the Princess.
After several contracts and advertisements, she cultivated the image of a hard and adventuring woman, the virtual contrary to the kind and welcomed image of the Princess, and dedicated herself to be the image of sport articles, mainly the Maelia JetBikes and the sport cars of the D'nan House. That won her enough money and reputation to have the chance of touring the uinverse and learn about other countries, hoping to achieve the respect that her imaginary nemesis had in foreign nations and peoples.
And that brought us to the back part of the Mirfak transport, where a gentle flight attendant just expressed his apologies to the Aelosian diva for the fifth time...
"You already said that, I think", she answered, not in the most gentle of the tones, as she placed her hand right behind her ear and moved it along hr neck as to display her flawless raven black hair. "Now you should try to bring me something to drink", she added in her clearly flawed english with the strange, french-like elven accent. "You should, if you want to earn a provocative tip. After all, your excuses doesn't make me more comfortable, but a nice glass of white wine could. Did I make myself clear?"
Rivin smiled as he left his cabin, this ship, while not that valueable, happened to be carrying a ransom target, that would be worth enought to set him up for life and then some. As he walked by the dive he thought, Soon my spoiled brat, soon you shall make me more than rich enought so that I never have to work again, if I don't want to of course. As he wandered he examined the ship, looking for a nice place to stage his capture of the ship, after some convient malfunction.
Laessa's attendant nods and hurries off into the galley. The small ship passes through the sord and the stars disappear, only the white of planespace now visible out the windows.
I make regular posting a requirement for joining and nobody ever posts. Y'all suck, just for the record. RP cancelled and closed.