NationStates Jolt Archive

Rosian democracy, is fun.

The Island of Rose
27-04-2005, 00:25
The Rosian Democratic System, the beacon of hundreds of thousands of countries. Rosian Democracy, at its best, represents the ideals of man put together in a system that is simple and effective. Now, there comes a time in every Government where major changes must occur. It happens to every one of us Governments. Either if its through revolution or peaceful means... or war, I prefer the peaceful means, but it happens. Now this is the story of great change, a new leader, a new system. Though I don't know if it would be for the better or worse. All I know is, that it's very very complicated. The system I mean. Though, that's up to you to decide. Now off to a magical journey of politics, espionage, and some other large words having to do with lies.

The Imperial Congress

The Imperial Congress, a large red building housing one hundred Senators. Each Senator representing a district of one of the seven large cities of the Island. The Main Chamber, where they meet was large. Chairs everywhere surrounding the room, with a dome on top with a hole for the sun to come in. On the floor was a rose with the saying Democracy in the Name of the Rose surrounding it going in a circle. And facing all of the chairs where three podiums, the center one being higherr then the rest of them. On the center sat the Speaker of Congress, Lord Anthony Calvus. To his right is Count Alexandr Ultinska, Majority Leader. And to his left is Count Frank Hapsberg , Minority Leader.

Anthony had a Greek look to him. He had greasy hair, a nice suit on for Congress, like always. I'll leave it to your imagination. He grabbed his gavel and pounded on his podium. "Okay, to recap from the last meeting. We are discussing to increase the amount of men the Protectorates can have, but if anybody has any bill proposals, say them now."

Alexandr Ultinska, representative of the Liberal Imperialist Party and Majority Leader stood up. He cleared his throat. "Ladies and gentleman of Congress. I have a bill that Frederick von Hattensberg, our President, has been working on since his election a few years ago. It is finished and I, Alexandr, has the honor to present it. It is called, the "The Bill of Democratic Imperial Unity"." He took out a few papers and started reading it.

The Bill of Democratic Imperial Unity

The Imperial Commonwealth of The Island of Rose will be known as the Imperial Union of The Island of Rose.

The Protectorates New Rose, New Roska, New Rosktai, New Red, Sardinia, Yemen, and South China will become Imperial Rosian Republics. The following changes will be made:

- The Imperial Rosian Republics of New Rose, New Roska, New Rosktai, New Red, Sardinia, Yemen, and South China will have full representation according to their provinces and/or districts.

- The Island of Rose will have more control over the Imperial Rosian Republics and will be able to appoint Ministers/Chancellors/Secrataries for the Imperial Rosian Republics.

- The Island of Rose will have direct military command over the Armed Forces of the Imperial Rosian Republics.

- The Imperial Council will consist of not only the Head of Government and Chancellors, but of a high ranking Ambassador from each Imperial Rosian Republic.

- The Imperial Rosian Republics will follow the Rosian Congressional System instead of their own.

The Rosian Congressional system will become bi-cameral, a Senate and a House of Representatives. The Senate will remain the same, but the House of Representatives will works such as the American system. I.E. one Representative per citizen.

The legalization of second ten year terms, I.E. if election were to occur the current Head of Government could run again.

Two different Executive Positions will be established, a Head of State (to be called the Sovereign Elect) and a Head of Government (to be called the Grand Chancellor)

- The Head of Government will retain all current powers, except for the powers to go the Head of State which will be explained now.

- The Head of State will be able to dissolve Congress, but only with approval of the Imperial Council.

- The Head of State will be able to appoint Chancellors to the Imperial Council.

- The Head of State is to replace the Head of Government in case of death.

- The Head of State will be able to bestow titles, I.E. Count, Lord, etc.

- The Head of State will be elected by Congress, the Head of Government elected by popular vote.

- The Head of Government will be Commander in Chief.

- The Head of Government will retain all current powers, except for the changes mentions above.

The Island of Rose will slowly econimically decentralize itself.

Frederick von Hattensberg

Thus began the debate. What will happen to the Island of Rose? Well, you're just gonna have to keep track of this thread.
The Island of Rose
28-04-2005, 00:21
The Imperial Congress

The Congress went in an uproar, an indistinguishble mess of screams of support and screams of opposition. For five minutes they argued against each other for this bill, as civilized as they are. Papers went flying, chairs hit the wall, bruises on some Senators. My, it was a lively discussion it was. Rosian democracy at its finest. Heck the Speaker of Congress was refereeing a match between the two Counts, but finally he ran up to his fancy podium thing and started to slam it with his gavel.

