NationStates Jolt Archive

Oh, this is YOUR system?

The Island of Rose
05-04-2005, 22:49
Rosata Dexima was an isolationist Empire. It consisted of only ten planets, and it was the size of Sol. Of course this meant that they could concentrate their forces very heavily on defense. Of course no great Empire is isolationist, no. Quite the opposite, they are loud and annoying. And since High Imperator Augustus (who looks like Michael York) wanted to have a powerful Empire, but he didn't want to the location of Rose (the home planet) to be found out too quickly.

That's just dumb.

Instead he devise a grand scheme. A grand scheme because anything less would un-imperial! It was simple. Send hundreds of Duke Class Shuttles (which basically looked like a giant triangle with two triangle slanting wings going down... with a black tip and a streamlined cockpit) and have them transmit a message. A message of peace. Because a message of war is suicide and a message of neutrality makes no sense at all.

Of course the Queen Class Shuttles didn't come armed... okay that's a lie. They had quite a number of turbolasers... that's a lie. It had only two turbolasers (on the wings) and small laser thingies. But quite frankly it was the length of the Rebel frigate and quite frankly, an unarmed ship is just stupid. Sure he held a party but that didn't work, so it was time to do something that would gain attention.

And what gains attention? An unknown semi-hostile ship approaching your space! And you know what? I don't care if I don't use big fancy words to extend this post! You get the jist! Hah! Err... yeah.

We come in peace, take us to your leader... we come in peace, take us to your leader...

Psst, that's the message.
05-04-2005, 22:54
OOC: So this is happening throughout the galaxy, or what?
The Island of Rose
05-04-2005, 23:03
OOC: So this is happening throughout the galaxy, or what?

(Universe, galaxy, eh basically.)
Vorlon Prime
05-04-2005, 23:17
A system on the fringe of what was once the Vorlon Empire

Many thousands of kilometers away from the scout cruiser, a portal into hyperspace, a realm of alternate physics where faster than light travel was possible, like a tunnel of blue and white distortions leading to somewhere almost incomprehensible to even the most intelligent who did not have a lifetime to study it. The ship ( that emerged was like a flower, elongated from its rear petals. Overall it was yellow, green and brown, with petals that folded out from its base, currently retracted. It bore markings upon its side. Inside it, its solitary occupant looked at this violation of its space with annoyance. It always annoyed the vorlons, to have their space violated. And this was no exception.

Closing fast, the Vorlon ship, a living being in its own right, something which by rights should not exist, began to power the single, flexible weapon that occupied the space between its forward prongs. It was unfortunate, but the secrets of the Vorlons had to be kept. Until it was time at least.

The younger races would not understand.

But they would give one chance. A satisfactory answer to the question they would ask rarely came, yet they would ask it anyway.

Who are you? was the question that the vorlon ship sent.
05-04-2005, 23:21
Analyzing message...
Language is on record.

Tal Morgeel, captain of the battleship Meradiin, looked the message over.
Short and sweet, but not very informative...

A moment later, a reply was sent.
-Unknown ship, this is Captain Morgeel of the Kendaryn border patrol. Please identify yourself. Escort to the Capital will be arranged.-

OOC: Just out of curiousity, what sort of FTL do your ships use?
The Island of Rose
05-04-2005, 23:39
(They're frigates now! You ungrateful... and I use SW tech. But they're all custom.)

The IRS Hattensberg, the ship approaching Kendari System, promptly replied. But first.

A crew member approached the Captain, Captain Frederick von Hattensberg XXVI, with a message. "Sir. The Capital is already receiving mapping information. Now we will be able to fly here. Also, we have a message. It comes from some... Kendari thing. They come in peace and offered to escort us to their Capital."

Captain Frederick nodded. "Excellent. Take us there. Tell the crew to grab their IARs (Imperail Assualt Rifles) and to keep them loaded. We need to be cautious at all times. Anyway let me reply." He pressed a button, and his voice (Germanic sounding) could be heard on the Kendari ship.

"All right." He said. "We are from Rosata Dexima and we come in peace. Thank you for the escort."

Meanwhile in the former Vornoli System, the IRS Orcha, headed by Captain Orcha Dexi, saw the strange ship. He was cautious. "Scan that object." He ordered.

The object/ship was scanned, of course nothing appeared. It was organic, or so the scan implied. "Oy... I gotta be careful now." He activated communications. He said in a slight monotone way. "We are here on an exploration mission and we wish to speak to the leaders of various systems. We come here in peace and we wish to get to know you better. We will leave if requested."

Silence... how melodramatic.
05-04-2005, 23:57
There was a moment's pause while the Meradiin's computer calculated locations and distances, and then a portal formed, widening swiftly to allow the battleship passage. Two of the steering engines flared, and the angular craft drifted through the opening.

It held the portal open while scanning and calculating for the next jump; at this distance, two or three would bring them to the Kanell System, a reasonable distance from the planet Kendari.

At the same time, a hypernet message was being sent back to the Capital.

-Visitors claiming to be from a place called Rosata Dexima are being brought to Kendari. Their ship appears to be of frigate class, or something similar. They say they come in peace. It would probably be best to prepare for a diplomatic meeting.-

"They're frigates now! You ungrateful..."
Eh? Is that directed at me?
The Island of Rose
06-04-2005, 00:14
(Not at you, just at my lovable friends at mIRC :))

The IRS Hattensberg navigated itself towards the planet, of course the Captain had different ideas. "Crew, slow down." And they complied, because mutiny is bad.

He activated communications again. "We wish to know if negotiations will occur planetside or on a bigger ship." Meanwhile crew members and soldiers started to set themselves besides the doors. Rosatans were always a bit paranoid, but in truth nobody cared about them. But eh, safety is GOOD. Except if it interferes with your life, they you need help.
06-04-2005, 06:16
The reply came swiftly.
"The plan is for the meeting to occur on the surface, but a ship can be arranged if you prefer."
06-04-2005, 19:21
>>Accessing KAJUR SYSNET
>>Object detected entering grid 47-2.
>>Transmission detected.

"We come in peace, take us to your leader... we come in peace, take us to your leader..."

>>Message Repeats.
>>Object has entered grid 47-2. Entering visual range...
>>Object is in visual range. Identified as a Vessel of unknown configuration.
>>Vessel mass is consistent with frigate class vessels.
>>Vessel is currently 47.18 LY outsystem.
>>Initiating intercept protocol.
>>Vessel Asur i Radyann (Lirel-type Destroyer) dispatched.
>>Estimated transit time 14 minutes 53 seconds.

The Asur i Radyann was one of many Kajali destroyers tasked with border patrol duties. After all, Kajali policy was to keep the location of the four worlds secret, and while ships did occasionally stray into the borderlands of the Four Worlds, the projected course of this unknown would take it within range of one of the main worlds, if given enough time.

After 15 minutes in subspace transit, the destroyer appeared in grid 47-1, and closed on the unknown contact, and began broadcasting a message, cycling through five languages, and ending with somewhat broken english.

"Unknown vessel, you have entered Kajali space. Reverse course immediately. Your vessel has not been identified with any registered vessel, and your presence is unauthorized..."

The message repeated. If the ship didn't turn around, standard Kajali protocol called for its disabling and capture.
Vorlon Prime
06-04-2005, 22:51
The vorlon ship continued to close. Silent as though it had not heard the reply. It had heard, but it did not care. The answer was insufficient, and thus, they would destroy the interlopers.

Between the four forward prongs of the ship, a flux of yellow lightning flashed between them, arcing as it formed a wide field. A coruscating beam of energy shot out of the weapon, aimed at the interloping scout frigate.
The Infinite Crucible
07-04-2005, 00:49
Nothing, nothing but the void. A single great mind, a great mass of liquid, floated within a tremendous chamber. Great tendrils eloped and collapsed as thoughts came together, lived, inspired, and eventually died. Truly great and important thoughts became pulses of energy and chemicals forever bouncing around an ever changing circuit of liquid.

A great warmth was with the mind but beyond it the cold of space could be felt. Its uncaring grasps raked the skin the mind did not own. It was felt either way. The mind, a being known as a Qax, was one with the tremendous Spline ship. The Spline are possibly the largest species ever to inhabit the universe. This Spline was young and small. It had a diameter of around 400 meters.

