NationStates Jolt Archive

AV-spinoff brainstorming thread

Wandering Argonians
27-03-2005, 00:04
OOC: For those of you familiar with the fantastically successful 'Assington Vampire' series, this thread will be used for ideas for a splinter series, indirectly related yet still keeping pace with the events of the storyline of its parent thread.

AV Supernatural Stats:
Vampire Stats:

Immortal (but not invincible)
Fire kills (takes longer to kill older vamps)
Sun kills
Silver hurts
All normal attacks may hurt but not kill.
Severing of limbs does not kill (can be put back on and healed, save for beheading)
Supernatural speed, strength and endurance/resistance
Telekinetic and Telepathic powers
Flight (only the older vamps, 500yrs +)
Can climb walls/ceilings
Silver bullets to the head/heart kill

Lychan Stats:

Immortal (but not invincible)
Silver hurts
All normal attacks may hurt but not kill.
Severing of limbs does not kill (can be regrown over time, save for beheading)
Greater Supernatural speed, strength and endurance/resistance than Vampires
No telekinetic/telepathic ablities
Great jumping abilities
Can climb walls/ceilings
Silver bullets to the head/heart kill

Human Psychic Stats:

Pyrokinesis (only the extremely powerful and highly trained)
Electrokinesis (as above)

Ghoul Stats:
Enhanced strength, speed, agility (not equal to vampiric standards)
Immortal (as long as vampiric blood can be ingested monthly)
Far more resiliant than normal humans (attacks still cause lethal damage but target takes a greater amount to die. Gunshots of any type to the head/heart kill, as well as beheading with any sort of weapon)
Severed limbs can be re-attatched with addition of vampiric blood transfusion.
Healing rate is greatly increased (days instead of months to recover from broken bones, stab wounds, etc.)
Besides these stats, ghouls are basically human & are typically treated as such by the human community.

Ghoul explanation:
Sort of a quarter-vampire, ghouls are human servants of vampires who ingest the blood of their masters to become, for lack of a better term, super-human.
If ingested monthly, the human doesn't age, and can take nearly the amount of punishment a vampire can from blunt or edged weapons. They can move about during the daytime without fear of turning to ash, making them effective servants for the vampires, who have a lethal allergy to the sun.

My original idea was to have an RP concerning the formation of a new coven in a different city, possibly American or perhaps an NS nation's city. It will concern the attempts to form a new hierarchy among the vampires while remaining hidden (at least their powers) from the human inhabitants of the city. Attempts could be made to take control of a few nightclubs for feeding & financial purposes.

Opponents to the covert takeover of the night-life could be freelance or local vampire hunters. These could range from pre-pubescent teens who read too many vampiric novels to highly specialized professionals armed with state-of-the-art weaponry.

The timeline would be pretty modern, possibly anywhere from the 80's to the 00's.

Does anyone else have any ideas?

Current Participants: (8 MAX)
Wandering Argonians: Whiptail + Various supporting characters
Tanara: Jazz
Tarlachia: <RESERVED> ?
Gawdly: ?
Mercenary Soldiers: Ghoul?
Krowemoh: Asian Vamps
27-03-2005, 00:25
Sounds most interesting to me. I'd definitely be up for it. I noticed that you mentioned vampire versus vampire for control of the 'flocks' - ( in the current AV sign up /interest thread )

Consider me officially interested.
Mercenary Soldiers
27-03-2005, 00:30
OOC: I'd like to try out this 'ghoul' thing for myself, WA.

Maybe it'll help me with my fantasy-style roleplaying by using an enhanced human, instead of trying to kill all of you with realisum like usual.

I'm interested, by the way.
Wandering Argonians
27-03-2005, 01:22
Sounds most interesting to me. I'd definitely be up for it. I noticed that you mentioned vampire versus vampire for control of the 'flocks' - ( in the current AV sign up /interest thread )

Consider me officially interested.

OOC: I'm planning this in the way I planned 'Untested Courage', with input from the participants prior to actually doing the RP.

While Vamp VS Vamp might occour, it won't be in a clan war until much later, if & when AV needs a transfusion of new blood, no pun intended. Perhaps against a clan of our own design, but I was originally refering to the AV coven.
The Golden Simatar
27-03-2005, 04:05
Looks interesting.

Could I put my vampire Stephen into it?
27-03-2005, 04:11
WA - did you get my TG with the offer as to where to hold this little blood fest?

and LOL MS, realistically killing a vamp? removed its heard in one fashion or another and you've pretty much assured it's death - just may not be instantly fatal - really old vamps can do some pretty impressive things.

and as some one who's played a lot of Vampire the Masquerade, ghouls are a vamps best friend!
27-03-2005, 09:55
it's an interesting concept you've got WA...put me on as a possible RPer with this. Not sure yet, with all the stuff I've gotta do, but it's a good possibility.
27-03-2005, 12:31
WA, I am highly interested - my people, planet and economy are pureplay vampire hunters...
Wandering Argonians
28-03-2005, 04:53
OOC: Nothing too professional yet, Gawdly. We want to get the upstart coven established before we try to wipe it from the earth.

As a sidebar, why do your people hunt? Religion? Money? Sport?
The Argonian people are a predatory race, and with the exception of Whiptail, view the vampire as a highly challenging prey, earning the successful hunter great status within the village. In Whiptail's case, it's a mixture of the first three I mentioned.

Tanara, when MS says 'kill with realisum', he means in terms of accuracy, fatality, etc. A multitude of small, minute details in his writing that only the obsessive realisum nut that he is would think to add or even look for. Something to the tune of counting the number of rounds, per paragraph, per magazine, etc. each character of his fires so he can stay within the realm of realistic. An assault rifle is never such, but the exact factory or military designation, complete with exact caliber measurements & acronym definitions. In otherwords, he murders us with detail.

Tarlachia, we would be honored to have your participation in this thread, as one who can add advice as well as skill to the RP'ing & help me keep with the 'Assington'-style theme.
Wandering Argonians
28-03-2005, 05:01
OOC: Anyone who has the inclination can also post a character profile or bio here as well, then I'll add it to the participant list. This is an abbreviated version. Feel free to elaborate if you see fit.

345 y/o
Dark Argonian
156 lbs
4'11" Tail
Argonain Saber (Mithrill + Silver edge)
Colt M1911 (.45 Hydra-Shok Silver Hollowpoint)
Silver tail-barb
28-03-2005, 06:52
I think that setting it current day / anywhere in the 'real world' might be a little hard with an Argonian - I can't quite see one walking down the streets of New York, or Paris, or Tokyo...well wait they have a Godzilla fetish....

Hmmmm who to bring in. The temptation to bring in Jazz, an old vampire character I haven't played in some time is strong - now she has some of her own ghouls - they'd definitely be minor characters, there for her convience - is that okay?
28-03-2005, 08:47
Hmmm... I so want in on this one too. I might make a chara who is the reincarnation of my Pyschic Princess Yumi Mew. Hmmm... Definately a Pyschic Human. A human who is the reincarnation of a Demi-Human. ^_^ I'd say I got a pretty good recipe for a nice drama here. I'll post up a bio soon-ish, kay?

