NationStates Jolt Archive

Diplomatic Convention in Norlanse-Invite only RP

21-04-2005, 15:15
Ooc: Here is all the information you need to know about the convention.

It starts today in Norlanse, which is the capital of Spolotikopia. Currently, Spolotikopia does not have any airports for your delegates to fly into, but I will telegram everyone when we have a deal worked out about that. Here is the list of nations sending delegates/national leader: (I will update this when it is clarified)


Now, the actual convention information. The reason I created this in the NationStates section is because the whole thing (or as much as possible) will be RP'ed. For example:

Post about Zuo's delegate arriving in the airport
Post about his delegate driving up to the capital
Post about him enetering the hotel, then going to the meeting room
Post about General Spolotik saying welcome

Other important information:

All Ooc questions should be telegrammed to me. I'd prefer if Ic telegrams weren't in this thread, unless its someone calling General Spolotik from the airport.
Change of plans, we will be providing military security throughout the capital, and we are working out providing bodyguards. Of course, you are free to bring your own.
Spolotikopia is the exact size, location, etc. of Mongolia. Norlanse in the east, in the little part that juts into China on the side.
And finally, here is a very helpful diplomacy link:

Everyone will be telegrammed. I make the first post. Please try to be realistic. hope to see you there!
22-04-2005, 02:49
OOC: just for all of you my computer suchs and right now its not leting me use M word and this is just a post about them ariveing nothing more for now

IC:High commander Ghent landed his AH-64 fallowing him were four more they landed in an open field near the capital city he had 9 guards as well they had an air craft carrier that was as close to Spolotikopia as posible and if anything happens they are ready to launch all 21 F-16s

((its a small carrier))
22-04-2005, 03:20
General Spolotik and his foreign advisor, Jos Konul, were standing by the grounds were the convention would begin. The stars glowed brightly overhead, with the servants carrying out last-minute chairs and tablecloths for tomorrow's festivities. Jos began reporting to the General:

"Sir, the delegation from Nebarri_Prime has arrived."
"What? The convention doesn't even start until tomorrow!"
"I'm sorry, sir, bad communication on that one..."
"Bad communication on that one! There's an excuse for everything! I tell you to set up a diplomatic convention, and what do you give me? The convention begins tomorrow, and the security forces haven't even arrived yet! a delegate came early, the other delegates haven't even responded! He probably parked his carrier in unfriendly waters for all I know! I'll probably have all of the delegates assassinating each other! And I don't even want to know what else has gone wrong!"

Jos Konul cringed.

"And to top it all off, I have Zuoian forces doing I don't know what just 100 miles from my borders!"
"Um.. sir... by the way, Zuo will probably be keeping a small force nearby in case something goes wrong."
"Norlanse is going to look like a war zone with all these "security forces"! Did it ever occur to you that up until a couple months ago, the Spolotikopians had never heard of the word "engine" or "gun" or napalm"?!"
"Sir, you seem a little stressed..."
"Stressed? You figured that out by yourself? Yeah, I'm stressed! You know what its like? I have people even whispering revolt for "not taking action against Zuo"! And you know what else? A new report came in that the Kanns are still alive and well in Spolotikopia, preaching against me in the towns they still rule!"

The General allowed himself a moment of quite reflection.

"I'm getting to bed... make sure everything gets worked out."
22-04-2005, 03:24
Ambassador Koss Gerome boarded the long-range diplomatic VTOL Airplane, along with his aids and guard.

"So do you have any questions?"
"No sir."
"Very good, now make us proud."

The plane took off and headed toward it's destination of Norlanse, capital of Spolotikopia.
22-04-2005, 13:14
Information for all delegates attending the convention in Norlanse:

All delegates may fly to the Ulan Ude airport to the north in Lektavia. They will then be transported via K-26 helicopters with full HIND guard to a field just outside Norlanse, after which they may drive to the check-in, and then go to the General's castle and find their room. Because of security delays, the convention will not formaly begin until Monday night/Tuesday morning, but delegates are welcome to keep flying in. We regret to say that our land security is not yet in the city, but our helicopter guard is probably coming with each delegate. For those of you that are not using the Ulan Ude airport, please do not fly your airplane into the city, as it scares the populace. The delegate from Bezhou may use one of Zuo's airports and security. We hope you enjoy your stay in Norlanse.

Jos Konul, foreign advisor to General Spolotik

Ooc: By check in, I mean just have a short post here about the delegate coming to a small tent by the side of the road, saying his name, the "security guard" letting him in. I will let you know when the security forces come in.
New Lektavia
22-04-2005, 13:47
Doctor Brochuss decided today that he would go to the convention early and supervise the failing security. He flew in via KA-26 helicopter early this morning and will act as New Lektavias embassador in the convention.