This Spline was under the command of a very young Qax. The Qax had just reached the tender age of eight hundred. Either way this Qax was far wiser than its age would lead one to believe. It had the memories from every Qax that came before it within its gene line stored within its vast mind. It had at least 40 millenia of experiance stored within it. It remember a time when its species had never left the seas and knew little of the world above the swirling waters.

So the Qax continued forming its thoughts on thought and was quite content and at peace doing this. It was on a mission to learn more about the make up of the universe, but had decided to leave a smaller portion of its mind the job of categorizing all information taken in by the Spline. Suddenly a little tiny piece of information came flying through the void and right into the vast mind of the Qax. It was another ship, a thought like this earned its way into the higher functions of the Qax's mind.

A single message repeated over and over from the approaching vessal. It was to the point and quick. The sign of a race that seldom thought things through and could be used. The spline thought through what a course should be taken. The ship was un-manned and therefore any true message would be wasted on dumb sensors. Rather the spline was directed to ping back any and all messages to the approaching vessal. That should get their attention without wasting valuable time for thought.

So with that every message from the new ship was pinged back.
07-04-2005, 00:54
The planetary relay station on the planet of Akenar received the signal. In grand Kriovalian fashion, they responded, "This planet's leader or all of Krioval's?"
08-04-2005, 07:23
A few thousand kilometers from the intruding frigate, the heavens parted in a great portal to the Immaterium, and the cruiser ISS Malbourg was made manifest upon the universe. It appeared like a cathedral of ancient Europe, the shining muzzles of cannons extending from gothic arches along the five hundred meters of its vast gun decks. The vessel's front was composed of a series of dramatically curving armor plates, ornately decorated with the gilded form of an eagle's head and outstretched wings. In the rear, directly above the ship's engine array, the heavily armored fortress of the bridge towered above the gun batteries and turrets that stretched along the hull.

Alarms sounded across the ship as the captain called the crew to battle stations. Railgun turrets powered up, the massive traverse gears grinding to track the frigate. Artillery cannons were loaded and prepared to fire at a moment's notice. The following message was transmitted towards the firgat in all languages on all frequencies.

"Foreign vessel, identify yourself and state your business in the Sol system immediately. Failure to comply will result in your destruction."
The Island of Rose
08-04-2005, 21:45
The many frigates responded to the many messages.

The unfortunate frigate that happened to be in the Vorlani System, well that wasn't fun really.

"Captain! They're attacking! Our shields are down! What do we do."

The Captain, realizing that they were about to die, said the first thing that came to his mind. "Bend over and kiss your-" My ship 'splode!

Of course in the Kendari System the IRS Hattensberg replied immediately. It was a potential ally, to not reply is stupid! Or dumb, or any other word that means idiot. "We'd rather meet on a ship, but if it is not possible the surface is fine. Thank you very much."

Now in the Kajali System, they were being mean. They wanted us to leave! Of course we wanted friends. So we tried... again. "We come in peace, we mean no harm. The New Sith Empire of Rosata Dexima wishes to have relations with you. Please let us see your leader." The Captain responded over his handy radio thing.

Though some people were nicer! Sort of. The Infinite Crucible just kept wanted to ping back a message. So they like ping pong eh? The IRS Jade, the ship in the Infiniti System, sent another message.

You take us first, you take us first...[i] Of course if they're just gonna ping back every message... we're gonna have fun then eh?

But the Kriovali System was nicer. They actually responded in peace! The [i]IRS Hagges manned by Captain Cornilieu Hagges, responded. "Take us to the leader of all of Krioval. The New Sith Empire of Rosata Dexima wishes to have relations with all of the Universe."

Of course there's more meanies out there, aka Akaton! I see you! I see you, you're wearing jeans now aren't ya?! The IRS Ule, manned by Captain John Ule, responded. Over the radio, of course. This is just a sad attempt to expand this post and make it look fancy. "We come in peace. We come in the name of The New Sith Empire of Rosata Dexima. We come with no fighters aboard nor are the weapons system active. We heard of the Sol System, and we are lucky that we have stumbled here. We wish to have relations with you and with all those that inhabit the Sol System."

And now I wait, are you happy?
Vorlon Prime
08-04-2005, 22:46
Sailing through the debris of the frigate, the vorlon vessel carefully attacked any remaining parts that seemed large enough to support life. Satisfied, the vorlon vessel opened a jump point in the debris, tearing some apart, pushing some into hyperspace, and vapourising some.

Some hours later, a transmission was sent to where they thought the vessel had come from.

It appears that one of your vessels recently violated our space. We cannot be responsible for the accidents that befall those unprepared for the peculiarities of our space. Your vessel has been destroyed by a freak engine malfuction. We reccommend that no further vessels be sent without our leave.
Z ha dum
08-04-2005, 23:09

The never resting, ever searching mind of The Eye looked out, its mind crossing lightyears in the blink of an eye, observing entire systems, controlling, ordering thousands of ships.

It was Z'Ha'Dum's first line of defence. It was its creator's first tool for offence.

But the war hadn't come, yet. For now, it was just a tool to watch... A tool to prepare.

For they were preparing for the future.

For the time, when the vorlons would rise again to tinker with the way of life, to end evolution, to throw the galaxy into stagnation.

However, right now, it noticed something... Different.

A craft, a small one, was approaching their world. It was quite amazing, reaching this place... It was unlikely that they had heard about it. Perhaps it was coincidence. Perhaps they had found a few devices, remains of the last war, mice or something comparable, that had pointed them this way.

It didn't matter. For now, The Eye watched. Waiting for them to... To come closer.

Down, below the desolate, slightly radioactive, dusk- covered surface of Z'Ha'Dum, ancient shapes waited, watching, their twisted thoughts contemplating the next steps.
09-04-2005, 17:59
The transmission sent back to the ship was along the same lines as the first, though perhaps a little more diplomatic.

"If you do not reverse course now, standard protocol calls for action to be taken to disable your vessel. However, if you turn around, and wait just outside Kajali space, we will send an ambassador to meet with you."

In the meantime, the destroyer maneuvered for a firing solution. With any luck, they wouldn't be getting into a diplomatic crisis with the Sith.
09-04-2005, 18:15
A listening outpost sits motionless at the edge of Republic territory... outside of the main system of the Tekanian Republic, a system composed of 12 planets, 5 of them, and a moon inhabited, and all bound together into a single Republic...

The officer, junior officer at that, manning the station has been trying to stay awake for some time. His other two co-horts are asleep in their bunks, and he has been on watch for 7 hours.... Only 1 more to go he thinks...

He is startled suddenly by a blip on his console...

Glancing over, he notices a ship on his console on a course to enter Republic space...

He strums his fingers accross his controls, and scanning beams begin to probe the oncomming vessel...

Moments later a message blurts accross his console....

****We come in peace, take us to your leader... we come in peace, take us to your leader...****

The officer turns to his communications console... and sends a message to the oncomming craft...

****Message to Unknown Shuttle****
Unknown Vessel, this is Border Post ALPHA-1-EPSILON, we have received your message, and will relay it to Fleet Command... You are advised to halt, and hold your present position, and await further orders.... We request transmission of further information on your intentions....
****Message Ends****

The young officer, then patches the transmission through to Eagle-One Fleet Command Station... And waits...
09-04-2005, 21:11
OOC: You changed the shuttle class from Duke to Queen during your post...I'm confused :confused:
Anyway, since The Ineffable Empire already knows of you, I'm going to have the pirates blow you up :D
I've not given numbers of boarders, because you didn't say the crew compliment when I asked :(
A ripple in space. Advanced sensors would be able to detect a now-decloaked ship, less advanced sensors would continue to look through it. While the cloaking field was down, the low-observability mechanisms remained active. The pirates didn't know if they could now be seen. Frankly, they didn't care.
They swept the strange ship with sensors, and detected little of worth. Still, the crew could be enslaved, and put to work in the Phazon mines.
Immediately after decloaking, blue flashes could be seen in the corridors of the Rosian ship, as the tesseract transporters were activated, and microseconds later, pirates occupied the space of the flashes. These ( were armed with electrical-based weaponary, set to stun, as well as a energy melee weapon, capable of meeting a lightsaber and retaining combat capability.
These, ( however, were equipped with dark matter launchers. These encased the target in corrosive dark matter, which would incapacitate the victim until such time as the pirates freed them. Or, if they didn't, they'd kill them. The pirates weren't too bothered. They also carried energy shields, and an energy sycthe similar to that of the other pirates.
The pirates started spreading out and incapacitating the crew. They also said "Yarr!" a lot.
Meanwhile, the "lighter" guns of the pirate ship opened fire, targetting the weapons systems. These "lighter" guns could cut through the crust of a planet with only a little trouble, but they didn't want to destory the ship with the heavier guns...yet, but the only lighter guns they had were point defence weapons, and they gave their enemies a little respect.

