NationStates Jolt Archive

Austarian Broadcasting Corporation: World News

Austar Union
16-04-2005, 09:40
Austarian Broadcasting Corporation [ABC]: World News
National Economy Booming - Hits Most Powerful in Tareldanore

It would probably something only manageable since the local reforms which Lord Indigo Blue had implemented into the economical sector. With the introduction of much-needed personal freedoms, it seems as if its not only Indigo's own reputation is on the rise, but also the average citizens' loyalty and faith in his absolute leadership, and more importantly the personal wealth of each individual. If there ever was a time when an Austarian was rich, it was today.

With the nation's own economical infustructure, it appears as if Lord Indigo's positive favourment to imported goods, over locally manufactured goods is also proving that with the rise of personal wealth, can come also the opportunity to keep prices lower, meaning the average household can keep and maintain their greater spending share. Houses and Land is one rate almost uncontrollable, however day-to-day goods have remained unchanged even despite the rise in personal wages. And to make for any shortfall, foriegn investments have also been on the rise. Such a global market was pehaps invented for the eventual proper use, which our leader Indigo loves to promote.

In the meantime, the Austarian Bearau of Statistics (A.B.S.) has released the latest figures for the entire region of Tareldanore, showing that the Austar Union has the highest GDP per Capita in the region, currently sitting at [$42,718.25 USD], and also has the strongest currency in the region, which currently sits at [1 Austarian Dollar = $1.9238]. This comes at a surprise, showing that at the moment the Austarian economy per capita, is much more successful than that of Menelmacari society. Lady Sirithil hasnt commented at all on the Austarian economical rise, however speculatests claim that much of the 'Menelmacari Economical StandStill' can be contributed to a rise of inactivity on Sirithil's behalf.

Lord Indigo Blue has promised to continue developing the Absolutionist State into a powerful economical state, whereby it may even gain the status similar to that of Germany on the continent of Europe. In the meantime, citizens can only enjoy the fruits of his efforts and labour.
Austar Union
17-04-2005, 20:26
Austarian Broadcasting Corporation [ABC]: World News

Society of Extraordinaires Founded - Treaty With Guffingford Signed

Extracted Directly From the Source's Text
Men who could consider themselves noble were hardly of importance, for not even the greatest of Austarian society were worthy. Sure, perhaps there were few deservant of recognition, most definately. Yet they were not contenders for even such a prize as this. Signing the nation into the treaty, what had been considered and planned for months and even years prior to this point, alongside great leaders from the Reich of Guffingford had finally been born. Such a treaty as this however, was so different to any other, since it was not an alliance ever presented to the world in history. Quite unwittingly however, yet fortunate for the image of such an organisation, for something recogising the efforts and skill of others into excellence or particular distinction, it was an organisation which could be considered rather distinct itself.

Officially, it was the signatories of both Lord Indigo Blue of the Austar Union, and Führer Cobragt Rundevelt of Guffingford which created the existance of this entity. And the Society of Extraordinaire I suppose could be considered more of an award than anything, the actual reward being complete membership into the organisation's rank. It was not an alliance of political, military, nor economical hope, but rather simply a recognition for those respected in the world community. And although some could point the finger and blame something toward both of the founding nations, not one could claim that they had a didnt have a distinction which had been developed well into existance. The Absolutionist State of Austar Union, a nation which could be considered somewhat like a giant 'future Tokyo' type of people; and the Social Nationalist Reich of Guffingford, well, that was perhaps another nation which could be related to the Nazism which had once occured in Germany back in the ages amongst many, and yet it was this nation which had developed it so well. Yes, both nations were rather individual in nature.

There were no formal rules for this society, except for the fact that everyone really had a say into its final development, and that if anything was to be changed at all, it would be through unaminous vote. It was a desision of both the Führer and Indigo that was indended to build a sense of comerade between each individual signatory to the treaty, and for conflict resolution, it would be deemed that a responsible, and respectable approach be taken. War, for one thing, was out of the question between anyone in the Society. For these were the men most respected, or would be if its ranks were filled. And despite any political difference these men may have held, they could come together in unity. This would be a trust, whereaby both nations could grow and prosper, so long as they remained so respected, and so distinct. For others on the outside, there was most certainly a possibility for membership into the Society, yet it could only be gained if one was deemed to be worthy, through the unaminous and full vote of the Society of Extraordinaire.
Austar Union
19-04-2005, 05:22
Austarian Broadcasting Corporation [ABC]: World News

Activity On the Rise In Europe - New Conflict Rated Possible

When asked to answer several questions, Lord Indigo Blue was all to happy to provide information on why the nation's military forces had been broadcasted a message of 'stand-by', and why the North Atlantic Ocean had erupted into a hive of VERITAS activity. It had been noted by our news-sources, that several multinational fleets had been positioned into the North Atlantic, presumerably in relation to rising tensions regarding the Confederation of Soveriegn States incident.

The Democratic Dutch Republic of Knootoss had advised us of an impending threat to their forces and homeland, commented Indigo, And as per the treaty requests, I have placed our forces on standby in case something of concern to their national security occurs. Of course, we will not participate in any actual manoevers regarding the Confederation, since that is really not our issue or quarrel. As for forecasting what I believe will occur? I doubt Excalbian forces will fire directly onto Knootian forces, and any conflict between them both will come from the Knootian's 'trigger-happy' reputation.
Austar Union
19-04-2005, 06:28
Austarian Broadcasting Corporation [ABC]: World News

Order of the Invisible Hand Declared Illegal in the Union

Last night, after a raid on a small house on the outskirts of Anatoba City, three men were arrested and charged with crimes of Treason, in collaboration with the sections regarding Planning a Coersive Action, and Prior Affilliation. These men were found to have serious links with organisations such as Order of the Invisible Hand, of which not much is known about. All that is known, is subject to rumour, of which it is responsible for the manipulation of several states across the globe in favour of a master controller.