EDIT: Here are the bios. :D

Name: Sae Kiyru (Pronounced: sigh KEE-ruu))
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Hair: Black, down to her chin
Eyes: Brown
Appearance: Sae is very sickly pale. She often wears a pure white Kimono with a red sash. (I would post up a pic of Sae, but the only ones I have is Ghost Sae and Pyscho Sae. >_>;; I'll post those up, if people want to see her?)
Bio: Sae Kiyru is a anemic girl, who is often very sick. This has caused her to remain indoors nearly constentally, which is why her skin is so pale. She has a twin named Yae, whom she looks up to very much, and depends on for protection. Sae doesn't posses the ability to use magic like her sister can, and while this makes her slightly jealous, she doesn't mind so much.
Personality: Weak, submissive, and quiet.

Name: Yae Kiyru (Pronounced: Umh... Like Sae's name, but with a Y sound instead of an S sound.)
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Hair: Black, down to her chin.
Eyes: Brown
Appearance: Yae is just a hair taller then her twin Sae. She often wears an off-white kimono with a red sash, nearly identical to her twin sister.
Bio: Yae Kiyru is the 'older' twin sister of Sae Kiyru. While Sae is anemic, Yae seems to be quite the opposite, having never once been sick in her life. She is infact, the reincarnation of the ancient Krowemohian Princess Yumi Mew, whom was a powerful Pyschic while she was alive. While Yae isn't anywhere near as powerful as Yumi was, she still has an impressive selection of spells at her disposal. She is very protective of her sister, whom she has taken care of ever since they were little.
Personality: Outgoing, bright but a bit dense, and very protective of her sister.
Powers: Telekinesis, Cryokinesis
Powers she can get (Later): Asphyxiation (AKA Force Choke), Induce Pnigerophobia, Pyrokinesis, Induce Pyrophobia, Indice Cryophobia, others.

Umh. I hope these are okay, WA? Oh. Umh, before anyone asks. Yes, I did, more or less, rip these characters off of a game. Sae and Yae are characters from the game "Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly." I kinda b*stardize their personal info though, to fit my needs. >_>

Umh. If the powers Yae can have in the future aren't to your liking, I'll remove them, okay?
Pyrophobia is fear of fire. By inducing it in her victims, Yumi Mew was able to make them freeze up from fear everytime she spun her deadly flames, thus making them easier prey.

Pnigerophobia is the fear of being smothered. By inducing it in her vicitims, Yumi Mew was able to make choking them with her Psychic powers much easier, as often the fear overcomes any rational thoughts of trying to resist.

Cryophobia is fear of the cold. By inducing it in her victims, Yumi Mew could cause her pray to freeze to death slowly, all the while driving them insane with fear of the rapidly dropping tempature.

Basically, all the phobias made it easier for Yumi to kill whomever happened to be threatening her.
30-03-2005, 01:18
Now there are many ways to introduce a character, and a dossier is certainly one of the best.

However...there are other ways...

You don't want to wake up. That would mean acknowledgeing the hopelessness of your situation. One you further have to acknowledge that you and you alone got yourself into. You never could resist a pretty girl, and this time it's going to get you killed, and not just metaphoically. Bambi was just too lovely, and easy, to resist but one temptation you should have.

There are only six of them, but the small one, Gavin -the one that looks like he couldn't be more than the proverbial 98 pounds dripping wet - he picked your 230 pounds of solid ex marine long range recon butt up like you were your mother's lap dog. And carried you for what had to be five miles through dense undergrown forest despite all of your ever more frantic struggles. Five miles from absolutely the hell no where and if no one can hear you scream in space, well this ought to be space, cause no one is going to hear for the fang faced monsters that have staked you out on a granite slab. A granite slab they drove spikes into with their bare hands.

You didn't believe in vampires before, but now you most certainly do. Now the monsters are sitting around talking, chaffering with one another, as if this were a bloody Sunday picnic in the park. But you aren't paying too much attention -finding some way out , anyway out is much more important, 'cause you don't want to die, and you damn well aren't going to give up. But your struggles are just tearing your wrists and ankles up. The blood seems to be exciting them too. Bambi has taken to leaning over you, rubbing her pert breasts against you bare chest, and licking at the blood trickling from your raw wrists. But the other vampires, the five males, don't like that one bit and their growls and comments are growing ugly.

No one has paid the sound too much attention at first, it's faint -anntenuated by the distance, but then, may be a trick of the landscape - or may be not - it's much closer. A banshee wail that comes from no living throat, it's definitely a machine, but none you know makes a blood chilling howl like that. It's coming fast, you don't know how, given how thick the woods are. The full moon rising - you note with some sort of macabe humor that's it's the sanguine hue of a 'hunters moon' and bright enough to throw long shadows. Ths sound is gone now.

Something unmerges itself from those shadows, floating silently down from the tree tops. A single silver, grey and ebony motorcycle, headlight off... You can barely see it as you crane your head. Your captors have jumped to their feet in movements so fast they're little more than blurs. The dark silhouette that steps off the cycle undoes a sleek featureless helmet and thrust- throws it at the nearest vampire. He manages to catch it but he's still thrown off his feet by the momentum. The rider is definitely female, the black leather motorcycle jacket doesn't begin to hide the perfect body clad in halter top, thong and thigh high boots that grace legs that go on forever,

A quick shake of the head and a vibrant mass of blue green irridescent hair tumbles almost to mid thigh shimmering and chsngin hue with every movement. She's maybe five foot nine, but handled the massive cycle with ease

"Ah, much better"

"Who the hell do you think you are!" [i]Bambi hisses with a poisonous tone, as she scrables to her feet and her fingers suddenly sprout fearsome claws. "Don't you dare think you can just come in here and steal our dinner"

"Oh I don't want your dinner" The newcomer's tone is almost merry. Richly feminine, warm as honey and tugs at the places that got you into this mess. You can't look away. But then again neither can the vampires, they're enraged, held unmoving by something that is beyond your ken. Their bodies jerk and sway as if they were fighting against something you don't have the ability to see. Then the one that went down when she tagged him with the helmet cries out as a series of five parallel lines open up across his chest and blood spills forth.

"No, none of you have information worth your lives" A single, almost rueful, shake of the head "And as to whom I think I am?"

She is done and back beside her motorcycle - her speed is litterally unfollowable by the human eye. Five bodies, their heads tumbled off into the undergrowth, are stretched out on the ground. For a moment the bodies lie there then almost seem to shiver and collapse in upon themselves - leaving nothing but a gritty dust that mingles unidentifably with the forest debris.

Bambi is held by one hand tangled in her golden blonde hair, on her knees at the other's boots, head wrenched back, exposing the long line of her throat. "You're a messsage" She's told as the slayer leans forward and with a lightening quick move buries her fangs in Bambi's throat, drinking deeply. "Thin blood" Is the comment as withered and near destruction, Bambi collapses to the leaf strewn ground. The drinker turns to the katana held in her off hand and pulls forth a square of silk. Once the blade is clean she steps to the cycle and resheaths it in the built in scabbard.

"I'm all that" the merest pause and a snap of fingers

"Jazz" ( 1.jpg)

Bambi is left to her own devices as Jazz saunters over to the makeshift altar and surveys you. You know you can't look that appealing - your bruises have bruises and in places you didn't know could bruise. Bright hazel eye catch and hold yours. Something riffles through your mind, an impersonal violation that doesn't bother you as much as perhaps it should have.

"Perhaps you'll do" With a casual move your bonds are snapped and you are set on your feet. You have to catch yourself to keep from falling. Jazz pays you no mind, her hip swaying enticingly as she strides back over to her motorcycle and mounts up.