A ship of the same class, firing all main weapons ("lighter" ones are the six cyan ones at the side) (
The Island of Rose
10-04-2005, 15:44
The IRS Gador, the name of the Frigate I just made up that is in the Tekanian System, replied. Over the radio... of course.

"The New Sith Empire wants to have relations with the rest of the Universe. This means Embassies, Ambassadors, trade relations, what have you. Of course the thing is we do not want to reveal the location of the Home Planet, Rose. We have different planets for trade and diplomacy for this reason. Therefore this is why we have entered your space. By accident of course, we also have to map the Universe for our purposes. Can't go on living blind hm?"

Meanwhile the Kajali Ship got a different message.


It's long right? Right?

Meanwhile the Frigate in Z'Ha'Dumi Space went inside deeper... well he didn't give me much to work with.

Now the pirates were mean. They wanted to go against the might of the Empire! Grrr... umm... no I don't think I can sound more imposing.

"Captain Harold!" Said the 1st Mate aboard the IRS Harold.

"Yes?" Said Captain Harold.

"We have boarders inside. Oh... the weapons systems are down too!"

"Oh... men! Get your IARs! You." He said look at an Honor Guard. To recap, he's wearing white body armor with broad shoulders and it has black tips. He has a wrist lightsaber on his right wrist and jetpacks capable of going on for hours, don't ask how. "Lead the men. Half of you go with him, the rest stay here and defend the Bridge with me." Of course most of the crew is not in the Bridge, if anything it's just ten guys staying the Captain.

So the about 330 men, plus that one Honor Guard dude, charged towards the pirates! They opened fire on the poor peoples! Plus the Honor Guard guy started to slash people.
10-04-2005, 22:23
OOC: Strictly speaking, only electrical based weaponary should urt the purple guys, but I forget about that until just now so I'll ignore it
The pirate commandos ( their left forearms, and the first volley of shots bounced off their energy shields. The Wave Troopers (, however, had only their armour to rely upon. Several fell. One went "Arrg", and the rest opened fire.
The pirates charged. The commandos, their shields now recharging, activated their scythes, and fired their dark-matter rifles.

The honour guardsman, catching the pirates off-guard (they weren't expecting anyone with a lightsaber, or The Force), cut about a dozen of them down. But the next was prepared. The commando met the Sith's blade with his scythe, a weapon far thinner, but equally as massless and powerful as the lightsaber. They duelled for a while, but the pirate was dispatched. But the guardsman then found himself facing ten more-similarly-skilled opponents, at once.

After their intial disadvantage of being in unfamiliar surroundings, facing unfamiliar beings, the pirates training as professional soldiers, boarders, slavers, and general-purpose rogues and buccaneers from the Rouge Planet came into play, and they began taking down several people, be they victims of the stunners, enshrouded in dark matter, or victims of the energy sythes, for every one pirate that was killed.

Meanwhile, the pirate Cap'n aboard the Orpheon was getting bored.
"Arr, load the main cannons, ye scurvy dogs!"
Or, to anyone who didn't speak Pirate, he meant charge the main weapons.
11-04-2005, 04:00
15 minutes after the Asur i Radyann recieved the terse message, a small transport appeared from under the bulk of the larger vessel, and another transmission was sent.

"We have assembled a diplomatic party to meet with you. They should be arriving shortly."
11-04-2005, 06:33
But the Kriovali System was nicer. They actually responded in peace! The IRS Hagges manned by Captain Cornilieu Hagges, responded. "Take us to the leader of all of Krioval. The New Sith Empire of Rosata Dexima wishes to have relations with all of the Universe."

Apparently the planetary governor of Akenar had assumed as much, and the relay had already been set up. A Kriovalian fighter, shielded but with weapons offline, appeared. "This is Raijin Dekker, Commander of Krioval. What brings you to our space?"
11-04-2005, 06:52
The captain of the Akatoni ship, the ISS Malbourg, considered the response to his message. It annoyed him that the Frigate had come in peace, he really liked blowing stuff up, and hadn't gotten to watch a good space battle in several months. For a minute, he was tempted to just order the gunners to destroy the firgate for the fun of it, but he realized the Emperor would object (probably by cutting off the captain's head). So, reluctantly, the captain ordered the weapons to be powered down.

He sent a message back to the Frigate:

"Please stand by. We will escort you in-system to the Imperial command station in orbit beyond Terra's moon. A diplomatic staff will meet with you if you wish."
11-04-2005, 06:59
Of course in the Kendari System the IRS Hattensberg replied immediately. It was a potential ally, to not reply is stupid! Or dumb, or any other word that means idiot. "We'd rather meet on a ship, but if it is not possible the surface is fine. Thank you very much."

"That is perfectly acceptable, though it will take slightly longer to arrange."

The request was sent down to the capital, and preparations began for a ship-board meeting.

OOC: I'll post again soon, with more details. Sorry about the delay; I wasn't able to log in over the weekend.
11-04-2005, 07:55
"Sir, report from darkside, it seems they have detected a transmission from an unknown source."

few sir, it's about twenty degrees from nexus.
unknown range. outpost is attempting to get a fix.
okay, when they do, have them transmit the sequnce.
a few minutes later, a transmission was made, a transmission that most races should understand, but not misinterpret
## ### ##### ####### ########### #############
@@ @@@ @@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@
%% %%% %%%%% %%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%
&& &&& &&&&& &&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&
** *** ***** ******* *********** *************
^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Z ha dum
11-04-2005, 09:59

It watched. They came closer... And so, it extended its mind, touching them... feeling them, carrying the message... no, not the message. The order. The demand.

Come. It said, implanting the message into their minds, a single mind, made up of a million,focused on obeying the wishes of its masters.

Come. Land. For those who listened, who felt, it wasn't so much an order as it was a wish, their wish, their very own desire to enter this world, to land, to explore it, its tunnels, everything, as if there was something down there, something almost irresistable.

And technically, this wasn't even wrong...

And fourteen pinpoint eyes watched, visible as they formed a bright constellation of lights, moving with the approaching frigate.

The third planet was the one they were suppsoed to land on.

Hidden under the surface, twisted minds lurked in the shadows, waiting, preparing.
11-04-2005, 13:07
The border post received the incoming transmission... And relays it to fleet command. Moments later, a message comes back...

****Transmission from Eagle-One to Outpost****
BSG-24, TRSS Tiamat is being dispatched to handle situation...
****Message Ends****

Outside, before the frigate IRS Gador, energies begin to increase, 3,000km from her bow a massive wormhole begins tearing into the fabric of space/time, it's mouth gaping open... For a brief moment it just hangs there, and then a ship slips slowly from its yawning mouth.... The vessel is over 3km long, and just over 1km wide, mass more than 35 million metric tons. It bears a name on its side, at the bow, and on pods hanging from its major superstructer, "TRSS Tiamat", a hull number, "BSG-24", and a large blue, red and gold flag bearing a spread eagle, and a motto "Qui Desiderant Pacem Preparate Bellum". Energy readings from the ship are, for the moment off the scale. Suddenly energy output from it cuts tremendously... at the same time, the massive wormhole behind it de-stabalizes and collapses....

The ship hangs in space before the IRS Gador... And then a message is transmitted...