Indigo has also released a decree, completely and utterly declaring the organisation illegal in the Union. It has been said, as per the extract below that citizens who are linked with the Order must either sever ties with them, or face a penalty of re-education or even death under the Treason Act.

Extracted Direct from the Source's Text

Issued to the People, Tuesday 19th April

I decree, that as eventual and absolute Lord of this nation, the Absolutionist State of Austar Union, that the organisation and Secular Cult known as the Order of the Invisible Hand, be declared completely and utterly illegal in the eyes and ears of the law, under the operating status of Treason. Those found with membership or links to the Order, will first be awakened to a series of interrogating efforts to find as much as we can, secondly reducational attempts will be made unto them, and thirdly, if the second point fails they will be put to death, as it is written under the constitution memorandum, under the section regarding crimes against the state, statement regarding planning a coersive action and prior affilliation.
Austar Union
20-04-2005, 09:34
Austarian Broadcasting Corporation [ABC]: World News
Are Taxes One Thing to be on the Rise?

While the economy continues to grow steadily, widening the gap between the Austarian and Menelmacari economies, one thing economists are predicting are a rise of taxes in the Union. For some time now, citizens and corporations alike have been enjoying a regime where taxes were a thing of a past, but are they going to be something of the future as well? Indigo was questioned by our media team last night, where he gave a short deliverance on the issue of raising taxes in the Union.

"I cannot say for sure what my plans are for taxes in the Union. For one thing, the lack of them is actually increasing our economy steadily, and whilst I doubt that their introduction will worsen or slow its state of growth, one must be weary of its effects. At the same time, my regime at the moment is relying heavily on our own foriegn investments, so introducing income tax to both consumer and corporation (probably no more than ten or twenty percent flat), could actually increase our quality of living as a community. The average person does live in luxury already, but outside of their homes one could consider conditions to either be substandard if they are public, or nice if they are privatized. But for one thing, with the increase of our multinational profiliation I should hope the people would support the increase of military factions if they desire absolute protection against those wanting to rid the nation of luxury."

It does seem as if taxes are on the drawing board for the Union, so only time can tell until Lord Indigo makes up his mind regarding such an idea. Like he said, we can either keep individual wealth in their own banks, or we can focus on bringing the social quality out through the already high spending capacity of each and every citizen. Either way, the Union gains benefit, and the economy will rise steadily, with no change or reduction in the rate of growth.
Austar Union
22-04-2005, 16:28
Austarian Broadcasting Corporation [ABC]: World News
Economic Success Continues - 'Great Leap' Experienced

Despite the latest speculation at the introduction of taxes, and the banning of the notorious Order of the Invisible Hand in the Austar Union, it appears as if consumer confidence has never been so strong before. Over the past month the market has been growing fast, but on a steady rate in favor of each individual's personal wealth. As of the latest reports released by the Austarian Beaurau of Statistics the average citizen enjoys a very healthy income, now rated at some $43,629.40 per person, and the current exhange rate being set at [1 Austarian Dollar = $1.9442 USD].

Considering previous estimates not too long ago, Analysts cannot determine the exact cause of what they have defined as the 'April Wealth Leap', however cause doesnt seem to matter to the average person. On studies by the Austarian University of Social Science, a man or woman in the Union is by far more patriotic and loyal to their nation than the previous governments before Lord Indigo Blue. Some speculate however, that such an enormous leap in wealth could lead and contribute to his desision to rise taxes in the futue. Whether or not we will actually see such a rise is another question, the tax rate currently non-existant.

In the meantime, the economy is still considered the most efficient in the region, over $1000 stronger than that of Menelmacar, and now almost $500 more than their friendly nation - The Ctan. The future markets are unpredicatable at the moment, due to the mysterious nature of which is currently fueling it, however analysts predict a steady but sound growth from here on.
Austar Union
24-04-2005, 08:36
Austarian Broadcasting Corporation [ABC]: World News

Atlantic Fleets Calm as Possible Commitments are Ruled Out

According to the majority of VERITAS, it appears as if Austarian commitments to Knootoss in the Excalbian Isles have been ruled out as a requirement on behalf of the treaty. And as to Indigo's own words, the fleets which are in the area have powered-down operations in the vacinity, now returning to a readiness level the same it was previous to the alert given by Knootoss. With the military now on full-time peace levels, Indigo chose to make a public statement on the matter as a whole.

"I am rather glad at how the situation has turned out, and that the requirement of Austarian fleets have been ruled out by the vast majority of VERITAS. Any forces dispatched to the area will begin the return journey to port immediately, however most of the fleets which were in the area will remain, serving duty in the Atlantic as they previously were. Our intelligence will moniter the situation lightly, but considering my personal point of view on the incident I'm not dedicating any more resources to the Knootian Federation, nor the Excalbian Fleets. My official position is neutral, however I am disappointed that the Knootians would alert VERITAS simply over speculative matters. I thought they could have handled that situation a little better, and their expectation they placed on VERITAS to respond was too high by far. In the meantime, I am still glad the situation regarding our involvement has been resolved."
Austar Union
27-04-2005, 18:08
Austarian Broadcasting Corporation [ABC]: World News
Indigo Promises an Increase of Freedom as the Economy Leaps Again

Once again, economic analysts have been surprised to find that the economy has once again leaped forward another Five Hundred Dollars per Capita, making Austarians on average much more wealthier citizens by far. And despite rising claims that taxes could be raised in the future, such rumours being spread are being dismissed as either under a state of speculation now, or that they are unimportant considering the massive pace at which our economy is growing. In the meantime studies taken at the University of Commerce in Anatoba City have shown a direct link between Indigo releasing freedoms to the public, and to our economy's overall growth. It is naturally assumed that with the increase of personal and political freedom, that working morale will rise alongside productivity, therefore making the Union's economy the greatest and strongest in the region. It may have not outsized the Menelmacari economy though, however per Capita studies and statistics being released now daily are showing that the economy of the Union is proving to be much more successful.