"She'll be very hungry in a bit" Jazz'z eyes flick to Bambi "You might want to catch a ride with me"

Some how you find the fortitude to make it over to the cycle. It's a rare Hesketh Vampire, a hand built custom job rarely seen out side museums. Jazz barely waits for you to get a leg over and hands about her trim waist before the cycle is lifting off and speeding airborne.Your hands drift upward of their own volition, but before they land a piercing pain wrings a short scream from you and a cold voice sounds in your head ( but not your ears ) *You haven't earned that right, so be glad that I'm in a good mood*...
30-03-2005, 09:17
Hmmm... That's actually very interesting. Perhaps I'll try that. But not right now. I'm kinda tired right now. :(
Mercenary Soldiers
01-04-2005, 06:06
OOC: With this ass-kicking the flu's giving me, I'm not going to attempt to equal that, or even come close to that long-ass post I put up in that yeti-hunt thing...

Anyway, here's a bio:

Name: Jackson Davis
Age: 31
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 192 lbs
Hair: Brown/High & Tight
Eyes: Green
Build: Muscular
Background: US Army Green Beret
Current Occupation: Private Contractor (Mercenary)
MOS: Weapons Specialist
Secondary Cross-Training: Engineering Specialist
Former Rank: Sergeant First Class
Vehicle: Suzuki 1300cc Hayabusa Black/Gold paintjob
Preferred Weapon: Berretta M92FS
Employer: <INSERT HERE>

We'll make him a ghoul later on.
01-04-2005, 07:06
What is it with you guys and the terminally short hair? Long hair is sexy!

Brings Mercenary Soldiers some of his favorite comfort food, plenty of non alcoholic liquid- of- choice and other goodies while he recovers from the flu.
01-04-2005, 07:17
lol I dunno. That's right though... I don't think I've ever had a character with long hair... >_> I think it's mostly because I have short hair... So my characters all have short hair... >_>
01-04-2005, 07:36
Long hair is great. I think it can tell you so much about their character, whether it's long scruffy hair or finely kept and braided and so on... Quite a few of my characters have long hair.

01-04-2005, 07:58

Everyone's bashing on me...
Me (Corinna) --> <-- Everyone

.......... lol Just kidding. Heehee. Just wanted to show off some .gifs I have laying around from long, long ago. :D

Anyways, back on topic. >_>;;

I happen to like my hair (And my character's hair) short, cause it's just easier for me to manage. If I had long, long actress long hair, oi... I mean, sure... I guess I'd be prettier, but it'd be a lot of a hassle for me to keep up with.
The Druidic Clans
01-04-2005, 08:13
Dude, this looks cool. I missed out on the Assington ones it seems...
Anyway, here's a character:
Name: James O Feargaill
Age: 20
Height: 6'1
Weight: 195 lbs.
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
Appearance: A strong build, with mildly long black hair hanging past the eyes, wears a black shirt with a low hanging dark-brown jacket and dark-blue jeans
Stat: Human Psychic
Weapons of choice:Berretta M96FS with Sillouette laser-grips (.40 S&W, 12 round magazine, semi-automatic) and a USAS-12 (12 gauge, 10 round magazine, fully automatic).-courtesy of Merc

Bio: Usually a loner, though has teamed up with others if he found it necessary. Has no real job, lives as a drifter between towns and cities. Sometimes acts as a 'bounty hunter' if he finds a poster for his type of hunt, something along the lines of the paranormal. He is armed with a pair pistols using silver bullets, and a similar shotgun. Still new to his abilities, only discovering them three years earlier. Has three years experience of bounty hunting and avoiding attention under his belt, and some usage of his psychic abilities, though certainly no "master". Since discovering his ability, and becoming a target to certain less tolerant individuals, he has lived life alone, always moving from place to place...

Yeah...that's a decent bio...
01-04-2005, 08:25
I've seen that image somewhere before... I can't remember where now, but I know I have... >_<
The Druidic Clans
01-04-2005, 08:34
Aye, you might was the original image for Aidyn in Untested Courage...Think it's still the image, don't remember now..
01-04-2005, 08:41
Ahh... I guess so. :D
Wandering Argonians
01-04-2005, 18:10
OOC: How does Las Vegas sound as a backdrop for this RP?
The Druidic Clans
01-04-2005, 18:41
Cool with me, Sin City baby!
Mercenary Soldiers
01-04-2005, 18:45
What is it with you guys and the terminally short hair? Long hair is sexy!

Brings Mercenary Soldiers some of his favorite comfort food, plenty of non alcoholic liquid- of- choice and other goodies while he recovers from the flu.

OOC: It's nice to know someone cares... Personally I prefer to be too drunk to feel sick, but that's a dehydration issue...

On a lighter note, my hair's never been longer than an inch for the past two decades.
01-04-2005, 18:52
YEAH! Cool by me

And I don't know if this is true or not - but supposedly there is an extensive network of old mining tunnels deep under Vegas - part has been co-opted by the security groups for the various mega casinos ( what better way to move large amounts of cash and security personell ) but alot is completely un explored since the mines played out and were abandoned.

Is this okay by you WA?

and Vegas is wierd enough that a few supernaturals won't be noticed...and the visitors are wierder than us - I mean who'd want to live in lime green polyester?

And 6 O'clock Louiee on the shores of Lake Mead is scarely a half an hour away and does the best seafood around! It used to be a old mining camp site and is filled with abandoned ( but cleaned up for tourists ) buildings and mine shafts ) though so few know about this place that the Tourists don't know about it, leaving it for the knowledgeable, appereciative few!
Mercenary Soldiers
01-04-2005, 18:53
Dude, this looks cool. I missed out on the Assington ones it seems...
Anyway, here's a character:
Name: James O Feargaill
Age: 20
Height: 6'1
Weight: 195 lbs.
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
Appearance: A strong build, with mildly long black hair hanging past the eyes, wears a black shirt with a low hanging dark-brown jacket and dark-blue jeans
Stat: Human Psychic
Bio: Usually a loner, though has teamed up with others if he found it necessary. Has no real job, lives as a drifter between towns and cities. Sometimes acts as a 'bounty hunter' if he finds a poster for his type of hunt, something along the lines of the paranormal. He is armed with a pair pistols using silver bullets, and a similar shotgun. Still new to his abilities, only discovering them three years earlier. Has three years experience of bounty hunting and avoiding attention under his belt, and some usage of his psychic abilities, though certainly no "master". Since discovering his ability, and becoming a target to certain less tolerant individuals, he has lived life alone, always moving from place to place...

Yeah...that's a decent bio...

OOC: Might I make a suggestion on the firepower?

1: Glock 17's (9x19mm, 17 round magazine, semi-automatic) with pacmar wrap-around grips & a SPAS-12 (12 gauge, dual-action, 8-round tube) with a folding stock.

2: Berretta M96FS with Sillouette laser-grips (.40 S&W, 12 round magazine, semi-automatic) and a USAS-12 (12 gauge, 10 round magazine, fully automatic).

3: Heckler & Koch USP (.357 SIG, 12 round magazine, semi-automatic) outiftted with Surefire tactical lights/laser sighting assembly, and a Remington 870 (12 gauge, 8-round tube, pump-action) with a pistol grip.

