NationStates Jolt Archive

Illegal Protest in Itaros, Government Criticized

05-04-2005, 01:00
"The motherland is dead!" This, and many other angry outbursts from a throng of protestors in Itaros' Kulai Park highlighted the day, and led to vicious fights between police and unruly citizens of the Erasat. In what has been noted as one of the most controversial events to take place in a decade, nearly three thousand protestors organized in Kulai Park today, declaring that Etaros has become a militant nation and is fast losing way to "a movement supported by barbarian monsters." Protest organizer Ilwë Kaitun demanded an immediate halt to the constant pouring of government funds into the military's coffers, and also noted tax hikes that have occurred in recent years. "Your government is taking away your right to spend, your right to be free, your right to live in peace," she cried during one intense moment of the protest. Nearly one third of the protestors present were taken away by riot control for "disturbing the peace."

Itaros Consul Hugh Alores called the protest a "disgusting act of treason" and called for the Erasito to send forces to the area. No comment was offered from Eledhwen Palace, and no troops were sent to Kulai Park. The protest was, in general, a peaceful act that a number of citizens felt was their right and duty to "alert the people of the impending doom if the government is not stopped." Kaitun also requested that people begin demanding the right to vote, and noted the "horrendous" literacy rate that "plagues our fair nation." She pointed out the growing wealth and standard of living in Luín Anarórë. "It is purely pathetic that a vassal state is becoming more prominent on the world stage. Apparently the Erasito should take a few pointers from his son."

Government response has been minimal, with the most being a ridicule by an anonymous official. "She talks as if we can change these things quickly! Nonsense is what it is. We're doing fine, and soon we'll be reaching new heights as we are every day."

Ëtaros growled as he read the brief news report. He scanned for more treachery abound in The Itaros Journal, and immediately recommended it for banning. Ilossë frowned at his behavior. She had been more deeply disturbed in past months at his new take on life -- an iron-fist policy with little room for compassion. "My dear, what have you become? You are becoming vicious and mean, very unlike you. I fear for you and myself, and our nation. You must retreat from your angry antics and give the people what they want. Our military is bloated, and the education system is rotting away. You know these things, why do you not correct them?!" He glared at her and stood to oppose her. Her eyes lit angrily. "How dare you stand to me like a common brute. I will not have this." She turned, and walked slowly out of the room. He demanded that she turn back, but her back remained turned as it was. In a fit of rage, Ëtaros threw a small glass vase at the wall next to her. She turned this time, facing him. Her eyes an electric blue, her mouth thinner than ever before, and her face gaunt, she spoke in a deep and husky voice. "You have changed. Your selfish ways will lead to your downfall, Ëtaros, and you will be fortunate if your country does not fall with you. I am departing you for the time being. If you wish to contact me, see to it through your son's office in my motherland." With a piercing glare, she turned yet again, and walked out of Eledhwen Palace a few hours later.

OOC: Don't ask. I have no idea what I'm doing either. So, uh, yeah.