The latest figures released show the average Austarian, as raking in a massive $44,051.06 per Capita, and the growth of the Austarian Dollar to a whopping exchange rate of [1 Austarian Dollar = $1.9535 USD]. Although speculatists do state that in the overall terms the power of our currency could be considered weaker than many, in Austarian and regional terms it is indeed considered to be rather stronger. Studies dont show as of yet when or if the Dollar will reach the [1 Austarian Dollar = $2.0000 USD]. Although while the great news of the growing economy is circulating the nation and regional powers, Indigo has promised the people of the Union an increase of both civil and political freedom.

"It has never been my plan to give the people restriction on their daily lives, and as you can see already this is what I am trying to do. To release the people from the horrendous pages of common law would probably be my duty, and as proven amongst the population freedoms are being recieved rather well. Most, if not all of them are willing to respect the rule of law and are unwilling to break the codes of conduct I have given them. The people therefore are more governors of the law than the local police, whereby people's opinion and personal pressure rules over the desire to do wrong to their fellow man. I can also say, that I will be releasing some limited Political Freedoms, whereby any man may throw slander at my name so long he doesnt do so with the desire for my regime to fall. That would be treason, and so long as I live the Austar Union will prosper under my government. I would highly doubt though that there would be much opposition to my desisions however, since the power of unitism has been intergrated heavily in the Educational Systems from the very beginning to the end. I believe that mostly people will support me and my ways, and so I do plan to instigate more of a freedom of free speech and political belief."

Indigo has not yet mentioned the possibility of repealing his ban on the Order of the Invisible Hand, however has not ruled it out. Our journalists will be presenting him such a possibility at the next press conference, due sometime at the end of this month.
Austar Union
29-04-2005, 16:57
Austarian Broadcasting Corporation [ABC]: World News
New Economic Games Rated 'Hot Property'!

It seems that as the interest in the market and economic forces grows daily amongst the average citizen, so does come their interest in related video games. Having been released not too long ago, the game termed Knootoss has been sold out at over three million retailers across the nation. Since it's near impossible for the supply to match the amazing demand for this game, avid fans have restorted to their own attempts to import versions from overseas only to be disappointed that other versions dont have all the features promised in the Union's local advertising. In the meantime, freeware version of Knootoss, called Market has been circulating the nation's CyberTech network, being downloaded a grand total of eight hundred thousand times within the nation.

Educational facilities have praised the games, calling it an ingenious way of matching a person's perseption of 'fun', with actual content which can be applied to real life examples. Speculatists doubt however that either Knootoss, nor Market will replace the current gaming giant, Cashflow, which presents examples more relevant to the local economy. Cashflow is the official economic game of the Union, being used at all schools across the nation. It is doubtful that schools will be willing to change to other software, although they do recommend further playing outside of the curriculum of a wide variety of economic-type games.
Austar Union
03-05-2005, 16:57
Austarian Broadcasting Corporation [ABC]: World News
Economy Grows Steadily, Overseas Markets an Opportunity for Growth?

It seems with the economy settling into a more stable growth rate, the stock markets which had leaped hundreds of points into the positives are now standing at a higher state now. What had been once considered a massive 36,000 points for the Austarian Stock Exchange has now taken hold of both Economic Leaps and has raised the value of stock to an incredible 54,000 points. In the meantime, now that the citizens have a taste of overwhelming success, Indigo has been reported digging further into the idea of Globalizing the Austarian Market. Such corporations confined within our borders are hardly known outside of the Union, and would double or even triple their capacity if they sought being exposed into international markets.

Flavours such as Pink Bunny Cola from Knootoss has evidently been a success for both the company and the Dutch Republic as a whole, so why couldnt these methods be implemented here? Indigo has been considering the very idea himself, which could mean a series of economic ventures for the Austar Union. Whether it be national investing into nations overseas, or perhaps an economic agreement enabling private investors do their own expansion, it seems that the beginning of a Global Market is at foot. In what form it will come in is another question, however one could already claim that the Austar Union is already increasingly global ever since the 'offshore manufacturement' doctorine had been released.
Austar Union
05-05-2005, 07:33
Austarian Broadcasting Corporation [ABC]: World News

Lord Indigo Blue, Speaking out on the Saxmere Crisis

Today in a public address, Lord Indigo Blue has finally made a declaration of his position on the crisis regarding the Excalbian Isles, in particularly the succession of the state of Saxmere from the Confederacy of Soveriegn States. It comes after an impossible amount of time whereby the Pantocratorian government, the Excalbian government, and the Knootian Government are all in disagreeance over the fate of the Soveriegn States and its succession of Saxmere. Surprisingly, Lord Blue was unafraid to contradict his long time VERITAS ally with the following statement.

"From every perspective I look upon the issue, time and time again I can only come to the conclusion that perhaps it is best if the state of Saxmere be allowed to succeed from the Confederacy. The people of that region has spoken in democratic reform, and I can only emplore the Knootians to realise the true essense of democracy in the matter. It is most obvious that it is the will of the people to indeed seperate from the Union, and why that is I can only speculate, however I respect their choice to do so. It is not in the interest of the government of Knootoss to become entangled with the internal affairs of another.