"Order, order in this room!" He shouted. "Shut up!" The men looked at the Speaker mumbling to themselves. They returned to their seats, frustrated. Well, they had to settle this soon. The Speaker looked around the Congress as they sat themselves. Anthony, the Speaker, then sighed. "The Parties have permission to discuss their position."

The first Senator, a Red Party man, stood up. He was a fat man and had a tired look, sixty something years old. He had rough English accent and was wearing a nice suit he imported from Formal Dances. He cleared his throat. "Look." He said. "The document is very well, but the Protectorates deserve their autonomy. If we were to have more control over them it would be an insane problem. Our Armed Forces can't be stretched to protect these lands! It's insane, I say. Insane. Who's with me?" The thirty Red Senators nodded and gave shouts of approval. The Congress almost went into a riot again.

Anthony banged his gavel against his podium. "Order!" And so they stopped. "The next party may give their view."

A Libertarian Senator, the closest thing to a moderate right wing party, stood up. He was an up and coming Senator, twenty something years old. Fresh out of college. He had that perky face on him, cute. Just brimming with excitement. He breathed a deep breath and started talking. "The Rosian System is good because of its simplicity. If this bicameral system were to be instated, and these new positions made, the bureaucracy of the Island would increase a hundred fold! Right Senators?!" The Libertarians shouted shouts of approval, all ten of them. Some even said Amen! you know.

Next up was a Nationalist Senator, he didn't have much to say. "We... just don't like Democracy." The five Nationalist Senators nodded and patted him on the back as he sat down.

A Militant Communist Senator stood up. He was in a suit, with a red sash with the hammer and sickle on it on his left arm. He looked like one of the Old Guard from Russia. He cleared his throat and looked at those sitting. "Comrades, true democracy comes from the People, not this complicated mess!" The Militant Communists shook his hand as he sat down and gave him compliments.

The final Senator to stand up was a Liberal Imperialist. He was in his thirties and was wearing a nice moderate suit with a tie, nothing special. He had his hair sleeked back and looked like a Playboy, even though he was married. He looked at the entire Senate and started to talk. "Ladies and Gentlemen!" He shouted. "This bill will further the balance of Executive, Legislative, and Judicial power! With this bill Democracy will be furthered not advanced! Not only that, our military will be more feared then it is, do not forget Brimstone people! This put us in the public eye. Not only that, with these two Heads we can balance ourselves more. Now, this is just my opinion but if you are against it, eh."

The Congress voted, each secretly casting a ballot. Yes or No. After a few minutes the results were counted, for the first time an occurance that hasn't happened in years.

A tie.

Fifty of the Senators, all of them Liberal Imperialists voted for it. The other fifty, a coalition of the other parties voted against it.

A tie.

A historical point was reached that day, and soon it would be known throughout the world.
The Island of Rose
28-04-2005, 14:20
Rose International News Network

Today in the Imperial Congress a historical moment occured as the Senate reached a tie over a new bill today called the "Bill of Democratic Imperial Unity". Features of the bill include uniting the Protectorates under Rose City, the establishment of two Head Executive positions, and the bicameralization of the Congress. The Imperial Congress is split with the Liberal Imperialists supporting the bill, but a coalition of the Red Party, the Militant Communist Party, the Libertarian Party, and the Nationalist Party oppose it. This is for different reasons. The Libertarian Party official statement is "This will not only bureaucratize the Island a hundred fold. Not only that it will be a strain on the budget."

Meanwhile the Red Party opposes it on the grounds of insane centralization of the Protectorates. Saying "This bill if passed, will have to be approved by the other Protectorates. Our Armed Forces cannot be stretched as to watch eight territories." Meanwhile the Nationalist Party was not able to give a statement, but word on the street says because they oppose all things Democratic. But the Militant Communist Party was able to give a statement, saying "The idea of two Heads in a Government is ludicrous. The Head of State should be elected by the People, the Government by the People. We will oppose this until Democracy is brought to the People and not through a legislature."