****Transmission to IRS Gador****
TO: IRS Gador.
FRM: Marcus Plestus, Vice Admiral, Commanding Officer TRSS Tiamat.

We are here to escort you to Eagle-One orbital command for the Tekanian Stellar Forces, Operational HQ, Constitutional Republic of Tekania.

Kraskinov Tube will be generated momentarily. You are to proceed into the tube... We will remain behind you. Once through, you are to follow any other commands given by Tekanian vessels in the area. Do not veer from provided course, or we will be forced to destroy your vessel....
****Message Ends****

The TRSS Tiamat, turns slowly around... within moments energies start building again deep in her hull... as they go off the scale again, another wormhole tears into space before both vessels...and stabalizes... It's mouth yawning in space, subspace energies twirling around it....
The Island of Rose
11-04-2005, 21:43
(I'll post later today or tommorow, sorry >.>)
11-04-2005, 21:59
The Chronosian Imperium recieved the signal, and identified the vessel; only to deploy an attack group to meet it.
"We are the Imperium; servants of the Dark Gods. We shall escort you to Chronosia Prime; where you shall be given the honor of looking upon the Daemon Emperor; deactivate your weapons; and prepare to follow...."
The Island of Rose
12-04-2005, 21:59
The IRS Harold, already in turmoil was fired upon! Now we would fire back, but the weapons systems are down apparently. But not everything else. Nope.

"Captain! They're charging up to fire!"

"Aww man! Men, transfer all non vital systems to the shields." El Capitano pressed a button sending out a communication.

Any Rosatan or friendly craft, we are being attacked by pirates. Help us, please!

Meanwhile the sailors were being cut down by the returning laser fire. Some tried ducking but they were cut down, others tried to retaliate as they died and others just died in a small little corner. But of course after the return fire they hid behind anything they could to set up a nice position. As soon as they were covered the lights went off.

"The hell?!" This was the common reaction. Lights are not vital, we don't need light to live. Of course the sailors saw this as a chance. They got of their cover and immediately started to fire into the general direction of the rouges. Others, who had a frag grenade with them, threw it towards the pirates in hopes of killing groups of them. Of course if they were thermal detonators they would destroy the entire ship. And we want to live now don't we? Eh.

The Honor Guardsman smirked when the lights went off. "Oh man... you guys are screwed now." He activated his jetpack, flying towards the group of commandoes with his wristsaber ready. As he charged toward them he used his Force POWAHS to pull them towards his blade, or as many as TST would allow. Then he got to the other side of the hall, facing them. "Bring it on little man!"

Meanwhile in the Kajali System, everything was going smoothly. The Captain inside the frigate replied. "All right. Our engine is powered down and our weapons off. You have the right to take us anywhere for this meeting. Thank you for the hospitality."

The IRS Hagges in the Kriovali System was also doing well. No death and destruction, it's all good. "We represent High Imperator Augustus of Rosata Dexima. He wishes to have Embassies and trade relations with the rest of the Universe. That, and he want to map it too. Or as much as he can. If you want you are allowed to visit him on his personal ship, the IRS Imperator where a meeting could be arranged."

In Sol, where Akaton resides, everything was going good too. Heck it's a good day overall. A reply was sent. "Very well. We will allow you to escort us towards the Station. Thank you for the hospitality."

The same thing in the Kendari System too. A simple message was sent. The Captain sounded like Lil' John this time too. "OKAY!" I couldn't resist.

But things in the Gelflandi System were a bit confusing, you see they didn't speak American. I mean English, they didn't speak English. They spoke... fancy letter things. I wish I knew what it meant though. So does the Captain. Therefore he sent a message. "Err... can you say again? In English?"

In the Z'Ha'Dumi System, they landed on that third planet... I promise the next post will be more detailed. But give me a break.

Meanwhile the IRS Gador in the Tekanian System replied.

To: Marcus Plestus, Vice Admiral, Commanding Officer TRSS Tiamat
From: Captain Gador of the IRS Gador

We will follow any instructions that you have. We would like to thank you
for the hospitality. We will not revert out of course due to the fact that we
want to live. Also, we will trust our security to your forces we just hope that
nothing bad happens, but we doubt it. Thank you again.
Captain Gador

And so he did whatever that transmission told him to do. Meanwhile the frigate in the Chronosian System replied. "Okay." Well your post is short too.

I am done!
12-04-2005, 23:56
As the Gador proceeds through the wormhole the TRSS Tiamat follows....

The transit takes seconds, as the vessels emerge from the other side... and moments later, the wormhole colapses and destabalizes...

On this side, a planet can be seen, heavily inhabited, a single moon in orbit... also heavily inhabited... A massive station orbits just inside visual range... The station is several hundred kilometers high.... a single "door" can be seen on the side visible from the location.... Around it, 5 other ships of identical configuration as the Tiamat, and about 20 other smaller vessels, none of them smaller than 1.2km in length can be seen in station-keeping around the station...

The docking door on the station opens up..... inside can be seen more ships of similar size, under construction inside the massive complex...

**** Transmission ****
IRS Gador, this is the TRSS Tiamat... You are to proceed inside the station... once inside, cut your engines and you will be towed to the appropriate docking port... After the procedure is complete, you will recieve the signal to disembark your dignitaries.... Fleet Admiral Warner, the Chief of Stellar Operations will be awaiting your arrival...
**** End ****
13-04-2005, 00:58
sir, a reply, it seems they received our message."
any word on translation?
yes, it seems that they use a fairly standard syntax and grammar, some psychological variances noted in the second message"

okay, you have their position?
yes, a contact team is en route,
okay, transmit:
please remain were you are, we are sending a ship out. it should arrive shortly.
The Silver Turtle
13-04-2005, 20:47
OOC: Too lazy to log out and log in again as Redball, you know who I am anyhoo.
But I'm not killing your men, except where there's a melee combat and they get chopped up. The pirates are stunning them, to gather up and use as slaves later.
Everything went dark. This was momentarily a problem for the pirates, particularly those who were Forced onto the wristblade. However, some of those commandoes managed to activate their own jets in time, so three of them were spared.
With the guardsman facing them, looking rather like a "Morpheus" from an ancient Earth movie the pirates had pillaged from some databanks, the pirates decided to be clever. They lined up, and aimed their rifles. About half-a-dozen E-Grenades, specially designed energy grenades designed to temporarily disable powersuits [and other electrical systems] with an EMP-like effect, flew towards him, followed by a barrage of dark matter lumps. Three pirates then charged him from different directions, while the dark matter barrage was kept up by the other pirates.
The pirates were taking rather heavy losses, however. Some began to wonder if they'd actually switched their powered-armour power-switch to "On".
However, they had indeed, and with the lights out they switched to thermal imaging and resumed their attack. The explosions from the grenades threw several pirates into a heap. They weren't dead, the fragments had a hard time penetrating the armour and injuring them, but aboard a pirate ship you don't get much rest, so they decided to have a kip. They'd figure out how to avoid the cat o' ninetails later.
The commandoes not involved in attacking the guardsman decided to launch e-grenades at the positions of the regular crewmen, hoping they might disable the guns.
A group of ten Wave Troopers and five commandoes began moving towards the bridge. They weren't entirely sure where it was, so they decided to have yell out and have another three identical groups also go.

Meanwhile, aboard the Orpheon, the Cap'n was slightly happier.
"Shields, ye say? Yarr! Fire the bolas!"
The pirate crew muttered among themselves, trying to work out what he meant by "bolas". A quick dictionary search suggested it was an ancient device loaded in a cannon used to take out a ship's sails. The muttered some more, with some loud "Arr!"s thrown in to keep the Cap'n happy. They finally decided he meant fire at the engines, so they powered up the heavy spacialite crozon energisers once more, and began to pound the ship. Like the cannons on older pirate ships, however, they still had a long reload period.
The Emperor Fenix
13-04-2005, 23:55
“Sir, there’s a ship here sending out continual messages of peace one every band.”

“Is it manned?”

“It appears so, by the design id say so.”

“I’m frankly amazed it’s survived this far then, some young foolish nation surely. Where’s it headed?”