At the same time also, I can only emplore both Excalbian and Pantocratorian governments to step back from the issue and allow the internal workings of a nation continue. It is only when the problem is allowed its natural path that the issue is resolved and finally no longer a problem. Of course, should the Confederacy be found to be persecuting the citizens then it may be another matter entirely, but for now I see no reason why any foriegn intervention is required. This ought to be kept between the people of Saxmere and the Soveriegn States. In the meantime I will state that I do recognise the State of Saxmere as a clear and independant entity in the world, but I will not recognise its complete soveriegnty until six months after the conflict is allowed to settle, and the people there have been given the privilage or right of self-governing."
Austar Union
05-05-2005, 18:11
Austarian Broadcasting Corporation [ABC]: World News
Austar Union - Market Representative of Tareldanore?

In an amazing announcement, United Nations spokesmen Steve Richardson has undertaken a long and heavy study of the markets of the entire region of Tareldanore. In his study, he has found several incredble faces; including the naming of the Austar Union as Tareldanore's most pro-market nation. This comes as a surprise to Indigo of whom only recently recieved an open letter from the Order of the Invisible Hand, claiming that he and his regime were opposed to the true market forces, and that he shunned Indigo for his desision to ban their organisation. And yet in an ironic twist, it comes soon afterward the announcement of the Austar Union's newly appointed status.

With a wealth per individual higher than ever, and the nation's Gross Domestic Product reaching new peaks, Indigo has decreed that the Austar Union has not only proved Order predictions incorrect, however that also the nation has been rated even more market-friendly than the Order of the Invisible Hand's host nation, Knootoss. Knootoss, a long term ally of the Absolutionist State of Austar Union has been accused of several links with the Order of the Invisible Hand, including some pointed toward Prime Minister Galadriel herself. Lord Indigo Blue however, has made no such comments on the Knootians nor the Order. In the meantime, Indigo had only a small something to say about the recent annoucement and declaration from the United Nations.

"I am quite happy that on their own accord have undertaken studies on Tareldanore and the world as a whole to see who in the global community really is the most pro-market. Indeed, it does show a real lot of what we can trust from the Order of the Invisible Hand. It shows we can write off of what most of them claim to be factual, as false and opinionated beliefs. It appears that the true facts behind the case have truly spoken."

Austar Union is ranked 1st in the region and 1,016th in the world for Most Pro-Market Nations.
Austar Union
05-05-2005, 18:34
Austarian Broadcasting Corporation [ABC]: World News
Corporations Seize Opportunity for Saxmere!

With the situation continuing throughout the endless nights, it appears that the incident which is becoming well known as the 'Saxmere Crisis' wont be ending any time soon. With no sides showing any willing to buckle to the will to the other, Knootian corporations have joined the fight by threatening both the government and people of Saxmere that if they do not make moves to amend their relationship with the Confederation of Soveriegn States, that they will be shipping out of the country due to problematic reasons. Speculation mounts however toward the companies who make such claims and threats of withdrawal, since not often before have these corporations shown any sign of withdrawing from other dangerous zones around the globe.

With not one person willing to point the finger of accusation toward the Knootians, there is a growing attitude that the corporations in question have links to the government of both Knootoss and the Soveriegn States, and that these said corporations are merely puppets of their respective governments in an effort to bring an end to the conflict, which would be regarded as the assumilation of Saxmere back into the Confederation. In the meantime, internationally known corporations of the Austar Union have promised the government of Saxmere that they will move into the nation, so long as they are willing to work alongside the directors of said companies, to build the succeeded state's economy there. It has been said that the buying and expansion capacity of these companies match those nessasary to keep the Samerian economy relitavely stable, should the Knootians and a variety of others withdraw. Possible expansion into the rest of the Excalbian Isles have also been considered.
Austar Union
06-05-2005, 06:42
Austarian Broadcasting Corporation [ABC]: World News
Austarian Currency Continues to Surge

With the economy currently being at its greatest, Austarians are truly beginning to enjoy the fruits Lord Indigo's regime. As a matter, the travel industry is beginning to boom since the Austarian Dollar has been proclaimed the strongest currency of the region. With more spending money than ever, and a Consumer Confidence Index at its peak, it appears that these days are the season for holidays. Whether it be visiting developed nations such as Knootoss or whether it be enjoying the currency index in poverty-striken nations such as Dunden, Austarians are enjoying the high-life across the globe. Still, one could say that most of the funds being spent offshore are coming back directly into Austarian deposits.

Using the recently published booklet, 'Guide to the Greatest World Facilities', citizens are directed to Austarian owned hotels and facilities across the globe. This booklet has been approved by Lord Indigo Blue as a means to keep our money in our own banks. With such a booklet as this, it is estimated that some 60% pf funds spent overseas are being directed back into the Austarian pocket, and 40% of the left over are being directed into the pockets of other nations. Still, nobody can blame one for being a good harvester of his money. In the meantime, here are the latest figures for the Currencies of Tareldanore, and their power against the Austarian Dollar.