All would work pretty well for a highly mobile hunter who prefers semi-automatics, and shotguns that allow for easy carrying & concealment.
The Druidic Clans
01-04-2005, 19:09
Man, you really know your guns Merc...I'll have to go with option number 2...USAS-12 sounds nice....Editting bio to add the detail of weaponry...thanks Merc.
Wandering Argonians
01-04-2005, 19:10
OOC: Dammit... He's already started... :)

As for Tanara/Cat's Keep's idea, it would make an excellent starting point for the new coven to branch out from. I like it.
01-04-2005, 19:23
Mercenary Soldiers - I hope you're feeling better but ... Yuck, Gag! Why in the name of all that's armed are you suggesting a Glock - okay so you can run it through a dishwasher. Thats all they're good for... or weights on a fishing line. ( Yes as you might guess I loathe Glocks )

The Beretta and the H&K I have no quarrel with - both are good guns - though both are on the high end of the price range and there are liscensed 'rip offs' that are cheaper.

What do you think of the Beretta 9000s's?

(and let it grow - who knows you might like it!... but then again bald is sexy too.) ;)

And MS - You have a TG waiting - a offer of possible employment
Wandering Argonians
14-04-2005, 02:00
OOC: A bad expeirence perhaps?

I myself swear by them, in terms of reliability & accuracy, for the price. They're also lightweight & make a fully-automatic version. In addition, magazines of the same caliber can be interchanged between different models.
i.e. a 17-round magazine from a model 17 will fit the compact model 19, which makes it an attractive option for police departments as the sub-compact back-up models will fire the magazines of the primary duty pistol. At roughly $230 per weapon, they're also highly affordable.

I haven't fired a model 9000 Berretta, perhaps MS has. He always complains about the height at which the model 92's eject their brass, since they always seem to find their way over the divider & into his shirt in a range setting. Frankly, I'm surprised he didn't offer an M1911 variant of some sort like his character Dekker Bray likes to carry. (AMT Government Model M1911A1 Hardballer, 6" barrel w/ mods I can't remeber, but sports pacmar grips & a stainless-steel finish, polished so it's practically white.)
Mercenary Soldiers
14-04-2005, 02:23
Mercenary Soldiers - I hope you're feeling better but ... Yuck, Gag! Why in the name of all that's armed are you suggesting a Glock - okay so you can run it through a dishwasher. Thats all they're good for... or weights on a fishing line. ( Yes as you might guess I loathe Glocks )

The Beretta and the H&K I have no quarrel with - both are good guns - though both are on the high end of the price range and there are liscensed 'rip offs' that are cheaper.

What do you think of the Beretta 9000s's?

(and let it grow - who knows you might like it!... but then again bald is sexy too.) ;)

And MS - You have a TG waiting - a offer of possible employment

OOC: When the top hair goes, as its already started to receed, the rest of it goes, too. It's hard to keep it high & tight when you don't have anything 'high' to keep tight.

I'll agree with WA on the Glock. Most metro & state police agencies carry the Glock 9mm & its .40 cousin in favor of nearly everything else. I personally own a pair of Model 19 compacts, which I keep loaded with Winchester Black Talon hollowpoints. I have an M92FS Berretta, which I got for around $25 more than one of the 19's, and like it outside of the range setting, since the brass flies a good distance when it's ejected. I've had cases where hot brass has lodged itself between my eyebrow & my shooting glasses, from a knock-off Tarus 9mm. My state switched from the .357 586 Smith & Wesson revolver to the .40 Glock after an incident where a trooper fired on a man after being shot, but didn't kill him after six 230-grain jacketed hollowpoint rounds hit him slightly off center mass, missing killing his fat ass by around a half-inch from each shot. Now the state police have a bigger bullet in a gun with twice the capacity of their old weapon, as fine of a revolver as it is. The trooper was killed by a .22 round from a derringer that entered over the upper part of his vest & mangled his aorta, by the way. The guy who shot him survived to be incarcerated, but got a chest full of match-grade .357's after he'd shot the poor bastard.

I personally prefer the 1911 series of handguns. Reliable, powerful, and accurate, it doesn't get much better than having that heavy weapon in your hands, knowing that the 7+1 rounds within will drop a doped-up charging PCP addict with a single shot & bring his ass back into reality in the process.

And just to piss WA off...

Dekker Bray's Government Model M1911A1 AMT 'Hardballer' .45 ACP
6" ported barrel (Glock standard mod), threaded for surpressor attatchment
Skeleton-style single-action trigger
Combat hammer
Beavertail hand-guard to eliminate hammer-pinch
Beleveled magazine well
Polished feed ramp
Half-wrap combat pacmar grips w/ Seal Team 6 logo inlay
Lithium white-dot high-visibility night-sights (Glock standard-issue)
Polished Stainless-Steel finish
Loaded with match-grade Hydra-Shok hollowpoint ammunition

Re-send me that TG, will you? I don't think I got it.
14-04-2005, 04:42
Resent - and *swoons over the gun* one of my favorite guns was a polished up officers model 1911 A1 with custom carved competetion grips. It was so fun to shoot and that one sounds just as nice!

Reason I loathe Glocks - never found one that felt decent in my hands, just felt totaly off and couldn't shoot worth a darn with them ( and no modesty about this- I'm a good, reliable shooter, with any thing you put in my hands but never with a Glock, and I'm not sure why other than they just don't feel comfortable )

I have little hands but oddly enough a big framed Desert Eagle feels great to hold and fire ( and I do like watching the guys drool, or blink in surprize - even if I am over 5'10" they don't experct to see a woman shooting one )
Wandering Argonians
17-04-2005, 17:23
OOC: I guess I'll just start this thing & see what happens...
Blood Moon Goblins
24-04-2005, 17:26
Is it all right if we use a species not listed here?
24-04-2005, 17:36
ooc: Is it too late to join?

Name: Apollo (real name unknown)
Age: 140
Type: Vampire
Hair: Dark brown, medium length
Eyes: Grey
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 84kg
Birthplace: Cambridge, England
Vampirised: Madrid, Spain
Background: Banker, although he retired around twenty years after being turned

Apollo was a sucessful banker in Victorian England, operating a large firm with precision and skill. He was well liked in social circles, and counted many of the nobility among his friends. He made regular business trips to Europe, and it was on one of these trips that he was turned.

Walking home from a late-night party, he was attacked by a young, overenthusiastic vampire. Drained and left for dead, he awoke around half an hour before daybreadk. It was then that fate could have struck him down, but in his inebriated state he had crawled into a deserted building to sleep.

Discovering what he was, although he hardly believed it, he returned to England. He immediately fell out of touch with his colleagues, running his business from behind the scenes. Although he continued to associate with his friends, this too stopped after the mysterious death of Lady Greenholme at a party they had attended together. She had last been seen with him on the balcony, and it was there that her drained body was found the following morning. Following the unexplained murder, he shunned company and shut himself away in his house.

This changed after an encounter with another vampire. Although Apollo could have been killed by the other, the older vampire took him in, and explained his curse to him, as well as how to deal with it. He was also taught that not all vampires were as hospitable when another, older vampire killed his master.

Apollo barely escaped with his life, but since then he was roamed the world, occasionally clashing with other creatures of the night and those dedicated to hunting his kind. he lived a nomadic existence, moving from city to city, living in each one for a month or two before moving on. He has lost most of his old cultured style out of necessity, and now he lives by his wits and his weapons, hunting prey both human and vampiric.
Wandering Argonians
25-04-2005, 04:30
Is it all right if we use a species not listed here?

OOC: I'd object to anything but, since goblins have a tendency to blow things up. Nosferatu-clan vampires are quite similar, sticking mainly to the sewers & keeping out of the public eye. I'd suggest one of those if you'd rather not play a human or ghoul.