The Liberal Imperialists, hoping to stir up support for the bill said "This bill will not only further Democracy, but it will unite and strenghten the Imperial Commonwealth. Those who oppose this is making a mistake, if they truely cared for the welfare of the Imperial Commonwealth, they would support this." Meanwhile the Protectorates upon hearing of the bill had mixed reviews. The New Rosians, New Roskans, New Rosktains, Sardinian, and the New Redan Governments support this bill. But in places such as in South China, Yemen. and Havana, where nationalism is prominent the bill is fierecely opposed. The Imperial Chinese President said "We oppose this bill, but we will review it and see if we accept it. I will run it through the Congress." The Yemenese and Havana Governments were unavailable for comments.

The majority of the Imperial Council meanwhile supports it, but Rosta, the Chancellor of Commerce, opposes it saying "I agree with my Red brothers, a mess will occur if the bill is passed." When Sergei, the Chancellor of Foreign Affairs, was asked he said "Heh, I don't know what's going to happen if the bill is passed, I just know it's something."

Frederick von Hattensberg, the writer of the bill and Imperial President, was unavailable for comment. But political analysts say that his position is the same as the Liberal Imperialist Party. The bill will be displayed for your viewing.

The Bill of Democratic Imperial Unity

The Imperial Commonwealth of The Island of Rose will be known as the Imperial Union of The Island of Rose.

The Protectorates New Rose, New Roska, New Rosktai, New Red, Sardinia, Yemen, and South China will become Imperial Rosian Republics. The following changes will be made:

- The Imperial Rosian Republics of New Rose, New Roska, New Rosktai, New Red, Sardinia, Yemen, and South China will have full representation according to their provinces and/or districts.

- The Island of Rose will have more control over the Imperial Rosian Republics and will be able to appoint Ministers/Chancellors/Secrataries for the Imperial Rosian Republics.

- The Island of Rose will have direct military command over the Armed Forces of the Imperial Rosian Republics.

- The Imperial Council will consist of not only the Head of Government and Chancellors, but of a high ranking Ambassador from each Imperial Rosian Republic.

- The Imperial Rosian Republics will follow the Rosian Congressional System instead of their own.

The Rosian Congressional system will become bi-cameral, a Senate and a House of Representatives. The Senate will remain the same, but the House of Representatives will works such as the American system. I.E. one Representative per citizen.

The legalization of second ten year terms, I.E. if election were to occur the current Head of Government could run again.

Two different Executive Positions will be established, a Head of State (to be called the Sovereign Elect) and a Head of Government (to be called the Grand Chancellor)

- The Head of Government will retain all current powers, except for the powers to go the Head of State which will be explained now.

- The Head of State will be able to dissolve Congress, but only with approval of the Imperial Council.

- The Head of State will be able to appoint Chancellors to the Imperial Council.

- The Head of State is to replace the Head of Government in case of death.

- The Head of State will be able to bestow titles, I.E. Count, Lord, etc.

- The Head of State will be elected by Congress, the Head of Government elected by popular vote.

- The Head of Government will be Commander in Chief.

- The Head of Government will retain all current powers, except for the changes mentions above.

The Island of Rose will slowly econimically decentralize itself.

Frederick von Hattensberg

Meanwhile in the world of Sports, Juan de los Santos quit the Rosian Dueling Confederation......

Now let's see what the world thinks.
28-04-2005, 14:28

Wow, you've just described how I run my nation without the Catholic religions trappings around it.
The Island of Rose
28-04-2005, 14:30

Wow, you've just described how I run my nation.

(Is that good or bad?)
28-04-2005, 14:33
(Is that good or bad?)

I like it! Except you don't have the Jeruselem Catholic Church in the picture.
We don't pretend to have democracy though as we don't pretend we aren't essentially medieval.
The Island of Rose
28-04-2005, 14:37
I like it! Except you don't have the Jeruselem Catholic Church in the picture.
We don't pretend to have democracy though as we don't pretend we aren't essentially medieval.

(Now, are you going to make an IC post? ;))
28-04-2005, 15:01
Jeruselem Government News

The Island of Rose adopts Jeruselem-style monarchy

In an unexpected development on the Island of Rose, the goverment seems to moving away from the traditional democracy processes towards Jeruselem's more medieval form of government.