“Straight for Honest Wario Inc Space Sir.”

“Ah, well we must show some hospitality, I surely cannot be of harm to welcome in a developing nation. Trade links never go amiss.”

To: Unknown Craft
From: Gorloth Outpost Station.

This is the Gorloth outpost station on the edge of Honest Wario Inc space, owned by the House of Kishesh. We have picked up your signal and would be happy to welcome you onto our station.

Marketer General Gorloth.

“Contact House Kishesh, they’ll want to know of this immediately no doubt.
Z ha dum
14-04-2005, 09:16

Their minds dulled, their ship on the ground, their future decided, destiny continued, following its predetermined, inevitable path.

The surface was desolate, dust everywhere, low level radiation spreading. Oxygen was present, though gas masks would be needed to filter out its toxic parts.

Pillars everywhere, inscripted with the glowing runes of an unknown, ancient language. Everything was desolate, duststorms were ravaging large parts of the planet's surface (Though the place where the ship had landed was save, for now).

Still, there was some... Fascination coming from all this, something urging the people all people on board of the ship to leave the save interior of their vessel, to walk on top of this world... Urging them forward to explore this world.

Elsewhere, on the opposite side of the planet, a few vessels rose, heading for a high orbit, fighting off he above- standard gravity of this desolate world. Black spiders, screaming as they entered the void that is space, watching the events unfolding on the ground.

The vessel had been noticed, and some people, humans, were waiting for its crew to leave the vessel, waiting just about a hundred metres away, and coming closer to greet their new... Allies.

Two humans it were. One female, her head shaven, covered by a black hood, the hood casting a shadow over her face.

One male, clad in rather smooth, elegant clothes, radiating an unnatura friendliness, mixed with expectation and fear.

They came closer and waited, waited for their guests to leave their vessel.
15-04-2005, 05:56
The Akatoni captain responded with a simple message

"We are transmitting coordinates for a FTL jump to our station, see you on the other side."

The comm channel went dead as the Akatoni vessel engaged its warp drive. In the space directly in front of the cruiser, a large glowing blue vortex formed and the ship was drawn into it. A few hundred kilometers from the station, a similar portal opened, spitting the Akatoni ship out, where it remained to await the arrival of the Rosatan vessel.
The Island of Rose
16-04-2005, 03:03
The IRS Gador docked in the Tekanian Station. There were worries among the crew though. What if it was a trap? What if they only wanted scrap? Or was it a real serious thing going on. Ah who knows. The Captain wasn't stupid though. "First Mate." Said Captain Gador. "Get five of my men to join me. And you." He said looking at the Honor Guard. (To remind you, they had a power suit with a jetpack, broad shoulders with black tips, and a wrist lightsaber to top it off.) "You come with me. Who knows what might happen."

The Guardsman nodded while the sailors got their IARs ready.

The Captain, sailors, and the Guardsman walked down the various halls to finally reach the exit. Then they saw the station, since they were outside... duh. Captain Gador chuckled. "Man I hope you don't wanna kill us all."

Meanwhile the frigate in the Gelflandi System gave a simply reply. "Okay, we'll wait." The Captain said.

Now the frigate in the Redballi System was having a bit of trouble. But luckily help was on the way! A Queen Class Cruiser (which was the length of an ISD but had a lower profile and was wider) appeared right on top of the frigate, right out of hyperdrive no less. They heard the call for help. They prepared to help the frigate, many Honor Guardsmen started jumping out of the docking bay (using Force breath so they can breath... with the Force... yeah... that's it) using their jetpacks to navigate themselves towards the docking bays of the frigate to save the day! They would fly up and start slashing things.

Meanwhile a squadren of IRI-111s (which looked like Wolvens with a black tip) flew out of the Queen Class and started to attack the pirate ship with lasers and missiles and the like, with the Queen Class giving fire support. (TST you can ignore this part if you want, but it makes it more interesting, I think.)

Meanwhile the sailors' IARs got disabled. The EMPs were too much, but it wasn't over yet. They drew out a small extendable blade, that when extended was the length of a short sword. Many of the leaders shouted "Charge!" thus causing them to charge with an electrical short sword. Sad thing is that some of them died due to the explosive effect.

Meanwhile the Guardsman groaned as his powersuit was damaged, badly. He decided to eject from it... and now you had a very angry man armed with a double bladed blue lightsaber. He drew it and smirked. "EMPs... fools. I am not restricted to that suit now. Prepare to die!" He Force threw his double bladed lightsaber, cutting those down around him. Then he Force choked a random commando to death (you can ignore this if you want) and smirked. "Hah! You and your crew will be sorry for attacking a Rosatan ship!"

Meanwhile the men in the bridge started getting their swords and guns. Five sailors got their IARs and pointed towards the door, ready to blast anyone who might come in soon. The other five and the Captain got their swords. The Captain sighed. "If I die... I want you to know that I am a homosexual."

"I knew it!" A sailor said.

Meanwhile the occupents, strangely compelled to get out of their craft in the planet of the Z'Ha'Dumi System, got out. Why? I don't know. The Captain looked at the man in the cloak, next to him an Honor Guard. "Who's in charge here?" He said.

Meanwhile, the IRS Hapsburg, the frigate in the Fenixan System, replied.

To: Gorloth Outpost Station
From: IRS Hapsburg

We are powering down our weapons and engines to be escorted towards
the station. Thank you for the hospitality.
Captain Hapsburg

Meanwhile the frigate in the Akatoni System entered the wormhole, expecting to see something. Ah... finished.

(Ah... sorry for not posting so soon XD)
16-04-2005, 14:31
The IRS Gador docked in the Tekanian Station. There were worries among the crew though. What if it was a trap? What if they only wanted scrap? Or was it a real serious thing going on. Ah who knows. The Captain wasn't stupid though. "First Mate." Said Captain Gador. "Get five of my men to join me. And you." He said looking at the Honor Guard. (To remind you, they had a power suit with a jetpack, broad shoulders with black tips, and a wrist lightsaber to top it off.) "You come with me. Who knows what might happen."

The Guardsman nodded while the sailors got their IARs ready.

The Captain, sailors, and the Guardsman walked down the various halls to finally reach the exit. Then they saw the station, since they were outside... duh. Captain Gador chuckled. "Man I hope you don't wanna kill us all."

The docking port exits into a large hallway... Standing there, a Tekanian, his dark-blue skin and red eyes standing stark, in his black and gold uniform... Flanking him on either side are two guards, moderately armed.....

Other than that, the hallway seems to have been cleared... The man steps forward....

"I am Fleet Admiral Warner, Chief of Stellar Operations for the Tekanian Stellar Forces..." he says, then pointing down the hallway... "If you walk this way, I will escort you to the conference room while we await the Arrival of President Williamson... Unfortuneately he has been indisposed to make it here before you, due to some critical diplomatic issues elsewhere... He's presently leaving a talks with the Joint Session of Congress, handling an embargo and sanctioning situation that is being leveled against another government for particular international legal violations... And no, sir, we have no plans to kill you... You have to understand, this is the Primary planet and Capitol of the Republic, and this station is the center for the entire fleet operations of our forces... So you can understand our need of high security precautions...."
17-04-2005, 20:49
"Our transport will arrive shortly aboard your vessel. Please bring any necessities that you may need with you. We will be meeting with ambassadorial staff aboard a station about three light years from this area."

The Radyann held it's position, while the helm officer punched in the coordinates for a subspace jump to the border station Kyala, an Aesir-type star fortress.

Of course, a Kajali star fortress was likely many magnitudes smaller than most bases given that designation, at a mere 3.5 kilometers in width, though it was somewhat taller than that.

Once the Rosatan delegation was aboard the Radyann and the transport secured for transit, the vessel departed for the station shortly after another destroyer, the Nyara i Asyen, had arrived to watch the Rosatan frigate.

Kajali were, above all, paranoid about the security of their space.

When the Radyann docked with the station, the delegation was shown to quarters that were themselves tastefully appointed in the modern style, before the ambassadorial staff arrived.