1 Austarian Dollar Equals

Dunden: 489.9500 Matan
DeSsambra: 455.1476 Nati
Hobbityla: 414.7529 Shilling
Elvenford: 3.9014 Sterling
Nueva Santiago: 1.5975 Doblon
The Resurgent Dream: 1.4771 Dross
Arani: 1.4442 Malta
Derto: 1.3765 Dollar
Menegroth Reborn: 1.2781 Gold
Aelosia: 1.2368 Argentum
Craulnober: 1.2202 Argentum
Akaton 1.1282 Universal Credit
Lavenrunz: 1.1138 Lavenrunzian Mark
Arnor Returned: 1.0955 Crown
Etaros: 1.0922 Etaran Credit
Kajal: 1.0656 Kajali Galac
New York and Jersey: 1.0645 Dollar
Bajon: 1.0627 Bajoni Credit
Leithian: 1.0546 Argentum
Seck Sapeel: 1.0521 Silver Strip
Menelmacar: 1.0152 Menelmacari Credit
Austar Union
07-05-2005, 09:44
Austarian Broadcasting Corporation [ABC]: World News

Diplomats Meet in on the Crisis of Saxmere

With the Saxmere Crisis still continuing, and neither side of the conflict making moves to stand down or conceed on their position, a multinational meeting has been scheduled to discuss the issue and to finally resolve the fate of the newly independant state. It is expected that diplomats of the Knootian federation will argue their cause for the Excalbians to remove their blockaid on the Confederation, who in turn has a blockaid on the state of Saxmere. However speculatists say that such a resolution will be out of the question for Excalbia, since their withdrawal will eventually lead to the Knootian invasion of the state of Samere alongside their friends the Soveriegn States. In the meantime, it is unexpected that the Democratic Dutch Republic of Knootoss will be withdrawing their fleets without some promised concession from the Excalbians. It appears that all sides have a reason to stay and demand that the other withdraw from their position.

He who was invited to the diplomatic meeting, Ambassador Montescu whom is also a representative to VERITAS will be attending and arguing for an equal but fair resolution which will only benefit the people of Saxmere. In a speech to the press just before leaving, he had only little to say on the crisis over in the Excalbain Isles.

"I believe that the only fair and just outcome of this crisis is one which will help the people of Saxmere themselves. It is their fate we are all fighting over, and truly I am under the belief that they ought to choose what happens. At the conference, I will be putting suggestions forward such as a temporary non-aggression pact between all sides of the conflict so that all forces may withdraw, and I will attempt to pursuade both the government of Saxmere and the Confederation to allow for a fully democratic referendum on the issue, whereby the people of Saxmere can vote on what they want to occur with their state in relativity to their neighbours. In respect, I will also call upon all members of the conflict to acknowledge the desision of the people. I believe this is the only solution."

In the meantime, as the meeting is being scheduled in the Resurgent Dream, of whom has allies on both sides of the conflict, each ambassador in accordance with the invitation should be arriving as this news update is published. It is expected that representatives from Knootoss, The C'tan, New York and New Jersey, Austar Union, Lavenrunz, Menelmacar, Pantocratoria, Excalbia, Syskeyia, and Scolopendra will be attending to make a show of their own position on the matter, plus also several other whom have not been mentioned specifically.
Austar Union
09-05-2005, 10:02
Austarian Broadcasting Corporation [ABC]: World News

Order of the Invisible Hand - Ban Repealed After Considerate Negotiations

After some considerable exchange between Lord Indigo Blue, and representations of the notorious society; Order of the Invisible Hand, Indigo has announced that he will be repealing the ban on their operations in the Austar Union. In the meantime, those who have been linked to the Order of the Invisible Hand have been declared innocent in the eyes of the law, since the ban had been in effect after their arrest. Therefore, no law had been broken and they could not be convicted guilty. Indigo has supported the freedom of such individuals. Indigo had only a little to say on the matter.

"After some careful negotiations and discussion with the Order of the Invisible Hand, I have deemed their organisation and doctorine to be rather safe to both the Austar Union, and to the people therein. Foreign Intelligence Sources would have me believe quite the opposite, however after a proper look at their Society, I am under the belief now that they are no where near as dangrous as it had been conveyed to me earlier. And so to promote a free exchange of ideas within the Absolutionist State, I have therefore repealed the ban on their operation. Now I do not nessasarily believe in Order principals, however they are most certainly not as dangerous as I believed much earlier. May they preach their doctorine here, within reason."
Austar Union
10-05-2005, 14:35
Austarian Broadcasting Corporation [ABC]: World News
Antonia Exchange Announces Upcoming Fashion Parade

As the leading corporation and designer of mens and womens fashion, Antonia Exchange has only recently announced its intention to host a parade. The event will be planned especially to cater for the international markets, of which CEO Roberto Antonia has given the public knowledge of their intention to spread into overseas markets. In the meantime, the fashion parade has been named 'Excite' after top directors of the company came together to choose an appropriate name for the event. Excite is expected to cater for up to five hundred attendees from across the globe, with everyone from World Leaders down to Media Journalist Representatives being invited. It will be however, a more exclusive event than what Antonia Exchange is used to; they want to leave a good impression.

"I want Antonia Exchange to become less recognised as a fashion lable from the Austar Union," commented Roberto Antonia when he announced the event, 'Excite'. "I want the company and its designs to be looked at more than just a piece of fabric, or a nicer number than most of the rest. But rather, I want people from across the globe to look at both Antonia and the event Excite as more of a lifestyle than anything. For us, fashion is our passion and that shows in the latest market surveys in the Austar Union. Maybe if we can literally excite the world about what we are passionate about, people can really taste a sense of Austar Union in their daily lives."
Austar Union
11-05-2005, 09:34
Austarian Broadcasting Corporation [ABC]: World News

Lord Blue Hosts Meeting with the NDA and Trium

For some time now in planning, Indigo has been planning a meeting between Sol's greatest powers and himself; the Non-Democratic Alliance and also Yut. And after careful planning and the invitations have been sent, he has finally opened the meeting with delegates from key nations attending. They are expected to be flying in over the next few days, whereby Indigo plans to open relations on a fresh start. Non-Democratic Alliance experience with the Austar Union could be rated as lesser than what Indigo could have wanted, ever since a few hundred years ago when an unknown leader of the Union made a comment on their structure, and scoffed at them when they had first established. With them, Indigo hopes to show that he is unlike previous incapables such as that leader, and also show that the Union is much different to then. In the meantime, he hopes to open new avenues which could take the nation onto a more suitable course, given its political value and internal polices. Since much of his own personal ideas are shared with members of both alliances, he expects to find many things in common with both alliances. Still, with already great relations with Iuthia, he hopes that the 'positive' image is reinforced throughout the NDA membership base.