Professor James Smith of the University of Jerusalem said
"I've studied the new bill, and the Grand Chancellor is essentially Emperor or King in all but name. The Rosian Grand Chancellor is not an absolute monarchy nor a Monarch entrenched in the Catholic Christian traditions like our Queen who is also DEI GRATIA. This dismantles the essential ingredients of a democracy and centralises power into the chair of Grand Chancellor. The other instuments of government have been severely weakened due to the direct influence of the head of state. The Rosian system is still far more democratic than ours, but the history of Jeruselem is littered with monarchies so we are used it. I hope the Grand-Chancellor does not exercise his extensive powers too much as our Queen tends not to do except when needed."

Another academic Robert Shalom said "The Grand Chancellor is a head of state without the influence of a Church or moral authority to control him or her. It is worse than our system, where the Jeruselem Catholic Church can actually remove the monarch by authority from the Vatican. It's very Roman in fact.".

For the record for foreigners, the Grand Chancellor of Jeruselem is not head of state but appointed by the ruling monarch. However, he does have extensive powers over all domestic non-religious and non-military matters and acts as head of state when the monarch is unavailable at the time.
The Island of Rose
28-04-2005, 15:11
(Ah, they have nothing to worry. If the Head gets too powerful, the Rosians have a Constitutional right to revolt.)
The Island of Rose
28-04-2005, 20:59
The Imperial
The Newsletter for the Liberal Imperialist

Why the bill is more Democratic then the current system.

The Jeruselem Government News has been misinformed. This bill will democratize the Island and unite it, not put all the power into the Executive Chair. The Head of State has no powers, as in the Sovereign Elect not the Grand Chancellor, that's the first thing. Yes the Head of State would be able to dissolve Congress, but if the Jeruselem Government News Network researched the Rosian Constitution, they will notice a certain amendment saying that a legislative body must be in place in case of a freak accident destroying the Congress. Elections would immediately happen when the Congress is dissolved. Also, the Sovereign Elect could only do it with full unanimous support from the Imperial Council, and if the Jeruselem Government News Network knew about out history, they would notice that there are alot of Socialists in power, and right now there are two in the Imperial Council. The Chancellor of Commerce, Rosta Einvach and the Chancellor of Foreign Affairs, Sergei Ilyanov.

Also, the Congress would be able to better represent the Island. Even the Libertarians and Socialists agree to this, and they are very pro-freedom. We are sad that these lies were published, we just hope that this rectified soon. And to the comment that the Sovereign Elect and Grand Chancellor would have no moral authority over themselves. Congress has quite a bit of power to direct them, they must listen to what Congress says or risk getting ousted. Also, if the people don't like a leader, he might very well get shot. This is a common occurence in history.

All in all, the bill balances the Government of the Island, not puts all the power to the Executive Heads.

Hans Gregorian

Unfortunately by now, impassioned editorials were going all around the Island and Imperial Commonwealth. Some editorials, like this one, praised the bill as a democratizing force. Other editorials condemned it, of course for various reasons.

The Executive Office

The Executive Office, the place of power in the Imperial Commonwealth and the Island of Rose. It was quite a site it was. As soon as you entered you would see a desk, a nice oak finish it has. Behind the desk was a giant window where anybody could see the Imperial President from the floor and the the Imperial President could see anybody on the floor. The view was nice, as you may tell. The window showed the endless rows of Embassies, since the Presidential Villa was located in the center of Embassy Row. The items on the desk were nice too, a red phone, a big red button (of course), and a laptop to keep track of things. On the floor was a nice blue rug with a rose on the center, all and all, it was a roomy place.

And the occupier of this Office was Frederick von Hattensberg ( The Imperial President of the Imperial Commonwealth of The Island of Rose. He was tired, the constant campaigning to pass the bill, the arguments with Senators, the diplomatic meetings with the Ambassadors of the Protectorates. He looks forty something even though he was thirty three. He was supposed to represent the youth of the Island, but he looked tired, exhausted.

The imported wooden oak doors opened slowly, who was it? It was Sergei Ilyanov (, former President and Chancellor of Foreign Affairs. He was wearing a suit, probably back from a diplomatic meeting with an Ambassador in one of the Embassies. He entered with a curious look on his face, one them "Eh, what ya want?" faces. He sat down on one of the chairs facing the desk. He looked at Frederick. "What did you call me for, Frederick?"

Frederick sighed. "Sergei. What is your opinion of the bill?"

Sergei raised his brow and looked at the laptop that was on the desk. "I personally don't care. A bill is a bill and nobody will care about it in the future."