Leading the Kajali delegation was the Ambassador Sera Merala, Advisor to the Imperatrix and head of Kajal's secret service.
The Silver Turtle
17-04-2005, 22:50
OOC: Redball is a planet, in a system that belongs to TST, although I was working on the assumption that this is a random unihabited system which the pirate vessel happened to be going through...
But I'll allow all the attacks etc. It's more fun that way :)
With the appearance of the fighters, the Deep Standoff Attack craft, or battlecruiser, whichever you prefer, deployed it's point defence weapons. A thousand twin gattling-gauss turrets, and 42 point-defence lasers popped up across the vessel, and began firing. They also targetted the incoming missiles, while the lasers and so forth met an energy shield. It was yellow, but the Rosatans wouldn't know what that meant. If they had, they would've known the shields were at low power, due to the main weapons charging to fire.
But now the main weapons were firing. Bands of colour were becoming visible between the ship's great claws. Suddenly, violet beams of death-dealing energy corkscrewed through space towards the newly-arrived ship. This time, the weapons were aimed to destroy

Aboard the Rosatan ship, however, the pirates began to sense they were losing. Many more pirates were cut down, and began firing their weapons more frantically...
Meanwhile, at the door to the bridge, the pirates began trying to cut through the bridge door with their energy scythes...
The Island of Rose
19-04-2005, 01:42
Captain Gador chuckled. "What, can't take a joke?" He cleared his throat. "Well, Mr. Warner, we have no plans to kill you either, because that would be stupid. Anyway, let's get back to business. The New Sith Empire of Rosata Dexima has just recovered from a one hundred year old Civil War. Now since the New Sith Empire doesn't know where anything is, they sent frigates to go scouting. Including me. They also want diplomacy with other nations. They want the standard. Ambassadors, trade relations, peaceful things. You know that stuff. Of course you need to talk to Master F' Kerr for things on Foreign Affairs, but you get the jist."

Meanwhile in the Kajali System, the Captain plus five sailors armed with IARs and the Honor Guard (which was one dude) stepped off the frigate to meet the party. "Ah, Miss. I am the Captain of the frigate that entered your airspace. We mean you no harm. We represent the New Empire of Rosata Dexima and we come in peace. All we wish are diplomatic relations with your fine nation. Of course you're not opposed to this, right?"

But the Redballi System was going bad, but hey! Victory was imminent!

The Honor Guardsman got inside the frigate, and thus they started to cut down any pirate, or attempted to, they saw. Meanwhile most of the soldiers started to head down to the bridge to save their wonderful Captain from dying. Of course they picked up their IARs, because the EMP affect should've gone away by now. As soon as they saw the pirates break through the door of the bridge, they started running towards them and returned fire.

Meanwhile the men inside the bridge began to fire on the pirates, while the men with the swords inside the bridge began to get into swordfights! "Men! Do not lose your ground!" The Captain shouted.

Meanwhile the space battle was intense. The Rosatan Cruiser luckily took the hit, due to its massive shields. But the men inside were affected. Things shook about, guns were dropped, an occasional misfire inside. Some people even died. But they weren't affected. But the Captain was freaked out man! "Sailors!" He said over the radio. "Order the bombers to attack that battlecruiser! We're gonna save that frigate, or die trying! And transfer all energy from the engines to the shields! We're not going anywhere!" And so they did.

Meanwhile a stream of IRB-91s (which look like small flying wings with a black nose) came from the Rosatan cruiser. As they exited the cruiser they began to bombard the cruiser with hundreds of cluster missiles, as that was their payload in space.

But the IRI-111s were having a hard time. No matter how many maneuvers they did or tricks, they just couldn't avoid those point defense lasers. About 1/4 of the squadren had to retreat or was destroyed. "Comrades!" Shouted the leader. "Scanners say that their shields are low! Continue your attack, go in deeper! As soon as the shields are down the Cruiser can send one of it's shells down! So take down their engines!" The IRI-111s heard this and got inspiration. They began to go in deeper and got more reckless with their attacks, some even crashing my accident. And of course, IRB-91s complied and focused the brunt of their attacks on the engines.

Now the shells he was talking about, it's ortillery. But it's light ortillery. It was basically a high powered shell used to destroy a small city, but it could be used against capital ships... as long as the shields were down. So now, the battle will be over soon. On the Rosatan side, victory!

(TST, Imma keep that ship, now they must be interrogated! :p)
Z ha dum
19-04-2005, 08:46
The surface was desolate, destroyed countless times by the almost infinite number of wars fought on this world over the course of aeons.

The people inside the craft were still dulled, compelled to follow the two humans that had waited for them. To follow them down the caverns.

Deep under the surface, after a walk of perhaps a kilometre, the general environment became less desolate, more... Clean. By now, the breathers were unnecessary.

Inside the tunnels, shadows were present. Shadows of a.. Special kind. Shadows that weren't just a lack of light, but a presence of darkness, a volume of terror, an entity of nothingness. A physical threat.

One by one, the Rosians came back to full consciousness.

One by one, they received the knowledge. The knowledge of the future. Of a galaxy in flames. Of planets burning, of entire species perishing, of the terror that was ahead.

Of the servants of stagnation, of the evolutionary dead end, of those who wanted to stop this. Those who wanted to imprison the new seed of life, developing, struggling, rather than helping it to rise to godhood.

Of their methods, the ways with which they destroyed all those who dared to defy this slavery. Indeed, the occupants of this planet had the means, the knowledge... And they showed the Rosians just what had happened to the Rosian ship that had entered Vorlon space.

How it was destroyed, nobody left alive, for nothing... Without warning, without hesitation, cruel, brutal, in the name of secrecy. To keep the young ones enslaved in their iron grip.

The explosion showing in the minds of the Rosians, almost allowing them to feel the agony, the terror of those who had been ont that ship.

Each Rosian was given a choice. To serve in the coming conflict against those who stood against the darkness. Against those who had destroyed the Rosian vessel. Willingly... Or unwillingly.

If history repeated itself, few would choose to willingly assist in the slaughter of billions, all in the name of ideology. But one or two would probably have a desire, a wish... A tragic mistake they would want to make up for, a loss in the past... A desire for revenge. Something the occupants of Z'Ha'Dum could offer to help with. In exchange for loyality.

Those would be the ones who would be choosen. Those who would be kept conscious, changed, prepared for the mission to come.

And the darkness waited anxiously for the results.
The Silver Turtle
21-04-2005, 22:00
The shields were down to a cherry-red colour. Anyone familiar with Space Pirate technology would be able to tell you that the frequency of the light emitted from the shields was directly proportional to the power of the shields. Theoretically, at full power, they emitted gamma rays. When they slipped into the infra-red, they would cease to absorb matter and only reflect energy weapons.

The pirates knew they couldn't survive the current onslaught. While the point defence weapons continued to fire at the swarm of fighters and bombers, bright plumes of energy became visible behind the pirate vessel. It began accelerating, before, suddenly, it vanished!
Well, that wasn't entirely true. It was still there, but cloaked.
About three-quarters of the pirates that were still alive aboard the ship disappeared also in a flash of blue light.
The rest stood around, puzzled by their abandonment. Well, until they got shot, that is.

Those that had been sleeping, however, awoke feeling refreshed. Still on the Rosatan ship, they found themselves tied up and under armed guard.
Well, they thought, at least they weren't being whipped...
21-04-2005, 23:25
Somewhere in deep space, near Jurai.

The majority of the fleet is off fighting some war or other, but there are still units tasked to the defense of planets against pirate fleets and the like. The Star Destroyer Privateer's Bane, Victory Star Destroyer Waterstorm and her two Lancer escorts and two Wolfpacks (1 corvette, 4 gunships per pack) patrol the newest colony of Coreworlds, mere decades old.

Captain Drake Francis commands the task force with a kind but firm hand, advised by Jedi Knight Quince Jerney, an experienced Knight in his middle 30s. The two men have been best friends since high school and know each other so well that they don't need the Force to convey information. One knows the mind of the other.

"Captain, we're picking up a small craft on the sensor nets, bearing 076 by 123 by 100." A sensor officer reported. "Frigate sized, sir."

"Very well." The Captain acknowledged the report. "Hail them."

"Yes, sir!"