As for the Trium, the Austar Union has had very little contact with them over its centuries of existance and Indigo hopes to open some positive relations with them. He hopes that with the opening of diplomatic channels with such nations as those in the Yut alliance, the nation will be benefited in a multitude of ways, such as the linking of association. Now that Indigo has established the Austar Union in its new and dynamic form, he believes that it is essential for the Union to associate with similar-minded nations with an outlook of mutual relational gain. In previous history, it has shown that cultures and societies without similar surroundings tend to fade and become influenced by whom one associates with. Like the old saying, 'Crawl with the lizards and you are a lizard; fly with the eagles and you become an eagle.'
Austar Union
15-05-2005, 16:48
Austarian Broadcasting Corporation [ABC]: World News

Tensions Risk to Heighten as Scandavian States Announces Newer Maritime Borders - Deemed Unreasonable

If it were not for the fact that such details would completely erradicate the effectiveness of the Ravenspire Military Facility, Lord Riddick of whom is Commander-in-Chief of the Isle of the Ravenspire wouldnt seek to bother. Just a few days previous, the Imperium of Scandavian States set out new claims to the islands south-east of the Ravenspire in Haven, including the claim to waters in between the mainland and such island group. Unfortunately, this claim means that for the Military Facility to function with full effectivity, it would mean that fleets must travel around the Island northward at least one hundred kilometres, then travel east for another two hundred kilometres, then travel south again, adding what could be expected to be some one day to a potential journey.

Deemed an unreasonable claim, Riddick had ordered the routine maintainence check of a buoy which has already existed in the Imperium's new claims so that he could truly gauge on how the Imperium would react to warships entering these waters. And it wasnt too long before they had been issued a message of warning, that they had illegally entered Imperium waters - proving Riddick's worst fears to be true. And so in a bid to strike a deal with the Imperium, his call for a meeting was rejected by the Scandavian States. Unable to even talk to their leaders about the issue, Riddick has been forced to declare that he will not recognise the new maritime borders of the Imperium, and that fleets will operate as per the usual standard. When asked to comment, Lord Blue had the following to say;

"I fully support Lord Riddick's judgement in these matters, and I support his declaration as my own. If the Scandavian States are unwilling to even meet to discuss the issue of importance, then we are unwilling to recognise these new claims; they place too much a burden on the Ravenspire Facilities and cut the island off from the Haven Strait. How they react to our forces entering the waters in question, I can only fear the worst, but it will be at the hands of the unreasonable; the Scandavians. Only then I suppose will they pay full attention, and I emplore them to come to negotiations with Lord Riddick to discuss the matter, and to strike some kind of mutual agreement. If they care for diplomacy and for saving what can be saved, they will. If they do not, then what is said of those in the Imperium?"
Austar Union
19-05-2005, 02:09
Austarian Broadcasting Corporation [ABC]: World News
Latest Events Hit Consumer Confidence - Minor Downtrend in the Economy

If the national economy was to ever lose its value, it would be now. Recent studies conducted by the University of Economic Science have shown a downtrend in the market graph, whereby it seems that the Consumer Confidence Index has shot down after tensions with Scandavian States had come to an all time high. For centuries now the nation has not even come close to a state of high tension with another, and this seems to have affected the populous in the way of buying confidence. Corporations have cut back wages almost a full thousand dollars per annum, and the people whilst already rich have began to save their dollars into penny banks across the nation. Some have even taken to measures such as to invest into the Bank of Switzerland, however Indigo has made a public comment which could reassure the tumbling level of economy.

"I would like everyone to remain calm about any incident which is occuring in Haven, I have actually just recieved word that the tensions with Scandavian States is lowering to normal levels now, ever since the resolution of another route has been founded. The economy is already showing signs of stablitity once again, and I believe that after a few minor changes, we should see the national wealth index shooting right up to the strength it was beforehand, and beyond. I can assure you, this is no problem and is the normal course of a capitalist economy. There will be no further downward trends as according to the Reserve Bank of Austar Union."

In the meantime, even after a downward trend in the market index, the Austarian economy remains at the most powerful in the region, having a GDP per Capita now more similar to the Menelmacari - our closest regional competitor.
Austar Union
22-05-2005, 07:50
Austarian Broadcasting Corporation [ABC]: World News
Back on Track - Economy Leaps Forwards Once Again

With positive news regarding the end of tensions in all possible conflicts, Austarians seem to be gaining confidence once again in the luxury market which seems to fuel the dollar value of this nation. With the economy still not quite as strong as it had been previous to the last broadcast, Indigo remains positive on his outlook as to the direction of national wealth. It seems that as the Market Index grows, the people are once again gaining in wealth and that nation known for its rich and powerful businessmen are once again trading through night and beyond.

In the meantime, International Business sales have been recorded at an all time high, with corporations such as Antonia Exchange Pty Ltd being at the top. As the nation's top fashion designer, exports have been rated to be up by some incredible 55.68% ever since the release of their catalogue has been announced. With choices now more internationally acclaimed than ever, more and more of the world's most wealthy, including those from Knootoss are dressing in Antonia Exchange. In other markets, on average sales have been boosted by a further 15.6% for the half-annual term, making it the single largest rise in natural history. Art seems to be a favorite also, with rumours that an Art Group may be forming to rise out from the depths of the national industry, however one mustnt speculate as to how true these rumours are.