Frederick shook his head. "How can you say that? This bill will change the entire Rosian system, a change like this hasn't been instituted for seventy something years."

Sergei chuckled. "Comrade, let me give you some advice. When you instigated the revolt against Robert, the International Community complained but now they don't care anymore. When the Communists gave the Capitalists the right to have seats in Congress, it was a big deal. But now, they take it for granted. When you instituted the Imperial Space Defense Grid, the International Community got scared. Rosians with MIRVs, heh heh. But now, they're building their own grids. Just don't worry about it Frederick."

Frederick smiled. "Eh, you're never wrong?"

Sergei stood up. "I'm never wrong, most of the time." He smirked.

Frederick rolled his eyes. "Oy. By the way Sergei, the Heads of State from the Protectorates will be arriving soon. Do you mind if you represent the Island? And endorse the bill for me? I need the rest, I'm tired. I haven't gotten sleep in days."

Sergei chuckled. He walked towards the furnished doors, but before he left he said. "Don't worry Frederick, you get your rest. Good night, comrade."

Frederick then laid his head on the desk, using his arms as pillows. Then, he went off to sweet sweet dreamland. He then proceeded to snore and mumble things to himself.

When you're trying to do alot of this at once, you can get tired.
The Island of Rose
29-04-2005, 22:52
Embassy Row

Sergei left the Presidential Villa with a skip to his step, and a small smirking smile. The kind of smile a man can have that comes with wisdom over the years. It was a sunny day, it always is. The Island is a tropical place, barely rains only when needs be, sunny twenty four/seven. A big city of Miami it was, even though the cities were filled with urban sprawl. But that just adds a mystique around it. A strange country, full of strange things, yet protected by God. Only He knows why.

Sergei, as you all know now, was to go to Rose International Airport to meet with the various Heads of States from the Protectorates, or soon to be Imperial Rosian Republics, or soon to be independent nations. Who knows, I sure don't, well I do, I just don't want to spoil the story. And that's not fun now, is it? But let's see how the walk is.

Embassy Row is an imposing sight to say the least. Two entire rows, comprising of hundreds of Embassies. Hamptonian, Freekian, Iuthian, Euroslavian, Dumpsterdaman, Soviet. Both of them. If you wanted to go see every foreign country via an Embassy, the Island of Rose would be a good portal for that. Hundreds of flags high up in air, waving in the light Spring Rosian wind. Guards from the various Embassies looking having a stoic look, ready to face down even the heaviest machine gun. On the walkway/road were Rosian citizens, spies, Ambassadors, anything. Even homeless people could be spot at times, of course Sergei would give them money to help them out.

The walkway was made of yellow bricks. As a person would walk it would make a "clock" sound, very nice to hear. All the bricks were square, and all of them even. Not too spaced, not too squished. As Sergei walked along he pondered, what would he buy for food? How's Alexander doing? Did he make the wife mad? Who knows, but the walk out of Embassy Row is always relaxing.

We're now at the end of Embassy Row, a large black iron bar gate seperates it from the city. It has an iron rose on each side, weaved to look like one anyway. Sergei saluted the Guard, he was in standard Army wear. Kevlar helmet and the like. The Guard opened the gate with a button, yes a button, and it opened. Sergei called for a taxi, and off he went to Rose International. What a relaxing walk right?
29-04-2005, 23:02
OOC: You forgot to mention the "Spin the Bottle" contests used as tiebreakers in votes... :D *tag*
The Island of Rose
30-04-2005, 22:40
The Streets of Rose City

The taxi approached Sergei. It was standard yellow, the black and white brick-a-brack that makes up most generic taxi cars. Sergei entered the taxi car, he looked at the driver. It was a Scottish man, a tired and almost drunk Scottish man. As in, he looked drunk but he wasn't. Some might even say he's Irish. But he's not, he's Scottish. He looked fourty five, actually he was. He had a small beard growing, black and he was a bit chubby. He was a libertarian, so he didn't support the new bill nor did he support the new Libeal Imperialist Presidency, but he sure loved Sergei. Everybody loved Sergei.

He looked at Sergei as he entered the taxi. "Ah Mr. Ilyanov, where to?" He said in his gentle yet rough Scottish accent.

Sergei shrugged. "Rose International, and take me to the runway. There's going to be an IFV there, take me there."