"Doctor Ivan Brochuss"
"You may enter."
"I know that."

Brochuss had entered the increpid Norlsane now and wasn't really impressed.
22-04-2005, 16:35
A servant greeted him outside. "Hello, welcome to Norlanse! The castle you will be staying at is right down the main path on your right." She then rushed off to carry her load to the filed where the festivities would be taking place.

Ooc: Keep in mind Norlanse is barely a medieval town, so don't expect to be impressed.
22-04-2005, 18:42
The pilot, hearing the message, altered course to the new landing site. The VTOL came and executed a perfect landing. The ambassador went to the man manning the check-in and transfer point,

"I am Ambassador Koss Gerome of Theao, I belive I'm expected."
"Right this way."

As the chopper landed to went in a checked-in with the gate man out-side the capital.
22-04-2005, 19:08
The dropship roared overhead of Spolotikopia, its twin engines sputtering out puffs of smoke as the fuel burns inside them.

"Get ready men, we are making a hot drop, you know how I like to enter, With a bang!"
"HOOAH!" the marines responded in approval. The first man was Patterson, first in command of the Flandrithropian special ops brigade. He was personally assigned to the task of getting this third world country under Flandrithropian banner. Patterson checked his suit one last time as the floor beneath him started to slide back.

Spolotikopians looked up in amazement as the 11 HEV pods and one crate fell from the sky as though balls of fire were raining down. The pods let loose a parachute as well as the crate and they descended to right in front of the main castle. Patterson's and all the marines jumped out of the pods before they landed as their powersuits servos groaned in resistance. Patterson landed in combat ready form, his gauss rifle pointed at a nearby servant, he stands up and gives the all clear motion to his marines. He struts into the castle.
22-04-2005, 23:04
-----Offical Statment----

The Great Reduccial Empire of Clarksingtonland reports that its delage along with Foregin Minister Richardus Lithuanius has arrived in Norlanse along with 125 speical ops and crowd control forces. It has been confirmed that the Minister has been recieved most kindly and has checked into his hotel.

The Reduccial Empire would like to provide the following information to Spolotikopia and the other delagates.

All Clarksingtonland airports and harbours may be used. However, it must be clearly marked that your delagates are going to the Convention, otherwise they might be detained. Likewise, make sure that all ships passing through Clarksingtonland waters have proper idenification and neccasary papers. As tensions in the world are increasing, our border guards are on high alert. Please be coaperative with them and understand that all access to Spolotikopia through Clarksingtonland may be barred if international tensions escalate.

Secoundly, General Kyrios Monarches, comander of the Clarksingtonland forces in Spolotikopia, has met with the Spol. Foregin Minister and has worked a plan for secruity.

The Reduccial Empire wishes the delagates a safe and fruitfull Convention in Norlanse.


His Imperialessness,

Grand Reducis Timothius Clarksus, Elected Executive of Clarksingtonland
22-04-2005, 23:06
"Kuai dao le shiling." the driver said. General Ai Ren nodded. He looked outside at the grassy fields of Spolotikopia. The natives looked at the fast limo in amazement. Behind and front were two other cars.

"Shling, qian mian shi Norlanse. ning kan, Spolotikopia you ren lai huan ying wo men."

General Ai Ren nodded again. He was a quiet man, not much for words. Earlier this morning, he had parted with his Emperor with several words of advice. The Emperor was extremely suspicious of everything related to Spolotikopia, and he constantly reminded Ai Ren of the problems with Spolotikopia and her security. Ai Ren himself was unfamiliar with the country. Although Spolotikopia was just north of Zuo, Zuo's knowledge remains limited on this topic. When invited to Spolotikopia, Zuo took note to station 1,000 Imperial Guards and 300 Regulars south of the Spolotikopian boarder, just in case.

The door opened and the General was lead out of this car. Several Spolotikopian leaders greeted him. Ai Ren nodded and said in the Spolo-Zuoese dialect, "I'm General Ai Ren of the Empire of Zuo. I suspect that you have been waiting for me?"

The Spolotikopian offical bowed down. "Sir, this way. The official waved his hand in a direction and directed General Ai Ren in that direction. Ai Ren's four bodyguards followed closely.
22-04-2005, 23:13
HC ghent had taken his own AH-64 to the gate then after entering he moved up toward the castle
22-04-2005, 23:47
General Spolotik was standing outside, when Jos Konul ran up to him.

"Sir, they, they, invaded, the castle." Konul panted.

Immediately, Spolotik switched over to a military mindset. This was serious. This was the mindset that won him the war. Time to protect his people.

