Does anybody know/ who owns the Planet Neptune or territories on it?
Thanks, yours, Allanea.
Nation of Fortune
17-04-2005, 18:59
I believe as far as anyone is concerned, you do. now lemme alone, I do modern tech
Der Angst
17-04-2005, 19:26
City in Neptune's atmosphere. ( Original thread re: Colony on Triton seems to have been lost, but since it is referenced there, as well as here (, not to mention here (, and in the corresponding IC thread (, AND plays a role in the early parts of this ( thread, I guess that my claims (Not to the whole planet/ its moons, but to not-so-insignificant chunks (Generally about 0.2% of the surface area of the moon/ planet (In the case of the planet, the 0.2% are based on its upper atmosphere) of it) are kind of verified.
Furthermore, I seem to recall The Imperial Navy, Roseway (See the thread linked above) and Moontian (Apparently with his main assets being there) having chunks of it, be it the planet or its moons.
On the other hand, since my universe involves you sinking into earth' mantle as a maia that is secretly a vala, only better than Eru, suffered from a broken heart, I can't see any conflicts arising :)