The driver shrugged and started go towards Rose International. The trip was very nice on the way you know. As the taxi left Embassy Row it entered the sprawl that is known as Rose City. The driver put on some relaxing jazz music for the trip, because we all need relaxing jazz music. As the taxi got deeper into Rose City, the skyscrapers got taller. It made large American structures look like nothing, nothing. It really scraped the sky, and to climb the stairs of these babies would require as much as what a mountineer needs. A turn and you will see Red Square, socialist sounding yes? The center of Rose City, the economic center. In the middle there was a medium sized pyramid with a small base going towards the sky, a monument to freedom. Around the plaza were various tourist shops, tourists because the Rosians knew where to get the cheap things.

Another turn and there's Rose River in all her majesty. A clean serene river where people fished, swam, and had fun. Bridges crossed it, roads went around it. But everybody could see the river the split the City in two. Another term and there was Ministers' Garden. It was the place where all the various Ministries resided, but now it was occupied by only five Chancellories. Defense, Foreign Affairs, Commerce, the Interior, and Finance. Large red buildings surrounded by skyscrapers, you couldn't tell them apart. Only the signs told you what they did.

As the taxi got deeper towards the city you could spot Rose International, a sprawling airport. Planes entered and left the place, with various designations on them. Some were leaving, some were entering towards a better life. Who knows. The taxi took a couple of curves deep into the airport until finally he was at the runways. And there it was, the lone IFV, it looked like a Bradley but eh. He dropped Sergei off and said. "Payment."

Sergei chuckled and gave him the payment, 25R. "Here, have fun with it."

The taxi left and Sergei knocked on the IFV. "It works." He said. He then entered via the back to pick up the various Heads of State for... the Meeting.
The Island of Rose
04-05-2005, 03:05
Various planes started to arrived from the Protectorates. Chinese planes, New Rosian planes, New Roskan planes, New Rosktai planes, New Redan planes, Yemenese planes, and Cuban planes. The planes were 747s, with their respective flags. For the New Rosian, New Redan, New Rosktai, and New Roskan planes, the rose was used as the indicator on the fin, with name of their nation underneath and red. Then for the Chinese, the great red flag with its five yellow stars was used, with a rose on the right of those five yellow stars. The Yemenese flag was on the Yemenese plane, with a rose in the middle. And the Cuban flag for the Cuban plane, you already know how it looks like.

The various Heads of States started to step off the planes.

Leading the New Rosian Protectorate was President Hans Jonathine, elected three years ago and head of the Red Party. Aka, socialism lite. He was fourty seven years old, had a nice suit on too. He was a bit overweight and a bit of a drunkard at times, but he always led his nation right. The suit was custom, designed by a tailor probably. Who knows. His hair was combed to the side, so you could see a small line. He also had a nice tan, most people did under that hot New Rosian sun.

The man leading New Roska, President John Archer III, stepped off the plane. He was young, very young. Maybe too young. He was twenty seven. Oh, he had the look of a star. Or as a gay Englishman would say, a stah. He was a brunette, he too in a suit. But he bought it this time. He had a small tan, but he was white. New Roska wasn't as hot... okay, it's hotter. But as a Head of State the man is too busy to get a tan. Yes that's my excuse. He was average with his built, a funny guy, charasmatic, youthful. Well when he gets old he's gonna be a gluttonned sad old man, delicious. By the way, he also leads the New Roskan Red Party.

President Son Hua, the President of the Protectorate of Rosian China, stepped off. He was thirty three years old, and in charge of the Chinese Libertarian Party, capitalism is good. He had a slight military look to him, arriving in a Colonel's uniform. His hair was combed back and them little beady eyes looked evil. But he was a nice guy to talk to, and usually did things only when they needed to be done. Always letting the Chinese Parliament do things the way it had to be done. Which is good, I guess. He was average also, nothing special to say.

Now, the New Rosktai President was here. His name was Nikolai Smirnoven. He was in charge of the New Rosktai Red Party and was fourty two. The answer to life. He was fat, real fat. Really really really fat. Too fat. He was bald, and actually looked like he was eighty something. I won't lie, he looked just exactly like the guy who marries Anna Nicole, but fatter. And poorer. And lonelier.