"Who invaded?"
"We think its the Flandrithropians."
"Okay, here's what I want you to do. Firts, tell the Clarksingtonland chief of security here. Evacuate everyone from the capital. Make sure the delegates are safe. Send a message to Lektavia via their delegate. Send a message to all of the countries sending delegates. Send one to Zuo. Then, meet up with m outside the city with the Clarksingtonland chief of security. We're going to call in the cavalry."
"Are you serious?"
"Yes. Dead serious."

Konul smiled to himself. This would be over before they knew it. Then he ran to carry out his orders, leaving the General and his thoughts behind.
22-04-2005, 23:53
Konul caught up with the chief of security shortly after the security arrived. He would not spare any time.

"The Flandrithropians invaded. Do what must be done."

The Clarksingtonland chief of security radioed his men, giving orders immediately.

Ooc: I won't be at my computer uintil Monday night. Could we please postpone this emergency until I get back?
23-04-2005, 12:15
Konul caught up with the chief of security shortly after the security arrived. He would not spare any time.

"The Flandrithropians invaded. Do what must be done."

The Clarksingtonland chief of security radioed his men, giving orders immediately.

Ooc: I won't be at my computer uintil Monday night. Could we please postpone this emergency until I get back?OOC: As the site is completely crashed, i have to ask here. Do you want me to RP as the FT nation i am, or to take the role of a MT nation?
23-04-2005, 14:57
OOC: he said in the sine up thred that he would prefer MT

sorry for the spelling
23-04-2005, 17:53
----Offical Statement----

From the Office of General Kyrios Monarches, Commander-in-Chief, Clarksingtonland Security Forces

I have met with Minister Konul and have orgnizied the following plan:

1. All delagates are to remain outsite Narlanse untill the Flandrithropians have been dealt with.

2. In the meantime, a makeshift camp for any delagates in need of secruity has just been set up outside the city. CNV Libertas, the nearest aircraft carrier, is dispatching 4 AF11's fighters and 6 helicopters for secruity. Further troops will be sent if neccasary.

3. If the situation escalates, the convention might have to be called off.


General Kyrios Monarches, Comander-in-Chief of His Imperialessness's forces in Spolotikopia
23-04-2005, 18:52
Patterson walks into the castles with the marine escort following him, he places all his arms on the entrance desk and instructs his marines to do so as well. He walks into another room and is immediatley surrounded by armed men.

"Woah woah woah, what is going on here?"
"You've invaded our country, what are you doing?" The Spolotikopian retorted.
"Woah, Invasion? No no no, not an invasion, i just like to make an entrance!"
"A... hmm... You, go tell the man. This situation has gone the wrong way."
"I've got a present for your head of state anyways, so when i could talk to him, that'd be great..."
24-04-2005, 01:27
From the Office of General Kyrios Monarches, Commander-in-Chief, Clarksingtonland Security Forces,

So, is Flandrithropia in fact not invading? Or is this just a hox for somthing else. If it is not, and just an "entrance," then I think we can reinstate the Convention. Please respond to this question soon, Flandrithropia.


General Kyrios Monarches, Comander-in-Chief of His Imperialessness's forces in Spolotikopia
24-04-2005, 03:17
Occ: Sorry, forgot to do this;

As the sun began to set over Narlanse, four limosenes with Clarksigntonland's flag in the front, gaured by a protection detail arrive at the castle in Narlanse.

The proccesion stops as Foregin Minister Lithanius get out and walks up to the check-in counter.

"Name and country please.
"I am Richardus Lithanius, Foregin Minister and public servant of the People and State of Clarksingtonland. I come as an offical foregin represantitive of the people of Clarksingtonland and His Impieralessness, the Grand Reducis Timothius F. Clarkus."
"Yes, you may enter."

The Minister salutes and enters.
24-04-2005, 11:22
The Imperial Palace - Hella, Helveticuz 11.02 PM
The night was young in Helveticuz, and the Foreign Minister sat in his room at he palace, taking his traditional night drink infront of the stove.
Suddenly, the door opened and a man rushed inside.

- Mr.Macharius!

- Yes?

- When do wish to leave for the Diplomatic convention in Norlanse, sir?

- Well, yes. If everything is set?

- Oh ofcourse, sir. We have ordered a white limousine to be ready at your arrival, and the private jet is ready at the airport in this moment, sir.

- Sounds great. What about the soldiers....i do want some protection. I've heard a rumour that Spolotikopia has been invaded or something.

- Yes, sir. We already have 30, combat ready, soldiers who are waiting to get onboard the jet. And the invasion was just a joke...of some wacko...sir.

- Well then we are ready to leave. Contact Spolotikopian authorities and tell them that we are on our way. And god help them if that limousine isn't there...

- Will do, sir. Follow me..