The hunters, which I'll name the organization later but some will be familiar with them, might employ a goblin if you could come up with some sort of believeable mission specialty it could perform, but I'm not sure how it would work out.
Wandering Argonians
25-04-2005, 04:33
ooc: Is it too late to join?

Name: Apollo (real name unknown)
Age: 140
Type: Vampire
Hair: Dark brown, medium length
Eyes: Grey
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 84kg
Birthplace: Cambridge, England
Vampirised: Madrid, Spain
Background: Banker, although he retired around twenty years after being turned

Apollo was a sucessful banker in Victorian England, operating a large firm with precision and skill. He was well liked in social circles, and counted many of the nobility among his friends. He made regular business trips to Europe, and it was on one of these trips that he was turned.

Walking home from a late-night party, he was attacked by a young, overenthusiastic vampire. Drained and left for dead, he awoke around half an hour before daybreadk. It was then that fate could have struck him down, but in his inebriated state he had crawled into a deserted building to sleep.

Discovering what he was, although he hardly believed it, he returned to England. He immediately fell out of touch with his colleagues, running his business from behind the scenes. Although he continued to associate with his friends, this too stopped after the mysterious death of Lady Greenholme at a party they had attended together. She had last been seen with him on the balcony, and it was there that her drained body was found the following morning. Following the unexplained murder, he shunned company and shut himself away in his house.

This changed after an encounter with another vampire. Although Apollo could have been killed by the other, the older vampire took him in, and explained his curse to him, as well as how to deal with it. He was also taught that not all vampires were as hospitable when another, older vampire killed his master.

Apollo barely escaped with his life, but since then he was roamed the world, occasionally clashing with other creatures of the night and those dedicated to hunting his kind. he lived a nomadic existence, moving from city to city, living in each one for a month or two before moving on. He has lost most of his old cultured style out of necessity, and now he lives by his wits and his weapons, hunting prey both human and vampiric.

OOC: This Apollo seems to be Druid's hunter's opposite, and should add some color to the RP. Go for it, we'll see how you do.
Mercenary Soldiers
26-04-2005, 21:53
ooc: Is it too late to join?

Name: Apollo (real name unknown)
Age: 140
Type: Vampire
Hair: Dark brown, medium length
Eyes: Grey
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 84kg
Birthplace: Cambridge, England
Vampirised: Madrid, Spain
Background: Banker, although he retired around twenty years after being turned

Apollo was a sucessful banker in Victorian England, operating a large firm with precision and skill. He was well liked in social circles, and counted many of the nobility among his friends. He made regular business trips to Europe, and it was on one of these trips that he was turned.

Walking home from a late-night party, he was attacked by a young, overenthusiastic vampire. Drained and left for dead, he awoke around half an hour before daybreadk. It was then that fate could have struck him down, but in his inebriated state he had crawled into a deserted building to sleep.

Discovering what he was, although he hardly believed it, he returned to England. He immediately fell out of touch with his colleagues, running his business from behind the scenes. Although he continued to associate with his friends, this too stopped after the mysterious death of Lady Greenholme at a party they had attended together. She had last been seen with him on the balcony, and it was there that her drained body was found the following morning. Following the unexplained murder, he shunned company and shut himself away in his house.

This changed after an encounter with another vampire. Although Apollo could have been killed by the other, the older vampire took him in, and explained his curse to him, as well as how to deal with it. He was also taught that not all vampires were as hospitable when another, older vampire killed his master.

Apollo barely escaped with his life, but since then he was roamed the world, occasionally clashing with other creatures of the night and those dedicated to hunting his kind. he lived a nomadic existence, moving from city to city, living in each one for a month or two before moving on. He has lost most of his old cultured style out of necessity, and now he lives by his wits and his weapons, hunting prey both human and vampiric.

OOC: What kind of weapons? I'm hoping japanese swords aren't involved...
Mercenary Soldiers
26-04-2005, 21:55
Resent - and *swoons over the gun* one of my favorite guns was a polished up officers model 1911 A1 with custom carved competetion grips. It was so fun to shoot and that one sounds just as nice!

Reason I loathe Glocks - never found one that felt decent in my hands, just felt totaly off and couldn't shoot worth a darn with them ( and no modesty about this- I'm a good, reliable shooter, with any thing you put in my hands but never with a Glock, and I'm not sure why other than they just don't feel comfortable )

I have little hands but oddly enough a big framed Desert Eagle feels great to hold and fire ( and I do like watching the guys drool, or blink in surprize - even if I am over 5'10" they don't expect to see a woman shooting one )

OOC: Do you prefer the .44 magnum or .50 AE variety?
26-04-2005, 23:08
Fired the 44 more, like it a tad better, and gets the job done, I'm not hunting demons ya know...or maybe we are and just don't know it ;)
The Gothic Underworld
27-04-2005, 13:42
Hmm, I'm usual. Still, WA, mind reserving a place for me? This could very well be the one where I can finally start off the story of Nikita......

(For those not so involved in AV3: Underworld, Nikita was one of Zero's underlings during the final battle. She's built to have a far more interesting history, but so far I've neglected her in favour of Raphael "Zero" Celadrin and Aeris Celadrin Greenwood. This could be the one where she finally gets a life of her own.)
27-04-2005, 20:00
ooc: Nope, no Japanese swords. I didn't really think about weapons. Definitely a semi-automatic or automatic pistol of some kind, with silver-coated bullets. If I'm taking a sword, I'll probably take a khopesh or something. But IU'm not an expert on weapons, so if anyone could help out I'd be very grateful.
27-04-2005, 21:25
OOC: Is it to late to join this? If so, I understand, if not, I'd like to participate, if you'll have me.
Mercenary Soldiers
01-05-2005, 07:05
ooc: Nope, no Japanese swords. I didn't really think about weapons. Definitely a semi-automatic or automatic pistol of some kind, with silver-coated bullets. If I'm taking a sword, I'll probably take a khopesh or something. But IU'm not an expert on weapons, so if anyone could help out I'd be very grateful.

OOC: You've got a bunch of choices in the pistol category, but I'd lose the sword for something more practical, like a knife or baton, preferrably retractable for ease of carry. Swords are bulky & ill-suited for modern combat situations. For the record, 'automatic' pistols are the same as the semi-automatic pistols. The truly automatic pistols, or 'machine-pistols' are nowadays called sub-machineguns, or SMG's.

Here's a brief rundown on some of the more popular models from the better-known manufacters like Glock, Colt, Browning, and AMT.


Browning Models:
Browning offers a nice selection of reliable & accurate handguns, and has a track record of excellent service with the US Army.

Hi-Power (Browning HP) 9x19mm 15 round magazine
Double Action (Browning BDA) 9x19mm 13 round magazine

Sig-Sauer produces some of the most accurate pistols in the world, with a pricetag to match. SEAL Team 6 prefers the P226 model as its handgun of choice.

P226 9x19mm 15 round magazine
P229 .357 SIG 12 round magazine

Glock is one of the most respected makers of modern handguns. The accuracy, reliability, and design features avaliable on these weapons make them a solid choice for personal protection. Their proven effectiveness & reliability can be seen by their useage by numerous military & law enforcement agencies around the globe. I've only included the long-slide, full-size, and compact models here for ease of selection. Slim-line & sub-compact models are avaliable for those desiring a smaller weapon.