Greetings, unknown craft! You are in the territory of the Imperial Republic of Coreworlds, Jurai System. What brings you to our newest colony?
The Island of Rose
22-04-2005, 19:34
(I'll post later today x.x)
The Island of Rose
23-04-2005, 00:29
The Rosatans saw these visions. They couldn't believe it, they could never betray themselves to this insane plan. Maybe it wasn't true, maybe it was somebody who wanted more slaves. All of them refused, except one. The Honor Guard that came with the frigate. The Honor Guard wanted more power, more. Ah, yes I should write cheap horror stories too. Only he accepted all of this.

The Queen Class Cruiser was confused. Where did it go? Gah, who known it was gone now and better things would be done. Of course it stayed
with the frigate just in case, and now the swarm of fighters started to dock inside the said Cruiser. Meanwhile inside the frigate the Captain looked at the pirates, that were in the brig aka the prison now. He chuckled. "Well well. A bunch of rogues. This is what happens when you mess with a Rosatan. All right, let's keep it simple. Where did you come from? I want coordinates and I want a name. And I want your names too. And the name of your captain."

Meanwhile in the CoreWorlds, the frigate answered back... well the Captain did but meh. "We are the Rosatans. We already know who you are, you're the Imperial Republic of the CoreWorlds. I guess we can expand on our diplomatic ties eh?"
23-04-2005, 01:41
Meanwhile in the CoreWorlds, the frigate answered back... well the Captain did but meh. "We are the Rosatans. We already know who you are, you're the Imperial Republic of the CoreWorlds. I guess we can expand on our diplomatic ties eh?"
"It appears so. Master Blayden, governor of Jurai, is busy, so he has charged me with diplomacy in peace and defense in warfare of this system. Would you like to attend a dinner with us aboard this ship to talk diplomacy?" Captain Francis asked.
The Silver Turtle
23-04-2005, 14:55
The Rosatan sensors might've noticed an EM burst at the system's edge, accompanied by gravitational distortions, as a slipstream event occurs and the ship left the system.

Aboard the frigate, the pirates chuckled. One of them spoke up;
"Arr, matey. What be in it fer' us, eh? What booty have ye t'offer us?"
Human OccupiedLandfill
23-04-2005, 15:17
The ship moved into the HoL system, broadcasting its message. A couple of sensor bouys picked it up. Actually, about fifty of the little buggers did, broadcasting information back to the main world of HoL as it sat under its angry, yellow sun.

Only one planet showed up as inhabited on the explorer's sensors. It was surrounded by several artificial sattelite worlds.

About ten of the sensor drones drifted closer to the intervening ship and started closer scans.

"Bzzzt...... spxxzz...Ah, that's better........crrrrkkk.......spxxxzzs.....Can you hear me? This is Vince Cohill of the Duke Wayne to the visitors joining the party. ggggxxxxxmm.........spxxxxsssss....Ah, shit! Get this thing fixed you monkey-boy....FFFFSSSSSxxxxxxx."

A small, ramshackle ship was boosting up from the planet, using gravity wells as slingshots to reach the visitor.
The Island of Rose
23-04-2005, 15:23
The Captain inside the IRS Ulster, which is the frigate in the CoreWorlds that I just made up, replied. "Sure." Said Captain Ulster. Yes by now you should know the ships are named after their captain's last name. "I'll come. But you'll have to provide transportation. We have no fighters on board, so you don't mind if you pick us up eh?" He chuckled.

He turned to his crew. "Men! Lower the weapons systems and shields and activate the engines again. Go towards the Imperial frigate." And so they did that. Whee.

Meanwhile the Captain and the Pirates were having a bit of fun. "Money? You should be thankful that you're still alive. But if you want to be hard..."

All of a sudden the Honor Guard that was with the Captain during the firefight smirked. He raised his palm and all of a sudden the pirates were flying all over the brig! Whee! Oh, hey, wall! Ow! Ow! No not there! OW! Oh that's just wrong! With each motion they would go into another direction! No, not towards the electrical field that keeps them out, OUCH! Ow ow ow ow ow... OW!

After a few minutes of this, the Honor Guard stopped. The Captain spoke. "Now are you going to answer? Don't make this hard on us."
The Island of Rose
23-04-2005, 15:31
The ship moved into the HoL system, broadcasting its message. A couple of sensor bouys picked it up. Actually, about fifty of the little buggers did, broadcasting information back to the main world of HoL as it sat under its angry, yellow sun.

Only one planet showed up as inhabited on the explorer's sensors. It was surrounded by several artificial sattelite worlds.

About ten of the sensor drones drifted closer to the intervening ship and started closer scans.

"Bzzzt...... spxxzz...Ah, that's better........crrrrkkk.......spxxxzzs.....Can you hear me? This is Vince Cohill of the Duke Wayne to the visitors joining the party. ggggxxxxxmm.........spxxxxsssss....Ah, shit! Get this thing fixed you monkey-boy....FFFFSSSSSxxxxxxx."

A small, ramshackle ship was boosting up from the planet, using gravity wells as slingshots to reach the visitor.

The frigate, the IRS Ireland, named after an old country that was probably destroyed by rioting, responded. "This is Captain Ireland of the IRS Ireland. There's a party goin' on? Eh, that's great!" The Captain looked at the ten drones looking at him directly from space towards the bridge... aka the Captain's command place thing. "Well, just send us coordinates and stop looking at me... it's... disturbing."

And so the Captain waited for the said ship to come, even though he didn't know said ship was coming, but it was coming.
23-04-2005, 17:35
After a short time in the Conference Room of the Eagle-One Defense station... The door opens again...

A man walks in, not uniformed, being escorted by two other men wearing Marine fatugues...

He approches the men, and holding out his hand begins to talk...

"Good day, I am President Williamson... I have been informed you have come to talk of relations with the Republic....."
The Island of Rose
23-04-2005, 20:17
The Captain bowed. "I am the Captain of the frigate that arrived in your system. I represent the New Sith Empire of Rosata Dexima. We are not like these other Sith, bloodying the place up. Instead, we come in peace and our civilization is quite advanced. Then again, so is everyone else's." He said this with a chuckle. "Now, do you have any questions about us? Because you know what we want right? Trade agreements, embassies and the like."
23-04-2005, 20:28
The Captain inside the IRS Ulster, which is the frigate in the CoreWorlds that I just made up, replied. "Sure." Said Captain Ulster. Yes by now you should know the ships are named after their captain's last name. "I'll come. But you'll have to provide transportation. We have no fighters on board, so you don't mind if you pick us up eh?" He chuckled.

He turned to his crew. "Men! Lower the weapons systems and shields and activate the engines again. Go towards the Imperial frigate." And so they did that. Whee.
It's actually a Star Destroyer, but a shuttle was sent anyway to pick up the captain of the IoR frigate.
23-04-2005, 20:43
"Arr, ye scurvy dogs. We'll be feeding ye t'the Metroids when we get the chance!"
While they appeared strong while wearing their armour, much of that strength stemmed from the armour itself. Cracks were visible in the pirates' exoskeltons. Formidable though their technology was, they were a rather fragile race.
"Yer torture won't work with us, matey. O' course, if ye were t'offer us summat in the way o' doubloons..."
The Island of Rose
23-04-2005, 21:16
Captain Ulster, captain of the Imperial Rosatan Ship Ulster, saw as the shuttle approached the docking bay. He and his Honor Guard (which is wearing a body armor thing with conish shoulder things with black tips and a jetpack, plus wrist lightsaber) waited there. That's it. I have lost any and all creative juices for this part.

Meanwhile the Captain dealing with the Redballi sighed. "Fine... if I gave you each 1,000R to tell me what happened, would you tell me? Obviously beating you isn't working."
23-04-2005, 21:38
"Arr, now ye be speaking our language matey! Aye, we be pirates, from the planet o' Redball. Me name be C-Orash, and these be W-Orag 'n' W-Rawg. Now, I've given ye sum info, let's see sum o' that booty, afore I be given ye sum more..."
Human OccupiedLandfill
23-04-2005, 22:45
The frigate, the IRS Ireland, named after an old country that was probably destroyed by rioting, responded. "This is Captain Ireland of the IRS Ireland. There's a party goin' on? Eh, that's great!" The Captain looked at the ten drones looking at him directly from space towards the bridge... aka the Captain's command place thing. "Well, just send us coordinates and stop looking at me... it's... disturbing."