The foreign minister, Lord Macharius, went off to the airport and onboard the privatejet acompanied with thirty combat-ready soldiers, five bodyguards and two butlers. They will arrive in a couple of hours, depending on the weather.
24-04-2005, 15:50
Patterson checks his weapon at the desk and instructs his marines to do so as well. The two marines without weapons carry the crate into the lobby of the castle and they all sit and wait till they are called. Patterson, feeling naked without his power suit, walks over to the desk.

"Mam, would you be so kinda as to tell your leader upstairs that I'm a marine, and as a marine, i don't like to just strut into were i'm going, i liked to come in with a bang. I hope this hasn't caused any misunderstanding, and if it does, I'd like to present to your Head of state this crate of weapons and ammo. They are the C-14 Gauss 'Impaler' Rifles. So, if you'd be a dear and go fetch him, that'd be great."
26-04-2005, 02:25
General Ai Ren's four body guards immedietly surrounded him. As the sounds of fighting started in the distance, the bodyguards threw Ai Ren into a small room and took their positions, willing to give up their lives to protect the General. A bodyguard immedietly called downstairs to the limo driver below to wonder what was happening. After a few tense moments, the response came up. General Ai Ren relaxed a bit, but not entirely. His bodyguards pushed open the door, and one stepped cautiously out into the hall. There were several servants outside already. They all held up their hands in suprise.

"Whats going on downstairs?" The leader of the Zuoian bodyguards barked out in Spolo-Zuoese.

"Nothing Sir." a quivering servent responded. "A mistake with one of the diplomats. Everything is fine now."

The bodyguards, not willing the risk the life of the General, pushed him back into the room for safe keeping while two went downstairs to investigate. The leader of the body guards whispered into his sleeve, "Call in Squad 10."
26-04-2005, 03:09
Ooc: Well, so much for wait for me until I get back...

Konul caught up with General Spolotik as he was inspecting the grounds.

"Permission to report, sir!"
"The Flandrithropian envoy apologized. It was an "entrance" or something..."
"Hmm... Weird customs in these modern countries..."
"Indeed. The Flandrithropian delegate is in the castle, along with his envoy, and the Zuoian, Clarksingtonlandian, Nebarri_Prime, and Theao delegates have arrived. We have let them know they can return to the castle. The convention officially begins tomorrow, as you know."
"Yes... Keep an eye on that Flandrithropian. And please tell him to keep the marines out of the castle. I'm worried about Zuo. Thanks to our people, tensions are increasing, and I wish for there to be no further call for alarm. And I'd prefer not to sleep in the castle tonight. Have my living quarters transferred to an undisclosed location. Make sure everything is ready, you know... And tell Clarksingtonland and Lektavia maximum security. Don't forget to thank Clarksingtonland for volunteering to provide a camp. And make sure that Zuo knows everything is under control."
"And tell those Flandrithropians that General could do without these entrances. Well,that's about it. Good night Konul."
"Good night sir."
26-04-2005, 11:29
OOC: Sorry Spoloktopia, I must have missed that msg.

The private-jet of foreign minister Macharius had reached Spolotikopian airpace and was soon able to land at the airfield. Inside the jet, wich was luxuriously decorated with gold, ivory, marble and mahogany, Mr.Macharius took a sip of his whiskey.

- Are we there yet..? He mumbled, busy with drinking his whiskey.

- Yes, sir. We will land in about five minutes. Please put your seatbelt on, sir. Said the pilot in the speaker.

- Yeah yeah...I hope they have some more whiskey there, mine is out...damn.

And the plane landed with a bounce, and the little remainings of the finished whiskey was now all over the planes interior. The minister tottered out of the plane, and mumbled something about a white limousine, while getting in to a black one.

The limousine went straight to Norlanse, and stopped outside a guardbooth. A Spolotikopian soldier walked to the window and knocked carefully.

- Name and country, please? The soldier said.

- Foreign minister Macharius of Helveticuz. The chauffeur said witha calm voice.

- Okay. The soldier checked the list and leant forward to the window again. Yes, you may enter. Have a nice stay!
26-04-2005, 16:02
Ooc: That's good, except there is not a single airport in Spolotikopia...

Konul knocked on the door of General Spolotik's temporary secure room, and opened the door.