Model 17 9x19mm 17 round magazine (Full-Size)
Model 18 9x19mm 32 round magazine (Full-Size, Fully Automatic)
Model 19 9x19mm 15 round magazine (Compact)
Model 20 10mm Auto 15 round magazine (Full-Size)
Model 21 .45 ACP 13 round magazine (Full-Size)
Model 22 .40 S&W 15 round magazine (Full-Size)
Model 23 .40 S&W 13 round magazine (Compact)
Model 32 9x19mm 17 round magazine (Long-Slide)
Model 33 .40 S&W 15 round magazine (Long-Slide)

In the firearms industry, nothing says reliability and lethality like a Colt firearm. From the rugged M1911 models that saw service in both world wars, Korea, and Vietnam with over eighty years of military service to the match-grade accuracy of the Gold Cup series, a Colt weapon will never let you down.

Delta (Colt Delta Elite) 10mm Auto 12 round magazine
M1911A1 (Colt M1911A1 Government Model) .45 ACP seven round magazine
Gold Cup (Colt M1911 Gold Cup Elite) .45 ACP seven round magazine
Gold Cup Delta (Colt Gold Cup Delta Elite) 10mm Auto 12 round magazine
Defender (Colt Defender Compact) .45 ACP
Single Action Army (Colt Single Action Army revolver) .45 Colt 6 round capacity

The Belgian 'Fabrique Nationial' also produces the FN P90 sub-machinegun & the popular FN M249 Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW) now employed by the US military as a squad-level support weapon. It's latest pistol is nothing short of high-tech, with a lethal, armor-piercing round, low recoil, and a big magazine which makes it a fine choice for anyone looking for a personal protection sidearm.

FN Five-Seven 5.7x28mm FN 20 round magazine

Heckler & Koch:
H&K produces some of the best weapons in the world. Ultra-reliable, durable, and accurate, any H&K product is a solid choice for personal protection.

USP ( H&K Universal Self-Loading Pistol) 9x19mm (15rd mag) .40 S&W (12rd mag)
Mk23 (H&K Mk23 SOCOM) .45 ACP 12 round magazine

Smith & Wesson:
Famous for its revolvers, S&W has been around since Sam Colt himself was still alive & kicking. Their Autoloader Improvent Program has refined their semi-automatics to the point of being some of the best in their respective genres.

Model 4506 (Smith & Wesson Model 4506) .45 ACP 8 round magazine
Model 910 (Smith & Wesson Model 910) 9x19mm 15 round magazine
Model 586 (Smith & Wesson Model 586 Combat Magnum Revolver) .357 Magnum 6 round capacity

Arcadia Machine & Tool is famous for it's Automag series and it's stainless-steel framed Colt clone, the Hardballer.

Hardballer (AMT M1911A1 Hardballer) .45 ACP 7 round magazine
Longslide Hardballer (AMT M1911A1 Longslide Hardballer) .45 ACP 7 round magazine
Government Model (AMT M1911A1 Government Model Hardballer) .45 ACP 7 round magazine
Automag III (AMT Automag III) .41 AE 9 round magazine


Gerber Mk II
The Gerber MkII is a killing tool, plain and simple. Fitted with a long double-edged dagger-style blade, it slips easily into muscle tissue or through non-blade resistant body armor.

Combat Smatchet
This beast of a knife features a wide leaf-bladed design that allows the wielder to inflict a debilitating wound with little effort on his part. A small serrated portion on the back edge allows for some utility uses around the campsite, but it is designed primarily as an implement of death, usually used to plunge deeply into your foe's stomach.

The old-school BMF of trench knives. This heavy-bladed knife is ultra-reliable & holds an edge like no other. They also come with an optional brass-knuckle attatchment for cracking someone's jaw before delivering the killing blow.

Cold Steel Kukri
The kukri is a tribal knife adapted by the experts at Cold Steel to function as a modern-day fighting tool. The L-shaped blade makes decapitations surprisingly easy when the weapon is swung from the hip to the shoulder.

Cold Steel Tai-Pan
Tradition meets function in the combat-geared Cold Steel Tai-Pan, a double-edged japanese-inspired fixed-blade knife with a tapering dagger-style blade.

Cold Steel Sub-Hilt Fighter
The unique sub-hilt on the Sub-Hilt fighter gives the wielder extreme blade control & precision with either a standard or reverse grip. The single edged boning-style blade is designed mainly for precision slashes or cut-&-run stlye attacks to open an opponent up like a ripe tomato.


Johnny Tremaine's
The concept of 'Simunition' taken a step further. Instead of taking a standard paint-load, the JT is filled with liquid silver-nitrate.

Paul Revere's
The low-tech & cost-effective round. Basically a standard flat-tipped round with a sterling silver jacket, they come in the hollow-point or full-jacket varieties.
Wandering Argonians
01-05-2005, 07:15
OOC: Gothic Underworld & Imitora, I'd ask that both of you post some sort of character bio so I can see what the rest of us will be dealing with. I'm going to reject any Lucifer-incarnates or uber-powerful demon lords that summon minions from firey fissures in the streets, so I'd avoid those types of things.

Keep your selections reasonable & I'll have no problem writing you into the story. I'll be awaiting your admissions by either telegram or by simply posting them here, like the rest of us.
01-05-2005, 09:50
Applauds MS's nicely done lowdown on modern small arms and short blades.

Colt Delta Elites are very nice - I have a couple of friends who swear by them.

I notice you did not mention the currently ultra fashionable Desert Eagle by Israel Military Industry/ Magnum Research, but they are monster in size and thus are not suited at all for concealed carry, even by the Governator ( in my opinion )
01-05-2005, 11:29
Thanks for the list, MS!

Weapons: Colt Delta Elite (thanks for the recommendation, Tanara) loaded with hollow-point Paul Revere's, and a Cold Steel kukri.
01-05-2005, 19:54
Well...I tend to disagree with a number of selections that MS put forth, but thats just me. I wouldnt touch a Glock if someone paid me to (Magazines swell, I can pinch the grip together) or a S@W Auto made after the mid 70s (two piece threaded barrel with a shroud, American gun made in Mexico?). Sigs are nice, very nice, and I enjoyed shooting one (226 in .40 S&W). I notice you left out Beretta's. Excellent guns for a 9mm or .40 fan. IMMHO, if your gonna go with a 1991 frame, the only three names you should look at are Kimber, Colt and Para. The Marines and LAPD use Kimber, and thats enough of an endorsement for me. But enough of that, on to my character.

Name: Davos Santari
Age: 400 (Embraced at 35)
Type: Vampire
Clan: Daeva
Coven: Formaly Invictus
Hair: Black, medium long (Think Christian Bale in Equiliberum)
Eyes: Brown
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 215lbs muscular
Birthplace: Madrid, Spain (Mother-English, Father-Spanish)
Embraced: Poland
Former Occupation: Assasin/Mercenary
Weapons: Due to his profession within the clan and coven, Davos is highly skilled with firearm usage, being able to handle practically anything with a trigger. Also, with 400 years of unlife, he is well skilled in a number of forms of hand to hand combat. However, he is hardly ever seen with out a pair of lightly modified Kimber Eclipses. He often uses a handloaded high silver content JHP round, with a slightly higher powder load. However, he usually carries an extra magazine or two of the "Johny Tremain" (lol, love the book connection) rounds for the stronger kindred.