Austarians by far remain the richest in the region, outperforming their nearest competitor, the Menelmacari by almost a thousand United States Dollars. Analysts say however, that it shouldnt be too long before the thousand barrier is broken once again, and before the economy looks to leaping forward into newer heights of market territory.
Austar Union
26-05-2005, 01:09
Austarian Broadcasting Corporation [ABC]: World News

New Breakthrough in BrainChip Technology

For some time now numbering the last twenty years, the Braintek Corporation has been attempting to develop newer abilities for their world-famous BrainChip Artificial Enhancements. Previous models of the MicroChip have enabled a greater memory bank, faster thinking, more creative thinking, and automatic calculation abilities. The latest, being introduced some eleven years ago has become the national mandatory chip, implemented at childbirth through the use of microscopic syringe. However the era may have ended when the BrainChip was limited to mental enhancements only.

During tests over the past eighteen months, the Physical BrainChip Enhancement Mk XII has shown to have enhanced limb mobility and muscle activity in such a way, that once implemented into a normal human being the effect would be that a person could jump higher, could run faster, could leap further, and could fight harder. Endurance also, is being proven to be successful, however Directors of the company has shown an interest in developing the chip further before releasing it onto the market. It is expected however, that after tests are conducted on behalf of the health watchdog and after a final release is designed and effictively made official, most of the contracts with be with the National Defense Corporation to create a newer special and able bodied force of super-enhanced soldiers.
Austar Union
30-05-2005, 02:14
Austarian Broadcasting Corporation [ABC]: World News
Trade Deficit at Lowest Ever - Economic Success Continues

With the economy continuing to push upward, it seems that with the rise of the tourism industry, foriegn dollars have brought the trade deficit numbers dramatically down. It is estimated that the influx of foriegners, particular from regional neighbours or friendly nations such as Knootoss and Iuthia has boosted the Austarian Gross Domestic Product Capacity, by providing an almost half a trillion dollars injection. Benefiting both local and international business, it is expected to actually provide more job opportunties in the tourism industry, and also provide more corporate opportunties for expansion into territories such as the markets of Knootoss.

Being a key potential, a full expansion into the Knootian economy would bring a forecasted extra twenty trillion dollars should a move be relatively successful, more or less depending on market response. Antonia Exchange, being one of the only Austarian corporations to infiltrate the Dutch may or may not talk with other similar minded companies, however such an idea is up to speculation and consideration only. In the meantime, the population of the Austar Union continues to grow richer, with the Austarian Dollar steadily growing stronger against other market indicies. The price of Gold is remaining steady, and Oil is remaining relatively low priced.
Austar Union
06-06-2005, 10:20
Austarian Broadcasting Corporation [ABC]: World News

Confederation of Judge Manifesto Granted Further Independance

In a show of friendship for the Confederacy of Judge Manifesto, Lord Indigo Blue has recently decreed that he will no longer be interfering in the policies of that state, and will allow its ruler, Judge Manifesto to be the Commander-In-Chief of it associated areas. Whilst it remains a sort of protectorate of the Union, analysts are expecting the stock market there to increase its own portfolio, however it will still remain to be dependant on the Austarian economy for its main influence. Whilst it maintains its policy of semi-isolationism however, its expected that nothing large is likely to occur in that location. In the meantime, the administration of the Austar Union has vowed to continue working closely with the Confederacy on all matters it seeks advice or assistance on.
Austar Union
07-06-2005, 10:46
Austarian Broadcasting Corporation [ABC]: World News

Economy Booms Forward - At All Time High!

With the economy booming to an all time high, the Reserve Bank of Austar Union has reported in a just released file that the people are richer than ever, even before the slight decline not that long ago. With it leaping forward in a classical style once again, wealth of the average Austarian is comparable with that of the widely known business nation of Knootoss. Predictions record that it will not be long before the Austarian economy itself booms ahead forward, completely overtaking the Knootian economy in power per capita. Recorded at an all time high of [$44,917.34 USD per Capita], increasing the lead in the regional economy to almost two thousand dollars from its nearest competitor - Menelmacar. Neck and neck however, are the economies of Knootoss and Austar Union, their own GDP per Capita being recorded at some [$44,937.92 USD].

The Austarian Dollar has in the meantime also climbed to a new peak, the exchange being rated at [1 Austarian Dollar = $1.9727], which is only slightly slightly worth than that of Knootoss, its own currency being rated at [1 Euro = $1.9731]. The recent announcement from the Reserve Bank of Austar Union has expected to push the economy even further on however, since overall competition between the Knootian and Austarian economies could lead to a sort of economic strive between the two states, possibly pushing both to the very top.
Austar Union
07-06-2005, 23:38
Bleh, forget it. Will replace this later...
Austar Union
12-06-2005, 23:57
Austarian Broadcasting Corporation [ABC]: World News

Mercury Missions Revealed - Foriegn War Possible?

Earlier this morning, Indigo has exclusively revealed to the Austarian Broadcasting Corporation details regarding the fleet positioned in and around the space of Mercury, Sol's most innermost planet. He has revealed to the public eye that as this news-story is published a large fleet under the command of Lord Idisious, subject to the command of Lord Indigo Blue, has recently entered the space defined as 'MercurySpace', without the proper consent of military greats such as the Rogue Seraphim Defense Legions of whom controls most of the land on that planet. However, he has also reassured that the likelyhood of a response from those forces is extremely low, given their current status which can be rated at 'degraded' after some time has passed since their declaration of autonomous rule from the alliance known as Order of the Seraphim.