"Mmm...grnnmbr... yes...?
"Sorry to wake you up sir, but the convention begins today."
"Great. Who's here?"
"Helveticuz, Theao, Flandrithropia-"
"Tell him to get his marines out of Norlanse. Have Clarksingtonland keep an eye on them."
"Okay. Zuo and Clarksingtonland have also arrived. I believe we arre still awaiting the arrival of Bezhou. Oh yes, the Lektavian delegate is also here."
"Thank goodness. We need them more than ever. Very businessmenlike, the Dominar. Very efficient. I like them."
"Mmm, me to sir. The Flandrithropians delivered a package. A crate of modern weaponry."
"Keep it safe. We'll study it after the convention. They must think us some primitive country with no real weapons."
"Umm... we are sir."
"Unfortunately. Make sure nothing goes wrong today. Watch those Flandrithropians. Tell security."
"So you've said."
"Due to time zone differences, opening ceremony begins in the evening. I'm sure the delegates will be jetlagged. Make sure the delegate from Bezhou comes. If not, start without him."
"Yes, sir. Is that all?"
"Yes, that will be all."
26-04-2005, 16:57
The black limousine, with helvetian flags on the front, arrived at the hotel in central Norlanse. The chauffeur got out and walked towards the end of the extra long limousine, and then carefully opened the door for the minister - who had fallen asleep in the backseat.

- Sir... He whispered. Then he raised his voice. Sir!

- Sigh...wh...what is it? he mumbled.

- We are outside the hotel, sir. The chauffeur said carefully.

- Damn, you drive fast. Sigh, What have i been drinking..? I smell like a horses ass! He said very irritated.

- Ah, perhaps it was a glass or two to much. Anyway, sir, you should get going now. He said calmy.

- A glass or two...more like a bottle! Yes, ofcourse. And damn you for not getting me a white limo. He said and went straight to the hotel entrance and to the reception, where he got his key and then, quickly, went to his room.
26-04-2005, 17:38
OOC:Spolotikopia you forgot about nebarri prime iun that last post i dont know if it wqas intenshonal or not but i would just like to say that anyway i dont have time to post anything yet but i will when i get home
26-04-2005, 18:03
Ooc: Sorry about forgetting you. When you post, juts edit that Ooc one. That's what I will do when I post later, I'll edit this one.
26-04-2005, 19:19
Patterson lead his marines out of the castle and into the forest nearby. He set up camp and then preceded to unload himself from the power suit and proceeded with ten marines into the city. He followed a guide into the city when he arrives at the convention in the castle. He is the first one so he sits himself in the lobby while the receptionist glares at him apprehensively.
"What? Are you still bent outta shape about that entrance? I'm a military man, can you expect me to do anything else? Point me to where i'm supposed o go lil' lady."
26-04-2005, 20:37
"Sir, I'm afraid that we will not be allowing any military men inside the capital, evenmoreso in the castle. We assure yourdelegates safety, as we have top security from Clarksingtonland. Kindly leave the capital, or your delegate will not be welcome at the convention. General Spolotik thanks you for your gift."
26-04-2005, 20:44
----From the Office of KYrios Monarches, Commander-in-Chief-Clarksingtonland Security Forces,

Luckily I have spoken with the Flandrithropia and have confirmed that it was simply confusion. The temperary camp has been disabled and all delages may return to where they were staying. Everything is fine now. However, security will be stepped up. Other than body gaurds, no millatary personal other than Clarksington and Lektavian security forces are permitted inside the capital. If you have any such units, please keep them inside the castle or outside the city somewhere. Also, a few more jets from the Europa have been dispatched to aid in security. Once the Convention gets going, and things seem to have calmed down, these measures may be relaxed.

I thank all the delagates and Co. for thier co-operation in these matters.


General Kyrios Monarches, Commander-in-Chief of His Imperilessness' forces in Spolotikopia
New Lektavia
26-04-2005, 21:45
Doctor Brochuss looked on into the city with a degree of disgust about him. The ground security being provided was barely adequate and the rundown nature of Spolotikopia made Brochuss wonder why Dominar Kahn hadn't conquered this sortid plain already. Still, it wouldn't matter soon - the world was getting far too peaceful...turning to the nearby bodyguard sergnant, Brochuss smiled and addressed the man.

"We have so many people but so little time, you realise this Sgt Pratt?"
"Yes" came the reply of the Sgt who was accompanying Brochuss.
"You know Pratt, I like your sytle, now make sure that the security forces in the sky are fully aware of the potential arrival of Zuos forces. I have to go help with some catering..."

Doctor Brochuss patted his breast pocket and began to walk out of his tent (which oddly resembled a gulag) and began to make his way to the kithcens of where the food for the conference was being prepared. Nodding at some Clarkingston guards on their way in, Brochuss looked at the prepared food and smiled.

This was almost too easy to believe. Let the real fun commence.
27-04-2005, 04:06
Newly appointed General Charles Johnson slammed his fist onto the cheap vinyl of a car provided by Zuo, frustrated at the time it was taking to reach Norlanse. Although he had arrived early enough, leaving an hour after Gen. Ai Ren, his vehicle had run out of gas on multiple occasions, and the engine had even died once.
"Figures he'd give me the worst car in his Empire," Johnson muttered under his breath, eyeing the large bodyguard sitting next to him.
Flipping open his cellphone to check up with Adm. Ramirez, Johnson was quite dissapointed to learn that there was no signal where he was at. He sat back in his seat, sighing with exsaperation.