Davos is a story of irony. He spent his life as a mercenary working for, of all groups, the Church. With the Inquisition hunting heretics and other violaters of Church teachings, such as witches, Davos worked as the so called wet man. In times where the Church had problems convincing its subjects that a target really was a witch, he simply handled the job himself, and he was paid well for it. Jesuit educated till 25, and Jesuit trained, Davos was on the the top of the pile when it came time to pick names for any one of a number of particularly bloody missions. He had one thing really going for him, his lack of compassion. He had no qualms with taking anyone's life when ordered.

However, on a mission in what is modern day Poland, he garnered some, attraction. Davos was, to say the least, an attractive half-Spaniard, well toned from his exercise and "occupation". The local Davea clan was building membership as the Ventrue population increased, and Davos's skills and talent made him a prime pick. To this day, he still thinks that if it was his destiny to be embraced, then someone really fucked up. After all, he is prime Mekhet material.

Davos stayed with the clan when they traveled in the late 18th century to what would becoem modern day New York. He watched as the nation known as America grew, and became strong, and assisted his clan in its survival. It was, to say the least, a disappointment when Davos was informed that the Daeva would be joining with a number of other clans to form a New York coven of Invictus. However, Davos stayed in line, a good soldier.

It didn't take long before he became an Archon, a soldier for the coven. He had a number of students under him, who took the fights, against both Lycan and other covens, to the streets. The times and technology changed, but the fight stayed the same. It was early 2003 when the problems began. His attitude, and "feelings" for another female Archon put him in a rather difficult situation. In an argument with the prince of New York, he let his temper get the better of him, and put a .454 Silver Nitrate round, made to take down Lycans, into the prince's head. He quickly became persona non grata, and fled. Little is known of what happened next, but in the course of four nights, the entire vampire population of New York, including both Davos's own Invictus coven, and the New York coven of The Ord Dracul was whiped out.

Davos fled, searching for what one could consider a new unlife, looking for a place to stay, and possibly get his old job back.
01-05-2005, 20:11
OMG, it looks like the hunters have bitten off more than they can chew!

And MS is just going to love your character Imitora...birds of a very armed feather.

Jazz is going to just sit back and let you all take care of the combat, though she can take care of herself.

but does he wear the jesuit robes, ala Equilibrium ( one of my favorite movies even if the gun katas make me laugh till my ribs hurt ) ?
01-05-2005, 20:22
Nah...he tries to blend, so more often than not hes wearing Armani...although it would be cool if he wore the robes. Sometimes he does dress...ecentrically (think Neo in reloaded), but more often than not, he just tries to blend in.
Wandering Argonians
01-05-2005, 21:17
OOC: Tone him down a bit, Imitora. We're talking citizen-vampires who carry a handgun or two for defensive purposes. I count a pair of fully automatic pistols, a pair of .45's, a large-bore revolver, along with a shotgun & a short assault rifle. Your character has evaded a very skilled group of vampire hunters by blending in, not carrying around enough firepower to waste an infantry squad.

Trim your arsenal down to three handguns max, with an extra longarm avaliable when needed. This is Las Vegas, not Bagdad. Extreme mobility will be key, and with five small arms, a long arm, and ammunition for each, your character would be overly bulky, reguardless of strength as the sheer size of the gear he'd be carrying would get snagged on any number of things, besides making a great deal of noise in the process.

The foes you'll be facing are highly trained, extremely expeirenced, and well-armed. They haven't cleared an entire city of vampiric hierarchy (elders, anchients, etc.) by sheer luck. Fighting them en masse with guns blazing, as your personal arsenal suggests, will most likely get enough silver deposited in your character to buy a small island in the south pacific.

That's my only real complaint, the rest looks AOK, especially the backstory.
Mercenary Soldiers
01-05-2005, 22:04
OOC: I've somewhat wary of the Berretta/Taraus models for a few reasons, but they're both fine weapons. I've used one of the 92FS models outside of a range setting, and liked the performance. At the range, I always get showered with someone else's brass, as the damn things kick the casings out so fricking high. I listed the M96 (there's your .40 caliber) model earlier as an option for the Druid guy's character. Being an ex-Green Beret from the modern day, my character carries the M92FS, similar to the handgun he was issued back when he still served.

During my service time we where issued the Colt M1911 weapons, which is why I didn't list Kimber or Para-Ordinance, or even Springfield or Mitchell. Safari Arms also has a spin-off (the Match-Master .45 ACP) featuring a sort of sub-hilt for a better grip, but it sucks if your fingers are big. AMT's Hardballer line would be my second choice, due to the fully stainless steel construction, as well as the original Browning 'lock-up' -style locking mechanisum, from the pistol orginally designed by Browning himself. It's really a matter of personal preference.

If you're seeking custom 1911A1 models, Les Baer, the former manager of the Springfield Custom shop also has his own line of performance-geared weapons with a ton of add-ons. I might have to go back & add the Para-Ordinance models because of their unusually high magazine capacity (up to thirteen rounds).

I personally disagree with the rampant useage of the Desert Eagle (And the constant mis-naming, the 'Deagle', and often used in pairs) because of the big-ass frame & angry calibers they fire. The .357, .41, and .44 are all fine, but the .50 is overkill on pretty much anything aside from a Kodiak bear or a Land Rover. The smaller Jerico (aka the 'Baby Eagle') is fine for standard carry or double-fisting because you could actually control it.

Typically, if you've got two guns, you're trying to surpress someone or spraying in hopes you'll actually strike something in a combat situation. You can't really aim both at the same time with any great precision because your eyes can only focus on one thing at a time. Switch-handing works well, where you carry two to buy time between reloading, and fire in succession with a traditional grip. If you've had some considerable expeirence with handgun shooting, you should be able to reference your target & actually hit it without actually sighting it in, like shooting from the hip in a tactical quick-draw situation.

I'd also like to know why everyone hates the Glock. I personally have never had any issues with my model 19's, like swollen magazines or the wacky-ass grip-pinching Imitora describes. They're some of the safest pistols on the market, despite the lack of external safeties.
01-05-2005, 22:16
Get yourself a Glock 22 in .40 S&W. Put one magazine through, pause a second between each shot. Then go through two magazines with about a half second or so between shots, and you'll get mag-swell. Happened everytime me and my buddy did it. It was also with that gun that I could pinch the grip together. The Glock is a great range gun. I mean, if everything is perfect, and you take good care of the gun, then yeah, I guess it could be a decent weapon. Comming from a police officer's perspective, since you don't need to shoot or even draw your weapon all that often, having a "saftiless" gun thats light is ok. Still, if your out in the woods, and you dont have a decent hammer, what are you gonna use to nail in your tent stake? A Glock or a 1911 frame?

SVI also makes some decent cutsoms, but they are more appearence than anything. I've shot a good number of Kimbers, so I'll stick with those. Paras have fat grips with a double stack mag.