And so the Captain waited for the said ship to come, even though he didn't know said ship was coming, but it was coming.

"Hi there, Captain Ireland! My name's Vince Cohill. Sorry about the interference earlier, little trouble with the inertialess drive screwing up the comms."

A dozen of the sensor drones swept in towards the Duke Wayne and small beams of laser light flicked out from the rickety ship, destroying the automated sensors.

"I didn't send any of those drones out to look at you, Captain Ireland. They're punted up by all sorts of groups and corps. Personally I shoot the little bastards and worry about the consequences later."

There was a slight pause.

"Mind you, I'm too small for most of the big guys to bother about. I don't shoot the cyberpope's drones though. Those guys bear a grudge.
Anyway, welcome to HoL. Also known as Human Occupied Landfill."

The Duke Wayne drifted closer to the Ireland . By now, the Ireland could make out the ship. A veritable rust bucket. About half of the ship seemed to be drives and the rest cargo space. A small bridge rested above the front portion.
Three minutes later another comm came through.

"Whooo! Nice ship! Anyway, in response to your enquiry, I can't take you to our leader 'cos we don't really have one. HoL is an anarchy. It's just us and the rubbish."
The Island of Rose
24-04-2005, 18:53
Captain Ireland raised his brow at the rustbucket. "Wow... that's... a ship? How is that thing flying? So let me get this straight, you have no leader? You're just a bunch of criminals flying around shooting things?"

A pause... for five seconds. Count them! 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... there, was that hard? No, it wasn't. "Well that sucks. Anyway, can you take us to your group then? We're bored flying around, plus do you sell stuff? Might as well, we have loads of cash from the Empire to use."

Meanwhile the Captain dealing with the pirates grunted. He sighed. "All right, 10,000R for each of you if you can tell us everything you know. Please?"
24-04-2005, 19:30
Captain Ulster, captain of the Imperial Rosatan Ship Ulster, saw as the shuttle approached the docking bay. He and his Honor Guard (which is wearing a body armor thing with conish shoulder things with black tips and a jetpack, plus wrist lightsaber) waited there. That's it. I have lost any and all creative juices for this part.
The shuttle landed, and opened it's door for the captain to enter.
Z ha dum
24-04-2005, 21:29
The Rosatans saw these visions. They couldn't believe it, they could never betray themselves to this insane plan. Maybe it wasn't true, maybe it was somebody who wanted more slaves. All of them refused, except one. The Honor Guard that came with the frigate. The Honor Guard wanted more power, more. Ah, yes I should write cheap horror stories too. Only he accepted all of this.What followed was simple, a procedure quite common to them, a procedure repeated every few thousand years.

All of them were taken away, bound, and, not listening to their screams, not caring abtu their struggling, servants came. Tall, thin aliens with big, black eyes... And drills in their hands.

A screeching sound filled the halls when they drilled into the heads of the Rosetan crews, adding the implants... One by one... All of them would serve... One way or another.

Of course, there was one exception to this, The Honour Guard.

He was led elsewhere... Carefully prepared... Even he, he who had choosen to act as a volunteer wouldn't be kept completely unchanged. But it was subtler... Allowing him to understand the ancients on this world. Allowing him to use their communications, but also allowing them to influence him in in ways they considered appropriate for the task at hand.

The Rosetan frigate took off, only to be destroyed by one of the spidery ships in orbit, a few minutes later, a test for one of them, a test for the first new development in millenia.

The test was successful.

Meanwhile, on the surface, the crew of the frigate was ready, and they were brought to their new places, to their new ships... When they became the hearts of the ships... Became the ships... Rising a new generation.

Soon, they took off, to be trained for the upcoming conflict.

The Honour Guard however had a more delicate mission to fulfill, and one of the two humans who had waited for them, the somewhat 'Businessmanesque' man, explained the 'mission'.

"Recently, we found an interesting outpost... With an interesting person. He fled during a war, abandoning his home. But he wants to return. We want you to come with him, as his... Aide... And as our failsafe. Your destination is the fifth planet in the most densely populated system in the galaxy, or rather, one of its moons. We expect you, and him, to forge an... Alliance of sorts between the nation the person in question comes from, and us. The nation in question being the Holy Order of Sketch." The man (Who refused to mention his actual name) smiled. "We need to prepare for the purgatory ahead."

The reward they had offered him, if he served them in the upcoming confliict, was significant. The results were obvious, the means questionable. Another step was done.
25-04-2005, 13:41
"Well, let's address embasies first," begins President Williamson... "First, we will deal with policies... And much of this will be in connection with our governmental forms.... The Constitutional Republic is made up of 6 dominions, 4 of which are outside of this particular system... The two dominions here are representative of the planet below us, and its moon. In addition, we have an island city below us known as 'The Federal District of Yorktown' which is classified as neutral territory in the republic, only applicable to Federal Laws of the Republic, and not towards any Dominiontive laws of member dominions in this Republic. We do grant immunity to any delegatory persons you send in ambassadorial capacity, but this immunity is limited to Yorktown only... If you travel abroad in the other Dominion of the Republic, you will be applicable to their laws and jurisdictions... If you understand this, we may continue..."

Pressing a few buttons on a console, he brings up a screen...

"This is a map of the Capitol Compound... We can alot 'Building 34' for your use, if you like.. It is part of the Consular District, and, as you can see, has easy access to both the Presidential Mansion and the Capitol Building, and thus both the Senate and House of Delegates of this Republic, for meetings with prime elected officials of the Republic... It is also patroled by special "consular police" officers, under the direct oversight of the Department of Foreign Affairs, and normal District Police do not patrol the area. Each building posses security perimeters and checkpoints which can be manned by your own staff personnel. And the building will be considered 'soveriegn' territory of your state... It is also within range of 'building 39' which is the GEDRA Affairs building... which has open charts of much of this, as well as several other galaxies which have been explored by us, and other members of GEDRA... And Building 22, which is the Federal Library ( where you can learn much of our history and other aspects of the Constitutional Republic while present here... If you have no further questions, we can carry on to matters of trade and the like...."
Human OccupiedLandfill
25-04-2005, 22:58
"Depends what you mean by criminal," says Vince, "After all, we ain't got no laws, so how can we have criminals."

The bucket of bolts and drives turns around and starts heading back towards the occupied planet.

"We don't have a group as such, but we're allied to the Sanitation Guild. Other groups on the dump itself include The Holy Cyberpapacy of the Church 'n Munch, the Fleshtenders, the Sodomy Bikers who claim to be the original inhabitants of HoL.
The surface is mostly covered in rubbish and other stuff. You see a lot of places dump stuff they don't want on HoL. Including people they don't want. Political dissidents, unpopular leaders, unstable psychopaths. That sort of thing."
The Silver Turtle
26-04-2005, 20:03
"Dost ye have a starchart o' summin'? It be hard t'describe."
27-04-2005, 21:44
Finally, after several more portals, the two ships arrived in the Kanell System. Only the planet Kendari itself was inhabited, but there were a number of space stations in the area, including a dozen spherical battlestations forming a loose net around Kendari. If anyone aboard the IRS Hattensberg was looking closely at these stations, he might notice that several of the deadly Type V cannons tracking the visiting ship.

There was only one other ship in the Kendaryn navy big enough to carry turret-mounted Type Vs... and it was currently coming around from behind Kendari. This was Doomweaver, Sword of the Crown, and it was strong enough to take on a dozen ordinary battleships with ease. Steering engines larger than many spacecraft flared, and the massive vessel drifted towards Meradiin and the IRS Hattensberg.

-"Will this be an acceptable meeting place, Captain?"-

OOC: Why, yes, they are trying to impress you. Why do you ask?
Kendari does not often get unfamiliar visitors, and they want you to come back with trade goods instead of war ships.

Sorry about the long delay there; I've been rather busy with school.