Still, the car puttered on, finally arriving several hours late, at the hotel. Johnson walked into the semi-ratty building, gazing around at the sordid town, and decided that he would be quite glad when the convention was over. Turning to a bodyguard, he said,
"While I'm checking in, get the package to my room, and sweep the place for bugs. I don't want to start a situation here. And get me linked up with Ai Ren as soon as possible."

The guard grunted a yes and set off on his task.
28-04-2005, 01:35
Ooc: Why don't I explaibn what Norlanse looks like? It looks like a pretty big, very nice medieval age architewcture city. Maybe not so nice in the way of security, but certainly not an eyesore. I will try to get the opening ceremony to start sometime tomorrow, and I'll do it little by little. Every time I post tomorrow, I'll say the time in Norlanse. By the way, everyone is here, the security is all here, so we're ready. Finally.
28-04-2005, 02:30
Clarksingtonland Security Forces have just confirmed that statement: all forces are in place and all divisional and regitmental commanders have given me the "ok" to start the Convention.

A good luck to all the delagates!


General Kyrios Monarches, Commander-in-cheif of His Imperialessness' forces in Spolotikopia
28-04-2005, 02:56
General Ai Ren felt secure now. Three more of Zuoian Imperial Guards have infiltrated the Castle and are acting as Spolotikopian servants. All of Zuoian troops in Spolotikopia's boarder are prepared for war.

At that time, General Charles Johnson was reported to have arrived. General Ai Ren immedietly went off to greet him.

"What took you so long General?"

"We had some difficulties with the cars."

"I'm sorry to hear that. But there is something more important that you all must know. Come into my room."

General Ai Ren directed General Charles Johnson to the little corner room in the castle. Ai Ren was extremely cautious of the Spolotikopians and had asked for a small room which his guards constantly watched.

General Ai Ren and General Charles Johnson sat down. Ai Ren, looking nerviously over his sholder, whispered to General Johnson in a Northern Bezhou dialect, "I think an assasination might be attempted on one of us. I have called in reinforcements. We're keeping a watch on the people of Spolotikopia. Don't worry about it though. We will ensure your safety."
New Lektavia
28-04-2005, 14:59
Doctor Brochuss left the kitchen with a smug look on his face. Looking over he saw Sgt. Pratt once more.

"I'll tell you what, they have a real feast going in there. I'd die to get hold of some of that fresh fruit - it looks so delicious. Alas though, I'm here and the fruit is not mine. For now, Sgt I would like to retire to my quarters, there are preparations to be made."

"Yes sir."

The pair walked off towards Brochuss tent on the double. Something fell out of Brochuss pocket onto the floor, an empty glass cylinder that shattered with impact. Out of nowhere, a cat appeared and began to lap up the contents of the cylinder and ran off in a brisk manner when one of the chefs shooed it away.

Now back inside his gulag, Brochuss sat down on a chair and looked out the hasty looking window. Why was he here, Lektavia had no wish to be here. they were only getting represented because Spolotik needed the security and Reducis Crlark had asked them to. Brochuss cell phone rang. As the unqiue ringtone came through, the Lektavian guards stood to attention. It was the ringtone of the dominar. Brochuss gestured at the guards.

"At ease buffoons."

Answering his phone in a delayed manner, Brochuss face turned incredibly serious in a hurry.

"What news my leader....yes, I did as you asked, no, no, I'm not putting it in until tomorrow....Yes I have spares....Yes I know that Dominar..."

A look of dread appeared on the doctors face. His eyes were opping out his head as a womanly voice appeared on the other end of the phone.

"Mistress Madeline, I'm so glad to see the Dominar is letting you use his phone...I'll do that me back soon then...goodbye Mistress, and tell the dominar I said goodbye aswell."

Slamming the phone shut and putting it back into his pocket, Brochuss had come out in a dry sweat and fear was on his face. Not letting the guards see it though, he turned back to the window, wondering about what the convention had to hold.
New Lektavia
28-04-2005, 15:00
Lektavian air cover is completed and reinforcements are ready if they are needed.
28-04-2005, 19:39
Patterson lead his marines out of the castle with his weapons, peons in the street scatter as they run away from the heavily power armored combat suited men. Patterson lodged them in a nearby hotel.

He proceeded to make calls to the government, wondering when this supposed convention was starting. Finally, fed up with the Spolotikopian government,
"Listen to me! If I don't find out when this god damned thing is gonna start, I'm leaving, and blowing this shit hole up!" Patterson yells at a retro phone. "Suit up men"
New Lektavia
28-04-2005, 23:25
Brochuss appeared behind Flandrithropian embassador.