I'll drop it down to twin Kimber Eclipses, those would suit a Daeva shooter. Beautiful look, and still a bad ass gun. From my understanding, the DE .50AE is no better than a hot load .45ACP, and its wieght and lack of power when not using a custom load means the round isn't all that accurate or well ranged.
02-05-2005, 04:23
Taldaan - Check your telegrams.
02-05-2005, 21:18
Tanara- TGs checked. Good idea, go ahead. He probably shouldn't be too hard to find.
03-05-2005, 03:16
Okay one finding coming up.
Mercenary Soldiers
03-05-2005, 04:20
Get yourself a Glock 22 in .40 S&W. Put one magazine through, pause a second between each shot. Then go through two magazines with about a half second or so between shots, and you'll get mag-swell. Happened everytime me and my buddy did it. It was also with that gun that I could pinch the grip together. The Glock is a great range gun. I mean, if everything is perfect, and you take good care of the gun, then yeah, I guess it could be a decent weapon. Comming from a police officer's perspective, since you don't need to shoot or even draw your weapon all that often, having a "saftiless" gun thats light is ok. Still, if your out in the woods, and you dont have a decent hammer, what are you gonna use to nail in your tent stake? A Glock or a 1911 frame?

SVI also makes some decent cutsoms, but they are more appearence than anything. I've shot a good number of Kimbers, so I'll stick with those. Paras have fat grips with a double stack mag.

I'll drop it down to twin Kimber Eclipses, those would suit a Daeva shooter. Beautiful look, and still a bad ass gun. From my understanding, the DE .50AE is no better than a hot load .45ACP, and its wieght and lack of power when not using a custom load means the round isn't all that accurate or well ranged.

I'd never take a 9mm hunting, there's no point. The 586 Distinguised Combat Magnum would work as a better back-up to the .300 or 30.06 I usually carry, as it'll drop something big & won't ever jam. That Smatchet I mentioned above, however, works pretty well for tent-staking. Hell, as wide is the blade is you can possibly paddle a canoe. I've got big hands, which is why my AMT Hardballer (Which I carry with me most places I can legally carry it) has a set of oversized Pacmar handgrips, among other little nuances I've tweaked. I'll have to look into buying one of the newer Para's, an extra five rounds crammed into a grip I don't have to buy custom grips for would be a good investment.
03-05-2005, 05:35
Good man on that. I've herad my fair share of hunting horor stories where someone is carrying a 9mm with them for SP, and the 9mm isn't enough to derail what ever they are shooting at. Of course, I'm of the school that unless your using a rifle or plinking, if your round doesn't contain at least the number four, your in trouble, lol. I love the nine for plinking, cheap ammo compared to the .45. I'm looking into a Springfield or Kimber, unless someone can sell me on an Olympic Arms, and maybe a 92 for general plinking.
03-05-2005, 07:02
Krowemoh: Asian Vamps [/b]

Umh... Not Vamps, mind you. My characters are human psychics. Well, one psychic, one anemic. They're twin sisters, too. ;P

Hmmm... So, is this thing gonna be started soon, or what have you. And, Merc Soldiers... How do you know so much about guns? (I myself, have never even touched a gun, let alone fire one. Most of my gun info comes from video games, and occassionally a website or two... Ah, yes, my first RP I was ever in, I had a character who used a custom made crossbow, and I searched online looking for information about crossbows, and the information I was able to find and use was incrediable. Made for much more interesting RP, too. :d )
Wandering Argonians
03-05-2005, 21:56
OOC: It's been going on for about three to four pages now, early enough for you to still make an entrance & understand the story without having to read 6+ pages of long posts.
Mercenary Soldiers
03-05-2005, 22:15
Umh... Not Vamps, mind you. My characters are human psychics. Well, one psychic, one anemic. They're twin sisters, too. ;P

Hmmm... So, is this thing gonna be started soon, or what have you. And, Merc Soldiers... How do you know so much about guns? (I myself, have never even touched a gun, let alone fire one. Most of my gun info comes from video games, and occassionally a website or two... Ah, yes, my first RP I was ever in, I had a character who used a custom made crossbow, and I searched online looking for information about crossbows, and the information I was able to find and use was incrediable. Made for much more interesting RP, too. :d )

OOC: They where a tool of the trade for a long time, and you generally pick up a few things when you're around them that much.
The Druidic Clans
05-05-2005, 22:28
What exactly did you do in the military Merc? You sound like someone my dad would know from his days in the Rangers, knowin the weapon right down to the smallest details...

Anyway, I wanna get something straight here. My char's a human psychic dude, but I don't know crap about psychicness...So, let me see if I understand these terms right: Telekinesis(something my char would start with?) moving objects with mind/psychic?
Telepathy(something else the char starts with, since he's known of his ability for a few years) communicating with mind/psychic
Pyrokinesis(after some serious experience earned) manipulating fire
Electrokinesis(after more experience earned) manipulating of electricty

Er, that sound about right? Just wanna make sure I got this before moving any further with the character...
05-05-2005, 22:42
You've got the basics for the psionic talents right.

I tend to break telekensis into two sections - fine manipulation of small things like tumblers in a lock, or making a pen 'write' on it's own...

and there there is the 'big' stuff, which to me is a cruder form - picking up a car and tossing it at someone, or grabbing some ones throat and squeezing it closed...

I'm not sure how WA/ AV handles this though

but yeah you have the abilites pretty well defined. One thing I've always had 'fun' with was untrained telepaths ( oh the misery that can be caused when one picks up and blurts out things that should NOT be said/revealed )
06-05-2005, 00:40
OOC: It's been going on for about three to four pages now, early enough for you to still make an entrance & understand the story without having to read 6+ pages of long posts.

... And umh, you were planning on sharing this info with the OOC thread, right? Sigh. Lemme look for it. It IS in the same forum as this thread, right?
Wandering Argonians
07-05-2005, 22:01
... And umh, you were planning on sharing this info with the OOC thread, right? Sigh. Lemme look for it. It IS in the same forum as this thread, right?

OOC: Since you seem to be having trouble finding the thing:

Click on the 'Search Forum' in the top-right corner, un-check the 'exact name' box, and enter 'Wandering Argonians', then click search. It should come up.

I trust the participants to take the initiative & hunt the thing down, but if you continue to have problems, I'll post a link in this thread.
Wandering Argonians
07-05-2005, 22:03
You've got the basics for the psionic talents right.

I tend to break telekensis into two sections - fine manipulation of small things like tumblers in a lock, or making a pen 'write' on it's own...

and there there is the 'big' stuff, which to me is a cruder form - picking up a car and tossing it at someone, or grabbing some ones throat and squeezing it closed...

I'm not sure how WA/ AV handles this though

but yeah you have the abilites pretty well defined. One thing I've always had 'fun' with was untrained telepaths ( oh the misery that can be caused when one picks up and blurts out things that should NOT be said/revealed )

OOC: I'm fine with the definitions you're created here, since telepathic humans wheren't very common in the AV series. I'll let you develop your talent as you see fit.
Mercenary Soldiers
14-05-2005, 00:33
What exactly did you do in the military Merc? You sound like someone my dad would know from his days in the Rangers, knowin the weapon right down to the smallest details...

Anyway, I wanna get something straight here. My char's a human psychic dude, but I don't know crap about psychicness...So, let me see if I understand these terms right: Telekinesis(something my char would start with?) moving objects with mind/psychic?
Telepathy(something else the char starts with, since he's known of his ability for a few years) communicating with mind/psychic
Pyrokinesis(after some serious experience earned) manipulating fire
Electrokinesis(after more experience earned) manipulating of electricty

Er, that sound about right? Just wanna make sure I got this before moving any further with the character...

OOC: I was a basic rifleman with the Marines for a while before transferring to the Quartermaster's division & re-classing as an armorer. For the remainder of my service I custom-built weaponry around Quantico, Virginia, like the MEU(SOC) pistol, basically an updated M1911A1 with better sights & recoil control. They're surprisingly easy to perform an accurate follow-up shot with.