Relations with the Order of the Seraphim have been cordial at best, notably with its leader (or Seraphim), the Aristocratic Oligarchy of Sketch - each meeting with diplomats or envoys of any of these represented entities being unsucessful in the means of positive relation building. With such a bold move on behalf of Lord Idisious in the Mercury subsystem, it could be said that the main risk actually comes from forces of Sketch which are known to be fairly active in the region. They are known to be particularly unruley on the world stage, and are aggressively territorial in their best moments. With the knowledge that they seek to reclaim a larger portion of their former territories on Mercury (of which were seized when the Rogues declared soveriegnty from each of the Order memberstates), Indigo has released to the press his belief that they will be rather intrusive in the subsystem while an Austarian presense remains in the area. Still, peace has been maintained so an anomynous public census has shown a rising tide of extra support for manoevers in this arena of politics.

Indigo released this short message to the world media later on;

"While the situation remains sensitive in the Mercury subsystem, I am unwilling to commit any further details other than those released to the Austarian Broadcasting Corporation earlier today, in an exclusive meeting between ourselves. However I would like to at least prepare the hearts and minds of all Austarians, that since the situation between ourselves and our Sketchian counterparts is paricularly cordial at present, there is a given possibility that we may need to commit some degree of the Austar Union to a large military manoever further off into the innermost parts of Sol. I will maintain a course of diplomatic effort naturally, but I cannot speak on behalf of the Sketch myself - the public eye will be updated as the situation unfolds. Afterall, I am not willing to shock the family unit with any sudden news or whatnot - we like to be prepared for any scenario."

Economists predict that there will be some backlash from the economy itself now that the information has been released publically regarding the Mercury Situation, however given this nation's global focus on the market, they shouldnt be too high since the corporate world heavily relies on foriegn consumers rather than consumers of the Austar Union on their own. In the meantime, the market index is up and has remained steady on course. It is unlikely that there will be any major changes to the market process and its relevant system unless some negative news is reported from the Austarian fleet stationed within MercurySpace itself.
Austar Union
18-06-2005, 14:30
Austarian Broadcasting Corporation [ABC]: World News

Reserve Bank of Austar Union Releases Statistics - Austarians Richer than Knootians!

According to a lengthy report on behalf of the Reserve Bank, on average - citizens of the Austar Union are actually some five hundred dollars richer than that of Knootoss. The report has revealed that indeed, this has come from some extensive investments in the Knootian economy - of which may have been rising in Consumer Confidence due to a recent announcement by their Prime Minister - of a final end to an ongoing conflict. Troops of their own are withdrawing from a famous world troublespot, which Indigo has denounced their involvement many a time. In the meantime, these reports come at a surprise to some of the nation's leading analysts, who only recently claimed a risk of downturn in the economy due to the release of information surrounding the Planet Mercury.

News from that frontier is still Sketchy, but sources claim that peace is continuing to preserve. No news however on anything which is due - means of war has not been exclusivley ruled out, nor advocated. Lord Blue has only released that he has only interest in the preservance of peace over battle, of which has remained balanced in this delicate situation. In the meantime, Austarians seem forgetful about recent broadcasts, and are rejoicing over their at least temporary betterance of the economy of Knootoss.
Austar Union
20-06-2005, 20:27
Austarian Broadcasting Corporation [ABC]: World News

Axackal - Hive of Destruction?

With reports flooding into the channels of a possible invasion of Axackal, it seemes that for now rumours are circulating that the United States of Allanea has officially begun yet another campaign against the Edolian Soveriegn Territories. This comes at large a surprise, since history would write that whilst this is not the first attempt at invasion of this valuable land area, and the Allaneans are attacking once again so soon after they have recovered from their own turmoil, the civil war which had engulfed that nation. In the meantime, political figures at large have remained silent on the issue, the only sign of response being an eruption of activity here on the Ravenspire. It seems, the Austarian Military Legions, dedicated to service in the Region of Haven, have mobilized. Whether or not this is a sign of Austarian involvement is sketchy at best, it does ring memories for those in the latter years - of what has been termed the UnAPS - Allanean war. In that area of prior conflict, Axackal had once again been the centre stage for the deaths of millions of Axackali lives and Allanean also. Determined by the Austarian Bureau of Statistics, it has been found that some 1.6 Million Allaneans had been killed in the war, as a direct result of the involvement of the Austar Union at the time, using conventional weapon bombardments only. Some two thousand Austarians had been killed. In the meantime, what the future will determine, one can only guess - but hopes are high for a quick resolution, whether it be via means of diplomacy or force.
Austar Union
06-07-2005, 09:21
Austarian Broadcasting Corporation [ABC]: World News

Indigo Withdraws Fleets From Mercury!

In a change of pace and strategy regarding the Planet Mercury, it appears as if Indigo has given the strict order for all fleets in that region to return home, regardless of what they have achieved so far. It comes as a strange manoever, of which remains the longest serving campaign in Austarian history. For some few decades it seems, the Blue Administration has attempted to gain land possesions on the Mercury surface, and has now appeared to have resigned from that mission. When asked to comment, he gave only the following answer.

"I gave the order to withdraw from Mercury, only as a method to change the course of our foriegn policy. I have had some personal realisation over the past few weeks, and one of these is the realisation of a famous saying, 'No use beating a dead horse'. I simply decided that it was time to withdraw from the area around Mercury, and adopt a more 'Live and Let Live' attitude. Afterall, we tried and didnt come up with any fruit. I think it was nessasary, anyway."