"You know sir, I'd like to try and see you blow the hell out of this place. The air cover and the encroaching entirety of Lektavia begs to differ. this is a warning, you've interupted once already, you're not going to do it again..."

Brochuss face was a wild sneer at Patterson. No violence would be tolerated.
29-04-2005, 19:16
Patterson easily pushes the unarmored man out of his way, making Brochuss fall out of his way,
"Outta my way, prick." Patterson walks out with his marines in tow. A gunship stops over head and 4 ropes drop down. The marines climb up them and into the sky.

Somewhere inside the castle an explosion is heard. When forces go and investigate the sound, they see it came from the armory. The crate the Flandrithropians had given as a gift to the kind had exploded, destroying half the stock of weapons, modern and pre-modern, that the castle contained within it. It also severly crippled the structure, and soon it would buckle under its own weight. The gunship roared off into the distance, never to be seen again.
29-04-2005, 20:21
-----Urgent Statement----

I have immediatly ordered all troops to secure possitions. As such, some marines have entered the armory and have secured it. Early reports indicate no injuries were suffered during the inciddent.

However, air-cover and security from the Clarksingtun side will be strenghthened. I ask Lektavia to do the same. Untill further notice, the Convention may go on, but under tight security. This means that 1) no one who is not a delagate or part of a delagation will be allowed inside the city. 2) The convention will be postponed indefinatly if any further security lapses are ditected.


General Kyrios Monarches, Commander-in-cheif of His Imperialessness' forces in SpolotikopiaSincerly,
29-04-2005, 21:07
"For the Emperor!!!!"

Zuoian forces fanaticly cheared. They had heard of the disruption long before Lektavian and Clarksingtonlandian forces had a clue.

Several hundred Imperial Guards poured into the streets, firing off shots as they ran. As the gunship soared through the city, several EMPs were launched at it, sending it hurling to the ground. As the marines crawled out of the gunship, they wre brutally gunned down. The Sergent tried to crawl out, but was grabbed by General Ai Ren. A crunch was heard, and the Sergent's neck snapped in half. The Sergent, however, was still alive. Ai Ren pulled out his pistol, aimed it between the Sergent's eyes and killed him. Two more marines tried to escape, but were rifle butted to the ground. The flesh of these soldiers were carved out and handed to the dogs. The bones were burned.

Then, Zuo launches a tactical nuke strike at Flandrithropia. Hundreds and thousands of Imperial Guards marched up to the Flandrithropia capital and took the leader's head. Zuo now owns Flandrithropia.

IN CLEARER WORDS, I.G.N.O.R.E. CANNON FIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
29-04-2005, 21:09
You know Flandrithropia, your actions are going to make it less likely that people would want to RP with you.
29-04-2005, 21:32
OOC: wow gotta say Zuo, You must have been half retarded when you read my post, mostly since it didn't explode till i was far from the country, let alone the city... Secondly, this post was half dieing anyways, and i added a little drama, i didn't ever plan on being in part of a alliance with Spolotikopia... I mean, for a convention that was supposedly supposed to end Friday (Today) It hadn't even started yet, and the fact that I haven't been able to post, i decided to leave with a bang, so if you wouldn't mind, try to read things with a more opened mind, and stop trying to be so god damned godly! But anyways, I'm cutting off responding to this post, so anything you say about me or about my country, will not be taken as fact, and no changes so described, Including Zuo's post about patterson and my leader dieing.... Ignored... as described by your I.G.N.O.R.E. cannon, well that applies to my stance on this topic, for now on out
29-04-2005, 22:35
OOC: wow gotta say Zuo, You must have been half retarded when you read my post, mostly since it didn't explode till i was far from the country, let alone the city... Secondly, this post was half dieing anyways, and i added a little drama, i didn't ever plan on being in part of a alliance with Spolotikopia... I mean, for a convention that was supposedly supposed to end Friday (Today) It hadn't even started yet, and the fact that I haven't been able to post, i decided to leave with a bang, so if you wouldn't mind, try to read things with a more opened mind, and stop trying to be so god damned godly! But anyways, I'm cutting off responding to this post, so anything you say about me or about my country, will not be taken as fact, and no changes so described, Including Zuo's post about patterson and my leader dieing.... Ignored... as described by your I.G.N.O.R.E. cannon, well that applies to my stance on this topic, for now on out

OOC:I fail to see how blowing up half a nation is showing your stance that this thread is dying. If you want to leave, fine, but don't make an ass of yourself while doing it.

Attention hog.