President Gary Newman, in charge of New Red. The only liberal Imperialist in charge of a Protectorate, he was seventy two. Rather old, but very charasmatic. Bald, active, and happy, the man was a good ruler of the Protectorate. Plus he kept the blasted Island, the New Red one, safe. He's surrounded by enemies you know, mean ones too. He also came in a suit. Oh yeah, he's built.

The Yemenese and Cuban Presidents arrived also, but you will get their descriptions later. And they all started walking towards Sergei for... the Meeting.
The Island of Rose
08-05-2005, 00:00
The various Heads of State boarded the IFV.

(New post tommorow, consider this a cheap bump)
The Island of Rose
08-05-2005, 18:32
The Meeting was done. No I am not going to describe how the meeting went. Are you defying my will? Oh just shut up and go with the story.

The Imperial Congress

Another meeting of the grand Imperial Congress. Many days have passed. The bill revised, fought over, rioted over, bet over, alot of overs, you get it. Now it was time for another meeting. The Senators entered, the air had a wiff of pine on it. Must've been cleaned the night before, smells good. Some entered in casual clothes, since it was casual Friday. Funny, because I'm typing this on a Sunday, eh.

Lord Anthony Calvus was wearing a suit for the occassion, if we all can remember who Lord Anthony Calvus, he's the Speaker of Congress. The suit was blue with a beige tie, and the shoes were a black leather look. Yes. He banged his gavel against the podium. "Welcome to this session of the Imperial Congress. To recap, we were deciding whether to lower the Defense Budget. Does anybody have any new proposals?"

Count Alexandr Ultinska stood up. He was wearing a nice gray flannel suit, you know how it goes. "I wish to re-introduce the Bill. It has modifications in it, and I think it is acceptable." The Bill being the focus of this thread. "Here we go." He took out a few papers and started reading from it.

The Bill of Democratic Imperial Unity
Version 2.0

The Imperial Commonwealth of The Island of Rose will be known as the Imperial Union of The Island of Rose.

The Protectorates New Rose, New Roska, Sardinia, the United Hispanic Rosian Republic, Yemen, and South China will become Imperial Rosian Republics. The following changes will be made:

-The Protectorates of New Rosktai and New Red will become independent nations under Rosian protection.

- The Imperial Rosian Republics of New Rose, New Roska, Sardinia, Yemen, the United Hispanic Rosian Republic, and South China will have full representation according to the Rosian Congressional System. I.E. a representative for every one million citizens.

- The Island of Rose will have direct military command over the Armed Forces of the Imperial Rosian Republics in case of emergencies.

- The Imperial Council will consist of not only the Head of Government and Chancellors, but of a high ranking Ambassador from each Imperial Rosian Republic.

- The Imperial Rosian Republics will follow the Rosian Congressional System instead of their own.

- The Imperial Rosian Republics will have full representation in Rose City's Imperial Congress and will only meet if there is a bill presented by the President or Grand Chancellor that could affect the entire Imperial Commonwealth.

The Rosian Congressional system will remain unicameral, a Senate . The Senate will use the American system. I.E. one Representative per one million citizens.

The legalization of second ten year terms, I.E. if election were to occur the current Head of Government could run again.

Two different Executive Positions will be established, a Head of State (to be called the President) and a Head of Government (to be called the Grand Chancellor)

- The Head of Government will retain all current powers, except for the powers to go the Head of State which will be explained now.

- The Head of State will be able to appoint Chancellors to the Imperial Council.

- The Head of State is to replace the Head of Government in case of death.

- The Head of State will be able to bestow titles, I.E. Count, Lord, etc.

- The Head of State will be elected by Congress, the Head of Government elected by popular vote.

- The Head of Government will be Commander in Chief.

- The Head of Government will retain all current powers, except for the changes mentions above.

The Island of Rose will slowly economically decentralize itself.

Frederick von Hattensberg
Count Alexandr Ultinska

The Imperial Congress liked the new changes. Money would be saved, the Imperial Commonwealth wouldn't have to worry about sending men overseas, the IRRs would still have independence.

The vote was cast.

It was passed! The Libertarians voted aye on it, the Liberal Imperialists voted aye on it, the Reds voted... mostly aye on it, and of course the last two parties don't count. Now what the Liberal Imperialists don't realize is that they will lost their top man because of this oh so wonderful bill, and instead they will have a Grand Chancellor who they hate, but he Rosian public absolutely adores. Oooh, and the international heads of state just love him. His name? Nah, you know him.

Expect a news broadcast of this shortly.