And I don't think you realized that my post on the Imperial Guards was in pure sarcasm. So much for your idea of "reading posts with an open mind..."
29-04-2005, 23:23
Ooc: Wow, this worked out well. Turns out that I haven't been able to use my computer for a majority of the past week, which is why the convention hasn't started. I told you guys that the convention isn't in RL time anyways, so supposedly about four days have passed since the first delegate arrived early. Well, sorry about this, my fault. I guess I should call off the convention. There goes my capital city, thanks Flandrithropia. Oh well.
I can't really carry on the convention with my castle burning and destroyed.

Official Statement

I regret to inform you that the convention has been cancelled, thanks to the friendly acts of the Flandirhtopians. We thank all who came and provided security. Anyone interested in providing humanitarian aid to rebuilding efforts can contact us. Thank you. We enjoyed having you in Norlanse.

General Spolotik
29-04-2005, 23:28
Just ignore his post. Your capital city is fine, and Fland doesn't exist and never existed.
29-04-2005, 23:51
Ooc: Okay Zuo. I still won't be able to use my computer until Monday, so then we'll start over from the day the convention was supposed to begin.
30-04-2005, 00:12
That sounds good from over here.

---Offical Statement---

The Convention will resume on Monday.
New Lektavia
30-04-2005, 12:12
Brochuss chuckled to himself. Patterson hadn't seen the needle that had been put into his arm as he left. Three days and the general would be dead. Calling any Lektavian minister a prick was only really punishable by death. Thats what Brochuss had delivered. Walking into the room where the convetion was going to be held, Brochuss took a seat and put his feet up on the table, Sgt Pratt closely behind him.

"Sgt, can you bring someone here, I want top talk with them.."

"Who is it sir?"

"I wish to talk with General Spolotik or Clarkingstons embassador."

"Yes Sir."

Sgt Pratt disappeared to fetch either of the people that Brochuss had asked to see. Brochuss, was on the other hand, had lit up a cigar.
30-04-2005, 17:48
Ambasador Lithiuanus was sitting in his office when the seceratary came.

"Your presence is requested by Mr. Brocchus of Lektavia, Mr. Ambasador"

"For what?"

"He did not say. But he seemed a little urgent."

"All right, tell him I'll be over soon."

"Yes sir. Thank you Mr. Ambasador."

Lithiuanus got into his car and imediatly drove to where Brocchus was located. He entered and sat down.

"What do you need, sir?"

"Well, that's what we're here for, Mr. Ambasador."

[Occ: Lek you take over]
New Lektavia
30-04-2005, 18:05
Smiling at the sudden appearance of The Clarkingston embassador, Brochuss let his feet of the desk and stood up.

"Lithuanius, we are surrounded here by Zuo soldiers, BEzhou spies and other manners of enemy that your troops haven't seen. You know what, I should kill everyone here to get out the spies."

Smiling, Brochuss walked towards Lithuanius. Producing another small needle, Brochuss extended his arm, as if asking for the embassadors.

"Believe me, you're going to need this."

Throwing another needle to Sgt Pratt, Brochuss gestured.

"Make sure Spolotik takes that..."
01-05-2005, 13:53
In his room, Johnson had unwrapped the contents of a lumpy small box, which contained several pieces of electronic equipment. Armed with a solder and a screwdriver, he spent three hours assembling a satellite relay station, hopefully able to get past the massive jamming by Lektavia's and Clark's units.

Crossing his fingers, he pressed a small red switch on the bottom of the box, and was relieved to find that the internal battery was still alive. Immediatly the box began to hum, and status readings appeared on the LCD display. Picking up the mike on the top, he dialed in several co-ordinates and started speaking.

"This is Kazoo. Cobra, you guys up?"

A statiky voice came through.

"Yup, but there's massive jamming on this channel. I don't know how long the link will last with the interference, so you better talk quickly."

"Right then," Johnson replied, relaxing a little bit, "everything seems to be going normally. Did you guys get a good lock on my subdermals?"

"Pretty strong lock. If your heart stops beating, we'll know about it."

"And Devil Flight?"

"On a twenty four hour standby, fully equipped, and waiting for the order. The new bomber's been acting up, but its mainly a few computer glitches. We have enough people onboard to reduce computer use to a minimum."

"Great. You know what to do if anything goes wrong."

"Let's pray it doesn't."
02-05-2005, 15:27
Ooc: What with all the problems and mess ups, I'm moing this thread. I'm going to create this thread in II. It will be from the morning of the day the convention officially begins. The Flandrithropian bombing never happened, they were never here. So Zuo, if your troops are in Spolotikopia right now only because of Flandrithropia, please put them back where they were. Everything else that didn't happen because of Flandrithopia still happened.
02-05-2005, 21:53
Occ: Will do; just let us know where.
02-05-2005, 23:15
Just search for it in International Incidents. Same keywords- diplomatic convention Norlanse.
03-05-2005, 21:39
or look here